Change is in our Hands


Photo Credit Google Images


This past year here on WordPress has seen a community of people from all across the world from so many varied backgrounds unite together…

I know all of you who visit here share similar thoughts.. We all wish for a more Peaceful World, whereby we can stop destroying the very planet that gives us breath and stop destroying each other. 

I truly believe by our unity of thoughts, our vision of a future which will eventually herald in a time of Co-operation, Peace and Sufficiency for All.

But like all New Beginnings there is a time when we have to let go of the old.. Many are now seeing the Old ways of being are no longer working and so we are all of us seeking a New Direction in our lives.. 

As we move towards another year ending  I see on the horizon many interesting developments, I sense them within my Being.  2014 started off Chaotic and it looks just as chaotic as it ends, but everything has purpose.

YOU need to Believe in your Dreams!.

And not get caught up in the Fear which is as rife as the epidemics being spoken about.   

We are witnessing a clearings around the world, We saw it in the financial collapses, the revelations about corruption, the revolts of dictatorships, the clearing out of those that do not align to the highest good will start and happen.. The cleansing is also reflected within our weather systems as we see the sky cry her tears of rain and snow.

The frequencies of our planet are altering, they will always change, such is evolution and how we evolve.  So as they do they are bringing forth more honesty, and openness, as we awaken spiritually again. We are learning anew how to work together in Unity.  This is not an easy time.. But we have to remember we came here to be part of this change and awakening process as we evolve and progress within this Paradime Shift in Consciousness 

It’s not going to be the over night success story, no we are seeing the birthing pains as I have mentioned here before on my Post Do You Choose Love Over Fear?  I wrote this in June of Last Year. 

Where I wrote Quote:

“Giving Birth is not without pain, and our new earth is only now going through her own birthing pains. .. We see it in the spasms of conflict, the wars, Hunger, poverty, displacement of refugees and the destruction through pollution of Mother nature.  Pains which are now being experienced which we humans have carried with us over many life times which emerge as we have built up Fear and Prejudices.”

When we give birth, we have many contractions, each one getting more and more stronger.. So too we will see as we move through the coming years events which on the surface to many may seem to many of us chaotic, disturbing, and which may impact upon ALL our lives.. But we chose to be here at this time of Change..

WE are the Change this Earth has been waiting for… and to read more of my thoughts on this I wrote back in 2011 Embracing Changes

With our thoughts, and our intentions of creating a more peaceful and eco-friendly world we will need to see the clearing away of the old as her water breaks.. ( Floods) 

The post that illustrates this best for your reading is a post I did in 2008  Called Gaia-The Earth Changes Here I share some channelled writing I had given me from 2006 from those realms who inspire us from Spirit to set us upon our path as they awaken us to the reasons why we came to Earth again.. A quote from this channelling reads..

“More are awakening, more are remembering, and saying I Am, I Am All that there is. I Am a Divine being, I Am Eternal. More are recognising who they are, whence they have originated from, and to where they will return.

And that Light permeates All things.

The stages of evolution once again are set. Mankind will be witness to this next stage. For many this stage will be Transition, for others Transformation, for others it will be Travesty.”

Our Vision along with our Actions are what will help this transition be a smoother one… If we allow ourselves to get embroiled in FEAR we fall straight into the hands of those who wish to continue to Control by Fear creating chaos… But if we join in unity, love, care, sharing, helping, giving. Then my friends we are creating a world of co-operation. 


So how about it, are you ready with your Vision?

What is your Vision?

What World are You creating for our FUTURE?

Love and Blessings


Picture Credit Google Images.

81 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Eric Tonningsen
    Nov 20, 2014 @ 21:43:03

    Good prompts and reminders, Sue. As I (believe I) share in most of my posts, vision and dreams are both wonderful and necessary to effect forward progress and change. What many do not realize is that little manifests via words alone (And I’m not directing this toward you, at all). We need to get off of our comfortable derriere and act! Our WordPress community is, indeed, a collective of great minds and spirits. But if (the proverbial) we don’t step out of their comfort zones and into some uncertainty — and act, then the strength in all of our vision and dreams will likely rest in its cocoon. And some (many?) will be fine with existing in the status quo. Here’s to our action and proactively creating!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Hariod Brawn
      Nov 20, 2014 @ 23:54:36

      I think you may have struck the nail on the head with what you are pointing to Eric. Any vision must surely be made a reality only through the active participation of the citizenry. There is perhaps a dilemma here: We need to put our own house in order – clearing out the personal greed and animosity so as to see more clearly – before being able to help effectively in any collective healing. Then there is the great urgency of our living in a society, one of many similar ones, and at a time, such that the current order is in grave danger of disintegration, either through environmental catastrophe, financial collapse, social unrest or warfare. These are very real potential realities, they are not threats dreamed of by the deluded, or avaricious, or pessimistic minds of vested interests.

      Where now, is there any tangible collective that may prove to be the necessary vehicle of change for us to ride upon? As I see it, the closest we have come so far is the Occupy movement. It is already a global social movement, one which is, or has been previously, peacefully pursuing its incipient objectives. I like the fact that it is not driven by a pre-defined manifesto, and neither by leaders, but is rather a collective in search of ideas – alternatives to the failed system that we currently cling to for fear of the unknown. I would be interested to learn of your perspective Eric, and yours too Sue, as regards Occupy and whether or not you think there is the potential to bring about change via its mechanisms.



      • Eric Tonningsen
        Nov 22, 2014 @ 05:24:22

        I was hopeful that Sue would have chimed in by now, so as to first learn her thoughts/perspectives. In the interest of comment continuation, I’ll proffer my opinion, Hariod. First, I concur that it is beneficial to tend to our own house before we start cleaning elsewhere. In my work, I advocate for the practice of self-care so that people can create reserves to then more effectively tackle chosen challenges.

        Is there a tangible collective? And might it be Occupy? I don’t know if Occupy is the vehicle through which change can be effected or order restored. Occupy, from what I understand, was recently evolved to address economic and financial concerns, measurably specific to large global financial institutions. It took on a rather radical shape and its intentions we not well received in all quarters.

        My sense it that there is already considerable movement afoot. I believe it resides within a “silent majority” who are keenly watching and assessing. People have saturation/breaking points and it may not even be an organized movement that eventually unleashes. But such an entity is brewing. Look at what is presently taking place in Hong Kong in support of democracy. At some point, globally, humanity is going to say enough.

        Will it be the Occupy Movement or some similar initiative? My intuition believes it will be some yet seen and heard from mass. A grassroots mass.

        In this vein, I posted this piece a few months back. It speaks to our individual and collective contributions and how they are synonymous with ripple effect. It *is* about action.

        One Small Touch

        Liked by 2 people


        • Hariod Brawn
          Nov 22, 2014 @ 10:42:28

          Hi Eric, thank you for your considered response; I appreciate receiving your perspective on this. You appear a little sceptical about Occupy yet go on to say approvingly “Look at what is presently taking place in Hong Kong in support of democracy.” Did you know Eric, that this was part of the Occupy movement? It is known as “Occupy Central with Love and Peace”. The Occupy movement first came to Hong Kong 3 years ago; here is what Wikipedia say :

          “An Occupy movement in Hong Kong, named ‘Occupy Central’, began on 15 October 2011 with protesters occupying the plaza beneath the HSBC Main Building in Central, an iconic landmark of the territory’s central business district.[235][236] Despite the fact that the protesters were peaceful, HSBC filed a lawsuit for their eviction. On 13 August 2012, the High Court ruled that the protesters must leave the occupied area. On 11 September 2012, the protesters were evicted from the plaza by court bailiffs, ending one of the world’s longest continuously occupied Occupy protest camps.”

          And here is the link to Occupy Central with Love and Peace (Hong Kong):



          • Eric Tonningsen
            Nov 22, 2014 @ 20:47:01

            Simply shared Hariod (because it’s most often the manner in which I view and process), I see “Occupy” as a label and disparate in its varied foci. It seems to be the movement du jour whereby any activist cause or group (all of which thus far, I support), hangs their shingle. But I see it not as a global collective, yet. I do not believe we’ve seen what will eventually emerge as a successor to “Occupy” and other, lesser visible predecessor movements.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 22, 2014 @ 11:51:19

          Eric, first to your second comment…. apologies I was not here sooner to reply, I had every intention to spend time here yesterday on the PC, but other things took Priority ..

          I know you advocate putting your own house in order.. And I high light one of your sentences which resonated with me.. You said

          Will it be the Occupy Movement or some similar initiative? My intuition believes it will be some yet seen and heard from mass. A grassroots mass.”

          I think Eric this wave, this initiative has already started.. As yet we do not see it because it is the individuals who are voting, it is the individuals that are changing their habits, ( we see now the Big chain of suppermarkets struggling, in lost profits ) As consumers seek alternative means.. Many I speak too are seeing how these Mega Stores have been the ‘Death’ of small towns, seeing shops on high streets close.. Again Change of Habits is affecting our environment, as we buy on line.. Technology is evolving, our methods of communication is seconds across the globe.. So we view hear and see that which the Media portrays.. If you read down some of my comments Eric I have expressed some of my views here about How we are affecting change, and how as individuals we have the power within us to bring about more change..

          And like you said.. The Ripple Effect is happening… and at the Grassroots.. It all starts with Self. 🙂
          Thank you Eric.. your contribution here is so so welcome
          Blessings Sue



      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Nov 22, 2014 @ 11:21:55

        Dear Hariod.. It gives me great pleasure to answer your wonderful comment.. And yes People are gathering together in waves around the world to facilitate Change.. We could also say that the Arab Spring was another collective movement that gathered together en-mass to protest about the ways of their social environment and how they were treated..
        While gathering together in like mind to bring about attention to the differences of the world I am all in favour of, And to do so peacefully yes I endorse also.. People are now joining together as they see the ‘Old Systems’ are no longer working..

        In my own view I think there will be a collapse of current ways of Being.. i.e. Our Banking systems, Governing Bodies, And how we view our Environment and Energy.. Because we can not carry on in these same old ways of extracting, polluting, and while we seem to be progressing in leaps and bounds within our technological world.. We are it often appears separating further away from each other…

        These collapses are Already Happening.. CHANGE we are already within~ Change is constant as you know.. .. We just do not step back and view how many of these changes are affecting us..
        And we often feel as individuals we are in-affecting in bringing about Global change..
        Yet we do it on a daily basis.. We do it as a consumer.. We are the ones who buy the cheap goods from overseas, who in turn to produce such products exploit and abuse workers through cheap labour.. Yet on the other hand these countries are now thriving and have more millionaires within them than we care to think..
        Change is happening.. Yet we want equality we want fairness, If we look back within our own English Heritage of the Cotton Mills and how we used child labour, How we robbed and pillaged, with colonial rule, Slavery.. the lists go on and on.. As we have evolved and Changed..

        While I admire people who put themselves out on a limb to effect change.. Sometimes it is more simple than that.. We really only need to put our own houses in order, as you so eloquently say.. And treat our families, our friends, and be a part of our community which reaches out and cares..
        When we begin to see our collective thoughts open up our hearts we then see the hearts of others opening..

        We then as Confucius said Even a journey of a 1,000 miles starts with that first step

        Let us all put our best Foot forward and try to be the best we know how to be.. That is what I keep stepping out to do..

        Many thanks Hariod.. Your wonderful thoughts I so engage in.. and love it when my post lead to discussions such as these 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 09:49:50

      Eric I so thank you for being the first in line in commenting upon my post, I will answer your first comment first, I agree with every word you say about getting out of our comfort zones, Because we can all talk our talk and yet do not walk the talk.. Actions speak louder than words always. We can all of us make a difference, even if it be just a small one. And I will come to that in my second part of the answer that includes what Hariod has spoken of.. ( I love interaction and people discussion ) 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  2. litebeing
    Nov 20, 2014 @ 21:43:31

    Hi Sue,

    Thank you for devoting a post to the evolution of Earth and its inhabitants. I will go back and read your 2008 post ( you have been blogging awhile) for more insights. How wonderful that you can channel and are also a medium, newly retired for now 🙂 Perhaps one of the reasons you are so certain is because of the energies that you access? I keep seeking and finding more questions than answers, but it is fine.

    love to you for expressing your divinity in all you do and by Being you.

    xoxox Linda



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 10:05:18

      Dear Linda, I am so thankful for our friendship, and yes I suppose linking into that unseen realm has given that inner knowledge of knowing that ALL is as it should be in the world.. As to which way this world will Tip, remains to be seen, for nothing is cast in stone.. We are all of us held within the frequencies of that which energy we give the most power to.. I am reminded of the Two Wolves proverb here And it depends upon which Wolf we are feeding?.. Like attracts Like.. If we are expecting failure, or pour our thoughts into Negative outcomes, most often we attract those energies around us.. So we have to be optimistic and send out that which we want to be surrounded with.. Hence in the quote within my writing it said

      The stages of evolution once again are set. Mankind will be witness to this next stage. For many this stage will be Transition, for others Transformation, for others it will be Travesty.”

      Because some it will be their Transition, and for others their lives have the capability of being Transformed, While some will never awaken to themselves and their black hearts in their Dark existence, this indeed with be a Travesty.. But All is as it should be… Because we are ALL of us evolving and we are all of us upon our various levels of growth..
      Keep asking your questions and seeking your answers, We are but specks in the scheme of things 🙂
      Much love your way ❤ and thank you for reading through my other posts Linda… I so appreciate the time you gave
      Sue xxx

      Liked by 2 people


      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Nov 22, 2014 @ 10:07:39

        Sorry I forgot to attach the link to the story of the two wolves

        Liked by 1 person


        • amandaseesdreams
          Nov 24, 2014 @ 19:14:52

          My dear Sue,
          Aho! We are in perfect sync. I am experiencing intense birthing pains as my body and soul are ready to move into a more expansive BEing, and this involves letting go of so many old stories and releasing so many blocks. For this I say THANK YOU. Thank you for releasing that which no longer serves, thank you for the wisdom to let die what must die, to birth that which we could not even imagine.
          I am honored and humbled to be in sync with you.
          Love you Sue.



          • Sue Dreamwalker
            Nov 26, 2014 @ 10:58:52

            Dear Amanda, sorry its taken me a while to reply.. I am so pleased we are in sync.. And still have to pay your post a visit.. But we are indeed getting ready now to let go of that which no longer serves us.. People all over the planet too are experiencing this.. As planetary changes will align and bring about such changes in the physical as well as the emotional..
            Please gather strength in knowing these ‘Birthing pains’ of the soul are all part of our changes as we evolve and complete our own karmic cycles of letting go of past lives and present traumas which we have carried within us for such a long time.. Know as we push and strain, we are contributing to a new Earth..
            We are seeing her waters break, and the blood spill.. but I know once the cords are cut from the Fear we hold.. which has held us tight within.. We will emerge through the birthing tunnel into the LIGHT, to cry out our new found Freedom.. Have Faith .. ALL is as it should be.. and so it is..
            Love and Blessings
            Sue ❤



  3. Mark Lanesbury
    Nov 20, 2014 @ 22:00:58

    I AM, and now begin to stand in that truth. Great post Sue, the journey begins. Namaste



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 10:22:03

      So many more now Mark are bringing their Truth out into the light.. Sometimes the roads to ‘Enlightenment’ are first strewn with many an obstacle for us to climb over, remove and clear away.. Our paths within our own journeys have been far from smooth. And others are even more rougher than we could ever imagine..

      Yet who is to say those individuals who we see now struggling in their evolution and revolutions to bring about a brighter future for themselves in these war torn zones are not clearing their own paths and who have chosen their paths purposely all be it subconsciously and within their blue-prints of incarnation to be the ones who bring about Change…. Such have been the revolutions in the past as we saw through some very troubled and violent times in History.

      It seems Mankind has within him this urge that is indoctrinated within him to feel he can only bring about Change by venting Anger and War.. Maybe Mark there is now new insights being taught that first before an Action is born, it is first a thought.. We who are connected via the link of Spirit know, just how powerful those thoughts are.. We understand more and more that our Energy is what affects our surroundings, So as we THINK so we CREATE…
      The Journey is indeed just begun.. And I AM so thankful we know there are more like minded BEings who are stepping up and out along the same path my friend..
      Ever Grateful for your contribution and presence Mark..

      Liked by 1 person


  4. Nihar Pradhan
    Nov 20, 2014 @ 22:34:29

    A very thought provoking post. Definitely it is time to pause and reflect.

    Great way to compare evolution of world and the birth process of human being, yes the world is going through that churning and the upheavals…which should be the birth of a new idea and a new order of world peace. Peace and prosperity goes hand in hand and the world badly needs it. We have to collectively think and align to a new vision for our future…

    The world thinking has to be progressive and humankind across has to find a better place live.

    So diverse is our existence and thinking, we get lost in protecting and preserving our piece of thought and miss the big picture which should drive our society and it’s value.

    “Equity, Education and Equanimity”…should be defining thoughts driving our future vision. Rest all good things should follow out of it.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 10:44:55

      Sometimes Nihar we are so closed within the birthing channel that we do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.. I feel we are waking up to new ideas. But we are so wanting to kick ourselves out to be born, we are missing the Miracles taking place..

      Science is now altering its perception of how Life, DNA, and our World evolves, Yet so many of the Scientific fraternity stick to old theories, The Science and History books in school are now becoming outdated as new knowledge is being gained..

      But Knowledge is Power, and were Mankind suddenly to discover the POWER he really held was within his own Energy Field of THOUGHT! well, you can see why we are constantly being bombarded with the Media Negative vibrations all the time.. Because Fear suppress’s and keeps the Mass’s more in line and controllable..

      Quantum Physic’s tells us so much more about how our thoughts create and affect the whole..Would we to learn more about “Equity, Education and Equanimity” and know that our very thoughts of Calm, love, Gratitude and Kindness, contribute so much to healing the world.. Yet we are bombarded by violent news 24/7, be it through the Media, Films, Drama, Cartoons, PC Games, Toys, I even saw a TV advertisement this week about a floor cleaning Mop which had a squeeze action which sounded like a rifle being primed.. The cleaner oblivious in her cleaning plugged into ear phones looked up to find herself surround by a SWAT team.. See everything is geared up to FEAR.. FIGHT, KILL..

      So I agree Nihar.. Equanimity should be our defining Thoughts driving our future Vision.. When we do do that.. Yes the rest will follow.. 🙂

      Many thanks for your interaction and very thoughtful response..

      Liked by 1 person


  5. marina kanavaki
    Nov 20, 2014 @ 22:40:26

    Awareness, kindness and an extended smile to all beings. A lot of hard work that is! 🙂 A big hug to the gold heart that wrote this! xx

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Dr. Rex
    Nov 20, 2014 @ 22:59:54

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    We are the “guardians & keepers” of this Earth!!

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Writing to Freedom
    Nov 20, 2014 @ 23:54:04

    Thanks for the guidance and good reminders Sue. No doubt we (me!) need a strong vision, inner peace, and outer action to make progress toward a better world.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 10:56:34

      Brad, sometimes ‘We’ sometimes so ‘Want’ to change and bring about Changes within our own lives.. Our focus is intent upon the ‘Want’ rather than the intent of what it is we Want changed.. So sometimes and for me in life too our ‘Vision’ is on the Want.. so the Universe keeps us Wanting.. I am discovering the energy we focus on our intentions is the prime factor of allowing change both in our own lives and ultimately the world.. So at the moment for instance, a Huge portion of the world is made to focus on the upheavals and the negative aspects rather than the good that is being done in the world.. Therefore so many of us Think this world is falling apart and in a downward spiral..

      Yet if we were to alter our INTENT.. and FOCUS upon our OWN inner Calm.. ignoring the Media, and embracing that which brings about our own inner Harmony and Peace.. If EVERYONE of us did just that.. We would in no time at all Change our Reality.. For what we THINK WE CREATE.. And the Ripple effect would cause Tsunami’s 😀

      Sending you Peaceful vibes for your weekend.. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  8. namenews
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 01:12:56

    Lovely post, Sue. We thank you for taking the time to share this and spreading the peace and progress we are within.

    -N.N. Team



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 11:26:52

      Hello to you the N.N.Team.. and welcome to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.. I am pleased you enjoyed the topic, I hope you will be back and share in the discussion here.. I am sure you have a great perspective to share
      Many thanks Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  9. BloomLisa
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 05:03:51

    I love how you compare the process of change on earth to birth, just brilliant Sue. This New Age movement isn’t all rainbows and lollipops as I like to say. Change is hard, we all know that. I feel your conviction and the power of you soul. I will read your other posts as well. All good things to you!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 11:30:11

      Yes too right Lisa, far from rainbows and lollipops!.. Change is constant and We are all of us the spokes within the wheel as to how we affect that change.. And like all spokes we need to come back to our centre’s and learn the Power Within has always been Within us .. And it starts from each of our Hearts as we send and give out Love.
      Many thanks dear Lisa.. So appreciate your thoughts and participation within this post
      >3 Sue



  10. Paul Handover
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 05:13:17

    Brilliant post, Sue. Day by day there’s an increasing sense, from many different places, that change is not only possible but becoming unstoppable! 🙂 Oh, nearly forgot to add that the comments to this post are also brilliant!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 18:05:59

      Thank you Paul, I know I am well behind your own posts again!!.. And yes some amazing thoughts here today… Many thanks for your encouragement and as always your participation, Wishing you a great day Enjoy your weekend.. Sue



  11. Lady Jude
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 06:30:38

    My vision for the future would be to end all the greed in the world. To cure all sociopath and Psychopath behaviour and for everyone to live in peace and harmony…



  12. jacksjottings
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 07:50:38

    Thank you Sue for the time and effort you put onto your blog.
    While we fear for our imperment possessions and all the attachments, their will be pain and suffering.
    Relax let go of all angsiety, be at peace.
    In your garden allotment, at one with your art, showing love for your grand daughter and all around you.
    We only have controal over one person we can only lead by example as you do in all your actions.
    I am not over concerned for Mother Nature she is infinite.
    We will return to her soon enough the to be one and part of the process of change.
    ☺️ Smile, as the poem you liked us to, they are infectious._/\_



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 18:01:13

      Jack I have no doubts at all Mother Nature is infinite and she will recover eventually from the scars we have inflicted.. I also agree, we can help the greatest by living by example and showing Care and love for those around us and our environment.. I guess my friend We forget how our thoughts affect the world.. Relaxing, Caring and sharing and living in the now is how to bring harmony.. Here’s to more Smiles in the World
      _/\_ Blessings and thank you

      Liked by 1 person


  13. Rajagopal
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 08:00:31

    Enlightening observations from your deep reflections and experience sue ; it was useful reading , following hyperlinks to earlier posts . May the tribe of right thinking souls working beneficial changes within themselves swell in numbers and those energies enhance the music of the spheres….best wishes….raj .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 12:19:19

      Thank you Raj, I loved your thoughts ” May the tribe of right thinking souls working beneficial changes within themselves swell in numbers and those energies enhance the music of the spheres
      I could not agree more.. It seems more and more are joining in the Choir! 🙂 Blessings your way my friend Sue



  14. Dilip
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 09:29:14

    Your posts on creating awareness in the minds of people is the birth of a vision for a better world. But yes I do see change leaders of small and large groups talking to their members to join in and do their bit.The response too is encouraging especially in the young folk.
    Thank you Sue for leading the charge.
    Cheers _/\_



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 12:14:46

      I agree, more awareness is now apparent within the younger generation.. And these are the ones whose futures will be affected by our collective thinking and actions.. I thank you Dilip for your encouragement and together we are helping bring awareness to the world… Many thanks.. Sue



  15. prenin
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 10:14:09

    I’m just getting by one day at a time.

    The good news is that the days ARE getting better! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 12:12:38

      What a wonderful Answer dear Prenin.. if we all took one day at a time.. and lived fully in our Now Moments oh how much bright we would live.. 🙂 Thank you and squishy hugs back >3



  16. giselzitrone
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 11:24:12

    Ein sehr schöner Text liebe Sue ich wünsche dir einen schönen Freitag und ein gutes und schönes Wochenende liebe Grüße von mir und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  17. David
    Nov 21, 2014 @ 18:12:46

    Dearest Sue, you are the great example which I believe we all need to follow bringing all of our own little individual areas of the world into a state of peace, inherent wisdom and happiness allowing it to expand from each of our beacons to the rest of the world in tiny but greater and greater steps of peaceful evolution. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 12:09:06

      Many thanks for your encouragement David, and for the compliment.. We each of us as individuals are responsible at the the end of the day for our Actions, and more than that, We are responsible for our Thoughts first and foremost.. How many of us unintentionally as it may be judge and cast out our thoughts as we view another’s actions and condemn them.. We can not possibly know the story of their lives as to what drove them to negative actions…

      I often use Drug addicts as this example.. We can not possibly comprehend the story of their lives as to what drove them to take drugs in the first instance.. or their torment in being caught in this vicious spiral of addiction.. That in turn drives them to steal and rob which can in turn lead to violent acts that can then end up taking another life.. Just so they can ease their addiction and cravings…

      We so easily judge a book by its cover.. Yet so often we are unprepared to turn the pages and read the contents..
      Awareness is what we are bringing.. One first has to be aware that our very thoughts affect our Actions… And that our environment and the way we grow up in our society and within our homes colours our views and opinions that in turn affect our thinking..
      Those in far away lands are brought up THINKING there way is the right way.. They truly perceive the world is against them.. Awareness and Perception is everything…

      Let us keep on Keeping on within our worlds of thought dear David…

      For in the Beginning was the WORD and the word was with God

      Many thanks David.. 🙂 Sue



  18. Maria F.
    Nov 22, 2014 @ 05:15:22

    So well said, our actions are much better than our fancy words.



  19. beverley
    Nov 22, 2014 @ 11:49:54

    Many people do not have their own peace so it is difficult for them to imagine a world of peace. This morning as i used some visualisation within my meditation to help me find my own peace with life, I was asked to visualise someone i trusted and right by the side of me sat the Saviour, Jesus Christ and he held out his hand and together we faced what was to come and although i am not ready for the next part i know i am not alone.

    I believe that if we each worked on our own inner peace then world peace and harmony would be possible. But just as i believe in God i also believe in Satan and his power is strong and although he cannot make anyone do anything at all, he can tempt them to chose the wrong path. Once on the wrong it is even easier to make people feel discouraged and hopeless and create turmoil within themselves, which then affects everything and everyone around them. It is not in the getting that we will find peace but it is in the letting go.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 24, 2014 @ 19:45:40

      Dear Beverley, Sorry I only just spotted your comment..
      Yes I totally agree about working on our own inner peace.. And like I said to Linda in a further Comment it depends upon which wolf we feed..

      And I so agree that letting Go is the key to finding Peace.. Well said my friend xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  20. litebeing
    Nov 22, 2014 @ 15:50:11

    Hi again Sue, When reading your response to my comment, you mention the two wolves. Well, last night Amanda blogged on that very same tale 🙂 Did you see it? If not, clearly you 2 are in synch!

    Liked by 1 person


  21. litebeing
    Nov 22, 2014 @ 15:50:11

    Hi again Sue, When reading your response to my comment, you mention the two wolves. Well, last night Amanda blogged on that very same tale 🙂 Did you see it? If not, clearly you 2 are in synch!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 18:08:19

      Hi Linda.. No I have not get seen Amanda’s post, Not yet logged into others posts as yet.. And as you can see I got interrupted and had to leave off here and only just got back on line.. 🙂 Good to know we are in synch! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  22. Visionkeeper
    Nov 22, 2014 @ 16:59:19

    Hey DW….
    I know where I am headed and it isn’t into the cloud of fear and confusion. Good post DW…We always think along the same wonderful lines 🙂 Being busy getting the new site set up. Going it alone and just doing it with WP again. It’s familiar and has a good support system. A blog I hope encourages more action and less silence from us all. It is why we truly are here. To do nothing is to not grant our spirits what they wish of us. Be well friend and have a great weekend. Here is the new site. I will be phasing out OWR soon now that I have switched everything over.Take care and blessings and love to you…VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 18:13:16

      Good to know you are getting all set.. And I will be around to take a peep and press the follow button.. Totally agree with you… And I have missed a few of your posts. So looking forward over the weekend to catch up again. 🙂 xxx DW



  23. Dewin Nefol
    Nov 22, 2014 @ 19:34:50

    Hey Sue,

    Thank you for a wonderfully reflective commentary on a subject that penetrates to the very heart of humanity.

    I hope you’ll not mind if I leave a few lines far better penned by another than by an attempt to write them myself.

    ~ Talk on Desire ~ by ~ Sri Chinmoy ~

    Desire versus aspiration. Desire binds; aspiration liberates. Desire wants to possess; aspiration wants to renounce. Desire means plus, plus, plus material wealth. Aspiration means minus, minus, minus material wealth. Aspiration means plus, plus, plus spiritual wealth love, devotion, surrender, purity, gratitude and self-offering.

    He who desires sings most pitifully his life’s poverty-songs. He who aspires sings most soulfully God’s Prosperity-Songs.

    He who desires wants to possess each and every thing, each and every individual in the entire world. He who aspires wants only those things that will help him transcend his abundant limitations and teeming imperfections. He knows he that needs help, and the things that can help him he welcomes and invites to come to his rescue.

    A desiring man prays to God to get God’s all-conquering Power. An aspiring man meditates on God to get God’s all-fulfilling Love. A man of desire wants to show the world his capacities, his strength. A man of aspiration devotedly and soulfully places all his incapacities-his insecurity, doubt, fear, uncomely thoughts and everything else that is unaspiring in him-at the Feet of his Lord Beloved Supreme.

    A man of desire wants to dominate the world. He wants the whole world to surrender to him. A man of aspiration wants to establish his universal oneness-heart with the rest of the world. How? On the strength of his self-giving, which is the only way to bring about world peace.

    A desire-intoxicated man, like Julius Caesar, wants to say to the world: “I came, I saw, I conquered.” An aspiring inspiration-man wants to say to the world: “I came, I loved and I am becoming inseparably one with you.”

    A desire-intoxicated man at every moment wants to show his superiority and lord it over the world. An aspiring inspiration-man wants only God’s Compassion-Eye to guide and lead the whole world to its ultimate Destination, the Destination that is flooded with infinite Light and Delight.

    – Sri Chinmoy

    A thought-provoking post Sue, another contribution to the growing wave of global change breaking on the shores of a needful world.

    Have a great weekend, and wrap up warm!


    P.S: I found the Wolf story, shared above as a link, succinct and encouraging, incisive, erudite, and uniquely poetic in its distillation of truth. Thank you also for providing that invaluable perspective.

    DN – 22/11/2014



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2014 @ 20:05:22

      Wow what a profound Quote.. I read it twice and digested its contents.. I particularly enjoyed this paragraph..

      A desiring man prays to God to get God’s all-conquering Power. An aspiring man meditates on God to get God’s all-fulfilling Love. A man of desire wants to show the world his capacities, his strength. A man of aspiration devotedly and soulfully places all his incapacities-his insecurity, doubt, fear, uncomely thoughts and everything else that is unaspiring in him-at the Feet of his Lord Beloved Supreme.

      Thank you Dewin, for contributing your thoughts here.. And I am pleased to acquaint you with the story of the two wolves.. 🙂 Many thanks for taking the time to read and to bring your input here.. I appreciate your presence..



      • Dewin Nefol
        Nov 22, 2014 @ 20:29:44

        Thank you Sue for kind words and for presenting such a wonderful Blog site to the world…one could spend many hours soaking up the depth of all that is written…and always your words feel drawn from a well of never-ending truth. Equally as fascinating are the detailed and appreciative comments and remarks left by your insightful readership.

        I imagine I am not the only one who finds ‘something’ to take away with them when they leave.


        DN – 22/11/2014

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 22, 2014 @ 20:32:59

          Thank you Dewin.. I could also say the same about your own amazing posts.. And I thank you for such a wonderful compliment..
          We each of us have a part within awakening the world to Truth.. And like all words spoken… its how we perceive that which we hear and see.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  24. lorriebowden
    Nov 23, 2014 @ 02:40:29

    Wow! Sue…this is a powerful post. And I know what you are talking about when you mention the rapid changes we are experiencing. It is amazing to me how fast time is moving….and I couldn’t be more grateful to be a part, albeit a small part, of the evolution of our world to consciousness. Each one of us adds to the power of this change on a daily basis. I am very intrigued by quantum physics and believe that the more people who come together in this quest…the stronger our energy becomes…and we haven’t even scratched the surface!! It is a very exciting time!! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 24, 2014 @ 16:02:04

      Lorrie, yes love quantum physics and how we are now being made more aware we are ALL ONE..
      And yes time is running so fast I am catching myself up backwards.. 🙂
      Hope your own energy is increasing 10 fold too… We do live in very exciting times Lorrie..

      Love to you Sue ❤



  25. The Emu
    Nov 23, 2014 @ 05:21:33

    Thanks for that very thought provoking writing Sue.
    The times they are a changing for sure, I think its been more noticeable in todays society, due to the rate of technological growth, the world is smaller and getting smaller as people use the internet.
    You mentioned fear, fear has come down to a personal level, invading our lives and very homes we live in, fear has become a tool for manipulating the the mindset of the individuals, therein lies the answer as you stated, we must overcome fear and rise above it.
    You got me going again Sue.



  26. cheryoncake
    Nov 25, 2014 @ 10:02:19

    Such an inspiring post, Sue. It’s only 10 in the morning but you are already the second person to tell me to believe in my dreams and not get caught up in the fear that holds us all back. Think that’s a message worth listening too because I believe too that things are changing, big time!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 26, 2014 @ 11:39:41

      Dear Chery, Forgive my delay in answering your comment.. I am so happy my post inspired you to believe in your Dreams.. So much now is happening in our world which is bringing with it ‘Fear’ and uncertainties and you are correct.. Things are Changing ‘Big Time’ and on the surface it will appear to get very Chaotic.. But sometimes we have to go through these ‘Birthing Pains’ in order to experience the Calm after the Storm.. What we as individuals have to learn to do, is detach from the main-stream Madness that is being shown to us daily.. And concentrate within our own families and circles of sharing Love and Peace.. When we do this, if only everyone would do this, Caring and sharing, just one little drop of kindness adds to the swell of the Ocean of Oneness upon this planet.. Those who embrace Anger, and Hatred, Revenge and Greed, will find within their experiences much of the same returning to them..
      Keep your thoughts Light, and Dream your Dreams Chery.. for We create our Reality.. remember.. All is Thought.. And Thought Creates.. 🙂 Much love and Gratitude for reading and coming to comment. ( Loved your last post about Russell … And did a post which included him some time ago which echoed your thoughts ) 🙂 xxx Sue



  27. Eddie Two Hawks
    Nov 25, 2014 @ 17:19:46

    May your days of thanks be filled with abundance and peace as the love ones in your life gather to share food-a-plenty and each others company. with love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 26, 2014 @ 12:08:11

      Dear Eddie,
      Many thanks my friend.. The garden allotments is still giving us plenty of food even now.. As we gather cabbage, leeks, beetroot, Kale, Swiss Chard, Turnips and Parsnips, Broccoli tops and Brussels sprouts .. We have stored onions, and potatoes.. ..This is true Abundance Eddie along with the love of family and your good company .. What more do we need 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  28. europasicewolf
    Nov 25, 2014 @ 19:49:31

    We are seeing unprecedented changes but nothing that is not already foretold for the End times … and there will indeed be a new Earth though it may not be quite as some would foresee it! 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 26, 2014 @ 10:45:17

      Very true Wolfie.. and it is not the end, just maybe the END of what we expect.. Life is coming to its own turbulent climax as it reflects that which we give out.. More and more now are frustrated, Angry, and expect more, yet they give so little in return.. Life is about to jump up a notch in the lesson department. Whereby chaos will maybe teach many that to survive and thrive, we have to let go of Greed, and learn to co-operate and Share.. But this will only come about when many have lost the battle of Want.. because soon if we keep on the road of Want, there will be nothing left to Have!.. And people will be left with more simple options.. Such as a choice… Food, and warmth.. So yes I agree totally Wolfie.. Your Howwwwwwlllls are spot on.. A New Earth may not indeed be as some would foresee it 🙂 xxxx ❤



  29. lavendermoongirlblog
    Nov 26, 2014 @ 17:55:33

    Wonderful post Sue and an interesting discussion. Love and peace. Namaste. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  30. quarteracrelifestyle
    Nov 26, 2014 @ 19:45:22

    I truly agree with this post. Change is coming, change is always preceded by the awareness of the need for it which invariably comes through crisis, just as on a personal level. And change starts in the home, with ourselves and the quiet revolutions we make within our own lives. My husband and I often discuss how bad things are “out there” and quickly realise there is not a single thing we can do about it but to take responsibility for our own lives and live the way we wish to with awareness what we do affects the whole. A growing collective of people creating better ways of living and bucking the system shows us all that change is afoot and it sorely needs to happen.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 27, 2014 @ 11:04:23

      Exactly.. we are making those changes within our daily lives within our own homes Wendy.. And by doing that we are helping bring about the Changes in the world..
      We are learning to simplify our lives, and are finding a more peaceful way of being.. More and more we both know are now seeking this kind of lifestyle.. as they exit the hustle and bustle of modern day living ..
      Bless you for taking time out of your busy schedule to hop over and read..
      Enjoy your Raspberries .. 😀
      Love Sue



      • quarteracrelifestyle
        Nov 27, 2014 @ 16:19:33

        Yep. And I love to see the younger people so invested in turning things around (such as the young man in the video) it gives me alot of hope for the future. It’s like consumerism – shopping trends towards natural, organic and environmentally sound practices drive manufacturers and producers to step up, in time hopefully the larger population will make their politicians step up when they realise we no longer will support their bullshit ways with our votes….hopefully!!

        Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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