A Major Oak ~ Medieval Days

I have not been around Blog land all that much recently, partly due to the fact that as the weather warms up there is much to do outdoors..So for those of you who I have not been around to visit recently my apologies. I would also like to take this opportunity in thanking those who have nominated me for various awards this year.. Time is really flying and as good as my intentions seems to be, I have still failed to honour them, but you all know who you are and I thank you most sincerely for my nominations.

Thanks also go out to those New subscribers, the numbers are slowly swelling and I hope that you will not be strangers and make yourselves known.. I try to interact with all those who regularly comment upon Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary. I do hope you find my posts and pages of interest. 

This weekend has been a Holiday for May Day, and the Sun came out in all its glory for the weekend I thought I might share what I was up to.

So here is a glimpse into my day in Sherwood Forest.. Its right on my doorstep and I love going walks in the Woods around and about here.Trees are such wonderful beings, each one  as unique and individual as you are.

As well as walking I saw some wonderful Butterflies too which was a great surprise as some are out early. I will comment upon them and the variety I saw in a separate post to follow soon..

Please click on the photos to enlarge and find our more.

The Oak Tree has to be on of my favourite Trees.. The English Oak ‘The tree of courage and the doorway to inner strength’ representing endurance and self-determination. Known as ‘The King of the Forest’ and the King of the Trees it holds not only my heart but a special place of affection in many a heart.

The slow growing Oak can live for 1,000 yrs  and can hold over 500 species of insects, butterflies, bats, and birds, all making their home in the bark or branches. .. 

In the past Oaks were planted to mark boundaries as they are so long-lived. The Druids taught under them, and later the clergy would read the psalms and gospels under them as they walked the parish boundaries. The Oaks then became known as Gospel Oaks.

Special Oaks that were used for marriages became known as Marriage Oaks. The sky Gods were said to send  down their power through the lightning bolts, and we saw some Oak trees in the wood which had the markings of a lightning strike..

The Oakleaf was used as a symbol or longevity and strength and was engraved upon coins.. this was in later years replaced by the Lion. Oak leaves and acorns are often found on coats of arms and within family crests.. The acorn the symbol of immortality the strength and power of Nature . Mighty Oaks from little Acorns grow. Acorns were also carried in pockets to bring increased vitality and strength. Acorn bobbins too were hung on windows and above the fireplace as charms against lightning bolts. We saw many carvings of Acorns and the GreenMan in the craft tents.

You need to go and seek out the Oak when you are weary and you feel life challenges. Oak helps us reconnect with the pulse of energy, bringing its strength into your veins, it helps us let go, as it warns us about our own stubborn strength. teaching us that if we do not bend and go with the change we can break in the storm.. I love nothing better than to sit with my back against an Oak and feel its energy.

During the Middle Ages Oak became the main construction material for building homes and ships. Many of the Royal forests were planted with Oak trees to ensure the supply for British navel fleets.. Oaks were also cut down in vast numbers to provide charcoal for the Blacksmiths who worked making the armoury and weapons as well as tools.

Oak Bark was also used by the leather industry to process in the tanning of raw hides.

Younger Light Oak branches are still in demand for furniture making, doors, and coffins..

Oak leads the way when you need strength and courage to carry on. It brings deep calm and inner peace, helping you sort our  your inner turmoil’s. It restores your will and determination which may have been weakened through stressful situations.. It helps restore faith in our way forward ..

I could go on and on, and no doubt many may think I already have as I look at my word count. Below I will post a selection of photos some of the mighty Oaks as we walked through the wood … And the Major Oak in particular.. if you click onto the photos more information I hope will be there as you can view larger.. The other selection are of the medieval market and shows the armour and costume, skills of the past.

I do hope you have a wonderful weekend … Much love to you all. as I send you the Spirit of the Oak and my Day in Medieval Times!. 

Click each photo to enlarge and find out more information.

A competition of Longbow and Crossbow was had  A fine display of archery skills from both men and women

A competition of Longbow and Crossbow was had A fine display of archery skills from both men and women

85 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. pictimilitude
    May 08, 2013 @ 16:55:03

    WOW! I loved reading about the oak and didn’t know about all these facts. Your photos are phenomenal and your commentary is precious. I wish we had incredible oaks around here. I just asked, and my husband said that this area where we now live was heavily logged, though there is some virgin forest near here. You absolutely made my day with this fabulous post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 10:09:53

      Hi and thank you, I am so pleased you enjoyed reading about the Oak There was such a lot more I could have put about the Oak as in many things in Nature it holds its own medicine as do many wild flowers and plants, I am hoping over time to put more about how plants have been used in healing ailments in a separate section. 🙂 Big smiles to know that I made your Day! 🙂 Thank you!



  2. David Tenneson
    May 08, 2013 @ 17:52:33

    I was taught to be a timberphile by my Grandfather and of them all I think the Oak is my favourite. Thank you Sue for, as pictilmilitude has said, a very precious post. Love, David



  3. starproms
    May 08, 2013 @ 17:59:00

    Like you I love the oak. It’s part of our culture and our history and so important in so many ways, isn’t it. I admit I always carry an acorn in my bag wherever I go. I enjoyed your very interesting post and pictures today Sue 🙂



  4. Symbol Reader
    May 08, 2013 @ 18:06:49

    I love oak trees and I sleep on an oak bed. I love the phrase ‘stubborn strength,’ this is precisely what the oak is about. It is a very important symbol in my home country, Poland, where it symbolizes our longevity and endurance.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 11:10:49

      I am pleased Monika that you honour the Oak also in Poland, Many often forget the importance of Trees and how they give us our very breath of life.. wishing you a peaceful weekend 🙂



  5. Tom Merriman
    May 08, 2013 @ 19:05:00

    Sue, I love the photos of the Major Oak! I find them (all trees actually!) comforting. I’ve been on a few walks lately and taken some photos of the trees I’ve come across along the way… I shall include them in a post very soon!



  6. cat
    May 08, 2013 @ 19:08:45

    I know of my oak tree friend as well … we where allowed to set up camp under many an oak tree when we where travelling the land … I was little then, remember hugging “my” trees upon return after a long winter’s travel … Not long ago I got to hug one of “my” oak trees in northern Germany …



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 11:20:19

      Arrgh Cat, love that you got to be re-acquainted again with your childhood Oak,, I hope you told it of your wishes as you gave it a hug…What Childhood memories you must hold!… in your travelling days. .. Sending you a Big Hug too! 🙂 ~love Sue xx



  7. Duma Key
    May 09, 2013 @ 00:52:25

    Always interesting to learn there is so much history to things in the past I have hardly even thought about.

    The old Oak is not too far away from me, have been a couple of times there is something very majestical about its presence, almost surreal.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 11:49:00

      Its much better to visit it when the tourists are not around.. I remember many years ago before it was all commercialised and turned into a visitors centre, you could walk right up to the Major Oak, my children would run and hide in the gap of the Tree, as the path went right up along side it.. Now it is fences off so that the ground isn’t hardened by foot prints to allow moisture to its roots.. Its held up with wires and stakes so that the limbs are supported .. And a few years ago it was treated as limbs were cut to help it keep healthy.. Glad you have visited first hand.. 🙂



  8. prenin
    May 09, 2013 @ 00:55:49

    We went there when I was a child! 🙂

    I feel sure I remember the Oak tree which we climbed on!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 12:18:28

      Yes I am sure you did Prenin, in those days when my children were small you could climb upon it as it wasnt a visitors centre then and it wasn’t fenced off.. Glad it evoked some happy childhood memories 🙂 Hugs Sue



  9. Ruchira
    May 09, 2013 @ 01:14:04

    Wow…Mother Nature sure is fine and in command over our emotions…we just gotta be aware of it.

    I am glad you are more outdoors and enjoying the sunshine 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 12:57:00

      Thank you Ruchira, yes enjoying the fresh-air and warmth while it lasted was good…. I am always inspired and honoured with the gifts Mother nature has to offer.. Thank you for your wonderful visit 🙂



  10. Alex Jones
    May 09, 2013 @ 06:19:52

    I share with you the joy of being out in nature on warm sunny days. The Oak is a favoured tree of mine, a symbol of strength and nobility.



  11. penpusherpen
    May 09, 2013 @ 10:03:04

    HI there Sue, you have been missed, but life pulls, especially this time of year, (sunshine ….yeah!!!) … so much to do…I’ve visited My Sis in Nottingham, and we went to see the Major Oak in what’s left of Sherwood Forest, (many in Yorkshire claim Robin Hood as their own, it seems for an almost fictional character he’s very much ‘wanted’ 😉 ) … Where I used to walk Bess, a few years back, the Oaks in the woods were under attack from a disease, hopefully they’ve fought it off.., For Oaks are so special, they conjure up so much emotion and feeling… Have a wonderful weekend my friend… love and light.. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 13:21:05

      Yes Pen Robin Hood is a wanted man in many a place… It made me laugh as you may be aware of the tales of Robin Hood that Little John was supposed to have shot his arrow to say where he was to be buried… his Grave is in Hathersage
      if you click the link you can find out where else Robin Hood hid out!… He covered a fair few miles… back and forth .. The Forest would have been much larger in its day.. Trees in general are becoming diseased from various things… You too have a great weekend Pen! 🙂



  12. beverley
    May 09, 2013 @ 10:24:26

    Nice to see you back. Sometimes we need a break, a rest so we can see more clearly where we should go next on our journey. We have a huge tree in the local park, it is truly amazing. I don’t know if it’s an oak, i haven’t asked it!



  13. Valentine Logar
    May 09, 2013 @ 12:33:50

    I am always so happy to see and read you. This was a wonderful lesson of history and the gifts of nature. The trees were fabulous. Imagine 1,000 years.



  14. Shakti Ghosal
    May 09, 2013 @ 14:03:33

    Hi Sue,

    Those are amazing photos of the Oak trees. The trunk shapes somehow make them quite menacing. I for one would hate to be confronted by such a shape in the dark!

    As you written, the oak played such an important part during medieval times that it finds frequent mention in many folklore. In the tropical regions however, we do not see the oak but other kinds of large trees like the Banyan and Deodhar which provide quality wood.

    Aren’t we blessed to be inhabiting this lovely planet of ours with so much diversity and sustenance? How could each one of us hold this consciousness?




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 14:41:36

      Yes we are indeed Very Blessed to be here inhabiting this wonderful planet Shakti, Yes one in the distance I saw looked like a curled up Dragon, I tried to take a photo but as I neared the illusion disappeared … I think we each have in our own countries the Big trees which have made a difference in the building blocks of providing habitats in quality wood for the development of our various nations.. .. We and Trees are bound more closely together than we think.. Our Roots are eternally entwined .. Our ancestors understood the connection between these wonderful givers of life and if we could truly tune into the consciousness of trees we would no doubt see they hold a tremendous amount of knowledge of our Ancient Earth .. As do the Crystals and Mineral Kingdoms..
      Many thanks for your welcome visit.. ~Sue



  15. Visionkeeper
    May 09, 2013 @ 14:21:09

    The first photo of the tree looked like an elephant with its trunk raised up…It is an amazing tree. Thanks for sharing DW….I am quick on comments these days as being inside all winter, when spring comes, I’m outta here! The outside calls to me and there I go. I can relate. Hope all is well at your side of the pond. Be well and stay in peace. Love and smiles….VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 14:44:33

      Yes, all is well VK.. lovely as always to see you here.. Im enjoying the warmth, and the Spring growing time… it seems all has come to life in a couple of days here as the trees sprout their leaves and Green is now vibrant upon their branches.. Sending you Love and Peace xx DW



  16. becca givens
    May 09, 2013 @ 14:44:53

    Sue, what an awesome post … I didn’t realize the rich royal and oral history of the oak …. they’re among my favorite but I didn’t look deep enough into their history. Thank you for sharing xo. Have a blessed weekend. 😀



  17. orbphotog
    May 09, 2013 @ 15:45:43

    The Major Oak does look like an elephant, huge and powerful! Thank you for your very informative post, Sue. Inspires me to go hike my land and hug a few oaks…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 14:47:22

      I would always recommend tree hugging…. Its a MUST in my book… Hope you take up the notion to go hiking … nothing like walking in the hills and forests :-).. You maybe find a few nymphs and sprites out there in the woodland to snap up on your camera! .. 🙂



  18. muriellerites
    May 09, 2013 @ 15:51:11

    You have caught the spirit of the great oak in your photos. The oak has always been my comfort tree.



  19. natswans
    May 09, 2013 @ 16:17:16

    That beautiful old Oak Tree thank you for giving us your story , so old. It is indeed a comfort tree and home to many wildlife. I would love to wrap my arms around it Sue.

    Hugs Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 14:50:08

      Well Sheila, you may not get to wrap your arms around its wide girth lol, but I am sure you have lots of hugging trees in reach of your arms dear friend that I know would be very pleased to have your company and give them a hug! .. Enjoy your weekend xxxx Sue



  20. reikiheidi
    May 09, 2013 @ 17:55:35

    A lovely post, thank you for sharing. I sat under a pink blossom tree the other day, feeling a bit down… and that was beautiful, and uplifting and so peaceful.
    Nothing brings us back to ourselves like just BEing in and with nature!
    Blessings be



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 15:00:03

      Thank you Heidi, I think that trees give us much energy… I noticed my comments over on a couple of your posts are still needing moderation, I hope they didnt find their way into the spam box? by mistake, as I have had this occur before…No problems…. but if they are I would appreciate if you fished me out LOL.. as the Spambox often has a mind of its own! 😉 LOL… Wishing you a wonderful weekend.. Blessings Sue xx



  21. Rhea Jamil
    May 09, 2013 @ 17:55:35

    Thank you for this. It’s funny because just this week a very large oak tree on our property came to the end of its life as a standing tree (i.e. – it fell, of its own accord – nothing hit it, no one cut it down, it just decided to fall over). We decided not to remove it, we are just going to let it go back to the earth. What’s funny I’ve been feeling a little off-balance for the past week and I hadn’t put the two together. I realized I probably need to go honor the fallen oak tree in some way, perhaps that will help. Thanks also for all your recent comments on my blog, I really appreciate your beautiful and supportive words.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 16:18:06

      Arrh Rhea, I hope that once you have honoured the Oak so too will your own energies return, Letting Nature take her course is indeed honouring the Oak, So many species will still be living in the bark etc.. and I hope that your own balance will be restored… Many thanks for your wonderful comment and sharing with us your story.. Blessings sent.. Sue x



  22. Michelle B.
    May 09, 2013 @ 20:02:13

    I love this post! I think I could use a little Oak medicine too. We have many Oaks in our yard. One of them is wounded and seeps sap every few years. That’s how the butterflies first found my yard, via the seeping sap, and I guess, they liked it here enough to stick around. I look forward to reading about and perhaps a photo or two of the butterflies you saw!

    Thank you Sue. You are a wonderful blogger!!!

    In Gratitude, and Love,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 15:07:38

      I am working on the butterflies it took me an hour to find an old butterfly book to look up the species that I saw in the wood and in the allotments recently… I have half a post composed.. But as I’m working all weekend doubt it will be posted now until next week… I love the story of your own Oak.. and Will try to incorporate the butterflies as I know how you adore them.. Sending you a BIG hug and hope your pain diminishing and your strength is returning .. And 😳 for the compliment! xxxx Love and Hugs xx Sue



  23. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 09, 2013 @ 20:11:14

    It is great to read about this mighty tree. There are many Oaks around us here. We are fortunate. They provide comfortable surroundings by generating wind currents and cooling the hot Florida day. Thank you Dreamwalker for refreshing my need to pay more attention to them. with love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 15:11:40

      Trees are so often overlooked Eddie in their importance for creating our environment and without them we would not have the oxygen in which to breathe.. Wishing you a wonderful Weekend may you stay cool in their breeze… Blessings Dreamwalker



  24. europasicewolf
    May 09, 2013 @ 23:57:11

    There is something about Oak trees isn’t there…very interesting too what you said here about them 🙂 The Mediavel festival looks great! I have been to one or two when they were nearby and they’re a wonderful experience! 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 10, 2013 @ 15:15:47

      Hi Wolfie, yes the Medieval festival was a wonderful unexpected experience .. We often go to Sherwood and knew there would be something on offer in the woods.. Often there is jousting and Robin Hood on horse back showing their battle skills… but the market was a surprise, Oak trees are special and no standing on 3 legs near them Wolfie! 😉 now… Show respect hehe!



  25. Lady Jude
    May 10, 2013 @ 08:38:08

    Good to see you back Sue, enjoy your summer I’m sure you’re having fun in the garden…



  26. cheryoncake
    May 10, 2013 @ 08:42:38

    Oh wow! You have inspired me to go find an Oak to sit against. I could do with some strength at the moment…



  27. chicasl10
    May 10, 2013 @ 17:57:12

    What a tree i can understand u have some kind of friendship with him ( i dont know if thats the right word) but it shows strenght.
    with ur back against him ur batteries will load again.
    and the games are very entertaining.
    the weekend



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2013 @ 16:40:26

      Yes MJ, with my back against the tree I do receive wonderful energy, But this Big Tree the Major Oak no one is allowed to go near, its fenced off for its own protection, as too many feet around the base of the Tree harden the ground and stop moisture from getting to its roots… Or so they tell us!.. In reality the Tree is making the Visitors Centre Lots of money so they do not want it damaged.. 🙂



  28. The Emu
    May 12, 2013 @ 01:34:55

    Enjoyed that writing on the various backgrounds of the legends and uses of the Oak.
    Also your pics Sue.



  29. Cat Forsley
    May 12, 2013 @ 15:52:27

    Sherwood Forest !!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🙂 I feel like i just went on a walk with You and hung out in the forest – Too much concrete here in Toronto . Too Much ……. At Your Doorstep 🙂 Lucky You 🙂 🙂 🙂 so lovely Sue xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 13, 2013 @ 16:20:59

      I would so dislike the high-rise life!… But I know its what we get used to Cat, Plus we can live in the Forest at any moment, All we have to do is Think! Create, with our minds and we are there!.. 🙂 I hope you are now well recovered… Big Hugs ~Sue



  30. dcardiff
    May 13, 2013 @ 15:46:17

    Interesting Blog Nomination: Thanks to:



    I want to thank my friends Cheryl and Ron (http://allbuthomeless.wordpress.com/) for nominating me for The Interesting Blog Award. I appreciate this very much and I am quite pleased to accept!


    1-Thank the person who nominated you. — Done.

    2-List 5 random facts about yourself.

    3-Nominate a minimum of 5 blogs for the award.

    4-Ask the nominees 5 questions of your choice.

    5-Notify all nominees on their blog.


    1- I am following a spiritual path

    2- Occasionally I fall off the path, but climb back on.

    3- I like my scrambled eggs, on peanut buttered toast, sprinkled with lots of cinnamon.

    4- My best friends are homeless.

    5- My drink of choice is non-alcoholic beer.

    My Nominees

    1- http://ladybluerose.wordpress.com

    2- http://incaunipocrit.wordpress.com/

    3- http:/girlwiththepen.wordpress.com/

    4- http:/throughthehealinglens.wordpress.com/

    5- http://tornadoday.wordpress.com/

    Questions for nominees:

    1-What is your favorite color?

    2-What inspired you to blog?

    3-What touches you the most?

    4-Do you see the glass half empty, or half full?

    5-Your favorite restaurant?

    Questions asked of me:

    1 – What is your pet peeve? — cell phones in public places.

    2- Who is your favorite author ? — Too many to consider, although Hemingway, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy would be at the top of my list.

    3 – Favorite place on earth, having been there? –Panama.

    4- What is your favorite past time? — Playing guitar, playing piano, writing.

    5- In your mind, What is your greatest accomplishment in life? — This is an easy one. My four sons. I am constantly in their debt for teaching me about life.

    Congratulations to all the nominees!



  31. Marko
    May 14, 2013 @ 16:06:54

    Best regards and thank you for your nice visit to my blog.



  32. Miro
    May 14, 2013 @ 17:40:59

    Enjoy the weather, Sue! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2013 @ 17:43:42

      Thank you Miro I did… all two days of it!… We have Gales and snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow! we are in a low pressure.. But my spirits are still on a HIGH! .. Thank you for dropping by.. 🙂



  33. CMSmith
    May 14, 2013 @ 19:55:18

    Really? Is that the real Sherwood Forest with Robin Hood and everything? I’m captivated.

    I think I need to go look around the edge of our woods and see if I can find an oak tree to sit beneath. I know we have some, but nothing like the one in Sherwood Forest.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2013 @ 21:33:56

      yes this is the real Sherwood Forest what there is left of it.. Whether the Major Oak was his tree I doubt that very much, but it sparks much interest especially in the budding little Robin Hoods who visit in their thousands buying their felt hats and wooden bows and rubber tipped arrows 🙂 Lovely to see you Christine 🙂



  34. Ruth Nina Welsh
    May 20, 2013 @ 10:37:31

    Such a beautiful post Sue. The photos of your walk are just lovely and your words on The Oak are encouraging and inspiring. We agree so much about trees and their life giving force. Thank you so much Sue. I am catching up on your posts as I’ve been out of action for a bit. Much love to you xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 20, 2013 @ 16:08:43

      Sorry to hear about you being out of action Ruth again… I Wish I could send you a bundle of LOVE and LIGHT that could lift you from your days of pain…. I send you some Love across the airwaves…….. And I hope when the weather gets warmer.. you can find a nice old oak whom you can talk to. 🙂 Hugs to you too xox



      • Ruth Nina Welsh
        May 20, 2013 @ 16:17:29

        Thank you so much Sue for your very kind words and thoughts – I do appreciate them. I will hope to see an Oak this summer and in the meantime I will imagine one and do just that. Hugs to you too! xx



  35. jacksjottings
    May 24, 2013 @ 07:00:26

    Fantastic, so much information in your post and you mention those Green men. I will go and see what information google can give me on green men. See how you inspire me to look up, on somthing I had once been very intrested in. I made coppies of pictures green men in pottery, That was in the olden days, you could say, before the PC. Libaries are good but I never found much on green men.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 24, 2013 @ 12:04:49

      Good hunting in your research… You will find much I am sure to keep you mind full.. Legends always have their roots in truth!.. Its how far we are prepared to dig down to reveal those ancient truths which Mankind has long forgotten.. 🙂 Happy Clicking!



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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