Mountains We Climb and Overcome.

I do not own this image. Unknown source.

Every which way I look, I find a million small miracles each and every day. Each day I wake, I give thanks for all of the blessings in my life, as I send out a thought to all those less fortunate whose struggles at the moment must feel like mountains still to climb.

I look back and think of those days of my own mountain climbs way back in my own life, when I woke with a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I faced another day as I struggled within my own emotional journey.  

Among those inspirational speakers I found in those struggling days, was the late Wayne Dyer, who said.

Upon awakening, let the words Thank You flow from your lips, for this will remind you to begin your day with gratitude and compassion.

~ Wayne Dyer.

I am grateful for so many things in my life… Family, Friends, Nature, food that we grow. And for the gift of my health. Also, for being born in the time period I was born, and for all of life’s lessons along the way.   Including all of the not so good bits, because all played a part, in setting me about learning how to change my outlook on life and finding out who I AM today.

My dis-ease in life taught me to make changes in my career path, along with my mental attitudes about myself. Without which, I wouldn’t have set about my own inner healing journey, as I learned to dive deep within my own shadow-self, showing me that which needed to be pulled out into the Light, which was causing my pain and inner wounding, thus, creating my own health issues.

The transformations didn’t suddenly happen overnight… It took patience, perseverance and intention.  It was a journey that would take me into the past, of blame and guilt, of anger and sorrow. And it took me through the process of forgiveness and learning how to love one’s self when one had felt as a small child, a child that was somehow unworthy of that love.  It’s a story I have told within my blog some years past. This process took not months but years to clear out the unwanted baggage I no longer needed to carry within.

I do not own this image it was gifted me. Unknown source.

 Each of us hold those stories, and each one is unique unto them. Each story no matter how trivial it may seem to others, is one in which it may seem mountainous in overcoming.  And I am ever so grateful, especially when I see the depth of others stories, and the Huge Mountains they too have had to overcome.

My story was discovering how to re-look at my life through a different perspective, other than the one I had grown into feeling and believing was my story.  There are so many stories that shape so many lives.  Each one as important as the next.  

As I look back at the entire tapestry of my life, I can see from the perspective of the present moment that every aspect of my life was necessary and perfect. Each step eventually led to a higher place, even though these steps often felt like obstacles or painful experiences.

~Wayne Dyer

It was a journey of self-discovery of learning who I was, as I learnt to unpeel the layers of not only this life’s lessons, but as I dived into my past lives, I saw the patterns I had held onto which were causing my own inner pain, which was manifesting as my outer pain and dis-ease. 

I wrote a poem back in 1994 about discovering myself. .

 Though the process of deep dives and inner work I learnt how to love myself, and once I did that, it was like a whole new world opened, as I let go of the fear of rejection of not being loved. For I had carried this inner weight and guilt around for so long as I felt my mother’s rejection and lack of love that she unwittingly had passed on into my adult years.

 Yet I was to discover when I looked from a different perspective, I was able to thank my late departed Mother for her roll in what she had gifted me. For through her inability to show love to me, she helped me to look deeper within, to find the love within myself, and in doing so, made me who I am today… For without the grief of wanting her love, I would never really have discovered how to truly love myself..   

   When you meet anyone, treat the event as a holy encounter. It’s through others that we either find or love our self. For you see, nothing is accomplished without others. When you eliminate the concept of separation from your thoughts and your behaviour, you begin to feel your connection to everything and everyone.

~ Wayne Dyer

Today we are all witnessing major changes in our relationships, as we find new soul tribes, we either gravitate to, or we find we maybe drifting away from others.  Many are finding their voices, as they open their throat chakras to speak what is on their mind. We are entering a phase of integrity and authenticity, in which instead of holding back what we really want to say. We are speaking from our hearts.  We are being asked to stretch our minds to other possibilities, other realities, and other perspectives as we awaken to the New Reality of our existence.

So, whatever our truth is, we shouldn’t be afraid to speak it. But by the same token we still should respect another’s right to their opinion.  Being mindful and respectful costs nothing. Being kind and considerate costs nothing. Showing Love and Compassion costs nothing… But the cost to ourselves if we mistreat others may have lasting consequences that may take even more life times to unravel.  

  How People treat you is their Karma; How you react is yours!..

~ Wayne Dyer

  So, Remember …. 

You are a Divine creation, a Being of Light who showed up here as a human being at the exact moment you were supposed to. You are the Beloved, a miracle, a part of the eternal perfection.

Wayne Dyer

So, as each of us climb and overcome our own Mountains, which can at times seem insurmountable, know you are not alone, for these are also great opportunities as we raise our vibrations to meet our challengers.

When your pure heart leads,

you experience a different reality than when your head does.

~ Lisa Transcendence Brown. 


When you know and feel the miracle that you are, you become certain that nothing is impossible for you.

Wayne Dyer

Love and Blessings

Sue Dreamwalker

Believe you can make a difference in this world

This week time is sparse on WordPress, as I wish to spend time with family. 

I am sure some of you have watched this video before, but it still grips me each time I watch it. 

Remember We are ALL of us Fearless, when we understand We are so much more than our Human Form.

Picture source AZ

I read the above quote in the Book I am re-reading ‘ Wishes Fulfilled’ By Dr Wayne W Dyer, sadly for us now no longer with us.. But I am sure he is having a wonderful reunion with so many of his friends.  

 I also love this quote of Wayne Dyer’s

“Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about. Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light.”Wayne Dyer  Linked Here 

Think about that for a moment.. 

 “Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light.”

Let us start working on those dark spots! 🙂


See You All Soon..

Where is your Happiness located?

 Wayne Dyer’s short message made me smile So I wanted to share it as so many are chasing happiness, I wonder if we are looking in the right place? 

Yesterday I captured some eating pleasure as I made this Recipe for the first time. Its nearly all demolished and has gone down a treat with cream for desert today.  

Cornish Sticky Cake.

Cornish Sticky Cake.

You will find more recipes on my Home Baking Page..  HERE..

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday and a Productive new week..  

 A Warm Welcome to all New Subscribers too

I hope you find lots to read and question within my pages and please don’t forget to leave me your Drumbeats!

I may be quieter this week within my own posts  as I try to catch up with all of yours. 

Be Good to each other and Hold each other close 

Love and Blessings 



Esther Hicks ~ Abraham and Wayne Dyer

I just wish to say THANK YOU for all of your wonderful responses to my posts.

During these Festive Thanksgiving times for many of my friends across the ‘pond’, I am reminded of Many things each of us should be Grateful for, and we have many blessings we take for granted.

Many Thanks for sharing Your Time and your Thoughts.


I would  also  Like to say a Big Welcome to all my new followers who have recently started to follow 

Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary..

I will leave you with this Short but Very Informative Video with Esther Hicks~ Abraham and Wayne Dyer who discuss the Law of Attraction and the 17 second Rule on how important our thoughts are. I do hope you can spend the 10 minutes to listen..

Keep Positive.. Be Happy.. And Love LIFE!

Have a wonderful weekend

And Enjoy


Planting a Seed.. A Thought!

William Blake,Said

“that everything that now exists was once imagined,”

Wayne Dyer said.

“So, if you want something to exist, you must first be able to imagine it.”

Each of us have a chance of planting new seeds.. Yet we so often never have the courage to pick them out of our minds to plant them with intention into our reality… Alexander Graham BellThose who do have the courage may see how from their tentative thoughts ideas grew beyond their wildest dreams… I bet Alexander Graham Bell never in his wildest dreams would have thought how his invention would now be in everyone’s pocket!. 

But we need to have the courage to take those first steps and plant them..

Like all seeds they take time to germinate, so too with our ideas we often wonder why our wishes are not fulfilled.. All too often we sabotage them before they even begin to grow roots. How?, because we doubt our own capabilities and we say we are far from worthy of success. Telling ourselves we are never lucky.. and its bound to fail.. So we poison the very idea, so the seed withers even before it gets a chance to grow..

Our subconscious mind is an incredible tool, it possess the power to manifest from our thoughts to bring them  into our physical reality. You only have to take a look around the room you are now in, and see that every thing in it was once someone’s thought, even the paint upon the walls… An idea born, brought into reality from that first seed of an idea..

I have just finished a book the second time in reading it, I think this time its message really hit home. As I see how I have sabotaged many such seeds in the past.  The Book is called Wishes Fulfilled By Wayne Dyer, listen to his talk HERE upon the subject of Wishes Fulfilled.

‘Thoughts become things when you Feel them’ says Wayne Dyer, In the past I have often experienced frustration, Anger, worry, stress. These I have amplified with my ‘Feelings’ as the frustration of helplessness, or horror at how brutal we can be to one another have overshadowed my thoughts.. 

We need to reprogrammed ourselves to think differently about ourselves and the World..


Seeds are sown, every day within our minds.. What sort of seeds are you sowing within your own mind? Which type of thoughts are you cultivating?

Wayne Dyer Quote

My last simple post World Peace! Just Imagine  got reblogged 6 times!. I got more traffic today than for a long while..  People Do want Peace, and yet how many of us are being manipulated into getting caught up in Conflict?  We are part of it every time we read a Newspaper, every time we watch the Media News, Every time we join in Gossip, every time we Judge another. Every time we argue, even with ourselves, We are creating yet more Conflict , more Negative Energy in the World.

Our very thoughts Create…

Let us Create the Future we each wish to Live in..

Have a Brilliant Thought Provoking and Harmonious Week!



Which way are your Emotions Blowing the world winds?

The Buddhists say there are 8 winds,

There are Gain and Loss,

Praise and Ridicule

Credit and Blame,


Suffering and Joy.

If you aren’t aware of them they will blow you away like dry leaves in an Autumn Breeze

For example, When someone praises you, and that tastes sweet like Candy in your mouth you are blown away by the Winds of Praise.


One Day in ancient China a young man thought he had become enlightened.

He wrote a Poem to his Master about how he was not blown away by the 8 winds.

Then he sent it to his Master who lived three hundred miles up the Yangtze River

When his Master read the Poem he wrote

Fart, Fart

On the bottom of the poem and sent it back.

When the young man received his Masters reply and the more he read his reply the more he got upset.

At last he decided to visit his Master.

In those days, a three-hundred-mile trip up the Yangtze River was a very difficult journey

As soon as he arrived, he went straight to his Master’s temple,

Why did you write this?” he asked bowing.

“ Doesn’t the poem show that I am no longer blown about by the 8 winds?”

You say that you are no longer blown by the eight winds” replied the Master.

But two little Farts blew you all the way up here”..

I couldn’t resist this little story to make you think about the small things in life that often get us huffing and puffing.

It puts our lives in perspective when you see the Bigger Picture of what many are facing in our world today..

What really needs to change?

And which way are you making the Wind blow?



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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