Mind Body Spirit – Unified

 Please take a walk with me, as I ask you, ‘How is your Vision for the New Year going’?

 Are you still visualising your New Earth, the one in which you want yourselves and your children to live in the future?

Because how we think in our now moments and what we focus upon is certainly going to influence the Law of Attraction into our New Earth Timeline…


 Today marks the beginning of the year of the Rabbit in the Chinese  Zodiac, 22nd January.   And as many who read here know, my own deep diving into self, has not been easy, along with researching and diving into rabbit holes of the world.  So, I feel many more rabbits will emerge from out of their hiding places as 2023 unfolds, both for inner worlds and outer one.  For as we shine our Lights ever brighter, those hidden shadows will emerge, as they need to be released and transmuted.

As if on cue our Sun has begun 2023 with a succession of X class Solar Flares, which not only can change our Earths Magnetic field, but it is affecting our own energies within our own awakening process.  I am sure many of you who are sensitive have also been feeling these energetic shifts.

There is from my perspective lots of information now being released which is going to upset the equilibrium of many of us. I too was not immune from the rising emotions within which needed to be grounded as I pulled myself back into my own Presence of NOW.


So dear friends, how do we deal with the onslaught of the frustrations, and continued brick walls we each seem to pit ourselves against those resonating with denser energies, ideologies and agendas ?  Because as we shift through these higher frequencies, where Light is shone upon areas of suppressed information, it may well for a time feel very dense and hard to deal with.

Holding balance can be hard, when we see injustice, harm, and tyrannical behaviours within others and the systems created within our reality. And it can be so easy to say ‘What’s the Point’ and revert inwards into a state of depression, an emotion to which I was all too familiar with in the past. Life can be an uphill climb for many reasons, but we each need to keep on keeping on, for what we are creating as we climb, we will witness on our future horizons..

Hills we climb.

Personally, I focus on creating, whether it be knitting, writing, artwork or walking in nature. Keeping the mind in shape, but also keeping the body in shape. Walking out in nature, connecting back to the Earth, hugging a tree. Watching Nature, birds, squirrels, rabbits.

 The Trees, are especially healing, if you can get out into a forest or parkland, help me especially get grounded and aligned and back in to balance.

But we have to remember we are much more than our physical bodies, we are much more than our minds, we are Multidimensional BE-ings.

 We are SPIRIT!

Remember many of us are the Way-showers…

A Journal I began in that year.

We have come to hold space for others, to hold compassion and to send out Love.  And during 2023, I feel more and more of us are going to be activated into remembering who we are, and why we are here at this particular time in our Earth’s evolution. 

This is both an internal and external process of releasing of old programming, wounds, and systems which are being released at the third Dimensional level in order for us to raise our frequencies.  And as these Dense Energies and distortions finally begin to collapse, the debris from their fallout and failures are going to impact harder those who are unaware of this process.

So our Compassion and Kindness is of paramount importance… Remembering too, that we are all of us on this Journey together, each playing our various rolls.. Even those whom we see as holding darker energies, are playing their rolls, so that we will never allow ourselves to be sabotaged and held captive ever again. As difficult as that may be as 2023 unfolds..

There is the Good Bad and Ugly within ALL of us

Perception is the Key, in that we can each perceive from our various perspectives and experiences, No one person is right, and no one is wrong.. Each of us are individual pieces of the same puzzle, putting their perspectives into the Consciousness of what we experience as this Matrix.

Each piece whether it be positive or negative is allowing us each through our own discernment to learn to once again ‘Trust’ our Inner Instincts of seeing the Truth or the Lie.. And many more are beginning to see a common theme emerge which instinctively we know, whether we voice it or not.. We are now beginning to see the Lie’s more clearly… Even if as yet we none of us know the Full Truth.

Multiple Frost shards on Ivy. Each a Crystal growing in the cold, To be melted by the Brightest Sunlight. Remember WE are the Light to melt the hearts of the Heartless.

We each of us need to practice our own Discernment, and not jump in too quickly to judge others as the narratives begin to flip.

 Remember YOU are Powerful Sovereign BE-ings and each of us have chosen this time to be here to both ‘Heal’ our inner and outer bodies as we unify and take action through our highest choices. Those choices are what we manifest into our future time line of experiences.

SO, Hang on in there…
You are ALL Beautiful BE-ings Creating our Future with your thoughts and Actions of NOW

I hope you enjoyed walking with me, until next time…

Love and Blessings..   

131 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Avigail (Hineini…I’m here)
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 18:04:41

    I’m right here with you every step of the way! Every word of this post deeply resonated. We’ve been down so many rabbit holes these last few years. It has been a revealing trek and journey. Discernment is crucial now. We must clearly define our boundaries and align ourselves carefully. I’m in safe space when I walk alongside you, dear Sue. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  2. JanBeek
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 19:07:51

    Year of the Rabbit. Yay! Ready to hop into each day as it comes!

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Timothy Price
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 19:31:16

    A bunny year. We are hopping into it. Kidding aside, great post. I love the photos.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. The Path to My Heart
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 20:01:16

    Great post Sue! I am also walking a lot and in nature – helps me to maintain a balance and get my head clear. It’s also great for my body and spirit! I love the cold weather too, it feels energy-giving to me. It’s nice to get my head above the doingness of earth and her inhabitants. Some of it is difficult to take in at times, knowing the truth and watching the destruction of lies. We do what we can and sometimes that brings on a roller-coaster of feelings. So off I go again on a walk!! It’s really something to witness, knowing these are unprecedented times! All three parts of us are important and all need nurturing and attention! A great reminder!! Sending love, hugs and a privilege to walk along side you!! Love, Donna

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 22, 2023 @ 22:11:31

      Thank you Donna.. Yes walking for me is something I love, and I am very lucky to have some lovely walks close by. I have found it difficult too Donna, I think especially after Christmas… All that preparing, and energy and excitement of giving.. And absorbed as I was in creating Cyril… 🙂 January is always a dark month for me.. So hugging a tree, especially the three in the top photo I call my mind body and spirit tree.. as I walk often past it and touch its bark… Thanking it for listening … Good thing not many people pass that way.. LOL… 😉
      But it takes all the tension from situations we can only send love into..
      These are indeed unprecedented times Donna, we are all of us going to be walking upon New ground, and re-learning how to trust our own inner guidance as we dismantle the old to rebuild the New..
      But I know we came here to do this… We just need to trust ourselves and follow our instincts..

      Many thanks and Much love Donna.. ❤



      • The Path to My Heart
        Jan 23, 2023 @ 09:18:36

        Your tree is impressive and a constant reminder of three into one! A great one for a hug!! Trees are very important and our good friends in times like these, also as you mentioned – great listeners!! We did come here to do this, very true, and it’s very important that we listen too. `There’s lots to be compared here between us and that lovely tree!! Thanks for sharing it with us! Much love and hugs!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:55:14

          Indeed so true Donna… We have lost touch with our Roots… The Tree reminds us of or roots, and the need to stay grounded, while reaching on high… The tree learns us to let go, as it drops its leaves for winter… The tree teaches us to bend in the wind.. or else it breaks… It teaches us its a home for Nature, birds and insects to feed and shelter.. The tree GIVES of herself for fuel and shelter to humans.. The tree replenishes the earth with her dying leaves and bark, and provides then a habitat for fungi and moss to grow… The Gifts of a tree are endless..
          And if we truly Listen, we can hear her speak as the wind blows through her branches… I have lots to be grateful for, from my love of trees… ❤ ❤ ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  5. Renee Espriu
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 20:13:54

    Always enjoy the walk, Sue, and appreciate you taking me alongside your journey and seeing what it is you see. All any of us can do is to keep trying to live life by example. I, for one, have always found it to be a constant struggle for in as much that each and every one of us has faults…there is no perfection…I, too, at times judge before stepping back and looking at myself and at others for who we are. I put one step in front of the other and hope the next moment, hour, day will be better than the one before. In what you write you help me to remember that it is so, it can be and better choices can be made. Thank you. xoxox

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 22, 2023 @ 22:17:34

      Thank you dear Renee…. That my friend is all any of us can do, put one foot in front of the other.. Taking each day as it comes, and trusting we make those right choices.. For it all a matter of choice, and each of us are different, unique.. Life would be boring if all chose the same, did the same, acted the same.. We would be nothing more than Robots.. ( Maybe some would wish the population to become robotic lol ) But we are creator BE-ings… and as such we have to take responsibility in that we are indeed creating our future in our very Now Moments..
      Loved having you walk with me Renee… Sending Love and well wishes Mega Hugs ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  6. calmkate
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 20:25:23

    an insightful deep post Sue, lovely walking with you and will continue to do so 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  7. auntyuta
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 20:34:37

    Great writing and beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing, dear Sue!
    HUGS, Uta from Australia

    Liked by 1 person


  8. marina kanavaki
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 21:38:24

    Ah, my dear Sue, I always enjoy your walks of wisdom! Happy Year of the Rabbit!
    With you, my dearest friend! Sending love and hugs your way. ❤️🔆🐇

    Liked by 1 person


  9. fauquetmichel
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 21:51:04

    The ivy climbing on the mighty oaks, the sunbeams through the bushes, the marvelous undergrowth are very inspiring. Nature speaks to us and leads us to the idea of creation (and creator).
    Wonderful text, Sue
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 22, 2023 @ 22:29:26

      Je te bénis cher Michel… merci, je sais à quel point tu aimes la Nature mon ami.. J’ai un post jardin qui arrive quelque chose cette semaine. 🙂 Et j’espère vous rattraper, vous et vos messages aussi… C’est l’heure ! tourne juste loin de nous… Ce qui doit signifier que nous apprécions chaque minute 🙂
      Un grand merci pour votre charmant commentaire Michel… Envoi d’amour et bonne route mon ami.. Merci. ❤

      Bless you dear Michel… thank you, I know how much you love Nature my friend.. I have a garden post coming something during this week. 🙂 And hope to catch up with you and your posts too…. Time! just spins away from us… Which must mean we are enjoying every Minute 🙂
      Many thanks for your lovely comment Michel… Sending Love and well wishes your way my friend.. Thank you. ❤



      • fauquetmichel
        Jan 23, 2023 @ 16:31:04

        I am waiting your garden post, Sue . Always so insspiring. ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 23, 2023 @ 19:16:42

          Bless you Michel…. I took extra photos today Michel.. of how it is looking over winter.. and what we already have started off in pots ready for Spring.. ❤

          À tes souhaits Michel…. J'ai pris des photos supplémentaires aujourd'hui Michel.. de la façon dont il se présente pendant l'hiver.. et ce que nous avons déjà commencé dans des pots prêts pour le printemps.. ❤



  10. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 22:17:17

    Sue, this was so beautiful… I’ve been working and creating. If I don’t meditate, I can tell a difference. It’s all found within. Hugs to you! 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Writing to Freedom
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 22:48:12

    I’ve been feeling off, angry, and triggered easily lately. More quiet time and walks in nature would be helpful. Thanks for the reminders Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 22, 2023 @ 23:02:54

      They have certainly helped me Brad… And we are all I feel triggered to some degree or another. There is so much going off in our world to trigger us.. Just breathe…. I passed an hour just taking photos of the ivy covered in frost with the Micro lens in my phone.. Lol… Its fascinating to see how frost crystals form… Reminding me we are all growing all forming from nothing, to melt back into nothing… Which gave me pause for thought as I appreciated the NOW of existence.. 🙂 Happy Travels upon your own Walks Brad.. ❤ Much love your way

      Liked by 1 person


  12. litebeing
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 23:16:32

    Thanks for the reminder. I have not been visualizing my ideal new Earth. My focus has been more mundane and practical. Plus expending energy on integrating experiences and information. However the time is ripe especially starting in April, to set intentions and create new realities. Thanks for a beautiful post which aligns so well with the Aquarius new moon.

    Blessings, Linda ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:10:15

      Thank you Linda, lots of information to digest and discern recently for sure.. Many thanks Linda for your kind comment, Aquarius is I feel going to be an age of many revelations. Focusing our Intentions I think no longer can be put off.. We are all needing to step up to manifest our Destinies of how we want our future New Earth to evolve into.. Is it one of Sovereignty or continued suppression… The future is in all of our hands…
      Much love dear Linda…. I know I have not caught up here in WP for a while so I’m probably behind with your posts too..
      Much love ❤



  13. peggy
    Jan 22, 2023 @ 23:35:34

    Our year has started in nature. Walking, exploring trails in different areas in the state of Arkansas. Staying physically fit at our age is very important. Lovely post and I enjoyed your photos very much.



  14. Mark Lanesbury
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 00:21:02

    It is indeed a change like no other Sue, everything is surfacing seemingly faster than what we are used to. I’ve never touched so much in such a short time. And truly I’ve never felt so wonky, I can barely ‘touch’ the 21st century any more physically, and even emotionally is feeling distant. As for us Spiritually, it can do anything, our guidepost through it all. A great post Sue, and like your tree’s it is why it feels so good to walk in the water on the beach. So, so grounding to adjust what is coming through. Thank you for sharing the footsteps in our hearts to come 😀❤️🙏🏽



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:21:07

      Agreed Mark… Some days my head just spins in overload.. The energies have been off the charts. within my own experiences of ‘Wonky’ wobbly, high buzzing downloads of frequencies. Nature always provides our safe haven of balance, and provides all our needs. Most have just lost their connection with her, and have forgotten the abundance of blessings she brings not only in plant medicines, but in her own energy grids which are once again opening to bring information to the surface of long forgotten connections with our ancient ancestors.
      The Trees, ‘ The Standing Ones’ each hold wisdom, knowledge and healing. I came across this trinity of trees a while ago, and they certainly hold energy to rejuvenate the spirit..
      Many thanks again Mark…
      Much love your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Miriam
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 01:11:07

    Sue I’m with you every step of this journey, even though we’re on opposites side of the globe. How this post resonated with me! These past three years have turned all our worlds upside down and I, like you and many others, have been down so many rabbit holes that now all I want to do is focus on the light. On the new. And all that’s unravelling. Not that I’m burying my head in the sand, far from it, but I want to focus on what’s good in this world. We are creators aren’t we, and it’s time we put our thoughts and energies into defining what we want, not what we don’t want. Being in nature, appreciating God’s creations and a virtual walk with you is simply the best. Sending you lots of love my friend and thank you for another beautiful post. ❤️🙏



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:31:53

      We are indeed Creator BE-ings Miriam, and it is most certainly time, for those at least who have not buried their heads in the sand, who now know what is occurring world wide, the time for bemoaning and postulating blame, while important, we now need to find solutions, to rebuild, to reinvent and sustain ourselves within Natural Laws of Nature, Not the Human Conditioning of limitations of Lack v’s Greed…
      I know you are living your dream Miriam, for you live by focusing on the positive and are a living example of manifesting via following your inner intuition and instincts…
      The world could do with a few lessons from you dearest Miriam…
      Many thanks and Much love your way ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Val Boyko
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 01:32:13

    Always come back to lessons from nature and the vibrations that bring us back and together. There is tumult, rebellion, death and destruction around us. This is a year when Mother Earth is in upheaval. This is also the year to dive inwards and find the presence, love and calm to see us through it all.
    Trust the light and be a beacon for so many lost and disillusioned souls. 💐🙏🏼🥰

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:34:51

      Thank you Val… Yes this is definitely a year where we see many things turned upside down, inside out and sideways… Staying as you often teach us Val within your Middle Ground is a must for those of us who need to stay grounded and balanced in in harmony with Nature … Thank YOU Val for always shining your own Light so brightly through all you teach us..
      Much love .. Sue xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Jennie
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 03:01:40

    Perception heightens our compassion and kindness. The more we look and see, the more we can be kind and compassionate. Thank you for your wonderful insight, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  18. inavukic
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 04:12:23

    The Rabbit – a symbol of intellect and cautiousness but also of empathy. But we must give empathy and compassion in order to receive it too. I hope 2023 year of the Rabbit will bring oodles of the latter: empathy and compassion that lead to widespread peace.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:42:37

      Likewise Ina… I pray those who instigate otherwise will open up their own hearts to compassion and peace… It may well appear otherwise for a time, I feel.
      It is like a cyst, it has much infection beneath the surface, which has to be squeezed and dug out and cleansed.. It is going to take time to heal, and close the wound.. But ALL is possible.. and I believe 2023 is the start of many eruptions of one form or another.

      Sending Love and Many thanks dear Ina… ❤ 🙏

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  19. dgkaye
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 04:37:44

    Awesome forecasting Sue. I’m feeling it all girl, including the energies. I feel like the pus is rising close to the top. Still spreading love around. Love to you my friend. ❤ xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  20. thespiritkeeper
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 06:16:59

    You speak truth. For me in the last two years I have changed and evolved on my journey not only upon earth but if it makes sense on the other side as well. It is hard to explain the change but needless to say epiphanies and truths that hit home profoundly has been a part of my process. To send love is the greatest gift we have but to love ourselves is the key to send others love.
    I love how you threaded your words to give your readers an impression that will resonate with them. As I am reading your column I am listening to unchained melody which has a profound effect with me. Thank you for being you and authentic. You shoot from the heart and I cherish our friendship. I hope the start of the week brings you more truth love and peacefulness as well for B. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:49:34

      Thank you kindly Joseph… Loved your words here

      To send love is the greatest gift we have but to love ourselves is the key to send others love.

      It is the very best thing any of us can do, and it costs us nothing, and can be sent out in an instant… People have no idea that it is THEY who affect their own future and it is THEY/WE who are manifesting our future in every NOW moment… So by sending LOVE, by envisioning Peace, harmony and well being for people and our planet. they are projecting with love and intentions into our future time line, bringing the experience forward..
      Like wise Joseph I also value our friendship my friend… Take care, and I will pass along your well wishes to B.. Thank you.. ❤



  21. Carrie Cannady
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 11:04:07

    Sue…there is little that I can add to all of the beautiful comments already posted here. What I can offer is that your words, as always, deeply resonated, evoking a recognition of souls whose awakening are so powerfully important to the co-creation of this New Earth. Blessings to you, dear Sue. Thank you for being a blessing to all who know you, read your words, or are positively impacted by your presence.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 18:59:52

      Bless you and thank you dear Carrie… Many of us have been here speaking Love and Unity for such a long, long time. I do not know about you, but I am sure you are feeling it too Carrie, as the energy rises, we are seeing and feeling more are finding their soul tribes to unite in harmonic resonance with each other. It is a wonderful feeling to know we are in such good company with each other, as we find each others words, which resonate with the powerful beat of our own..
      Thank YOU dearest Carrie… Thank you for your kind and generous words.. ❤

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  22. derrickjknight
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 12:06:34

    Fortunately, as you know, we have forest all around us

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 19:02:03

      Dear Derrick… Oh to also live in your part of the world my friend. Where horses, donkeys, and even pigs roam wild… 🙂 Your New Forest is both beautiful and bountiful… Much love your way and thank you ❤

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  23. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 13:56:40

    Life lives in the minds and hearts of those who read your wonders.
    hugs dear friend

    Liked by 1 person


  24. laurabruno
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 14:28:27

    I tried to post before, and WordPress ate my comment, so here goes again–and apologies if both comments show up! Happy Year of the Rabbit, Sue! I hadn’t connected the idea of 2023 as the year people emerge from rabbit holes, but you’re so right. Here’s to continued revelation and elevation. Much love, my friend! Laura

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 19:09:05

      I looked and your words must have vanished into the ether.. Lol… I often click the clear button by mistake and then my whole paragraph can vanish.. Some one taught me that if You press the ctrl + z it then brings back up the type you deleted by accident… Its saved me several times from retyping it all again. LOL..

      As to the Year of the Rabbit… Yes, the symbolism is two fold, one positive and one not so, I do however feel this year we will be hearing more about Rabbits and certain burrows, and I do hope we see more people emerging to join the warren of awake..
      Thank you so much Laura… I have many posts in WP I have to catch up on… Sending LOVE and hugs my friend ❤ Sue xx

      Liked by 1 person


  25. Eugenia
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 16:03:30

    An inspiring and beautiful Monday morning post, Sue. I love your photos and feel we can learn a lot from nature and especially trees. We must strive to be the best BEings we can be and empower others to weather the storm. Every storm runs out of water. Hugs!💖

    Liked by 1 person


  26. AmyRose🌹
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 19:36:54

    Beautifully expressed by a beautiful soul. Thank you, Sue, for the touch of compassion and truth found here within your post. Your writing invites the heart to open, to listen and to feel the voice of truth recognizing that within ourselves. This Journey has been long and at times brutal as with each step we continue rolling the Boulder of Love up the Mountain of Denial knowing as we do, the vibration we incur anchors not only in Gaia but also in the Cosmic Consciousness. All of us must relearn who we are, how to speak correctly, and how words in of themselves have been used to imprison us. This year of 2023 heralds the Gateway of Freedom for all Sentient Beings on this Earth. Thank you for being a Leader showing those around you how you live by the Beat of Your Drum. Thank you for sharing another tremendously powerful post with all of us. Blessings abundantly so, to you and yours, Sue!! Much love!! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 19:53:46

      Many thanks Amy, for that lovely comment my friend.. There are many now beating the same rhythm with their hearts Amy.. You among them..
      Each of us see life, and experience life.. from our own perspective and yet each view even thought different, is when shared, giving us an overall picture of the whole…
      We have all of us felt so fragmented and divided by design… NOW is the time as I see it Amy, is that we are gathering together our fragmented selves back into alignment with our True Higher Purpose, of remembering just WHO we Are.. and How Powerful we Are…. When we truly begin to activate our intuitive Knowing again.. and harmonise with nature and learn to go within an love and respect ourselves more.. It is then we begin to see the outer world change..

      The world is but a mirror of our thoughts and actions.. To change our future, first we have to understand that change begins within each of us first..
      We dear Amy are that change… and by sharing our experiences… We are helping send out those ripples which enable others to change themselves…
      And so it is… ❤
      Much love and many thanks dear Amy.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • AmyRose🌹
        Jan 24, 2023 @ 14:22:29

        Presently I am reading a book that mirrors everything you are saying right here. It’a incredible as I read how I KNOW I would not have been able to understand the concepts presented in this book a mere year ago. Yet today I do. How quickly my Mind has expanded to the which bringing Great Excitement as I KNOW more of the pieces of the puzzle I will figure out as you shall. And it won’t be years. Nope. I’m talking days, weeks, perhaps a few months. The rate of acceleration is exponential now as you well now. Ripple away, Sue!! ME TOO!! We are doing this!!!! (((HUGS))) !!! xoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 25, 2023 @ 23:05:43

          I am as excited as you Amy for we do see those puzzle pieces now being brought together and we are also finding ourselves meeting and greeting like minded souls along our own journey’s.. ALL coming together ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  27. Erika
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 19:40:04

    Your post is an important reminder to stick with ourselves, and not lose ourselves in whatever happens outside of us. Because only then we can generate and keep the positive and powerful energy this world needs to heal.
    My heart and eyes are still focused on serving this planet, on doing the best I can to support mother nature and live as much as I can in alignment with it. I am having so many ideas for my natural skincare products and the joy of producing and sharing them with everyone who wants them is bigger than ever.
    Thank you for this ray of sun, Sue 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2023 @ 19:58:59

      That is so wonderful Erika… 🙂 and because your project is in alignment with Nature and is energised by your focused intention… It is proving to succeed…
      As many Earth based, and natural healing products and techniques are evolving…

      Erika… YOU dear friend share many Rays of of Light my friend… and I am always happy to walk by your side as we navigate and cultivate New Earth into being…
      Many thanks and MUCH love Erika… and thank you ❤ again..

      Liked by 1 person


  28. Visionkeeper
    Jan 23, 2023 @ 20:49:41

    Great info you shared DW…Wise words my friend. Amazing times we are in. Lots of adjusting and compromising and learning to go with the flow moving from one paradigm to the other and back again. Quite a journey but we are learning. The more the truth emerges the better we will be able to see what we need to do next. It’s kind of a wait and see moment in time. We just have to remember first and foremost that it is all exactly as it is meant to be, tough as it is. Be well my friend and stay warm over there. Thanks for sharing!!! Sending light and love your way DW….Hugs to you…..VK ,3

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2023 @ 23:11:27

      You are so right VK… what a journey, and those of us who have been on this journey now for what is our life time and longer 🙂 we are beginning to see the cracks and the break-throughs along with the Light of Truth emerging… And yes VK you are right.. What will be will be my friend..
      And its good that we are here at this time, adding our energies, and our love and light along with our compassion to those whom we know are going to need it..
      Sending Huge hugs my friend from Me and the two B’s…. 🙂 😻 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  29. robbiesinspiration
    Jan 24, 2023 @ 05:28:28

    Hi Sue, this is a beautiful post and the year of the Rabbit seems to be one that is filled with grace and hope. Your picture of the frost on the ivy is lovely. Have a wonderful week, dear Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. dawnhub144
    Jan 24, 2023 @ 11:35:39

    Walking to the beat of this timeline, which is mine to create, I either see the good, or I see the bad. Today I choose good after reading your post. Off for a walk. Thank you for your inspirational posts. x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2023 @ 23:14:21

      Happy to have inspired a Walk…. When we breathe in Mother Nature, even on frosty mornings.. We feel much lighter as we let go of the heaviness of the negative….
      Many thanks for your lovely comment Dawn… ❤ hugs your way xx ❤



  31. D. Wallace Peach
    Jan 24, 2023 @ 13:08:07

    A beautiful message for 2023, Sue. I have high hopes for this year after the struggles of the last six or so (such a long time of feeling out of balance). There’s so much suffering in the world still, but from a centered body, mind, and spirit much healing flows. I hope your new year of the Rabbit is hopping with positive energy. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2023 @ 23:27:31

      Many thanks Diana, so lovely of you to comment… Balancing all three is something we have lost touch with unfortunately.. We have been so conditioned to think ourselves as separate, so the Mind over Matter no longer heals the body, instead, the world of today’s stress, creates Dis-ease within the mind, and Disease within the body… We have lost touch with how powerful we are… And how if we focus our intentions we can not only heal ourselves, but we can bring into being healing for the world..
      So yes.. Let us hope the Magician in all of us can pull out a few Rabbits from the magicians hat, to create Hope and Wonderment in the world…. 🙏💛✨
      Many thanks Diana for your lovely comment ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  32. Jane Sturgeon
    Jan 25, 2023 @ 09:47:17

    Dearest Sue, your loving words resonate. So much is being un-masked and it takes concentration to not get drawn into the rabbit holes that are appearing and to stay as a witness. We now live by our favourite lakes and woods and are so grateful. (I will send you our new address. 😘). We are also so grateful for your and B’s loving friendship. 💓 Love is an incredibly powerful energy and we can all nurture it and flow it outwards. As other wise souls have already commented here, it has to come from within. Much love flowing to you both, always and it was a joy to walk with you this morning. xXx 💓😘🌹✨

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2023 @ 18:08:32

      Thank you dear Jane… I always feel the love you send dearest Jane, and many thanks for your kind words here… I look forward to receiving your new address, I am so excited that you have moved to be among the woods and near lakes..
      WE both send our Love to you and T… Thank you for taking a walk here this day… ❤ Hugs Sue xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  33. Bela Johnson
    Jan 25, 2023 @ 18:56:55

    Oh My Goddess, where to begin! First, i absolutely LOVE your comments re: rabbit holes! What an exceptional metaphor for these times. From what I read on WP, honestly I see a few are still waiting ‘for things to get better,’ which i interpret to mean ‘back to normal.’ But as you and i both know, that is never going to happen, which is a GOOD thing! Normal was messed UP. We need a whole new paradigm, and again, you of course know this! If we don’t collectively begin to create a more sustainable future, what are we to imagine life will be like? And yes, we are in times of deep revelations. Let’s hope we (collectively) begin to awaken from the dream that others will navigate life for us and realize the folly in giving up our sovereignty.

    I just wrote a poem for a group i still write with in HI. In it, I wrote (excerpt):

    when I was young, when there was no such thing as single use plastic, and we had trucks drop by to pick up newspaper not donated in paper drives in school, metal, glass, garbage disposals managing food scraps; How is it that in a mere six decades we witness these changes, impacting earth and air and our precious waterways, where someone recently took the trouble to travel thirteen miles up the mountain to where we live to dump a huge TV in the icy river?

    And so it goes, but i’ll tell you one thing, every single day i visualize a trash-free planet, one in which everyone is housed and everyone has the opportunity to thrive. And I stand by that.

    Love, and thanks for writing this beautiful piece! xoxob



  34. Zeenat {PositiveProvocations.com}
    Jan 26, 2023 @ 19:18:28

    Sue, I love walking with you and learninf from your beautiful perspective. Yes, we are exactly where we need to be.
    Love and light and blessings to you ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Zeenat {PositiveProvocations.com}
    Jan 26, 2023 @ 19:19:27

    *Learning…..yikes butter fingers in the previous comment 😉 lol

    Liked by 1 person


  36. gracefuladdict
    Jan 26, 2023 @ 19:27:22

    Beautiful walk Sue ❤️ I have most certainly been feeling the shifts in energy and it’s been puzzling me – only because I can’t explain it…but only feel it.
    I also have begun to realize I am here for others…not necessarily for myself- more god centered than self centered. My self centered nature is now uncomfortable and more love and just being are what is becoming my true place.
    I’m open and I’m grateful for you and all of your guidance and kind words ❤️
    I did not get to walk today and I was feeling off…so this post was perfect!! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 26, 2023 @ 22:29:19

      You are most certainly are helping others with your own wonderful Gift, in that you are sharing your experiences Danielle, in order to help others navigate better through their own..

      And I am delighted you left me your thoughts as you walked into the virtual woods with me today. May all your walks in life be blessed within each step you take. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  37. JoAnna
    Jan 27, 2023 @ 04:52:29

    Thank you for this encouragement, Sue. I have felt a questioning, searching feeling lately and look forward to remembering more clearly what is on the edge of my awareness.

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Barbara Franken
    Jan 27, 2023 @ 11:16:24

    I so resonate with your words dear Sue❤️ Walking by your side, definitely not falling into anymore rabbit holes🤣😂 Just focusing on shining my light and melting everything that needs help with this great transmutation. Wow the energies sure are intense but I’ve been kicking my heels with my friends this week celebrating my birthday! But now to rest up a bit! and make sure everything is tidy and organized… being ready for anything! Thankyou sue for your lovely walk through englands nature and sending love to you❤️



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 29, 2023 @ 23:01:18

      We are both aware of those rabbit holes and what they contain.. Knowing about them, and not burying our own heads, is important.. But as you so rightly say, we do not need to keep absorbing more negatives… The time now is to create, and envision, and dream into reality the kind of world we wish to live in.. It will be traumatic soon enough..

      I am so pleased you took time out to Kick up those Heels Barbara… You deserve to let go and enjoy your celebratory birthday with your friends. A Belated Happy Birthday Barbara… Sending LOVE and Hugs, and so pleased you enjoying walking with me… Look forward to the day we can do it again together. 🙂
      Love Sue xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Jan 27, 2023 @ 16:31:56

    Hi Sue!
    I turn to creativity, nature and healings to ground and center. January has been very busy for me, I am looking forward to settling more in February. Thanks for your continued words of wisdom.
    Many Blessings
    Lisa xoxo



  40. Tom
    Jan 28, 2023 @ 10:54:31

    Nice thoughts, nice walk, Sue!
    One thing I got from reading this, is how easy it is for us to judge others… I do it sometimes and have now added that to my internal list of improvements! 🙄😊 I’m a constant work in progress, me…!
    Happy Saturday, Sue. 🙂



  41. Hannah Kaminsky
    Jan 28, 2023 @ 14:03:10

    I like this approach MUCH better than making conventional New Year’s resolutions. Just having a vision, ambition, and hope for the months ahead is so much more realistic, not to mention inspiring. 🙂



  42. Dalo 2013
    Jan 30, 2023 @ 16:00:40

    Wishing you a wonderful year of the rabbit, Sue ~ great thoughts as we enter a new year/rabbit hole, and may it be a year of growth, health, and happiness. Also, loved seeing the photo of your journal back in 2009 🙂 Excellent writing, both in meaning and especially penmanship 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2023 @ 22:37:11

      Thank you Randall for those well wishes … Let us pray it will lead to more growth, and better understanding of health and happiness…
      Thank you for your comment and Compliments upon the Journal… and it may well feature again in this coming year 🙂
      We are in for a very eventful year I feel 🙂
      Many thanks again Randall… 🙂



  43. Resa
    Feb 03, 2023 @ 19:25:56

    Dear Sue,
    I’ve returned from a dense energy interference, after initially reading this.
    Everything you say here resonates.
    For me your term, “dense energy”, is more like an ice brick wall.
    I too, use creativity to navigate the energy.
    I believe the ice wall is fighting my warmth. I shall prevail, and it will melt!
    Best to you! Hugs

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2023 @ 21:46:50

      The Trick dear Resa is to not dwell in the pockets of those denser energy fields… Or if you watch the MSM News, to step away from it for a while to centre yourself… Which I know you do, through your arts and crafts.
      Those of us who are empathic, and sensitive feel more so than most… Which is why I take myself off and have regular breaks from everything for a time…
      Just Breatheeeeeee…… and exhale all that which has built up within you, and you will soon find the warmth of your heart expand to melt away ALL of that Ice Wall of negativity which often creeps up on us unawares…
      Know you are NOT alone… and We are all with our various lights, helping illuminate our world…
      Much love returned dear Resa.. ❤ ❤



  44. europasicewolf
    Feb 06, 2023 @ 18:44:35

    I was reminded of what you have said here, on Saturday when the Chinese New Year- of the rabbit was being celebrated. They talked about the meaning of the rabbit 🐇 and it’s significance for 2023 after the last few years of pandemic. Very uplifting, and I see echos of their comments here😃

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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