Uniting In Love.. Is All It Takes.


When will we break free and leave the wanting behind?
When will we learn and put the kindness back in Mankind?
When all seems lost do we have anything to lose?
When do we the people choose?
Looking out around our world people will no longer bluff 
Daring to voice their discontent and say enough is enough
When did the haves decide for those of the  have-nots?
Who and when made all the rules, is it all a plot?
Looking out around our world, people will not lay down
And take all that’s dished to them without making a sound.
People are waking up to see they too have rights.
 For when they have nothing, they begin to fight
They fight not with weapons, but they let their voices shout.
As they want a life of betterment and their governments out.
How many places have you now heard of miss use of all that power
Its time now around our world, for now is the final hour.
We sit and watch the turmoil start from the safety of our room.
But don’t be fooled I kid you not. For soon it could all go Boom!!
For we all ignite a spark of thought, as it escalates distress
Its now the time to right the wrongs and clear up all the mess
 The pain around the world we see, as chaos seems to reign 
It’s time to live and open your hearts, help heal, and help change.
So that all are free and all respect the whole of who we are.
For we are the Common People. And this is our finest hour.

© Sue Dreamwalker 2016-2022

 Another poem above which I wrote in 2016…

Which Holds more meaning to me today than when I first penned the words.

  I came across this video the other day and thought it appropriate to leave here.  I am taking some time out this weekend, so I may not be back to comment until Monday.  I hope you all have a Peaceful weekend, and I do hope you listen to the video, it holds an important message. that many may as yet not fully understand.. 

But we are all of us Powerful Beings, our biggest threat is Fear and playing into that Fear.. Know Our Power is within. Nothing is ever as it seems, And each of us play our parts, which is why we are here on this Earth right now, as we transmute the negative energies into positive outcomes. 

Keep your vision of New Earth in your hearts and how that will look in our future World.  

Remember Our Future is Our Choice…

We are now on our Future Time Line as we Unite In LOVE Together.. 

Much love and Much Peace to you all..   


97 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Timothy Price
    Nov 04, 2022 @ 22:52:40

    That’s their plan. Have a great weekend, Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. JanBeek
    Nov 04, 2022 @ 22:56:02

    Yes, we are the common people who need to speak up. Cast your vote and let your opinions count! We know sitting it out is like a silent shout!

    Liked by 2 people


  3. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Nov 04, 2022 @ 22:58:52

    Dear Sue and everyone visiting and commenting,

    Thank you very much for all of these potent messages! I am hereby resonating with “your vision of New Earth in your hearts and how that will look in our future World” pictorially:

    Happy November to all and sundry!

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 2 people


  4. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Nov 04, 2022 @ 23:02:44

    Dear Sue and everyone visiting and commenting,

    In addition, I am resonating with “our Future Time Line as we Unite In LOVE Together..” graphically as follows:

    Echoing “LOVE WINS!..”

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 3 people


  5. inavukic
    Nov 04, 2022 @ 23:16:09

    WOW! Your poem Sue, then the video – both a profile of tragedy for human kind that has taken hold and then hope for light but only if we all choose right, choose to act. Indeed something needs to change. So true, as people awaken to the truth, the truth becomes more visible. And so the initiators of change emerge. I am subscribed to that in mind, soul and deed. Happy weekend and thank you for this. Watching and listening to the video you posted aroused imagination that scenarios like “Gattaca” can be conquered. Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people


  6. Val Boyko
    Nov 04, 2022 @ 23:20:18

    Such poignant and important questions for all of us to embrace… and then open up to the answers.
    Thank you for leading us towards opening hearts and minds .. and the inter connectivity of us all 🧡🙏💐

    Liked by 2 people


  7. Tom
    Nov 04, 2022 @ 23:48:21

    Eye-opening poem and video, Sue. You’re right about the chaos that’s breaking out all over… it’s a bit like a last ditch attempt to try to keep the walls up even though the ceiling’s caving in. It’s actually embarrassing to watch, not that I’m paying that much attention to it these days… I’m concentrating on me first, and my thoughts, which is improving my reality, the external chaos is now more chatter than anything else. Chatter that doesn’t seem to make much sense… although I suppose that could still be another attempt at confusion.
    Enjoy your weekend break, Sue, and thanks for highlighting the other way! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 04, 2022 @ 23:53:20

      Good to see you Tom.. and you are doing the best thing.. Concentrating on YOU my friend.. who is the most important BE-ing right now.
      Yes its painful to watch.. And Best not to.. 😉
      Thank you I intend to have a relaxing one..
      Much love your way Tom… 🙂

      Liked by 2 people


  8. laurabruno
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 00:02:42

    It really is all over the world! Beautiful poem and message, Sue. Have a lovely weekend! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  9. Miriam
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 00:56:19

    Hi Sue, as always your past poems are both profound and prophetic. And the video you shared so powerful that everyone needs to see it. Yes, it’s always been our choice but we’ve not realised we’ve had the power. The blessings and silver linings of the last two years has brought many of us here. Thank you as always for sharing the truth and shining your light. So very grateful for you Sue. Sending you love across the ocean. 💗🙏

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 07, 2022 @ 22:02:49

      They are uncanny Miriam when I read some of my poetry back, I could have written them yesterday lol
      I just HAD to share the video it said it perfectly and yes very powerful message.
      Yes the last few years especially I feel have brought about gatherings of like minds and we also have to remember too, that without that which has occurred over the last couple of years, the Great Awakening may not be as strong as it is today..
      Many thanks Miriam…. And so pleased to have you and I am very grateful for your friendship Miriam .
      Much love your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  10. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 01:20:18

    Yes! This is what I needed to hear today. Sue 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  11. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 01:39:32

    Sue, my friend, a poem that speaks of knowingness and the video an eye opener for those waking and for those seasoned a refresher.
    I always said we are living in the age of light which means the light is shining on all of us and exposing for others to see the truth at hand and how they tampered us down. All that is changing as more people are awakening.
    No matter how much they tamper us down there will still be a spark waiting to ignite and it will ignite in their own time.
    I definitely will hold my vision for a new earth and yes you are in it you’re a keeper. Blessings. Peace

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 07, 2022 @ 22:25:21

      Indeed Joseph.. I couldn’t say it any better.. The Light exposes the shadow and the more light the more dark shadows begin to emerge.. Which is what is occurring as we see the lies exposed and corruption..
      And no one can extinguish the Human Spirit… Or our Divine Spark of Connection with Christ Consciousness and our God Source..
      Many thanks Joseph.. I know many of us hold that vision for New Earth, and the more of us who do, we bring it into Being..
      Many thanks Joseph. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  12. calmkate
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 02:31:09

    awesome poem with such an essential msg, the video has echoes of matrix …

    Liked by 2 people


  13. Mark Lanesbury
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 08:03:38

    Very beautiful Sue, it is indeed bringing that balance back, encouraging the real rainbow of life to reemerge simply because it has that truth within it, no longer buried in the lies and deceit. We can feel it because we have reached that place within us where we don’t want to be used and abused, living with that lack of love, the one thing we have ever searched for. We can feel that this path we had trod has no end, has no beauty, and has no truth. And it gives an ache, a sadness that is constant, less and less of those smiles and happiness. We each have to make a decision to step beyond what is there, dare to become what we dream and build that love again inside us by doing so.
    A lovely ode to the future kind lady, an encouragement to step into what we know is that place in our hearts, a place called love ❤️🙏🏽

    Liked by 2 people


  14. The Path to My Heart
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 09:10:26

    Hi Sue! Holding the vision to be sure! I love your poem, it speaks so much wisdom and truth. People are waking up and it’s very nice to see them questioning the lies that have been the real plague. I’ve been really having to let go of people who religiously follow the propaganda and see it as truth. I’ve tried to change their minds and show them a different way – they can’t see. It’s very sad to let them go but I can no longer hold on as it brings me down.

    I am grateful for people like you and the others here who are leading the way with their hearts! I am also grateful for all the help we are receiving from many sources. We will prevail and experience our true Earth and birthright! Much love and appreciation!! Donna

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 07, 2022 @ 22:59:23

      I totally agree Donna…. While our compassionate hearts want to heal and mend, and prevent harm occurring, We can at the end of the day only truly control our own choices.. And others are responsible for theirs.. As much as we want to unite and bring all together, we are as you have said so in your posts within this bifurcation which are dividing and sorting the wheat from the chaff, I have long spoken of here in many a post also.
      We are all of us I feel Donna, here for this very time in our existence… And I guess I never really knew what my Mission was until these last few years.. But I always felt I had to stick with sharing LOVE, and Unity, and even back as far as 2012, I was shouting up about Waking up!… I guess even then I didn’t know how profound that Re-awakening would be, or how it would evolve…
      But here we are… And everyone is now finding their calling to do and BE what is required of them, as they remember within themselves who they are..
      Many thanks Donna.. Earth and our Species Will prevail… because LOVE is more powerful than Evil.. Love Wins…
      Much love.. ❤ and thank you

      Liked by 1 person


      • The Path to My Heart
        Nov 08, 2022 @ 09:26:39

        Hi Sue! True, as we each find our own paths, I’ve had to let go of my vision and definition of “unity.” It’s a process to be sure! As this is happening, sharing love and a more open definition of unity is a great path! It’s what we can do always to make a difference. I feel my mission is still unfolding, and who I am is still being awakened as we go through this massive change – but like you said, Love WINS! We will indeed prevail! Much love!! Donna

        Liked by 2 people


  15. marina kanavaki
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 09:28:50

    My dearest Sue, your words are timeless!
    To Light and Love
    Many hugs your way and wishes for a beautiful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person


  16. macalder02
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 11:36:49

    As we read what is happening in this troubled world, your recommendations make us wake up from that feeling of comfort that we think we live, closing our eyes to what is happening. Or say: That is very far from one. I also agree that today we need to be more united than ever, through that magic word that you make resonate: LOVE. Too bad I can’t translate the video but your introduction is a great encouragement. Enjoy your rest, you well deserve it. Good weekend Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. utahan15
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 12:06:27

    say no
    yes is surrender
    love it tender
    arc of the diver
    alive i too cried~

    Liked by 1 person


  18. dgkaye
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 13:30:29

    You are always ahead of the times with your vision Sue. Then was the time, and now we are on the precipice. The world is speaking out in so many countries. This: For when they have nothing, they begin to fight, we are there as much of the world is fighting for democracy and human rights. Thank you. I will listen to the video now. Sending love your way. ❤ xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 07, 2022 @ 23:13:29

      Thank you Debby… We live under the illusion I feel that there is Democracy.. But I believe great changes are about to unfold which will bring many surprises..
      Sending love and many thanks dear Debby… Have a good week my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • dgkaye
        Nov 07, 2022 @ 23:52:16

        Thank you Sue. Tomorrow will be a good telling of illusion or truth of democracy in the US, that will ripple around the world. May the people do the right thing. ❤ And happy week to you my friend. ❤ xx

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 08, 2022 @ 22:33:13

          I am sure it will be an eye open for many who deny the truth… And do not be surprised how events take a turn.. ❤ And what ever the media says, take with a pinch of salt.. and we may get a grain of truth.. 😉

          Liked by 1 person


  19. Baydreamer - Lauren Scott
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 13:48:34

    Thank you for your profound and thought-provoking poem, Sue, and I will listen to the video a little later. It would be beautiful to have such a solid connection of humanity where Love is the binding thread. Unfortunately, those who really need to read and absorb your meaningful words most likely aren’t reading them. But Hope is always standing nearby. Much love to you and enjoy your relaxing weekend. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  20. Eugenia
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 14:52:25

    Your beautiful post speaks volumes, Sue! Let’s keep the positive vibes alive! Have a beautiful and peaceful weekend. Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people


  21. derrickjknight
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 15:52:33

    Positiv reflections on frightening realities

    Liked by 1 person


  22. boundlessblessingsblog
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 18:25:08

    Sue your message was clear and profound. A new earth will definitely come very soon and it will be beautiful and perfect. Lovely post

    Liked by 2 people


  23. AmyRose🌹
    Nov 05, 2022 @ 20:07:21

    Again, your words stir my soul and bring my heart to such levels of inspiration I do not have the ability to describe. Oh yes the time has come, it most certainly has to shout and shout and voice the truth, refusing to back down and not to ever bow down to the elites ever again. We have the Power within us to win for we are Light and we are Love. Keeping our frequencies high and our hearts light, the oppressors cannot fight back for they can only connect to the low frequencies that which is encompassed of fear. The pressure builds and builds and soon, very soon, there will be such a Great Release all on earth will see and know. The sleepers will either shake until they drop or they still will refuse to let go of fear. Fear becomes a way of living and it takes great courage and strength to let that fear go, look at the wounds to heal them, and then put all that into Divinity’s Hands. Love wins! We are walking through the dredges of hell itself yet with eyes that see, we can see not too far off, the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Beautiful and powerful post, Sue. You are incredible the way you listen and write down what you hear. What a Gift. Truly. All of us with our Gifts are going through transformations taking our Gifts which will and are becoming broader, deeper, and higher. THANK YOU for who you are and showing us that. I do love you, dear friend. Keep on shining!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 07, 2022 @ 23:29:55

      Dearest Amy, what a delightful and heartfelt response my friend… Thank YOU for your generous comment.. Your words here resonated within my friend.

      We have the Power within us to win for we are Light and we are Love. Keeping our frequencies high and our hearts light, the oppressors cannot fight back for they can only connect to the low frequencies that which is encompassed of fear.

      We each hold our own various Gifts my friend… and more and more will find what gifts resonate with them, and be unafraid to use them, be they words, healing, art, or just being there for others with a listening ear.. All are being guided now to speak and be true to their hearts.. And Yes LOVE Wins..
      Many thanks and Much love also dear Amy returned ❤ .. Hugs your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  24. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 06, 2022 @ 17:21:14

    Hi Sue, an interesting poem to read six years after your wrote it. It certainly an even greater sense of forewarning and foreboding now than then.

    Liked by 2 people


  25. fauquetmichel
    Nov 06, 2022 @ 21:35:43

    I like your poem, Sue , with its rich rhymes.
    I agree with what it is said . Keep our guard and be attentive and also generous.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  26. Jane Sturgeon
    Nov 07, 2022 @ 11:09:02

    Thank you for your poem and the video, Sue. We can feel the shifting energy. We are connected and love is rising. I hope you had a peaceful weekend. Much love to you both. xXx 💕😘💕

    Liked by 2 people


  27. Sam373's Blog
    Nov 08, 2022 @ 13:39:05

    Most are afraid that should they Love they will not be Loved in return.
    That type of love is selfish and manipulative. True Love is a gift; weather returned as sent or not.

    Liked by 2 people


  28. peggy
    Nov 08, 2022 @ 23:36:34

    Beautiful and inspiring poem Sue. We all need to speak up and be heard. This world definitely needs a change for the better.

    Liked by 1 person


  29. xaporosti
    Nov 09, 2022 @ 18:53:35

    Reblogged this on Cosacos.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Nov 10, 2022 @ 16:03:50

    Thank you, Sue! Your words touched me, especially because we just had elections here in the US. I find it very important to let your voice be heard through the vote, especially because women fought very hard to get the right for ALL women to vote. Some people have told me they wouldn’t vote because they didn’t like the choices. We always have a choice to leave it blank, do a write in, etc.. Many Blessings to you, always. Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 10, 2022 @ 22:06:07

      Thank you Lisa… Yes, we do have a choice, and to do nothing means nothing changes.. We have to find ways of working in unity and stop the divisions…
      Here in England we just had two new Prime Ministers in the space of 6 weeks, and no one in the general public had a say in either of them..
      We see the Party divides and as one party comes in they undo what the other tried to achieve, and we get stuck in a perpetual cycle of repeating things which often cause more hardships and divisions..
      People are now waking up to their governments and are seeing that most line their own pockets, as they are in the back pockets of big corporations which run the show, and put profits before People..
      Change has to begin somewhere..
      HOW that will occur is not ever going to be easy as these systems are not working to help people.. But I do also understand why people think voting will not make a difference, when we also know lots of deceit and discrepancies are in the works ..
      I just hope solutions may be found as we hold that higher vibration for the worlds future in our hearts .. ❤
      Many thanks dear Lisa… I appreciate your comment. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  31. Mthobisi Magagula
    Nov 11, 2022 @ 01:00:43

    Wow Wow Sue a nice poem🔥🔥

    Liked by 2 people


  32. insearchofitall
    Nov 13, 2022 @ 16:22:27

    Beautiful poem, Sue. The video was a bit depressing to start with so I had to come back to it. I’m not sure in this world of contrast, if there will ever be an entire planet of people who understand that love is all we are and all that is, coming out of their fog of misunderstanding. We have such a long way to go as we took several steps forward then more steps backward. Is it even possible for all to be on the same page at the same time? I want to hope we can. Enjoy your down time this weekend. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 14, 2022 @ 19:17:47

      Thank you dear Marlene… I did enjoy my down time this weekend… away from the technology for a while.. And yes you are right lots of ‘Fog of misunderstanding’ and how we have treated the little ones.. Sorry the video beginning images of guns and children’s tears upset you Marlene.. the message was in the song the children sang… Lets hope that we can create a future where all children and all life will be cherished… I have to believe we can…. Sending Love and hugs my friend… ❤ and thank you for your valued comment Marlene

      Liked by 2 people


  33. europasicewolf
    Nov 14, 2022 @ 22:45:14

    Please don’t remind me about the “boom!” bit Sue😅 The boom 💥 bit is very worrying at the moment 😳 I’d rather it didn’t become a reality!😉 That said, great poem – I was taken aback when you said written in 2016, could have been today😃 Impressive my friend 🙂 Wolfie hugs! 🫂🌺🤗

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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