Turning Over A New Earth.

Breaking the Earth open with the blade of the spade, turning it over, breathing the perfume it made. That earthy peat smell, on a crisp Autumn’s morn, working with nature, harvesting plants from seeds born.
Watching the blackbirds pick freshly dug worms. While the underground world slithers and squirms with centipedes and millipedes and grubs so grotesque. There are Worlds within Worlds, all doing their best. Surviving above as below, each has a purpose and a path to follow. The world keeps on turning like the Earth on the spade, while destiny dictates whose lives end or whose are made.

Spiders webs glisten in early morning dew, a marvel of engineering you or I couldn’t do. The lesson in patience in a trap that’s been spun, I apologise for their destruction, all the webs I’ve undone. Life is always changing, evolving to grow, we think little of the chaos or think of its blow – to the tiny creatures whose lives we disrupt, as a spade turns the earth as their little world erupts.
So Who are WE on this tiny Blue Dot, the place called Earth-just a Universal spot, no bigger than a full stop in a Galaxy of Stars. We think we are superior in our Specimen Jars. An experiment in a library of all living things, to experience matter, creating all the emotions it brings. But much like the Spider whose web we get caught, we are now trapped within our own ‘Karmical’ thought! As around and around in the wheel we do spin, until we understand the Key lies within.

For to change our outer-world we too must dig deep, unearthing and releasing those emotions we keep. Raising our Vibration is no easy task. Removing the layers and peeling back the Masks. The time now has come where we all need a spade, as we each dig deeper to find of what our hearts are made.
We all have a choice, now its WE who must choose, it’s time to Wake Up, for too long we’ve snoozed. Do we want Harmony? Or do we want Hell? Choosing kindness over Anger is one way to break the spell. Ascending means rising, so lift up your Hearts. The Raising of Consciousness needs all to take part.

So my friends its all down to us, by altering our thoughts as we learn to love all, we transform ourselves as those frequencies fall. We vibrate and shift as our evolution does spin, this is a fight we must not fail to win. For the battle was foretold of what to expect, if we give in to greed and our souls we neglect.
I am a work in progress, just like you, and each has their agenda to follow on through, we all have a choice because we were given Free Will, I woke up and I chose to swollow the Red Pill. I am but one light in a billion of stars that woke up to remember we are all Avatars. On a journey to remember and break ourselves Free, will you join me in this endeavour on this journey with me? To lift the world, we first must dig deep, turning over what we knew, in this illusion we keep.
Good luck in your seeking as you work with intent, know that we manifest and receive back what is sent, and as you let go of anger and fear, your hearts will expand and bring joyful tears. So, break out of old habits, stop living in the past. Love and Forgive, remember this Is our Task. For we came to remember just who we are. Those that ‘Know’ we came from the Stars. The time now has come to take hold of that spade, turning over a New Earth, in this our Upgrade..

Love and Blessings to Each and Every one..

Photo Credits: from my Library of past posts and free photo sharing domains.

This is a repost. I’m busy digging the earth as well as within, how about you?

Are you digging deep into your hearts?

Are you turning over new ground, or repeating old patterns?

Now is the time to focus your intentions and remember, what you think, your create!.

Much love ❤ 😍

And continued Blessing

(c) Sue Dreamwalker.

81 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Timothy Price
    May 13, 2022 @ 20:07:15

    We are all works in progress. Excellent post, Sue.

    Liked by 3 people


  2. marina kanavaki
    May 13, 2022 @ 21:38:33

    “…digging the earth as well as within”! It is time indeed, my dearest friend.
    Many blessings to you and Love. ❤️🌷❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Mark Lanesbury
    May 13, 2022 @ 23:42:31

    I swallowed the red pill dear lady, and thankfully there is no going back…who would want to 😀
    Ah my friend, what a journey. I look back and ‘know’ each and ever step has slowly made me whole and I can now feel the unconditional love getting closer and closer to my heart…that love I kept at bay simply by being afraid. So I turned that shovel full of my bits over, broke it open and let in some fresh air to begin another process, and this one full of fertilizer to begin a new growth…and never looked back. Great post dear lady, as always. May your garden bloom with that very love 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 23:41:13

      Yes the digging and turning is hard work but we’ll worth the effort and discomfort.
      Loved your comment dear Mark..
      We live to dig another day.. As we dig for victory inside our hearts.
      Many Blessings your way Mark 🙏 💚🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  4. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    May 13, 2022 @ 23:55:21

    Dear Sue,

    Hello! I am going to attempt composing yet another detailed comment on your blog.

    What a wonderfully splendid post this is! First of all, I wonder why you have not put it into lines and stanzas, given that the whole post clearly comprises one large poem with rhyming lines.

    I have finished reading your excellent “Turning Over A New Earth.”, and would like to inform you about one typo in your paragraph containing the phrase “as we each dig deeper to find of what our hearts are made.”, which should have been “as we each dig deeper to find out what our hearts are made.” by replacing “of” with “out”.

    In relation to the aforementioned paragraph quoted as follows:

    For to change our outer-world we too must dig deep, unearthing and releasing those emotions we keep. Raising our Vibration is no easy task. Removing the layers and peeling back the Masks. The time now has come where we all need a spade, as we each dig deeper to find [out] what our hearts are made.

    And also, in relation to your two questions “Are you digging deep into your hearts?” and “Are you turning over new ground, or repeating old patterns?”, I have certainly done my part to highlight that one of most important and crucial life lessons is to explore and understand as much as we can the complex issues that We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology, as discussed in great detail in my extensive and analytical post available at

    😱 We have Paleolithic Emotions; Medieval Institutions; and God-like Technology 🏰🚀

    Lastly, I wonder whether you have intentionally published this post on a Black Friday.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend and a wonderful mid-May doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most!

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Infinite Living
    May 13, 2022 @ 23:58:47

    “breathing the perfume it made.”
    ” There are Worlds within Worlds, all doing their best. ”
    These words hooked me for their beauty in them, and then I found myself immersed in your flow of words, there is such rhythm and rhyme to your writing, this read to me like poetry that had a beat to it, that matched my heartbeat perhaps because I was one with your message and the descriptions and the musings were in absolute resonance to what I do or aspire to align with. I am someone who has dug dip and now sitting on the rim of another level of depth, enjoying the breeze, holding the expanse above in my awareness. There is no turning back surely. It is Us indeed right here right now – being on this planet, breathing new life into every sense of Being, Knowing, and Perceiving. Fear and I play peekaboo, not wanting the encounter while I venture to dig deeper. Your post brings a calm quiet inspiration – I will be led, through the fear and all, I enjoy the gifts of where I am, which may be over this very moment or linger on for a bit more.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 23:36:48

      A profound message within your words dearest Pragalbha.
      The story poem was written as a poem, I just chose not to put into verse format.
      We are all aligning right now this is the TIME we came for, letting go of fear as we peeled back the many layers of self, of who we are and who we’ve been.
      There will always be another level or layer to discover.
      Knowing self, has a multitude of facets, we are like Diamonds with multiple sides. Each facing a different direction .. each side seeing from a different perspective.
      Life is a GIFT, within its PRESENT moments. Fear will sneak up behind all of us if we do not know it’s tricks.
      And to love oneself and stand proud in who we are as sovereign beings in our light. Then Fear can no longer hold us in its grip.
      And I know dearest friend you have dug deeper than most..
      Sending love as we hold faith in the intuition of our hearts. 💕💖💕💖💕💖
      Much love ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  6. Newbloggycat
    May 14, 2022 @ 01:57:57

    Thank you, dear Sue for this insightful life lesson. I’ll need a bigger spade to turn over a new earth. And I’ve been digging so deep I’m afraid I might fall and buried myself. Lol😅. Jokes asides, it’s true that we’re trapped within our own karmical thoughts. We’ll keep digging and turn over a new ground and move mountains, my dear friend. Much love and hugs to you 💪🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌈

    Liked by 2 people


  7. inavukic
    May 14, 2022 @ 02:28:52

    It takes courage to dig deep into ourselves but once gathered – oh what freedom! What beauty of light. Love the post Sue!

    Liked by 2 people


  8. TamrahJo
    May 14, 2022 @ 02:41:35

    Wonderful! Love it – except, one front – “forget the past’ because, by revisiting the past chaos and fear and all? I am reminded of the pure beauty exhibited, within that moment of chaos, that surrounded me, that I may not have had the ‘within/brains/whatevs’ to fully see and appreciate – just then – I am continuing my journey within, all while trying to report in to the ‘without’ around me, as I realize, ever again….

    So what? Really? Yup, yellowstone could blow at any moment or any other of a million things out of my control, could happen, but I NOW have enough time, that I feel is low risk in ‘taking’ away from daily needs, to examine, revisit, from my recent and long ago past, yet again, to see, really, just how do I feel about that moment in time, then, now?

    For better or worse? Sometimes? I’m blessed the most, on so many fronts – external and internal – simply because, well – I hold onto the past tight – all while I know time/current moment, may change in a heartbeat, how I NOW! Think about that past….

    Itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout –
    Down came the rain and washed the spider out –
    Out popped the sun and drove the rain away –
    And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again –

    Sheesh! I learned that song so long ago, I’m not certain if I was even ‘talking’ YET!

    And yet, at end of day? I circle back, to learn again, or a tad more, from the webs of my past that may/may not exist anymore in their past current form –

    Still ‘a thinkin’ and a pondering’ on this whole “forget the past’ thingee – – LOL
    Trust you understand my desire to let you know I read, on some fronts ‘heard ya’ but still…even now….can’t hear all you are trying to tell me… as I think I may know, later, but don’t ‘get’ really, just now – –

    but, I’m cheered up….why? Well – cuz ya show up in my reader and my comments section at my blog, throughout recent time of ‘nows’ and well, durn if I don’t miss ya/worry about ya – when you don’t – LOL

    For today? This recent week or month? It’s ‘good enough’ whether I understand fully or not – 😀 ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 23:05:30

      Great comment dear TamrahJo,
      We do indeed learn so much from our past.
      The world though when you think of it, keeps repeating its own circles as it, which is we, as a whole often never seem to learn the lessons as history shows us the repeated patterns.

      So my letting go of the past meaning, in my poem was we have to embrace the now moment.. After all there is only the now moment. What’s gone is past, the future not yet arrived, so make the most of now..
      Loved your pondering my friend, and good we remain connected friends even if we go AWOL now and again.. I turn up like a bad penny every NOW and again lol
      Love right back… big hugs. 🤗🤗🤗💖

      Liked by 2 people


  9. Val Boyko
    May 14, 2022 @ 02:47:15

    Outward and inward. It’s such a good time to dig deep and nourish what we still have.💕🙏💕

    Liked by 2 people


  10. Miriam
    May 14, 2022 @ 04:23:29

    Beautiful Sue, so very beautifully written. And so the Earth continues to turn and we, the human species, are hopefully learning lessons and remembering our part in this whole evolution. May we all strive to feel deep into our heart, choosing faith over fear and living with intention and awareness. We’re all a work in progress aren’t we but I’d like to think I’m on the right path. Much love to you dear Sue. 🙏💗

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 22:51:37

      I’m always optimistic Miriam, we are well on our Discovery road of learning more about ourselves and the world.
      Each heart that opens allows in more light.
      And the more light, the less fear…
      We’ve Got this, 💕🙏💕
      Thank you Dear Miriam, much love your way. 💖

      Liked by 2 people


  11. robbiesinspiration
    May 14, 2022 @ 05:45:33

    HI Sue, this read like a poem although you have not presented it in a poetry format. It is very lovely. I have been writing a lot of poems about the animal world and have two about spiders which I really love. Thank you for making my Saturday morning happy and bright.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 22:47:01

      Thank you Robbie, yes it was originally penned as a poem, I posted as a muse, as often I find dome skip reading a poem. And at the time of the original posting I wanted to do something different.
      I’m so happy it made your morning.
      Much love to you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Dilip
    May 14, 2022 @ 06:13:28

    Meaniful post. I need to dig deep into the earth and deeper within 😳 to discover the real me.
    Many thanks Sue and best always!

    Liked by 2 people


  13. dawnhub144
    May 14, 2022 @ 08:20:07

    insightful and Wise. A great way to remember how tiny we all are in this great big journey called Life. Puts things into perspective and lifts so much response ability. There is only this moment, so why not enjoy it. Thanks Sue xx

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 22:34:06

      It does Dawn, we are but a spec, yet at the same time we encompass everything.
      Now that’s a profoundly powerful thought. And we have forgotten just how powerful our thoughts can be.
      Much love returned Dawn 😁💕

      Liked by 1 person


  14. The Path to My Heart
    May 14, 2022 @ 10:21:11

    Brilliant Sue!! I absolutely love your story-poem-metaphor. I hold you in esteem, up there with Dr. Seuss who I see as a brilliant story teller using rhyme. Wow, I’m blown away. I love how easily you turned the experience of being with the earth, sowing seeds, digging and all the creatures – from outer – to within. It’s perfect. I’d love one ounce of you talent!! Thank you for reblogging this gem!! Much love, Donna❤️

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 23:46:44

      Oh wow, many thanks for those generous compliments Donna,
      And you do yourself an injustice. You dear Donna have loads of talent. You just wrote a whole book!! Lol. A very one one at that too.
      I must repost more gems while my earthly spade digs and turns the worms 😁 I’m sure I can dig up a few more lol

      Much love… 💕 🙏💕

      Liked by 2 people


  15. derrickjknight
    May 14, 2022 @ 10:22:18

    You use your gardening analogy so well – and we have seen the work that goes into your digging

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Visionkeeper
    May 14, 2022 @ 13:48:50

    Perfect words for the moment DW!!! I hope for so many who still seem so lost that they can soon stop seeing only what is going wrong (and it sure is) and start to focus on building the new as the old crumbles away. So much at stake right now but faith will give us the strength we need to keep fighting. Time to turn over the old system and dig up the new! Happy planting 🙂 Hugs and love…VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  17. Jennie
    May 14, 2022 @ 13:58:58

    Keep digging and you will find!

    Liked by 2 people


  18. JanBeek
    May 14, 2022 @ 15:22:09

    Wow! This is rich with beauty & inspiration. Thanks for reposting!! I will dig deep, too!

    Liked by 2 people


  19. Erika
    May 14, 2022 @ 15:41:49

    It cannot be said often enough that everything begins and ends with the man in the mirror. What we send out creates ripples and has an impact on everything. Lately, I am in deeper worries about this world – regarding our environment and the fact that war still seems to be an option for some. We have had the chance to heal this planet by changing our attitude and behavior… but probably too little and too late. Your post made me think in a different direction too: I need to let go of those worries because that is what I send out too. I reminded myself of thinking and feeling from the end, and not letting go of that picture and matching vibration until it manifested. That is what will hold on too.
    Again, thank you for this important reminder, dear Sue 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 14, 2022 @ 22:09:41

      Exactly Erika, what energies we collectively create becomes our experiences.
      War, is on going in many parts of the world. Unfortunately.
      And more wars are ongoing unseen by many in the spiritual war on consciousness.
      We are all of us part of this experience and each I feel now is being called to action as they fulfill their missions of what we came here to achieve..
      It’s never too little too late. And every thought, deed, and action count. As we focus our intention on the kind of New Earth we want to exist within our world.
      So yes Erika, hold onto a beautiful image of what that looks like. Instead of the destruction we see around us,
      For we know to build anew the old has to crumble.
      Many thanks dear friend 💕🙏💕

      Liked by 2 people


  20. boundlessblessingsblog
    May 14, 2022 @ 17:08:03

    Excellent, profound and impactful post, Sue. We all have to take care of our Earth as we all are staying here in this beautiful place made by our God. We all need to be loving and kind to each and everyone and let go of hatred and anger. Lovely.

    Liked by 2 people


  21. seaangel4444
    May 15, 2022 @ 01:00:04

    Absolutely lovely, dear Sue! Although I don’t have a yard, repotting an indoor plant the other day literally made me feel calmer. I also appreciate the connectedness of our light. Perhaps in the Universe, we might appear small, but together we are the collective consciousness that makes us whole. Thank you so much, and blessings to you, Sue! Cher xoxoxo

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 15, 2022 @ 09:17:15

      Any type of connection with nature or animals bring us to that inner peace of calm.
      Science has discovered just stroking your pet can reduce heart blood pressure. ♥ All are connectingvon an energetic level. FOR WE ARE all frequency.
      Vibrating at our own levels.
      Which is why sometimes intuitively you sense on meeting someone for the very first time your liking or disliking, as you are feeling their energy. And whether it’s compatible with ours or not.. Lovely to see you Cher, and hope all us well in your part if the world.
      Much love ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  22. Eddie Two Hawks
    May 15, 2022 @ 13:19:28

    Beautiful words of wisdom dear Dreamwalker. Many of us look forward to hearing
    them and feeling the soothing joy that comes with them.
    Thank you dearest friend. hugs, Eddie

    Liked by 2 people


  23. dgkaye
    May 16, 2022 @ 00:23:29

    Timely reblog Sue as the Mercury Retrograde, blood moon and eclipse collide this weekend, telling us to dig deep and release old wounds. And certainly, greed has too much to do with the world’s failing right now. Peace and light and love to you my friend. ❤ xx

    Liked by 2 people


  24. thespiritkeeper
    May 17, 2022 @ 06:12:31

    Weirdest thing. As I was joining your words together I began to hear music. Musical words. I believe everything you believe in this article. Hand in hand, heart in heart this will be way back home.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 17, 2022 @ 22:32:43

      Thank you dearest Joseph. It was originally a poem I set it out differently.
      So to hear music, is music to my ears my friend
      We are all playing our parts.
      And all are on their way homeward bound.
      Sending huge hugs dear Joseph.
      Hope this finds you well 🙏 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. John Thomas Dodds
    May 17, 2022 @ 17:09:33

    As I sit here looking out onto my garden, the swallows teasing my feline family as they choreograph an invisible feast, this amazing poem, for it is that, it reminds of an old verse I wrote ” All That I Can Be” I’ll post it for you on my blog today.



  26. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    May 17, 2022 @ 18:23:16

    I appreciate your blog’s timing, Sue. I am pausing more and digging deep within during these changing times. Inner and outer grounding is essential! Many Blessings, Lisa xoxo



  27. Baydreamer
    May 18, 2022 @ 01:20:01

    I love this post, Sue, and I’m glad you shared it again as we need the nudge and encouragement. I also love how it reads like a poem, and I also confess to living with arachnophobia. However, I appreciate their webbed artwork, as long it’s outside. 🙂
    I will continue to dig and hope and live and appreciate…thanks for your lovely words. Much love and many hugs….xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Trackback: Lingering on the Rim | Infinite Living
  29. insearchofitall
    May 20, 2022 @ 14:58:30

    Beautifully poetic analogy of what we need to focus on, Sue. There will be no more digging in gardens for me but I’m working on excavating my shortcomings and weeding them out. Enjoy your gardening days. I’ve found our community garden here and will walk over one day soon to support it. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 20, 2022 @ 15:53:26

      Thank you Marlene 😊, your gardeningvdays may be over, but I know you enjoy your community garden .
      And it’s good to see you are getting settled in your new home, that’s enough work for anyone.
      Sending loads of love my friend. Enjoy your new sewing station. 💙💕💙

      Liked by 1 person


  30. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    May 23, 2022 @ 02:16:20

    Ah, yes, Amiga.. We are like seeds planted into various options of soils and growing conditions – sometimes seeds planted into perfect growing conditions will soar and then suddenly succumb to blight or disease, drought or wilt… where some seem to thrive best when popping through a crack in the sidewalk or facade of a mountain. Each one of us faces our own challenges and rewards… slowly we witness a re-awakening, and we smile.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. stephensmustang1
    May 23, 2022 @ 03:30:18

    Not sure why, but I’ve not been getting your updates. I thought perhaps you’d taken a break. Hope all is well. Hugs.



  32. europasicewolf
    May 25, 2022 @ 22:55:17

    Would be nice to have time to dig deep within myself😀Seems not to be my destiny right now 😕 It’s always good to be there to support people in their time of need but just recently seems like they all want a piece of me🤔Finally got some me time to dig deep into blogging world though! Very refreshing 😌 Great Post and love the choice of images to accompany it! Love and howling hugs!🤗

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Jane Sturgeon
    May 30, 2022 @ 16:16:39

    More wise words flowing from you, Sue. Here’s to deep digging, turning over and shedding. ❤ xXx ❤



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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