Breaking the Silence..

It’s been several months now since I last posted anything here within my blog… Those who have followed me throughout the years, know I often take short breaks… We need those breaks to reconnect within ourselves as we gather inner peace and listen to our inner wisdom, that the outer world of noise often closes in, which can detach us from that inner peace.

That outer chatter  can drain the empathic soul of energy, as their sensitivity feels the energies of others who are experiencing troubling times. So, we need to recharge, revaluate, and reconnect back within our purpose, as we reconnect back to our inner guidance of why we are here.

Are we in service to self? Or service to others?

So while my spirit was willing to return some time ago, I guess the Universe had other ideas of how short or how long that break would be.  But again, those who know me here also know I follow my intuition,  my gut instincts… And each time I made the slightest thought of returning, something cropped up that stopped me, and my inner knowing knew it was not yet that time to break the silence.
So, I listen to the silence, that space within, that has always guided me through out my journey here. For when I have not listened, I have often regretted not following my first instincts.

I am sure many of you now, once again are tapping into your inner guidance, that is telling you by the feeling in the pit of your stomach, that something is not quite right. You know it deep within your being, but as yet you are still in fear of voicing your thoughts out loud, in case it goes against the narrative.

That fear maybe have driven many to make choices to feel included and not excluded from society, thinking they are not only serving others, but are protecting others…  Each of these choices have been individual soul choices.

My  own instincts right from the onset of this last two years period have held me in my own sovereign power of freedom to choose to think, to be objective, to think outside the box, and also have an open mind to see all points of view. Except it seems of late one isn’t allowed an opinion that is outside the box, which brings in discussion or debate.  I have seen so many good honest people get censored, and silenced, because they had an alternative view, or brought clarity and facts to the fore.  But that is all about to change, as I have a feeling in the not too distant future, those who have been silenced will be proved to have been speaking the truth all along.  Time as they say will tell. And History no doubt will report to our future generations of this time, this War we are in right now.. For make no mistakes… This is a spiritual, consciousness war on Humanity as a species..

I have always been diligent in my research to define perception within our reality of this Illusionary world. For we have each of us from birth been brought up within the paradigms of how we perceive within this vibration of our 3 D reality on Mother Earth.  All is perception.  But that 3D reality is now shifting rapidly,  and we too are being shifted into those frequencies we at a soul level have chosen to resonate within and experience.

Most of us do not know the truth of this world… How can we?  For we each of us are just experiencing our own little pieces of life, our own reality, our own creations.  We gather our perceptions via how we experience, how are taught, what we are told, and mostly today what our media platforms inform us with about what is happening on a world wide scale. We seem to have lost the ability to critically think for ourselves to discern what is truth from fiction.. Relying instead on being told what to think, and no longer question.

So, like when we were in school and we asked WHY?? so many times, to Question the teacher.  We were told Because, that’s how it is. And if you were bold enough to have a different view point, or point out something you thought was different, often times your teacher would say you were being disruptive and you were punished.

So gradually you learned not to question… You kept silent… Because fear stopped you for voicing your own opinions..   That was my experience… I remember vividly getting the blackboard chalk thrown in my direction as I questioned something I didn’t understand.  As I was made to look stupid and was made an example of, as my school friends laughed… So we are made then to feel shame and guilt so we keep silent and comply.

Learning from our history books, we rely on historians bringing us the facts as They see them and research them. We don’t question them because we believe we are being told the truth.  So we learn the dates parrot fashion of major historical battles, Kings, Queens, and Presidents, along with the famous explorers and those whose names and dates you would have to remember. And we think, because we are told to believe this is truth that this is the truth..   

And of course, we believe it because we are told it happened and how do we know otherwise. What happened 200 years ago, no one was alive today to experience it.. So we rely upon those books to shape our view of history and how it was… I ponder on how History will record this timeline we are currently experiencing now? I ponder upon that a lot. 

History was one of my all-time favourite subjects as a child in school…  And once I left school to become an adult. I thought I knew a lot about our world..

How wrong I was…. I know Nothing!.. Because Nothing is what it seems …

So dear friends, those who still may be here to read this Dreamwalker’s thoughts, who after all, are just thoughts, just perceptions… They are neither right or wrong, just as those who perceive their reality is neither right or wrong.. They are how we perceive our world through the time line of our perception and our experience..

I’ve spoken before about a split happening within our world… The Hopi Indians also spoke of that fork in the road… That time is now firmly upon us… And so the Silence within has now brought about the time now to speak…

So my poem was below was written last month…  


When to speak and when to rage

When to shout out from within your cage

The Time is NOW, each voice to be heard

So take up the arrow, to pen with our words


For we each need to stand in our corners of truth

If not for yourselves, then for our children and Youth

For if you’ve not yet awoken to deceit and lies

Then our future’s Children will cry out WHY?


Ask yourself why do things not make sense

Its time to stand up and get off of the fence

Stop listening to narratives, research for yourselves

You’ll be surprised at the truth, if deep you delve


Let go of your fear, which separates and kills

Break free of the Matrix programable pills

Which one did you swallow, the blue or the red?

It matters not now. It’s our Future, and the seeds we spread


Do we spread Fear! Control, and Hate?

Or do we spread Love, and Be more Compassionate

The choices we make, ALL have consequence

As our world is now shifting from this old Third Dense.


The old is no more, the New is yet to evolve,

The corrupted systems first though, must be dissolved

Each are responsible for the sovereignty we hold

So it’s time to stand up, speak out and be bold..


We are a People, whose strength knows no bounds,

Our voices are our vibration, so let’s make our sounds

Imagine if you will, the power of the Heart

As we unite together as a New Earth we do start.


We now stand at those cross-roads, it’s up to me and you

Now is the time to choose our pathway, the choice is yours to do

I choose to live in my heart, which isn’t ruled by my head

I choose by being Love, letting go of fearful dread


When liberties are taken in a world that’s gone astray

The mirrors of reflection show us just how important is our say

Its not until we are restricted within the prison of our own fears

Let’s not lock our children and Grandchildren into more slavery years


The Signs are clear to see when you look at prophecy

They say everything has purpose within society

When all stop complying and the Fear you Let go

To change, it’s all so simple, like a little word called NO!

©Sue Dreamwalker November 14th 2021.

192 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 00:56:17

    Dear Sue,

    Welcome back! I am very grateful for your inspiring and powerful messages contained in your newest post and poem composed to unite us in the New Earth as we break the silence with knowledge and truth. Now, let’s take a stroll with me into the new frontier . . . .

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 7 people


  2. JanBeek
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 00:57:53

    Welcome back, Sue. I have missed you. You’ve been doing a lot of thinking. It all came spilling out today. Like you, “I choose to live in my heart, which isn’t ruled by my head.” Embrace LoveLiving. Embrace LoveGiving. In the final analysis, it’s all about LOVE ❤️

    Liked by 7 people


  3. Timothy Price
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 01:09:39

    Our world is split. History is from the point of view for those who wrote it, and from the point of view of those who want to rewrite it. The truth is far from ever being told.

    Liked by 7 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 12:35:52

      You are correct that split has been coming in so many guises and I am sure this is a deliberate plan.. For as we know.. Divided we fall… United we stand… And for anyone with any ounce of common-sense, you only have to open your eyes to see how that division is being pushed to control and push agendas which take us all further into a dystopian AI World of controlling every aspect of living.
      This is no longer about health…. For more now have suffered as a result of measures taken than have been saved from it..
      And your words are true..

      The truth is far from ever being told.

      Many thanks dear Tim..

      Liked by 3 people


  4. John W. Howell
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 01:25:38

    Welcome back, Sue. You have good advice for everyone.

    Liked by 6 people


  5. laurabruno
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 02:07:09

    I love you, Sue! Walking in this vibration and intention, too. ❤️

    Liked by 6 people


  6. SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 02:23:52

    Dear Sue,

    Please pardon my posting the previous comment as it is meant for Meeka, as I got sidetracked temporarily by an errand and in my haste has made the mistake of submitting the comment to your post.

    Yours sincerely,



  7. Mark Lanesbury
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 02:54:00

    Hey dear lady, great to hear your voice. And we do need time to sit back and absorb what we are becoming. And yes to so much that is coming out now, even the article in one Lancet research paper that is now showing that it is irrelevant if you are vaccinated or not, both still take up the virus and spread it as easily as each other, which will now show this in your winter. If your (and everywhere else’s), governments argument is correct then the virus should slow down this winter because so many are vaccinated. But it is interesting that suddenly there is a new omnivirus that will spread like crazy and might bypass their vaccination or at the least give many positive tests that they can blame it on instead of their lies about who spreads it or not to create ‘their’ vaccine mandates or passport system. My main concern as a spiritual healer I can feel its danger simply because they are hiding their lies among the truth making it difficult to detect. But as you have said, things are starting to surface and they do not realize the time bomb they are sitting on. They have managed to anger every single person in one way or another be they business owners, vaccinated people or not. Everybody has had enough of the fear mongering, twisting and manipulating they have applied to everything in their lives. And our government elections are not far off, all one person has to do is offer a Royal Commission into the deceit and they would be voted in like a rocket, everybody is tired of it all. And the government should not be against it at all unless they had something to hide, otherwise all it would do is get ‘their’ truth out. We shall see. Sorry dear lady, I don’t usually fire up to that degree but even I can only take so much. It may be time for me to take a break too 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 😂 🤣

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 14:30:34

      Dear Mark, please do not apologise for getting all fired up.. In fact this is no longer about health and who is or isn’t…. This is about our governments segregation and control of exclusion and inclusion of one group against another group… Which we as a Western society condemned China for and how horrible those camps were to re-educated people from their Religious beliefs This disturbing paper on The Uighur Re-education camps and the international response to many here will say this will not happen here in our Western world of Democratic society..
      The troubling fact is, it is already creeping in and has been for a long time even before this Pandemic.. In the way we are pitted against each other with labels that are fashionable to one group or another.. So yes.. We all need to get fired up… Unless we want to see systems creep in.. And we will all have allowed it to happen if we don’t stand up and say NO!..

      Liked by 2 people


  8. Miriam
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 03:54:47

    Hi Sue, it’s great to read you and hear from you again. We do indeed all need a period of silence, of introspection and time to just be, to listen to our inner knowing. Isn’t it interesting that ‘silent’ and ‘listen” have the same letters. Just as Omicron has the same letters as moronic”. Hmm. And, as I discovered recently, the two variants Delta and Omicron together are an anagram of “Media Control”’ There’s so much beneath the surface if only people are willing to delve.

    Your whole post resonated deeply with me. Like you when younger I was often given a hard time at school, made to feel bad for questioning and learnt it was easier to keep my thoughts to myself. But you’re right, it’s time to step fully into our truth. Maybe that’s why I’m far from home at this time, on this unexpectedly long road trip, forging my own timeline of freedom.

    Loved your poem with every line ringing truth. I hope many more will wake up and I do see it happening over here in Oz, though many, including close friends and family still believe the narratives. But we all have our own soul journey don’t we. Here’s to bringing in a new Earth, where love and hope reigns over fear breaking (eventuality)all the old patterns and programming. Sending you much love and warm hugs from across the ocean. xx ❤️🙏

    Liked by 7 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 14:54:07

      Good to be reconnecting again Miriam… I just typed a huge reply and then it vanished as my screen decided to change… That happened twice.. So perhaps I will rephrase my reply and maybe that will not vanish.. As I feel the Universe watching over my shoulder lol..
      Yes I saw the words do their rounds, I feel more now are seeing this is now causing such division and complete breakdown within society.. But this too may be just what they want to bring about so more will be ready to comply with their ‘Universal Credit’ proposals that some European Forums have said will have you ‘Owning Nothing and Being Happy’ as they dumb down our rights to think for ourselves even further..
      I am really happy you are managing to keep on your road trip away from the Mayhem…. I would think the outback and the freedom of Nature is holding you in her spell as we each are meant to be where we are meant to be…
      I joined in a World wide Meditation on the 1st Dec for Australia and its Indigenous tribes…. They have been especially in my heart during these recent weeks..

      Thank you for your feedback to my poem Miriam…. We chose to be here right now… Each standing in our own vibration as we send and use our energies wisely.. We are the pioneers of breaking the chains…
      What systems to follow remains to be seen… But they should be built upon unity, doing no harm, and love…. As we learn to Co-operate and not Compete…
      Like you Miriam… I hold new Earth firmly in my hearts centre… I see it, I feel it and so it is… ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 3 people


      • Miriam
        Dec 04, 2021 @ 12:36:08

        Oh, I know how frustrating it is to lose a lengthy comment Sue. Obviously the Universe IS watching what you write! I agree that more and more are waking, though it’s not fast enough for me! Still, everything in its time and all we can do is hold our faith and be an example of love, empathy and compassion (even though sometimes I feel the angst of it all. )
        Thank you for meditating and praying for Australia and our indigenous. I do believe and have been told that most of them are very savvy and know how to protect themselves and not be found. Our media and governments on the other hand seem to have no end to their twists and lies. So being here I’m more determined than ever to continue to create a reality that’s based on joy, love, peace and freedom. Continue to feel into your heart dear friend, that’s where our truth lives. Much love ❤️❤️

        Liked by 2 people


  9. CarolCooks2
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 07:07:19

    Lovely to see you back Sue…The words of your poem mirror my thoughts exactly and Miriams comment about the words is quite scary…I hope the world wakes up although sometimes I feel I am in the minority…Hope all is well with you and your son Hugs x

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 15:25:26

      Thank you dear Carol, great to be back here in the community of loving souls..
      And yes lots of words when we investigate them hold various different symbols and meaning… Likewise with the world waking…. We may feel we are in a minority… But deep down I know there are many many more who are holding onto their silence… Who may suddenly break free and stand up in their hearts… And that is all it takes… Our hearts to join as ONE…
      Much love dear Carol… and thank you for asking about my Son.. He is well again thank you dear friend.. means a lot you asked.. xx ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  10. David
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 09:18:22

    Worth waiting for you to take your necessary time out Sue. So good to hear you again through your inspirational words that bring to light similar experiences in our youth. Breaking the silence for all of like mind is welcome and my prayer is that those whose tempers are short and often violent, against others trying through their hearts vocation to help them, will learn to think with their hearts too.

    Liked by 5 people


  11. Eugenio VAN Delsen
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 09:32:49

    Dear, dear Sue. I seldom read you for… I am so busy with so many chores.. but this time I decided to read you till the very last iota. Yes, times have been strangely difficult for “all” of us or just for some of us, and that is the question. I noticed that you too were imposed silence when you “dared” say: “Why?”. I lived the same experience as you did at school, and decided there and then that “WHY?” was not a question one should ask from “anybody”, IF one does not expect a rude awakening and be blamed for being “complicated and disruptive”.
    I too have wanted answers to all my questions and had often to rely on the books I could discover in one library or another.
    My unfortunate feeling is that our World, our Mother Earth is about to give up if we do not decide to change our fatal actions rapidly.
    My question to you now: “Are we so different from our fellow people to feel and know what most of them do not?”.
    I have been unwell lately and I started to think and wonder what would happen to David if I ” went” first. Is that selfish, altruistic or simply love?
    A thought that crossed my mind also was that it seemed that the wealthy people are “preparing” themselves to leave Mother Earth behind and emigrate to “another” planet. Why otherwise would they spend so much money to fly away instead of trying to bring financial stability to our own planet? Is that a stupid question, maybe it is, maybe it is not. But who will tell us openly about that possibility?

    Thank you, Dear, Dear Sue. You opened a door I did not see anymore. Thank you for giving me back my eyesight or my soul sight.
    Thank you for being you.

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 22:01:39

      Dear Eugene… Its been too long my friend since our last communication, and I’m so sorry to hear you have been unwell…
      Your Question..

      Are we so different from our fellow people to feel and know what most of them do not?”.

      A very good question Eugene.. One that I have asked myself often during my absence… As to why We see while others do not…
      The only answer is that I have come up with Eugene, is that our soul purpose , our mission, to awaken and hold steadfast to our inner core of connecting to our hearts that discern and filter out the pre programming so many others have been subjected to. In the amnesia of our rebirth here on Earth..
      While others have forgotten their inner power, their healing abilities and their true connection to source… We have held firm in our intuition, our guidance from Spirit and we trust our Inner guidance of our hearts…
      We have been learning to let go of our Ego, and in doing so we surrender to that higher power we know is pure Love..
      Also dear Eugene… Know this…. LOVE is ‘the’ most powerful energy, and it’s bonds know no bounds.. So David I know who ever makes their transition first… will be fine.. As will you Eugene… So stop your worry…
      Love is an Eternal bond… that knows not the limits of time, space or Universe..
      And those who are ” Preparing to fly” Cannot fly away from their Karma.. For it will follow them to which ever continent, which ever planet they flee to feel safe…
      We know this is the time when the Wheel is full, and it’s about to be reversed as what has been before catches up in what goes around comes around..
      The planets now are so aligned as I am sure you are aware Eugene… So hold no fear, no regrets, for All is as it should be…
      And we are about to bare witness to a major shift in consciousness as never seen before…. Which is why many are watching and waiting in the wings from afar to see how all of this transpires..

      Love and Blessings dear Eugene… Sending Healing thoughts in your direction that you be given clarity and confidence.. Peace and Grace in these coming days and months my friend…
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  12. Books & Bonsai
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 09:39:09

    Your post is full of wisdom, very welcome in this confusing world, Sue…
    I wonder how many ‘no’s’ will it take to make a difference?

    Liked by 4 people


  13. marina kanavaki
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 09:54:00

    My dear Sue, we are indeed connected! For several days now I’d been thinking of you and here you are! It is getting harder and harder to speak up as we watch logic and sanity cramble to pieces, but to me there is only one way and at the present moment it’s captured in just one 2 letter word: NO. In this darkness I can’t tell you what an oasis you are. Sending love and many hugs. 🤗❤🤗🙏

    Liked by 4 people


  14. K.L.Laettner author(InfiniteZip)
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 10:00:19

    Your words vibrate like a singing bowl… Feels so good. Welcome back, fellow empath sister🥰

    Liked by 4 people


  15. derrickjknight
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 10:03:13

    Welcome back with such a thought-provoking post

    Liked by 3 people


  16. Jane Sturgeon
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 10:13:40

    ❤ Sue, always ❤

    Liked by 4 people


  17. Tom
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 10:33:03

    Lovely to see you again, Sue.
    We *are* being bombarded by confusing messages at the moment, aren’t we? That confusion is triggering the Why? response. It feels like an implosion is coming very soon. Whether or not that implosion will enable any kind of sense afterwards remains to be seen.
    The video you’ve shared is very familiar… I’m not sure if you’ve shared it before or I’ve seen the song performed on TV (my mind is telling me it was performed at a Remembrance Service, but my mind easily gets things wrong! 😊 ). I’ve searched for other Gali Lucy songs, ‘You’re the Creator’ resonated with me.
    Like I say, good to see you again, Sue, and enjoy your weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 6 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 23:10:59

      Hi Dear Tom.. Good to see you too my friend… I have been away too long… You are right, the WHY now should be what do we replace this dysfunctional system with.. How do we go forward in the future, What boundaries do we put in place.. And how do we build our new Earth that co-operates instead of competes, that unifies instead of divides… That heals instead of wounding… So we are finding ourselves beginning to question…
      Gali Lucy I have shared before.. I may even have shared this very song.. I think I shared a couple of hers here before… I thought her words just went well with the post… We need to Hug and Smile, and live from that point of Love … ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Tom
        Dec 04, 2021 @ 10:43:42

        I think the bombardment of ‘information’ is generating more questions than was intended Sue. I think soon we’ll start to see a more streamlined message coming through… although that too will be questioned. It comes down to trust, or how far out on a limb we’re expected to go. The ‘information’ feels more like ‘propaganda’ for some reason now…
        Yes… Gali Lucy fit well here. She has a unique sound.

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 04, 2021 @ 11:29:30

          Agree Tom…. What has been occurring IS for the most part I feel propaganda, and they are tried and proven tested methods of control by the constant onslaught of repetitive programming through fear.. Remember the Stamford Experiment? A quick guide if not familiar you can read here Tom

          Liked by 2 people


          • Tom
            Dec 04, 2021 @ 11:47:53

            That experiment wasn’t the one I thought it was, Sue. It goes to show how easily we can fit into our given ‘roles’, even if we know it isn’t real.

            Liked by 2 people


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 04, 2021 @ 11:54:24

              Exactly… Yes there was another one. I forget its name now… Think it began with M…. where people in a white coat were telling others to turn up a dial to give electric shocks to others in another room…. Where they were screaming every time they turned the dail… All turned up the dial eventually even though they said they didn’t want to.. But because the expert in white coat told them too, they trusted authority and turned the dial up to lethal electric shock that would if the experiment had been real, killed the person in the other room..

              Those taking part didn’t know by the way they at the time of this experiment
              it wasn’t real… So would have killed the person who they could hear by the way screaming all be it falsely for them to stop as they were being electrocuted…
              Shuddering stuff, given the mind games we know are being played today..

              Liked by 2 people

            • Tom
              Dec 04, 2021 @ 12:11:20

              That’s the experiment I was thinking of, Sue.
              The question is… do we really know ourselves?

              Liked by 2 people

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 04, 2021 @ 15:36:41

              I doubt it very much Tom… and this I feel may well be our final test… Do we pass, or do we fail?

              Liked by 2 people

            • Tom
              Dec 05, 2021 @ 09:16:08

              Obviously we’ll pass, Sue. If we fail, how can we be part of any future such experiments? 😉

              Liked by 2 people

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Dec 05, 2021 @ 10:11:09

              Exactly. 👍👍

              Liked by 2 people

  18. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 11:50:51

    Happy to see you again, Sue. Thank you for this powerful message. I too, feel the changes. I’m sending you hugs and love. ❤️

    Liked by 3 people


  19. The Path to My Heart
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 12:08:49

    Hi Sue! Yes, good to take a break when guided and to listen to our inner knowing. Examining what it is to be free – whether aware of it or not, the majority of humanity has been faced with this enquiry. It’s kind of been shoved down our throats actually. It’s a very personal thing freedom – whether to speak or not, what it looks like for each individual, and what drives our quest. Interesting times to be sure. I love your poem, it’s a wonderful message, one everyone can relate to. Thank you for sharing it with us!! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 03, 2021 @ 23:21:24

      Hi Dear Donna… Yes the break did me good from WordPress, We each are I feel beginning to follow our hearts and our calling much more now.. And each are spoken to at various times to either be silent or to speak…
      That time for me to speak was suddenly urging me to publish my poem… We are all of us here at this time for this exact purpose.. Whether we realise it or not… And not all will see what we see, but they play their part in waking us to bring our awareness to be mindful of others and to remember we are each personally responsible for ourselves and our actions…
      Many thanks Donna, for your feed back.. I really appreciate you for your kind comment..
      Much love your way .. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


    Dec 03, 2021 @ 12:10:23

    Gut geschrieben wie immer. Freundliche Grüße Wolfgang.

    Liked by 4 people


  21. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 12:22:12

    While you may have been silent on this blog, your mind certainly wasn’t silent. You pondered deeply, then knew when it was time to write then post. Good for you! Yes, we live in a split world … a broken world. But then I ask, was their ever a time in history with the world wasn’t broken? Welcome back, Sue – great to see you.

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 00:01:32

      You are right dear Frank.. The world as we know it has always been broken for thousands of years… How to fix it? there in lies a deeper question…
      So many things evolving and happening behind the scenes of this everyday Upside down world… We are just now once again in those pioneering days of unravelling the chaos of over reach. But I have firm faith in God knows what is unfolding and all has purpose even though as yet most are not aware of the rolls each are playing…
      Many thanks for your most generous welcome back Frank 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  22. Eddie Two Hawks
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 13:45:59

    A most wonderful surprise it is to see and read Dreamwalker again! Missing you is like missing an old friend who has been away on business. Their matters require their urgent attention! So very happy to see you now! We can once again share the love and light that surrounds us all! May it never leave us, hugs. Eddie

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 12:07:08

      The pleasure in seeing you dear Eddie is all mine dear friend… While away I had an update of 11 years on WP, to which no doubt you had a similar congratulations… It doesn’t seem possible does it .. 11 years since we both chose WP to migrate to when Spaces closed down… So pleased too I chose Word Press for my main platform …. And its so good that we have stayed firm blogging friends all these years…
      Stay blessed my dear friend…
      Much love your way..
      Dreamwalker.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  23. Writing to Freedom
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 15:08:01

    Welcome back Sue. I admire you taking time for your body and spirit and trusting your intuition. Clearly there is much propaganda making it hard to discern the truth (at least for me). I do hope we find a way to way to love each other and move forward to make the world a better place. I wish I could hear and trust my intuition more. Hugs.

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 12:54:12

      Thank you dear Brad… In truth, this propaganda of confusion, disinformation vs truth is just how the enemy do battle… The more we are confused as to what to believe the more we stay silent…
      This is not a war with weaponry.. The weaponry is phycological in its manipulation.. And in doing research in this area, you can see just how the bombardment of repetitive control mechanisms do their work in brain washing and clouding judgement.. As people now no longer wish to think for themselves… For they rely upon their third arm which holds the information wars in their hands… Instead of delving and digging deeper into these corporations to find real government or health statistics they rely upon msm.. Which in my own opinion of digging out facts have been hugely distorted and exaggerated or played down as vital information from professional Drs and Virologists have been censored …
      For instance Mass demonstrations have been occurring world wide but no reports have been given upon this… Only reporting on the violence of a minority, and again using phrases of labels to describe these protests to cloud peoples judgement as to why they are objecting..
      Thousands are leaving their jobs, yet nothing again reported upon this… I have now gone past the who has and who has not scenario. To me this no longer matters.

      If we do not yet see where this is leading as this Medical Tyranny is being pushed as it divides society… It is no longer about health… And I care a great deal about peoples well being and safety..
      But this is now beyond what is right.. When you see what is happening in Greece and and Austria… and Australia,
      We are seeing a medical apathete unfolding before our eyes… And we should all now be aware of where this is leading…
      Didn’t the west condemn China for its Re-education Camps? in their segregation and imprisonment of those who had certain beliefs.. I think it did,, Yet it fell on deaf ears..
      And yet here we see another segregation of those who for what ever reasons choose to make certain medical choices are being blamed, shamed and segregated, fined and in some places and being threatened with Prison.. And yet we are told now by the so called ‘Science’ that these inoculations will not stop the transference of said disease…. So tell me, what is this mRNA ? one has to look even deeper to realise exactly. and people are still in some cases unaware its all experimental until ’23. We are the biggest Human experiment ever! and no liability from the manufacturers, and even more worrying is their quality control systems within them I have found out..
      Does this remind you of History repeating itself? it does me… To which my grandfather fought for his country’s right to be sovereign… He would be turning in his grave now if he saw this mess our collective governments have purposely allowed and created for the control of their own agenda.. Which is total control, and compliance, in readiness for the their next phase.. and has nothing to do with health.. Because more now are suffering due to the measures taken than the disease itself…
      And that dear Brad is my rant for the day my good friend… And why I needed time out…. lol… And if this post or my comment here leads to my blog getting taken down also.. then so be it… Because we now have to open our eyes to the real enemy and those who we voted in to govern us… Who are paid by us…. Its time now for this whole thing to get exposed and those who are profiting through corrupted behaviours to be exposed and outed…
      Because the systems are failing its people… And I wish dear Brad we had your 2nd Amendment to fall back on… For now is the time to draw the line and stand up and be counted..
      Thanks again dear Brad…. I appreciate you and know you will allow my steam letting run off your back lol…
      Much Gratitude..
      Sue 🙂 💚

      Liked by 1 person


  24. Baydreamer
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 16:37:53

    Welcome back, Sue! You have been missed! Love your powerful words in prose and poem. Love is the bottom line, isn’t it? Sending love and hugs and great to “see” you! 💗💗💗

    Liked by 4 people


  25. boundlessblessingsblog
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 16:53:27

    Welcome back dear Sue with a beautiful thought-provoking post. Sending lots of love and light. Thank you.

    Liked by 4 people


  26. thespiritkeeper
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 18:42:39

    Love that you grace the pages of your blog to deliver a timely message through your post, video and poem. I can go one and on but I have been told I blatter lol so I will keep it short. Hopefully, your post will plant seeds into readers and start to investigate what you wrote. Be well my friend and welcome back. ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 00:24:42

      You never Blather Joseph…. 🙂 And I love your blathering…. The seeds certainly need planting dear friend… If not then I see a barren field ahead…. But I trust there will be many willing souls ready to spread those seeds come the right time… And that time is NOW….
      Many thanks dear friend… Good to be back also… Much Love 💛

      Liked by 2 people


  27. insearchofitall
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 19:18:24

    I’ve been thinking about you and knew you needed time. We are definitely in a major shift and this is taking a lot of energy. Figured you would connect if and when you were ready. Do continue to stay well. Have very much missed you.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 00:33:21

      Bless you Marlene.. So many are feeling that pull as we think on one another here within our blogging community… And yes a Major shift is about to shake us I feel… So good to connect back here with you again Marlene… And like wise.. Look after YOU!…. Mega Hugs your way ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  28. Erika
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 19:41:49

    So good to see you back, Sue! It is stunning again. I just scheduled a post and now reading your post … again, we touched a similar topic. I wrote about the pressure we put on ourselves to “understand”. But we need to be patient, give us time. We all want to understand, want see the greater context, grow. But sometimes we need to allow ourselves to let life and the universe lead us. Yes, we need to take breaks, change roads, or keep going… we know it inside and we only need to follow that inner guidance. That was such a beautiful “totally Sue”-post. Thank you 💖

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 13:05:27

      Wonderful to once again be aligned with your own intuition dear Erika… Agreed we are each led by our gut instincts and sometimes we just have to allow the flow to flow and be carried in its stream to see where we are led ..
      And now I have come to that bend, where I either climb onto land and step up and out onto the shore of reality.. Or I continue to float with ears covered in water to blot out the outer world sounds..
      The shore line won…
      For now I feel I need to once again step up and speak out the inner knowledge that Spirit is once again guiding me to speak..
      I look forward to reading your scheduled posting my friend…
      Love and Blessings Erika..
      ❤ Sue ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  29. Infinite Living
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 20:06:01

    Dearest Sue, I am so happy to see you. You have been in my thoughts. I visited your site just recently, and decided against leaving you a message. I could feel how you needed to be away and trusted you will return when it is time. Thank you so much for modeling this honoring of inner guidance, it always empowers me.
    I feel any research to be inadequate compared to following our inner knowing. It is so necessary that more of us quiet down and express our truths with as much compassion we can bring with it. As you rightly say we are all living with our own perceptions.
    So good to read from you again, so much wisdom in your sharing and perspectives.

    Liked by 4 people


  30. The Coastal Crone
    Dec 03, 2021 @ 22:20:05

    So nice to find a post from you, Sue, and that you are well and creating. I liked the poem very much. These times are strange but we must not fear.

    Liked by 3 people


  31. litebeing
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 00:11:10

    Welcome back dear Sue! Like another reader commented, I had set an intention to contact you perhaps a week ago. I did my visualization and made an attempt to connect. And when I saw you appear in my reader I instantly recalled that I had sent a signal out to you1

    I can tell you are in a more grounded peaceful space so the break served you well. What keeps coming back for me is the pull of technology versus the pull of Spirit. As someone who has been glued to the tv since childhood I can understand the lure of the phone to the younger generations. I always enjoyed history and have been aware for awhile that is has been sanitized, just like many “holy books”. I don’t think history is linear or static like I once did. Understanding the fluidity of timelines helps me see that all is in flux.
    I have no conclusions about this pandemic but I have spent more time doing the things I used to do and enjoying simple pleasures I have missed. But I focus on what I can, like my work, my friends, Reiki, Astrology, and my creative life. In order for me to shine my light, I have to tend to me well. Otherwise I have nothing to offer.

    blessings with love, ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 16:16:16

      Good to see you too Linda,, and the universe draws us together when we feel that energetic pull
      And good to see you too have been following your heart in Reiki and your hobbies .. This has been a great time to delve within and being to understand a deeper connection to ourselves and those things we love to do..
      Sending lots of love my friend.. Hugs your way Sue ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  32. dgkaye
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 02:52:44

    Welcome back Sue. I can totally understand your stance, as of course I’m feeling the same. The time is now for good people to stand and speak the truth, maybe before it’s too late. I can’t identify well with the school pranks, shame and guilt. So lovely to have you back. ❤

    Liked by 4 people


  33. Barbara Franken
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 12:24:33

    Lovely to have you back Sue, a few times I’ve wanted to email you, just to say hello and catch up, but you know how it goes❤️ I’ve spent my time researching more and I’m busy putting it into a post! The more I research though the more I seem lost in the narrative we’re been spun!
    Anyway lovely post, reminding us it’s never too late to choose service to self that is a must before we can help others! The split is so full on now, I’m hanging on for dear life it seems😃But as you say, not for much longer, the battle is neatly over and we can soon come back out to play and enjoy life in a new and wonderful way! Sending much love, Barbara x

    Liked by 5 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2021 @ 15:30:32

      Exactly Barbara.. And we are each of us being called at just the right time with just the right words which are important within our own evolution ..
      Agreed… I served self by gathering information, as well as taking time to be creative and nurture that sacred space within me that needed to find the calm strength and place of well being..
      But I think what I saw unfolding in Australia and in Austria alerted my senses.. That my poem now needed airing and the silence had to now be broken..
      Many thanks dear Barbara…. So good to see you too… I have listened to several of your excellent videos, but didn’t leave a comment as I wasn’t ready to emerge back into the fray,,, lol
      Much love returned x ❤

      Liked by 3 people


  34. rabirius
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 12:32:15

    So glad to see that you are back!

    Liked by 4 people


  35. Renee Espriu
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 17:36:22

    Brilliant write, my friend, as I knew it would be. I will only say this. My thesis while I was at University was written on and titled…’Individualism’. Most people I know understand why I choose the way I do but I have run into a few (one a very good friend of many years) who do not understand why I do not follow the many. Those who follow what it is they are being told without further research into the whys that are already a part of our history and into those specific outcomes. History is but repeating itself as it will in the future but in order to turn things around and move forward it will take saying to being told what it is we should do and saying ‘NO’. I commend you for you have spoken your truth which in turn is the truth for many. Take good care. xoxo

    Liked by 4 people


  36. Eugi
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 17:57:32

    Welcome back and what a wonderful comeback post, Sue! IMO, now is the time to stand our ground and be proud of who we are. We must be vigilant and not be persuaded to be what someone else wants us to be. Take care and have a wonderful holiday season! 💖

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2021 @ 14:16:05

      Thank you so much.. And good to be back all though it is still hit and miss at the moment.. So much to catch up with .. But its so vital now for unity and that little world of NO! .
      Much love right back ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  37. AmyRose🌹
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 23:00:07

    I bow to you, my Sister in Light. Your words and thoughts as you well know resonate with mine. I honor you for saying it straight as an arrow for that is the only way this mess at hand can be untangled. No more confusion. No more lies. It matters not to me anymore if what I see and have been able to see all my life others do not see, that is not for me to fuss about. What is important as it is for you, is how we both walk to the beat of our drums. My Intention I know and your Intention you know. Together we powerfully address the evil mist by standing firm and tall with shield and bow in hand, declaring this Earth is Mother’s and no other. Other people will Journey in their way yet those who are in the forefront are now needed more then ever. I believe you know this now for your timing to come back was perfect as is reflected in how many flocked to see you. Sending you so much Love and admiration!!! xoxo

    Liked by 4 people


  38. Eliza Ayres
    Dec 04, 2021 @ 23:23:27

    Reblogged this on Sunny's Journal and commented:
    Good to witness your Voice, again!

    Liked by 4 people


  39. Visionkeeper
    Dec 05, 2021 @ 10:21:22

    Took me a while to get here dear friend…Sorry about that. I feel this tragic disaster of the virus and vaxx has actually been a gift in pushing us all to become more aware of ourselves and our bodies. For far too long we have been distracted away from knowing ourselves. It’s good to see people now learning more about health and how to keep themselves healthy in body and mind as well. I always say there is always good to be found in the bad.
    So good to see you again. I know time off is so important to staying healthy as well. I know you are finding ways to stay happy and content despite the horrors of what is going on. I don’t worry at all about you in regards to that. Stay well Sue and stay strong. We all know this journey is a roller coaster and can get quite exhausting at times. Let us all be here for one another to help each other up if we sag down in exhaustion….
    Hugs and much love to you. Hi to hubby and Biscuit…. VK ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2021 @ 14:50:46

      Bless you dear VK.. its taken me another week to get back here.. But I have finished my other project this morning… And so its time again to focus in here for a while back in WP..
      We who have been on this crusade for so long are now I feel at last on that cusp of seeing results..
      It may at first seem cloudy but then do not all lotus blossoms find their roots in mud..
      We have been the seed planters.. We have planted our seeds of knowledge and our perspective from our spiritual viewpoint for so, so long.. Its been a tedious often lonely journey at times..
      But the waters are about to break as the dam of knowledge is going to spill forth and once that dam is opened no amount of censorship can plug the deluge to come..

      I am very hopeful for a brighter new year, even though many are trying to lock us all back down for Our festive season of Good Will… The GOOD will and has overcome…

      Sending love right back from all of us my friend.. to you and yours.. Lots of love Sue xox

      Liked by 2 people


  40. Val Boyko
    Dec 05, 2021 @ 14:23:13

    It’s good to hear your voice again Sue 💛🙏💛
    These are concerning times on so many levels. May we all find the courage to speak up and do the right thing for ourselves, the genarrations to come and Mother Earth. Be safe and well my friend 💛🙏💛

    Liked by 5 people


  41. TamrahJo
    Dec 05, 2021 @ 18:25:54

    Nice to see you once more in my reader! So many things, kept silent on for ever so long, to me, means when a ‘finger of fate’ touches on aspect, so many long ignored lessons topple and result in chaos and fear for many – and yet – the world is full of rage – and prophecy? to me? Is just more words, put out by others, that may or may not match up with my inner calling – much as you have spent time exploring – so, as usual, I hear some of what you write – I see things I feel we have in common – I feel it, to, within, and yet, not all of it – were I to be true to my inner voice – and have long admired and connected with you on too many points, to not comment and say, “Hello! Oh! How I have missed seeing you in my world! But I, too, have spent vast amounts of time – more within, than without and only bad things happened, when I tried to ‘force expression’ before it was time too – 😀

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 06, 2021 @ 18:43:27

      We each of us follow our inner guidance TamrahJo.. And we all will find that which we need to speak when called to do so…
      Sending Huge hugs and many thanks for your kind words and so pleased that you chose to say Hello.. ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  42. Jennie
    Dec 05, 2021 @ 21:42:35

    Welcome back, Sue!

    Liked by 4 people


  43. Anita
    Dec 07, 2021 @ 07:03:59

    Hi there,
    Welcome back dear Sue, happy to fear froé you

    Liked by 3 people


  44. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Dec 08, 2021 @ 01:47:41

    Nice to see you back, Sue! I am a big believer in listening to your gut instinct. It has never steered me wrong. Many Blessings to you and your family this holiday season, Lisa xoxo

    Liked by 3 people


  45. writegardener
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 15:46:22

    So delighted to see you have returned, Sue, and I certainly understand the need for self care (and even more so in these life altering times). So much of what you share resonates. “Our voice being the vibration we send into the world,” is so evident in all ways and when viewing the events of the last 2 years we can see what fear has done. However, while fear is the tool for the Evil at hand…I agree that love is the answer and our protective light. Thank you for staying true on your path and encouraging others to do so as well. Warmest wishes to you —

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2021 @ 15:36:19

      Dear WG…. Always a pleasure to connect dear friend. The line in the sand now has to be drawn… Its a matter for everyone’s conscious to follow their hearts… In all the choices they make..
      But for those of us who have seen the writing on the wall since the beginning of this last two year period, Enough now is enough as they come after our children and grandchildren..
      My war drums have now been beating their battle cry….
      Love and Blessings my friend… There are many now beating to this rhythm of NO!..

      Liked by 2 people


      • writegardener
        Dec 12, 2021 @ 14:34:17

        Completely agreed. The only way the insanity will stop is when the masses unite with a loud and emphatic NO! I am encouraged to see more speaking out, including some of our legislators but get equally dismayed when I learn of the horrors committed of more lock downs and refusing groceries, transplants, Ivermectin, etc. to the unvaxxed. To think of even doing such heinous things is unconscionable yet for it to occur worldwide is alarming…

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 12, 2021 @ 22:20:26

          This dear WG is trying to show Humanity the depth of corruption and how far some will go as they sink to their depths as they follow orders from their superiors,, And who and what corporation has been paid and by whom.
          The Money trail is there for anyone to follow if they do their homework..
          Karma has a way of catching up… And Justice will be served..
          Sending love and well wishes WG and good to be connecting again ..

          Liked by 2 people


  46. J.D.
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 23:23:25

    You were gone from WP but I still felt your presence, dear Sue. I understand the need to shut off for a while all too well.

    So much truth in your words. The systematic conditioning that we are all fighting seems insurmountable. But there is light. Thank you for reminding me. Sending you love, dear one. 💖

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2021 @ 15:49:50

      Bless you Julie…
      I thank you for your beautiful visit.. Alas I was too late on your post as I arrived your comments had already closed..

      But let me tell you how I enjoyed the beautiful narrative that led me to see your footsteps crush fallen leaves and to see your sideways smile with eyes that rolled as you viewed someone’s Tick Toc world of make believe…

      So your words I brought here my friend for they touched my soul…. When you said

      “So many empty souls clamoring to be seen, but terrified to look in the mirror. Oblivious to the technological wasteland in which they are imprisoned. The person who most needs to see you is your Self. The point of looking in the mirror is not to see the good or the bad, but to see the truth. It’s never too late to reclaim yourself. Don’t be afraid. “,,,

      I so agree….So many ready to point the finger in other directions and not look themselves in their own reflection to see what is happening is a mirror to their actions.. We have allowed this experience in agreeing and not standing up in our own sovereignty of divine truth..

      They say the truth will set us free… One has to go find it first and see the truth of all the good, bad and the ugly sides to our own natures which have manifested in our reality.. Only when we dive deep within and clear out our own anger, and hatred, and learn tolerance and forgiveness will the world then reflect back to us who we are..

      May we each hold compassion for each other… May we learn forgiveness, and may we each all learn to trust each other as we co create our New World in Unity and Harmony…
      Your post was remarkable..

      Lots of love dear Julie… Many thanks again dear friend xx

      Liked by 1 person


      • J.D.
        Dec 11, 2021 @ 19:35:20

        Oh, Sue. Your words mean so much to me right now. Thank you. I closed comments because my presence in the virtual world is shifting. I will explain further in my New Year post. I’m being guided to a new frontier.

        Yes we have allowed ourselves to believe that we need validation from others, and to fear our own minds. The time has come to reclaim our sovereignty and speak our truth loud and clear.

        Wishing you a luminous solstice, dear one. Love to you.✨💖✨

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 11, 2021 @ 23:05:08

          I so understand the virtual world shifts dear Julie… We have to focus our intention upon our inner realm and that of our higher self and our inner guidance as we navigate and dodge the 3 D extremes.. ..
          Just follow your heart and where it leads.. All is as it should be..
          ❤ Hugs your way ❤

          Liked by 2 people


  47. stephensmustang1
    Dec 10, 2021 @ 04:10:38

    Welcome back. I don’t take breaks but have such little time these days to post. Life. Hope you are doing well. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2021 @ 16:00:54

      Dear Elizabeth I do not know how you do all you do… Its a wonder you do not catch yourself coming backwards Lol..
      So appreciate you taking time to drop in… Sending love and Prayers for you and your family..
      Love Sue xx ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  48. Dalo 2013
    Dec 11, 2021 @ 10:23:15

    Such a beautifully written post, Sue, a perfect return for us all to read and ponder your thoughts. The changes and different beliefs in the world can overload the senses, so it is important to take a step back every now and then. You give hope that in today’s world there are more of us to understand our voices can make a difference ~ and we need to push back on any false narratives those in power use as a tool, and taking care of mother Earth is an important one. Take care and great to see you back.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2021 @ 22:37:20

      Many thanks Randall… We have forgotten for the most part Randall that we are all part of nature. and nature gives us the tools of preservation.. Man has established himself as ruler of this planet and he is so mistaken… For it is not Man that rules, but nature herself..
      Nature has equipped us all with our own inbuilt systems that man has messed with calling it science… And we all have our own inbuilt inner guidance system.. Of internal knowing, our inner intuition of feeling with our hearts what ‘Feels’ right and what feels wrong…

      Many know now what is happening, ” Feels Wrong “…. and their inner guidance knows its out of balance. But that balance has become distorted because we have lost the ability to think and discern for ourselves… We no longer critically think for ourselves,, For we have allowed ourselves to be led, to be influenced and to believe others in authority, Because that is how we have been programmed to think.. That THEY know best. And have been taught Not to challenge that authority.
      Yet fear keeps them silent…

      We point our fingers of blame in any direction but ourselves.. And yet it lays squarely upon our shoulders..
      We have only to look in the mirror to see our own flaws and faults…
      No one is perfect.. Me least of all… But I can see where this is now leading, and its leading us into a slippery slope of more slavery for mankind, more control, and more hardship.. If we do not now take up our own arrows of courage to stand up and have the courage to Speak up.

      A Quote from Martin Luther King Jr comes to mind..
      ” In the End we will remember not the words from our Enemies, But the Silence from our friends”.
      I hope dear Randall, we see more standing in unity, in oneness, in love and empathy as we bring light into those dark spaces that hold so many in fear..

      Many thanks dear friend, I really appreciate your thoughts and your visit..
      Thank you for your welcome back… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  49. Mabel Kwong
    Dec 11, 2021 @ 11:35:02

    So wonderful to see you back, Sue. Even more wonderful to hear you listened to your intuition and took a long a break as you needed. Sometimes people and energies out there can certainly drain you and distract you from your inner voice, and you have to retreat to hear and be yourself. It is a challenging time we live where so many concepts have been redefined and there’s so much segregation where it’s you’re either on this side or that. Agree fear has driven us to make choices to feel included, and people do so to keep moving forward and hoping for a better tomorrow – and all choices have their consequences.

    I found it very interesting when you brought up how this timeline we are experiencing now will be recorded in history. Hopefully it will be recorded from different perspectives.

    As usual, great writing from you. Take care and stay safe ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2021 @ 23:01:42

      Wonderful to see you and be back here again Mabel… So happy to see you …
      Each of us follow our hearts … And yes the Time Line may well be perceived differently for each of us depending on our choices and our perception of our reality..

      All choices indeed do have consequences.. But then each of us are also on our own journey and each of us chose to be here at this time to experience our own experience…
      Tough as that is to witness at times..
      But life is a series of learning and growing and even though we may not see this particular time right now as pleasant.. We perhaps are evolving faster than we had hoped.. As we learn to take back our own inner most power.. A power we gave away long ago..

      Sending love and well wished dear Mabel…as I send you my heart felt love and prayers.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mabel Kwong
        Dec 12, 2021 @ 10:55:32

        Likewise it is so wonderful to see you here, Sue. You are spot on. Each of us are on our own journey, each with our own experiences and we learn and grow with each one. I think as a collective we have a long way to go before the world sees the light and come together.

        A lot of probably have a lot of inner work to do, turn inwards, listen to intuition and let it guide us through these times. I hope all is well with you, your family and your allotment, Sue. Much love to you too ❤

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 12, 2021 @ 22:00:49

          So too are you spot on Mabel.. Inner work has to be done, and many now are perhaps for the first time confronting their own inner layers and its a painful process to peel off all at once.. Which for some its just too much..
          Many thanks Mabel.. The winter veggies doing well and all is winter dug over.. More people will soon realise how much a garden and growing our own will become more popular even if its a few tubs on a patio..
          Many thanks for your well wishes… I appreciate you asking … Sending love and well wishes right back.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Mabel Kwong
            Dec 13, 2021 @ 09:53:21

            Agreed. Many of us are probably turning inwards and asking ourselves what we truly want, and questioning the choices we are making. It can be overwhelming…but it’s something we all have to go through at some point.

            Lovely to hear your winter veggies are doing well and you got quite a harvest. Growing our own plants might be a necessity of the future and to put food on the table…hopefully it doesn’t come to that. The world and its people are resilient, that’s what I like to think.

            Wishing you well for the week, Sue ❤

            Liked by 2 people


  50. kioratash
    Dec 11, 2021 @ 17:53:36

    Thank you for this. Still silent myself, waiting, listening.

    Liked by 3 people


  51. Betty Hayes Albright
    Dec 11, 2021 @ 23:34:08

    Sue, it’s great to see you back! As always, a wonderful, inspiring post. I’m resonating as always. 💓 Hopefully humanity is at the brink — finally — of the spiritual evolution buried deep in our cosmic genes. If humanity is to survive this transition, we must come into our own — at last — self-aurhorized, in all dimensions.
    Thank you for this post, my friend. 💕

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 12, 2021 @ 21:55:01

      Good to be back in bursts of activity slow but sure…
      You are so right Humanity has to come into its own… To do so, it first must see what it is facing.. And face itself…
      Love and to you dear Betty and thank you for your welcome back… ❤ Hugs my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Betty Hayes Albright
        Dec 12, 2021 @ 23:38:29

        Indeed, humanity must see what it’s facing. Superconscious wisdom is required to truly see and understand. Hopefully that will develop soon. The trend right now is polarization but I fear true Vision is lacking. Folks are blindly taking “sides”. Oh, that the blinders would fall off!
        Thank you again, Sue, for Your vision. 💗

        Liked by 2 people


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 13, 2021 @ 08:12:53

          Yes Betty the blind can as yet not see, but the light will soon overtake those shadows.. It will happen Betty, perhaps not just as we envision it to be..
          Sometimes as the saying goes it’s always darkest before the dawn light.
          The new dawn is here there us no stopping it..
          People just have to wake up to how dark we’ve become..

          Liked by 1 person


  52. Andrea Stephenson
    Dec 13, 2021 @ 12:34:31

    It’s good to see you Sue, speaking when you have something of importance to say. It is true that there is so much silencing going on that there is a need to speak up, your poem is a call to words!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 14, 2021 @ 14:26:32

      Many thanks dear Andrea… And yes words need to be heard… And I am not one for voicing them needlessly…
      The silencing~ we see, but there will be no denying truth to find its voice, no matter how hard others may wish it to be buried..
      Lovely to see you again too.. And I so thank you for your comment and visit… ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  53. Maria Wind Talker
    Dec 13, 2021 @ 19:40:08

    Absolutely agree. Sharing. x

    Liked by 3 people


  54. Maria Wind Talker
    Dec 13, 2021 @ 19:42:46

    Reblogged this on Maria Wind Talker and commented:

    Liked by 3 people


  55. Sacred Soul Mysteries
    Dec 16, 2021 @ 07:54:24

    Dear Great Soul,

    As you know the work unfolds on many planes, therein; to be still is the call of your soul which you graciously acknowledge. Fear not, question not, simply be and allow is your divine and timeless pulse.

    Be love always and thank you for sharing your journey, insights, candour and vulnerabilities, Love ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 17, 2021 @ 17:56:41

      Your words and your posts on your blog also hold wisdom…
      I loved these words upon one of your posts so as your comments were closed I hope you do not mind me bringing your words here so others too can share in your wisdom
      ” For love and wisdom are the bedrocks of divine providence which all souls already know. And awaken dear soul is the eternal call asking all souls to align with, evolve through and ultimately prepare to return home. So roar with laughter as the wiseman did, expand your wisdom through meaningful experiences, build friendships that transcend space and time, serve and know that your service always makes a difference. “…

      Your service is making a difference.. So In gratitude… I say thank you.
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  56. RhapsodyBoheme
    Dec 17, 2021 @ 23:16:02

    Welcome back. Your voice has been missed. Namaste 🙏🏼💙

    Liked by 2 people


  57. da-AL
    Dec 19, 2021 @ 05:04:07

    so glad to have you back. great reminder to be gentle & kind with ourselves…

    Liked by 1 person


  58. fauquetmichel
    Dec 19, 2021 @ 15:15:16

    A philosophy of being and existence that requires reflection, Sue.
    About history I can say that I once owned a history book of France published under the restored Monarchy around 1840. It was totally different from those published under the Republic.
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 20, 2021 @ 14:32:32

      Yes a period of time in history much is left to question … So its interesting Michel you have history books that prove different perspectives….
      Have a Joyous Christmas both of you ❤



  59. Hannah Kaminsky
    Dec 19, 2021 @ 15:27:34

    Selfishly of course, I’m so happy you’re back! Honestly though, I’m even happier that you’re able to break away and find your own peace, without the noise of the virtual peanut gallery. It can be a lot to bear. I hope you’re doing well and looking forward to a wonderful holiday, if you’re celebrating!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 20, 2021 @ 14:31:05

      Well there is a lot of Peanut and Popcorn being handed out at the moment Hannah lol… But we do our best to remain in balance while everyone is busy jumping up and down LOL…
      Wishing you a lovely holiday too… Make sure you too get chance to rest and don’t do all the cooking yourself LOL… Mega Hugs ❤



  60. peNdantry
    Dec 21, 2021 @ 08:52:10

    Good to see you back, Sue. And that’s a wonderful poem!

    Liked by 1 person


  61. robertawrites235681907
    Dec 22, 2021 @ 15:25:40

    Hi Sue, a most interesting post and poem in the current circumstances. The world is a very weird place right now.



  62. Unsungpoet
    Dec 22, 2021 @ 16:22:54

    💖💖💖💖 I ponder the history question alot too

    Liked by 1 person


  63. mary
    Dec 23, 2021 @ 19:42:39

    history seems to be on repeat to me, i watch and wonder in silence most days and night. your poem was right on mark Sue…
    May thoughts spun into words as yours echo loudly and awaken more.
    Be Blessed My Faraway Friend
    just me

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 26, 2021 @ 11:32:44

      Likewise Mary…. We may each be silent across the pond these days… But you are often in my heart and my thoughts dear Mary…
      May your 2022 bring you the love, and the peace and the harmony you are so deserving of.. ❤



  64. foxmulderblog
    Apr 17, 2022 @ 06:30:15

    Reblogged this on La mentira esta ahí fuera.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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