The Silence Is Gone! It’s time to Speak!

Hello my faithful friends who have stood by and who now read my words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your thoughts and the energy that you have sent my family and I.  You do not know how much I have appreciated the support of good friends as we now navigate through the most important time in our planet’s history.   I have needed this pause… The longest pause I have ever taken since I began blogging, some Fourteen years since 2007, when I began my quest here on Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.  

Many of us have over the years been navigating our own inner tunnels as we have dove deep within ourselves, exposing our inner wounding, and letting go of our own dark shadows .. We do that by bringing them up to the surface, and as we face them, we heal the wounds of the past by learning to forgive and let go as we move up through our vibration into the next frequency phase of our being.

Sometimes we have had traumatic experiences thrown at us that have caught us off guard. I also know many of us here have faced those tunnels, as we have travelled our Earth journey, which have led us to feel at rock bottom… But you know sometimes, like those seeds we plant in our earth.. They need that darkness, they need that pause from life, in order for them to grow…  Many of us need to sink deeper in order then to rise..

We have had such a pause within our Earth Plane this past year, and many now are starting to rise, grow and expand out into the Light of knowledge and truth… And its going to be a glorious time in the future New World, we are all here to birth. But not before we have all experienced some painful Truths both to ourselves and our world. 

The struggle to get to the light often can be painful, like those seeds we plant, the effort it must take to push through frozen dark ground… Yet they emerge unscathed, and they bloom and thrive bringing both beauty and sustenance into the world.  They ask nothing in return. They are just BE-ing what they were created to BE…  The miracle of birth takes many forms..

 Knowing and seeing what I see in the world around me, I took refuge within, as I felt the Darkness surrounding me, trying to consume the Light of not only I, but that of my family around me.  I have been battling my own doubts and insecurities as the world around me folded in on me like a dark cloud, raining down its tears.  I peeled back more layers of myself, and confronted that weakness within me. The one that casts doubts, the one that whispers in your ear to say you are not worthy all over again.

 A blogging friend reminded me on a comment on my last post that perhaps it was the Darkness, trying to extinguish my light… I knew even before I read her thoughts that was  what was happening… This has happened many times during my life, as our vibration rises, we have to understand that forces too are present that want to extinguish the light. Forces that feed only from fear and negative vibrations of sadness, depression and grief. And when we are at a low ebb in life, we allow those negative vibrations a chance to grab hold and dominate.

But we are Light warriors and we hold faith in the Light, and we know within our being Nothing can stop the Light of Love and Truth.

So, as the Spring Equinox begins unfolding, so too, I feel it’s time to share once again my thoughts. Thoughts which I have long suppressed, because many may find the Truth as I see it not perhaps their truth as they see it.. And that is perfectly fine… There is No One Truth. We all of us are on our own journey of discovery and there are always going to be those who perceive life and their surroundings differently. Because we ALL  see from a different perspective, given our view of the world, and our educational knowledge of inner standing. Nothing is ever cast in stone. All is interwoven and interchangeable, because we are all us Multidimensional Beings.

All of us with our roles and parts to play within our Earth Journey.  

This New Earth we are about to witness splitting open may begin to cause even greater confusion, and it will perhaps cause people to take sides, through fear and lack of Knowledge.  It may cause us to encounter great Anger rising, as we are shown the reality of this World, as the spotlight is cast to shine upon the Dark corners of a world, which have been hidden from us for so long.

We have  remember too, we have many life times of suppressed emotions, which are now bubbling to the surface as we encounter mega Earth Changes as frequencies rise, and our own Light codes are activated within to remember.  This is the sorting of the Wheat from the Chaff.. The Good from Evil, and the Love over Fear.  We already are seeing those divides as fear is making people act irrationally and out of control.. We see it within our communities, within our governments, and within our media platforms. We see how it is affecting our family and friends.. We are all now going to have to step up and be prepared to stand in our truth. The side I choose is Sovereignty, the side I choose is Reason, the side I choose is what feels right within my heart.. 

What feels right within your heart? Does what is happening world wide feel right to you? 

Let me begin by saying right now. I take no side… of any political preference… For what we are seeing unfolding in our New Earth goes far deeper than left or right, or any affiliated parties within our World. … This is about our consciousness… It is about our Freedom. It is about what is Right from our Hearts perspective. It is about our Spiritual Journey, our Transition, and it’s about our Sovereignty and about our Humanity.

It is about The Human Race as a species, and its about what kind of world do we want for our future generations to come?  It is about Raising our frequency to embrace what we were always meant to be, but we were highjacked long ago from that progression.

Now it’s Our Time to rise out of the Darkness of that suppression into Unity, Love, and Truth of who we really are, and why we are now here at this moment in time. 

We all intuitively KNOW what feels right and what feels wrong…  So its now time for those of us who know the difference, to step up, and speak our truth on what feels right.. And what feels wrong. And use our Energy in creating Positive Changes both in ourselves and within our world. We do that by educating ourselves. We do it by discernment, we do it by critically thinking for ourselves and not being told what to think by others. We do it by researching facts, facts which daily are being wiped, censored and silenced, because they are not in alignment with certain narratives. 

This Spring Equinox I feel will be like no other, as we shall see unfolding before us, Truths which have long been withheld and Truths which will both shock and disturb the unexpecting public at large. Who have no clue as to the reality of this matrix and how it has been governed or controlled for thousands of years.  But this is part of the birthing process…

Those of us who are Mothers, know how painful that process can be..   But after all of that pain, comes the JOY…. And that my friends is where we are at… The contractions are well underway, and the Birthing is imminent.  So We need to prepare..

We need to be strong… and we need to be calm…. We need to BREATHE!!!   Above all we need to hold Unity Consciousness, and the vibration of Love in our hearts, as we begin to realise just how our energy is played, and utilized by others.

So, it’s important we keep our vibrations in love, and forgiveness. As we send out to ALL in the world who are in need. There is so much going on than we are seeing right now. So we need to keep our hearts open, focus on Unity,  and stop being so fearful, for we are being played by those dark forces who are manipulating us into letting go of our birth rights as Free, Sovereign Human Beings.  

Remember, Love far out-ways Fear…. And what we give out, we also receive back, what goes around comes around.

We are now about to witness an energetic battle of Dark to Light. As our world has been governed for millennia by nefarious, malevolent Beings who have controlled the masses by seducing and using many by Greed and evil within their positions of power.   

As we navigate this New Birthing process of New Earth which is now ready to be birthed and pushed into the Light of Day

Its now time to turn the Dark to light and we are all here to help each other navigate into our New Earth.

My we unite in love and compassion, as we Stand up, to become the Light Warriors of New Earth we came here to Be..

💖 Much Love and Gratitude to ALL 💖

154 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Visionkeeper
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 15:48:10

    I see we were on the same today as we posted similar thoughts today. Love the synchronicity. You are so right about all you said DW. Now is the time to pick up the Equinox energy and run with it, speak out with it, act with it, be with it in all its many forms…We have been dumbed down long enough. Time to start thinking for ourselves again and say enough is enough. May we all journey upward into the lightness of higher frequencies and feel the joy of loving again…..Thanks for your thoughts DW…Good to see you back even if only for a day……Love and hugs .VK ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:05:23

    Love and hugs to you, Sue. We’re in this to win. Love always “trumps” hate. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Erika
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:14:56

    I truly see it too that the darkness needs to try to gather around us and making us believe that it has the power to extinguish our lights. But only through that “threat”, we are reminded of that light and it becomes activated again. Our lights can be dimmed (by our own awareness) but never be extinguished – not even by ourselves since that would mean we would cease to exist which can never happen.

    So much has happened in the collective but also in the individual life. So much has happened regarding discrimination, violence, political developments, the pandemic – and the wonderful signs and actions that resolved them or at least lets more and more rays of light shine through the cracks of the old negative shells.

    I have not had problems with whatever the pandemic brought along but my own experiences with walking through tunnels and reaching their ends again several times lately. Like you said here, it is the time of renewal. The darkness had to be to reach deep down and find the light again.

    Thank you so much for taking your time and now coming back with another big ray of light. There is still a lot to get done and a lot to go through but the path is so much more illuminated now.

    Much love and light, dear Sue 💖

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 22:48:25

      Thank you Erika… agreed… but what I see happening within the collective is what we are projecting out.. Fear, frustration, anger..
      Once we understand that we only change the outer world from our inner world.. When we get that, when we truly find that balance within ourselves and come to peace within ourselves then we will create that within our outer reality..
      We are resisting so its persisting….
      Oh I could say so much more here on this subject… lol… But we know how we feel because we speak from the same heart…
      Thank you for taking time to read what I know is a long post… I so appreciate you and all who take the time to read deeply and comment..
      Have a lovely Sunday Erika… Love and Hugs ❤

      Liked by 3 people


      • Erika
        Mar 21, 2021 @ 09:11:13

        That’s what we always say, right? What we are we will create and we need to be what we want to see. Our timing regarding the message is stunning again – and then again it is just another confirmation. Over the past weeks the topic of acceptance vs. resistance has been running through my Monday posts for the past few weeks. As long as we are resisting we hold on to something we don’t want and keep us from entering a door through which we find what we actually want. Acceptance is the way to healing (the title of one of my posts).
        It was a long but important post and it cannot be said often enough and approached from as many sides as possible. So, I thank you for taking the time for writing this important piece, Sue 💖

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 21, 2021 @ 17:51:53

          I hope this next week to be able to find time to browse your longer posts Erika. Your wisdom never disappoints and we are aligned because we are in tune with the source… Such is synchronicity… and being in the flow.. 🙂 ❤ Many thanks and much love right back Erika. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Erika
            Mar 21, 2021 @ 19:27:52

            I did not mean to push you reading my posts, Sue. I know you have enough on your plate. I just felt the synchronicity again which never ceases to amaze me. As you said, we are in tune with the source and every time I notice this synchronicity I am so thankful for the confirmation that I must be in tune.
            So, simply thank you for all you are doing, Sue 💖

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 22, 2021 @ 17:39:36

              Dear Erika I didn’t think that for one minute… lol…. I will look forward to navigating as the week progresses.. I am always delighted when we have our thoughts confirmed by each others posts and words.. It shows me we are both accessing from the Universal Source …. And to have it confirmed makes us realise how guided we all are.. ❤ THANK YOU! ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Erika
              Mar 22, 2021 @ 20:26:49

              Yes, exactly, and I love it so much when I recognize that it happened again. How much more we are trusting – at least I! Such a wonderful feeling that we are never left alone and that the connection is constantly happening. Thank you, dear Sue 💖

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 23, 2021 @ 21:22:55

              It is… and we are far from alone.. 🙂 so true ❤

              Liked by 1 person

      • writegardener
        Mar 21, 2021 @ 14:24:29

        Beautiful post, Sue. I too stand with Sovereignty, Reason, and what feels right within my heart.

        While I do believe each of us has our own truth, and for many of the reasons you state, including our own personal experience, there are times I find the cancerous false narrative so loud with hate, unwarranted shame, anger and fear, that I feel as though my light is flickering amidst a gale under an eclipse. The power struggle feels immense as it works to extinguish our critical thinking, research and open mindedness.

        I welcome the warmer temps and forthcoming longer days outdoors to be enveloped with Mother Nature’s healing energies. And, like those Spring crocuses, I am ever so grateful to be able to unite energies with intuitive, loving and positive people like you (and Simon) who stand tall and strong pushing through the darkness with the light of truth and encouraging others to do the same. I think you know I’ve long practiced, “No voice, no choice,” and will continue to speak my truth.

        Sending you an abundance of love and good wishes to you and your family —



  4. balroop2013
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:25:19

    Lovely post Sue. I am glad you have emerged from the fear of shadows that were trying to pull you into the dark tunnels. Yes, everyone has to live through those moments and the one who comes out with new hopes and love for everyone is the true victor. Welcome back dear friend, the world keeps evolving and so does humankind. Every single day matters. Sending you love and hugs across the oceans.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 22:50:08

      Many thanks Balroop…. so appreciate those welcome backs and your thoughts my friend… And yes… we are all of us Evolving and growing with each obstacle we climb over.. Love and Blessings returned my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  5. laurabruno
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:27:39

    Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
    Happy Spring! This Vernal Equinox marks the start of a new astrological year, and it begins with the Sun conjunct Venus, Goddess of Love. May we each bring forth our deepest love and shine that boldly into the world.

    This is a lovely sharing from my sweet friend, Sue, acknowledging both the challenges and the opportunities of birthing a new reality into being. Much love!



  6. litebeing
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:31:49

    Welcome back Sue! You seem more energized and strong. Just like Visionkeeper, this post is similar in theme to the one I posted last night. So many divides but a layer of unity underneath it all. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 22:53:58

      We are all guided I feel and many now unifying our thoughts within the collective …. Its how we who are stepping into our missions will I feel be inspired and guided.. As we each follow the flow of our hearts within the new frequencies raining in on planet Earth..
      So appreciate you Linda.. Thank you ❤



  7. House of Heart
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:32:46

    Thank you for your incredible insight dear Sue. You and only you could have such a firm grip on the circumstances we are presently living in. It is difficult now to lash out against this darkness that wants to consume our world. I believe that light will overcome the darkness but I I also feel we must rise up against it, politically speaking. This pandemic that has enveloped the entire world is a like living in a nightmare and hoping to awaken soon. Thank you dear one for your inspiration. My most positive thoughts go out to you and your precious family. It’s so good to read your words again. You are a calming voice in this storm passing through. Sending love ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 23:03:25

      Thank you Holly… Sometimes I do not feel calm… I like any other who is being suppressed and stripped of their rights feels frustration and resistance bubbling to the surface.. I came across a good quote today while visiting a fellow blogger.. She had included the quote from

      He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Martin Luther King, Jr.

      We are all human, experiencing our Human experience, with Human emotions… I think I just learn to step back from time to time and observe and view from each perspective… Knowing we are each here whether we feel we are right or in the wrong, each playing our parts to wake humanity back up to see what they are doing to themselves..
      We have lost our way… We have forgotten to help and serve one another… We for the most part serve money, and that is now being made more apparent in our elite circles where corruption is rife, and where our governing bodies have been seduced and lost their way big time..
      Again lots of thoughts All to share in the distant future of Dreamwalker’s thoughts lol… 🙂 Many thanks Holly and have a beautiful Sunday.. ❤ Love and Peace your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Eliza Ayres
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:37:11

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    She’s back! ❤ Wonderful!



  9. thespiritkeeper
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:47:00

    Beautiful post my friend. When the darkness of metaphysicality or the darkeness of mankind try to tamper with our light to the point where we think we cannot shine. Let it be know that there is still a flicker of light shining waiting to be ignited once again. Our light never dies.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 23:40:09

      So true Joseph… Let there be LIGHT and there Was… And there are many Light bearers now, And we are shining brighter than ever… as we expose the Darkness and dispel it from our midst.. ❤ Many thanks my friend.. 🙂



  10. insearchofitall
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 16:54:55

    Well said, Sue! I love this a lot. It is a birthing process and it’s difficult. We all see from a different perspective and we are going to see what we believe. I have always believed that everything going on these last years has a reason to be. It brought our fears out of the shadows to the surface. We see what’s been hiding now and it must be given time to be introspective. We are facing our worst fears. I’m ready for it to grow and change. This country, more than any has some growing to do.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 23:48:20

      Yes all has purpose All of it… Not that we see it as such when we are experiencing our negative downers.. But we all are rising… Even those who play their darkest roles… For without the dark we would not know the difference of light.. that is the same for positive and negative rolls… Each tests us… But we learn and we all grow… even though not all at the same pace..
      Sending love your way my friend and loved your note… ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  11. Tom
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 17:23:39

    Welcome back once again, Sue.
    The Darkness appears to be on the back foot, from my perspective; not that that is proof of anything however, as it could be another trick. I’m seeing lots of things that don’t add up, don’t make sense, and just confuse me, so I don’t trust what I see at first glance. I counter that by trying as best I can to be cheerful and have a light-hearted approach to everything … the Darkness doesn’t like anything connected to the Light (even spell-checker struggled with l i g h t then!)
    We all are doing things (and good) in our own way, and the more we focus this way, the better it will be.
    Keep light and keep shining, Sue. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Liked by 1 person


  12. Writing to Freedom
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 17:32:11

    Welcome back Sue. I’m glad you’ve come out of the dark, ready to feed the light. Reading your words helped me realize that I have been resisting and judging the dark energies coming up within and around me. Instead, I choose to accept, allow, bless and release them. And continuing to feed the light with love and compassion for all the dark I may see or feel. Thank you. 🙏



  13. Merit Serendipity
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 17:47:38

    Wonderful message of Deep Love and Infinite Light we all share! ✨💫💛💫✨Thank you so much, Dear friend!🌅 Happy, you are back here!🌷 Yes, nothing can stop the Light of Love and Truth!💎🌠



  14. utahan15
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 18:01:08

    spring forward
    peace to you and yours



  15. fauquetmichel
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 18:12:53

    I was vibrating with your words , Sue . I would be able to use your words like quotes . They come from your deep spirituality ,your wisdom .and your love.
    How your son is doing?
    Love ❤



  16. peggy
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 18:17:23

    You have expressed yourself as only you can. Hope your time away has brought you much peace. Nice to see you back. I have been focusing on the good people in the world and small moments of joy during this pandemic. Love and good wishes to you Sue. 😊💕



  17. robbiesinspiration
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 18:20:53

    Hi Sue, I am glad you are feeling better and stronger now after your break. Your words are beautiful and uplifting as always. Interestingly enough, from here at the southern most tip of Africa, I feel in many ways that we are protected from a lot of the bad stuff that is happening in the rest of the world.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 23:56:49

      I appreciate your kind compliments and thoughts Robbie… I am so pleased to hear also that you in your part of the world feel protected from what is occurring in many parts… Love and Blessings and enjoy your weekend ❤



  18. Barbara Franken
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 19:32:14

    Love that you and I published today about what is happening and shining our light no matter what. Synchronicities everywhere is confirmation Love has Won❤️ much love to you x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2021 @ 23:58:23

      Oh wow… Love that synchronicity Barbara….. and cant wait to visit to read…. great minds and all that.. lol… when we tap into source… ❤ love has WON indeed it already has.. ❤ much love right back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. Mark Lanesbury
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 22:57:04

    We can only become what we believe dear lady, and thankfully that change is coming. Many buttons are being pushed, individually as well as the masses, to bring this about and as you have said, a birthing process to become something our hearts have wished for, for so long 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 27, 2021 @ 23:05:16

      Mark my friend….. You must think I was ignoring you,, Your comment along with Resa’s I did not spot until I was on my blog page scrolling down comments … So apologies my friend…
      I appreciate your thoughts and always grateful for you input and views my friend..
      I trust all is well with you dear Mark…
      Sending well wishes your way my friend ❤ 🙏💛

      Liked by 1 person


      • Mark Lanesbury
        Mar 28, 2021 @ 03:22:53

        No problems dear Sue, you have been a busy lady. All going well, if bloody slowly lol 😂 🤣
        I think it is teaching me that thing called patience. I tried a big walk two days ago and it flattened me, and not the Emphysema. I stirred up my crushed disks in my neck and triggered my labyrinthitis so badly that the vertigo had me holding the wall up to just get a coffee. I shall learn my friend that even if my heart wishes to run my body needs a lift 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 😂 🤣

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 28, 2021 @ 21:57:24

          Yes small steps dear Mark… My Son learning the same Patient process as he is in his third month off of work, and thinks he can run before he can walk.. How ever his body tells him otherwise…
          So listen to you body Mark… Sending you lots of Healing thoughts my friend ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  20. Resa
    Mar 20, 2021 @ 22:59:29

    Well…. Sue, I agree!
    It has been a dark year. Now, with the Equinox, there is light on the horizon.
    I do think that we will need to see the next solstice to realize it.
    Thank you for your words. xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 27, 2021 @ 23:02:07

      Resa my friend… Apologies for not seeing your comment before now, it slipped by my gaze my friend…
      Many thanks for your kind words and yes I agree with you…. Light is flooding this Earth Plane, for those with eyes to see, May it illuminate many more to open their own Gaze….
      And again so sorry I did not see your comment before now… ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • Resa
        Apr 01, 2021 @ 19:33:41

        No worries, Sue!!!
        I miss comments, for all kinds of reasons.
        The main thing is we continue to bask in the light, and share it with others.
        When I began blogging and had 100 followers, it was easy to keep up.
        Now, it’s more of a challenge, so I just have to take more time. It’s not about how often I post, but spending a bit of quality time with everyone. xoxoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person


  21. AmyRose🌹
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 00:15:51

    Only you, Sue,can express in words what is actually occurring in these turbulent times we are living in. There is so much double talk and confusion coming from those who do not have the solid foundation themselves, that of love. I know what I have been feeling and experiencing, the highs, the lows, yet through it all I have refused to believe for one moment the evil spouted by those whose agenda is to destroy us all. That will not happen for love has won. As we go through the birthing pains which have already begun, ignoring those around us whose hearts are full of fear, we create daily along with Gaia the promise of the New World that is just peeking around the corner. When we step into our self-empowerment and walk strong and true to Source and ourselves, no one shall pull us off course. Just not going to happen. I’ve chosen love a long time ago and have been taught to rely on my Guidance as you have. All we have learned and all we have been taught will come into focus from this day onward. Sending you so much love and admiration for the words you display. I’ve been writing coming from a different perspective yet still and all the same, they are very relevant in what is truly happening. People are either going to wake up or they are not. What is coming will shock the world. It needs to be released. Thank you for living according to the beat of your drum. Bless you!! xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2021 @ 17:17:29

      Wonderful comment dear Amy Thank you my friend and loved what you said here

      When we step into our self-empowerment and walk strong and true to Source and ourselves, no one shall pull us off course.

      No, indeed… We are the strong who will help others navigate their roads…
      Many thanks again Amy… Always delighted to have your own beat added to my drum my friend.. Thank you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  22. ReginaMary
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 00:43:30

    Oh, Sue. So much of what you say resonates with me. Thank you for your vulnerability and insight. May peace and light be yours. 💚 Regina



  23. Infinite Living
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 01:26:39

    I am stunned sort of by the resonance 💛 I simply am incapable of giving words or even perceive as expansively as you do, your post feels so affirming of my experiences. I am so clearly split with this inner peaceful Light layer of Being and on the human level almost feeling beaten down as I struggle to keep my head above waters. I am dramatizing surely as all that sustains seems to be in place yet I am being truthful of how my inner experience is. I am so much in the process of establishing myself in my being with Love and Truth, and a shield of protection around my Being, creating more boundaries so I don’t get so easily affected, having to recover so deeply so repeatedly.

    I have never been able to take sides, and I feel done being invisible because of that. Love warriors of the New Earth are part of this humanity watching from above all the drama unfolding. You give such perfect words and way to express this journey.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2021 @ 17:32:33

      When we innerderstand as we do Pragalbha, we who especially are empathic have a weight perhaps more so to deal with.. For we have to discern our own emotions from that of the collective and those close to us whom we attract energetically.. Which as way showers, we if we are not careful can soon find our energy depleted or overshadowed by the swamping of negative energies… In that our compassion, our grief of those who surround us who suffer can in affect drag our own light down with it..
      This I feel is why such as ourselves, and others who recognise this… We have to take time out… And re-balance… BE with Mother Nature, and protect ourselves, our auras our light bodies..
      And YES…. Boundaries are so, Sooooo, important… Especially now.. As we are seeing now that split take form.. Where there are those whose energy we no longer align with… So we have to choose…
      Standing in our own truth, our own light, and our own vibration of love… It doesn’t mean so much as we are choosing a side… We are choosing to support a different way of being.. Breaking away from the Old…
      This process is not easy … And many do not want to leave their comfort zones.. They want to go on their nice holidays and football games and concerts etc… And they are choosing their pathway based on themselves… And anyone who chooses to honour their own sacred integrity and sovereignty, is in their eyes against them… That is not the case at all…
      We choose to be ourselves, what nature intended us to be…
      So there may well be some divides of thinking via people who visit here in the future posts… But again that is fine…. for all is meant to be…
      And no you do not dramatize at all Pragalbha, because at times it does feel like you are drowning in an emotional wave of feeling helpless…. Among a storm at sea…
      But Each wave that hits us, is also enabling us to move with the current… The flow…. When we TRUST in the flow… we know we can survive the storm…
      Sending HUGE hugs your way and thank you so much for your words dear friend ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Infinite Living
        Mar 21, 2021 @ 17:52:58

        Deeeep Gratitude for how you get this and understand me inside out. I want to admit how alarmed I am at how this process just keeps going, seemingly without a respite. I feel a sense of having found a ground maybe for a day and yet again slip down another layer being called to shed more, Be more – comes with having to keep going while staying still as if in my Being. I can feel and sense the divide happening, bringing the grief of as if leaving people behind, showing me how attached I am still to comforts of certainty, wanting to be like others around me to be able to relate and then suffering because I am not being myself, allowing lower energy to penetrate me. My writing is on this cusp of opening up from the guardedness that I am so good at, I feel the transition and rawness of it. The waves keep coming yes, I hope I can let go… and maybe this is how it looks like always. We just learn to breathe better through it all.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 22, 2021 @ 18:32:50

          Exactly that…. We breathe through it… and remember other peoples stories are not our stories… And while we are empathic and sympathise, we cannot make them our stories…
          We have to now focus within upon our own inner world, creating our own Joy, and remembering what we think is what we create….
          I am not saying we do not care.. In fact we care greatly about others suffering….. But if we allow our own Light to be overshadowed and pulled down… We are allowing the negative Dark energy to win…
          Which is why we live in the moment…. Breath is so important.. ( and not surprising our breath is under attack right now either ),,,, Keep riding the waves using breath,,,,, and pull in the sacred flame of love…..
          Sending Lots of love right back too my friend ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  24. dgkaye
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 03:25:40

    Welcome back to blogland my friend. I am with you on everything you said. The world seems like it’s in warp speed. Stop the ride, I want to get off. ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Miriam
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 04:44:17

    You say it all so well dear Sue. We need to be strong, we need to breathe and we need to hold love over fear, knowing that at the other end of this birthing process is a new life that WE have created, through our own consciousness and awareness, through the letting go of all we’ve known before, shedding all our doubts and insecurities.. It’s time for more and more of the masses to wake up and start thinking for themselves. You know well where I stand and it’s in sovereignty. I love your post Sue and I thank you for always sharing truth. Your light will never be dimmed my friend, not when you project and write from the heart. Sending much love and blessings your way. ❤️🙏

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2021 @ 17:46:20

      Thank you for this Miriam…. I knew I would find the words and the words would be given when the time was right.. And yes, I know where your heart is my dear friend… And we stand shoulder to shoulder in our thoughts.. We will I think see a tidal wave of people who begin to stand in their own power…. And where LOVE will outshine the dark… because you cannot how ever much you try, distort the truth.. for the TRUTH will always find its way out to the masses eventually… Much love and Blessings returned dear Miriam.. ❤ and thank you ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Newbloggycat
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 06:28:29

    It’s so good to read your post again, dear Sue. As always, I think you’re a sage. Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in this indescribable darkness and desperately trying to find the light. And yes! “We need to be strong… and we need to be calm…. We need to BREATHE!!!” May we continue to shine even in the midst of darkness. Sending you much love and hug my dear friend…ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡♡♡♡♡



  27. The Path to My Heart
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 09:25:48

    Hi Sue! great post! So many people out there have been conditioned to believe that growth is a piece of cake – they forget about the necessary darkness and struggle to the surface. It’s an inner journey that only struggle and intention will succeed at getting to the light. It’s a huge job clearing out the shadow. You write about it so well. And yes, the darkness is right there to take any light that has been well earned. We’ve been living under victim/victimizer rule and once that’s cleared from our psyche – the darkness must leave as they will no longer have power over us. We have already won – and this is not just a saying – nothing can stop what is coming!! The forces of God are here and kicking butt!!! In the mean time, like you advised – I’ll hold onto love and peace as much as possible!!! Love, Donna

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2021 @ 17:58:51

      Oh so right you are Donna… So right…. We who have spent years battling with our own inner demons lol.. and overcoming the victim mentality… Took me along time for me to realise that I was also playing that role in feeling a victim to my Mother.. And yet she too was also one…
      Thank you for your compliments, sometimes I do not think I write these posts at all, nor my poetry… For I can come back to my journal and think … Did I really just write that?? …. lol.. But we know the God force works through us all the time in different ways..
      Allowing ourselves to work intuitively and spontaneously with our hearts flow…. Instead of stopping to analyse something where by our heads take over from our hearts.. And often if we listened to our heads,, we wouldn’t write at all..
      Which was in affect what I was allowing to happen.. as those old doubts and unworthy feelings surfaced again..
      So thank you Donna for your friendship and for affirming that we are kicking butt!! lol….
      Sending you much love my friend… Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  28. derrickjknight
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 10:21:51

    There is indeed, no one truth. We each must live our own



  29. daninmaya
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 12:10:28

    Forget and forgive is what I have been focused on. Forgiving myself is the hardest I think



  30. Eddie Two Hawks
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 12:17:32

    So very good to read your delightful words again dear Sue!
    Keep sharing your light and love around the world! hugs, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


  31. boundlessblessingsblog
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 13:09:04

    Sue thanks for this profound post. The video too is inspiring. Our world is surely moving to a fifth dimension and is moving so fast that is why all these negatives are coming up like crazy but we have to fight these forces like a warrior and take refuge in our One and Only God whose grace and love is protecting all of us. We have to trust him completely and He Knows what he is doing.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. J.D.
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 14:09:44

    So much power in your words, Sue. The retreat was exactly what you needed. Thank you for taking that time for yourself. The light is returning. Every time it does, it shines stronger.
    Happy Spring, dear one. ✨💖✨



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 22, 2021 @ 18:44:05

      I agree totally Julie and thank you my friend… The Light has already Won… I think those of us who have done so much shadow work of our own, Knows deep within that we will rise and shine ever brighter for the experience… For we know just what it took to step out of the deep dark well…. and we are as you say much stronger too for the experience….
      The World too will emerge stronger for this Pause… and Shadow… ❤ Much love right back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  33. -Eugenia
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 14:19:04

    We face the dark side of reality and then we must take action! Your blogosphere break brought out the new you, Sue! What a beautiful and encouraging post and thank for lifting my spirits. I never get on a downer but lately I have felt edgy. So, thank you again for the encouraging and EMPOWERING post! ❤️🌺 🌸🧡 💛 💚 💙



  34. JanBeek
    Mar 21, 2021 @ 18:27:12

    Yes, {{{Sue}}} I am with you… united in love and compassion… Exposing our dark shadows and overcoming their darkness as we “[bring] them up to the surface, and as we face them, we heal the wounds of the past by learning to forgive and let go…” God bless you, dear Light Warrior! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  35. Jane Sturgeon
    Mar 22, 2021 @ 12:01:36

    So good to see you and to have you share your light and loving thoughts, dearest Sue. Love will conquer fear and as Debby commented, it’s evolving at warp speed. We signed up for this, as you say, so we shall see it through. Wrapping you both in huge love and gratitude that you are who you are and you choose to share your loving light. ❤ Xxx ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 22, 2021 @ 17:44:12

      It truly is Jane, Warp Speed… and I feel many will need to hold onto their hats… We are in for the ride of our lives.. Sending HUGE hugs back and will be replying shortly…. and catching up with your blog too dear Jane.. ❤ Much love right back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  36. roughwighting
    Mar 22, 2021 @ 15:41:49

    I’m so glad to see you here again and to read your thought-FULL and spiritual messages. There is no one way, there is only the WAY that we are led, and yes, may the light be finding a larger opening to shine on all of us. xo

    Liked by 1 person


  37. Andrea Stephenson
    Mar 22, 2021 @ 16:15:20

    It’s often after the deepest journey into the dark that the greatest insight comes and it seems that has happened in your case Sue. I can feel the energy and positivity in your words and the call to action!

    Liked by 1 person


  38. RhapsodyBoheme
    Mar 22, 2021 @ 17:39:41

    Welcome divine being and beautiful soul. As always this speaks to me in great lengths and is exactly what is happening to me. I am undergoing great preparation for the next shift and my consciousness has been woken in new and exciting ways. Together we rise and together we inspire and lift each other 🙏🏼💙

    Liked by 2 people


  39. marina kanavaki
    Mar 22, 2021 @ 20:20:41

    My dear dear Sue, your words are needed now more than ever. Feels like we are going wrong for so long… Thank you, my kind friend for the light. With you!
    Sending love and many hugs! ❤️🙏🤗🙏❤️



  40. Jennie
    Mar 23, 2021 @ 10:54:19

    Your rebirth is now shedding light to others.

    Liked by 1 person


  41. Christy B
    Mar 23, 2021 @ 22:51:09

    The darkness and the light are in a sort of dual with each other, aren’t they? I feel that pull too, Sue. Where we go next is not known fully, it never is, but the vaccine makes me feel a sense of hope. I see comments from so many here, which speaks highly of your ability to connect with us and motivate… Thank you for sharing energy that is so needed. You were missed while taking a pause from here. Breathing now and sending a virtual hug xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2021 @ 10:56:52

      Thank you Christy… Its all about our perspective on what is happening in our world…. I believe in my own body and immune system,.. I grow my own food organically and do not use any chemicals… So I will not be putting any foreign matter in my body especially when we do not know what it contains.. I hold no fear, and when we really do our homework we may then hold another perception on what is happening right now… And it may shock many when the real truth begins to come to light..
      Good to know you are well dear Christy and loved your virtual hug my friend… ❤ Lots of love right back ❤



  42. Superduque
    Mar 24, 2021 @ 01:51:37



  43. Baydreamer
    Mar 24, 2021 @ 02:39:55

    Hi Sue,

    It’s so good to see you back and to read your inspiring words. It seems there is only darkness and turmoil lately, but the light shines if we choose to see it. Although, it is hard to feel that the light can shine through and conquer all along with love and hope. But we must move forward, staying hopeful. And we must be the light! I always leave your posts feeling more at ease within, so thank you. I also continue to hold you and your family in my heart and prayers. Sending hugs, Lauren ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  44. Superduque
    Mar 24, 2021 @ 02:49:01

    Liked by 1 person


  45. Ka Malana -
    Mar 25, 2021 @ 00:34:13

    “I have been battling my own doubts and insecurities as the world around me folded in on me like a dark cloud, raining down its tears. I peeled back more layers of myself, and confronted that weakness within me. The one that casts doubts, the one that whispers in your ear to say you are not worthy all over again.” Oh Sue you are not alone. It can be so challenging! I wish for more peace for you and for me and for us all. 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  46. JoAnna
    Mar 27, 2021 @ 02:41:41

    Thank you for all this wisdom, Sue. I think when we become aware of the patterns of darkness that have come into our lives, when we remember: I’ve been here before and came out of it okay, or wiser, it can bring comfort. I appreciate your perspectives about energy and what we feed, and that we are all on our own journey of discovery and perceive life and our surroundings differently. Because we ALL see from a different perspective,(like the blind men and the elephant) “Nothing is ever cast in stone,” so anything is possible! In response to your question about:
    What feels right within your heart? Does what is happening world wide feel right to you? One thing that comes to mind is how the earth has healed somewhat since humans slowed down and stayed home more. I hope we can find a healthier balance. For “we are Light warriors and we hold faith in the Light, and we know within our being Nothing can stop the Light of Love and Truth.” As I breathe that in, I wish you light and love filling you and to gently flow where it is needed. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  47. stephensmustang1
    Apr 01, 2021 @ 03:35:33

    Trying to catch up. We definitely need more love and light. Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2021 @ 07:02:35

      I’m way behind still in my catching up but getting there Elizabeth slowly. There has been too much to do on the allotments and while the weather is good I’m outside.
      Love and hugs right back and Thank you my friend 😘🤗

      Liked by 1 person


  48. simplywendi
    May 03, 2021 @ 17:20:02

    Sue……….my heart and soul soared as I read your words. Your wisdom is so beautiful and I feel honored to soak up your wisdom………….may light shine and our journey be bright.

    Liked by 1 person


  49. Gray Dawster
    May 18, 2021 @ 12:34:31

    Well it has been quite a while since I have been here, in fact it has been an age since I wrote anything on WordPress including this blog reply, of which you always write so passionately my dear friend. A lot of us left and never returned, but I am very happy to see that you are still here and writing with such creativity and truism.

    Life certainly throws some crazy tangents our way but we just need to follow our own path without taking any unnecessary chances and pressing ahead to beat the Pandemic and so piercing the darkness with a never-ending glow of light and optimism.

    Easy said than done I hear you say, but without the darker elements pushing at us we could not know what it is to embrace the light of life and rejuvenation. Yes I know the world can be seen to be in chaos, every country of the globe is crying out for a cure, a definite way forwards without consequences.

    We have taken a massive hit already and are still being thrust against cruelness that life often brings us but in time I am sure that the war against Coronavirus will be won. We need to focus, stick together with loving hearts and strong minds and stand firm.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday Sue and keep safe, or else I might have to send the zombies round.

    Andro x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 20, 2021 @ 18:53:13

      Thank you Andro… lovely to see you … Yes a long, long time… Hope you are well and thank you for your comment… Such a different world today from yesteryear… Wishing you well on your travels around WP… 🙂 Take care…



      • Gray Dawster
        May 24, 2021 @ 09:01:39

        Yes the world’s canvas looks very different now but with love and hope in our hearts and minds we can make the new beginnings very special.

        Have a wonderful Monday and remember, be good just like me.

        Andro x

        Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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