Hoodwinking Ourselves: Taking off the Blinkers ~ Part Two

Part two, may well be just one of a series as there is far too much information to condense in just a few short posts. So there will be more parts to come.. Remember I have been seeking Truth, navigating, researching the truth of who we are for over 25 years, and still I am learning new things every day. So if you too wish to discover for yourselves, then you also have to be prepared to put in some ground work… For I do not expect anyone to believe a word I say, its up to you to find your own evidence, do your own research and do some digging of your own. I will leave a few pointers embedded within links within this and my forthcoming posts, I will not lead you to any horrors.. But I will lead you down a rabbit hole, which has many tunnels… It is then is up to you after you venture down them, just how deep you go!..

Many now are finding themselves being triggered and reacting. Because none of us are perfect, none of us! Or we wouldn’t be here within this duality, experiencing this reality.  But instead of being triggered… Pause, for one moment… take a deep breath, and stop for one second… And instead of projecting Anger, rage, frustration, fear… Turn it around and send out love instead…. Because often those who hold no compassion, those who hold no value for others, usually hold no value over themselves… All Darkness is, is the Lack of love, and the absence of light.

We all of us can hold these faults, as well as our qualities. And I too have had to fully face myself in the mirror as I have caught myself pointing fingers, accusing others, as we see the blatant lies now being called out as this ugliness which has bled out exposing the cracks both within our governments and within ourselves.  And there is still yet more bleeding to come… More broken hearts, Wider cracks to immerge and probably still more suffering, until we step out of the fear and become aware of our Magnificent Power…

I will always send out Love into those hearts whom we know have Dark agendas… But Love is often times not enough. We cannot be led like cattle either, with no will of our own.  So, I have to say NO to those who bully us, I Do not consent to any substance that I do not know what is in it or has been rigorously tested to enter my Sovereign body.   I say No to those who want to take away our very humanness to be monitored, tracked, and herded into our boxes and labelled and injected. My body is my own Sovereignty, my sacred space.  I have to be responsible for my own actions, my own thoughts ….

We do not have to stay a victim of circumstance. We are Sovereign Human beings with rights to live and breathe free…..The power of our Human Consciousness, our God Spark, our Divine connection with Source… Which those Dark Beings are trying so hard to suppress and separate us from our natural raising of our consciousness. Is to separate us, divide us ,keeping us in fear, keeping us victims..

Taking away our connections to each other, along with our empathy and Humanness. This may at first sound far fetched.. But as you travel down the rabbit warren you will discover there has been a nefarious evil which has been within the fabric of this World for thousands of years… But I will concentrate on how we became Hoodwinked to find ourselves highjacked and victims today.

Victims of circumstance

A victim often stays a victim, because they give away their power, allowing others to extend Fear and Tyranny over them. And we all of us need to open our eyes right now as we see, we can take back our power at any time.  And Say NO!!!! I DO NOT CONSCENT!!!

It is so very important during this time, as new information and revelations are brought into the public domain that we do not allow that Anger to overtake our emotions, but see that we ALL of us hold both Light and Darkness. It’s now so important as to how we choose to overcome these reveals, and as I said in Two posts back, which others said so well, we need to  “ Go Beyond the Fear” as we hold love and compassion and empathy for those souls who have empty hearts and in affect sold their own souls to darkness a long, long, time ago.

I could take you back Thousands of Years Exposing those Megalithic structures, with Micarhael Tellinger, And how He found out the Truth and the Lies But I haven’t the time to explain how many archaeologists in the field finds, do not marry up with our own history books… My favourite of these is Gregg Braden, who in this link, speaks of intelligent civilisations such as Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. Which has been dated to be around 11,500 years before our present day. That is twice as old as we have been taught within our education systems. Another site in Turkey is Catal Huyake, dated between 8 or 9 thousand years before present day..

Gobekli Tepe

More about this Megalithic Site can be found here at Science Rumors.com

Or I could take you back to the Mayan Calendar, the wonders of the World, such as the Pyramids and Machu Picchu, and lead you to another great archaeologist Graham Hancock and the knowledge he presents .. All of this has come to me over the years. I could point you in another direction to Patricia Cori, and all she too has experienced and how her awakening happened in a crop circle.. Her first book I read way back in time, at first I too found it hard to believe, until Spirit revealed more increments of Truth each one confirming the other, as I built up a picture, that the world is nothing like we have been taught. I find her Straight Forward Talking Refreshing she is a fierce Light Warrior

Humanity to wake up to discover deeper truths which have always been in plain sight but kept hidden. And it may surprise us to learn that many of those who govern us, not all I may add, but many in many high places and within family lines and positions who are household names, do not serve humanity. but serve only themselves and something that is far more sinister.  

I will end part two here, Next, I will be talking about our Recent history in the last One hundred Years. Connecting some dots and in future parts Our DNA, and what some Lawyers and Doctors are discovering and sharing, as they too awaken to the truth. And I will be sharing some of their thoughts and testimonies, and some thoughts on our Human Rights. And investigate Crimes against Humanity..

Sending you All Love and Light…

💖 Happy travels into your own deep dives.. 💖

101 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 18:02:57

    The evil is oozing out and I’ve felt it so strongly the last few months. I keep reaching for the light and sending the light… that’s my mission. Peace and love to you, Sue. ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Visionkeeper
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 18:21:26

    Oh where to begin? Yes you said it all and said it well DW. The more uncomfortable people become by what they see and what they hear, the more willing they become to new ideas and new ways of being, but sadly they must feel that discomfort first. Thankfully we are getting close to the point of change as more people awaken to the fact they have been lied to. Such a slow process but we are through the worst of it. Hang tight DW. I’ll shoot you an email. Great thoughts you shared…Hugs and love…VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 09, 2020 @ 22:51:28

      Thank you VK…. I know you and I and others know all of what I speak… I am pleased you thought it came across OK dear VK.. So many layers interwoven I changed and edited this piece so many times.. Also struggling with the New Editor to boot… Look forward to that email VK… And yes, I am very optimistic about the future, but also this is where those who are cornered become their most dangerous.. And lots happening planetary wise… Earth-movements on the horizon, storms too…. For a time I feel many may be disorientated but it all has to bubble up to the surface.. All of it…
      Many thanks for reading VK… I am afraid I have neglected many of my lovely friends of late… looking forward to our future thought exchanges.. 🙂 Much Love ❤



  3. Adele Marie
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 18:23:02

    I have listened to Graham Hancock for a few years now but I will follow the links for the others you have posted. Thanks, Sue. xxx



  4. Adele Marie
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 18:26:25

    ooops, because I recognise faces more than names I realise that both the gentlemen mentioned I have watched talk before, but will watch it again. xxx



  5. Val Boyko
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 18:29:45

    As a deep diver and believer in non-duality, as a higher level of consciousness, I come back to the whole and the cyclical nature of it all. Good and evil are judgments that we humans have made in order to control society. Yet nature does not come from this limited and polarizing perspective. Judgment will always bring about separateness and conflict. The reality is much bigger than mere human thought and discovery or labeling something as right or wrong.
    I don’t have the answer… but I do know that something immense is happening in this world and there will be a dissolution of the ways that no longer support humanity and the planet. This is nature’s way. I will commit to being a part of nature, and doing what I can to bring love and kindness to a world that is in dire need right now.
    Hugs to you Sue. Thank you for sharing your vision and insights 💕🙏💕

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 09, 2020 @ 23:12:45

      Indeed Val,, WE created all of our experiences.. and along the way we also got highjacked by other outer-worldly forces whose parasitic nature feeds from our chaos and fear… What we term as right or wrong I know just a perception… But its more than right or wrong its also about abuse and suffering against peace and happiness.. And yes we cannot experience one without the other… But we have lost our way, become out of balance… And victims of our own created misery, as we have sort vengeance, projected hate, created wars, Karma, and its time the wheel now ground to a halt, as we take a deeper look in on ourselves.. Going within for all of us is not easy,, for we drag up wounds still raw, as we wrestle with our selves.. Learning to forgive, and heal, learning to respect ourselves and our earth, learning we are worthy, and seeing that sometimes pain has been put there in order for us to grow…

      This Gift we are experiencing is Painful… But I feel we are being made to face it, to expose that which has been hidden, and as we expose it, we are also exposing ourselves, as we too find ourselves tested…
      I don’t have the answers either Val,, but I am airing my thoughts out loud in order to dig deep to find them…

      We are All of us part of nature… Nature will be here even if mankind exits planet earth… And looking at us, I see we have reached this point perhaps many times before, and the experiment with mankind was deemed over, to start all over again… I hope this time our higher consciousness wins the day.. 🙂 We have had too many centuries of darkness… Its now time for the Light….
      Many thanks again dear Val… I love your wisdom and thank you kindly for your support.. Huge hugs ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Timothy Price
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 19:17:54

    Excellent post, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  7. marina kanavaki
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 21:26:41

    Thank you for leading us down the ‘rabbit hole’, my dear Sue! Speaking of rabbits… I love your painting! Many hugs to you, my dear friend! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  8. fauquetmichel
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 21:30:44

    May the light of Love enlighten us and accompany us in the dark tunnels of the rabbit holes. So well said, Sue! 😉
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  9. inavukic
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 21:38:08

    To not be a victim of circumstance requires strength and that strength begins at believing and valuing oneself…this is enhanced from accepting and seeing the truth regardless of how that truth affects us personally. Obviously a hard process for many but so liberating once complete. The truth is slow especially in recent times when so many interfere with its glow for personal gain of any sort. Once light is found and shines in multitudes those less courageous fall in. So, let’s pray for strength Sue. Hugs ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 09, 2020 @ 23:30:38

      More strength than we probably know Ina.. and yes very difficult to do, while easy to say I know… It took me a long while to see I was not a victim in the feelings and blame I held deep within my own heart with my Mother.. But once you recognise what it is you are doing to yourself and you let go, then your perspective changes .. And yes once found that Light does shine… I pray for strength daily.. I am often just as weak as everyone else… Battling emotions that surface, as I wrestle with the whole scenario of what is occurring in the world right now.. Especially the DEEP Rabbit holes still to be exposed to the world..
      But we know we have to become warriors of Light, in order to expose darkness..
      You dearest Ina a true warrior, who has pulled from your core your inner strength to expose what has happened in Croatia.. I solute you in all you have done in bringing to light those dark shadows which still loom deep in certain places…
      Many thanks for reading Ina… I appreciate you dear friend ❤ 🙏💖



  10. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 09, 2020 @ 23:22:57

    Thanks for taking a stand for truth and freedom Sue. I agree with you and Val too. I’m choosing to step back and focus more on what I can control; spreading kindness and trusting that nature is more powerful than we are. So I will align with nature, simplicity, and living in ways that support the regeneration of nature. Hugs my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 09, 2020 @ 23:44:03

      I think each of us Brad will find that what ever we are called to do, will be the right action for us at the right time…
      For not all of us hold that same roll…
      I am not an aggressive person.. But I am strong willed… In my Passion for Humanity…

      So I can not lay down, and watch it being squashed like a bug by these tyrants whose agenda is to control, and highjack our energy to keep fear prevalent in order to stop our natural organic heightened raising of consciousness.
      Which is why I feel the need to follow my calling and speak from my heart..
      Nature as you know is the Master here…. Something which we are being prevented from at the moment…
      And a phycological war is on going with keeping us separate, our children in fear, becoming a faceless society of expressionless zombies….
      In my next post I want to share with people how quickly we become conditioned… And how this is known, and how the repetitive mantra of the last 7/8 months was a well worked phycological program… That was executed perfectly….
      Nature will always be my safe haven…. I support the regeneration of woodlands.. But even that is not enough if we do not wake others up soon Brad.. we may not have a safe haven in which to retreat…
      As you can tell, yes I am passionate… 🙂 Lol….
      And I so thank you Brad….. for your supportive comment…. 🙂 Hugs right back 🙂 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  11. dgkaye
    Oct 10, 2020 @ 03:35:37

    Thank you for the path of links to the rabbit holes Sue. I have book marked this and look very forward to adventuring down a few. You are spot on with all you say – especially ‘some’ of those in power unlawfully. Thanks for your always wisdom my dear friend. ❤ Stay safe and well xoxox



  12. derrickjknight
    Oct 10, 2020 @ 11:18:48

    Sound words and delightful rabbit



  13. rabirius
    Oct 10, 2020 @ 12:42:10

    Truth and freedom are things we should always hold dear.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2020 @ 15:41:43

      I totally agree…. We are seeing them eroded one by one…. And if we are complacent and allow those freedoms to be controlled, we will find ourselves in ever tighter prisons..
      Sending Many thanks Rabirius… 🙂



  14. -Eugenia
    Oct 10, 2020 @ 15:31:37

    Beautiful post, Sue, and I love your painting. ❤️



  15. J.D. Riso
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 00:10:18

    There’s so much mystery in our history. I’ve read Graham Hancock’s work about ancient civilizations and the connection between them. So fascinating. Rabbit is one of my animal totems so I naturally seek out the underworld for answers. 🙂 Hope you’re having a beautiful weekend, dear Sue.



  16. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 01:32:36

    Truth seekers we are and uncovering the truth is no easy task as some things we think are truths are actually lies. Oh those tunnels I have been down many. It is exciting at times to see where they lead. Also truth is something that hits you in the core of the soul and for me I know.
    Yes send out love to your enemies and friends. Love will confound your enemies and confuse your friends lol You are right fear is what the dark ones try to keep us in that state Fear is a low vibration. I believe our consicousness is rising as if it did not we wouldn’t see the corruption around the glob as we have never seen before. Blinders are off for many and yet sad for others that do not see..
    Beautiful drawing of the rabbit by you. The eyes are mesmerizing. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the light seeking truth. Hope you’re having a great weekend and I am sure you are working on part 3 lol

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2020 @ 15:59:25

      Well said Joseph…. “I believe our consciousness is rising as if it did not we wouldn’t see the corruption around the glob as we have never seen before. Blinders are off for many and yet sad for others that do not see..

      So true…. Thank you for your compliments of the rabbit Joseph… The eyes always the hardest to get just right… Enjoy your Sunday also 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  17. boundlessblessingsblog
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 06:06:52

    Excellent and thank you so much for taking me down the rabbit hole, Sue. Your story is amazing and the picture is so apt with your lovely story. Great 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person


  18. Barbara Franken
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 13:10:50

    Always a delight dear sue to read about your discovery’s along the way, helping us all glimpse a bigger picture emerging❤️ AND focusing on being our magnificent selves in this most delightful playground of experience🙏 sending love your way my friend x Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


  19. Hannah Kaminsky
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 15:25:51

    Truth can be difficult, or painful, or upsetting. But truth can also be freeing, gratifying, and empowering. Truth is essential, above all else. A fuller, happier life is only possible with truth.

    Liked by 1 person


  20. Infinite Living
    Oct 11, 2020 @ 20:19:59

    I admire the expansiveness of your awareness that spans through the timelines of our existence. It helps put in perspective how minor we are yet what major responsibility we share for acting in alignment to Truth. I have found myself triggered to the deep lately, with such emotional distress, as if truth has to come with a storm mostly. I found myself praying for strength in body and mind so I don’t need as much recovery each time I choose to go down a tunnel of truth. My spirit is strong and sees a blessing in these times of profound healing, comfort is never the promise.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 13, 2020 @ 11:10:54

      I certainly know the strength and energy needed Pragalbha in travelling down some of those rabbit holes… But as you say, without us digging deeper, these truths would stay hidden.. And all now has to surface, and be brought to the light, including our own inner demons, which we have wrestled with over the years doing our own inner shadow work.. Now the world is going through this procedure and as we who hold the light and love expose these shadows, so the collective light grows, as the world begins to awaken and unravel its past, and heal its deep wounds..
      Many thanks dear friend for reading, this journey is a roller-coaster ride…. And may well get more hair-raising with the unbelievable, But stand strong in that faith of Trusting your own instincts… And the power of Good that this cycle around is set to rise up …
      Much love your way ❤ 🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


  21. stephensmustang1
    Oct 12, 2020 @ 03:47:00

    …”and the truth shall set you free”. THe quote about provoking and then playing victim, hit home. I am not allowing that any longer. 😉 HUGS

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Diane Tibert
    Oct 12, 2020 @ 12:12:30

    How lovely to ready your blog. I am walking the same path. I’ve always felt there was much more to humans than what was revealed through history books. I tossed aside many ‘facts’ because I hadn’t truly believed them, but I had no reason to seek out the truth. I was busy living. Yet, I knew deep within there was much wrong with society and its claims.

    More than a decade ago, with time and the want to dig deeper into our existence, I discovered many things you’ve written here. I’ve followed Graham Hancock, Joe Dispenza, Randall Carlson and many more. When I heard of Gobekli Tepe, it made me think of all the other places yet to be discovered.

    I truly believe we are currently living in a dystopian world, that more highly advanced societies have come and gone. I also believe what humans are capable of achieving is being kept from us, and that it is highly possible the theory of evolution is still just that: a theory yet unproven.

    Since I’ve found many lies in our text books we are supposed to take at face value, I’ve decided everything I’ve been taught in schools regarding history is questionable. It’s possibly all lies laced with enough truth to get people to believe.

    Everything in mainstream media — race wars, identify politics, pandemic, political mayhem, global warming, ect. — is to distract from the real truth. Keep people busy, worried and living in fear, and they don’t have time to think rationally and seek the truth.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will follow to see where this journey takes you. I’m sure I’ll find nuggets of wisdom to add to my journey.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 13, 2020 @ 11:46:11

      Welcome Diane, so lovely to have you hear and read my post…
      Big smiles, as I read your words.. Yes, like you way back in the beginning of my searching information came which I wasn’t ready to accept. So I tossed it aside too. Years later I picked up those self-same books and they then made perfect sense..

      We have to gather together the pieces often one at a time, to begin to make sense of the whole picture.. And even then the whole picture is but a fragment of the hologram it is part of..

      Yes higher advanced societies, like Atlantis, come and gone, perhaps their demise a result of their own greed, and technological evolution.
      And I do believe we still have higher beings technological advances not yet made public knowledge as yet.. And yes.. We humans think we ‘Know it all’ with our theories, but I am sure we know very little in the scheme of things relating to the Universe.

      Along with deeper darker entities who feed from negative energy… A subject many do not wish to even think about let alone talk about.

      Our education system relatively young as you unravel the strings … And see how those text books in New Science discoveries are not updated… And in todays modern world of technology is shouldn’t be a problem to do so..

      But the world of Quantum Physics is not taught… That All is connected…
      The arm of the media a wonderfully manicured weapon of keeping people in fear with perpetual one sided information, that challenges any opposite thinking or debate as Conspiracy.. Which is only a term used until it becomes known fact and truth…

      Many thanks Diane.. Loved listening to your thoughts, we travel across a similar page… And have to learn to dig deeper to investigate for ourselves.. And when we each do that, by doing our own truth digging and research instead of relying on once source of information… We will all of us find those nuggets of wisdom… Which we enable us all to be set free..

      Thank you so much again Diane… Love and light your way ❤ 💚🙏



  23. Baydreamer
    Oct 13, 2020 @ 00:50:07

    Thanks for this insightful and excellent post, Sue, and you also shared some great quotes. The truth isn’t always easy, but it’s the best option. I’m keeping your post to refer back to. And your painting is beautiful! So talented, my friend. Stay well and safe! xo



  24. Bela Johnson
    Oct 13, 2020 @ 15:26:40

    Yup. A fine line between loving and acting. Constantly being refined as I am provoked by partaking in any news source whatsoever, even the best journalistic efforts. Best to remain apart from it, at least for me, at least for now. (And yes, I do vote!) So back into the woods I go, both literally and figuratively. I can best serve Creation by remaining there.

    “People will provoke you until they bring out your ugly side, then play the victim when you go there.” Oh, yes. Many times has this happened. Until i simply refuse to participate, once again.

    Thanks as always for your efforts at awakening. I haven’t the fortitude for it any longer, so I want to honor it in you. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💗



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 15, 2020 @ 12:05:58

      Keep in your bubble of creativity within your new home Bela… I can see why your fortitude for it all wanes.. I nearly shut down my whole blog as just wanted to escape.. But the problem is, I cannot escape from myself… This call, this urge what ever you call it within me to speak is stronger still… What good it does, perhaps only feeding my own ego as I feel I doing something in showing people the world is not as we have been taught… Ignorance is Bliss they say… And yet I see beyond, I hold no fear for myself, I am pleased to be in my sixth decade and have lived during this period of time.. I think of my Granddaughter, and other grandchildren, and the fear they are now being brought into.. To fear not hugging their grandparents, not seeing expression, to be separated further in a Dark agenda to manipulate control, so those who feed from the negative can keep their foothold over humanity in their parasitic form..
      So we each have our own rolls, our own maps, which we laid out well before we came here..
      Because we knew the road, we knew the time we were coming to witness… And we each now are doing exactly what is right in the moment…
      Sending HUGE Mega Hugs dear Bela… Love and Blessings your way..<3 ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Bela Johnson
        Oct 16, 2020 @ 11:47:29

        Sweet Sue, it must be devastating to witness your granddaughter’s generation, up close and personal, yet so far removed. The fear is palpable, and can burn me out when I have to get off the mountain for errands.

        And yes, we all must do as we are called. For me, it feels at times like I’m hiding, but there are ideas and inspirations brewing under the surface. I am ever ready to Be of service, so I am sure I will know when and how to move and act.

        What times we are living in! Gosh. And this crazy country ready for another election fiasco in a very short time. We shall see how that all plays out.

        Much love, mega hugs right back! Take good care, dear one. ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 17, 2020 @ 11:00:29

          Yes, it is, it’s going to affect them for many years to come…. I am hearing some children who already have extreme anxiety are very suicidal… Now many are becoming paranoid of germs… and as we know repetitive handwashing is a symptom of a nervous disorder.. Mothers whose children are ADH, and those whose children already have mental issues are not getting medical support anymore… Hospital appointments, day centres, and other help organisations are not running as normal, so these Mums are alone in dealing with the anxiety levels which are now heightened due to the separating, the masks, not being able to see a face, a smile a hug.. Its horrifying what is occurring Bela… So glad you have your Mountain retreat to stay in and only venture into the Madness of the world for supplies.. Sending Love and Hugs Dear friend 😀

          Liked by 1 person


          • Bela Johnson
            Oct 18, 2020 @ 15:55:39

            It is no less horrifying from where i sit. Everytime i see a young child in a store, i can see the wonder in their eyes. Wonder as in … but i can, 99% of the time, get a smile. I am sorry to see these kids falling through the cracks of a mismanaged adult world. We are right in the thick of extreme changes, as you know. Doesn’t make it easier to observe when it’s that close to home for you, i know. Yet these kids were meant for their time, as we were for ours. Cannot envision what they will yet endure.

            Peace and comfort to you, dear one. Love. 💞



  25. Shakti Ghosal
    Oct 14, 2020 @ 15:58:04

    Loved the post Sue.

    People provoke you because they would like to get you ‘inside the box’ in which they reside with all their angularities, destructive thoughts and resentment. When they succeed in making you react, they have effectively taken you into their space and it becomes a justification to them to continuw with their destructive behaviour and actions.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 15, 2020 @ 12:17:43

      Indeed, spot on… Thank you Shakti… Many now being herded into their boxes here.. who are locking themselves firmly inside accepting their jailers rules and no idea as to when they will unlock their cells… Who could have foreseen how easily it is to hoodwink the world would be???
      Many thanks again for reading Shakti.. I appreciate your visits 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Miriam
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 02:39:01

    It’s all coming out isn’t it, all the lies, deceit and corruption from eons ago. So much is going to be uncovered, and already has, that at times it overwhelms me. But I know it’s time. And, like you Sue, as much as I know love is the answer I also understand the time is here now when we have to say ENOUGH. I WILL NOT CONSENT. It’s time we took back our sovereignty. Thank you for all you do and are Sue. I appreciate your posts. Much love to you my friend. xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 10:50:52

      It is Miriam… I love your SkyNews in Australia It is at least reporting the truth and doing its own bit in exposing so much corruption and lies.. And I cannot get over the differences in areas down under… Where you are its totally corrupted and yet in other places people going around almost as ‘Normal’ what ever normal is anymore..
      And yes my next post intents to expose the words which get many sites taken down… As those mandatory ‘Cures’ are rolled out… My body also my Sovereign Sacred Space.. And I DO NOT CONSENT either.. Sending Love and huge hugs your way dear Miriam.. and thank you for your lovely catch up with posts today…
      Much love ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Miriam
        Oct 17, 2020 @ 11:27:05

        My pleasure to catch up Sue, it’s always enlightening reading your posts. And yes SkyNews at least delivers some truth. Melbourne is, unfortunately, the Ground Zero of all this corruption. Thank God for my garden and my lovely semi rural neighbourhood. I consider myself very fortunate. ❤️💚

        Liked by 1 person


  27. Ben Naga
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 03:01:40


    This isn’t a direct follow-on to your post here but I came across this video this evening and feel prompted to send you a link. 💖🙏



  28. Resa
    Oct 20, 2020 @ 22:48:33

    I’m reading this series backwards, but it works in any order, for me.
    I’ve been going through something with a pal. Seems she wants a fight, needs to justify an abusive relationship she thinks she needs. I won’t have it.
    It’s a bit sad, but I’m not getting sucked into her negative vacuum.
    Doesn’t mean I’ve abandoned her, but it’s at an; I love ya, have a great day vibe from my end.
    Sue, your posts are very jam packed. It’s great, but I seem to find my need, happily, within.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 21, 2020 @ 12:22:46

      Good for you Resa… It takes true friendship to try and point out the patterns.. Only they have the ability to step out of their victim mode, and stop their bemoaning the fact of their plight to others… Sending love your way Resa and hope your Pal finds the peace and strength she needs to create a new path for herself.. ❤



  29. insearchofitall
    Nov 15, 2020 @ 17:14:53

    I have been trying to get to this for ages and finally decided tor read while the machine stitches. I have saved the photos and have the videos open for a quieter time. You know I’m on the same wavelength as you. Fortunately, there is some new information here I’m interested in hearing and reading. I’m catching up soon. Thanks for sharing this new information. I love your bunny drawing!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2020 @ 12:11:26

      Thanks Marlene… Yes we have been into many of the same rabbit holes via the books we have read, I know Marlene.. And thank YOU for saving to read later.. I appreciate your time.. And also hope to catch back up here soon… Sometimes you have to just follow your intuitive guidance.. and the Universe also reminded me with an attack of Vertigo for several days.. Happy you enjoyed my drawing…
      Love your way Marlene… Stay Blessed my friend ❤ Huge hugs 🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at http://memymagnificentself.wordpress.com/

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October 2020

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


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