Dream Time: New Earth~ Solstice~ Completed Painting Part Two.

Here we are in the Summer Solstice It is now time to let go of our shadows allow the layers, the skins we have held onto to shed… There will be those whose choices support the negative and those who are here to restore and heal the planet…  We need to work upon our heart centres, loving ourselves, nurturing ourselves, as we love and respect all others.  We need to let go of Anger, Division, and Fear!

For Aeons, the negative forces played their game, holding us trapped, as we remembered who we were and from where we came The more awake we became, the more treacherous  their games. Lives did not matter, for they worshipped another Queen, The Queen of AI who was busy sending out her tendrils into every home.
They were high-jacking Gaia deeper and deeper within their vipers layer, trapping souls and fallen angels Sabotaging her energy grids, and destroying the Indigenous Knowledge and sacred sites of the Portals which were revered by many cultures who knew their origins came from the stars  So as the Vipers  raped and pillaged, News travelled across galaxies out into the solar system the Stars heard their sister Gaia’s call for help

Dark Energy Our Layers, skins…


And Star seeds heard her call even though amnesia from our own blue prints have high-jacked us from our mission life time after life time, We came… And NOW is the time on this Solstice Energy point, to amplify our thoughts as we Unify and send Unconditional Love into the hearts of ALL Darkness…  We have our Dream Magic…   And not allow their own Dark Magick win..  We each need to hold our hearts in Love, when we Unify our hearts as ONE… We will extinguish the power of the darkness to change our present time line to be one of beauty, peace and harmony…

Star seeds- bringing light

 BUT WE HAVE TO DREAM IT into Being This world holds our free will, and if we comply and allow those negative energies with no resistance, they take it as consent… And I do not give my consent to this Dark Agenda of Controlling dominance. So my paints brought life and glitter, love and joy into the New Earth..   I could see it, I saw the beauty the harmony, I saw Free Energy, Love, and Laughter.

I Believed in a World where ALL helped each other, and the domination of control, and greed were no more…  My heart swelled as I closed my eyes in the dance of our Future time line…

Creating New Earth from within


So as my paint brushes swirled, I pulled out the beauty, the love, the positivity, as the star seeds and angels of love and light began to wrap their energy around Mother Earth Mother Earth…
Gaia, began spinning faster, her shorelines became blurred, as she began to raise her own energy vibration and frequency Then within the shadows the Tall Greys, the AI, the darkness of all the dark forces suddenly showed themselves for who they were. No longer were they able to sustain or remain in the LIGHT Humanity was now reaching her height of transformation. Nothing could stop was about to happen. For this was all Divine Timing. 

Tall Greys -Representing. , Shadow State, AI, Malevolent Beings!


Their shadow selves suddenly appeared out of the woods, revealing themselves for who they were They were now desperate in their attempts to hold Gaia in their clutches and would throw every trick that had to suppress the now awakening masses But while I saw only a few were afraid I saw them flee Earth… I saw the snakes who had slithered beneath the stones, deep in Mother earth no longer have or hold their power I saw them slither and slink, and whither back into the Ether from whence we created them. 

The trees reaching to heaven and their roots grounded deep in Mother Earth

The Trees were once again standing Tall, the roots of our origins now firm, spread out across the land… And each soul, which had before been trapped was now lifted within themselves… No vehicle came to transport them,, for  their New World New Earth was inside of them…

They had to create it within themselves… They had to perceive their world through the eyes of love, not lack… They had to unify instead of divide They had to hold Joy, not anger or jealousies, most of all, had to hold LOVE. as they completely let go of All Fear  

The Star seeds were unifying more strongly than ever Our TIME is NOW  We need at this Solstice to Send Gaia, our Love, We need to project our Prayers of Unity and Harmony, Peace and LOVE.

The Last Act was to add a Herkimer Diamond to embed into the Heart of New Earth..

My Last act of love as I created the painting was to glue a Herkimer Diamond to the centre of our New Earth.. Among the glitter and Love I had poured into our New Earths Heart..  

This is the crux, We each need to send out that Unconditional Love into Gaia and all hearts, to create a positive Time line, instead of allowing the fragments of confusion, division,  hatred and separation to work for the Dark Agenda. Which if we are complicit create a time line of much more sorrow and suffering… We all now need to Choose!

We who have been busy gathering together more swirls of energy, in our day to day work, we who have connected with each other and with Gaia herself.

 New Earth- Finished Painting

My Painting, My Mission…. Created out of Love.. 💚🙏

This is Now our most Important Time to bring about Change…

As we Dream into being Our New Earth.. 

Let The Dream Begin! BIG! 

173 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. rabirius
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 14:50:48

    Letting go of one’s shadows is always a relieve. But also hard to accomplish sometimes.
    Wonderful post, Sue.

    Liked by 4 people


  2. litebeing
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 15:11:20

    Your paintings are beautiful beyond words. Are they a series or did you keep painting over the same canvas? The color palette speaks to my heart as do the spirals. I have really been struggling with my shadow but will keep working on myself using self love and forgiveness. I truly hope our collective vision of a new world is imminent.

    love, Linda ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 14:11:18

      Thank you Linda… The paintings are all part of the same canvas. Only one picture looks a little greener than blue, this was because it was taken in poor light with no flash… All were taken in the stages of painting, or on the finished one which is right at the end of the post..
      Right now many shadows within are rising to be cleared, which the snake, shedding of skins etc also can represent… We are also finding our own levels of comfort.. In that we are splitting, no longer able to tolerate energies in compatible, so we are finding perhaps those long term friendships, relationships now breaking apart… As we surround ourselves with a more balanced energy suitable to our own…. We just have to sometimes surrender, as we can often Try to hard. And we often expect something different to occur… Instead it is just a matter of our own altered perception, and looking at the world from a different lens, as we do our own internal shadow work, finding inner beauty, contentment, peace by just Being in that moment… Our outer world suddenly becomes more harmonious, because of altered inner perspective.. ❤ ❤ ❤ Much love back dear Linda

      Liked by 2 people


  3. JanBeek
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 15:15:58

    Ah. The power of transformation is alive and well. “Unify and send Unconditional Love into the hearts of ALL Darkness.” Your paintings are beautiful demonstrations of transformative power. Bless you! Your words are beautiful. Thanks for touching my heart and opening this new day into hope. ❤️👍🏽

    Liked by 1 person


  4. laurabruno
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 15:38:14

    Lovely and magical, Sue! ❤ Happy Summer Solstice, dear one! Much love, Laura

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Infinite Living
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 15:58:53

    I can feel the change that is upon us in my bones and circulation, my expressions have further frozen as if. The waves that are emerging within are breaking and receding within, even before I find a way to channel them in any way. I keep playing at the edge, watching the waves, not venturing in or out …

    Your painting and writing carves and weaves into the depth and expanse of this experience that seems like simultaneously happening while waiting for it to happen. It plunges me deep in silence and a meditative space that affirms and aligns my vibration.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 14:40:35

      Dearest Pragalbha, so wonderful to have your beautiful presence here my friend… Yes there is a palatable change ‘in our aura’s’ I so relate to your words… So many times I have sat to express outwardly those thoughts which are crying out inside to be heard, and yet when I have sat to voice them, those very words would not come.. They receded back, not yet the time to come forward… So I didn’t force them into being… The words for this second part were written on the 20th, the day of posting, they came within an hour of sitting and once again just looking deeper into the heart of my painting, as once again all of those feelings, emotions, knowing, surfaced.. This time it was time to allow those words to take shape and form..

      WE who hold knowing Pragalbha, whose hearts have expanded and contracted with the birthing pains of Mother Earth’s shedding of old, while renewing and replenishing, have been through wave after wave within our inner growing and expansion.. We have often been like the water within my opening statement of my meditation in part one, as we have felt our hearts cry out as we have felt the tears of others, as we too have felt out of control of our emotional selves, tossed here and there, while we have digested new information, new understanding and have almost drowned in the torrents of energy we have found ourselves tumbling through..

      But we had to go through all of that, in order to find our reflection within the calm mirrored lake, as our energy found balance, peace and calm within our inner hearts as we accepted all of this is part of self discovery as we shed our own layers, as we do battle within to clear ourselves of our programmings that have held us prisoners here on Earth..

      Now too on a global scale… Our world is plunging into it’s own dark night of the soul, its own awakening, where many are confused, angry and afraid. It will at times dearest Pragalbha seem as if it cannot get any worse.. But then it does, and our faith once again is being tested..
      This is where we who have done our inner work, who may at times still feel fragile, hold tight to our inner reality.. The Inner realms of our open hearts.. Where our love is all that is needed… Sending it out, focusing it within our being.. We need at times do not more than just BE LOVE, as our inner hearts swell outwards into our Earth Mother, Gaia, as we merge with that vibration. That Cosmic Wave which has travelled from the central Sun to help Gaia and those who are ready to transform along with her…
      But it’s all internal, It’s all about going within, where ALL knowledge resides.. Where our souls and God part are One..

      Many thanks my lovely friend… Sending you Huge Hugs your way .. And many Blessings

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Eliza Ayres
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 16:07:19

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Fascinating glimpse into a creative journey…



  7. ReginaMary
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 16:10:26

    What a fascinating process. Thank you for taking us on this journey. The final painting is so beautiful.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 14:48:46

      Many thanks dear Regina…. Its been both consuming, rewarding, and energising dear Regina… I feel like a weight has been lifted, and if I were to not write another post ever again here on WP.. It feels like a completion of a cycle I needed to express… The painting is on my bedroom wall, and I wake up each morning and go to sleep with it and its inner meaning held within my heart…
      Many thanks my friend… I am so grateful for your presence and happy were are also part of this journey… 💖🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


  8. derrickjknight
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 16:43:27

    Good work, Sue



  9. thespiritkeeper
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 18:02:33

    Here is to love that fervently transforms. It is our birthright and as you say Sue, Dream it into existence. I love all you paintings. You must of went on a paintathon. My favorite painting is Creating new earth within which spoke to me on many levels. I believe Gaia is in transformation to a new dimension. Those that stand with her will go with her and those that don’t will stay in 3D with all its consequences. I resonate with your whole article as I did part 1. Thank you for being on the journey with me. As we are approaching the start of a new week I wish you all the epiphanies you need. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:05:33

      Thank you dear Joseph… ‘The paintings’ are all part of one canvas, but each part to which I was focused represented a different aspect of the whole.. Much like we Humans, who think we are separate and each story seemingly different and complex, which we feel has no baring on the whole.. Yet each of us are but a brush-stroke, within the whole canvas of life itself… Each colour a different vibration, a different mixture of elements, pigments, and textures which merge together to come to create different forms, different experiences, with different emotions, and different perspectives.. Yet each are part of that Whole canvas which is making up a larger picture within a particular time line of our collective consciousness.. The experience we signed up for or should I say, we’re part of creating… Because our very creativity in our thoughts and thinking is what creates our very experience..
      When we understand such indepth-ness if there is such a word lol, of our existence… We can only hope that our own inner creative realms we are constantly reviewing, creating and manifesting begins to understand.. It is we who are the keys.. It is we who are the all powerful, who by our inner work, and that inner love, and inner releasing and letting go of old paradigms, conditioning and programming. That can re-create our outer world through inner love..
      So I see a splitting of waves, a parting of wills… Those who embrace the world of Material ‘Matter’ will cling onto the old 3D reality of lack, greed, judgement etc…
      While those who are moving forward having done their own inner work who have woke up to something deeper within themselves, are shifting their vibration and perspectives…. Aligning their energies with what we are seeing is emerging through these chaotic times… We are being given a choice to SEE, to choose, to remain in Lack, separation and fear or move into Love, unity and harmony…

      Many thanks dear Joseph… Your well wishes are returned dear friend…
      Much love returned 🙂 💚🙏



  10. The Coastal Crone
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 18:13:23

    A beautiful creation with layers of love! Husband and I shall celebrate the Summer Solstice this evening with champagne and the lighting of a small fire outside. The earth moves on normally as we swirl in conflicts. May we find some peace and new direction. Cheers! Sending peace and love to you.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:07:19

      Thank you dear Jo, what a wonderful way to spend an evening on the Summer Solstice… May the fire of love always burn bright in both your hearts my friend.. Thank YOU… 💚🙏



  11. peggyjoan42
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 18:52:32

    Read this post last night and thought about it a lot. I think it is alright for you to paint over your picture until it portrays what you wish it to represent. I could tell there are a lot of powerful emotions running through your mind. The turmoil on this earth right now has all of us stressed and unsure of our future. My hope is for people to stop and truly look at the things they are doing and chose only to do what is beneficial to all of us on this planet. Love and hugs to you Sue and may you find peace and happiness in the coming days and months. xxoxoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:14:16

      Thank you dear Peggy, and yes, I feel many are being given that very choice as you said so well

      is for people to stop and truly look at the things they are doing and chose only to do what is beneficial to all of us on this planet

      Such is the awaking process, and what is sorting the wheat from the chaff so to speak Peggy.. Hope your garden and planting have now got well under way… I have yet to get around to my garden blog… I took many photos, now all out of date Lol… Even videos that are now out of date… lol.. Which I was going to string together… But all will come together when its meant to… As will the world events, which need to unfold and help people choose love in their hearts…
      Sending HUGE hugs Peggy…. Lots of love your way my friend ❤ 🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


      • peggyjoan42
        Jun 21, 2020 @ 17:18:36

        At times life seems so busy and we run out of time to do garden blogs and other things we must eventually get done. Our garden is growing slowly. We are in the process of picking our huge amount of blueberries and blackberries which will take a month or more as they ripen. Here’s to the sea of mankind getting their act together and learning to love.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 22, 2020 @ 17:58:27

          Good to know your garden is progressing Peggy, our blueberries still tight and green, our blackberries will not be ready until Sept. Sending Love and well wishes Peggy and thank you for your lovely visit and comments my friend 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  12. Erika
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 19:09:44

    The new dawn, the chance of the big awakening. Wow, Sue! It is unbelievable how many details of the moment, of history, and of the things to be were woven into this painting. You can read it like a book. The dark energies have their spot too in your painting but “looking at the whole picture” they lose their scary power. The picture in its whole looks so promising, healing, and comforting. To me, it says, no matter how things look like, they are only a side scene. The real life (the life that is crucial for us) always has a much bigger power, and in the end, its light will always shine over everything. In the end, Love is what rules life. Love is what defines life. Love is what remains.
    What a beautiful painting, Sue! If you ever think of making prints of it, please, let me know! I’d buy one! Lots of love 💖Erika



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:29:45

      Thank you so, so much Erika… I think only those who know deeper will see deeper the messages embedded within the words and the images here Erika.. And yes, when you stand back and look at the WHOLE PICTURE, not only my canvas, but the world as a whole… We see a different perspective and we who understand the deeper process from which we all come through our dark tunnels. We see the world is now held within the Birth Canal.. Its painful and those waves, of contractions go deep, it can feel unbearable.. Some labours are long and arduous while others go more smoothly…. We are witnessing the two side by side.. Those who are panicking,fearful, afraid. While others breathe their way through it with a calm presence of knowing and love, that all is well…

      We are now in those final pushes dear Erika, the choice is ours, and by holding our inner world of love, we choose the calmer route of our experience, while others choose theirs which holds them in more pain…

      All any of us can do is hold love, and yes, you so rightly say.. Love is what defines Life
      Many thanks dear Erika…. So pleased you enjoyed my painting and thoughts my friend..
      Much love your way 🙂 💖🙏

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika
        Jun 21, 2020 @ 20:04:22

        I totally did, Sue! The comparison with birth, the birth canal and the progress of the birth is so good! A avery good analogy! Yes, there are those and those. Looking at your picture only leaves me with the best feelings. Even those who stand more in the darkness don’t appear scary when seeing the whole picture. As we experience it in life. Little aspects may scare us or can be confusing and one-sided but stepping back and looking at the bigger scenery, it all relaxes.
        Let’s support the birth process and flow with the pushes… Thank you for this insightful and healing work, Sue 💖

        Liked by 1 person


  13. J.D. Riso
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 19:49:01

    Your painting is breathtaking, Sue. This Solstice and eclipse is so powerful. Let there be light.✨❤️✨



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:35:14

      Bless you Julie, and thank you once again my friend.. I really appreciate your love and encouragement ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • J.D. Riso
        Jun 21, 2020 @ 20:02:03

        I feel how your have moved deeper into the light with this painting. Thank you so much for shining it into the world.💖

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 22, 2020 @ 18:42:22

          Thank you Julie, yes a deeper calm, and an understanding that all is part of this progression through these cycles we all move through both individually and as a collective… Learning to breathe through them, release and let go, as we each try raise our vibrations step by step…
          Many thanks again…. I really appreciate your feed back.. 💚🙏

          Liked by 1 person


  14. balroop2013
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 20:11:55

    Wow! That painting has a divine touch Sue, I love how colors merge into each other, creating a perfect harmony. Beautiful and your words are in sync with your art.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:38:42

      Bless you Balroop my dear friend.. I think in total there were only five colours within my pallet which were mixed and matched, blended together..Many thanks dear Balroop, that Wow! means a lot my friend Thank you 💖🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  15. Renee Espriu
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 20:36:02

    Striking pieces of art and a wonderfully powerful homage to the Summer Solstice. I’ve not done such art as this and really I am only beginning to touch the surface of the art I’ve always longed to create so have much I want to do. I’ve been quite busy the last couple of days, my friend, as my granddaughter and her family have finally moved into their own place. So, that is five people who are now not here and my daughter and son-in-law’s house is very big and I now find myself to have much more freedom to move about and do the things I would normally do if I had my own place. I still feel some amount of restriction, of course, for as much as I love my daughter and can talk with her, when she is with her husband ( a loving man), I find myself as most would…a third wheel, so to speak. But all in all it is better now. I can keep my bedroom door open and now have the bathroom to myself and am not sharing with five other people. I have more space in the pantry for my things as well as the kitchen and as they now have their refrigerator back (the little family had taken it over), I have my own refrigerator I had went in half to purchase so my daughter and so-in-law would have space for their food. So, I have been very very busy but happy for it. Sorry to take up so much space here but as I have no other way to contact you, I will do it so you know how it is I am doing. Do take care. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:45:53

      Dearest Renee… Never worry about taking up space with your most welcome words my friend.. I love catching up with your news.. And I am so happy that at last you are able to have ‘That Space’ which you so craved, and yet has been so long in coming.. I can almost feel that Sigh of relief within you Renee as you are able to spread out within that space, to just BE again…
      You will have more peace now to be creative.. I hope to be along to visit you shortly along with many others here…
      Thank YOU again dear Renee, your compliments of my art are gratefully appreciated my friend.. Thank you 💖🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  16. wonderful world
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 21:03:01

    There will definitely be a new earth after this year my dear friend and lets hope us humans have learnt a thing or two to make it a better place. your painting is absolutely stunning, such a beautiful piece of work. Thank YOU for sharing your beautiful soul with us 💗🙏🏻



  17. Mark Lanesbury
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 22:50:54

    Standing in that unconditional dear lady, each day shining brighter with what we are all becoming as we truly see beneath the waves 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:51:47

      Bless you and thank you Mark…. May we ride the waves yet to come, and transcend through our own inner work, to emerge stronger into the Light of all that there is… And that LOVE prevails in our hearts as we learn to let go of Fear itself..
      Many thanks my friend…
      Also for your constant wisdom and support.. It has meant a lot.. Thank you Mark.. 💚🙏💜

      Liked by 1 person


  18. Writing to Freedom
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 23:25:11

    Thank you Sue for weaving your beautiful vision, painting, and heart into spirals of love spreading around the world. I’ve been feeling lots of anger and judgment that I would like to let go, moving toward love and harmony to spread good vibes as you described. Hugs…

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 15:58:05

      There are lots of intentional ‘Triggers’ at the moment Brad, designed to do just that, evoke an emotional response of Anger, frustration, confusion and judgement..
      When we do learn to step back, observe from another perspective, we can then move forward in love and harmony… We are being asked to choose which time line of reality we want to exist within..
      I do not consent to the Fear, the division, the lies….
      And this is why I felt the Solstice was just that time to post as my words were finally allowed to come from my heart to form on paper or digital means lol..
      Because we need to focus upon what we DO want, and not on what we DON’T want… Which is why many are now feeling the call, and who are waking up and choosing LOVE or Fear…

      Many thanks my dear friend…. Hugs right back Brad.. 💚🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  19. Dyanna
    Jun 20, 2020 @ 23:27:29

    Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine.



  20. macalder02
    Jun 21, 2020 @ 03:46:44

    All of our repressed thoughts, feelings, and concepts regarding ourselves are our shadows that we sometimes don’t want to face. Maybe fear does not allow us to see clearly that we have to leave behind with only our will.
    Each one of your paintings, of optimal quality, clearly reflects your message.
    A great pleasure to read you Sue. It has been a reading that you leave us to reflect and learn more about ourselves.
    Good sunday for you

    Todos nuestros pensamientos reprimidos, sentimientos y conceptos con respecto a nosotros mismos son nuestras sombras que a veces no queremos enfrentar. Quizás el miedo no nos permite ver claramente que tenemos que dejar atrás solo con nuestra voluntad.
    Cada una de sus pinturas, de óptima calidad, refleja claramente su mensaje.
    Un gran placer leerte Sue. Ha sido una lectura que nos dejas para reflexionar y aprender más sobre nosotros mismos.
    Buen domingo para ti

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 16:09:24

      Querido Manuel: Muchas gracias, querido amigo, por tu hermoso comentario, junto con tu apreciación y valoración de mis palabras y mi arte.
      Me complace que haya podido ver lo que estaba transmitiendo dentro de las imágenes ampliadas de mi pintura original en las palabras que escribí.
      De hecho, el miedo nubla nuestros corazones, manteniéndonos en esta virbración negativa. Lo que nos controla a conformarnos con este paradigma.
      Cuando podemos superar el miedo, sabiendo que no hay nada que temer sino el miedo mismo.
      Entonces permitimos que el Amor entre en nuestros corazones … Lo que comienza a cambiar la forma en que vemos el mundo …

      Entenderás con el amor que has compartido dentro de tu propia poesía, Manuel, cómo AMOR, cambia nuestra visión del mundo … Todo dentro de nuestra vibración se vuelve como si viéramos a través de lentes color de rosa … Mientras nuestros corazones se centran en nada más..

      Cuando alcanzamos nuestro estado interno de liberar el miedo y entrar en nuestro mundo interno amándonos y perdonándonos a nosotros mismos … Entonces también comenzamos a crear esa realidad externa …

      Muchas gracias mi querido amigo … Realmente aprecio que te hayas tomado el tiempo para leer, traducir y comentar …
      Mucho amor regresó ..💚🙏

      Dear Manuel, Many thanks dear friend for your beautiful comment along with your appreciation and assessment of my words and my art.
      I am pleased you were able to see what I was conveying within the enlarged images of my original painting in the words I wrote..
      Indeed Fear clouds our hearts, holding us in this negative virbration. Which controlls us to conform within this paradigm..
      When we can rise above Fear, knowing there is nothing to fear but fear itself..
      We then allow Love to enter our hearts… Which begins to change how we view the world..

      You will understand with the love you have shared within your own poetry Manuel, just how LOVE, changes our view on the world… Everything within our vibration becomes as if we see through rose coloured glasses… As our hearts are focused upon nothing else..

      When we achieve our inner state of releasing fear, and entering our inner world by loving and forgiving ourselves… We then also begin to create that outer reality..

      Many thanks my dear friend… I really appreciate you taking time to read, translate, and comment back…
      Much love returned.. 💚🙏



      • macalder02
        Jun 21, 2020 @ 17:23:34

        Sue, for me it is an immense pleasure to be able to enjoy your reflections. They move me to have more knowledge of myself and above all, it leaves me that spiritual peace, so necessary to understand my fears and to overcome them in the best possible way.
        To that, we have to add your art. A great combination to enhance your creation, both in words and in your paintings.
        A big hug with the love of always

        Sue, para mí es un placer inmenso poder disfrutar de tus reflejos. Me motivan a tener más conocimiento de mí mismo y, sobre todo, me deja esa paz espiritual, tan necesaria para comprender mis miedos y superarlos de la mejor manera posible.
        A eso, tenemos que agregar su arte. Una gran combinación para mejorar su creación, tanto en palabras como en sus pinturas.
        Un fuerte abrazo con el amor de siempre

        Liked by 1 person


  21. marina kanavaki
    Jun 21, 2020 @ 10:49:26

    My dearest Sue, your painting speaks all those words you write and each brushstroke, speaks straight to the heart! Thank you, me sweet friend…
    sending love and many hugs xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Visionkeeper
    Jun 21, 2020 @ 13:54:54

    What an amazing tale and what an amazing painting!!!! Great one DW, it is so ethereal and wonderful and yes, we are so ready for a new earth vibrating with love and compassion. It IS time and we will push onward to succeed our mission. So glad you created this masterpiece. I can feel you pouring out of it what was in your heart. Thanks for sharing this. Loved the diamond you glued on 🙂 Have a wonderful day ahead filled with love and hugs and diamonds….VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 21, 2020 @ 16:17:41

      Thank you, so much VK, the Herkimer Diamond, I have several in a pouch, I just felt I wanted something significant to hold the centre of New Earth.. I had forgotten the properties of the diamond, but looked them up just prior to gluing it to the centre of New Earth… And when I re-read their meaning and energy.. I knew it had been a perfect choice…. I smile often VK how we are guided, and how often our guidance is then validated… As we follow our Gut Instincts…
      Many thanks dear VK… take care and much love returned this Sunday to you .. 💚🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


  23. michnavs
    Jun 21, 2020 @ 17:29:27

    The paintings are really beautiful Sue…and your words are thoughtful as well…

    It is difficult to leave our shadow behind but we should always try .

    Sending you love Sue💞💞

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 22, 2020 @ 18:28:39

      Thank you Mich.. I agree, it is not always an easy journey, but once we do relinquish our shadows, the weight lifted can be transformative… So appreciate you reading and commenting Mich… Take care and much love your way 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  24. prenin
    Jun 21, 2020 @ 18:03:07

    The time of change is here, but greed and vanity have led to a handful of people cornering the money thinking of it as power, but they cannot live forever and they are getting older and more decrepit day by day… 🙂 ❤

    It is time…


    Liked by 2 people


  25. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Jun 21, 2020 @ 18:51:17

    Oh, Sue!! What an emotional read. I love your art and your words have left me breathless. I feel the tingles of pure love and energy. Happy Summer Solstice, my friend. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 22, 2020 @ 18:35:13

      Thank you dear Colleen… So happy you enjoyed and overjoyed it made you feel some of that collective energy…. It was a lovely Solstice here thank you it was also my Husbands birthday so made all the more special.. 🙂 Much love right back Colleen.. Thank you ❤ 💚🙏😘

      Liked by 1 person


  26. stephensmustang1
    Jun 22, 2020 @ 01:26:44

    Right now,the US needs LOADS of peace and love. All this rioting and looting..is nuts and it’s taking us down a really bad road. SIgh. Love and hugs

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 22, 2020 @ 19:00:28

      I send my prayers regular to the US my friend… I hope and pray people wake up to what they are doing to themselves… Sending many thanks and much love your way ❤ 🙂 💖🙏



  27. dgkaye
    Jun 22, 2020 @ 01:56:03

    The painting is magnificent Sue. I can see the energies flowing within it. Yes, we are fast approaching the moment. Sending love into the world. ❤ ❤ Peace to you my friend. xoox

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Tom
    Jun 23, 2020 @ 07:50:41

    As always, the time is now! It’s worth continuing to push the positivity forward, keep the light and diminish further those aspects that lurk rather than show themselves fully. Scattering and shattering seeds of doubt with seeds of light, Feeling Good and knowing that all is well.
    Love your completed painting, Sue. It’s so full of energy and it’s inspiring. Thanks again for sharing this and your dream.



  29. Jane Sturgeon
    Jun 23, 2020 @ 12:12:11

    What a beautiful painting, dearest Sue. The energies and different perspectives blending into the light. Gaia, angels, star seeds and spirit working together. It calls ‘The time is now’. Guiding us forward. I can feel it’s energy…❤️❤️❤️❤️ And am so grateful to you for your creation and the loving channel you are. Huge love ❤️💙❤️💙



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2020 @ 17:41:08

      There is no Time like the Present Jane.. So true….. And yet there are so many frequencies all happening at once, which are placing so many in confusion, anxiety and separateness… So all of these ‘Discomforts’ are being churned around which are rising to the surface within all of us… And what we witness within this tumbled washing machine of emotions, We see them being tossed around and who are not getting a pleasant ride… But its all part of the cleansing process… Some are already on the final spin, and are going so fast everything is blurred, Time is already speeding up, and as we observe the world around us, we see from our programme wash cycle… While others are still sitting waiting for the water to heat up…
      But we all will eventually complete the cycle… and move beyond the drum, Matrix…. And hopefully into a freer space, where we just Are… and can BE… our true selves…
      Sorry to waffle…. ( My washer has broken, lol… Hence the washing machine on my mind LOL hehehe ) 💚🙏😊



      • Jane Sturgeon
        Jun 25, 2020 @ 09:04:45

        It’s a great analogy, Sue and you never waffle. I hope you get your washer fixed or can have a replacement soon. In all that is happening quite a few things are breaking. I’m sitting here setting up a new PC as my laptop went West and getting the hang of a new phone. Things are blurry, yet the trust is getting stronger. We are all moving into a space where we can just BE, all at a different pace. Hugest love flowing to you both, always. ❤ ❤ ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 30, 2020 @ 19:18:17

          Still washerless dear Jane… A long story….We bought a new one…Still waiting it to be installed, but my daughter has stepped in to help, while I wait for the new one to be fitted. Patience is being tested this month… 🙂 We had our car break down a month ago, still waiting for that to come back from the garage.. Then the pump on the pond stopped working.. LOL….. That was number three haha… All Electrical faults..
          Hope you are getting used to your new PC.. Sending love and well wishes from us both 💚🙏



          • Jane Sturgeon
            Jul 01, 2020 @ 14:52:41

            Ahh, Sue, bless your daughter for stepping in. I am sorry to hear you have been beset by these challenges and yes, haven’t they been all electrical and technical faults!! My Mum has had similiar issues and she and I have kept each other going patience wise. I have a question for you and I know you know, that this is not in a pressurised way at all. Did you (a while back now) sign-up as a subscriber for my newsletter and whatnot? Or, did I dream it? I can’t find it, so I have probably imagined it… I have managed to code all of my new web site and it was way more complicated than I thought. There is a lovely American lad on YouTube who teaches in a way I can understand and his videos rescued me. I do hope your new washer is installed soon, your pond pump can be mended and your car is returned in working order. It’s been a strange old time and one of purging…. I chat to you in my head and I know you feel it. I’ll try and do it gently. 😉 Huge love flowing to you both. Xxxx ❤ ❤ ❤

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jul 01, 2020 @ 19:24:43

              Yes… the saga still ongoing with the car Jane… This Morning we got a phone call saying the said part had finally arrived… This afternoon we got another phone call, to say it was the Wrong part!!…. You really cannot make this up…. And thankfully my patience is strong… Hubby’s is now wearing thin after a month without his car… Mine is now wearing thin with no washer.. But thankfully our daughter’s is making it tolerable lol..
              Thank goodness for those tech savy lads who post how to do things on YouTube…
              All of these are external problems that are solvable… All testing patience… All Material…. And is systematic of the the Global ‘Breakdown’ happening right now… We will all have much more to think about shortly me thinks…
              Thank you for those chats Jane…. So wish we were neighbours …. But then we would most likely not get the washing done or our websites finished LOL… 🙂
              Sending HUGE hugs my friend.. Enjoy your week ahead Jane.. ❤ 💚🙏

              Liked by 1 person

            • Jane Sturgeon
              Jul 02, 2020 @ 12:39:21

              Ohh, now there’s a lovely thought. Chatting across our plots, or over the garden wall. I am blessed with lovely neighbours on both sides and they are all gentle souls.
              Yes, Sue, I feel we have had a taster of things to come and the main event is starting to unfold. Our patience has been sorely tested and it helps to question why we feel angst. Bless your daughter and no, you simply could not make it up about the wrong car part arriving.
              Here’s to fresh laundry, working cars, websites up and running and all this wonderful loving energy that we share. Ohh, and nature and gardening.
              Huge hugs and oodles of love to you both, always. ❤ xXx ❤ ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jul 02, 2020 @ 12:47:20

              Amen to all of that Dear Jane.. 🙂 I also turned a corner yesterday…. Patience is still needed on the World Front, but I got a long awaited internal message, which kicked me into my story writing today… To be shared shortly. 🙂 ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Jane Sturgeon
              Jul 02, 2020 @ 13:13:25

              I look forward to reading that. No pressure, LOL 😉 ❤ ❤ ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jul 02, 2020 @ 18:44:49


              Liked by 1 person

  30. Miriam
    Jun 24, 2020 @ 09:43:53

    Your paintings show the beauty of the world and what could be. Such an inspiring post dear Sue and I can feel the truth of it in my soul. The time is indeed now for us to choose faith over fear and to hold the vibration of a new earth. So many changes are in the air. If only people could see through all the lies, the fear mongering and BS. Sending love and warmest wishes your way. ❤️🙏



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 24, 2020 @ 18:17:12

      Again thank you Miriam.. Yes if only people could see through the lies…. But then I have to step back and realise not all are on the same path, and not all are aware, and many still are consumed in fear… And I totally agree.. So much fear mongering going on and BS… But then if I look at it in a different way.. Without those whose energy is lower, would it have allowed ours to rise a little higher.. Sometimes we need those shadows to show us just how much we need the light..
      I feel more exposure of ‘Dark-Matter’s’ will rear its head via the ending of this year… And we will really need our focus then…
      Sending Love and Huge hugs your way Miriam… Thank you for your lovely visit ❤ 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  31. Andrea Stephenson
    Jun 24, 2020 @ 15:07:07

    It’s a beautiful painting Sue. I love its evolution and the way it has become what it was meant to be – vivid, vibrating, sparkling, the colours and the imagery are wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. charliezero1.wordpress.com
    Jun 24, 2020 @ 23:33:34

    The colors and your words are poetic and the painting is brighter and earth herself is at peace with the love and understanding. The color palettes are incredible sue. I take it this will be a series you are starting? I love it sue. Miss you my friend. 🙂



  33. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Jun 25, 2020 @ 04:00:38

    Such a positive spirit birthing forth here. I feel the movement of the spiral and the awareness of our power to choose. What a delight, my friend, to create the movements that flow into peace and wholeness.



  34. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Jun 25, 2020 @ 19:31:27

    Seeing your artwork thrills me, Sue. Dreams… I’ve been having some doozies since therapy has started digging deeper into the roots of my PTSD. Amazing the symbols the mind comes up with. Sweet dreams, my friend. Hugs.



  35. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Jun 26, 2020 @ 15:12:52

    Your paintings have connected within me to a place of joy. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations, Sue. I agree now can be a time of peace, love and harmony, we have to choose it and envision it. Many Blessings, Lisa xoxo



  36. Resa
    Jun 26, 2020 @ 21:13:30

    Beautiful, painting Sue! I adore your positive message. You are very encouraging, and I thank you for being you, a beautiful Sue!



  37. robbiesinspiration
    Jun 27, 2020 @ 18:23:48

    This painting is truly amazing, Sue. The colours are so beautiful and peaceful to me. Thanks so much for sharing, Sue.



  38. Jennie
    Jun 30, 2020 @ 03:03:39

    Wow! What a powerful post and story, and what a beautiful painting. It was a remarkable evolution.



  39. simplywendi
    Jun 30, 2020 @ 20:55:22

    Oh my goodness Sue, you never fail to amaze me with another talent! Your paintings are heavenly and although I read your words, I could feel your words through your art, each one coming alive as I viewed it. They are stunning and should be in a gallery somewhere!

    Thank you for sharing your heart and soul……..we are all so blessed.

    Liked by 1 person


  40. New Earth Paradigm
    Jul 01, 2020 @ 09:01:36

    Utterly exquisite Sue! This is a unique series that you’ve brought forth. I am really feeling the sparkly Light and the Lightness in the air that is swirling around us right now. Catching up on my reading. Ive missed a few but the waxing moon is keeping me up tonight, so I thought I’d drop in and say Hello, Alia

    Liked by 1 person


  41. sibyl
    Jul 01, 2020 @ 11:09:45

    Dearly Beloved Sue… You’ve made it to our MAGIC REALM called HEAVEN XXX

    Liked by 1 person


  42. Robert Matthew Goldstein
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 03:08:59

    I love this artwork, Sue. I’m reminded of Blake.



  43. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Jul 02, 2020 @ 21:41:09

    Your artwork speaks a lot. The explanation you provided for each part is beautiful, but I can see beyond it. It’s like a magic realism, of the universe, of Mother Nature and beyond. Exceptional work, Sue….and I loved the colour combination… ❤



  44. Barbara Franken
    Jul 03, 2020 @ 16:04:31

    Just love your 2 part post new earth sue… a most magical painting that brings the story of our new birth, finally many now are birthing themselves anew. Although I see more and more division now, the dark and the light, splitting as many unconditionally choose not to wake up. But we don’t pause, sharing our magical journey going beyond the limitation and control.

    AND this has been a great introduction to your magical new earth story you were feeling into writing, joining us in creating another free ebook to share.!?

    Thankyou so much for your devotion to the light, for embracing the dark… as you know you’re doing it for yourself and the rest of Humanity. I imagine each drop of glitter coming into the presence of others who are choosing now to awaken and stand by our sides. Dear Sue, sending you much love❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  45. mother wintermoon
    Jul 04, 2020 @ 21:12:49

    Gorgeous!! ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️ Your beautiful soul and spirit always comes shining through!



  46. Aussie Emu
    Jul 05, 2020 @ 04:24:51

    Your words and paintings are priceless Sue, and will undoubtedly be chronicled in the ancient books of Spiritual wisdom, as future references for those pursuing enlightenment .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2020 @ 09:13:42

      What a beautiful thing to say dear Ian, you certainly brought a huge smile to this old Dreamwalker’s face.. thank you… And thank you my friend for reading the depth’s of my words… Much love returned 🙂 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  47. Bela Johnson
    Jul 06, 2020 @ 00:26:27

    Beautiful paintings, Sue! Andvyes, let the dreaming be well underway! Sending love on this, our last Sunday in HI! Container is packed and we will soon be on our way. I have missed a lot of my WordPress time, but will be back again one day! 💞



  48. JoAnna
    Jul 08, 2020 @ 05:27:34

    Your beautiful painting calls to me. It shimmers both physically and spiritually. I want to hold this vision and these words close: “They had to perceive their world through the eyes of love, not lack… They had to unify instead of divide They had to hold Joy, not anger or jealousies, and they most of all had to hold LOVE as they completely let go of All Fear.” We all have work to do. Thank you for making this clear in such a loving and encouraging way! ❤



  49. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Jul 13, 2020 @ 01:43:25

    … After a walk to the park, a check on the birds, an inspection of bamboo leaves, and returning with a few green leaves in hand, I started a big pot of ‘fresh tea’ with guayusa, stevia, ‘Cuban Oregano… then decided to do a quick wash of color for the bamboo leaves… while drying I could return to the kitchen, about ten steps away..

    Of course you know what happened.. I went straight to ‘zen’ meditation mode and after the wash, put a wash of white acrylic over the top b/c I was using very cheap index card stock… but while that was drying, I worked in yellow and blues ‘behind’ the leaves to give subtle depth.. and then started building color w/acrylic on the bamboo leaves.. then working color in the background to make the leaves ‘pop’ — and yes, surely 45 minutes passed, maybe an hour? before I stopped – and …

    the tea!

    the tea was sizzling, crackling, a total failure.. water in the pot gave a huge sizzle hiss…. oh well.. another pot, another batch – this one with ginger and curcurmin/turmeric chopped into it.. and yes, i painted just a little more but did not allow that concentration again.. then i turned off the tea and left the apt for the restaurant so i could ‘clear my head…’

    do you get in fogs like that? of course you do, and this post is a good example! it’s been on the screen since you published it, b/c it deserves/you deserve a huge congratulations.. it’s stunning, amazing, lovely, magical.. and so you!

    great post and amazing work of art!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 13, 2020 @ 23:14:10

      Oh I so, so relate… Hope your second brew was tasty.. 🙂 I put some beetroot to cook on simmer, it takes about an hour to cook slowly… I thought I had plenty of time…. I went into my spare bedroom I use as my art studio.. Just doodling mainly as I was experimenting with geometric shapes… Something that seems to be in my mind lately… And I suddenly thought BEETROOT! …. Ran down stairs, just to catch them before the pan was dry and they didn’t burn.. I totally lost track of ALL time…. Needless to say Lisa the Beetroot was well cooked 🙂
      Thank you Lisa for your amazing comment and compliments, from such a beautiful and talented artist such as yourself.. Your words mean such a lot.. Thank you again..
      Enjoy your Nature walks and birds my friend.. On a note here… A rare bird was spotted in England.. The bearded Vulture was spotted in the Peak District.. Part of the world where I grew up in.. Link here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-53383387
      Much love Lisa.. and take care.. ❤ 💖🙏



  50. Maria Wind Talker
    Jul 18, 2020 @ 17:51:08

    WOW….beautiful and profound. Thank you ❤



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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