Turning Over A New Earth.

Breaking the Earth open with the blade of the spade, turning it over, breathing the perfume it made.  That earthy peat smell, on a crisp Autumn’s morn, working with nature, harvesting plants from seeds born.

Watching the blackbirds pick freshly dug worms. While the underground world slithers and squirms with centipedes and millipedes and grubs so grotesque. There are Worlds within Worlds, all doing their best.   Surviving above as below, each has a purpose and a path to follow. The world keeps on turning like the Earth on the spade, while destiny dictates whose lives end or whose are made.

 Spiders webs glisten in early morning dew, a marvel of engineering you or I couldn’t do. The lesson in patience in a trap that’s been spun, I apologise for their destruction, all the webs I’ve undone.  Life is always changing, evolving to grow, we think little of the chaos or think of its blow – to the tiny creatures whose lives we disrupt, as a spade turns the earth as their little world erupts.

So Who are WE on this tiny Blue Dot, the place called Earth-just a Universal spot, no bigger than a full stop in a Galaxy of Stars. We think we are superior in our Specimen Jars.  An experiment in a library of all living things, to experience matter, creating all the emotions it brings. But much like the Spider whose web we get caught, we are now trapped within our own ‘Karmical’ thought! As around and around in the wheel we do spin, until we understand the Key lies within.

For to change our outer-world we too must dig deep, unearthing and releasing those emotions we keep. Raising our Vibration is no easy task. Removing the layers and peeling back the Masks. The time now has come where we all need a spade, as we each dig deeper to find of what our hearts are made.

We all have a choice, now its WE who must choose, it’s time to Wake Up, for too long we’ve snoozed. Do we want Harmony? Or do we want Hell? Choosing kindness over Anger is one way to break the spell.  Ascending means rising, so lift up your Hearts. The Raising of Consciousness needs all to take part.

So my friends its all down to us, by altering our thoughts as we learn to love all, we transform ourselves as those frequencies fall. We vibrate and shift as our evolution does spin, this is a fight we must not fail to win.   For the battle was foretold of what to expect, if we give in to greed and our souls we neglect.

I am a work in progress, just like you, and each has their agenda to follow on through, we all have a choice because we were given Free Will, I woke up and  I chose to swollow the Red Pill.  I am but one light in a billion of stars that woke up to remember we are all Avatars. On a journey to remember and break ourselves Free, will you join me in this endeavour on this journey with me? To lift the world, we first must dig deep, turning over what we knew, in this illusion we keep.

Good luck in your seeking as you work with intent, know that we manifest and receive back what is sent, and as you let go of anger and fear, your hearts will expand and bring joyful tears.  So, break out of old habits, stop living in the past. Love and Forgive, remember this Is our Task. For we came to remember just who we are. Those that ‘Know’ we came from the Stars.   The time now has come to take hold of that spade, turning over a New Earth, in this our Upgrade..

Love and Blessings to Each and Every one.. 

Photo Credits: from my Library of past posts and free photo sharing domains.

126 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. IreneDesign2011
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 22:51:27

    What an inspirational post, dear Sue 🙂
    If we have challenges to ground ourselves, then to use a spade in the soil helps a lot to get in contact with our Earth.
    I do my best and wish other all the best too, no matter how they choose to live their lives. We can only show our way and maybe one will be inspired too.
    Much love to you ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2019 @ 13:10:01

      I was out all morning digging over our front garden taking out the spent Petunias and replanting autumn plants such as Chrysanthemums, and some pinks. Very invigorating and satisfying as I dug in some good garden compost and fresh earth as the boarders soil was getting tired due to the shrubs which take a lot of goodness and moisture…
      All we can do Irene is do our best my friend.. And thank you so much for reading ❤ Much love back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  2. House of Heart
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 22:52:31

    You have a beautiful and mystical way of stating the obvious truth of our existence Sue. I’m so glad I found you today. I hope it’s been a great one for you. Sending much love, Holly ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Ben Naga
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 22:55:58

    Gardening is rich in metaphor.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. litebeing
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 23:26:48

    Hi Sue,
    I took a well-needed nap and woke up to this positive and quite inspiring post, reminding us of both our need to be humble and to also be brilliant, as we are all a spark of the Divine <3.

    love to you my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. sibyltowers
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 23:27:15

    The Weaver of the World Wide Web of Life
    sent Spiderman to ease our strife
    And pictures that speak a thousand words
    can free the mind to soar like birds…
    Lots of Love XXX

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Visionkeeper
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 23:27:35

    Wonderful, wonderful words of enlightenment DW….So well said and well thought out. Excellent! I can guess what you’ve been up to all day today! Thanks for sharing these important words for inquiring minds wishing to know more. It’s our way of helping out. Have a great rest of the weekend…Hugs and love…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2019 @ 13:56:03

      Yes spade in hand… this morning also.. very invigorating though.. I wrote this as a poem the other night as I woke up and couldn’t sleep in the early hours,I knew I just had to write, and within my journal notes, I looked at the time so jotted the exact time I finished the poem.. it was 3:33… 🙂 You can’t make these things up lol.. And while I typed out the poem, I also knew I wanted to pen it like a essay rather than in verse..
      Sending Huge hugs back dearest VK and thank you so much dear friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. Renee Espriu
    Sep 14, 2019 @ 23:39:50

    A beautiful and inspirational writing, my friend. Could not have been posted at a more appropriate time for me. I have a college professor who I have considered my mentor and friend for these past thirty years now. He introduced me to meditation and visualization shortly after we met. I have had a difficult time adjusting to my new situation and after emailing back and forth, he has recommended a book published in 2003 by Tara Brach called Radical Acceptance. It takes Buddhism, meditation and those things all people deal with…that of their emotions, their minds and the social structure we are all a part of that melds together in such a way that is wonderful at its’ core to help people heal, to accept who they are. You many know of this author but thought to mention her here as, even though I have just begun down this new path, I find her integral now to my very life. Thank you again for this wonderful post. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2019 @ 14:04:38

      Thank you Renee, especially for introducing this Author, I had not heard of her, but will look out her material. and ask at the local library if they have any of her books..
      Learning acceptance is a great part of the healing process in all its forms..
      And wonderful you have had the help and guidance from your friend all of these years too Renee. I know you have been through some difficult times you have had to adjust your life through..
      Many thanks for reading Renee and for your lovely comment my friend..
      Take care of yourself.. Special hugs your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Mark Lanesbury
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 00:25:31

    Whooee Sue, words of the soul beautifully put together 😀
    That was a magical recital of life, thank you for sharing a heartfelt journey ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  9. inhiscare753
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 00:32:11

    Such a beautifully written inspiring writing. Truly a day to embrace the beauty of nature, oozing from the Earth. God created, painting a Masterpiece. 💜😇🤗
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Infinite Living
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 00:37:56

    Dear Sue, my heart rejoiced while reading your poetic prose. It is so full with rhymes and the truths of life. I am so soothed, supported and surrounded with affirmations through your words. I have been trying, attempting to function like a ordinary, normal human among the world out there – just wanting to live my truth with as much gentleness and kindness towards others and myself. Yesterday I was told that I should go somewhere else where my heart and potential is recognized and not waste my time for those not ‘worth’ I insisted where is somewhere else if not exactly where I am. There is nothing to hide or nowhere else to go. I insist on creating a new world where I am. Today morning I woke up to a very evident rejection from a person of authority – I have extended nothing but loving truths of how an authentic care for each other is possible. I am told by good friends my truths threaten and are not well understood. I have chosen to respond with silence, blessings and more love in my heart – I don’t yet know where ‘else’ to take it.
    I apologise for long comment and grateful for your post.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2019 @ 14:28:54

      Dearest Pragalbha it appears there are those who are still not ready to listen in your circle my friend..
      You dear friend cannot change who you are, and should not go else where… Its there loss…
      What I have come to learn even with the closest that surround us, we are all of us on our own journey, all at our own various levels of understanding, acceptance and awareness.
      Being mindful of others teaches us many things.. And while it wounds there are those who reject kindness from the purity its offered. Then all you can do in return is as you have stated.. And that is to respond in your own silence while sending love into their hearts..
      That is all we can do, and by doing so, you are helping them at an energetic level of consciousness, even though their own Ego is not allowing them to move forward as they are stuck within their belief system..
      That too is fine..
      We are not all meant to be the same.. And there are those who test us, and in a way, because they test us, they are also important and play a valued part in our own progression. For their attitudes only help strengthen our own resolve as we unravel our own journey as we grow..
      We grow learning there are many levels.. Many hidden Truths, and it is scary enough when we first unpick the belief systems we were indoctrinated with to find that which resonates as we begin to ‘See’ just what is our reality.
      When we first uncover these Hidden truths, it can feel lonely and there are many who will shun us and push us aside as if we are unstable..
      There will be many such people in our lives my friend..
      We at the end of the day are only responsible for ourselves.. And our own awakening process, there will be those who never wake up.. Who will never accept those truths we know of..
      So keep sending love and try to detach and let them go on their own pathway with love.. I have learnt we can only Change ourselves, no one else, as you will have learnt also..
      Sending you so much love my friend..
      Take care of yourself.. and let no one upset your own bubble and peace of mind..
      Much LOVE ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Infinite Living
        Sep 17, 2019 @ 00:07:46

        My heart smiles the deepest smile of gratitude for having you here in this space supporting my being and living of this journey. Your words cover every nook and corner of this experience perceived at various levels within myself and my interaction with those around. The peace that I feel is my gift of knowing I can be only what I can be – and express from there. Much Gratitude Much Love.

        Liked by 1 person


  11. insearchofitall
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 01:25:36

    Love how you explain this. I was thinking something on like this while I was pulling up weeds and trying to loosen the soil. Watching all the spiders and bugs be disgusted with me made me realize how much I’d upset their world. I wanted to add nourishment to the soil and mulch so they can have more to eat. 😉 There is a whole universe there. Hugs and love. m

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2019 @ 14:33:48

      Haha.. so know that feeling Marlene, a Daddy Long legs scrambled this morning over a heap of soil as I disturbed where he was in hiding.. And I waited while he got to safety before digging the shovel back in the pile of earth. That is what I have been doing today adding nourishing new earth to our front garden borders while pruning and planting Autumn Chrysanthemums.. A task I am now well satisfied with ❤ 🙂
      Sending love Marlene, and hope you have been taking these tasks too step by step.. But its wonderful to see the results of our efforts.. Take care of YOU dear friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  12. thespiritkeeper
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 01:53:36

    An excellent and inspirational post. Speaking from experience the layers to peel become easier in time and then again some become harder. Humanity is at a crux in its journey. I think we are coming up to a crossroad where we will have to choose. The cobweb we walkthrough gets recycled and so on and so on. Nothing is ever wasted in nature. Everything serves a purpose. Be well my friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2019 @ 14:38:31

      Many thanks Joseph, yes I so agree with you about those layers and some being harder and some come upon us unexpectedly even after we thought we had cleared that particular layer out lol. I agree nothing ever goes to waste, all things living and organic have purpose.
      I hope you are enjoying your own days within nature my friend.. Many thanks for your most appreciated comment Joseph.. Have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday my friend 🙂 ❤



  13. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 02:49:22

    Dear Sue — thank you. I needed one of your wonderful posts. Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 1 person


  14. dreamweaver333
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 05:46:37

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Eliza Ayres
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 06:19:56

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  16. sibyltowers
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 08:42:14

    Dear Sue…You certainly have your own way of Healing people XXX

    Liked by 1 person


  17. peggyjoan42
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 11:04:02

    A better world requires a better attitude from all of us.

    Liked by 1 person


  18. inavukic
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 11:11:49

    Amen to you thoughts and advice Sue ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  19. aFrankAngle
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 11:17:39

    Beautiful and inspiration. Love the fourth paragraph. Yet, humanities selfishness prevents it from seeing it’s true power.

    Liked by 1 person


  20. sibyltowers
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 11:29:27

    Dear Sue…you’re proof that Holistic ENERGY stays inside a person’s Ethereal CELLS & PSYCHE.
    It gives us a time to be HAPPY whilst here XXXX

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 15, 2019 @ 14:59:08

      Thank you Sibyl for saying so… I have my Holistic Therapist also to thank, And the ‘Knowing’ we heal ourselves, when we begin to see ‘Cells’ and ‘Psyche’ as being all entwined within the ‘Field’ of consciousness, governed by thought!…
      We can either create Wellness,and Harmony. or we can create dis-ease and dis-harmony.. The POWER to change our way of thinking resides within Each of us.. And the world at large is just reflecting back that which we are projecting into it..
      I know which path I choose… Even though I stumble from time to time, over the bricks laid down to trip us up..
      So we keep living in our NOW moments Sibyl, ENJOYing life, living and natures gifts…
      And we can only try to be the best we can be… ❤ Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. -Eugenia
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 14:10:18

    Beautiful words to wake up to on a Sunday morning, Sue! I agree, raising our vibration is no easy task but we are capable of doing it if we make it a united cause. Peace and light. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  22. Writing to Freedom
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 15:28:24

    Dear Sue, I loved the garden analogies and part about worlds within worlds. It makes me wonder if maybe we’re no more important or impactful than those tiny creatures. Maybe what we do and think matters little in the grand scheme of the world and larger cosmos. Meanwhile, I’ll strive to live more aligned with love and kindness. Hugs and stuff… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Trackback: Turning Over A New Earth. — Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary | Lady Dyanna
  24. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 17:30:47

    Dear Sue! Your words touch my heart! Thank you for such a lovely gift this Sunday morning. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  25. robbiesinspiration
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 18:02:34

    A beautiful message, Sue, and written in such a delightful and magical way. It is like taking a mystical journey through your thoughts and ideas.

    Liked by 1 person


  26. AmyRose🌹
    Sep 15, 2019 @ 20:35:57

    I too have begun my Fall work in my gardens. Today however, I took a down day, taking it easy. Beautiful message, dear Sue. Oh yes it is time and then some for all of us to dig deep. LOVED this post!! Think of me as I will think of you as I do my Fall gardening. I hope you have liniment for your back and knees. (smile) xo

    Liked by 1 person


  27. dgkaye
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 00:27:29

    Thank you for your heed and inspiration Sue. I am fully awake and trying to stay in the light, despite darkness we strive to overcome. Light and love to you my dear friend. ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  28. The Belmont Rooster
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 05:53:52

    GREAT and well written post!

    Liked by 1 person


  29. michnavs
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 09:48:16

    As always Sue you moved me with your yet another inspirational post

    Liked by 1 person


  30. aussieian2011
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 10:42:03

    Hi Sue, you are the only one I know that can turn a sod of soil, and take your readers through a wonderland of Spirituality, horticulture, Etymology and leave us relaxed in a world of Adventure.
    Well done Sue.

    Liked by 2 people


  31. Jane Sturgeon
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 13:24:23

    I feel you nurturing in your garden, Sue, as I feel your words nurturing us. Thank you. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Dewin Nefol
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 14:45:00

    Hey Sue,

    Beautifully written with poignancy, passion and sincerity…your rhyming prose is wonderfully innovative as it beats to the rhythm of your Loving heart.

    If a blog-post were a garden, this one is in full bloom 🙂

    Love and Peace,


    Liked by 1 person


  33. Resa
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 18:36:03

    Wonderfully said, Sue!
    I’ve often worried about insects as I cross a lawn, yet, I can’t be afraid to live.
    There is almost no anger in me, as it is diffused through the zen times I spent sewing by hand (the Art Gowns are all hand made, machine sewing is not conducive to meditative thought.)
    Still, there is fear. It’s not ruling me, but I do have some fears.
    Thank you for this lovely, positive post!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 16, 2019 @ 18:41:18

      I admire your ‘Zen’ sewing meditation, your gowns all of them superb in every intricate detail.. And this is why I love my time knitting or painting, for we can totally get lost in the moment..
      Many thanks Resa for your lovely compliments.. and of course we can not put our lives on hold for fear of accidentally harming an insect…
      Only this afternoon I brushed a small midge away and instantly it was crushed.. All I could do was send my thoughts to the insect kingdom and move on… Its all about our INTENT… And that small midge well, you could say was in the wrong place and the wrong time…
      Life is a blanket of threads, woven like the beautiful fabric you use.. And we can only do the best with the materials at hand..
      Sending much love your way Resa and thank you so very much for adding your thoughts ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  34. gserpent
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 18:50:44

    Very well said. I love it! Its tough to be the lighting in the dark, but we can leave the world better than we found it. 😉



  35. The Coastal Crone
    Sep 16, 2019 @ 22:26:26

    :”Breaking open the earth” and finding our “Upgrade” – I like that! You always bring light and love our way! And may we pass it on.

    Liked by 1 person


  36. TamrahJo
    Sep 18, 2019 @ 04:55:11

    Fantabulous! mainly because – I woke up about 10 days ago with the regarding the Red pill in my consicousness – not always easy, the paths taken while exploring Red pill options/living them, etc., but, still, better than the alternative, to my way of thinking – 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2019 @ 17:28:28

      Once that Red pill is swallowed there is no going back as hard as it is to digest… And yes much better than the alternative route for sure.. Many thanks Tamrah for reading so diligently 🙂 Special hugs my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • TamrahJo
        Sep 20, 2019 @ 17:41:07

        I remember my first step through ‘one Red Pill’ doorway – WOW! Okay, I can do that – 10 years later? I’m sitting in an Employees Assistance Counselor’s office, seeking some ‘help’ to grapple with the topic of devolving marriage, and I said, “I want to go back to when I just skated along the surface – didn’t know or think about these deeper things and how me and everything else is connected – I was more peaceful living recklessly and chalking everything up to fate or someone else’s problem- She smiled and said, “Awww…Yeah, I know – but, sorry, that door only swings one way – so now, ya just got to make the best of it and I’m here to help you discover the way – :)”.

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 20, 2019 @ 17:50:22

          argh yes… Oh to the oblivion mode.. And its an amazing journey isn’t it.. Twists, turns, Ups and Downs, and the encounters along the way, all part of the Journey of Self Discovery, though had we known then what we know now, would we have still explored this realm of existence?? I wonder.. 🙂 Experience is why we came.. and Experience is what we get.. 🙂 ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  37. Andrea Stephenson
    Sep 18, 2019 @ 17:44:03

    A lovely ode to the cycle of life Sue, the satisfaction of working with the earth but as you say, the unwitting chaos we unleash to those smaller than ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2019 @ 19:32:49

      Indeed we cannot but help disturb, but being mindful is everything.. Many thanks Andrea… May we continue to enjoy the bounties and beauties nature has to offer both in flora and fauna.. ❤ as we take note of those tiny creatures who also weave their worlds.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  38. forgottenmeadows
    Sep 18, 2019 @ 19:45:09

    such an inspirational and beautiful post, thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person


  39. simplywendi
    Sep 19, 2019 @ 03:58:29

    “So, break out of old habits, stop living in the past. Love and Forgive, remember this Is our Task.”………….this is exactly what I am working on every single day. thank you for this beautiful piece of writing.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2019 @ 19:10:38

      And its so wonderful to know Wendi that you are putting so much internal effort into working upon these things… I know just how much work that involves… Know too there will be days when we want to throw in the towel… Just accept there will be good days and bad days.. But by keeping our INTENT in alignment as we repeat within saying WE are WELL.. We are Healthy, We are Loved, as our mantra.. We will not wander far from our intended goal ❤
      Love to you Wendi and thank you for visiting so many of my posts and reading so intently ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  40. J.D. Riso
    Sep 20, 2019 @ 02:27:21

    The resonance in your words, wow, Sue. Once you start to dig into the New Earth, there’s no going back. It’s tough, backbreaking work, but ultimately so worth it. I say that now, but I was just recently buried and had serious doubts. It is possible to dig too deep too fast and have it come tumbling down on you😉. Wishing you a delightful last few days of summer.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 20, 2019 @ 19:02:31

      Yes there is NO Going Back Julie, once we set out on this journey of Self Discovery and unearth the secrets of the past along the way. We will often be presented with doubts my friend, its an inbuilt sabotage mechanism that pits one voice against another that can drum loudly in our ears until you learn which voice to listen to.. Dropping the Ego is a fight on going, as it tells us to logically LOOK with our HEAD rather than Feel what is true in our hearts.. When we learn to live from our hearts and not our heads and still ourselves and Listen! its remarkable just what we learn.
      And yes its very possible to dig too deep too soon..
      I dug deeper in the 90’s and wasn’t ready for what I unearthed, I told myself that is Impossible.. No that cannot be true, That cannot be right.. So I left it alone.. But Truth is Truth Julie and sooner or later it will surface again for us to take a deeper look at again..
      The next time I was ready, I absorbed the information presented and by that time through various synchronicities and other means this same source of truth had immerged at various other stages.. So when I was ready it was the confirmation I had been waiting for.. It all fell into place..
      But initially when we swallow the red pill its a hard pill to swallow.. and its a lonely path for there are so many who are afraid, and fearful of delving deep… Both on a personal level as we unmask the layers of Self, and as we Unmask the reality of the world..
      Thank you for those well wishes Julie.. These last few days of Summer have been glorious.. ❤
      Much love

      Liked by 2 people


  41. stephensmustang1
    Sep 22, 2019 @ 23:57:45

    Indeed. We reap what we sow. Love and hugs.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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