Changes within Ourselves and Our World ~Part Two.

This is Part two, which has sat waiting patiently in my drafts.. I hope as you delve deeper you can begin to explore how vibration affects us all.. And how we all need to regain our balance to help the world regain her balance..

We are ONE..  And what we Send out into the World Comes Back. 

We often may feel unsteady as we lose our Balance. But sometimes we need to fall over to pick ourselves up again.  

The ego is strong and takes a lot to override.

So many of us experience emotional turmoil and doubts, along with distractions, and all the while the outside world is projecting fear and suffering to which those of us who are already on this path feel more intensely, by our emphatic natures.

This is the plan by the elite. For if we were to truly discover the Power Within, and our potential to self-heal on all levels as Quantum Physics is teaching us, We would not be so easily controlled and dumb-down by the mechanisms that medication induces which is not only via prescription drugs but within our water supplies also .

Those who are Wide Awake, to the realities of this Matrix, also know the agenda to create fear, to keep wars going, and to allow suffering to continue. Its all part of the big play we are trapped within that I have spoken of previously.

Learning who we are, Light Beings, Eternal Beings, who have become trapped within this merry-go-round within this matrix is a hard concept for many to grasp. Because we are Energy Beings, and have become so weighted in this 3D reality its so very hard to raise up our vibrations, because there are those who let’s say, run this show, this play, by keeping us subjected to the negative for control purposes. These are the not so benevolent beings on this planet.  And I am speaking here of those behind the rulers of the world not always those who govern it.

And here I may lose some of you, as your own perception kicks in, and that is fine also, I do not ask anyone here to believe me. I am not here to change anyone’s belief systems, we all of us are entitled to our own perceptions. In fact I actively ask you to go and seek out your own truth, your own answers, research your own knowledge, for it is only when you wake up and seek knowledge for yourselves and not blindly take the word of others that you begin to see the great deception of this world. And when you really start to Dig deeper, what you uncover you may find shakes your core belief systems that have been ingrained within each of us over the generations within our own upbringing and traditions.   Truth also changes with Knowledge, what was perceived as truth yesterday may change today as new knowledge and awareness begins to take hold.

We owe it to ourselves to be Truth Seekers, not blindly take what others say as truth!..  So Challenge that which you do not understand and seek to find Answers.   

Many of us now are aligning our souls, for we have woken up to this reality, and many now are in our various stages of alignment, as these energy fields, solar winds, Plasma, CME’s there are many names, as the Sun pulsates through our earth’s magnetic grid, it is also affecting our Light bodies. It is all part of our natural evolution and the cycles we go through within the Universe. 

It is time to start loving our bodies, and making conscious choices, embracing love, and learning not to judge others as we let go of lack and fear-based emotions.

Many of us felt a great shift in the Spring Equinox, these are gateways which are all about reprogramming our belief systems and thoughts. We are seeing the world breaking apart from the Group mind. This is why we are seeing our systems now breaking down in our governments, and why so many now are resisting being told what to think and what to  do, and why we will see more conflict as people wish to break away from those controlling systems.

It is why we chose to come here at this time, it was never going to be an easy ride, its been a roller coaster of a ride as we have all had to over come some deep emotional trauma along the way, as we have travelled upon our inward journey. 

The voice inside knows, and it knows its time to awake. It is now a  time of re-remembering to come back to ourselves our true selves..

Our Higher selves are calling to us to remember who we are. 

The Children being born today and the youth are becoming our teachers, they are daring to stand up and speak up for our Earth Mother like never before.

Greta Thunberg spoke to many hearts, as she tells it how it is.. The Truth Needs to Heard how ever painful.  She sees this system is broken, and it needs to Change..

And Change is Coming! 

We need to learn to live as the ancient elders did.. In harmony with our Earth Mother.

Respecting our Earth Mother..

And as more and more of us wake up and speak our various findings and expose these truths, we are also seeing how those in control are restricting the freedom of speech and  shutting down channels that are exposing certain information that enlightens us to information about our reality. Those who are speaking truth are being silenced by the algorithms that sensor certain topics. 

Those who speak about Spirit are labelled as Entertainment!  All of us are from Spirit,

All are vibration.   

Many are not aware, especially those who do not understand we are ALL Vibration, just how The Gamma waves, are affecting our light-bodies,and brains, affecting our awareness into a higher vibration, which is why we are feeling its time to relocate, move job, alter our ways, be it our habits, our diets, or relationships.  Those who are following the Schumann Resonance, or understand about this frequency will see it has been changing periodically to levels not seen before by those understanding it. I found this a very interesting video in explanation below.  But more can be found if you take the time to research. 

Speaking personally, I know these new frequencies hitting our earth, which are being recorded in that they are actually altering the Schumann Resonating frequencies of our Earth, are affecting my own energy levels. I sleep and sleep like never before, even during the day.

I feel these frequencies affect us all in different ways, some are not coping, and for a time too I felt depleted, drained and so off balance, depressed.  I had to take a step away from everything. To go deeper within and re-calibrate my inner centre. Others experience Anger, as their emotions come to the surface in overload. And as people feel suppressed, uprisings begin to happen not only within themselves but it over-spills into society as we see rebellion begin to take form. 

Be it in protests to alert our governments to the Climate changes we all are experiencing, or the Yellow coats of France, to Brexit in the UK.. To other political events we see around our world as the people rise and say enough. 

As Gregg Braden and others have said, we are living in times of Extremes, and remember we and nature are mirrors of each other, what we think, we create. And if you read part one, you already have seen how our emotions affect the worlds own frequency. 

Something to think about.  

To be Continued: 



124 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. JoAnna
    May 05, 2019 @ 15:50:45

    Today I am feeling strangely tired and need to rest, so your message is right on time as usual. Thank you for reinforcing that this is not only okay, but maybe even necessary. Thank you for teaching us, by example and word, to listen to and love our bodies. Sending peace and wellness.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. laurabruno
    May 05, 2019 @ 17:14:50

    I have found it even more necessary than usual to honor my need for beautiful sights, sounds, smells, feelings, tastes, thoughts and dreams. In order to handle and transmute the contrasting extremes, it seems I need even more beauty, solitude and creative space. Thank you for sharing, sweet friend! Love, Laura

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Erika Kind
    May 05, 2019 @ 19:53:03

    Greta Thunberg is amazing. I admire this young woman for what she is doing and we should do it like her. We need to take action!!
    Thank you for spreading the word, Sue. We cannot say it enough that it is more 12 than 5 to 12.
    Have a blessed evening, dear friend 💖



  4. sibyltowers
    May 05, 2019 @ 19:56:19




  5. smilecalm
    May 05, 2019 @ 20:09:44

    sweet energy of caring, Sue!
    may it help humans
    stop putting more
    carbon into the atmosphere 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  6. yogaleigh
    May 05, 2019 @ 20:44:34

    I keep feeling like we’re tapping into similar things. Though my People Power series has a bit of a different focus, much that I’m saying is so close and I love that we’re both tapping into something and saying it in different ways — sometimes that means reaching different learning types to get the message out.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2019 @ 21:59:33

      After visiting your People Power series Leigh, and I love we are tapping into the Universal Conscious Mind to share our similar thoughts, yes. all be it from a different perspective, but so similar in nature. And I loved reading your thoughts on your subject matter and totally agree with you.
      The important thing is that the message is getting out, and we are standing in our power, and speaking our truths as we perceive them to be, and that we are trying to wake others up to themselves and the system. ❤
      Much love Liegh.. and thank YOU. ❤



      • yogaleigh
        May 07, 2019 @ 06:31:45

        Definitely Even though not so many are reading my series, it feels really important — like standing in the space of these thoughts and putting them out there has an impact overall whether lots of people see the posts or not. And it feels so good to see I’m walking the same path with you.



  7. dreamweaver333
    May 05, 2019 @ 23:38:02

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. dgkaye
    May 05, 2019 @ 23:51:48

    Thank you Sue for sharing your wisdom with us. You know all you talk about – I’m there! 🙂 Wonderful you mentioned Greta Thunberg really waking up the youngsters on climate change. Let us hope the world follows! I also can’t agree enough on what you said here: ‘Those behind the rulers who govern’ – mainly Putin trying to take over the world and seeming to get away with it! 😦 Hugs and light my friend. ❤ xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2019 @ 22:12:42

      I wish it were only ‘Putin’ Debby, but what we are told and what IS, can be mind blowing to say the least.. Greta, is a wonderful soul here for a purpose, and she is shaking the youth awake.. And rallying them in her call for supporting Mother Nature and creatures who have no voice.. It’s something that Severn Suzuki did in the 90’s I think she was also around 14 yrs of age then, as she spoke to the UN leaders of the world, but it landed on deaf ears.. Nothing changed.. We may have had Carbon taxes, but what was done with those taxes?

      We have new homes being built, a huge programme of new homes in the UK is underway, and yet not one has a solar panel on the roof, they could be built more energy efficient,but they’re not. It takes the Energy companies to come in later who want to install, who drain free energy allowing you a portion of it and when you sell your home you have to include the solar panel rights to the company.. . And if you want to install solar panels privately at your own cost, it costs the earth,, I know I looked into it, and for the years we have left the investment wouldn’t even be returned if I lived to 90 lol.. 🙂

      Things really DO need to change,, it comes from such as Greta and the people demanding change.. And as she says. Change WILL come, though it will come at a price.. I do not think people understand as yet the price, as we have seen nothing yet of the imbalance upon this planet.. And the wobble is coming!..
      Much love and have a great week Debby.. ❤ ❤ and Thank YOU.

      Liked by 1 person


      • dgkaye
        May 07, 2019 @ 15:19:31

        You are spot on as usual on all counts Sue, Yes, cries for climate change has been shouted for years to no avail. But the situation no doubt is getting dire from years of deaf ears and I see rallies and cries around the world now, and of course here in Canada for the change. Like anything else good we’ve obtained through the years, we must keep kicking and screaming and rallying for this dire situation to change, and ultimately, it will, but not without carnage in the long run. We must keep the conversations loud and alive! Thank you for being a voice and spreading the awareness Sue. Much appreciated. Hugs! ❤ ❤ xx

        Liked by 1 person


  9. Eliza Ayres
    May 06, 2019 @ 01:14:42

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Val Boyko
    May 06, 2019 @ 01:49:49

    Standing in our own bodies and honoring that relationship is so important. Thank you for bringing new perspectives and wisdom.🙏

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Dyanna
    May 06, 2019 @ 05:29:28

    Reblogged this on Lady Dyanna.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. inavukic
    May 06, 2019 @ 09:45:43

    Terrific article, Sue. And, yes, we owe it to ourselves to be Truth Seekers!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2019 @ 22:17:34

      Bless you Ina.. you should see my grin, I am honoured for this huge compliment my friend. 🙂 Thank you.. And yes, Here’s to Truth, and All who seek to expose it.. ❤ Many thanks Ina… Love and Hugs.. ❤



  13. Visionkeeper
    May 06, 2019 @ 11:50:46

    Great part 2 DW…. Loved the speech by the young Swedish girl…Definitely an awake soul. Indigo probably….Now is the time to figure out what we truly believe in and stand up for those beliefs. Our beliefs should not be someone elses beliefs, but just OURS! We have been made to be afraid to be an individual because by doing so we stop being a part of the whole! God forbid we should learn how to stand on our own….The awakening is still going on, probably more slowly than we would like, but it is occurring and there is no stopping it. I just pray hard I get to see the change before departing! We;ve worked too long not to witness it, then again, nobody said life was fair….Thanks for sharing these thoughts DW….Couldn’t agree more! I hope all is well and the allotment is doing well….Stay at peace within and know you are thought about…..Much love…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2019 @ 22:24:08

      Yes standing in our own beliefs and standing up for them and speaking our truth takes courage.. But the more who do so, and the more who wake up to this world and what we have become, the more chance we have at changing it.
      The allotment is doing great.. ALL set, and waiting to grow.. Hubby says hi too… with a smile, he appreciates you appreciate his efforts.. 😀 Love and Hugs my friend.. ❤
      and Thank you.. MUCH love right back..

      Liked by 1 person


      • Visionkeeper
        May 08, 2019 @ 12:21:38

        Wow! WP not only didn’t contact me with your reply which has become the normal these days unfortunately, the little bell in the right hand upper corner didn’t even show I had new comments. Shadow banning getting worse and I hope they think twice before going any further…Time for a new place to blog that is protected from the evil trying to take down our world and our freedom…Glad to hear the allotment is ready and growing!~!! Stay peaceful within DW and love to you..VK ❤

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 08, 2019 @ 13:36:43

          Many glitches in WP VK, And I know I do not get all the replies delivered, but this is the state of things as the algorithms do their work..
          And yes most certainly will I stay in my Peace within my friend.. YOU TOO.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  14. David
    May 06, 2019 @ 12:43:26

    Another great post Sue, I do believe that we are vibrational beings, from every thought through every action to our reaction. Whether we like it or not every thought has a vibration and is out there on the ether waves. The biggest thing that is missing from our societies in this day is respect at every level. There is movement at many levels and I do not include our own house move in the offing which should be completed by June. Taking the time to listen, tune in and become aware for our benefit and the benefit of those around us is so important in these changing times. Forgive me if I am silent over the coming weeks Sue, as time is at a premium while the final transactions of the move take place. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2019 @ 22:30:09

      David I couldn’t agree more.. Respect costs us nothing, neither does gratitude.. if we all had more of these traits society wouldn’t be in such a mess..
      No worries at all, moving home is stressful enough without WP to bother with.. I will be away soon my self on a short break so will not be in WP as often either.. but I hope to have a couple of video scheduled to fill in with comments closed.. that may just make us think a little deeper… I have a couple in mind..
      Many thanks again David and good luck with the move.. ❤



  15. Dalo 2013
    May 06, 2019 @ 13:27:42

    Great post, Sue. I was just talking with someone about Greta and her speech, and if I had to put my faith in anyone or any generation, I think Greta and her generation will definitely leave things for the better ~ where our generation is a bit more short sighted. We definitely are all linked to Mother Earth in ways we may never scientifically understand but as with Native Americans and tribes around the world understand that what we send out into the World definitely comes back.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 08:55:53

      Yes I agree Greta and her generation Randall are far more awake about what Human impact has done to the planet and the millions of species upon it, many now going extinct, just because of our interference and not recognising we have to live in Balance with nature. And that all things created here on this planet have a roll and purpose within the natural rhythms of this planet.. When we take away one species it has an impact upon another.. Now.. were we to take away the Human Species…. I wonder just how quickly Mother Earth would regain her balance, I think many of us know she would soon recover.
      It only takes time, and even in places where Man has done his worst to destroy the environment such as in places like Chernobyl, Scientist are now recording how Nature is once again thriving and the wilderness is recovering.
      The Native Americans understood that Balance, to take only that which was needed, always leave something behind, and give a gift in thanks..
      We will once again look to how Native American tribes have survived on their same lands within their ‘Reservations’using the same earth to grow crops etc, because they understand how to treat our Mother Earth.
      They also understood deeper truths, which throughout history have been silenced through persecution and abuse.
      When we understand the Laws of Attraction, and Cause and Effect, and grasp the concepts, of Quantum Science, to understand that the world is a reflection of our thoughts, and as you rightly say Randall, What goes around, comes around..
      Many thanks my friend, I appreciate your thoughts and you taking time to read my posts.. 🙂
      Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂



  16. Sageleaf
    May 06, 2019 @ 16:48:27

    And the continuation of your first beautiful post. I love it! And I’m right with you about that emotional turmoil and doubt. There are days I wonder if I am truly connected. I know that I am. But there are days where I wonder if my intuition is really working. All the while I know it is, but really understanding and really listening can be a challenge for me. Part of it is the modern life I lead. I know that because I spend a lot of time on the computer, my energies can get messed up. Which is why, as I have another birthday looming, I’m going to unplug for a few days and go to the beach. I think I’m going to leave my computer at home. I’ll have my phone with me for emergencies, but really I just want to unplug and listen to the water.
    I am really into the idea of quantum physics these days. I tend to be in my head, wanting to find out about the ins and outs of the brain while it meditates, or the energies of the universe, and the science behind all of it. I am really attracted to that, and they have even studied it more in college, but I was in a different placement. And as I mentioned in my other comment, that conversation with the guy I had over the weekend about connecting with God, I told him that intuitively I know that when my mind drops into my heart, that is when I will experience awakening. In the meantime, I just love finding out about how it all works. Interestingly, even my meditation teacher alluded to this when I was studying with her last summer. She said that my yogic path is one of knowledge. But in order to experience true love and true awakening, I will have to learn to open my heart. I know exactly how I got here. Over the course of my life, I have been so sensitive but also so prone to being hurt by others. I do not blame people for being who they are. Rather, wading through the hurtful comments, knowing that I’m always just a little bit different than any group I’m with, and learning to not judge myself for being exactly as I am, I know that one day I will open up. I am working on my love for other people even as there have been many times in my life where it’s been hard to look at other humans and not judge the damage that we have caused to ourselves, to animals, and to the planet. In the end, I realized that we’re all just trying to survive the best way we know how, with the information we have. However, and learning to open up and feel compassion, I am also learning to sympathize, and empathize with all the other people out there. Who have hearts. Who have magnetic fields that are connected to the earth’s field. Who are connected to a higher power. Creative Intelligence.
    And yes, this is dancing around the idea of raising my vibration, and helping others to raise their vibration. Seeing through the not so benevolent beings. I’m still learning to send them love when so often what I feel is anguish at their actions.
    Oh, the great deception of this world. When I began to meditate, it began this journey. Where my core beliefs utterly changed. And even now, and so many conversations with people follow of regular religious pack, and do not understand what I am doing or what I am about, it’s not always easy to just be who I am. But an opening my throat chakra, for example, I am learning to speak my truth regardless of what others think or what might happen. This, indeed, is what the masters of history had all learned to do. Buddha. Gandhi. Moses. Confucius. Lao Tzu. They connected. And the people around them weren’t always ready to hear.
    Thank you for sharing that part about the Schumann resonance. Now I am eager to learn more. In these times of extremes, I feel the need to stay anchored and grounded. I am also looking forward to your next post on this. Sending you big hugs, and wishes for a wonderful week ahead. Much love.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 09:31:23

      The turmoil and doubt will often haunt us Cynthia, it tests us, such is the ego which needs to feel in control..
      Learning to just BE, and Trust in our instincts is much harder, and often the ego will rear its head to cause doubt, because it needs to find its comfort blanket and feel secure..

      My Birthday has just past, and I remember I think we both share a May Birthday, So Many Happy Returns Cynthia when that day arrives..

      As to your energies I understand, and your work involves the technical and computers are part of that..
      Try putting a crystal next to your computer, program it to absorb energies and so on..

      Yes there is so much to learn about the Quantum Science, and could never begin to explain any of it, but what I have learnt is making sense to me, and again as Science makes strides forward, what other Scientists of the past thought was the Truth, now changes, because we have now new information, new perceptions which expand the boundaries of thinking and possibilities..

      Learning to Drop into our Heart space, and yes our hearts are much more than an organ for pumping blood, it also sends messages to the brain.. And is connected within Gaia’s own pulse..

      I feel as you do as to the damage we have done to animals and others along with our planet.. I have wept many tears.. There are many more of us out their empathising as ONE Cynthia than we realise.

      We have to believe WE do make a difference with our thoughts and our empathy and compassion and together it is WE who we have been waiting for, along with such old souls such as Young Greta who are waking up the youth to the plight we have created..

      We are all learning to Speak UP, and speak our Truth.. And its NOW TIME…

      Many thanks dear friend.. I so appreciate your thoughts..
      Love and Blessings to you and thank you. ❤ Much LOVE ❤



      • Sageleaf
        May 24, 2019 @ 16:37:50

        The whole quantum science thing utterly fascinates me. I might not have wanted to major in physics or chemistry when I was in university, but I can say that I appreciate it. But then going beyond it, into a whole inter-dimensional realm. THAT is where I’m totally drawn to. Dispenza talks about that in his book, “Becoming Supernatural” – which I’m reading for a 2nd time. I think I want to read the Zingdad one again, too. I can’t get enough of the wisdom and ideas they share. In fact, I’m a few chapters into the 2nd read through on Dispenza’s book and already I’ve picked up things I missed the first time around. I’d love to be able to go to one of his workshops sometime.
        And the heart stuff. Ohmigosh…it’s just incredible. The idea of heart coherence. When I was in my teacher training last year, we connected with the HeartMath Institute and they went into great detail about a heart that is beating coherently – just through changing our thoughts and breathing through the heart. Incredible stuff!
        I just love learning it all and seeing how far I can go with it…
        Thank you for your response here. I hope you had a great holiday. Just got back from mine last evening and using today to catch up on past comments. It was so wonderful to disconnect for awhile and just “be” – I went to the beach with no agenda. I didn’t even get around to “recording the ocean” like I was thinking I would. I just did whatever I felt like doing in the moment. And I always get great insights when I do things like this.
        In any case, happy Friday and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Sending you hugs!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 24, 2019 @ 17:59:23

          That is Great that you enjoyed your Break, And that is what Holidays are all about, No Expectations just allowing yourself to BE.. 🙂 ❤
          Enjoy your weekend too.. Its a Holiday weekend here 🙂 this weekend.. 🙂
          Much Love ❤



  17. Tom
    May 06, 2019 @ 16:53:28

    I’m feeling frustration more than anything at present, Sue. Flustered by events that I have no control over, and impatience over things that I just need to change the way I look at. We’re definitely being bombarded by something, that’s for sure.
    I’m starting seeing those ‘magic’ numbers (11:11; 333 etc) again, which is good. I just need to balance myself again so I can start handling the outside forces once more.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 09:36:19

      Argh yes, the impatience is one which I have had difficulty with of late too Tom.. Take note of what you are thinking when those ‘Magic’ numbers appear again Tom.. Often it is to shift a through process or for us to look more deeply into a train of thought going on at the time of seeing them.. And sometimes a light bulb moment occurs as we put two and two together 🙂
      Many thanks Tom for reading, I appreciate you doing so my friend 🙂



  18. -Eugenia
    May 06, 2019 @ 18:35:18

    No doubt, we face challenging times and it seems things could flow so much better. With that said, when has there not been challenging times. One would think we would have learned by now. Peace and light, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 09:41:29

      I agree with you there Eugenia, ‘Things could flow much better’… And yes you would think we would have learnt by now, it seems not. Maybe it is time for a change to come for this experiment of Humanoids!…🤔 We have had another 26,000 years after all to get it right, and it appears that maybe our DNA needs further tweaking, 🙂 before the experiment is over!!… 🙄 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    May 06, 2019 @ 20:00:39

    This is an intense time for energies. As vibrational beings we all are feeling it! I have found a need to simplify and have found peace in that. Many Blessings Sue and may we all follow our inner light and shine it out to the world. xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 09:45:51

      Agreed Lisa, Simplification!.. We tend to make life far to complicated and fall into traps of the commercial world.. The young especially falling into the traps of debt for ‘THINGS’ they really do not need.. I am happy you are finding peace within Lisa.. I think maybe we should all be looking to learn how to live simply, because I feel in a few short years many will be looking how to survive and re-learn the simple ways.. Much love Lisa and thank you for sharing your thoughts.. Take care.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. thespiritkeeper
    May 06, 2019 @ 20:40:18

    I guess the bible is correct in depicting a hell which is our EGO. It is unfortunate that for some people who fall down don’t ever get up again and for most it is survival to get up after having fallen down again.
    So many of what you say has come across my journey. I nice revisit. Some I have forgotten about and will look at again. I still feel connected even when I am in a personal storm. I know that the outcome is what I need on my journey at this particular time. We have such parallel lives with some differences that it is refreshing on m journey. Stay awake my friend and I hope the start of your weekend is wonderful and continues to be. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 09:52:10

      Thank you Joseph, we hold much in common, and for me, my own stumble and breakdown, helped build me up stronger and more balanced.. And I understand and can empathise with those going through their own dark tunnels, it takes great strength and effort of will power to pull one’s self up and out the other end.. This journey isn’t easy.. And this 3D reality is dense and thick and we are probably at the lowest of densities that could be termed as Hell on Earth especially via those who are from higher dimensions.
      Thank you Joseph.. for ALL your support and encouragement my friend. I so appreciate our connection upon this journey..
      Take care also..
      Much Love 💜

      Liked by 1 person


    May 06, 2019 @ 22:29:57

    We must take care of earth and there’s very little of what humans are doing anything about it. There’s so much distraction they don’t know where to begin.

    And speaking of earth…my post for Wednesday will be related to your post here as well. Trust me…the few words I put say everything.

    Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross – A Minute To Breathe



  22. Mark Lanesbury
    May 06, 2019 @ 23:02:47

    It is time dear lady, that culture shift that all must go through to be reborn ❤
    Great post, a message to encourage that shift 😀
    After reading this, I then listened to this… Celtic Music and felt reborn to what is to come ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  23. J.D. Riso
    May 07, 2019 @ 01:32:35

    The 3D/5D theory is something I’ve recently come across. The idea that paralllel dimensions are shifts in perception is very fascinating. So much of it resonates with things I’ve experienced the past couple of years. Things for which there really is no language. There is a massive shift in consciousness going on. It’s so comforting to know that, even though we all have our personal ways of navigating the illusion, I am not alone in sensing that something immense is taking form. Thank you for these words.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 10:58:21

      Indeed Julie there are No Words, and often what we ‘Feel’ can not be explained in words either, so often I don’t even try.. But this ‘Shift in Consciousness’ is re-awakening many now, to see beyond this world we have created via our thoughts. For it is the illusion and its taking a path many are not even aware they are playing their parts in its creation, with the energies they give to destructive forces via the world of the media and films.
      Trust in your senses Julie, follow your inner instincts, and know you have been given insights that will help you navigate this illusion as you have said..
      When we understand the power of our minds and bring into focus the World we wish to live in, we then begin to bring it into our reality. But to do that we need to let go of the fear being generated and created around us..
      Many thanks for reading and for your thoughts, I hope we hold further deep conversations of this nature.
      Much Love ❤



  24. stephensmustang1
    May 07, 2019 @ 04:06:28

    ..and the truth will set us free. 🙂 Love and hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  25. michnavs
    May 07, 2019 @ 08:17:36

    The past months had been really stressful in so many ways..and your message…reading just kinda give me a kick..a boast to my ego so to say…i mostly affected by what you said…its ok to step back or even fall if that would mean regaining our balance..

    Liked by 1 person


  26. litebeing
    May 07, 2019 @ 14:21:59

    These are dark times for many Sue and I sometimes fall into a huge dark hole, wondering why am I here and does it even matter? But we are here and light is around us, even when not visible to our human eyes. I did not know until recently the extent of your belief system. When I wandered down that path a few years ago it led to illness and extreme powerlessness. Thanks for sharing your truth and doing so with love ❤


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 11:32:18

      Those Dark Holes are something I understand about Linda.. But we are remembering we are ‘Lite’ my friend and understanding the Truth of this illusion can be daunting, and can strip away all we thought we believed in.. For me too, it was a huge blow as I came to understand deeper.. Stress forms tension, along with acid and what we learn of this world is hard to digest..
      But we are far from Powerless, when we learn to Open our Hearts and Stand in our power.. And know we can change the fabric of all that is, because we are the ones that created it into being in the first place..
      So we Change by Changing our Thoughts.. ❤
      Much love returned dear Linda and thank you for your compliments and encouragement. ❤



  27. bwcarey
    May 07, 2019 @ 16:23:44

    Sue, whst is the schuman vibration, I know the artist of the name, but never had time to study it, what i can say, is that once real love connects, it sends a message to the Spirit inside, and awakens us all, and given the times and the prophets of old, we are living at the time of divine intervention, and that can be proved rather easily, it means we have to fill the world with Joyous thoughts and deeds, creating the space whereby, Holy Spirit can live within us all, amen, and that is what is happening, amen. The decievers are getting the reminders everyday, and the signs are being sent daily, amen

    Liked by 1 person


  28. robbiesinspiration
    May 07, 2019 @ 18:10:15

    This is fascinating, Sue. I wonder if this is why I am so hyperactive. I seem to become more and more hyped up and busy. We do all react differently. I definitely believe that humans are impacted heavily by the forces of nature.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 11:45:19

      Indeed Robbie, we are all unique and react in different ways, for me its sleep and dream time. And yes we are all ONE with nature, and many do not understand how our Universal Mind is affecting the whole..
      Thank you Robbie, I so appreciate your thoughts . ❤



  29. Jennie
    May 08, 2019 @ 01:58:27

    Great post, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  30. insearchofitall
    May 08, 2019 @ 04:26:25

    I’ve been trying to finish reading this all day. Sometimes I think the reason I’m having difficulties with my lungs is because I don’t have enough time to breathe! I’m giving serious consideration to pulling way back and capturing what time I have left to do some very deep grounding work. I can’t change anyone’s thinking. They will argue with you until they are blue. I’m hoping something good comes out of all of this but since the beginning of man, there has always been the same issues. You do a good job of trying to open others to awaken. We are so few in number. Changes are here and they are not pretty. Keep taking care of yourself first. Sending love and hugs. M

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 11:53:14

      I can understand that completely and have given this consideration some thought myself Marlene in the past.. We have to make the most of our ‘Time’ and work deeper within to align ourselves .. Many thanks for your compliments, it means a lot to me, Yes Change is never pretty, because it pushes us out of our comfort zone, and unless we are pushed nothing much changes.. Which is what is happening in our governments right now.. Doing the Same things over and over is NOT working.. and people are waking up and showing discontent, all over the world..
      I think we only think we are few in number Marlene, and until recently I thought there wasn’t enough to tip the scales.. But when you see the passion of such young people such as Greta and how they Care about our Earth Mother, I live in HOPE…
      Much love and please look after YOU.. and I hope your breathing becomes easier Marlene..
      Take care of you.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • insearchofitall
        May 08, 2019 @ 22:52:57

        I saw Gretta’s video some time ago but knew nothing would change. The other video I have never seen and it was quite interesting. I’ll have to look more in depth at that. I’m feeling weak as a kitten these days and can’t seem to push myself anymore. Something is changing so we will see. I’m wondering if I’m keeping myself so busy that I don’t have time to breathe has something to do with my lung issue. I’m only 70 and should not be so tired. Doing my best. Hugs, Sue.

        Liked by 1 person


  31. macalder02
    May 08, 2019 @ 05:15:53

    You have a detachment from your soul to be able to reach us with a hope of recovering lost time and making it profitable for our living. We have to do our part to understand that the forces of nature exist and can condition our behavior. Very interesting your exposure and I like to read you because you always get something good. Greetings.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 08, 2019 @ 11:59:14

      Gracias, Mac. Aprecio tus comentarios y te agradezco por disfrutar de mi escritura y mis pensamientos. Solo entendiendo que TODOS somos UNO, y conectados profundamente con la Naturaleza y comprendiendo también, nuestros pensamientos crean el mundo a nuestro alrededor en el que existimos.
      Tenemos que empezar a cambiar nuestro pensamiento, para crear una nueva realidad.
      Muchas gracias, mi buen amigo, y no se preocupe … espero que su internet también se restaure … Me encantan sus poemas
      Mucho amor
      Sue 💜



  32. Teagan R. Geneviene
    May 08, 2019 @ 14:18:04

    Dear Sue, thanks for sharing this with us. Thank you for spreading your good energy across the blogosphere. Happy May. Hugs on the wing.

    Liked by 2 people


  33. Maria Wind Talker
    May 08, 2019 @ 18:13:39

    Excellent post Sue. Thank you for the video too, it’s been a while since checked into that. Sharing on Fb. Namaste 💗🙏💗

    Liked by 1 person


  34. House of Heart
    May 08, 2019 @ 19:06:17

    A lovely inspirational post Sue, something we all need to ponder. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  35. AmyRose🌹
    May 09, 2019 @ 00:36:09

    Sue, there is so much to comment on. Just know you are right on. I too have been feeling very tired, fatigue that just won’t go. Strange physical symptoms. A LOT of cleansing! I force myself out in Nature and that is where the fatigue leaves. I am feeling different and for a while now have said it’s as though I’ve walked into another world. I believe my photography is reflecting this. I am stunned by what is happening. Just stunned. Bless you for this post!!!🌟🌟🌟



  36. Margaret
    May 09, 2019 @ 06:06:30

    Hi Sue,
    Hope you are well and sorry to say I have been neglecting my reading. Recent techno problems again when trying to post a blogpost has taken a lot of my time as has what looked like a hacker. In the end I put a privacy setting on my blog which I changed yesterday. Interestingly enough you are the first person to ask permission to see it. I have checked and have now saved my changes to public! Please let me know if you can’t view it.
    Take care x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 09, 2019 @ 07:16:55

      Sorry to hear you have had problems Margaret. And yes I can access your blog. Wonderful to hear from you just when I am about to go quite. As I take a blog vacation.😁 I look forward to catching up after I get a little sunshine and ocean warmth. Much love and see you on my return 🤗💕😘

      Liked by 2 people


  37. kowkla123
    May 09, 2019 @ 11:32:56

    beste Grüße von mir zu dir, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  38. roughwighting
    May 09, 2019 @ 13:29:14

    Lots of wonderful things to think about, to acknowledge within ourselves, to push through and to push within. Yes, I think if we listen to our heart, to our insides, we know of these truths. When I was a child I was sure I wasn’t from ‘here.’ It took me a long time to realize I had to at least act as if I belonged, And now my very active, very ‘all boy’ grandson, who bakes with me once in a while at 9 years old, stops every once in a while and tells me, “did you know that I’m 158 years old?” The vibration all around his words makes me believe….



  39. Hannah Kaminsky
    May 09, 2019 @ 17:36:40

    The only constant in life is change… It’s all about how we adapt and manage. It’s never too late. ❤



  40. sibyltowers
    May 10, 2019 @ 13:03:25

    Equilibrium imbalances are so hard to adjust in unequal mental states’ self-Promotion agendas.
    Authentic Self-less Beings Miraculous experiences shared seem to be taken out of context and exploited…just like Pure thought Beings are thought of as Naive.
    The Pure in Heart are essential to all concerned, so you won’t give up being a SPIRIT Being, will you SUE. Lots of Love XXX



  41. dreamingthruthetwilight
    May 10, 2019 @ 18:45:37

    It’s a joy to read whatever you write. Your attunement to the world around you is a big thing and your expressions of that inner alignment always brings a sense of relief. Coming this way after a very long while. I had taken time off to write a book . Will catch up slowly . Lots of love.



  42. rabirius
    May 11, 2019 @ 12:30:02

    Excellent continuation, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  43. Welcome to Wales
    May 12, 2019 @ 11:29:47

    Excellent article again, Sue. You put my thoughts and feelings into words. You describe my life perfectly. And now I’m beginning to understand what all this is about. Thank you. xx

    Liked by 1 person


  44. The Emu
    May 14, 2019 @ 10:21:37

    Profound observations Sue, we can all take something from those words and interpret our own particular views as individuals travelling different paths, but all striving for the ultimate goal.
    Thank you for sharing.



  45. prenin
    May 15, 2019 @ 23:47:27

    Hi Sue! 🙂 ❤

    Just popping in to what I missed!!! 🙂 ❤

    Love, hugs and Blessed Be!!! 🙂 ❤



  46. Miriam
    May 16, 2019 @ 08:52:28

    You most certainly have given me something to think about Sue, though I’ll be honest, I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now. How we’re all connected, how our thoughts and intentions create our reality. Thank you Sue, as always, for your profound words. And it’s so true we need to look after our bodies. I’m wondering whether my skin rash, which has spread on my thighs and my back and which no doctor or skin specialist can diagnose, is some sort of purging. Interesting (and uncomfortable) times. xx



  47. Bela Johnson
    May 25, 2019 @ 04:11:46

    I am glad you mentioned Greta, what a light! I remember my mother telling me that I would never know as much as she did because I would always be 30 years younger than her. Lucky for me I did not subscribe to that bit of bait, and instead sought to learn everything I could. I also looked at my daughters as my teachers, as I believe each subsequent generation comes in with a greater evolutionary tool belt. We are unique pieces of the puzzle, yes, we are many things, And we are the sum total of our ancestors on this earth, not just through our familial line. It just stands to reason that the only way forward is that each subsequent generation would come in already holding the keys that those before discovered throughout history. Perhaps oversimplifying but I think the logic is sound.

    My favorite part of your offering here is this: We owe it to ourselves to be Truth Seekers, not blindly take what others say as truth!..  So Challenge that which you do not understand and seek to find Answers.   

    Indeed. Carry on, as you will. 🥰

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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