Speaking What Is In My Heart.

It is hard sometimes to speak what is on your mind, when there are no words to express what you feel. So I will just let my fingers do the talking as I allow my thoughts to flow freely.

At times it takes courage to pick up your Arrow of Truth, and speak it. But Time is running short!

Gaia is going through her own changes. She is causing many disruptions which are making us rethink, reshape and make huge life changes. Which in turn may bring uncertainties and fear, but many now are also sensing an urgency, to move, relocate, leave their unsatisfactory jobs or life styles. Or change the habits of a life time.

Or like me, you may just feel that need to escape into your own world, of peace and tranquillity as we reconnect deeper still within ourselves and our Earth Mother.

What we are witnessing are the ‘Old Systems’ collapsing around us. Not only are we seeing governments falling apart, as they divide and argue back and forth. But the environment is also showing us how vulnerable we are. Because we have forgotten she is our Earth Mother, neglecting and abusing her.

While I see water, snow, hail and wind, causing us our own problems, I also see Gaia is cleansing the Earth Plane as I have spoken of before. She is going through her own birthing pains; her waters have now broken. Water holds memory, and water contains knowledge. And this is not the first time Mother Earth has cleansed us with her waters.

Observing as I do, while holding an inner sadness for those who are not yet understanding this Matrix, I also feel great excitement, for I know deep down the old has to be stripped away before our New Earth can be re-birthed.

The ‘Old Programming’ is being stripped away by the new frequencies which are coming in more frequently which some are not handling well. These energies, affect us in different ways. For me recently, I sleep a lot, even in the day. I wake tired, having been busy in dream state. For others it is causing depression and a deep longing to return home. As they cannot fathom the depth of their emotional confusion.. We have to understand we are all vibration, all frequency, So it stands to reason when our Earth Mother is altering her frequency we too feel unsettled and out of balance.

Many are still clinging to the old ways, and conflict is an ever-present danger as their ego’s fight this final battle, holding onto control and fear-based emotions.  This is why governments are now falling apart as they hang onto the old ways of rule. We are caught within our cycles, repeating the past, until we learn to let it go once and for all.  Many whose hearts are not open, are wanting to divide us by various means, causing conflict and heartache, which feeds those negative energies, and the controlling powers behind those who rule our world.

For some reading this, you may think this is a foolish notion, but were it not for the knowledge I have gained along my own long Spiritual Journey through many years, I may have nodded my head at one time in agreement with you.

But for those who are ready, who understand this transformation and are also feeling something is about to happen that will shake this world, you are not standing alone.

Those who have eyes to see will see.


I have been observing much in my quiet spell, I have felt listless, and restless, not understanding what ails me. I started a painting in oils, a medium I am not as comfortable with as my acrylics.

When I began the painting, the Eagle was so clear, and as each stroke of paint was applied then image began to fade.  And I may yet just paint over it, but my ego holds on, not wanting to start again. It sits unfinished.

And here too is a lesson. For we should never be afraid to Let go and start over again.

So, I turned to reading, and finished the last in a Trilogy of books, this too was filled with alchemy and magic, the Light fighting the Dark. And I sat and read a whole book in one day.  Something I had not done in years.  And I asked myself are we not still fighting that same battle. Light verses Dark?

We are seeing how those hanging onto their Power Games are trying their best to divide and keep that feeling of separation in focus as they focus on delivering the fear on the hour every hour in every news bulletin.  And as I have said many times before this world keeps going around within its cycles, of war and peace, throughout the ages. While we pollute and pillage our Earth Mother continuously, raping the one who has constantly given and given. While we take and take.

But we are now witnessing storms like never before, weather that is a reflection of our own confusion. Floods and Winds wreak havoc for many of us.  Earthquakes and Tsunamis, and I See so, so much water to deluge the Earth.   And I sense we are nearing that time where Mother Earth is going to deluge us with something we have not witnessed before.

Yin Yang New Earth in watercolour and Ink.

Many years ago, I had a profound ‘Vision’ what I would describe as an out-of-body experience/OBE, where I viewed the world from outer space having zoomed there at great speed from being taken out through the top of my head to see a three-headed dragon. What I saw then was the future. To reveal that vision at this time here is not important.

All this week my dreams have been of the earth moving beneath my feet as water washes in over land. For months in Dream state I have been rescuing people from drowning, I can not begin to tell you the despair I have felt during my dreams of not being able to save so many people.

But then I began to see why my deep inner sadness was consuming me, as I was grieving for what will be no more on this Earth.  But like the effort and hours I had poured into my painting, I also knew that in order for a new painting, A NEW EARTH to come into being.

The old canvas has to be altered, in some cases wiped clean with new colours flooding over it for it to become a Masterpiece.

Our bodies are here to house our Souls, to learn from our experiences, and it’s time for me to go deeper still within my own inner programming and add new colours to an old canvas.

Within these times there are those who speak of Ascension, as we wake up and wonder what that means for Humanity.

We have to begin to see we each need to rise up within.

We need to go within ourselves and unpick the threads of old programming that have held us tightly within this Matrix we call Earth. We need to let go of judgement, anger and resentments, as we learn to open our hearts to Unity Consciousness and LOVE.

We are all of us One Family, A family of light. And Even those who walk in the Shadows are teaching us Compassion. All have chosen our parts to play. 

This is no easy task, and I fail again and again in much of my thinking. But I keep clearing, step by step, as I pick through the rocks and throw them into the lake of consciousness as I see them ripple out, knowing what I think I create.

Mother Earth too is clearing, cleansing, and getting us to pick over and reassess the unnecessary baggage we each carry. Showing us what is really Important in Life, as we shed our possessions.   And she is nearing her final great push whereby ALL our lives will be changed in the blink of an eye.

To reveal the Truth of what I have found would only be like reading a book of fiction, also weaved with Alchemy and Magic. Until one finds their own Truth, you cannot explain fully, no matter how you try. We all will wake up at the right moment suited to each of our levels of progression we are meant to follow.

But I ask you to try to understand, that what is occurring, which I feel will only intensify even though it may seem many are suffering, as the planet aligns and shifts, we all agreed to be here at this time of Change.

For new vibrations are altering our bodies and minds as this New Energy sweeps in. Opening up portals, as the veils lift, so too will we have the masks lifted from our eyes, as new truths are revealed.

And if you have reached the end and read in full I thank you for your love and the time given.

Now Go and Live in your own Moments, and create Love and Harmony within your own World as we lift and raise our hearts as One as we move forward within this next Phase of Mother Earth’s Transformation.

My sincere thanks go out to Erika, For ALL of her wonderful creations she has done on words I have spoken  which she used as quotes on the above.

Many thanks Erika. You are a Gem..

Other Image Credit Source https://www.brainyquote.com/








213 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. DailyMusings
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 12:39:10

    Your Eagle is just beautiful

    Liked by 1 person


  2. pensitivity101
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 12:45:18

    Beautiful paintings.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 13:00:22

    Ein schönes Wochenende wünsch ich Dir. Wolfgang



  4. rabirius
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 13:13:03

    Wonderful word, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. roseelaineblog
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 13:25:09

    I do agree with all you have written Sue, I think the joy I felt from my mums passing was because I knew without doubt she was going to a better place. I was just saying to my husband John this morning that I am even more aware that I need to learn my lessons before I pass over because quite simply I do not want to come back. I want to be suspended by a lightness! I keep having a re-occurring dream that I am in a big house and I keep coming across different rooms that I didn’t know about. These rooms are in a state of disrepair. I was showing someone around this house in my dream last night and I was telling them just how beautiful this house could be if time and effort was spent on it. My heart sinks at the selfishness in our world which is pulling us down. I know personally that the vibration could change by people’s thoughts. Too many people think they can’t make a difference by there thought process but they are so wrong. I love your eagle painting it shows we can all fly free we have the power within us. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


  6. New Bloggy Cat
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 13:47:34

    Another thought-provoking post, dear Sue. I can feel the words coming from your heart. I’m with you about the need to let go of judgement, anger and resentments. We have to start living in the moment non-judgmentally. Love the painting and the beautiful quotes Erika created for you. Much love and blessings to you, my dear friend (•‾⌣‾•)و ̑̑♡

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:00:04

      Thank you dear Pat. We can only live from our hearts 💖 and try the best we can. None of us are perfect. But we each need to be aware how our thoughts and reactions to negativity impact on the whole. And send Love into those areas of conflict and into the hearts of those who have lost their way. 💜💙💚 Much love my friend and thank you for reading and commenting 😘

      Liked by 2 people


  7. MichelleMarie
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 13:51:03

    OH wow Sue this has so many nuggets to take away. Thank you for sharing this. Lovely eagle painting. Happy Sunday to you! ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  8. Erika Kind
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:05:36

    Gosh, Sue! This post is so important. It says everything. I understand you better than ever before since I had the scariest vision this week. All of a sudden it was like someone shows me pictures of the future. It is comparable with the “ghost of the future Christmas” from Dickens’s Christmas Carol. Things which will be if we don’t change something dramatic and soon.
    I hope from the bottom of my heart that many not only understand your words with their brains but feel them with their hearts. This week, in Austria, thousands of children demonstrated for a cleaner world. They will continue doing this once a week (of course during the regular classes in order to provoke) until the government takes action. Austria is not too bad regarding this but still there is a potential for improvement everywhere. I honor those kids!!
    Thank you for calling out to the world, Sue! You are an ambassador for Mother Earth 💖💖

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:18:45

      Thank you Erika. There are those of us who understand. Yet sadly many will not. This feeling within will not go. And my dream time too is so vivid.
      The younger generation are all here at this time because they are important starseeds who will have to carry on through the turmoil yet to come.
      Governments are not doing anything constructive. Except infighting.
      Other factors too, will be brought to light, which many will be shocked over.
      We all have to stay positive.
      I only hope my vision/dream does not come to pass. For it will make what happened in Japan seem insignificant by comparison. 😟
      Many thanks again Erika for your beautiful creations I used today. They went perfectly. 😘💕💖

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika Kind
        Mar 17, 2019 @ 19:50:14

        I hope it from the bottom of my heart that our visions won’t come true. It is terrifying. But as you said, we have to stay positive and look out for solutions and union. Only love can heal.
        Oh, my, I completely forgot to mention this… haha. I was so caught by the topic. I feel honored that you used the memes. I am very happy they worked out so well for you! Thank you, Sue 💖



  9. House of Heart
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:11:51

    Sue, your words always have a reassuring and calming effect on me, I”m so glad I visited you this morning. Thank you so much, your art is becoming more and more beautiful. May your thoughts always flow freely and touch the hearts of us. Sending love dear lady, ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  10. litebeing
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:18:11

    Lovely uplifting art and intense words, most of which speaks to me. I have not been handling the energies well lately, but am doing the best I can and am grateful for those who hold me in the light, seen and unseen.

    Thanks for you being you, so full of love and passion for the collective.

    love, Linda ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:26:25

      Sorry to hear that dear Linda, the energies have been intense. And off the scale. Wiping me out most days. Thank you for reading and adding you valuable light and love my friend 💚💜💖🤗

      Liked by 1 person


      • litebeing
        Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:28:51

        Your voice is so needed now and it seems to be growing stronger and clearer. And the eagle is stunning :d

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:33:51

          Aww bless you Linda. We are all in the Same family of light. And each of us holds our own particular keys. We are each walking through our own doors. Showing others the way.
          We can only lead the way. Others have to walk through their own doors in their own time. 💖💕💖



  11. sibyltowers
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:18:30

    Lots of Love to you Dear Dreamwalker
    I know how draining it can be
    when the COSMOS needs to borrow
    your SPIRIT Nature’s Energy.

    I know how much it’s needed
    from all Light Beings Earthed
    Mother Gaia’s birthing pains you feel
    will crush the Dark Dawn cursed.

    I think that’s why we are all coming here at this particular moment in time
    Sibyl X

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:29:35

      I have no doubts at all Sibyl. That our collective is gathering closer for this purpose. Love the time you have taken to form your muse.
      Many thanks for adding your light 💜💙💚

      Liked by 1 person


      • sibyltowers
        Mar 17, 2019 @ 16:29:25

        Thank you too Sue, I’m so glad you are alright.
        I was relieved when your post appeared. And I know your eagle is very significant in your last life here’s culture. Even if you paint over it, it will always live in it’s People’s SOULS, just like all birds of Paradise does mine.
        Lots of Love shared X X X



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 18, 2019 @ 18:35:54

          Many thanks Sibyl.. I may have an insight as to what my painting needs, but if the weather holds, my garden needs attention this week 🙂 Much love ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • sibyltowers
            Mar 18, 2019 @ 20:46:38

            I think you’re a very good artist and I liked your painting a lot, but I don’t doubt your insight’s touches.
            Our garden needs a lot of attention too.
            A second ferral dead ivy laden tree growing on the other side of our boundary fence came crashing down into our garden during the High winds. That feral tree is one of many growing on a narrow strip of land bordering farm-land. But our three camelia shrubs that are in full bloom, haven’t dropped a flower, that lasts for 3 months.

            Lots of Love
            Sibyl X

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 18, 2019 @ 21:09:32

              You know Sibyl a neighbour across the road from us has a wonderful HUGE camelia, and its in full bloom and we said the same.. Its been magnificent this year. Lots of branches down, and parks were closed because of the winds and my tubs of spring daffs and tulips we had to put in the greenhouse for protection..
              Happy Gardening, and should you ever wish to see my garden blog, which is sadly neglected, I hope to post this week some time, click on the side bar picture of the garden blog photo on Dreamwalker’s and it will take you there 😀 I don’t wish you to follow.. Just if you are interested in gardening.. 😀

              Liked by 1 person

            • sibyltowers
              Mar 18, 2019 @ 22:34:50

              Our Camelias are12 ft high Sue
              Happy gardening XXX


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 19, 2019 @ 13:35:06

              Wow yes I guess our neighbours must be that height for us to see them over their garage 💖

              Liked by 1 person

  12. Writing to Freedom
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:29:07

    Thank you Sue for the courage to share your insights. Mostly I agree with you. We certainly need to learn to live in harmony with each other and the planet.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. David
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:32:05

    Dear Sue, these two electrical beings have seen and heard the need, sold our home and bought another, two hours by road and many miles away. This will involve huge changes in lifestyle, family and new friendships already taking shape. Whether so close to a younger generation will prove more peaceful or not remains to be seen but we will try to bring our brand of simple peace into their frantic and phrenetic lives to aid their development with huge amounts of love and hugs. Can’t wait to get up close as you do with yours. Sending you the same huge love and hugs Sue as it looks as if completion could be some time in May/June. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


  14. derrickjknight
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 14:55:12

    It is so difficult and yet so important to say it as it is



  15. Hélène - Willow Poetry
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 15:03:48

    Beautiful paintings Sue. I enjoyed reading your message.



  16. Jacqui Murray
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 15:05:06

    Eagles are so hopeful, despite what happens around them. Thank you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 16:27:23

      Thank you dear Jacqui, I so appreciate your comment, Eagles have clear vision, I wish more in this world would look to our future, for the sake of our younger generations to come..
      Many thanks Jacqui.. Love and Blessings 🙂



  17. Visionkeeper
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 15:22:26

    Thanks for sharing DW….Yes change is upon us for sure! I think we all need to get ready as next week I feel the shift will begin in full…It’s been a long time coming it seems but now it is here and are we ready? We better be as time has run out. So many things are changing and often times we aren’t even aware, but they are, one small thing at a time until the rush forward becomes unstoppable. The interference of mind control via the media slowed the move forward down quite a bit as so many fell into the distractions thrown our way, but one cannot stop change. That is something our political systems need to learn. We(humanity) are going forward with or without them so they best wake up to that fact. We are almost at the final destination. Stay strong my sweet friend and follow the flow as best you can…btw, I loved the eagle and I hope you don’t paint over it…. Happy reading and happy heart to you. Hugs and love to you and of course, hi to hubby 🙂 Much love…VK ❤



  18. AdnamaMarais.wordpress.com
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 15:22:32

    I like this post sends a positive message.



  19. Jane Sturgeon
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 15:30:27

    Wise words from you, Sue and always delivered with such 💗

    I trust and flow into nature to stay grounded and restore balance.

    I love your paintings, especialky the Eagle.

    💕 For you and your hubbie, always 💕 Xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 17:11:31

      Thank you Jane, I can not wait to get back into the garden again and connect energies 🙂
      Nature I know is going to restore Balance, even though for some it may turn us upside down!..
      And thank you for your lovely compliments.. Much love returned Jane.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  20. Ka Malana - Fiestaestrellas.com
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 15:37:38

    I,too, speak my heart: I carry so much hope for the future inside of me. I am transforming peace and filled with joy. Beautiful paintings, Sue! Keep loving so deeply! 💗🌸💚



  21. litebeing
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 15:41:37

    Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:
    Many of my readers also follow my dear friend Sue’s blog, but I am re-blogging her most recent post because I want as many folks as possible to receive her message and the energy behind it. Sue is such a blessing and her words and images are evocative and enlightening.
    love, litebeing



  22. Tania Marie's Blog
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 16:36:21

    thank you for sharing this from your heart Sue ❤ very resonating. i love your eagle painting, and interestingly i've gone through similar with my book, getting it so clear to one point and then had to step away from it for quite some time and had a hard time returning until now. i had to let go in order to come back at it from a fresh heart. much love



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 18:55:20

      Many thanks Tania for your compliments, I wish you well with the progress of your own book.. I think sometimes we have to step back from something and refocus, we often come back refreshed and with renewed ideas..
      Thank you so much for your comment I appreciate it very much 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Tania Marie's Blog
        Mar 18, 2019 @ 20:38:03

        you’re welcome sue and thank YOU! i fully agree with what you said and this experience with the book is the first time i’m really seeing that refresh play out in a bigger way. wishing you a wonderful week and a beautiful spring equinox!

        Liked by 1 person


  23. smilecalm
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 16:47:26

    i’m touched by your honest reflection, dear Sue!
    may it help others see the light
    & support a livable future
    by taking appropriate actions 🙂



  24. Mark Lanesbury
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 19:18:34

    Well spoken dear lady, your truth will always be a light for many to guide their steps. And this age is most certainly shifting at a much faster rate, readying for what is to come. Change can agitate us all as we so love our safety and security, but we must move on or stagnate and be lost.
    Thank you for sharing Sue, that in itself is very appreciated with the love it is given ❤



  25. simplywendi
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 19:35:47

    Sue, this is so beautifully worded and the way your articulated your thoughts leaves me speechless. I feel your words and I agree with you………..change is coming……….



  26. JanBeek
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 20:51:06

    Ah, your thoughtful, insightful message speaks to me. I read it twice, gathering new insights each time. I especially appreciated your reminder that we need to “open our hearts to Unity Consciousness and LOVE.” So true! We need each other and s closer relationship with our Creator now more than ever! Thank you for sharing what’s on your mind and in your heart. ♥️



  27. Sageleaf
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 20:56:40

    Sweet Sue, I had many thoughts as I read. I love this about your writing: my mind makes connections and ahas…
    First, the dragons vision…reminds me of fire. I’m watching a documentary in the background called, “Sacred Soul Science: The Lost Key” that talks about the evolution of the human mind after 2012. I do think 2012 was a demarcation date…it seems that things are accelerating. That said, he mentions a cleansing of the earth with the volcanoes opening up. I instantly thought of you and things you have said. He also talks about human consciousness undergoing a radical transformation…and how Jesus and Moses both being in Egypt to experience the “solid truth” of electromagnetic energy…I dunno, it’s fascinating and interesting and this is the second time I’ve played it through just to absorb the depth of what he’s saying….
    I have been working on opening my chakras – all of them. I have been doing kundalini meditations as well as chi kung to imagine absorbing earth and sky energy…I am working to become more in-tune with the planet and energy around me.
    Next, I wanted to tell you that your eagle is incredible. I think you captured the essence of freedom, of flight, of being One with nature…well done. Your artwork is beautiful and detailed – always.
    Sending you big hugs and wishes for a wonderful week! xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 21:03:45

      Loved your comment Cynthia, Your documentary sounds something I would love to watch.. We were all geared up for 2012 mainly because of the Mayan Calendar, there was a big shift in our awareness leading up and beyond then, and much more enlightenment has since evolved leading us up to this present moment in time. These next three years are important, and I feel deeply that our acceleration will speed up, and as it does, so too will the negative become more active to try to stop those gaining more knowledge and truth.
      You sound as if you are doing incredible work upon your inner and outer self Cynthia, reminding me of my younger self, a sponge soaking up the Spiritual night and day 😀
      Many thanks for your encouraging words and compliments. I think I know how to proceed as today a thought of an addition to the painting came to me. I have yet to see if it the right one lol..
      I look forward to reading your own post as soon as I get caught up here..
      Much love dear friend, and big hugs right back ❤ 🙂



      • Sageleaf
        Mar 23, 2019 @ 19:05:30

        Sweet Sue, how did the painting go? I can’t wait to see. 🙂
        And…if you do watch that documentary, it’s good. Just fast-forward through the first five minutes – it’s a lot of psychedelic visuals and no words. Hehe. I mean unless you like watching visions of swirly things while listening to new age music. There are worse things. hahaha.
        Oh, I could just hug you, sweet friend! Your wisdom and insights always make me think, smile, contemplate, and ponder. And yes, I continue to explore kundalini and chi kung…I am not yet sure how far I will go, or where I will get to, but I can say for sure that this is an incredible journey and I love every minute.
        Sending you big, squishy Saturday hugs.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 01, 2019 @ 13:07:47

          Hi Dear Cynthia, apologies for the lateness of my replies, but I took a short break from the internet and my blog.
          Just keep following your instincts, and the Sky is the Limit and then some..
          As for my painting, yes a little more was completed, but still to finish it.. Nothing has really been important these past few days, I have just concentrated on myself and more inner work.. Love and Blessings dear friend and thank YOU. ❤



  28. lorriebowden
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 22:53:19

    Thank you, Sue! I know if I viewed this post with fear…it would be frightening (and I’m not going to lie…a little fear seeped in from time to time.) But viewed with love, and compassion, and TRUTH…your words speak with such clarity! Clarity of thought…feeling…

    I, too, have been very tired. During the day also. In fact, if I can, I sneak a nap. There is a part of me that doesn’t like this, but then I have been able to let go of my judgment and think that I will do whatever I need to do.

    I find it interesting your dreams about the water. I live so close to the water and lately I have been so drawn to it. I have fear of the water…and so it is amazing that I actually go out in the ocean, alone, on my paddle board. I think intellectually that I am “facing my fear” but in reality I get out there and the fear just goes away! The only dreams I have about water are tidal waves…and they are not like films of real tsunamis I have seen…but the largest wave you have ever seen…barreling to the shore!

    I don’t know what any of this means but my intuition tells me that there are huge changes coming.

    I hope you are well, Sue. I hope that you are doing what you need to do to offset the energy that seems to be consuming you even in sleep!

    Many sweet blessings ❤ I am grateful for you!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 21:28:56

      When one understands we are eternal beings of Light, and let go of fear, there is no need to be fearful. Yes great changes will come, some will test us. This life in essence is one huge test..
      It isn’t easy, but we are beginning to see the way forward. Like you conquering your fear of water. And you are much braver than I, you would never get me paddling out into the ocean!! lol.. Well not these days.. haha..
      Keep following you intuition, and if it is pulling you strongly then follow it.. It is speaking to you for a reason.
      The times i have ignored my intuitive self have been to my detriment..
      Sleep is a natural part of healing, of getting our bodies in balance, I now just follow my tired self and take myself off to bed for a couple of hours, I have stopped napping in the chair and, I feel more clear headed and refreshed and able to function after these ‘Power Naps’ 😀 I call them..
      And thank you I am well in heart and spirit 🙂
      Much love dear Lorrie.. and thank you for your lovely visit ❤ and comment.. ❤



      • lorriebowden
        Mar 19, 2019 @ 12:47:57

        My pleasure, Sue 😁 I agree about following our intuition. In fact very recently I started to not listen and it was almost like a shock wave inside my body and I stopped in my tracks…turned around…and did it the way my soul was screaming out to do it! It was so powerful! I’m not sure why I have not listened in the past, but I have regretted it. I consciously try to honor that voice I hear inside…every day!

        I love your painting! I also find the story about it quite interesting. I believe in my heart that creation has intuition also 😉 While we are busy “creating” our art…it is busy being created…and it feels like it has a say.

        Sending loads of love and good thoughts and energy to you 💜



  29. dgkaye
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 23:37:51

    You better believe I read til the end Sue! Your paint your writing as you do with your brush so beautifully. I have been feeling exactly like everything you touched on here. I feel the change moving under us. I’m overwhelmed by what’s going on in governments around the world and nobody stopping the merry-go-round of chaos, deceit and greed. I’ve talked about this with certain people how the earth is going through it’s purge phase getting ready to clear the garbage for a new order just as Noah did when God had enough of it and started the world over. As an empath, I can feel the winds changing in my bones. I feel like something new is coming and quite concerned about the transition phase. Let us keep buckled up tight in white light and love ❤ xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 21:40:19

      I think we should all become observant about what is transpiring around the world dear Debby, and Bless your heart for saying what you have.. We empaths feel so much more. And it’s not always possible to put into words.
      I often wonder if the governments do not care about our environment etc because they know something we do not!.
      I watched a Gregg Braden documentary on his geological studies and others on the ice cores. Which show the amount of times our Earth has warmed up and cooled down, and CO2 levels beyond that which are here now. All which were in a book of his too I read years ago.. If you have time you may enjoy this episode https://youtu.be/GxERTlbAo7g of his.. Very interesting. it confirmed much of my findings..
      Many thanks again for your support and compliments dear Debby, I really appreciate you..
      Much love.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  30. Miriam
    Mar 17, 2019 @ 23:57:17

    Another thought provoking post from you Sue. Can’t help but feel the changes and shifts, so much has changed in my life these past few months and in my own mind. We all need to stay positive and open don’t we, in a world that is often the opposite. Thanks for your wisdom and heart and for sharing your beautiful eagle. Like all of us he’s a work in progress. xx 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  31. dreamweaver333
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 00:03:21

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.



  32. dgkaye
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 01:22:12

    Reblogged this on The Sisters of the Fey and commented:
    Can you feel it too? Listen to the wisdom of Sue Dreamwalker



  33. CarolCooks2
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 05:06:22

    I hear you, Sue and yes great change has to come we must learn love and kindness which is in short supply in this world at the moment. We must also listen to our young people like young Greta Thunberg who has a wise head on young shoulders but she is making a difference and those who want to listen are sitting up…and taking notice…A thought-provoking post and your eagle is beautiful as is Erikas work for you…Well done ladies 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 22:05:07

      Yes Greta is such an inspiring young girl.. Her influence has travelled to the UK and many school children also went on strike here too, standing up for planet Earth.. And asking governments to take notice.. Not that it made any difference, it only got on our local news.. The main media was full of Brexit.. Thank you Carol for your compliments.. Erika’s quotes of day are something else.. She makes some beautiful quotes picking up on our words.. On Erika’s behalf I say thank you.. ❤



  34. yogaleigh
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 06:28:02

    Thanks Sue. Love it.



  35. cat
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 06:45:41

    I see Northern Europe had some really blustery days, friend Sue … Here blustery and wintery as well … Keeping my spirit up by reading, cooking, and playing/ sleeping with Theo. Much love says this Alberta cat and her cat Theo.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 22:07:42

      Wonderful to have your warm thoughts Cat, and hope Theo soon gets out and is not housebound by the snow.. Hope you are well, and the storms have gone, only light winds today, sunshine and showers, .. Much love across the Pond to you dear Cat.. You have been missed.. ❤ Much LOVE ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Mabel Kwong
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 09:23:09

    A profound spiritual peace from you, Sue. I always look forward to these kinds of pieces when you write them – they are bold, courageous, uncensored and above all honest. A lot of what you wrote here resonated with me. Not having the best sleep as of late and like you, I feel there is conflict and restlessness around us. I thought that eagle painting was amazing; it looks like an eagle and the subdued colours goes well with your current state of mind. Hopefully your dreams, which sound pretty intense, aren’t wearing you down too much. I’ve also had a few dreams lately and people in my life feature in my dreams – and they end ambiguously as I wake up.

    It’s also retrograde season these past few weeks. So agree we are all vibrancy and frequency. We are all energy and light, and all one.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 22:14:10

      Thank you Mabel, To be honest at one point yes the dreams were wearing, but I understand them better now. I never quite understand the position of the stars, but understand the feelings I get from them lol.. 😀 Many thanks for your compliments of my painting Mabel, and I hope too your sleep patterns improve..
      And thank you for the encouragement on my writing, I write such pieces when inspired to do so, and they come less frequently, so do my poems, but I just keep following the flow of Spirit, and it seems to work. 😀
      Much love to you Mabel, and enjoy your new week my friend 🙂



      • Mabel Kwong
        Mar 19, 2019 @ 09:54:10

        Lol I also am not sure about the position of the stars and planets…but eerily enough they always seem to make a mark on what’s happening in the world and how we are feeling 😀 Follow your Spirit and intuition, Sue. I think I may need to do that too. Been feeling less inspired of late. You enjoy the new week too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 21, 2019 @ 20:15:25

          The planets along with Mother Earth all entwined in that Cosmic Soup connecting us all as one, each affecting the whole. Thank you Mabel, I will always be guided by intuition and follow my Spirit. We each follow the Flow Mabel and when we feel inspired we communicate and write, and when we feel the need for quiet and solitude we are also comfortable with that also..
          You too ENJOY and take care Mabel.. and Thank YOU for your visit and lovely comments.. ❤



  37. AmyRose🌹
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 12:23:49

    Sue …. I will comment on this tremendously important post …. I will return. Bless you!



  38. insearchofitall
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 13:20:24

    Anyone who has found their way to your blog is ready and willing to hear what you have to say. I can’t imagine you have many visitors that are not on your wavelength. I agree with what you have said here. I’m hoping we finally get it and move to a better way to be in the world. I also understand the fatigue, depression and malaise felt by so many these days. I do not understand those that don’t understand what’s going on. Wishing you a peaceful week and a strong heart.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 22:20:04

      Thank you dear Marlene, for your lovely words, I agree most here are on the same wave, riding in the same direction 😀 And no, neither can I understand those who do not understand, but you see Marlene, we woke up years ago, and we did a lot of ground work.. Remember all those books of the same titles we read way back in the 80’s and 90’s let alone what we have discovered since.. But some will never wake, that is their choice, Me, I am ready to move on when that time comes.. And the clock is ticking!.. 🙂 And I am at peace with that, because I am preparing inwardly.. I just hope others could understand that is what we need to do..
      Sending MUCH love Marlene.. And I know you understand perfectly.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  39. Jane Sturgeon
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 17:42:03

    I have a roof garden and I got out there yesterday and dead headed my pots and pottered about sweeping up. My soul saying ‘thank you’ all the time. Wrapping you and your hubbie in much 💗 Sue. I have been knitting as often as I can 💗🦋💗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2019 @ 17:58:28

      Wonderful Jane.. If the weather holds the lawns will be cut this week, and my tulip and daffs in tubs put where they should go, I had them sheltering from being cut down in the wind..
      Knitting, I have loads of New wool beckoning, but resisted so far since I finished my blue top, and picked up books instead, while the paint dries and I make up my mind! lol..
      Enjoy and hope your Mum is doing OK Jane.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Jane Sturgeon
        Mar 21, 2019 @ 09:24:28

        I am going to see a friend who is clearing her yarn stash today. Well, we’re making a start on it, as she’s moving to a much smaller place. She was going to gift it all to charity and messaged asking if I’d like to be her charity. I’m heading over there with boxes, braced for much laughter. Mum’s wrist plaster came off yesterday, but it’s still very tender and she’s doing well with her new hip. It’s all time isn’t it Sue, loving grace and time. Xxx 😘 💗 more hugs for you both 💞



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 22, 2019 @ 07:52:15

          Oooh… WOOL Heaven.. 🙂 by the sounds of it Jane.. I bought several new packs of wool in a sale recently, and new patterns of waiscoats, cardigans and jumpers.. I dare not however pick up my knitting needles just yet, as I know I will not put them down once I start.. And the garden is beckoning attention, and I have a painting to finish..
          Good to hear the news of your Mum healing well, Sending continued healing thoughts, and much love your way Jane.. Enjoy your weekend ❤ Hugs and thank you for your hugs.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  40. Jane Sturgeon
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 18:10:52

    Thanks Sue, for asking. I was down there for the day today. She’s recovering physically, but struggling because she can’t get out, like she would usually. There’s a fracture clinic appt. I am taking her too on Wednesday, so if she has the energy I may take her somewhere nature related, yummy cake and coffee wise, on the way home. Xxx 😘 💗 🌹

    Liked by 1 person


  41. -Eugenia
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 18:26:01

    Wonderful post, Sue, with so much encouragement to take away! Thank you for sharing. 👍



  42. Christy B
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 23:29:46

    The world needs change, positive change that will heal wounds that have been growing for so long… Your words hit deep and are needed, Sue. And your watercolors, wow, beautiful xo

    Liked by 1 person


  43. Infinite Living
    Mar 18, 2019 @ 23:54:00

    With just your beginning lines you caught my attention – exactly how I have been feeling – listless, not able to give words, a grief, a sadness and inability to be ‘productive’ I attributed it to me absorbing so much of the hatred going on in the world and also how my sense of self was shifting in relation to those around me. I feel so much peace reading your post – a hope and a trust that I am only being carried through this process of existence as it is right now. It has been difficult yet again to give myself permission to actually not do anything but then I needed to just take time – there is simply no urge to do anything. Your paintings are so beautiful and powerful!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 19, 2019 @ 13:53:45

      I think if we keep following our inner guidance and intuitive feelings we are being led down the right path to follow.
      There are do many atmospheric changes coming in right now our bodies feel in overload. That is only how I can discribe it.
      You are far from alone in what you are feeling. Remember we are energy beings and as such we fluctuate with the frequency surrounding us.
      Sadly this too means those who do not cope, often may go off the rails. Which is why often conflict and anger bubbles. Because people feel frustrated.
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment and compliments.
      Much love and take care my friend 💚🤗😘

      Liked by 1 person


  44. Betty Hayes Albright
    Mar 19, 2019 @ 01:17:33

    A passionate expression in words and paintings. It’s comforting to know that I’m not alone in my own visions, dreams, and foreboding. I too have had, for decades, those dreams of the waters coming in over the land, of great tsunamis…. It takes courage to surrender to that, and sometimes I give in to fear and discouragement. But, “Having done all, to stand.” (A quote I remember from somewhere…) All we can do is remain calm and certain of the great spiritual foundation we’re all standing on as we join our thoughts together in love and light, and turn our backs on darkness.
    Thank you, Sue, for your inspiration. ❤️



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 19:27:22

      Indeed dear Betty, there are many of us who have that ‘Knowing’ within them, and seeing how all things have to come to pass. And yes, all we can do is remain calm, in our understanding all things have purpose, and those who join in unity and love will overcome the shadows being cast..
      Many thanks Betty for reading, I truly appreciate your comments and visits.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  45. thespiritkeeper
    Mar 19, 2019 @ 02:57:17

    Yes, Gaia is an organism as we are. If someone attacks us we defend ourselves. We have harmed Gaia, therefore, she is defending herself as well. There is more to this as everything in the universe is electromagnetically and electrically charged. One can open their perception as to how we charged the electromagnetic and electrical field. Does the saying what you put out there comes back to you?
    I can feel the push and usher of renewal to humanity and the universe. As you said the old is being washed away. In a twinkling of an eye, the moment of change will arrive. Hope you are well and that you had a great start to the week. Be well, my friend. Hugs ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 19:34:13

      Dear Joseph, forgive the late reply, the garden these past few days have drew me, as Spring and the Sun have warmed the earth again, making birds sing, and flowers bloom..
      Gaia is changing, reshaping, cleansing and growing. I feel that in that ‘Twinkling of an Eye’ all things will change, and somehow my friend, I breathe deeper in the knowledge it is all meant to be.. Knowing as we do, the History surrounding Earth, we understand the shackles laid upon her and her great Push to break free, and release those who have been in bondage also.
      The gardening took its toll on me, but some acupuncture from my therapist has set me right again..
      Hubby has started planting potatoes, the seeds are growing well, new strawberry plants have been planted, and all is well in my world.. 🙂
      I hope all is well in yours my friend.. Have you still got the snow?.. I hope Spring soon begins to spring for you..
      Much love dear Joseph.. Take care and stay Blessed ❤ 😀

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Mar 21, 2019 @ 23:34:15

        Yes, Gaia will have her day in court. She will unshackle herself and many will be in sorrow. I am with you by being Ok with it. Who knows how it will all play out. I still meditate for a divine intervention. Leaving those nasty ones and those who want to live a certain way to be left on 3D and bring the others to the 4th dimension.
        Hardly no snow in the mountains now. Just little patches here and there where it is in total shade. I too have begun transforming the landscape where I live. Flagstone that was covered in places with dirt and now one can see them. Doing major raking. Hasn’t been done in years. There is so much work to do on this property. It has been neglected. Kudoos to your hubby for breaking ground. I am doing well. A friend of a friend had a celebration of life today before her expiry date in ten days. She has brain cancer and her quality of life is compromised so she opted for a doctor assisted cross over. It spurred a philosophical chat between me and my roomate. I think that chat is not over as she likes to ruminate over and over our discussions. In actuality she is trying to find common ground for an upset way of her thinking. It is good that s he is replacing old beliegs with new ones. Take care of yourself and covering you with a blanket of love. ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 22, 2019 @ 08:19:37

          I can see why your friend of your friend opted for such an exit.. Understanding Life after Life as we do I would opt for the same I think, given a choice.. And what better way to celebrate a life, while one is still with the living. 🙂 Upsetting as it must be for family and friends as they say their farewells. Yet many never even get that opportunity and wish perhaps they had made more of their time together more meaningful when life is suddenly cut short..
          Such deep conversations are meaningful with your roommate. As we view Life, and death with new perspectives..
          I am happy the snow is melting, I am an early bird here this morning, for I am donning on my wellington boots and joining hubby for a morning in the allotments.. I will take my camera, and snap a few pictures to share this weekend hopefully if I get around to a gardening post on my garden blog.. It is over due..
          And thank you for the love and well wishes Joseph..
          Take care my friend 💙



  46. Annika Perry
    Mar 19, 2019 @ 09:21:44

    Sue, an incredibly thought-provoking post that encompasses so much I would not know where to begin. This could lead to hours long conversation, taking in the global, the personal. So much resonates deeply with me … the invisible shism across the globe seems to be growing, the discontent and disconnect deepening. It leaves us floundering, trying to make sense, of what perhaps cannot be made clear. We all seem in a state of flux, grappling with unknown forces.

    Yet, in the midst I take heart from the positive energy around me, the laughter, helpfulness of people. Your first sentences struck me personally as I am looking to make a huge change, for the positive, in my life … a big step, a whimsical thought that I believed was impossible but talking to people yesterday it seems this could become a reality. Changes galore surrounding us! I hope the quiet and unease within you finds peace, that your spirits will join your beautiful eagle and soar away with joy. With much love 💕



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 19:44:08

      I hope that whimsical thought becomes your reality Annika.. Change is on the horizon for many and its now the time of making your Dreams into your reality.
      Yes, there are many who are being drawn together to help others through grief, turmoil and chaos, we can not always fathom why some perish in order for humanity to begin to See the most important lesson we are all here to learn.. That our compassion and love for each other must reach out and embrace our differences in the name of love.
      I am shaking off the listless feelings, embracing nature, and the Sun helps heal those grey spots..
      Thank you for your wonderful comment, sorry its been a while in being answered.. The Spring weather, the sun and garden pulled me deeper..
      And I am certain Annika.. We could spend hours in deep conversations that cover many subjects and interests..
      Love to you and tell that marvellous musical son of yours,while I have not had time to comment on all his latest uploads, I so enjoyed each and everyone of his recitals and compositions.
      Love and Blessings ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  47. roughwighting
    Mar 19, 2019 @ 11:37:24

    I read it all, my head nodding with each sentence, each sentiment, each sensation of the vibrational change to come. Thank you for taking the time and the energy to share your thoughts. They are One and they are True. xo



  48. AmyRose🌹
    Mar 19, 2019 @ 21:06:27

    Sue, there is just so much in this post that I am only going to write what my Heart guides me to write. I shall tell you what I am experiencing and what I “feel” what is to come.

    I’ve been hit so hard in ALL areas of my life, unrelenting bashes all causing great renting, great stress, great pain, sorrow and suffering. I feel as if I’ve been sculpted down to nothing and now it is time for me to begin building. I stopped reading, something I love to do. My interest in books vanished for some reason. My great excitement with my camera is vanishing as well, yet I am forcing myself to be with my camera. I had a dream God threw me off a huge plateau into the Void as a different body and person while the “me” I recognized fell down and disappeared. That is where I am now. In the Void becoming that person who I’ve been meant to be all along.

    I barely wish to be here at WP anymore and have to drag myself here or else on the other hand, I have great excitement here and am finding glorious new connections. So much of my life and around me has crashed and burned but out of the ashes, hugely different paths are rising, ones that in one case in particular, I’ve waited for over 30 years to manifest. That particular area of my life is the biggest change, one that will effect every single other aspect of my life. I almost did not make it to see the crash because between the deaths in my life, my battles with health, and this crash, I honestly knew my body could not take any more.

    I don’t feel too much direction anymore. Yet when I do feel the Connection it is in such a way it leaves me stunned. There is still yet too much chaos and dross in the way of this Connection in order for it to remain clear. I’ve become very sensitive to the environment and foods with reactions so bad that I have had to toss out just about everything I used to eat and begin again consuming only “super foods”. I cannot be around cities or crowds right now. I am changing in ways I have difficultly describing. But it is all because the NEW I sense is coming for those of us who have done the work. I feel as you do right now … restless yet listless.

    I know we are at the cusp of an era that many will not be able to either tolerate or “see”. All around me is lining up to health, to Love, to well-being. I believe that with the uncovering of so much horror (in this world and in my own life) that LIGHT can now come forth and cleanse where once was only dark. The only place I feel good is in Nature or spending time with my cats. I’m seeing outright Miracles unfold in my own life.

    Something huge is moving and it is moving ever faster. This is nothing to fear if you have done the Inner Work required in order to exist in this New. I was given a sign just today that my “energy” has arrived at the place I have worked so very hard to get to. Two little birds, while on my long walk today, refused to fly away and stayed on the ground very near me, showing no fear and just kept on eating what they were. Even when I started walking again, they did not fly away. When we are accepted by Mother’s Creations that is a sure sign our energy and DNA have been changed in order that we are prepared for the NEW that is about to arrive.

    All I can tell you I have been brought to my knees and lower with just about the life stamped out of me. I’ve still yet to be fully recovered. I’m making great strides in getting stronger so that I can survive the Change that is coming. We have so much toxicity surrounding us all the time, that we must change in order to survive just that. I’ve been through more hells then I have revealed yet through those hells my change has been rapid. We are heading to a better world, Sue. I know it. Until that happens I am basically on survival mode in order to get through what I must.

    I’m not even sure if this even makes sense to you. These concepts and changes are so huge that I have difficultly even forming words to describe them. Life altering. We are literally walking from one existence into another while still here on Planet Earth. I don’t know about you, but I right now want nothing to do with the world as is and stay as far away from it as I possibly can.

    This is one of the most powerful posts I have ever read. Bless you for having the courage to write it. I know many will not “get” what you wrote or why. I do. Believe me. I do. XOXOXO

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 18:02:48

      Dearest Amy, first I apologise for my lateness in answering you, and others pending here. Our garden has been getting priority, and my body has rebelled somewhat, but a visit from my Acupuncture Therapist and her Spring Boost has worked wonders..

      I understand your feelings of dragging yourself to sit at your computer, I find myself making many excuses as to why not to twitch the modem on.

      As for your dream about the ‘Void’ I think it is very symbolic. In that we are being given opportunities to cast away our former shelves of whom we think we are. We are housed in these ‘Meat suites’ and have absorbed and been conditioned through many life times via our emotional baggage we have wrapped around ourselves and carried.

      The weight of it has been tremendous, and this life dear Amy I feel may well be the last incarnation here for many of us, and we have been working our way through so many layers.. We both have had similar issues stemming right back to our childhood and our parents which has taken so, so much out of us as we have learnt to navigate and overcome the feelings instilled within us.

      We have both been healers, putting others first often well before ourselves. And to arrive at this new found place we now find ourselves in, has taken many years.. I know speaking for myself, those lessons that come throughout our life times have been hard, but each one moulded us into who we are today.. Stronger, as a person, but also stronger internally..
      Because we ‘See’ so much deeper with our empathy than most.. And at times we have to stand strong to make others see, that they too have to put in the work, they will no longer be carried.

      And it is frustrating when we see those surrounding us not understanding what is to come.. Or understanding these lessons are about to be completed.. And it is hard to watch, knowing what we do..

      It is only often through turmoil and chaotic times that it enables those who have often been divided to come together.. I wish it were not so. But as they say, it is always darkest before the dawn light, and while not wishing to spread negativity, I feel it may well get much darker before it wakes up people to co-operate and trust each other, and come together in Unity and Love..

      I loved the story about your two little birds Amy, and Nature knows our energy, we feed the birds daily in our garden, like I know you also do.. They know the time we fill the feeders and wait patiently and I kid you not it is getting like both hubby and I understand their chatter..

      You do right in preparing for the changes to come, Plasma bursts and CME’s from the Sun are going to change and charge energy.. Those not being able to understand that Energy changes often affect moods and emotions means during these cycles of energy transference, many more people will be confused and susceptible to disruption..

      I understand you perfectly, and yes, our DNA is altering, causing often physical ailments we cannot understand..
      Animals too are feeling these changes, Children too, My own granddaughter speaks now of feeling past pets at her other Grandpa’s house, and feeling them brush past her.. Dimensions are thinning, veils are lifting, Portals are opening..

      We are going to see more weather anomalies and huge mass exodus’s of both people and animals.. What has occurred recently with the cyclone Idai in Africa for one.
      Mother Earth is just that, our Mother, but we like any mother she also has to teach tough love in order to teach her children right from wrong.

      Thank you dearest Amy, I so appreciate you taking the time to read my post and to write from your heart.
      I totally understand every word.. And thank you so much for your compliments, and your understanding why I needed to write it.

      MUCH love Amy.. Stay blessed my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • AmyRose🌹
        Mar 22, 2019 @ 18:19:49

        Oh my goodness! I could write a book in of itself with your response. But I won’t. (smile) One thing that truly caught my attention is what you wrote concerning the veil is thinning. That I know to be absolutely true. Our Cuddles, who recently passed, has been mischievously doing things like …. he made a very heavy rock on top of a high table next to my bed, not only drop but he got it to lay exactly on the rug where he used to lay. I’ve heard banging on the pantry door when “no one” has been around. (something he used to do) Hubby while in the basement is hearing a noise that only Cuddles used to make. So yes, this veil is thinning. Mother in general and Her Creations are not only “talking to me” but deliberately allowing me to photograph them (birds for example) showing me no fear. A few days ago, Hubby witnessed something he will probably never see again. He witnessed two red tail hawks MATING in the huge tree across the street. Do you think that those birds knew he was there? Undoubtedly, yet they allowed him to see something most people never see! The communication between myself and our cats is becoming almost effortless! I have a story coming about a MIRACLE that just recently happened having to do with Bella and Hubby. Some things that are happening are like … pinch me! I have “felt” portals. And OH it is like a dip into Heaven!

        What I am observing in others shocks me, Sue, to be truthful. They make NO sense whatsoever and then when disaster strikes, they cannot SEE why. I’m not about to tell them because they won’t hear me. I pray for them instead. This world in general makes NO sense whatsoever so I deliberately stay away from it. When the time is right, and it shall come, I will be directed by my Guidance to again be involved in this world. I LOVE talking (in real life) to like-minded/soul people and to not have this aspect in my life for the most part, is far from easy. So I “talk” here and YAY I have been bumping into the most amazing people … just their energy lifts me on high! I also talk a lot to my cats (LOL) about anything and everything. The other day Hubby and I went walking and he complained how loud I was talking. It just felt SO good to be outside, not having to monitor my voice, and to have the freedom to shout if I wanted to. I’ve also been having “respiratory issues” and to be able to breathe deeply is so glorious all I want to do is talk loud and laugh loud!

        Oops. I went a little over my limit but I hope you understand. It’s so exciting to know that there are others who “get it” and what is really going on. I’ve become very direct in both my speech and my written word, not holding much back anymore, and OH does that feel good too!

        I’ll be praying for you about that garden body if you do the same for me. My gardens this year are such a mess from the extremely high winds we have had here. It’s going to take a LOT of work just to clear them out. My body is complaining all ready from the little I have done. I feel for you! Thank goodness you have a good “doctor”. MUCH Love!!!!! XOXOXO

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 23, 2019 @ 17:20:47

          Dear Amy, I am happy that your Cuddles is letting you know he is still around, I know after our beloved 21 year cat passed, I would feel her often jump upon my bed and purr in my ear, even hubby would feel her.. But the veils now are thinning ever more and those of us who sense, are opening up even more to the energies.
          Seeing those Hawks, what a beautiful thing your hubby witnessed.
          And yes, what we often see in others, we can only send our prayers
          As for your gardens yes the wind here too was bad, so I sympathise with you when it affects our gardens.
          I am resting up today as we had a morning in the allotments, hubby was planting potatoes and I was hoeing other ground. We will be back at it tomorrow..
          We are lucky in that we have a garden to tend..
          Much love Amy, and enjoy your weekend and your photography..
          ❤ Hugs.. ❤

          Liked by 2 people


    • Mark Lanesbury
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 20:18:37

      Just be patient dear lady, that is part of the rebuild to ‘let go’ of this world of ‘rush, rush’ and finally just do you. Follow what your heart is truly saying now that you can ‘hear’ what she really has to say. And that is to do you so that this is where you will now give from. Even the birds know where your heart now is, it is becoming that loving truth, no longer giving off what went before ❤
      Once we have expressed our journey to let others see then we feel that we can then move on with the changes that are happening. They all, like us, need to find themselves when their time is ready. We have given our experience to show that path so that they can 'see' that there is truly hope and something there waiting and no longer left feeling lost with no hope.
      You are a beacon dear lady, as is Sue with her lovely site here, both a lighthouse for this beautiful journey down here so that others may find that love and happiness we always seek ❤

      Liked by 2 people


      • AmyRose🌹
        Mar 22, 2019 @ 18:04:03

        Bless you for your Wisdom, Mark. I’ve been rather “beaten up” in every area of my life. I just pray these “hits” stop soon …. they truly are no fun. Those who have eyes will see, dear friend. Others who don’t see? Hopefully one day too they shall. Much Love and HUGE (((HUGS)))!! XO

        Liked by 2 people


  49. Renee Espriu
    Mar 20, 2019 @ 02:38:16

    You are bold with your thoughts and clearly want to pass onto others what it is that gives your life passion and insight. I love your willingness to convey to others what you feel. I am moving in ten days now and as it is more in the country than I have lived all my life, it will be a change, but I have had many months to prepare. I helped my daughter paint my room within her home and bought an area rug to place there. I will also be having a small art studio built on the back of her property and I do look forward to it. I actually began in oils and now do acrylics and watercolor along with my pastels and colored pencils. I find I enjoy mixed media quite well. Your painting is coming along nicely so don’t give up on it just yet. You have a gift my friend in whatever media you so choose. They are all wonderful. Take care and I hope you are enjoying the sun…as I now am. Quite warm yesterday and today after a quite long and cold Winter. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 21:52:20

      How time is speeding ever faster Renee, your move ever closer.. And it sounds like your daughter has already thought about your comfort.. Thank you for your encouragement on my art. It still sits as it is above, but I have a few thoughts on what is needed to complete it.. I hope your warm weather holds, here too the gales and rain have subsided and now its mild and sunny, inviting me back into the garden… Lots of work to do which is keeping hubby busy this week planting potatoes..
      Sending love and Blessings across the ocean dear Renee, and well wishes as your move draws ever nearer.. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  50. Inside the Mind of Isadora
    Mar 20, 2019 @ 10:03:47

    Change is growth of body mind and spirit. Too stay in one moment keeps us from growing into more of what we could be. Fear is a constant for those who stay paralyzed to their old place. New unfolding treasures await if we’re open to accept the changes Thought provoking words, Sue
    How could one not read this. Every word an insight into our beings.
    Isadora 😎



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 22:03:14

      Many thanks Isadora, Indeed when we learn to let go of fear their can only be love.. And much love to you my friend, and thank you again for your compliments and for reading ‘every word’ 😀 ❤



  51. JoAnna
    Mar 21, 2019 @ 02:32:56

    I feel like I’m standing near the brink of something big, with my vision fuzzy, and you point the way to an opening in the distance. Maybe the opening is love and compassion which I, too forget in my thinking. It comforts me to know you do, too. We are human. And we are so much more! I hope our mother earth knows how much I love her… how much we lover her.



  52. stephensmustang1
    Mar 21, 2019 @ 02:52:36

    This spoke to me for a variety of reasons…but yeah..trying to figure out what ‘my canvas’ should be. 😉 Love ya



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 21, 2019 @ 22:22:03

      I know you will figure out your canvas one day dear Elizabeth, you are such a giver of yourself to others, and are always there for everyone else.. You will have to figure when it is time to give more time to yourself my friend.. And paint some nurturing time of self into your busy schedule..
      LOVE and Blessings back dear friend, take care of YOU!! pleeeeease… ❤



  53. Marja
    Mar 21, 2019 @ 07:18:41

    A beautiful post and yes I have felt the changing of the world People are changing their diet, their way of living, I supported the children protesting for climate change I was full of hope and now see the love of many people coming together in support of our whanau as we have lost many people The pain and incomprehension of what happened here is huge and I know going through pain gives growing opportunities as well but the road is hard. I send you lots of love (aroha) Your painting is beautiful and thank you for your inspiring posts



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 22, 2019 @ 07:48:49

      Many thanks Marja, my heart went out to NZ and the heartache being felt there my friend, Your wonderful tribute shows just how through tragedy we are never going to be divided, only brought closer together. And I thank you for reading Marja and your appreciation of my post.. MUCH love returned ❤



  54. robbiesinspiration
    Mar 21, 2019 @ 16:56:01

    Beautiful words, as always, Sue. There are still a lot of good people on this earth who try to walk the path of kindness and compassion. YOur artwork is lovely and the eagle looks terrific to me.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 22, 2019 @ 08:11:52

      Indeed Robbie there are Many, many GOOD people with kind and loving hearts on this Earth. Its a shame the media do not promote the Good News, if they did, this world would change in its vibration very soon, as people would then be uplifted and feel good about each other, instead, of all the negative attributes..
      Many thanks Robbie for your kind compliments on my art, it still sits unfinished but like all of us, we are are works in progress.. 🙂
      Much love. ❤



  55. macalder02
    Mar 22, 2019 @ 05:22:09

    Not only that you have the gift of painting marvelously, but you also give us that light of hope that the human being needs to take the necessary breath to consecrate life in spite of the stumbling blocks along the way. It is encouraging to have your blog at hand.



  56. Red
    Mar 23, 2019 @ 21:55:58

    LOVE love LOVE this ❤ The snake's shiny scales are only beautiful once it sheds its skin. I welcome the change and the loss of the dull drabness.
    Love and light,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 01, 2019 @ 13:10:04

      Hello dear Red, goodness, so lovely to see you here on my return to my blog, I hope you are well?, and yes the Change we spoke about which seems like Aeons ago, is now about to show itself. And those of us who understand realise it is all part of the plan..
      Much love to your Red, and Thank you for your lovely visit and contribution ❤



  57. Hannah Kaminsky
    Mar 25, 2019 @ 19:50:15

    It can feel risky and sometimes painful to speak from the heart, but much more agonizing not to. I strongly believe that anything can be said with compassion, no matter how fraught the subject, if the right words are carefully and consciously chosen. It still does take bravery to day them out loud.



  58. kowkla123
    Mar 27, 2019 @ 11:32:12

    einen schönen Gruß von mir zu dir



  59. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Apr 02, 2019 @ 13:35:28

    Thanks for your insights Sue. I too have felt the shifts and changes; letting go and trusting what will surface. I love your creativity and the eagle painting,just beautiful! xx

    Liked by 1 person


  60. YesterdayAfter
    Apr 03, 2019 @ 03:20:14

    This is a wonderful post Sue! I feel your words and the shift we are going through! Many are still in the dark but many are awakening. And to learn how to let go the past and things that doesn’t serve us anymore it is very important. These days I feel a strong urge to meditate and I am doing it a lot I love to be in that pure place, it helps me with my journey. recently I have made a painting that is inspired by “let our inner light shine to the Universe” you can see it here: https://yesterdayafter.com/2019/03/08/happy-womens-day/ I had posted it on Women’s Day I am planning to create more paintings like this. Your eagle is beautiful and need to keep flying just as you are going through your journeys find the time to finish the painting! Love and Light



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 03, 2019 @ 11:20:19

      So pleased you enjoyed the post Carolina, and that you are following your own instincts to meditate more.. 😀 Many thanks for your follow and compliments on my post and painting.. I finally sat and finished it yesterday. And I loved your inspired Painting, just beautiful artwork.. 🙂 Take care and much love

      Liked by 1 person


  61. kowkla123
    Apr 03, 2019 @ 11:04:23

    lass es dir gut gehen



  62. Dalo 2013
    Apr 13, 2019 @ 11:46:02

    An incredible painting, Sue, the Eagle seems to also emit emotions similar to your post, start living in the moment non-judgmentally and enjoy the time we have in this amazing world. Wishing you the best, and hope you’re taking advantage of spring’s arrival. Cheers and take care.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 15, 2019 @ 09:22:41

      Why thank you Randall, so good to see you back in blog land again.. I am certain I will be delighted to visit your blog and learn of your most recent travels.. and soak up the beauty you always bring in your amazing photos..
      And yes Spring has kept us busy, and away from the internet,
      I look forward to visiting your recent travels Randall, and enjoy Spring my friend.. 😀
      Many thanks for your compliments.. and you too take care.



  63. laura kilty
    Apr 19, 2019 @ 14:36:22

    I’m so glad to know you Sue 💚 This spoke to my heart and soul and I finished reading through tears… “Until one finds their own Truth, you cannot explain fully, no matter how you try.” I think is the truth I find most challenging to be ok with- I agree whole-heartedly with it, there’s is so much learning I’ve done that I could only do at the time and place I learned it. And yet the pain so many are in is so intense to witness… I have been feeling the same tiredness and intensity of dreamworld too. And yet it feels an exciting time of accelerated learning and I’m opening even more to the beauty of Earth and the beauty of our lives here…So much to say and so much to take in from your post. It will be another of yours I know I will come back to time and again. Sending you so much love and gratitude for sharing your thoughts- thoughts that give me solace and a sense of community and being understood which has become more and more valuable and rare for me in recent times. 💚

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 21, 2019 @ 13:10:37

      Thank you Laura for those inspiring words that confirm again for me my own feelings my friend.
      Yes the pain has and is hard to witness, and I have had to step away from WP for a time to just BE.. I know you will understand that sometimes there are No words to express one’s feelings as especially these intense in-coming energies have been changing our very fibres of our being. Sleep is the only way I have been coping, so to have you also confirm this, validates much for me.. So thank you.
      I have so much information to impart, yet fail to know even where to start. My journal has been on fire with my thoughts, and knowledge that synchronicities have confirmed for me ten fold lately.
      I hope in the future to outline in more detail, and yet to do so sound like fantasy.. But we know it to be truth..
      Sorry for the dely in my answering, but I have not even been able to face WP in recent days.. I hope to put a small post together today to try to assemble some of my thinking. In the form of a video I came across only this morning when I logged in.. Another synchronicity that spoke volumes to me as it confirms again why I must try to communicate my thoughts ..
      Thank you again Laura and hope to catch up with you and others who have posted very soon, as soon as I get back into flow here again. ❤ 🙂 much love

      Liked by 1 person


      • laura kilty
        May 01, 2019 @ 19:15:52

        “I have so much information to impart, yet fail to know even where to start” YES!! I feel the same way- I’m also feeling a drive to start writing (a book…ten books?!) despite feeling it will definitely come out jumbled and all over the place at the beginning, and it feels a LOT… There is SO much to say- and yet what I truly want is the ability to just place my hand on someone and for them to feel it all instead of having to find the words or speak at all… It’s such the interesting time!! I wish you rest and send love and wishes for an easy flow Sue. Thank you again for sharing your experiences, your blog and interactions continue to be such a support to me 💚

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 03, 2019 @ 15:07:19

          That is it Exactly Laura. to be able to place one’s hand on others heart and for them to instantly KNOW and FEEL what we Know and feel.. and to UNDERSTAND completely all that which we have been working towards opening our hearts too over the years..
          Many thanks for your encouragement and support it means a lot. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  64. aussieian2011
    Apr 21, 2019 @ 04:19:32

    Excellent words Sue, everything is changing throughout the world, a lot of it is not good for the future of mankind being based on Greed, Power and Money. But in among your words I see you identify another change, and that is the change within oneself, this need to change has become more apparent as we recognize the need to change with the Global changes going on around us. Therein lies a problem, are we Spiritually awake enough to change for the betterment of mankind, or do we change to follow the path of Greed, Power and Money. I accept and understand my changes. Great post Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 21, 2019 @ 12:53:27

      Thank you Ian, yes, collectively we are changing and we ALL have to change from within. Acknowledging those changes and putting into motion our inner thoughts often causes conflict with our social habits. But change we must.. The good thing is that I think many more people than we realise are also waking up to themselves and seeing a need to go deeper within themselves and seek out the peace within themselves and apply it to their world.. Once we understand that when we do that, we are indeed helping raise the vibration of the world as a whole.. We are all small cogs in one gigantic wheel.. Without which the whole mechanism would fail.. ❤ 🙂 And once we learn not to give our Power away to greed and control, etc we are half way there 🙂
      Many thanks Ian, loved your comment .

      Liked by 1 person


  65. Singing Tree
    Apr 22, 2019 @ 03:00:45

    Reblogged this on Singing Tree.

    Liked by 1 person


  66. Dewin Nefol
    Aug 19, 2019 @ 03:54:15

    Namaste Sue, how are you? 🙂

    Late to the dinner table as usual but in my defence I have been away from WP for a while! I thought I’d dig into this deliciously wholesome, honest, sensitive and sincere main course and satiate my appetite before reading onwards.

    To cut to the chase, it seems to be that transformation and change – either on an individual level or on a global scale – requires enormous amounts of energy, great fortitude and unfaltering courage and is innately punishing, but (for want of better words) ‘molecular (or metaphysical) decimation, breakdown, and reformation, is inherently purging’…it makes a man a King, a woman a Queen, and by extension, Earth a metaphorical Paradise. The potential rewards for such endeavour is a better more progressive, equitable and enlightened world knowing of tolerance, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, harmony and Love. A world without division, avarice, or propensity for greed, wealth and power.

    If Earth is perceived as a living organism and a construct of Love (the force that truly binds everything), then we as Her children must not only respect and revere Her but also display a similar consistent quality of being to one another: we are one species, one family, with one ancient origin, and must work tirelessly towards achieving cohesion and unity. Only by adopting a mentality of ‘higher culture’ – a culture that is accepted as being of the greatest value, importance and significance to humanity – will human-kind (and civilisation) evolve and progress to the next level. We (each) have a personal responsibility as caretakers of Earth to leave in our wake a legacy to be proud of: a Utopia, not a dystopia turning on an axis of fool’s gold, so that future generations will flourish and thrive. A world population growing exponentially reliant on finite resources simply demands that we do.



    P.S: Have you finished painting the Eagle yet Sue? 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2019 @ 17:42:40

      Wonderful to see you back in the blogging community Dewin, and life and living take priority.. Every time.. My days here on WP recently have also been very intermittent.. I will hopefully have more time soon as I have nearly finished my spree of re-decorating, but then no doubt another project will beckon..

      Indeed we are all feeling the energies and action accordingly, each following their calling as we each find our own balance and what suits us to feel that inner peace and harmony.

      We each have a duty to Earth, but unfortunately many have forgotten our ‘responsibility as Caretakers’ It will only change when we ourselves make the changes..

      May we all strive to reach that ‘higher culture’ via our thoughts and our actions..

      Wonderful to have your wisdom here again Dewin, your presence here has been missed.

      As to the paint of the Eagle.. Yes I finished it, I thought it lacked New Life. So I added a cliff nest and chicks..
      I looked for the post I attached it too but it escapes me lol but here is the painting https://suedreamwalker.wordpress.com/eagle-and-chicks/

      Wishing you a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend..
      And thank you Dewin for taking the time to comment.. I appreciate you doing so. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Aug 22, 2019 @ 23:00:44

        Hey Sue 🙂

        Thank you for kind sentiment and a warm welcome. I categorically agree: life is for living, or as Robert Byrne once said, ‘the purpose of life is a life of purpose.’ 🙂

        There is always ‘another project’ either waiting or outstanding: it’s what keeps us moving forward! As to decorating: one either enjoys it or doesn’t – it is a ‘marmite’ chore. Personally I enjoy the process but find the greatest pleasure in finishing 🙂

        It is so true Sue, the change we want to see in the world starts with our own transformation: if we cannot love ourselves then we will be less inclined, and less able, to reach out to our fellow man (brothers or sisters) with honesty to offer friendship, love and kindness. Some say we top up our own pot of love with every cup of love we pour for another. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a global tea-party 🙂

        ‘May we all strive to reach that ‘higher culture’ via our thoughts and our actions.’ I hope that we do find common denominators to bind us, common objectives of Peace and Harmony to share, and as a species come to understand that we have one planet to support and nurture us. These are uncertain times, unless there is change and transformation in the world, inequality, suffering, and pain will only continue and the divisions between us grow wider. We cannot readily undo what has already happened on planet Earth but we can most certainly seek to change the future.

        Thanks for posting the Eagle image update! I left a comment for you on the post.

        Until next time, have a wonderful bank holiday weekend. Take care of one and all as you always do.

        Love and Peace,




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 24, 2019 @ 15:39:25

          I would most certain love to host such a tea-party Dewin 🙂 Change we must.. I am reminded of what Wayne Dyer said in one of his inspirational talks years ago.. “”When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change..” We have all been programmed for so long to ‘Look’ at things from one system’s view point.. When we change our perception within our 3D reality, we may then begin to see the possibilities of so much more.
          Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend Dewin..
          Take care 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Dewin Nefol
            Aug 29, 2019 @ 16:23:18

            How right you are Sue 🙂 Perception is everything! ”Tis what David Ike’s recent book calls The Deception Perception.

            Whilst re-reading a favourite book of mine, I was reminded of the following quote. It’s beautifully concise and somehow lends itself to the comments-box nicely…

            ‘Just as a white summer cloud, in harmony with heaven and earth freely floats in the blue sky from horizon to horizon following the breath of the atmosphere – in the same way the pilgrim abandons themselves to the breath of the greater life that…lead him/her beyond the farthest horizons to an aim which is already present within them, though yet hidden from their sight. ~ Lama Govinda, The Way of the White Clouds. (1)

            Thank you Sue, the weekend (a long one) was most enjoyable. Hoping yours was enjoyed just as much.

            Love and Peace,


            (1) – Quoted in The Snow Leopard, by, Peter Matthiessen.

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 30, 2019 @ 13:55:31

              The way of the white cloud quote I loved, I also have several of David Ickes books too.. His thirty years of speaking his truth now is finally being revealed as truth and not the wanderings of a mad-man.

              Our Bank-Holiday weekend quiet and peaceful but very relaxing and enjoyable.. Thank you Dewin.. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              Aug 30, 2019 @ 14:06:55

              Very pleased to hear the weekend proved a success. By my reckoning, Bank Holidays should be far more frequent 🙂

              David Icke’s work is now read by hundreds of thousands (perhaps even millions?), his lectures around the world extremely well attended. I find his capacity for knowledge acquisition remarkable as to his persistence and determination in revealing his truth. I’d recommend his material to everyone and frequently do!

              Always a pleasure Sue, take care, enjoy the summer sunshine.


              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 30, 2019 @ 14:50:42

              Yes I also follow his Youtube channel.. My daughter has been to several of his lectures 🙂 He has made some topical ones recently that also hit the mark.. 🙂
              Enjoy your weekend, now I have some sweetcorn to prepare for freezing 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              Aug 30, 2019 @ 15:05:19

              One hopes his perspective will permeate the minds of others and inspire hearts to take action and sing with one voice. Our Earth, she needs our help more than ever.

              Refreshed from travels, I am looking forward to taking some time out this weekend, but as ever there are chores to do, least of which is the garden…an endless labour of love!

              Take care, have a pleasant weekend.


              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Aug 31, 2019 @ 15:11:42

              Enjoy your gardening chores, today a day of rest for me also.. Enjoy Dewin and thank you, always love our conversations 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              Aug 31, 2019 @ 16:22:16

              Chores all done, now for some time in the sun before wolfing down a big tea 🙂

              Always good to chat Sue. Until next time…


              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 01, 2019 @ 12:08:47


              Liked by 1 person

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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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