Inhale Peace, Breath out Love.

Please Click the video and listen to the breath while reading.


 The woman sat with eyes closed, shutting out the high pitch sounds that buzzed within her ears. She took a deep breath exhaling slowly.

The rhythm of her breathing soothing her mind. She felt her shoulders relax not realising the tension held within them. Her breathing became deeper as she felt herself tumble backwards into a void of love which held her suspended in its black velvety blanket of the Universe

She floated Free, held securely by the threads she had previously woven.

Each a Time Line, a silver thread almost invisible they reached out in all directions across time and space.  Each thread linked to another she hung there like a tiny dew drop in a massive spider’s web.

The woman tugged at the thread, she saw how the whole web vibrated to her touch. Everything was interconnected.

ALL is vibration.

She was searching for Truth, would she find it? Could she ever begin to explain it and would others ever recognise it?

The woman didn’t know, it no longer seemed important, because those who were meant to find the Truth would, in their own time and space.

She kept on breathing in the peace of the velvet void. Knowing the threads would all emerge when their time was right to be exposed to the light.

She breathed in deeper still… as her breath exhaled a gentle sigh of Peace..

On Sunday 6th January begins another Free to join live meditation broadcasts with Spring Forest Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, who is hosting a Chanting & Blessing Meditation with Three Tibetan Monks. They will begin chanting and meditating their blessings into the waters, with the intention to fill the water’s energy with these powerful sutras. This will carry positive energy to all the world.  They are chanting A Prayer for all Living Beings.  

These Chanting meditations are for 7 days, mornings and evenings, 30 minutes session each time which will be Broadcast Live Daily.  The Link to join and you will be alerted to times via email is here

May we begin this year by setting our intentions to heal our Earth Mother and for all who live upon her to work together in Unity, Peace and Harmony for the betterment of all life.

Love and Blessings

 Have a Peaceful Weekend.. 


104 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. litebeing
    Jan 04, 2019 @ 21:33:07

    This is a great time Sue to set intentions. Thanks for the share.
    Have a great, peaceful weekend.

    love, Linda ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  2. Erika Kind
    Jan 04, 2019 @ 21:49:37

    Oh, yes, we are weaving our own nets which keep us from flying free. Instead, we are often even holding on to the threads and wonder why we are still in their grip. I just schedule a post (for the 14th) in which I touch that matter too. Again, I am amazed at how we are sailing over the same ocean at the same time, Sue. A powerful feeling.
    Have a wonderful evening, dear friend 💖

    Liked by 3 people


  3. roughwighting
    Jan 04, 2019 @ 22:10:27

    I am breathing. I am breathing. The watch my daughter gave me for xmas dings a reminder every few hours – B R E A T H E. Isn’t that neat? I believe in the silver thread and I love it when I enter the velvet void. Gorgeous post. xo

    Liked by 3 people


  4. Writing to Freedom
    Jan 04, 2019 @ 22:12:46

    Wonderful meditation and intentions to start the New Year. May we take in whatever life brings with peace and give back love.

    Liked by 3 people


  5. JoAnna
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 02:02:05

    You and your words provide a powerful blessing. I am more centered now and grateful. May all the goodness you send into the world multiply and return in abundance.

    Liked by 2 people


  6. balroop2013
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 03:10:47

    Truth lies within us…deep down in our hearts. It never weakens, its light mentors our thoughts, we may keep brushing it aside but we come back to it when we start feeling its vibes. Wishing you all that you are ready to accomplish dear Sue. Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  7. europasicewolf
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 08:27:54

    Start as you mean to go on! Have a lovely weekend Sue xx 😃



  8. derrickjknight
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 09:13:57

    Like the ebb and flow of the tide



  9. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 12:21:19

    You have a peaceful weekend too, and why not have a whole year full?
    love and light with blessings, Eddie



  10. kowkla123
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 12:30:08

    Liebe Sue, nur kurz, muss nun gleich meinen Gesundheitsgang machen, hab ein schönes Wochenende

    Liked by 1 person


  11. rabirius
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 13:52:35

    More peace and love, that’s what we need.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. -Eugenia
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 15:46:22

    Beautiful and inspiring post, Sue. Love and light and have a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. dreamweaver333
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 19:42:23

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. thespiritkeeper
    Jan 05, 2019 @ 23:37:57

    Beautiful post and wonderful that we are able to honor life by breathing and when we are aware of our breath we can begin to honor the spiritual breath of the universe and beyond

    Liked by 1 person


  15. smilecalm
    Jan 06, 2019 @ 00:12:42

    even from here
    your shining energy
    pours out of the monitor, Sue!
    or maybe it’s my energy
    tuning in to yours.
    i’m sighing out peace, now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  16. stephensmustang1
    Jan 06, 2019 @ 04:20:17

    Many a night as wake, I pray..showing my breathing and believing, hoping. 😉
    Love and hugs, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  17. robbiesinspiration
    Jan 06, 2019 @ 16:26:50

    A lovely and encouraging post to start the new year, Sue. We are all caught in nets of our own making that limit our freedom.

    Liked by 1 person


  18. Hannah Kaminsky
    Jan 06, 2019 @ 16:48:28

    Simply breathing with intention is incredibly soothing, especially alongside your beautiful, restorative words. I always leave your blog in a better mindset, no matter what. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  19. The Coastal Crone
    Jan 06, 2019 @ 17:02:55

    This Earth needs all the positive energy available. It can start with each of us…just breathe!

    Liked by 1 person


  20. Sageleaf
    Jan 06, 2019 @ 17:24:54

    Love this post! Have you gone to the Shaolin Temple? I think they have one near where I live but it is kung fu-based and…I’m not really into the kung fu thing. But developing my chi? Yes, yes I am. 🙂 I really want to find a good QiGong place to practice this year (ah, I uncovered another intention!).
    I loved your writing about the web…it’s a powerful reminder of that which we do to others we do to ourselves. To the planet. To everything due to the interconnectedness of all things.
    And how lovely about the QiGong master offering those meditations. It’s a good time of year to do so. 🙂
    I hope you’re having a lovely weekend. I am almost finished with my course and then I will take a long-needed tech break. Retreat into the woods, perhaps. 🙂
    Sending you hugs and wishes for a wonderful week! xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 06, 2019 @ 18:15:58

      Hi Cynthia, no I have never been to this Temple. Would would love to participate in such a morning 🙂
      Its very much like the QiGong I already do.. Breath comes into that also.. So I wish you well with your new found intention LOL… It’s Powerful.. 🙂 My weekend has been a good one, walking and resting..
      A retreat to the woods sounds perfect, and when the time is ready it will happen.. So good that you have nearly finished your course… The SKY the Limit.. lol..
      Sending huge hugs back Cynthia..
      Much love returned ❤ ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 07, 2019 @ 12:48:52

      HI Again having trouble commenting on your site Cynthia.. it keeps asking me to sign into WordPress and not accepting me. This was the comment I left on your snow post in Dec as I missed that one
      “Don’t know quite what happened here Cynthia.. I commented a long comment and then it asked me to Sign into WordPress again and it wouldn’t accept me.. So my comment was lost.. Anyway I missed this post.. I love the snow.. it always comes in so silently, its the purifier to me, cleansing the earth . I went on to say so much more..
      I came looking for your Meditation post.. and didn’t find it..
      Just to let you know I joined the live Spring Forest Meditation last evening, I set my alarm as it was 1am here time difference.. Its better today as it’s in fifteen minutes at 1pm I am joining to day..
      But YES it works,, I sent healing into our Earth family and friends ,, And there were it was said over 20,000 taking part live.. I had tears running down my cheeks.. So powerful..
      Love to you and hope this posts this time around ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Sageleaf
        Jan 07, 2019 @ 14:17:16

        Sweet Sue – you are so diligent, kind, and thoughtful! I’m sorry you had troubles. Alas, it’s probably tied to a WordPress update they had me do yesterday. And if the commenting is giving you troubles, that means that it will probably do so until the next update.
        Alas…there are times when I wonder about their commenting system and when I’ve tried to install my own, it’s not gone over well. Eventually I’ll probably have to do away with comments and move folks over to youtube or some other platform. Eh…
        For now, thank you for the sweet comment about the snow.
        And you participated in the meditation!? How incredible! I’d like to do that when they do it again. With me on the last of the video editing for my course and my mother in law in the hospital this weekend, I am being careful with my time and just wanting to maintain as much balance as I can. 🙂
        How wonderful it was so powerful!! I love, love that! And I’ve set an intention to go on a retreat this year (maybe two!) to really disconnect and go within…
        Thank you for your sweet comments, dear friend! Your insights and wisdom just light me up! Have a wonderful week! xoxo

        Liked by 1 person


  21. Val Boyko
    Jan 06, 2019 @ 22:25:49

    What a wonderful share Sue. May we all breath in all the New Year offers and release love and peace to the world. 💕

    Liked by 1 person


  22. kowkla123
    Jan 07, 2019 @ 11:25:58

    ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche im neuen Jahr, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Inese Poga artist, writer and life sciences specialist
    Jan 07, 2019 @ 13:27:12

    I think, nobody can find the absolute truth since there is more than one truth out there.
    I adore people who want to meditate. I do it with color.
    Most people admit that while painting they are submerged in a fantastic pool of just color, shape and beauty. Everything else is left outside. That is the power of creativity.
    Creativity and art cure, as well. I have got so many people back on their feet. They have anxiety attacks and depression, sometimes they are overwhelmed by routine issues and problems and we resolve that all during painting sessions. One lady said that my art classes kept her sane because she was so deep in mental issues and problems.
    I guess that really matches your point in this article.
    Happy New Year, Sue! You are like some peace angel that encourages and calms.



  24. AmyRose🌹
    Jan 07, 2019 @ 14:22:12

    I followed the breathing for a few moments and became quite warm. And relaxed. Beautiful share, Sue! Our Intentions are only as powerful as following up with Action. May your day be filled with Golden Nuggets of Energy found within your every cell. BIG (((HUGS))) 💝💝💝



    Jan 07, 2019 @ 21:24:27

    I really needed to read this relaxation of describing meditation and finding peace within the void itself. Sue, you are wisdom and light and always keep on shining.

    I love this very much and the video as well. 🙂



  26. Renee Espriu
    Jan 09, 2019 @ 02:41:07

    Thank you for sharing as always, Sue. I am still getting ready to move at the end of March to my daughter’s home and the past months have been more stressful than I would like to say. Because both my partner of 20yrs and myself are on a fixed income (here in the US they call it SSI) with a not very big retirement to go with. Only to say that money issues is why we are no longer going to rent together. She already has an apartment in a complex that is subsidized for part of their units and she qualifies. Before heart surgery I did not see my life going where is has as I have been on my own since I was 18yrs old. So, it is a huge change…as much as I love my daughter and her family. I will need to adjust as since retirement for us both and so little money (the rent keeps going up here, even though we don’t get raises like when one works). Well, I am not complaining and if you had an email I would put it there but you are such a kind person I simply wanted to share it with you. But I am getting on with things and this year will be another chapter for me. I do hope you are well and that your garden is coming along. Take care. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 09, 2019 @ 22:21:51

      Renee. You have my thoughts and prayers I know how difficult things must be for you. Moving again, etc. I hope all works out for you. And thank you for taking the time to comment onand let me know how things are going for
      you. The garden is sitting waiting for Spring lol and I cannot wait 😁💖🤗 much love

      Liked by 1 person


  27. Miriam
    Jan 09, 2019 @ 03:59:51

    This is absolutely wonderful Sue and I will definitely be tuning in. Already I’m already breathing deeper as a result of your beautiful post and intentions. Thank you Sue, you are a blessing. xx 💕✨



  28. inavukic
    Jan 10, 2019 @ 08:35:35

    Your wish for the new year here is beautiful and so very needed for this Earth! God bless, Sue, all who walk that path.

    Liked by 1 person


  29. nhpureandsimple
    Jan 10, 2019 @ 10:37:01

    Thanks for sharing, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. IreneDesign2011
    Jan 10, 2019 @ 19:42:17

    Beautiful, peaceful and very powerful post, dear Sue.
    Wish you all good and send love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Hélène - Willow Poetry
    Jan 11, 2019 @ 03:20:27

    An amazing post, the breathing gave me a deep sense of calmness. Blessings for the New Year.

    Liked by 1 person


  32. dilipnaidu
    Jan 11, 2019 @ 16:37:56

    Thank you Sue for sharing this powerful meditation. The graceful movements synchronized with the slow deep breathing brings us in a calm and energized state.
    Kind regards

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Jan 11, 2019 @ 20:39:20

    Truth is always there, residing somewhere deep inside. Meditation can make us aware of its presence. A wonderful way to start the year. Wish you everything well in 2019 ❤ Hugs and prayers… ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  34. Denzil
    Jan 13, 2019 @ 07:10:18

    Unfortunately I have only just read your post Sue so missed this event, which sounds intriguing. Do you know if it’s possible to follow the chanting later, or if there is a recording?



  35. insearchofitall
    Jan 13, 2019 @ 14:17:59

    I am so behind but I’m so happy I got the chance at exactly the right moment to read this. We are shifting here again too with moving my daughter into my house. It will help us both but very exhausting. I am often forgetting to breathe, actually holding my breath for long periods.This needs serious work. Even sitting here, I realize that as I think, I hold my breath so this post was perfect for me. I’ll have to bookmark the video and keep playing it. Thank you for sharing and for being patient with us. Hope your new year is shaping up wonderfully. Giant hugs, my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2019 @ 15:14:09

      Dear Marlene never worry about being late.. Life, is to be lived.. I am always overjoyed when I see you, Moving and reorganising things is always a traumatic time .. Breathing does Help! lol. And it isn’t until you begin to practice deep breathing you realise just how long you hold your breath and forget to breath deeply..
      QiGong has taught me this throughout the years I have practised it, and its helped my circulation and played a great part in my healing.. When this video came into my orbit I thought it perfect.. and I am trying to get these movements learnt off by heart.. 🙂 I hope you also find the video useful, even if you sit, close your eyes, and listen and do the breathing its calming and beneficial ❤ Much Love dear Marlene.. ❤



  36. sibyltowers
    Jan 28, 2019 @ 00:10:19

    Dear Sue, Due to asthma, my breathing is too shallow to benefit from that very slow noisy deep breathing, and my heart felt tighter then normal.
    (It’s just a little warning to say that it’s not suitable for everybody.)
    That doesn’t mean that I haven’t heard the COSMOS ENGINE Pump Sound-Waves to me, similar to our Heart beats, drawing nearer, and nearer, lingering for a while then retreating.
    I’m told it’s trying to clear the suffocating negative energy etc. some people spew into the atmosphere, that makes the likes of me ILL. I prefer to stay conscious while I’m awake.

    Lots of Love and Peace of mind
    Sibyl X



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 30, 2019 @ 18:38:31

      I have not heard of the atmospheric spew :-D, Breathing is to be done at your own comfort. and deep breathing need not make a noise.. But the deeper we learn to breathe, we then open our lungs which helps many things such as circulation, and our lung capacity. QiGong helped my own healing with breathing and gentle exercise..
      Many thanks again for your attentive comments.

      Liked by 1 person


  37. Trackback: Daily Kind Quote – Share Your Light
  38. Nihar Pradhan
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 14:16:56

    Dear Sue, a lovely title and that signifies a whole world of thoughts in these few words. The harmony between thoughts and words. We can feel the symphony. Breathing is the essence of life and the truth resides in that wonderful cycle of breathing in and breathing out. So simple but it encompasses the essence of life. We take our breathing for granted as it is an automated process and we just go through the motion. If we look at it we don’t have to do anything, it keeps happening and we are alive. We are on the run. It is only when we calm down, relax a bit and close our eyes we feel the silent magic of breathing. Just being there with the cycle of breathing, taking each side of the cycle with equal importance and doing it with ease and the grace that makes breathing feel proud of being a part our body. But we
    have taken it casually and we breaking the rhythm of breathing by doing short breathing and not giving the rhythm to grow and gain its flow that matters. And there is vibrations and we can feel it once we are in deep silence and we peep within…

    Meditation precisely does that where the focus is so much on the breathing cycle and the way we breathe in and breathe out. We are indeed caught in cobwebs and we keep complaining on everything and things that taken to carry out our routines. We pile up those set of tensions and make life stressful. Yes, our shoulders are the storehouse of tensions. The arms keep doing non stop work. We are subjugated to a regimented lifestyle and life has become quite mundane and we keep running those moribund cycles. We are haplessly trapped and we keep fighting to survive the cacophony of onslaughts. And there is no such protection and there is no such escape route.

    The peace lies within and we need to recognize and realize the power within and nurture those hidden power through the energy of breathing. It is the love that we care for and share, makes us happy and spreads the joy far and wide. Everything in this universe are interconnected and every act of ours contribute either positively or negatively to the soul of the universe. We simply don’t realize. However small may be our act or however benign may be our thought, all transpire through the space and time and passes the good and bad through the lines of threads…universe is an united fabric of colorful dress created out of this connected threads of hope, despair, jot, sorrow, anger, angst, happiness, rejection, dejection. It is only love and peace that magically weaves this wonderful fabric and nurtures it for protecting the goods and progressing the goodwill of humanity. Unfortunately. there are such deep animosity spread across different pockets of this planet which keep raising it’s ugly head and in the process doing the fatal damage. Every time the good souls are working in strengthen the fabric of the society…we have something distract and destroy it.

    The video was awesome, we feel the power of breathing, what can the process of inhaling and exhaling can do when we do it together. The vibration so deep and is there to be experienced and it is there is the nature. We just need to keep our eyes and ears open…

    As always it is such a joy to be back here and have our beautiful conversation, and there is something so sublime in our profound thoughts.

    Hope you having a great week and take care.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 12, 2019 @ 12:03:57

      Many thanks again for your patience Nihar, I am taking moderating my comments in small bites, as I am finding being connected to the internet for long periods tiring and draining.

      But today I have put aside my crafts to make an effort back in my blog again. And to hopefully at last catch up with at least some of your new posts..

      I am well behind many again, but not going to stress about that.

      Meditation, deep breathing, is indeed realigning our minds with those parts of our brain which activate and bring in awareness as we alter our perceptions of what is really priorities in life.

      When re regain that balance from within, via our connecting with breath and slow movements such as demonstrated here in this video, it slows you pace of living down, and it enables a calm aura to encase you in its embrace, as Peace sweeps through your being.

      We have to make a conscious effort to realign our inner world to look at what we are creating within our outer world.

      A subject I have been thinking more and more of recently, as our thoughts manifest that which we think as we project them with our actions into our reality to bring them to life.

      So if we want our world to reflect calm and peace, we have to find that inner calm and peace within.

      Being empathic, I often feel the turmoil of the world and can easily if not careful to balance myself take on board those emotional waves of energy which pulsate through the collective.

      I now understand much more why I often feel as I do, and it’s not down just to personal emotions, but getting swept up in the drama of others as their vibrations affect the whole.

      Stepping back or detaching often feels like we might not care, when in fact we care too much, So in order to heal the whole, one has to heal one’s self.
      For we are all one facet of the diamond, each facing a different set of challenges, some not always catching the light until their rough cut is given a polish.

      While others gleam and shine, and project rainbows of light we are all part of the whole..

      At the time of writing this particular post, I was in need of some polish! And this particular breathing exercise spoke to me the moment I discovered it and it still speaks to me, keeping me grounded and balanced.
      Always your responses Nihar are deep and thoughtful and full of wisdom and when you said
      “Unfortunately. there are such deep animosity spread across different pockets of this planet which keep raising its ugly head and in the process doing the fatal damage. Every time the good souls are working in strengthen the fabric of the society…we have something distract and destroy it.”
      I totally agree with you, such is the way of control to keep people in fear and confusion.
      But one thing I am delighted about as I speak to people is there is a whole lot of goodness, the media never speaks about, And on the whole mankind wants peace and harmony within this world, So we keep working together via our thoughts to create peace within.

      Many thanks again dearest Nihar, you are such a good friend
      I hope you are enjoying your week
      Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nihar Pradhan
        Feb 13, 2019 @ 02:07:57

        Dear Sue, connecting to internet is many times highly demanding and does take a toll on us and we need to recognize and moderate our engagement in a way that is natural and not forcefully imposed and we should not make it mechanical and put ourselves in a regimented mode of operation. This is a place to be cherish every moment of our stay and meaningfully get engaged that should make us happy and joyful. The moment we sense the signs of stress it is a good idea to take a break and get ourselves refreshed and revitalized before we once again get going on this wonderful platform.

        Painting to being in nature to reading books provides that much needed break that makes us much more purposefully engaged with this space. And you do so every bit of this brilliantly and all adds up to making the outcomes of this space more delightful.

        It was a great comparison with diamond as some part of the gemstone don’t catch the light and just by giving the finer touch towards the finish we get the glitter glowing at us. The beauty is there inside the diamond just that the roughness hides from the outside world and by clearing the haziness one can see the beauty at its glorious best. So are we as human beings we have the joy, happiness and peace silently sitting within us and we keep looking for in the outside world, the moment we realize the inner power we are a transformed soul. This needs support in terms of guidance, revelation to stimuli that awakens us from the slumber and we are activated for a new engagement with ourselves and with the world around us.
        The energy and vibrations are there everywhere and we are all interconnected, when we meet someone and we talk of positive vibes and when we enter a new place either we are in sync or find something amiss and these are the signals that talk to us and make us tell their side story…we need to be present and read the sign language of nature. The thoughts and emotions are always in play just that we need to learn how to play it right and play the game with its rightful spirit of the game. Life after all is a game and we are all playing our part and our role keep changing…working together and working for the good of others is what counts.

        Always a delight having such wonderful conversions…many many thanks dear Sue and take good care of yourself.
        Take more breaks and it is nature where we all belong and we should talk to digital space at leisure only…
        Have a great week ahead dear Sue.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 13, 2019 @ 19:47:12

          I am pleased you enjoyed the diamond analogy, and yes, we are also energy, and energy vibrates everywhere. Loved what you said here

          Life after all is a game and we are all playing our part and our role keep changing…working together and working for the good of others is what counts.

          May we keep working for the good of the ALL.. many thanks for your wonderful contributions and insightful conversations Nihar
          Always a pleasure to have your in-depth comments my friend 😀

          Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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