World Wide Meditation Fest.

Another week has flown by and I got caught up in the excitement of enjoying the company of our Granddaughter and Halloween.  So to many of you my promised catch up didn’t materialise. But I have been working my way slowly around.. 

A more detailed post of our sculpting her Pumpkin and my other projects I have been finishing  can be seen HERE. 

This Image if clicked will also take you to the free joining page.

But I thought I would cast another invitation out to those of you who are exploring the new frequencies of NEW EARTH by joining our Energies of Oneness together. I feel many of us may find November one of conflicting emotions. As the cycle of change begins to cause turbulence within our Emotional bodies. And  above all we mustn’t allow  ‘Hate’ to rule our thoughts by the actions of others. 

We have to understand that there are lots of past wounds in the process of being cleared out both on a personal Karmic level and within our nations own Karmic Energies. Many things both side of the pond we are witnessing a rise of emotions that are escalating to poison and divide. 

So it is important to stand in  your own power of Love and Light. Trusting that we came to be here at this time, so that we can unite and become  those instruments of change..  Each of us have a choice as to how we use our own energies.. So do we hold Peace within, or do we add to the turmoil that seems to be escalating by joining the herd mentality of judgement and fear, while pointing our fingers of blame… I feel we all of us need to be mindful where we place our energies during this time of transition.  And keep focused on Inner Peace and Harmony.     

During my Puzzle Series, you may have read how Spring Forest QiGong played its role in my own healing process. I am delighted to say that through a WordPress Friend Ka. passed on the information of this Meditation that is due to start on November 11th to 17th.  It is Free to join and the link of this   World-Wide Meditation-Fest of Higher Energy is here. 

To finish off this short post I want to share with you one of my favourite Artists Akiane Kramarik. whose recent painting entitled  ‘THE LIGHT ‘shows us how we perhaps all need to extend our hands in love and friendship over that bridge to show others we care. 

I can only say that my own inner guidance is prompting me to speak at this time, we need to keep calm and trust in our own Inner Intuition that is there to guide us all in these Times of Planetary Changes. 

Love and Light

101 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. litebeing
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 16:43:50

    Eternity is not that long, quite a provocative statement. Thanks as always Sue for leading us towards unity. i love the Art of Akiane and can tell she is operating at a high vibration. I am doing the Deepak meditation challenge that is also free online. The more tools, the merrier!

    love, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


  2. smilecalm
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 16:55:07

    beautiful calling
    towards light & wisdom, Sue!
    valuable in these days 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 17:07:36

    Thank you Sue for standing for peace, love, and unity. Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people


  4. Erika Kind
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 17:34:34

    Thank you for this, Sue. Just today I said that I don’t like November since it feels like an “inbetween-time”. The challenges in my private life don’t make it easier.
    The video of the painting is amazing and of course the painting itself. Thank you very much for sharing, Sue 💖



  5. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 18:07:13

    Thank you for bringing to light the meditation for peace for all of your followers. I did join and look forward to putting my energy where needed. I had to watch the video of, “The Light” by Akiane twice. Loved the painting from start to finish and did not read the message below in the video until I viewed the video again. Hard to watch and read at the same time. When I looked at the message I found it to be a beautiful poetic message. I looked at the bridge going to the light but for me, that was significant of crossing over. Hope you are well my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2018 @ 18:44:00

      Big smiles Joseph, as I had to watch the video in exactly the same way to take in the words that accompanied it.. Yes I think Akiane was interpreting the crossing-over bridge.. Her talent is ( out of this world ) 🙂 While I was wanting to interpret that bridge of what is so lacking from people right now.. As they build walls and put labels on everyone and everything. We fail to see we are all the same.. And I have been digging deeper with spirit recently and was prompted along this line of unity yet again.. I can not explain the ‘inner-knowing’ which is driving me right now Joseph.. Except what I have ‘seen’ inwardly has made me pick up the urgency of unity. Troubling times I sense ahead, I wish I did not sense these things.. But having said that, it has all been prophesied to unfold.. So it all has to take its course..
      Thank you Joseph, all’s well, had another excellent extra day with a lively 7 yr old today, who could wish for more.. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Nov 05, 2018 @ 23:12:54

        Yes, we do live in a society that has lots of labels which creates separateness and you are right the wall building as well keeps us in that state. I know the inner knowing that drives you. I sometimes call it spiritual restlessness. I agree with you tough times ahead with us screwing with the environment and the hate level we see in many nations and with people. I look at it as the process is working for another era either that or using a bible quote here is that the wheat is being seperated from the shaft and it is choosing whether we live in fear or not. Gaia will enter the 4 th dimension and those who hate will stay in 3D. Hopefully that is the scenario will take place. If not I hope to cross over before that all goes down. Be well and I want to see a cardigan with three arms lol



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 06, 2018 @ 18:48:23

          I agree Joseph… The Wheat from the Chaff is about to get sorted, I just wonder if people realise what that entails?… In the mean time all we can do is try to spread love… ❤ Wishing you a great week.. And Hahah… about the three arms…. 😉

          Liked by 1 person


          • thespiritkeeper
            Nov 06, 2018 @ 21:56:54

            I am going to say that most people are not awake and it will take a world crisis to wake them up and that is coming although I am hoping for an intervention of sorts. I am so awake that it is painful to watch people trying to be awaken snore louder. Yes, love is all I can do at this stage but I think on a smaller level we are waking up people and that wave will continue. You have a great week also. Always a pleasure connecting.



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Nov 07, 2018 @ 15:38:54

              Yes it is painful, especially when you really wake up to the workings of this world and the Ancient History behind it. I think people have to wake up in bite size pieces.. Or it becomes to unbelievable… If we shared what we knew Joseph many would say we were the crazy ones.. I will send you a recent video share in an email to your WP email link Joseph.. I know you are going to be moving soon, so you may not have time to watch right away that is fine… Just sums up what I have been gathering together this last few years perfectly.
              Have a great rest of your week.. 😀

              Liked by 1 person

            • thespiritkeeper
              Nov 07, 2018 @ 16:09:27

              Yes, they would think we are the crazy ones. One I first woke up I felt ovewhelmed and went into disbelief with what I learned. After a while when you think about it it makes sense and there was more information that I wanted and there was no turning back on this journey.
              I am all packed lol. I am not busy so send the video. I’ll watch it. Much appreciated. Put the dragon to sleep hope she doesn’t wake up for a while lol. Hope you are having and excellent day.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Nov 08, 2018 @ 08:27:52

              I had that same overwhelming too Joseph, Today and every day is a good day 😀

              Liked by 1 person

  6. balroop2013
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 18:17:20

    Somehow…and I have been trying not to say this…you remind me of the Buddha, Sue. He enlightened the world after he discovered the light within and your posts have been doing a wonderful job of connecting and disseminating the love for self but with a difference! Thank you for the inspiration and stay blessed.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 05, 2018 @ 19:08:25

      Dearest Balroop, I am flattered at your reference to Buddha, I have a long ways to go to match that energy I am sure 🙂 but I have to admit, I am being driven by my inner core to try to wake and inspire and I am just going with the flow… Stay in that flow also dear friend.. LOVE and Blessings right back.. And Many many thanks.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  7. The Coastal Crone
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 18:24:39

    May more of us choose peace, love and light!



  8. Val Boyko
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 19:21:23

    Thank you for sharing Sue. There is so much need for our voices and presence to come together in the name of peace 💕



  9. House of Heart
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 20:31:15

    A treat for the senses as always Sue. Love the links . I’m glad you had a wonderful time with your grand daughter, I’m sure it was lovely! 😊🌺♥️



  10. Bela Johnson
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 21:47:21

    Guidance is the only thing that keeps us sane on this end. Fun projects – you are always a busy gal! ❤ Cute pumpkin too 😉 xoxoxo



  11. simplywendi
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 22:35:42

    Thank you so very much Sue for passing along is info……heading to the link now. So thankful you are there for so many of us.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. JanBeek
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 22:56:49

    Yes, we do need one another… as we reach to “keep calm and trust in our own Inner Intuition that is there to guide us all in these Times of Planetary Changes. ” I loved that video and the end result of the painting. Wonderful!!!



  13. Infinite Living
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 23:06:04

    You are so right about the emotional body so easily triggered now. It helps to come together and connect with spaces like yours. It is good to receive the reminder to stay anchored in harmony and peace.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Soul Gifts
    Nov 04, 2018 @ 23:32:29

    Love that video, Sue! And thank you so much for the link xx

    Liked by 1 person


  15. dgkaye
    Nov 05, 2018 @ 01:23:04

    Thanks for your inspiration words Sue and the video and the worldwide meditation link. There will lots of positive energy floating around the airwaves that week! ❤ xoxo Hugs and peace and love to you my friend. ❤



  16. SuperDuque
    Nov 05, 2018 @ 05:04:25



  17. Krishna Chaitanya
    Nov 05, 2018 @ 12:34:09

    Great to see you back Sue ma’am. It is very motivating and thoughtful post!!!

    Sue ma’am check out my new blog. To read the blog click on the link below:



  18. dreamweaver333
    Nov 05, 2018 @ 16:53:46

    Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Nov 05, 2018 @ 18:32:50

    A wonderful resource Sue! We must be on the same wave length as my blog is about meditation also. Sending you love, light and many blessings Lisa xx



  20. Resa
    Nov 05, 2018 @ 22:51:14

    Thank you, Sue. It’s always a whole and peaceful experience to visit here! The video is fantastic! TY!

    Liked by 1 person


  21. michnavs
    Nov 06, 2018 @ 14:00:06

    Thanks always Sue for sharing your thoughts here in your blog .it truey is inspiring..



  22. Wendell A. Brown
    Nov 06, 2018 @ 17:48:27

    We always blend spiritually together! Spiritual hugs and blessings always!

    Liked by 1 person


  23. rabirius
    Nov 06, 2018 @ 18:33:13

    Beautiful, as always, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  24. stephensmustang1
    Nov 06, 2018 @ 20:50:15

    If we could just be united, love each other, care for each other..what a difference this world would see.
    Love and hugs.



  25. AmyRose🌹
    Nov 06, 2018 @ 23:20:03

    The video had me in tears. I’m still in tears. For it touched me in such a way that combined with your encouragement to stay calm, will not be forgotten by me. I’ve been witnessing so many that seem to be loosing their grip on reality as they spin out of control. I’ve dug deep into Mother to stay grounded and still I have days that I cannot get grounded, with my emotions out of control. I close my eyes at this Moment and hear the wild winds outside tear at the lingering leaves as my soul clamors for the winds to calm so that I can get the remaining Autumn documented with my camera. Between the “dramas” unfolding in my cat world, and the extreme unrivaled insanity blowing like these wild winds all over the place, it takes all the practice I’ve had over the years for me to not implode or explode. Bless you for the Peace I felt, especially with this video. That painting must have taken a long time to paint because I noticed many different clothes worn. Goosebumps and tears ….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 08, 2018 @ 18:32:51

      Thank you dearest Amy, I am always in awe of this wonderful artist and her amazing connection to the Divine, and yes many hours I am sure she spends on her paintings, she is not afraid either to paint over what she has painted if its now what she is seeing with her internal eye.. Another painting which struck me was this one…

      Allow the Tears to come Amy when they come.. I find myself tearful often, but I also know this inner sadness many of us feel is often flowing due to past wounds and our extreme empathy with others and Gaia.. This world no doubt is going to get more insane. So keep connecting with Mother and your Camera, record her beauty.. I send your cat family healing thoughts and her breeze in the trees see as the breath needed to blow fresh direction…
      Love and Blessings Amy.. And thank you for dropping by.. Sending Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Baydreamer
    Nov 06, 2018 @ 23:34:20

    Thanks for this post, Sue. You are an inspiration and it’s calming alone stopping by here to see you. 🙂 Glad you had fun with your granddaughter, too. Sending lots of love and light your way, my friend. And big hugs, also! xoxo



  27. JoAnna
    Nov 07, 2018 @ 00:44:03

    As I was reading this, I planned to comment that I had never consciously thought about “our nations own Karmic Energies” which was interesting to my analytical brain. By the time I was halfway through the video of “The Light” and expanded to big screen, I was in a completely different place – almost holding my breath and being transported by the music and the creation of light and color – to glimpse, to feel… euphoria. Now, I sigh and know I need to watch this again and share your words of wisdom with those I love. Your wisdom, combined with the visual effects and music are powerful. I want to pull them together – but that’s my analytical brain again. 🙂 I find myself sighing deep breaths letting it soak in naturally. Thank you. Off to check the meditation link.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 09, 2018 @ 12:46:33

      Bless you JoAnna.. yes I doubt many think of a Nation having Karma, but I believe it possible… Our own United Kingdom once ‘Great’ Britain ruled many places around the world, and were not always that good to the natives of those lands which they took over and exploited.. Now our own country is a refuge to many nationalities, and so I think Karma is returning back. For England no longer is just English, it is Multi-cultural and diverse, Showing many nationalities can work and live together.. The Universal Laws often are not understood, but each action has a reaction, and eventually will come around..
      I am delighted you felt as I did, the calm and peace that Akiane and her paintings create bring the feelings of deep peace within me..
      Hope you can join in the meditation link… The more who are sending our world Peace right now, the better chance we have at creating it to stay.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  28. Sageleaf
    Nov 08, 2018 @ 02:37:22

    This time of year…the gateway to the colder months and shorter days in the northern hemisphere…the Day of the Dead and Samhain…these mid-term elections in the US…
    It feels like change is in the air. It feels like humans are awakening, though so many haven’t. I feel like we’re going to have to come to a reckoning with who we want to be as a people, a species…
    These are interesting times, no?
    Instead of pointing the finger, I try to embrace Mother Teresa’s model. Folks once asked her if she would fight against injustice. She said she’d never do that. But as soon as there were rallies to STAND for peace, she’d be on board.
    I’ve tried to adopt that mentality (even as I fall short of it at times). I try to stand for equality, justice, peace, hope, love…I do forget sometimes and falter, but I try to remember to frame things in a proactive light, as opposed to reactive.
    Lovely post as always, dear friend. That artist painting the universe at the end…WOW. So beautiful!
    I just got a book in the mail I’ve been wanting to read: The Magus of Java – it’s all about the chi energy from John Chang. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. I’m looking forward to reading it. I’ve been busy writing a meditation course for online, but as soon as I finish…hehe.
    Sending you lots of hugs. Sending you lots of smiles! I hope you have a wonderful week and are able to get outside and enjoy the crisp air. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 09, 2018 @ 12:58:39

      Yes Cynthia, this is a most important time right now.. And its very important how we channel our energy and to what we focus upon.. There are those wishing us to focus on Fear, and if we do that, then only more fear and situations to cause fear will manifest. So Mother Teresa’s views on focusing only on the positive not the negative aspects of protests is what counts..
      At the end of the day Energy is Energy, and it gathers momentum regardless of whether it be positive or negative.. Which is why in an earlier post I said to try to detach and stay in the middle and balance… Picking either side of a situation is giving energy to one or the other… Even when we feel we are standing up for justice, it is our views on meeting out that justice only. And we never can fully know all the facts, or why certain incidents have to unfold as they do.. We only witness the distress, and upheaval caused.

      “I try to remember to frame things in a proactive light, as opposed to reactive”.

      It is difficult sending LOVE out into a situation where we may think no love is deserving. But maybe that is exactly what is lacking in the first place. Love… for those who feel they need to destroy other lives..

      On a lighter note, I am certain you will enjoy the book by John Chang, I have not read it, but I know you will enjoy it..
      Sending so much love and Joy your way Cynthia.. And I am certain your Meditation Course on line will be Brilliant. ❤
      Love and Blessings ❤



  29. Sageleaf
    Nov 08, 2018 @ 02:39:45

    Ooh…I should clarify…when Mother Teresa said she wouldn’t stand against injustice, it was because she wanted to frame it in a healthy light – to “stand for” something, instead of “fighting against.” I always loved that…hehe. I think the Dalai Lama would have something similar to say…in my mind anyways. Hehe.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. kowkla123
    Nov 10, 2018 @ 11:09:15

    wunderschön ist das, nimm bitte meinen lieben Gruß entgegen

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Teagan R. Geneviene
    Nov 10, 2018 @ 16:03:25

    Wise, true, and beautifully spoken words, dear Sue. Love & light. And hugs!

    Liked by 1 person


  32. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 10, 2018 @ 17:01:54

    A lovely and uplifting post as always, Sue. Mankind seems to always swing in a circle back to the same things, doesn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person


  33. Christy B
    Nov 10, 2018 @ 19:42:00

    Hi Sue, waving! I am glad you had a nice Halloween with your granddaughter 🙂 I’m happy to be having family time too. I read your other post in which you supplied the LiteBeing badge and the artwork is gorgeous, as is the message of that mission xo

    Liked by 1 person


  34. Ka Malana -
    Nov 15, 2018 @ 18:22:08

    Akiane’s video’s always take me places! I’ve not yet been able to connect with the Spring Forest Qi Gong time frames, but… that and missing friends who are passing through town…due to schedules not aligning… it’s all with the divine intention of the universe…. sometimes the schedule we are on is the one we are on, until we are on a different schedule. I found Akiane’s line about the narrow path and passersby very interesting; i probably didn’t understand it. It seems like I watched the video at the perfect time, though (the time that became available to me). I’m just so grateful that many paths with many friends align and I get to see and be inspired by many people anyways. Thank you Sue for acknowledging…
    You are so loved ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 19, 2018 @ 19:59:47

      I often call it the Narrow Gate… All paths lead home… I managed to catch all of the Spring Forest Meditations, some I have already, The Small Universe for example.. But I am so grateful you alerted me to them.. I have been doing my own mediation fest lol.. And I feel much better for time spent reconnecting my centre..
      Sending love and Blessings and thank you so much for your love… It is returned tenfold.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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