Battle of Minds

I do not know if any of you are experiencing problems with WP.. But I have found that in previous days 5 blogs that I followed I have found I no longer follow.. Seems WP is having fun.. Also when others reply to my comments not all but I have come across about 6 various blogs who have taken the trouble to answer, I have not got their notification.
So I hope my replies are getting back to you all as I reply to each comment I see here at Dreamwalker.. Also some have been spammed.. And I have been spammed again and cannot get out of one spam box somehow..

Thank you all for your well wishes, I am much brighter.. And have managed to reply and revisit all who have left comments on my pervious couple of posts,, I hope.. 🙂 If not I hope you will let me know..

I was looking to post something that perhaps many of my new subscribers had not read before.
I looked back in my archives at my poems and found this I posted on this day March 9th 2014.

There are a lot of Mind Battles on going right now especially in our political circles. So I thought this a good repost while I get back to writing again.

Sending you all Love and Enjoy the poem.. ❤ Sue

Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

Tell me why do we have to do battle?

What is it about Man we have this Shackle

That binds us to fight and control

Why it eats away with fear that we holdBattle of the Mind

Tell me if you can who is the winner?

Who among us is the greater sinner?

Who do we blame when we disagree?

It has to be you, it can never be me!

We seek to point fingers, in anger we fight

We fail to see our faults reflected in clear sight

Look through the mirror closer to home

Sieve out your thoughts to see how they roam

Wolf Reflections Within

How often do we judge and say the word ‘Hate’

To send our your anger we are hooked on the bait

Our endocrines teach us to be different and proud

That our way is right while yours is not allowed

We label and attach our names to different…

View original post 109 more words

102 Comments (+add yours?)

    Mar 09, 2017 @ 18:43:42

    Good evening 🐞

    Liked by 1 person


  2. belasbrightideas
    Mar 09, 2017 @ 19:00:58

    Your last post said ‘comments are closed on this post’ – and maybe they were, which is fine, but thought you’d like to know ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  3. nonsmokingladybug
    Mar 09, 2017 @ 19:53:30

    I see you 🙂

    I have the same problem.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2017 @ 12:59:10

      Hi Bridget.. Yes its a nuisance, back tracking to see if comment replies are left.. And then finding favourite blogs your follow have been unfollowed… I am usually alerted when I see Like on my comment then nothing else, You get to know who replies to your comments and who doesn’t .. 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend.. Take care Bridget.. Hugs xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  4. thespiritkeeper
    Mar 09, 2017 @ 20:06:26

    So true – the battle in the mind is far worse than the heart and mind battling it out.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Writing to Freedom
    Mar 09, 2017 @ 20:46:59

    Great reminders Sue. I long for the peace of love consciousness.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2017 @ 13:13:15

      Thanks Brad.. 🙂 Sometimes I think I am very guilty of Thinking TOO much too Brad.. And that partly was what was getting me down, which brought on the tension and pain etc.. Allowing the world to close in.. Instead of concentrating on my world and connecting again to my Inner World..
      Since more Qi Gong and cleansing my aura, deep breathing and meditating more often, I have felt a shift in my energy and felt more energised and empowered is the right word.. I think…
      For I know ALL of what is going off in the world that was, and will no doubt again if I let it.. Is all part of a master plan..
      Just like all events have been in the past to bring us to now.. So too events have to happen to shape the world to think different..
      And for that to happen Things have to Change..
      We don’t like changes.. But I feel certain changes are at last waking people up to Look beyond today.. And think about tomorrow and the future of our grandchildren..
      I hope so..
      Any way I never meant to rant along this track.. lol.. So I will stop.. 🙂 haha..
      Have a good Day Brad and thanks again..

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Seenorway
    Mar 09, 2017 @ 21:49:38

    It wouldn ‘t be the first time those guys are having troubles!
    My personal limit is ‘the Classic Editor’. If they mess that up (or close the access) I’m gone (and will never return), but it’s still working . . .

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2017 @ 13:38:45

      Hi Svein.. Yes I know they have messed many things around.. I suppose its only to be expected to get Gremlins in the works now and again.. But I feel there are now more issues than when I first started here.. Maybe its the size of it all now… But I hear more and more people having these same issues.. Hope you have a great weekend Svein.. 🙂



  7. Superduque777
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 00:11:49

    Since several months it became very slow.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Erika Kind
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 07:10:57

    First of all, I am glad you are doing better, Sue! Spring is coming and I think this helps a lot too. The poem is so profound and yes, there is only one battle to win and the weapons are tolerance, acceptance, respect, compassion….. love!

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Mark Lanesbury
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 10:40:12

    I’m here Sue, and receiving you loud and clear 😀
    Even though I have been having the same issue with others…the energy at the moment is a little wobbly, top say the least 😀

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Visionkeeper
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 11:06:33

    Great poem DW…And boy are you correct about all of the political mind battles. I guess to look at it from a positive light, if they were not being idiots and causing chaos it would mean we were not having an effect on them. We are! They are coming apart at the seams and this is a good thing. Their time has come to depart and our time has come to move forward deeper into life. Let us all stay close and keep tapping into the magic in life and ignore the mind battles….Happy weekend DW….Hi to hubby….VK 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2017 @ 13:46:16

      I think politics around the globe are all having their problems VK.. Energies are releasing us to seek the Truth, and the more truths we are finding out the more the walls crumble.. Its not going to be easy keeping it all together no matter where we are.. And on top of all that,, I feel our Earth Mother will have something Loud to say soon.. Which will shake us all up even further.. So enjoy the Peace when you can.. And Hubby says hi back.. ( We managed to get in the allotment together this morning) And I feel much better for doing so 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  11. New Bloggy Cat
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 12:17:54

    Love and hugs to you, Sue. Have a refreshing weekend! ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡

    Liked by 1 person


  12. voulaah
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 13:03:29

    Have a very nice end of week dear Sue
    Great post as always

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Jennie
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 13:56:44

    Great post, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. -Eugenia
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 14:35:22

    I haven’t many problems with WP, and they were very helpful when I used their chat feature. I find some comments go to spam. Take care, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 15:58:36

    Thanks for sharing the poem, Sue. The words are so relevant even after two years…thanks for the reminder that love and conscience help us to win over many battles fought within… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2017 @ 16:02:27

      Yes, its sad really when we write poems reflecting often upon the world and how it is, And years down the line it still appears as if nothing has changed.. But I know Deeper things are working through our Consciousness right now. And although our brains may well be in battle as we fight the chaotic energies.. I know its all about unraveling our compassion and opening our hearts to the truth.. When we do that and live from a point of LOVE, I know that all our words are helping bring about Change .. Many thanks again dear friend.. Enjoy a Peaceful weekend.. Much Love Sue ❤



  16. silentlyheardonce
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 16:29:37

    Yes these words are reflective of this time with all the political upheaval going on.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2017 @ 10:39:59

      Dear Kim.. I have been trying to get into your blog, but all I keep getting is a page saying this

      Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go to the Domains Upgrades page of your blog to use this domain.

      Have you changed your blog Domain address? Sending Love and Hope I can soon get to sort it.. xx Hugs Sue



  17. Aquileana
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 16:49:48

    A great poem dear Sue… We are different and yet we are the same at core. Love and empathy should prevail over Judgement and hate. That´s my wish….
    Wishing you an excellent weekend ahead, my friend. Love & hugs across the miles! 😀

    Liked by 1 person


  18. balroop2013
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 20:43:58

    WordPress has to manage so many sites and I wonder how they do it! Distinguishing between a genuine and spam comment sometimes seems quite challenging. I have my share of those problems too. 🙂
    Loved your inspiring poem. Battles of minds have their positive role too and that begins the moment we decide to introspect. I agree with you Sue…the first war can be won if we look within, for all battles begin with single mind and single individual. History has been a mute witness to this fact. That could be the reason why meditation and calmness of the mind has been emphasized time and again and in all the eras.
    Love and peace has been called upon whenever some putrid mind tries to mislead and mankind has always emerged from such vile attempts.
    Thanks for the reminder…hope many are listening. Stay blessed dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  19. insearchofitall
    Mar 11, 2017 @ 02:08:14

    You have more comments than most of the blogs I read and I can barely keep up with the few I get. That feeling of overwhelm keeps me thinking of throwing in the towel for a long while and getting much of what needs to be done around here completed. I’m more than 2 days behind on reading and sometimes I just can’t read it all and do anything else here. So it’s back to the sewing machine and maybe some time to eat a bite of dinner. You don’t need to answer here. I know how it is. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2017 @ 16:31:09

      I know Marlene.. I am learning to balance and worry less if I do not get around to everyones blog straight away.. I always try to answer comments here first then revisit those who take the time to visit me, then repay likes with likes etc with those whom I follow.. I know many more have pressed follow to subscribe but unless the comment, I do not follow back up like I used to..
      Our time is important in the Now of our moments and we both enjoy our creative pursuits and when the garden gets underway, I will be here even less.. 🙂 Enjoy your embroidery Marlene.. And take time to relax too xxx ❤

      Liked by 2 people


  20. stephensmustang1
    Mar 11, 2017 @ 03:10:46

    WP is weird for sure.
    I love the poem. My mama always said it takes to to fight/fuss…meaning both are wrong in some way. I find that to be true.
    Glad to see you are okay Love and hugs.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. dgkaye
    Mar 11, 2017 @ 06:08:06

    Beautiful and thought provoking poem Sue. ❤ Grr, those WP gremlins. I have occasionally found blogs I follow not appearing. After clicking on 'reader' then 'manage' post you follow, I found that notifications were turned off, courtesy of WP. Did you check lately, I'll be they've been 'mysteriously' turned off. Just turn them back on. 🙂 Big sunny hugs to you. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  22. robbiesinspiration
    Mar 11, 2017 @ 10:35:54

    I am delighted to hear that you are doing so much better, Sue. Thanks for sharing your lovely poem.

    Liked by 1 person


  23. prenin
    Mar 11, 2017 @ 17:51:49

    Hi hun! 🙂

    Have you tried one of the help forums?

    I did and got nowhere, but you might have more luck!!! 🙂 ❤

    Love and hugs!!! 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person


  24. smilecalm
    Mar 11, 2017 @ 20:04:56

    how you’re able to help
    makes us all winners
    makes me smile, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  25. anitashree
    Mar 12, 2017 @ 02:38:31

    Oh phew! You are still around..hehe. Hugs!! I just replied to your comment on my blog…I got a scare!! I thought you were wishing me goodbye! I’ll be back Sue,,my mind keeps drifting to my blogs..and I plan to write..and then, I get all scared…I’m just a total mess right now. LOL. Hugs!!

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Mabel Kwong
    Mar 12, 2017 @ 12:08:20

    Sorry to hear that you have been experiencing issues with WP, Sue. It sound frustrating to not get notifications and blogs disappearing from your reader. As you said in your previous comment, I like to repay wonderful people who comment on my blog and if my notifications did disappear, I’d be very concerned and upest. Hope it gets resolved soon.

    At one stage, though, I did have the issue of my blog comments on other blogs going straight to spam. That took almost a month to fix. Very annoying and I had to keep getting bloggers to un-spam me.

    Lovely poem. I think we all have to do battles because they make us grow. For me, every day is a battle at the beginning of the day – waking up when my alarm clock rings for work 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 12, 2017 @ 13:03:15

      Hi Mabel, lovely to have your comment, and I know that frustration of being spammed, as I have been there several times there is a blog post here about how to get unspammed, if you put spam into my search box.. But when it first happens it can take a while to know what to do..
      Thankfully those days of my alarm going off at 6am are no longer.. 🙂 and I get up now when I wake up,, 🙂 Many thanks for your kind appreciation of my poem.. and for taking the time to leave me your valued comment.. 🙂 Sue 🙂



  27. giselzitrone
    Mar 12, 2017 @ 14:34:39

    Schöner Beitrag liebe Sue ich wünsche dir einen schönen Nachmittag und eine gute neue Woche eine Umarmung Gislinde

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Sageleaf
    Mar 13, 2017 @ 02:02:34

    Beautiful words, as always. I apologize for my absence: I’ve been traveling to see family. 🙂
    In any case, your poem made me think about an interview I heard on the Unmistakable Creative podcast. The speaker was noting how our politicians always seem to point the finger and don’t take responsibility for their actions. With them being in a position of leadership, others look to them for guidance and that is what they see…sigh…
    If I were a politician (which I wouldn’t be – I’m too dreamy, creative and thin-skinned for such an endeavor, hehe) I would genuinely take responsibility for my actions, admit my mistakes and try to work with others to come up with solutions that are good for the many (not the select few).
    I’m also reading a book right now called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. He speaks about how we are consciousness and connected at every level. When we hate on one another, we hate on ourselves and when we love one another, we then send love to ourselves. But who are we specifically? We say we have names – but those are just labels. That we’re human – that’s a label. That we have a personality. Another label. When it comes down to it, according to Singer, is that we experience life in the body we have but our identity is energy – it’s not a perspective or a way of living…it’s a manifestation of energy. It’s an incredible book and has taken me a long while to read (though I’ve been reading others, too) because it’s so dense and full of amazing information.
    In any case, I’m sending hugs and light to you. xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 14, 2017 @ 17:59:44

      No worries, It matters not when you get time to visit, I just love your comments when you do.. And agree we have many labels we give ourselves.The book you are reading sounds a good read.. And I so thank you for your Love and Hugs.. ❤ xxx



  29. macalder02
    Mar 13, 2017 @ 18:16:00

    Maybe the phrase sounds very trite, but if we stick to the ones that give us love, the problems would be minimal. The battle is won in that field. We are living in a chaos because society is very rarefied with dare but we must be tolerant to know how to live together. You have a very good poem to feel pleased to make verses of great quality and sensitivity.

    Liked by 1 person


  30. europasicewolf
    Mar 13, 2017 @ 18:28:13

    Hope your issues are sorted out now Sue 🙂 Pulled back out of joint again recently so paying attention to w.p and other online activities have been less than appealing as pain is annoying and distracting! Almost back to my idea of normal now lol so busy on catchup. Think I will go check the spam folder….since you spoke of it….just in case!😉xxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 14, 2017 @ 21:59:18

      Thank you Wolfie.. still several probs but working my way through them, I have left a message again on the forum.. Hope I get some answers, we will see.. Sorry to hear you have had back probs again.. but so pleased you are getting there… Sending LOVE and my comments did register on your blog.. So I am not in there this time.. xxx Hugs xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • europasicewolf
        Mar 14, 2017 @ 23:39:21

        Having similar problems with two online courses. They haven’t expired but won’t let me access the material only the test for 1st unit. Infuriating. Once again I am waiting to hear back from their support staff…Once again they are taking forever. ..The universe is trying to tell us something maybe! Wolfie hugs xxx 😀

        Liked by 1 person


    Mar 13, 2017 @ 18:31:39

    I haven’t experience this problem. But, if I ever did, I know to contact WordPress helpers to help fix the problem.

    Glad your back! and This poem is the best thing I’ve read.

    The mind battles with the heart, and the heart battles with the soul. All are in conflict with one another. But, one must decided what is best for humanity.

    Brilliant poem sue. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Tina Frisco
    Mar 14, 2017 @ 04:41:28

    WP has a Gremlin, Sue. Many have had these problems ~ follows being unfollowed, comments being tossed into spam, getting locked out of your website… Several of us have contacted WP about these issues, and they do fix them, but for that person only and the fix doesn’t always hold. There’s a glitch (or two or three) in their programming, but they’ve yet to find it. Or perhaps they haven’t looked for it? Seems that, for the moment, we’re left to simply notifying each other when the problem(s) occurs.

    Glad you’re feeling brighter these days 🙂 Hugs 💖

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 14, 2017 @ 22:03:05

      Hi Tina, I hope also you are feeling brighter.. Yes its an ongoing problem but when it keeps happening its not a good experience.. So hopefully someone will listen to my complaints and try to resolve it.. I did see my site got an overhaul this afternoon, so hope they are looking into the gremlins.. 🙂 And yes feeling brighter.. but still taking one day at a time and not over doing things.. Hope you are taking that advice too.. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  33. Maria Wind Talker
    Mar 14, 2017 @ 15:28:47

    No spam issues here but ive not really been on properly in a while. Very timely reblog indeed!!. Glad your feeling better, big love and Reiki hugs ❤ xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  34. aussieian2011
    Mar 20, 2017 @ 11:33:24

    Hi Sue, social visit to catch up, and a beautiful post for those who may have missed it and newcomers, do hope your spam problem gets rectified, I notice I cannot get into comments in my Word press site, I know my responses are going out there but don’t seem to be registering as there is no reply, so I operate on strictly reading and commenting via email.
    If we can survive the downfall of My Space, we can certainly survive this anomaly.
    Cheers and keep smiling Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 20, 2017 @ 12:45:23

      Yes its hard to know if others are getting our comments in return too.. I usually know who of my followers comment back, when I leave a comment on their sites, so when I see they have clicked liked my comment, and there is no reply, I follow the comment link I made in the notifications and then can see they have left a comment, but I didn’t get it.. I think WP is a very large organisation so blips here and there are to be expected, But they are happening more frequently nowadays and people I speak to are getting the same problems we are..

      Thank you for your lovely visit Ian and for the compliment of my poem.. And Yes, So remember all the blips and problems there too 🙂 I have to say WP is ten times better despite all the faults.. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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