The Feather that spoke..

Feather from Heaven

Feather from Heaven

Today I found myself sharing a true story with a blogging friend.  So I thought I would share it again here. For it may give someone the heart to look for the hidden Signs that our Guardian Angels/Universe/Source throws in our direction, If only we take the time to Look and Listen.

Last week I was so depressed it was like I was grieving for someone.. I didn’t want to even get out of bed in the mornings.. My bones ached as I thought my Fibromyalgia was starting another flare up.. I knew the energies were changing and affecting our bodies and so set about trying to alter my mind set as I didn’t want to fall into this particular pit again.

Yet it seems that no matter how many times I tried to disconnect from the world to lift my spirits, Negative news seemed to follow me and bog me down as if I were living out other people’s experiences.

News items I was trying to avoid would invade my space.. And the more weight seemed to load onto my chest to the point I felt physically constricted..  I couldn’t shake it off.. I tried watching old movies  on DVDs that had  comedy in them to make me laugh  and I would walk out in Nature, yet still I had this heart ache that wouldn’t go away..

So I Asked my own healing Angels to come forward and help, I reverted back to my daily meditation practice going right back to basics.. To clear my aura, putting on my ‘Light Body’ Grounding myself and remembering to put protection around me.. I even had salt baths. And I did clearing exercises to separate cording’s both past and present.

Last week we had a big storm called Storm Doris.. Whose winds were gusting up to 90mph.. I asked for protection around our home and those of family and friends. And thankfully we had no damage, yet many did with fences and glass broken in greenhouses, trees felled and one lady lost her life to flying debris in another part of the country.

The weird thing was, that as the storm was dying down, A large white feather dropped onto my back patio.. It stuck to the floor with the rain. ( I have long collected feathers, and see them as a sign from my angels.. ) So I went to pick  it up and dried it off..

The next day in the very same spot.. The VERY same spot.. I saw what appeared a flower on a stem, it looked like sweet-peas. But when I bent to pick it up it was made out of plastic, it wasn’t sweet-peas, but a stem of bleeding hearts.

At the time I threw it in the bin, thinking it was the wind which had blown it But the winds had long died down over night .. But all day I could not stop thinking about it so looked up the meaning on line. Of the Bleeding hearts flower. Which among many other things said ( Bleeding Heart helps bring peace, harmony and balance to people’s heart, allowing a person to perceive love on many levels: of self, others, city, country, environment and beyond.) – See more HERE

So here is the feather I painted. And in doing so the calm and healing soothed my soul as I allowed back in the peace as I listened once again as I painted this feather spoke deep to my heart..


Painting in Acrylic on black card.


178 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Dewin Nefol
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 01:07:50

    Hey Sue 🙂

    Only you.
    Only you dear Sue.
    Would know the name of the Wind carrying your feather.
    Else name the Angel who flew to you.
    Beautiful Sue.
    Thank you Spring Angel.

    I see your Light.

    DN – 01/03/2017

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 13:21:53

      Thank you Dear Dewin.. A delight to find your many comments here this afternoon. I never did get back to comment upon your own story now did I.. Something I will have to rectify very soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Mar 03, 2017 @ 03:20:06

        Hey Sue,

        I adored your feather. She is beautiful.

        I love feathers. T treasure them all. Gifts finding me when I am found by her. I love the birds. Each an Angel spelling a spill of quill novelties to the hand or floor. Treasured between fingers unique when Loved.

        The wind proffered a poem. May I share?

        ~ Horse Chestnut ~ By ~ Dewin Nefol ~

        I think of Horse Chestnuts.
        as chestnut horses.
        And Prayer Flags.
        Plains trodden over time
        Over mountains.
        By hooves followed by herders.
        To heights.
        Where Vultures sigh.
        Else sigh again in sight of Her Grace.
        Glorious is She.
        HG I mean.
        Glittering when feathered in silver.
        Priceless when feathered in gold.
        She unfurls purls pools always.
        Rolls Her sweet eyes at me.
        At us.
        All One of Us.
        Earth I mean.
        One Horse Chestnut.
        In a Universe.
        Not falling anymore.
        No more.
        Said the Raven.
        ‘We’ve lifted Her up!’ She cried.
        ‘For She lifted us up!’
        ‘Gaia we mean.’
        ‘We were once lifted as She was once Lifted by Love.’
        ‘Venerated.’ said Merlin venerating his sigh with a V-word.
        ‘Victory!’ he added adding another.
        Always one last word to say.
        ‘Respected,’ said the Horse.
        ‘And Loved.’ said the Horse Chestnut.
        ‘By the wind with no name.’
        She was Light back then.
        Gaia I mean.
        Lifting all of us from seeds and seedlings.
        Horse Chestnuts are we.
        Galloping gently across plains.
        Slaying Dragons!
        Fed on Horse Chestnuts.
        Breathing fire.
        With no manes.
        We might be one seed galloping across one infinite plain.
        Chasing one wind with only One name.
        Horses flying manes
        Heart racing.
        Blood pumping
        Mind at One.
        Love in motion.
        A Horse with One Mane.
        We are The World.
        One Horse Chestnut.

        Namaste 🙂

        DN – 03/03/2017

        Liked by 2 people


  2. dgkaye
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 01:21:04

    Oh Sue, I’m sorry for the bad spell you’ve been going through. Our friend Tina seems to been having a time of that dreaded fibromyalgia for a few months now, and I heard a lot about Doris wreaking havoc.
    I got goosebumps when I read about the feather on your patio and the flowers, truly a sign, just what the doctor had ordered for you! I too am a collector of feathers (big surprise, not) 🙂 and do find them at the most opportune times.
    Be well my friend. I’m off to the beautiful desert in the morning. Look out for some spectacular sunset photos. Big hugs to you. xoxo ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Paul Handover
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 01:26:11

    Oh Sue, that is such a precious reflection from you. Trust me, if we had known of what you were going through there would have been emails coming to you offering our warmth and love. Never ever hesitate to reach out to us fellow Brits when you need to. A phone call from us reduces the distance to ZERO!!

    You are a very special and treasured friend. Once again, a gorgeous reflection!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 13:34:04

      Bless both you and Jean Paul.. thank you.. your warmth and Love can be felt right through the PC screen.. 🙂 And I hope you both know you hold a special place in my heart.. These blips happen from time to time.. I was able to have a really long in depth talk with my acupuncture therapist this morning. Describing how I had felt and I know only too well I am at times my own worst enemy ’emotionally’ So she worked on some blockages and instead of my usual 4 to 5 week follow up I am seeing her again in 3 weeks..
      I Already feel lighter.. Not quite as Light as my Feather.. LOL.. but getting there, and its all a matter of Mind over Matter as I learn not to absorb other peoples energies..
      Thank you Paul.. I really appreciate your concern.. Big smiles right on back to you both ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  4. Trini Lind
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 01:43:49

    What a beautiful story, Sue! 💖💖💖💖. I love such signs! 💖. And I love the painting too! 😊😊

    Liked by 4 people


  5. macalder02
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 02:05:58

    There can be no more tenderness in your narrative. It is amazing how you teach us to have faith and hope in life. The pen you painted is the clear sign of your gift of giving life to things so simple. Great today.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. slmret
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 02:20:44

    The feather is a wonderful gift!

    Liked by 2 people


  7. Mark Lanesbury
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 02:24:22

    I’m always ‘aware’ for feathers Sue…they always bring a message for me. And on the pathway of my walk every day I go under a tree where the big white parrots feed and sleep during the day…white feathers everywhere…so I skip those, they are an everyday occurrence. Mind you, I did get a large owl feather in among the white one’s one day, stood out so I could ‘see’ 😀
    Great story, and most certainly Guardians all around 😀 ❤

    Liked by 4 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 13:42:09

      Argh.. I wise Owl feather for someone who holds wisdom.. Very appropriate Mark.. And the more we become aware of our Signs, the more times we will understand their messages.. Living near White Parrots much be wonderful, even if a little noisy and messy lol.. Thank you for reading.. We all have our Guardians, its just sometimes we forget they are there.. ❤ 🙂 Blessings my friend xx

      Liked by 1 person


  8. rockyromano10
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 02:42:47


    Liked by 2 people


  9. Sageleaf
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 03:00:06

    Sue! This is an incredible story! You are a true empath. You feel energies more than I do, but it’s beautiful. There are days when I feel low energy and I don’t know why, but you’ve shown me that perhaps I’m feeling the weight of the issues of the world and I don’t even know it! You’re helping to teach me about what it is to be in touch with my heart and understand these energies. *sigh* There was a little boy in our program today who would not be consoled and he scream-cried for 30 minutes before getting sick. I only share that because it’s still affecting me hours later – I keep wondering what else I could have done. He’s little, doesn’t speak much English (he’s Arabic-speaking). But I ended up showing him “tough love” because it seems to freak him out more if I try to kneel down to him and try to talk to him soothingly. Honestly, I’m at a loss and I spoke to his father about it – who’s also at a loss. Of course, I thought of something in the shower, but…I still wish I could meet every situation with wisdom and love. But, I forgot to breathe. I forgot to be mindful. Gak. Ah well, I’m aware of it now.
    But reading about your bleeding hearts – those grow in abundance around here (though not yet) and you’re farther north on the planet than I am – which makes seeing that – after the feather – so significant. They are special plants and what a gift that has been shown to you.
    I think the significance of both colors: the white of the feather and the pink of the bleeding hearts (they were pink, yes? They’re pink on this side of the pond, hehe) – healing, peace, hope, love – how powerful.
    I just so love this story – I’ve shared it with my husband as I’ve read. This is just so incredible. I am in awe.
    I hope you continue to have healing in your spirit and that the energies that you feel will dissipate and leave peace in their wake.
    Sending you hugs, white light and love, sweet friend!

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:04:05

      I can see why you would be so affected by that little boy..Already I put myself in his shoes and to not understand well in a foreign language and feel frustration its hard for little ones to adjust. Screaming may have been his own way at releasing that pend up anxiety.. My granddaughter would do that when she was around 2 to 3 yrs old at times.. When she had to stay with us because of her parents shift patterns at work clashed. She wanted her Mum,when she was at work. Her learnt behavior meant that if she had a paddy and a screaming fit.. She would get attention.. However Grandma never worked to those rules, lol.. Even though I am a big softy.. It is only making a rod for you later in life.. They have to learn they can not have things All their own way.. So I would have to make it clear, she could scream and scream it would not make any difference ( It would upset me to do so but ) She would calm down and then she would get the cuddles..
      Eventually she understood.. So much so, now aged 6 she said to me only the other week, when an old habit of hers kicked in to sulked putting on fake tears. As I gave her that ‘Knowing Look’.. She smiled and said.. ‘Yes I know it doesn’t work here does it? lol, I said ‘No, Grandma’s know when they are real tears and not real’. She asked me how I knew.. I smiled and said, because Grandma her Daddy and Aunty could also put on fake tears when they wanted when they were children.. And Grandma’s Just KNOW… 🙂
      Thank you Cyndi.. We are often given the Signs when in need.. And I know you too have followed them in the synchronicities that you have had. You just KNOW When we are being guided.. So thank you.. I am feeling brighter much brighter in Spirit, even though still a little lethargic.. xxx ❤ Many thanks for your Love and Hugs my friend xxx Sue



  10. Writing to Freedom
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 03:11:24

    Wonderful story Sue. I’m glad you allowed your angels to help, and accepted the peace offering. Beautiful painting too. May peace and love prevail…

    Liked by 1 person


  11. robbiesinspiration
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 04:17:27

    A very beautiful story, Sue. So glad you are feeling better. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with all the negative press at the moment – I am always happy, but I feel its shadow.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:08:46

      I think one would have to be hard not to feel its shadow Robbie.. I am so very pleased there are those like you my friend whose bubbles rise to bring sparkle to the rest of the world.. Keep being Bright and Happy… ❤ My own spirits are much lighter for know you .



  12. balroop2013
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 04:19:57

    That is a beautiful feather Sue…Did you paint another or both pictures are the same? Both look so real!
    Any miracle seems to be authentic when we are in a sad mood, our Angel arrives to soothe us and I am glad your faith spoke to you. Positivity lies all around us only if we wish to interpret it well. Symbolism of the Bleeding Heart Flower is just folklore till we believe in it.
    Wishing you good health and peace dear friend. Stay blessed!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:11:52

      Thank you dear Balroop Yes it is only One Painting.. but two pictures at different angles of the feather.. I agree, it is our Belief in them that make them miracles.. Thank you so much for your kind well wishes.. Love and Blessings returned my lovely friend xx

      Liked by 1 person


  13. Dewin Nefol
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 05:26:45

    ~ A Fairy Tale ~ By ~ Dewin Nefol ~

    Sweet freedom for a new Star to flourish Her form.
    Free from all political hot air.

    Holders of cardboard offices and Cabinet space.
    Disrespectful House members greenly old freshly new.
    House sitters face makers home makers self takers pray.
    Pray tell us all what is fair?
    Tell the world here.
    What is fair fare for your fallen goddess Lady Money?


    Who decides what is deemed Beneficially fair ?
    And to whom do you present that judgement?
    To God?
    To a Goddess?
    To your illusionary Lady Money perhaps?


    Geriatric gentlemen laissez-faire women and self-appointed members.
    Else new lady members and genteel men.
    Pray lend me your ears children of Gaia!
    Earth demands you listen.
    She demands a New Eden.
    A new godly Goddess


    Ministers do you believe in God?
    In a God?
    Or perhaps in a little Magic?
    This ditty maybe, a mere frippery for freedoms sake.
    Two words.
    ‘Mediocris fabula!’


    Fairy Tales.
    When you did last believe in Fairy Tales?
    Were you sat in wonder wandering without fear?
    Wondering only at the wonder bound between pages of folk-lore?
    Fables so bold were those tales told of legendary Kings of old.
    How they might still tender your tender ear.
    Chuckled Merlin the Seer.


    Would you believe fair Lady Fair is feeling despair?
    I do.
    From somewhere alone cold far away she is heard.
    Perhaps from a high hilltop or lofty tower I hear Her weeping on the Wind.
    Do you?
    Her tears lifted airborne soaring singing her song of woe.
    Would you have once heard Her weeping silently between words listening to a fairy tale told once upon a time long ago?


    Her tower, the one you once imagined so vividly is not still yours!
    Her power is Her own to now own and wield fairly.
    That has always been Her story.
    Were you ever read that fairy tale?
    Perhaps it was once upon a time long ago?


    She weeps waiting for you to hear Her weeping once again.
    Alone is She.
    Still bound between pages of a fairy tale
    Told as a Legend.
    Bound to Romance written once upon a time long ago


    Her tears are falling.
    Not in judgement of you adm-minister-ators.
    Captors of fairness.
    You are ephemeral fleeting insignificant in Her eyes.
    She is Eternal and will be heard, eventually.


    Once upon a time long ago.
    Weeping tears alone far away.
    She heard us.
    Felt us.
    Our despair.
    The people of Earth,
    She knows we care about fair Lady Fair.
    We care about how fairly you treat a Goddess born with Grace.
    Born from Love.
    We care about what is deemed fair for fair loving Lady Fair.
    Our fair Lady Fair.
    An illuminated Goddess of hallowed virtue.


    Do you care?
    What do you care about fair Lady Fair?
    Or about Fairy Tale?


    Do you really care?
    Or care caring only to be deemed fair?
    By whom?
    By a goddess?
    By a cardboard goddess perhaps?
    By a goddess found in her fat lofty tower?
    Bound by cabinets and cupboards?


    Your false goddess she is not our fair Lady Fair
    She is unfair Lady Money
    Romancing the godless god back to life.
    Her fall an act of sexual conquest.


    Whilst here, may I ask after fair Lady Compassion?
    How is she your goddess?
    Self-indulging with the godless god?
    Falling in the act of sexual congress.

    Also fallen? Godless god syndrome perhaps?
    My goodness!
    Fallen in the act of congress.


    One Goddess after another their virtue taken?
    By a god?
    By a godless process?
    By a godless god process?
    By a godless god romancing the godless goddess?
    Oh my!
    Tis not how I heard their stories told from once upon a time long ago….


    Tell me ministers.
    Who dares severe virtuous Roses on Gaia’s sweet earth when each was gifted by the voice of God?
    In God we trust?
    Do you?


    Perhaps fair Lady Money is only fair to the few?
    To the fair few who find the godless goddess?
    Found bound in cabinets and cupboards?
    Perhaps she is there with fair Lady Compassion?
    And fair Lady Generosity?
    All godless goddesses ravaged by a rapacious godless god?
    Oh my!


    Once upon a bedtime story fair Lady Compassion was merciful.
    I heard Her Fairy Tale told once upon a time long ago.
    Did you?


    In Fable fair Lady Generosity was magnanimousness munificent!
    So blessed was She with nobility kindness benevolence charity.
    Her story was never a station for loftiness, low-mindedness small-heartedness misery.
    But a tale found bound by infinite liberality.


    In other tall tales of bold legendary adventure
    A true King’s wealth was found when bound to fair Lady Gaia.
    It is She who becomes us.
    When firm fertile fecund and flourishing.
    With spring, with Spirit, Fairy Tale and form.


    Abundant is sweet Lady Fair ever generous with Her bounty.
    Life giving for one and all when in despair.
    Even the fair few amusing the muse of fallen goddesses.
    To amuse fair Lady Money.
    How fair would they fare if fair were not fair Lady Fair at all?


    Fair Lady Fair should have a Knight dare be her fair hero.
    To quest Her rescue from somewhere cold alone far away.
    From Her tower where your godless god takes Her sweet innocence.
    To amuse the muse amused in unfair Lady Money


    What Hero would arise from rank and file to protect fair Lady Fair’s fair innocence?
    Who would dare do that?
    Would you dare be so noble or were you ever so fair?
    When listening to stories told once upon a time long ago?
    Dare you be fair to fair Lady Fair?
    Dare you free here from her unfair bondage?


    Be fair or dare you be otherwise?
    Would that be fair?
    Perhaps only fairly fair?
    But not Fairy Tale fair.
    Not to our fair Goddess, Lady Fair.


    Would you care to comment?
    Or care not to care about fair Lady Fair?
    Would you care even to not care by cursing swearing.
    Your idea of fair are fair as your ideas about fair Lady Liberty?


    Once upon a time long ago She was Fair.
    Fair Lady Liberty was supremely fair.
    Sweet Freedom.
    That is what they used to call Her.
    Do they still?

    ~ +~


    DN – 01/03/2017

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:18:15

      Dewin your poetic tales hold truth and much wisdom.. ( Rescued two of your comments from my Spam folder) So you are free to roam once more.. I wish more would understand Gaia and the Goddess Power and like you be her Knight to save her Kingdoms of Eden.. A blessed tale.. Thank you Dewin.. Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Mar 03, 2017 @ 00:45:11

        Hey Sue,

        She will always be supreme when seen as you do. Gaia is always force so strong in you. 🙂

        ~ One Drummer ~

        Inside beats one heart.
        We know that heart.
        We are that heart.
        At the very heart of us.
        Love I mean.
        We all feel Love!
        Beating rippling Her butterfly wings!
        Flutter always.
        For always.
        In all ways.
        We are each Knights, Heroines, Gods, Goddesses.
        Become living the Fairy Tale of our Life.
        ‘Shielding One Rose is what we do,’ assured Merlin.
        ‘In Kingdoms of Eden…,’ said he.
        Merlin I mean.
        ‘Freeing One Rose from parasites.’
        ‘In Paradise Lost.’ said he.
        Milton I mean.
        ‘It’s what we do.’
        ‘For Love.’
        One Heart One Beat One Love.
        One World One Hope.
        Always one prays one’s own way.
        But one hopes in all ways one prays for Love.

        DN – 03/03/2017

        Liked by 1 person


  14. Denzil
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 06:05:24

    A lovely story Sue, of hope, faith and protection, and I wish you a week of peace and contentment.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Dewin Nefol
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 06:06:02

    ~ Homeless was I with Venus ~ By ~ Dewin Nefol ~

    To cut a dash with elegant appeal, Sir
    May I cut at the heart of Government?


    Would the Prime Minister pass comment?
    Or else revise his answer advising confusion?
    Or profusion or tissue of lines?
    Bless me!
    This cold blocks my nose closed almost frozen.
    My words don’t always sound quite how they should.


    I shall ask for nothing more no more nevermore!
    No blanket of Love evermore
    But one small space for grace?
    For many to read between warm bed-sheets each cold night.
    Beneath starlight gazing dazing hazing
    Left to lift so homelessly alone.
    Intoxicated! Gloriously drunk!
    Sobering on sweet drafts of Beauty and Grace.
    Her Star a Goddess transcended
    Ascended once adored she is Love’s lace.
    A draft of grace!
    She is perfect.
    Venus I mean.
    Perfect pose prose poise elegance and grace
    Sweet Venus.
    She is Love.
    My Love.

    Sir, is She also yours?


    Namaste dear Sue.

    DN – 01/03/2017

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:22:00

      Thank you Dewin for those eloquent words.. Would you be standing as a member of parliament.. You would get my vote 🙂 😀

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Mar 03, 2017 @ 01:45:26

        Hey Sue,

        The poem a voice for the Homeless. I promised a friend I have recently befriended that I’d share his wisdom.

        By fine far chance fair fortune favoured the brave.
        When I happened upon a gentleman whilst strolling lunchtime for a roll.
        Sausage roll as I recall.
        I bought two.

        Jason is his name.
        The gentleman I have met.
        I admire him.
        For his integrity as much his fortitude
        He lives for livings sake.
        Giving everything when he has nothing.
        His soulful Truth lifts tatty soles to high places.
        Higher than I would know.
        ‘Freedom,’ he says, ‘truly is owns own to own.’
        ‘Making tough choices tougher decisions.’
        ‘Bodily,’ he said slurring his words.
        ‘Boldly go bodily!’ he laughed.
        Wind or an Angel lifted his voice.
        ‘Drunken Sole Knowing Soul of Sweet Freedom!’
        He rocked rocking with cheese.

        ‘Cheers bud for my roll from your stroll.’
        His eyes smiling like he knew.


        DN – 03/03/2017



  16. Dewin Nefol
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 06:30:21

    ~ Fair Judgement ~ By ~ Dewin Nefol ~

    You are fallen.

    Ill-fitting of this glorious Crown our emerald Earth.
    God’s tended Earth.
    Neither yours nor mine.
    She is fit for all Her children to reign.
    She is fit for you as well.
    But formless when parasites prosper.

    One asks is paradise lost in parasites?
    Milton asked the same thing once upon a time long ago.

    Did he ever live to hear an answer?
    It matters not.

    What matters is the crowning of our Emerald Jewel.
    New Eden.
    Her paradise will follow.
    God has spoken.

    Your godless god given to godless goddesses
    Cannot live for evermore.
    Or ever again.
    Decreed the Raven.
    As Merlin chuckled somewhere close by.


    Namaste Sue. Thank you. 🙂

    DN – 01/03/2017

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:26:14

      Good Old Merlin.. Yes there are still many parasites who prosper. And I have no doubts that Paradise will follow and flourish.. Despite all their blood sucking.. Many thanks again Dewin for this.. 🙂 Blessings your way

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Mar 02, 2017 @ 23:40:42

        Hey Sue,

        Discussing similar with a friend we wondered where and how it will end. And when? Money and all it has become to some.


        “Indeed agreed,” said Merlin.
        ‘Paradise will follow and flourish!’
        ‘It is Our Destiny.’ he chuckled.
        ‘Where else is there for us to go?’


        DN – 02/03/2017

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 03, 2017 @ 15:05:56

          Yes.. we SEE much you and I through our Ancient eye… And have the same views.. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


          • Dewin Nefol
            Mar 04, 2017 @ 07:03:39

            Hey Sue,

            Namaste 🙂

            ‘One Drum. One Earth.
            One prayer for One Love.’
            I read from text.
            ‘And Hope did you include Hope?’
            Maybe.’ I replied unsure or certain.
            ‘Never mind.’ Jason said.
            ‘Filling for my picnic.’
            ‘Neath starlight later.’


            DN – 04/03/2017



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 07, 2017 @ 15:33:46

              🙂 We never give up on HOPE.. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • Dewin Nefol
              Mar 07, 2017 @ 19:41:30

              And fair Lady Hope has never given up hoping for all of us either.

              Namaste 🙂


              P.S: Jason has introduced me to a friend of his, a gentleman travelling under the name of Taff. He is another red Dragon roaming this wild Land. A third red Dragon, or should I say red Dragoness has also become a friend. Leigh is her name. Such Fire in her, she burnt me with the passion of her paining tears.

              Three red dragons told of their intention to Blog here on WordPress: offering personal perspective in poetry and lyrical wax. It sounds a wonderful opportunity for truths to be told from the souls on soles. “Never Poor Forevermore!” echoed The Raven from the graveside next to where they sleep each night.

              Thank you Master Drummer Sue 🙂

              I see your Light. Namaste 🙂


              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 08, 2017 @ 09:00:08

              Many thanks again Dewin.. Your own Light shines for all to see.. 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  17. Dewin Nefol
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 07:42:31

    ~ A Fairy Tale ~ By ~ Dewin Nefol ~

    Sweet freedom for a new Star to flourish Her form.
    Free from all political hot air.

    Holders of cardboard offices and Cabinet space.
    Disrespectful House members greenly old freshly new.
    House sitters face makers home makers self takers pray.
    Pray tell us all what is fair?
    Tell the world here.
    What is fair fare for your fallen goddess Lady Money?


    Who decides what is deemed Beneficially fair ?
    And to whom do you present that judgement?
    To God?
    To a Goddess?
    To your illusionary Lady Money perhaps?


    Geriatric gentlemen laissez-faire women and self-appointed members.
    Else new lady members and genteel men.
    Pray lend me your ears children of Gaia!
    Earth demands you listen.
    She demands a New Eden.
    A new godly Goddess


    Ministers do you believe in God?
    In a God?
    Or perhaps in a little Magic?
    This ditty maybe, a mere frippery for freedoms sake.
    Two words.
    ‘Mediocris fabula!’


    Fairy Tales.
    When you did last believe in Fairy Tales?
    Were you sat in wonder wandering without fear?
    Wondering only at the wonder bound between pages of folk-lore?
    Fables so bold were those tales told of legendary Kings of old.
    How they might still tender your tender ear.
    Chuckled Merlin the Seer.


    Would you believe fair Lady Fair is feeling despair?
    I do.
    From somewhere alone cold far away she is heard.
    Perhaps from a high hilltop or lofty tower I hear Her weeping on the Wind.
    Do you?
    Her tears lifted airborne soaring singing her song of woe.
    Would you have once heard Her weeping silently between words listening to a fairy tale told once upon a time long ago?


    Her tower the one you once imagined so vividly is not still yours!
    Her power is Her own to now own and wield fairly.
    That has always been Her story.
    Were you ever read that fairy tale?
    Perhaps it was once upon a time long ago?


    She weeps waiting for you to hear Her weeping once again.
    Alone is She.
    Still bound between pages of a fairy tale
    Told as a Legend.
    Bound to Romance written once upon a time long ago


    Her tears are falling.
    Not in judgement of you adm-minister-ators.
    Captors of fairness.
    You are ephemeral fleeting insignificant in Her eyes.
    She is Eternal and will be heard, eventually.


    Once upon a time long ago.
    Weeping tears alone far away.
    She heard us.
    Felt us.
    Our despair.
    The people of Earth,
    She knows we care about fair Lady Fair.
    We care about how fairly you treat a Goddess born with Grace.
    Born from Love.
    We care about what is deemed fair for fair loving Lady Fair.
    Our fair Lady Fair.
    An illuminated Goddess of hallowed virtue.


    Do you care?
    What do you care about fair Lady Fair?
    Or about Fairy Tale?


    Do you really care?
    Or care caring only to be deemed fair?
    By whom?
    By a goddess?
    By a cardboard goddess perhaps?
    By a goddess found in her fat lofty tower?
    Bound by cabinets and cupboards?


    Your false goddess she is not our fair Lady Fair
    She is unfair Lady Money
    Romancing the godless god back to life.
    Her fall an act of sexual conquest.


    Whilst here, may I ask after fair Lady Compassion?
    How is she your goddess?
    Self-indulging with the godless god?
    Falling in the act of sexual congress.

    Also fallen? Godless god syndrome perhaps?
    My goodness!
    Fallen in the act of congress.


    One Goddess after another their virtue taken?
    By a god?
    By a godless process?
    By a godless god process?
    By a godless god romancing the godless goddess?
    Oh my!
    Tis not how I heard their stories told from once upon a time long ago….


    Tell me ministers.
    Who dares severe virtuous Roses on Gaia’s sweet earth when each was gifted by the voice of God?
    In God we trust?
    Do you?


    Perhaps fair Lady Money is only fair to the few?
    To the fair few who find the godless goddess?
    Found bound in cabinets and cupboards?
    Perhaps she is there with fair Lady Compassion?
    And fair Lady Generosity?
    All godless goddesses ravaged by a rapacious godless god?
    Oh my!


    Once upon a bedtime story fair Lady Compassion was merciful.
    I heard Her Fairy Tale told once upon a time long ago.
    Did you?


    In Fable fair Lady Generosity was magnanimousness munificent!
    So blessed was She with nobility kindness benevolence charity.
    Her story was never a station for loftiness, low-mindedness small-heartedness misery.
    But a tale found bound by infinite liberality.


    In other tall tales of bold legendary adventure
    A true King’s wealth was found when bound to fair Lady Gaia.
    It is She who becomes us.
    When firm fertile fecund and flourishing.
    With spring, with Spirit, Fairy Tale and form.


    Abundant is sweet Lady Fair ever generous with Her bounty.
    Life giving for one and all when in despair.
    Even the fair few amusing the muse of fallen goddesses.
    To amuse fair Lady Money.
    How fair would they fare if fair were not fair Lady Fair at all?


    Fair Lady Fair should have a Knight dare be her fair hero.
    To quest Her rescue from somewhere cold alone far away.
    From Her tower where your godless god takes Her sweet innocence.
    To amuse the muse amused in unfair Lady Money


    What Hero would arise from rank and file to protect fair Lady Fair’s fair innocence?
    Who would dare do that?
    Would you dare be so noble or were you ever so fair?
    When listening to stories told once upon a time long ago?
    Dare you be fair to fair Lady Fair?
    Dare you free here from her unfair bondage?


    Be fair or dare you be otherwise?
    Would that be fair?
    Perhaps only fairly fair?
    But not Fairy Tale fair.
    Not to our fair Goddess, Lady Fair.


    Would you care to comment?
    Or care not to care about fair Lady Fair?
    Would you care even to not care by cursing swearing.
    Your idea of fair are fair as your ideas about fair Lady Liberty?


    Once upon a time long ago She was Fair.
    Fair Lady Liberty was supremely fair.
    Sweet Freedom.
    That is what they used to call Her.
    Do they still?

    ~ +~


    Your White Feather Sue.
    A blessed gift.
    Borne airborne.


    Six String Sue.
    Drummer with an Angel’s quill.
    She has Her own grace.
    Your feather.
    She already Loves you.
    The way you write.
    The feather always fit for the fit of the hand holding her.
    If that weren’t so, all else would be Fantasy and Fable!.
    Wisdom makes us wise enough to listen.
    To her feathered Heart.
    Always she’ll coo and curls when loved tenderly.
    Flying to the beat of your Art.


    DN – 01/03/2017

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:30:54

      Excellent Dewin..

      “Geriatric gentlemen laissez-faire women and self-appointed members.
      Else new lady members and genteel men.
      Pray lend me your ears children of Gaia!
      Earth demands you listen.
      She demands a New Eden.
      A new godly Goddess”

      Thank you also for that lovely written piece at the end about my feather. I hope I will always be wise enough to Listen.. and to always follow the Beat of my Heart.. Thank you Dewin.. Many thanks. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • Dewin Nefol
        Mar 02, 2017 @ 23:24:10

        Hey Sue,

        You were blessed receiving such a gift. You’ll always look after her and she you. She knew you already.

        ~ Feather Drummer ~

        You are your heart beat Sue.
        Always drumming.
        Always strumming.
        Inside of you.
        Six-string Sue.
        That’s you.
        Her feather Beat.
        Her Heart Beat.
        Beats within you.
        Always strumming.
        Always drumming.
        In your heart.
        With one feather.
        That’s you.
        Namaste 🙂

        DN – 02/03/2017

        Liked by 1 person


  18. smilecalm
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 07:44:56

    wishing you
    lightness &
    the beauty
    of your feather.

    Liked by 3 people


  19. Erika Kind
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 08:40:26

    Another feather that comes my way during a difficult time. One painting of a feather yesterday and one today in your post. I see them too as signs from heaven to show or confirm my path. Thank you for that, Sue! 💖

    Liked by 3 people


  20. David
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 09:15:59

    Hi Sue, me too … always pick up the feathers that blow our way. We can commiserate and say we know how you feel … suffering from what seems like flu despite having the jabs for three different strains … just want to go back to bed.
    But as usual, needs must, and like you we will come back even if we have to retreat for a little while to recuperate! Much Love and healing energies, David

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:42:12

      Sorry to hear you have also been unwell David.. I do not have the flu jabs.. I did once due to being almost made and shamed into when I worked in Support by our Local authority.. Never so ill did I feel.. and I swore then I would never have another.. When the swine flu vaccine came out, again we were pressured.. I refused as did many of my colleagues.. Two staff who did have it were extremely ill, and one woman who had her child vaccinated because she was so fearful, Her young daughter then started to have fits.. I do not like being a guinea pig, which I felt not enough was known about that particular vaccine and its affects..
      Blessings to you both my friend.. ❤

      I hope you soon feel rested and more feathers will blow into your own collection David.. Much Love returned and thank you for those healing energies..



  21. taikunping
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 09:34:51

    beautiful Sue 🙂 the storm and then the light with blessings, Tai xx

    Liked by 2 people


  22. derrickjknight
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 09:41:32

    Lovely painting. I hope you are recovered now

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Eddie Two Hawks
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 11:13:27

    Difficulties come and go daily. Some are so large that help is needed dealing with them. It is always available. Your examples illustrate this perfectly and show how best to rise above them. Thank you Dreamwalker for your loving kindness.
    have a most beautiful day, Eddie

    Liked by 4 people


  24. Visionkeeper
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 11:50:28

    Amazing tale…Love it! Paying attention to symbols that enter our lives is crucial for guiding us forward and most importantly it instills the mystery back into life that has been wiped out for so long. Go for it DW…Great painting by the way. Just last night before I ever read this post I was writing down all the symbols that relate to who I am. Amazing synchcronicity. Symbols are the language of the soul. They must be floating in the cosmos where we are all picking up on them. Good stuff. 🙂 Hugs to you my friend… VK ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 15:03:47

      I think we are in sync dear VK.. 🙂 I had a dream that I interpreted into a poem last week.. And in it I saw many geometric shapes and numbers.. I think the Universe is communicating and we are beginning to listen more intently 🙂 Much love back dear VK.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  25. lindamartha
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 12:39:55

    Thats a beautiful painting and an amazing story. I definitely needed to hear this myself and am so grateful that you shared it. Its amazing how much control we actually do have over our funks if only we would take time to realize that we are not as powerless it might seem. I also had a revelation the other day-though my nature these days tends to make me doubt. I guess I will have to write it out as I didn’t take a photo. It had to do with signs as well. And feathers.

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 15:07:12

      Oh I really hope you do share it Linda.. Given all you are going through it is no wonder at times you doubt.. But I have found the more I trust, the more easily the Signs keep coming. And when we acknowledge them the meaning of them is not long at revealing itself.. Thank YOU for sharing that with me.. I will be calling in your place shortly.. Stay strong.. and I am so pleased you read this today.. ❤ ❤



  26. vanbytheriver
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 13:03:07

    That feather is a painting ???? Amazing, Sue. So glad you are finding peace. We have all been where you were last week. Hugs to you.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 15:11:20

      Thank you Van.. Yes so many are ‘Feeling’ the affects that are roaming right now.. And yes its a painting.. with two different angle shots of it. And I am sorry you too were feeling at a low ebb.. I am afraid this last week I have not been visiting as many.. But I will be catching up Van..
      Love to you and thank you xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  27. -Eugenia
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 13:21:21

    Beautiful painting of a feather. Soft, delicate and peaceful. May love and light fill your week.

    Liked by 2 people


  28. peggyjoan42
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 14:52:42

    I am hoping you are having a better day today Sue. I know what you mean about fibromyalgia Sue, because I have suffered with this for years. Storms roared over our house last night – we were lucky, but just 15 miles up the road there was much damage. These weather fronts affect me so severely and yes, depression is one of my problems also. The news, which I try hard to ignore when my husband is watching it – truly depresses me. Hate in this world is overwhelming and I am truly tired of it. I go out into nature with my camera and wander around trying to capture the bees on the fruit trees and the little bugs on the dandelions and my soul breathes a sigh of peace. Love the feather you painted. Peace to you Sue and love and hugs. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 01, 2017 @ 15:20:12

      Oh Peggy I so sympathize.. Yes the weather does play a huge part I feel, And I am so pleased your home and yourselves escaped damage. And Ditto to our Hubbies. 🙂
      And Nature has always been my route of escape too.. And I am so thankful of those beautiful photo’s that you do take.. Keep clicking that lens shutter..
      Love and Mega Hugs back ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  29. mary
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 15:28:01

    i see the fires of chaos with so much of today’s world…our storms have been fierce,San Antonio and surrounding area had 4 tornadoes in one night,,,,the rain seemed to fiercely scrubbing the Earth…we had another storm a couple nights ago, i had never seen lightning be red, it looked like rubies on fire as it was streaming down with the ice white ones…our winds were 70mph, the thunder rolled and roared…i stood out on the porch a long time…it felt good being soaked with rain 🙂
    when the sun rose it was a new day….life has been stranger than usual for me,but the lessons have been checking off and each one i feel one more chain slipping away….

    i’m sorry you felt the worlds chaos and burdens….your feather is beautiful, your art always sooth’s the spirit as well as makes me smile My Dear Friend 🙂 i too have a collection of them 🙂 this morning a white rose bush has decided to speak through her fragrance and beauty to me…so crystal white ….
    though life is chaotic, i still feel very grounded and know which direction i am going in…that freedom you always tell me i will know as you know has been here for a while now, i am enjoying it 🙂

    Thank you for your post….Hope your day is as bright as your spirit’s smile
    Take Care…You Matter



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2017 @ 13:27:16

      I am just pleased Mary that you were safe, so many large storms now venting their anger also around our planet.. I am not surprised that you too collect feathers.. 🙂 and that white rose I am certain a gift from our Mother to you for all you do for the Earth and her creatures..
      I am so happy that ‘Freedom’ you speak of is yours at last.. Keep enjoying it.. for it is your birth right.. We have allowed the chains to rust around our ankles too long..
      Sending Much love back dear friend.. and when it is time to talk deeper I know we will..

      Blessings Always.. Sue ❤ xxx



  30. insearchofitall
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 16:20:11

    Yes, yes, Sue, we just have to look and listen. They are always out there to help if we allow it. Thank you for sharing this story. I had no idea you suffered with Fibro. My daughter has for so many years. I understand what you are dealing with it and surprised you do as much as you do. That is the most stunning painting of a feather! You did a wonderful job capturing it’s lightness. Glad you are doing better. Giant squishy hugs to you. M

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2017 @ 13:39:02

      Oh sorry to hear your daughter also suffers Marlene.. I was finally diagnosed in 02.. after a battle of sorts to get Drs to find out what was wrong.. And for a time was very ill with it.. But I am 110% better than then..and my last large flare was in 09.. I have managed well with Acupuncture once a month since 09 and Qi Gong as well as affirmations self healing techniques.. I considered myself free of it apart from just watching I do not overdo things, as the muscles soon protest.. So I take gardening in my stride, plenty of rest stops and manageable bites. To say back at my worst I could hardly climb the stairs.. I am well in comparison .. And keep telling myself that. 🙂
      So happy you enjoyed my painting.. I truly enjoyed creating it ..

      Thank you I am much improved and all the brighter for your visit and well wishes and squishy hugs.. Love and Blessings returned xxx ❤ Hugs Sue

      Liked by 2 people


      • insearchofitall
        Mar 02, 2017 @ 16:10:13

        I think you are functioning so much better than my daughter. You have taken self care to the highest level and I do wish she would. But that is out of my control. I can only be supportive. Keep taking care of yourself and make more of those beautiful paintings. That feather really spoke to me. Giant squishy hugs. M

        Liked by 1 person


  31. InfiniteZip
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 17:06:19

    you’ve painted a spectacular vision of white softness against the darkness here Sue, your words and artwork so very splendid. I find feathers and odd bits here and there and I always pick them up, carry them home and find some good in them, perhaps a piece of writing or take a picture of them, my collection someday will most likely need its own room, but then I remember to regift it along to someone else, as once its purpose is told, I am free to set it again to the winds ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2017 @ 13:44:33

      Re-gifting is something we all should do.. My paintings are often gifted out,.. I am not surprised that you collect among other things feathers Kim. Its a great study for still life too.. And I know you will enjoy exploring more in your own classes of artwork to come.. Enjoy.. And thank you so so much for your own lovely gift of commenting. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  32. TheFeatheredSleep
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 20:51:36

    You were in my dreams last night my friend surrounded in white (healing) light I hope this for you always and it comes from my heart xo

    Liked by 1 person


  33. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Mar 01, 2017 @ 21:35:26

    Darling Sue…I am so glad to have seen this today! Such a lovely story and painting…and something I needed to hear and see today. I have been feeling so drained and low too, and finding it hard to rise in the morning. I “know” it is partly the onslaught of all this energy…but I usually “know” what/how to deal with it and do. But this week…I have felt so weak. So much so that I avoided meditation. Odd because that is always where I turn. So…reading your story helps and inspires. Once again…Spirit speaking through. P.S. I too collect feathers and see them as signs and messages. I look forward to it. So Many Blessings To You Dear Friend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2017 @ 14:00:40

      So many dear Mar have been subject to these influences recently, Many who I know are sensitives as we are.. So I relate when you said

      I have been feeling so drained and low too, and finding it hard to rise in the morning. I “know” it is partly the onslaught of all this energy…

      Its a bit like treacle.. as we pull ourselves up and out of it.. But out of it we will rise of that I am certain.. I am so pleased this post helped raise your own spirits a little… Keep looking for those Signs.. Love and Warm thoughts and thank you kindly for your lovely well wishes xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  34. Christy B
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 01:00:10

    Thank you for sharing your story here with us, Sue. It has many good lessons in it, including watching for the SIGNS that are bigger than us, such as the bleeding heart. I’m confident it was there for a reason and am so glad you thought more about it after throwing it in the bin. I love the feather art that came of it but even more than that I love the inspiration that your spirit has brought not only you but also the readers here xx

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2017 @ 14:02:53

      Thank you dear Christy.. Yes so many Signs we are given along this journey of Life we take.. Yet often we are blind and do not see them.. I often hear a song on the radio too.. with just the right message within its verse.. When you are open to them they come in thick and fast.. And I am delighted you enjoyed my post Christy and painting.. So thank you so much my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  35. inavukic
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 01:54:34

    What a wonderful painting of the feather, what a wonderful post, Sue – just what I needed today to complete my day. Much love and many hugs, Ina ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  36. voulaah
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 06:41:34

    Thank you for sharing beautiful story dear Sue
    Have a very nice day
    Kisses back to you

    Liked by 1 person


  37. belasbrightideas
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 06:48:38

    Sue, I, too have been seeing signs everywhere. The very best outcomes have been occurring and recurring. I can only believe that the good we have done is carrying us through these trying times. Lovely painting and sending you tender thoughts and virtual hugs across the miles. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2017 @ 14:12:26

      Thank you Bela for those tender thoughts and virtual hugs, they really are most appreciated.. I know our thoughts added to the collective Pot of LOVE will see us through.. I just wish others would disengage from their judgmental selves and see the harm they are doing to the planetary energies and themselves..

      Finding Balance is the Key.. We know this, yet so many are so caught up in the toxins that are being spread around..
      We have to have faith, that is all is well with our World and that what ever road this world is about to embark upon its path will lead it to rediscover who it is, and from whence it came. And that it may see that their is no escape from Universal Laws.. And that what goes around will eventually always come around.. xx

      Sending LOVE and PEACE dear Bela.. xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  38. IreneDesign2011
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 08:24:26

    Beautiful picture and even more beautiful story, dear Sue 🙂
    Feathers are special, I agree. Send you lots of healing thoughts. I hope, that you will join in to next healing meditation the 8. of March, if you feel well enough.
    Love & Hugs ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  39. Marko
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 10:32:07

    Cordial greetings from Warsaw



  40. silentlyheardonce
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 13:50:06

    Inspiring story Sue. I’ve been trying to find my center and calm too. So happy you found yours. The painting of your feather is beautiful.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 02, 2017 @ 14:18:02

      Lovely to catch your comment Kim.. and so happy to see you well enough to call by here today.. Thank you my friend.. I am just closing for this afternoon as I need to take a power nap I think. LOL.. take care and I will be catching your posts shortly xxx ❤ xxx



  41. prenin
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 18:24:32

    Feathers certainly seem to be messengers – or dropped by them! 🙂

    Love and hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


  42. rabirius
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 18:31:13


    Liked by 1 person


  43. Renee Espriu
    Mar 02, 2017 @ 21:50:42

    I love the bleeding heart flower and how like a sign it should be found by you.You might have noticed the header and saying on my site and even the name of the site itself that speaks of angels. I have a single feather beneath the saying of which is my own. Some believe it to be a quote but it came to me and so I believed it should be to show what I believe to show others. Wonderful write Sue. Be well. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2017 @ 15:14:10

      Bless you Renee.. When next I visit Renee, I will pay special attention to your Header.. And I have no doubts its your own.. You have some wonderful inspired words given you my friend.. Thank you for your well wishes, and I return much love and well wishes back to you.. Hugs Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  44. laura kilty
    Mar 03, 2017 @ 00:18:14

    Thank you for sharing Sue. I am glad you are feeling you are through the storm and glad you called on angels for support- what a beautiful affirmation you received. Your gorgeous painting of the feather they brought beams of peace and serenity.

    I was feeling grief during this Full to New Moon period too. I had to spend time consciously grounding every day and still needing to nap and rest a lot more than usual. So much releasing needed for Mother Earth and the Divine Feminine, so much anchoring of Her energy needed too. It is an intense time! Know I am sending you so much love, huge hugs and wishes for a restful, calm time ahead.xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2017 @ 15:09:52

      Dear Laura.. Many thanks for sharing your own feelings with us at this time.. I know I am not alone in how we are being affected.. I like you am working internally, grounding, and oh so tired.. Those POWER NAPs are a must.. I am also have lots more come in Dream time.. Signs.. some I can make sense of others as yet not so clear.. Yes a very intense Month I feel.. And more reason why we should centre ourselves and and keep calm and connect back to our creative side.. Creating PEACE within, which is why the lesson of the Feather came with such peace and Love..
      Many thanks Laura for your well wishes.. I send you the same… Love and Hugs .. Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  45. Trackback: My very first post – #MyFirstPostRevisited – Erika Kind
  46. gageier
    Mar 03, 2017 @ 09:38:46

    Danke liebe Sue für deine lieben Worte ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir in Freundschaft Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  47. Ka Malana -
    Mar 03, 2017 @ 17:29:13

    Hi Sue,

    A blogger friend once wrote about wanting to find a feather – feeling since I found so many feathers (over the 7 years) where before there was none, I wanted to mail her one. I wanted to show her that feathers can come from people, too 😉 She was still basically a stranger at that point. I hope she likes the feather, and still has it, but it’s okay if she does not. Your post just reminded me of how feathers were ‘essential’ in bringing me where I am today. In so many ways… while feathers can represent messages, they are often literally messages in and of themselves. I find that in feathers.

    Love & Blessings,



  48. Ka Malana -
    Mar 03, 2017 @ 17:32:19

    OH! Bleeding heart was my favorite plant in my grandmother’s garden. I bet she influenced that choice of mine 🙂 She’s 95 now, and she’s still amazing (my grandmother, not the plant). Blessings dear Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  49. Ka Malana -
    Mar 03, 2017 @ 17:34:18

    P.P.S – Your painting is amazing!!! I thought it was a real impression. I didn’t identify it as acrylic. Hah! You are so special ❤ ❤ ❤ It feels like a sun impression.



  50. Ka Malana -
    Mar 03, 2017 @ 17:37:45

    P.P.P.S. I find it incredibly challenging to be both an empath and a very busy person. I’ve been recalibrating, though, lately. We shall see… ❤ 🙂 I love sharing with you, Sue! Hahahaha… may you shift your awareness to relieve your body – as all of us have that goal, while being embodied! To be free in a body, while conscious and aware. Gaia loves us.



  51. michnavs
    Mar 04, 2017 @ 13:57:05

    Again i missed this post.. i am just glad i navigated back to your site.. now i understand why i was so anxious to find for you cos i havent really seen you in my reader for a while..

    I am glad you are well Sue..Bless you always..



  52. gageier
    Mar 06, 2017 @ 10:49:33

    Liebe Sue danke für die Nachfrage es ist so jeder Tag ist ein guter Tag wünsche dir einen schönen Start in die neue Woche Klaus in Freundschaft



  53. summerrain63
    Mar 07, 2017 @ 07:31:50

    that’s a very nice painting….I want one…I need peace in my life too….smiles..
    plus it really is quite a beautiful painting….glad you are smiling again my friend..



  54. europasicewolf
    Mar 07, 2017 @ 16:04:11

    Peace comes to our hearts in so many different ways. I’m so glad you found yours 😀xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  55. Robert Matthew Goldstein
    Mar 08, 2017 @ 03:16:43

    It’s beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people


  56. aussieian2011
    Mar 08, 2017 @ 12:01:51

    A beautiful Spiritual gift Sue, you ask and you are given the sign, you care and are cared in return by your Angels.
    You are held in high esteem by others from a different level.
    I think your feather was a gift.

    Liked by 1 person


  57. Barbara Franken
    Mar 09, 2017 @ 08:10:25

    It’s like you gave yourself a happy ending, or at least the courage to continue creating our New Earth and Happy Ending from within. I have also been shown signs to hold in there, to not go with a repeated pattern as they are now rising to the surface to be embraced and transformed into new potential to play out New Earth on the physical plane. Much love Sue, Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 09, 2017 @ 13:08:21

      Yes I am in full agreement there with you Barbara.. its like a double test Lol.. I am calling in for back-up lol.. The higher realms are responding.. 🙂 Thank you for those encouraging words.. Love Sue xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  58. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 15:43:44

    Reading your posts, always makes me feel kinda peaceful. I don’t know how you do it, or, how it works, but it just happens.

    The painting looks beautiful…may the lightness and beauty of the feather make you feel in the same way. Much love to you, dear Sue ❤ ❤



  59. Thomas Davis
    Mar 10, 2017 @ 22:04:24

    Ethel wanted me to tell you she really likes your art. This tale of the feather reminds me of an experience I had near Calgary Canada when I was with a group of Maori during the World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium meetings. I was with a powerful Maori elder out in a field near the teepees ranged white in a large meadow at the time:

    Brother William , Maori Singer

    Twelve hawks soaring in a circle,
    Each wheeling interlocking into the next
    As they soar higher and higher,
    Dark wings part of summer blue sky,
    Growing smaller as they climb
    Above valley grasses,
    Pines, and fluttering aspen leaves
    Covering sides of hills,
    Rising into symphony
    Of ever lighter blue distance,
    Ever climbing mountains.

    Then, in a splinter of light,
    Bird wing flashes white.
    The world changes
    While sky, mountains, trees
    Live inside their own sense of time.

    On the stage, wooden, outside,
    Before a crowd of brown faces,
    Maori laugh and sing
    A storm of life
    And eyes dancing in faces.

    In the midst of song and laughter,
    A slim, aging man stood in front of the singers.
    He spoke of birds wheeling high in the distance of sky.

    There is wonder in the world — as your feather in the storm shows.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 11, 2017 @ 16:26:27

      Thank you Thomas and please pass on my regards to Ethel whose own art is so beautiful.. And I loved that piece you brought me of your own experience.. It was very descriptive and visual so thank you for taking me high among the hawks.. 🙂 Blessings Sue ❤



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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