I’m Busy doing Nothing, Working the whole day through.

I remember Doing Nothing Quotes - Life is risky Quoteswell that song Bing Crosby sang in it a film A Connecticut Yankee in  King Authurs Court   ‘Trying my best not to find things to do’ I have been busy going nowhere now isn’t that just a crime.. I try to be unhappy, but……. I never do have the time.” or something like that.. the song is in the link above..

So many times in my life I would loved to have had ‘Nothing’ to do,  We are taught from a young age, Not to waste our time, and Time costs money.. Working as I did for many a year within the textile industry on piece-work and later in training and on the production side, targets had to be met so working an 8 hour day meant you were on the go All of the time..

Even as a support worker for over 10 years  I would always be busy finding something to do.. I have spoken before about the transition of  taking early retirement and the difficulty I found in that adjustment..

Well some 10 months later I think this last week I finally got my head into gear as my head finally let go of the need to worry about things which I hadn’t got around to doing.. It stuck me only today, at how conditioned we are for us to feel ‘Guilty’ at pleasing ourselves.. And taking time out for one’s self and not being at other’s beck and call..

For many a year I would find it difficult to say that little word.. ‘NO’ for I would always fill in at a moments notice to cover an extra shift in my support worker role.. and be taken for granted that I would do so, then I would bemoan the fact I worked long hours as often other staff wouldn’t turn up for their shifts and I would have to stay to do a double.. Such was life when someone needs 24/7 support. And staffing levels were short.

This week I have indulged myself in my Garden and  Allotments, and just sat on my lawn reading. I have dipped in and out of WP and for once not felt guilty to the many posts I know others have published that I have missed.. And I stopped feeling guilty I hadn’t posted..  And I have breathed in deeper and Sighed out even louder at the Freedom I have felt from the shift within.. Maybe those of you who are my friends here who know more about Astrology than I, can see that the planets have perhaps helped me get into my new groove in my alignment of my Letting GO and Flow phase. 🙂

Yes even though I thought I had moved that extra step a few months back as I let go.. Yet another shift has taken place, and a new lightness now surrounds me, a smile is now grinning even more often..  My vibration has learned another lesson, And as if to add to the flow, Even the Inland Revenue today sent a letter saying I had paid too much tax and was in for a  refund.. Whooo hoo! that felt Good!..

I am in the Flow!

Keep Flowing and Enjoy your weekend




123 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Writing to Freedom
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 16:18:21

    Awesome Sue! Some of my best times have been when I relaxed into lazing around. Maybe you’ll inspire me to do more nothing. Have a relaxing and lazy weekend. 🙂



  2. litebeing
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 16:46:18

    Imagine my surprise to see the title of this post as this was a song my dad always sang to me implying I was being lazy,lol! He would sing the first couple lines. I guess I would say I am busy and this is how he would respond. Never asked about the source and thought perhaps he made up the song. My dad was big on catchphrases and one liners, etc.

    back to your post…. I can relate that transitions often take longer than one expects. I like to lounge around but often judge myself for it ( no wonder). Years of conditioning will leave us with an automatic to-do list mindset if we do not intervene. It clearly takes effort to stop autopilot behaviors and attitudes, but we can change and do change, eventually. Taurus folk are among the most routine oriented, but you already know that 🙂

    Keep enjoying life and remember that feeling guilty is a choice you do not have to choose.

    love, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 13:15:31

      Yes many years of conditioning Linda until we give ourselves permission to be Us.. instead of pleasing others.. I am happy the Song brought back a memory.. I often sing this song when I am busy doing nothing! 🙂 and have even got my granddaughter singing it too 🙂
      Have a wonderful weekend.. I hope you are continuing to feel better.. I have still been sending you. xox Hugs Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  3. ptero9
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 16:46:46

    Hi Sue,
    Ha ha! I am with you every non-step of the way. 🙂
    Happy flowing!



  4. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 16:58:54

    yes it’s hard for a sensitive caring person to disconnect and just bask in the serenity of ‘nothing.’ but it’s so important in helping one ground, to connect on other unspoken levels/senses to a much-larger network. i become much more intuitive while immersed in quiet solitude.

    as always, lovely post!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 13:19:13

      Yes being artistic its the quiet moments of solitude which brings the inspiration out.. 🙂 And its also in those moments I write my poems.. I think the ‘Buzz’ of the internal dialogue has stopped its inner chattering that has been bugging me.. and since its quietened down I have sensed this new found Peace which is bliss.. 🙂 lovely having you comment.. Love and Blessings.. xxx Sue



  5. megdekorne
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 17:06:23

    You are in a most blessed flow dear Sue ! Your writing expresses your loving and accepting spirit of which I thank you from my heart ….hugs and love , megxxx



  6. Lois
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 17:26:38

    I’m so happy for you that you are finally settling in. I too was raised with that work ethic that said we needed to work every shift offered and be productive each minute of our day. Staying home took a long time to be comfortable with.

    Just as I was learning to say no and learning to take care of me first I was nearing my 40s and happened on a book on menopause by Christiane Northrupp where she mentioned a shifting in our brain occurs at this time which causes us to change from the mothering self to a stage of needing me time. It was such a relief to learn this was a natural process and it was okay to slow down and enjoy the little moments.

    Congrats on your refund, don’t spend it all in one place. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 13:26:10

      Lois, great to have you here my dear friend.. And yes the guilt ridden aspect of feeling obliged to keep working is ingrained within us… And the cheque came today, 🙂 which brought another large smile.. 🙂



  7. Ka Malana@Fiestaestrellas.com
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 17:37:57

    Hi Sue,
    I’m thinking of how great it is to settle in, and meanwhile, resting in the activities that bring us so much joy. Your post reminded me of whistling and working at the same time. Time passes, and though my mind and hands are busy, there’s always another project – another goal – so I’m smelling the roses meanwhile 🙂 Reading in the lawn… great idea! Here’s to your renewed lightness of Being, Cheers xo Ka

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 13:30:00

      You know Ka.. I am a whistler.. yes I am.. and often can be heard whistling while I peg out the washing.. I even taught my granddaughter to whistle it took her a while, but now she can put together a tune.. 🙂 I am pleased you too are smelling the Roses.. And I am pleased I made the most of the fine warm weather.. As this weekend its much cooler and raining heavily.. typical weekend weather.. Lovely to receive your own energy recharge as you light up my day Ka.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  8. prenin
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 17:46:36

    Welcome to retirement hun! 🙂

    Love and huge squishy hugs!




  9. Alex Jones
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 17:56:35

    It is always good to have the positive flow running in your direction 🙂



  10. irenedesign2011
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 18:38:29

    It is not easy to settle down and get used to not need to get out of the house or work every morning, when that has been the routine for many years. It takes time to learn, what ever we choose it ourselves or get forced because of our health.
    I needed long time to find myself too. Just relax and enjoy the process Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  11. David
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 19:00:17

    Me, busy trying to find things to do in a house full of boxes while we wait for a new buyer, coming soon we know. Love your new found tranquillity Sue. Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 13:48:06

      I didn’t know David your buyer had fell through David, I am sorry to hear that.. but I know like you both know, all will fit into place when it’s ready.. hope to catch up with you this weekend my friend.. sending Mega hugs your way .. Love Sue



  12. Hariod Brawn
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 19:05:23

    Acquisitiveness and our self-perceived productivity, if not kept in balance with other emotional needs, have become something of a modern disease epidemic it seems to me Sue. In the West, we are conditioned to over-exert, to strive at levels beyond which we can then hope to live contentedly and healthily, and we are coerced by mainstream media and the marketeers that this is how it should be. The politicians endorse this wearisome ethic, with their constant blathering about ‘aspiration’, ‘getting on’, ‘growth’ and ‘doing the right thing’. I personally feel little will change until we collectively realise that the way we have Capitalism structured simply is not functioning in the people’s interest. H ❤

    Liked by 3 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 13:52:59

      I so know what you mean Hariod.. Little will change until we each see how ‘Conditioned’ we have become through our indoctrinated thoughts passed down to us of how we should live.. Profit.. Growth.. Success.. All engineered to tap into our psych to chip away our freedoms and liberties.

      So much more I could say here Hariod, as I like you see the world from a different perspective than many of the sheeple who believe all they are told.
      Wonderful to have your excellent thoughts here Hariod..
      Love and Hugs your way.. Sue x x x

      Liked by 1 person


  13. nonsmokingladybug
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 19:49:14

    I am always doing something, have a hard time sitting still. Then, I learned to relax and now I enjoy doing nothing. Great Post, hugs, Bridget

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Karin
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 19:59:15

    Thanks for sharing, Sue. I like the observation of how the mind objects the peace. It is true , we are so conditioned to constant doing and achieving that it is hard to relax.
    The need to be busy is not the only temptation we have to deal with when we fall into this deep peace. Another temptation is that it is weird not to experience extremes of emotion any more , or that it feels inhuman not to expereince sorrow if a friend , for example, experiences sorrow. In the boom A Course of Love, the ACIM successor, there is a whole chapter on the temptations we have to face when we are at peace.

    I am glad to hear that you find relaxing easier now.


    Liked by 2 people


    • Karin
      Jun 12, 2015 @ 20:01:29

      Sorry, typo above. I meant in book A Course of Love….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 13:57:48

      Yes the mind if we allow it runs a riot of protest as we argue within ourselves to justify taking time out for ourselves.. I so admire anyone who is reading ACIM book.. I have it.. and only have ever managed to dip in and out of it thickness.. But remarkably, I use it like an inspirational tool.. I flick open the book at random and out jumps a passage with a message for me in it.. Have you ever tried that with books Karin?

      have a lovely weekend.. 🙂 Hugs to you and thank you so so much for your visit xx

      Liked by 1 person


      • Karin
        Jun 13, 2015 @ 16:58:50

        Yes, ACIM is not a lot of fun to read. I have read Gary Renard’s book Disappearance of the Universe before, and that book was fun to read and it acted like a tin-can opener for ACIM. After that, I was able to get the core message of ACIM more easily.

        It is really not about reading the book. I haven’t even done all the workbook lessons. I only got up to no 104 and stopped after that.

        What is important, though, is the application of it. Returning to peace over and over again, even if life sucks. And then asking the inner voice how we can see the situation differently.

        Opening a book at a random page can be a great tool for getting guidance. Absolutely. It doesn’t matter whether one uses Tarot cards or angel cards or a book for that. And yes, I have tried that with ACIM, too.

        Liked by 1 person


  15. Barbara Franken
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 21:37:23

    doesn’t it feel great not feeling guilty about doing absolutely nothing… it took me a lot of practice to perfect this art and nothing stops me now… unless I choose to complete challenges every now and again. The Here’s to a great weekend enjoying nothing but everything… Barbara x

    Liked by 2 people


  16. Val Boyko
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 21:58:27

    Good for you Sue … on so many levels 🙂
    Keep flowing and letting go of old shoulds!

    Liked by 2 people


  17. Paul Handover
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 23:15:38

    Fabulous post, Sue. Lovely break from going through too many emails after the outage!

    Liked by 1 person


  18. Mark Lanesbury
    Jun 12, 2015 @ 23:16:21

    And in fact your not doing nothing…your doing you.
    Something that we are expected to ignore all our lives.
    Enjoy the real journey Sue, from the heart 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 14:08:32

      Exactly Mark.. 🙂 I am reminded here of what my guides would tell me.. When in the times I was ill, and I had to cancel my spiritual activities, I would feel myself come to a standstill, and worry that my connection to the spiritual realm was not as strong..

      I remember a guide coming through to tell me, It was only my perception of nothing taking place, that nothing was happening.. when in fact I was told this period of none-activity was the period of time when my growth took its greatest leaps forward..
      Looking back on this, I see so many lessons learnt in those spaces in-between 🙂 I am sure you too can relate to this Mark..
      Many thanks for our conversation today.. Love and Light.. Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  19. Kentucky Angel
    Jun 13, 2015 @ 01:08:02

    You seem to be very busy doing nothing Sue. It really is an acquired accomplishment, and very hard to get used to, esp. when you have worked in the health industry. I guess we both had to learn that one. I always took the double shifts, and the call ins when someone didn’t show up also. Okay when you are young, but not for me now. Way too old for any of that now.

    Just learn to breathe again and it will be okay. It’s a lesson you have to keep on studying over and over for the rest of your life, because it is easily forgotten. Old habits die hard, and being on the go most of your life is one that is very hard to break. I think you’ve made a good start though.

    I’m learning to breathe again also, after a very bad week last week. But God is good and my life goes on, so I just have to remember to breathe. Enjoy your weekend, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 14:10:31

      Dearest Angie.. I am so sorry to hear you have had another Bad week.. I hope to catch up with you over the next few days .. And Yes I hope you DO take it easy my friend.. You have had far far too much to cope with lately… Keep breathing deeply my friend.. and you too rest well this weekend.. Hugs Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Kentucky Angel
        Jun 13, 2015 @ 20:29:39

        I’ll have several bad weeks Sue, but I’m starting the recovery process. One of my grandsons committed suicide on June 2, was not found until June 4, and we are all still living thru the shock and grief this caused. He was very troubled all his life, and it just all overwhelmed him, leading to this final, desperate act. I have wonderful memories of him, and I’m holding on tightly to those, and learning to breathe again.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 14, 2015 @ 18:17:42

          Oh my … Angie I am so so sorry for you and your family.. Hold on tight to those wonderful memories Angie… There are so many younger generation now choosing this route, its heartbreaking.. in our town last week a young girl of 13 took her own life.. heartbreaking for all of you..
          Sending love and healing thoughts to you all xxx Sue



          • Kentucky Angel
            Jun 16, 2015 @ 14:07:43

            Thank you Sue. I think every day there is an obit in the paper about a young person taking their own life. I wonder what is happening to this world. If our young people are not dying in a war, they are taking their own life. Isn’t life of any value to them any longer? I shudder to think about the future of the world now, and I’m glad I am as old as I have become.

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Jun 16, 2015 @ 19:30:29

              I know what you are saying Angie.. I think lots have lost their way in life.. No sense of purpose.. Their lives are often dictated through the media, peer pressure, addictive behaviours, either Video games, drugs, joining gangs to make them feel alive, Daring each other to do stupid things.. They have lost their Value and self respect and often feel left out, alone, and un-loved.. Even if this is not the case.. Our society is not geared up to help our younger ones succeed.. No jobs, nothing worth-while to do, And debt is pushed at them from college days and University, A cycle we see so often. I see more now with eating disorders under stress… My hubby and I said the same Angie.. Unless we nurture our children, grandchildren and help heal our world, The future is bleak..
              Sending thoughts your way to you and yours Angie. xxx ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Kentucky Angel
              Jun 17, 2015 @ 16:13:38

              This is so true. I have been so worried about all of my grandchildren since they were born Sue. Life was still easy to live when my kids were growing up, especially since they were raised on a farm and had their every day tasks to do, rather than having everything handed to them. They weren’t happy about it, but they all turned out well. My daughter expects her kids to work for what they get also, and they are doing well. My son though, tends to give them what they want, and this was the result. Everything on this side of the pond started going wrong when abortion was legalized and human life was declared virtually worthless. I’m not sure there is all that much of a future left now, because our Mother Earth is systematically being destroyed by the hands of modern day humans. There is no respect for for the gifts of the Mother any longer, and the children follow the example of the parent. I wonder if there is any hope left now. My own town has cut down beautiful live trees and replaced them with fake, concrete trees. The children born here today will never know what a real tree looks like.
              Thank you for the good thoughts Sue. They are appreciated. Hugs. Angie


  20. suzicate
    Jun 13, 2015 @ 01:20:45

    In the flow is a wonderful place to be! I felt guilty when I pulled away from reading posts or writing on my blog. I chose to allow my spirit to guide me, however I guilt visits every now and then. I have so much I need to do around here this weekend, but I’m thinking I’d like to take some time to read or perhaps even watch a movie!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 14:13:39

      I agree Suzie, we have to at times pull back, and give to ourselves instead of to others.. and not to feel guilty in the process.. I hope you take some time out to go see that Movie or read.. I have re-read two books this week.. 🙂 that have brought new insights.. Today its raining hard or I would have been out in the garden again.. Instead I am catching up with your lovely comments.. Enjoy your weekend Suzie.. special Hugs xxx Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  21. reocochran
    Jun 13, 2015 @ 05:04:19

    I turned 50 and since then for several years I gently day no to extra work or committees. Of c I urse, if you have nieces, nephews or grandchildren you may still keep or make time for them. Time flues far too quickly to not choose family as priority over work, Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 13, 2015 @ 14:16:24

      Time certainly has flown…. and one wonders where the years have gone.. I see you are enjoying your years, Many thanks for stopping by to comment. 🙂 have a beautiful weekend.. Sue



  22. inavukic
    Jun 13, 2015 @ 05:21:34

    How good is this! In the flow – yeah! Keep “flowing” Sue and isn’t it just grand when the “taxman” says “he” owes you 😀 Love it!



  23. beverley
    Jun 13, 2015 @ 08:41:04

    Having lived a very busy life in the past, my body has taught to live slower and calmer, which i try to do before my body makes me stop. Enjoy your weekend too, Sue xxx



  24. sara
    Jun 13, 2015 @ 09:09:14

    Love the flow! Ride that wave (and thank goodness that Mercury retrograde has finished!)



  25. LadyPinkRose
    Jun 13, 2015 @ 17:49:59

    Good for you, Sue!!! Now that I got unentangled from the circumstances that were deemed to be ousted from out fo my life, I take my camera this weekend and CHILL. I am going to get lost in Mother, one of my most favorite things to do! And I as well have cut way back on my blogging. I have more important things called LIVING LIFE and I cannot do that if I am tied up on a computer all day long. I really don’t know how some people do it. I know in the cold months I am on here much more, but now with this warmer weather, I just will not be chained to a computer. Yes, cheers to FREEDOM!!!! I even took out my beach chair, that I haven’t used in probably 10 years, and I dusted it off, and actually laid down for hours on it, just inhaling my Lilacs when they were in bloom. Taking my dinner plate out to the picnic bench to enjoy my flowers as I eat …. oh yes, I NEED this!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  26. Aquileana
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 01:36:31

    Dear Sue… I think your approach is very wise… We are used to live an hectic life and I really think that the whole doing stuff is a sort of way to deal with death and deeper things, by trying to put them aside… I don´t know if that makes sense to you… But I believe that sometimes doing nothing is the best way to connect in a more personal way with ourselves!… Thanks for the clever post… Love and big hugs Aquileana 😀

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 14, 2015 @ 14:04:24

      Yes It makes perfect sense to me.. but then I do not fear death, for I know its a continuum of Life as we transform. And you are wise for your years.. Yes the quiet times are a great opportunity to get to know our inner selves, and when we learn to connect with our hearts better, we help not only heal ourselves, but we heal the world of its ills too..
      🙂 Love and Blessings
      Sue xox

      Liked by 1 person


  27. The Emu
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 06:14:37

    Great to see that all is going well in your world of doing nothing Sue, being preoccupied continuously can be draining, not only to the body but mind as well.
    Hopefully someone at the Revenue office will read your post, and start a trend.

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Jerry E Beuterbaugh
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 09:51:05

    “Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary” has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.




  29. Emma Sarah Tennant
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 10:46:37

    Taking time out to look after yourself can benefit others as well as you, we all too often forget this! Thanks for remind us that taking a less hectic approach is so much better 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  30. kp
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 14:02:50

    Lovely Sue….Kim

    Liked by 1 person


  31. Nihar Pradhan
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 14:57:34

    Yes, change is so fundamental to our life. The more we accept and align with the change, the more happier we are with our life. Being in the tight schedule of the work and working under pressure, it takes a toll out of us and we are so much into work, many times we just don’t realize the pressure we are taking. Work is important but life is more than just work.

    Similarly, blogging is one part of our engagement in our life, we need to control our blogging not the other way round, and yes we should not feel guilty or regret in not reading few posts and not able to post few more as schedule. I agree, it is required for us to be consistent and adhere some schedule but it should reach a point where there is a role reversal.

    We should have a control, take a break, forget these schedule and enjoy life without the demand of work and pressure, duty and responsibility…just make ourselves free and swing in the beauty of nature and glory of freedom.

    Hope you are having a lovely Sunday…



  32. dilipnaidu
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 17:31:12

    Yes Sue your words “I am in the Flow!” send out powerful vibrations of spontaneity and effortlessness. Thank you so much.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. quarteracrelifestyle
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 19:11:27

    I have been very much the same Sue, must be the moon and the stars 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person


  34. D.G.Kaye
    Jun 14, 2015 @ 23:08:17

    Sue, I’m so glad you have been taking time for yourself, in fact, I’m envious. We talk about this a lot, taking time for ourselves, yet seldom act on it. I’m proud of you friend. I keep saying I will do that, yet afraid of the repercussions when I find so much more to catch up on. I can’t seem to find a balance yet. But I’m going away in three weeks and trying to talk myself into leaving the laptop at home. I’m not sure yet I can do that.
    And yes, I remember the days when I was younger that I actually complained I was bored, imagine that? Be careful what we wish for 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 15, 2015 @ 13:06:56

      Thank you Deb, Good to hear you will be taking a holiday break soon.. And its liberating not having the laptop… Just do it and enjoy the moment… It dawned upon me how often we feel obliged we are to others.. And so seldom put our own obligations to just pampering ourselves with all that attention.. 🙂 You can always take a journal and write long hand your thoughts and words for your book, and then you are not tempted only to perhaps log on in the hotel to catch emails etc.. It may also be good practice Deb or a subject for another BOOK.. 🙂 as we learn to live without technology for a while.. as you analyse your thoughts and log them in a journal.. I Dare you! 🙂 haha.. LOL… BIG Hugs your way.. Love your way ❤ xxx Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  35. europasicewolf
    Jun 15, 2015 @ 09:55:46

    Keep up the good work Sue! Sounds like you’re doing great and that can only be good for you! 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person


  36. PreciousRhymes
    Jun 15, 2015 @ 22:30:31

    Hi Sue. I can relate to the looming challenges the mind presents every time I contemplate a nurturing stop for the self. I still haven’t mastered the art of saying ‘No’ without feeling guilty, which sometimes leads to a feeling of a burnout when pushing the limits of the body and the mind. In bed sick as I write simply because I refused to take the time to smell the roses. I hope my planets (especially the ones orbiting at dizzying speeds in my mind) will align soon too 😉 Much Love!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 16, 2015 @ 19:17:33

      Dear PR.. I have been there often, We can often be our own worst enemies as we take on board the overload of work, and also we over-load ourselves within our emotions.. As we who empathise can take on the emotions of other peoples stories as we feel them as our own.
      Learning to detach is hard, and detach from those who drain us, as we keep on giving while they keep on taking..
      Please remember to ‘Smell those Roses ‘ PR. For only we can call a halt, and take time out for ourselves… If we do not nurture our selves once in a while we are not going to be able to take care of others..
      Love and Hugs my friend Take care of YOU! x

      Liked by 1 person


  37. valentinelogar
    Jun 16, 2015 @ 03:32:28

    I am still learning, but I am trying. It is thrilling to see you on the journey and winning!

    Liked by 1 person


  38. Maria F.
    Jun 16, 2015 @ 19:24:33

    So glad for you Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


  39. jacksjottings
    Jun 17, 2015 @ 06:16:51

    So pleased you are taking care of number one and into the gardening.
    It is ok to be actively engaged it is the pressure of racing to the next task and not enjoying the now.
    Notice Sue how slow I am to comment on your wise inspiring post.
    Now you understand why I am like this it is because I retired 25 years ago.
    From a demanding job looking after the maintenance of bridging structures on the Auckland Motorway. Before that I was in charge of quality inspection on pipelines long hours and if I worked weekends my three sons came on the job with me. Pushed to breaking point. I handed in my resignation. I lost the big carrot one gets if they go the distance but I kept my health intact. Health is the greatest wealth and love is the greatest conqueror.
    Thanks again for the reblog _/\_

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 17, 2015 @ 17:06:29

      Jack, I can appreciate how when you took that decision you put family and health first.. And I should have had to have kept working for another 5 years for a pension.. But Health and peace of Mind comes first.. And I could feel myself getting far too stressed up in the metal health support work I was doing.. Plus my own safety came first which was put at risk several times.

      We both know that no amount of ‘Carrots’ can substitute well being and health..

      I just hope dear Jack I continue well into my 25th year of retirement with as much vigour and heart as you have Jack.. I thank you.. And the reblog was my pleasure and so many others have enjoyed your post…
      Love and Light _/\_ Sue



      • jacksjottings
        Jun 25, 2015 @ 05:38:23

        I think I wrote a comment saying I thought we were in tune or may be we were on the same wavelength or words to that effect back when I first met Sue Dreamwalkers blog.
        I have benefited from reading your blog and by your remarks my writing has been of some help to you, in that you are still a deeply caring person but have realised we cannot let the problems on the outside up set the calm within us. We must put our self first or we become a liability to others rather than a help.
        Take good care of number one Sue and you will enjoy a long and joyful retirement.
        I have had one wonderful week enjoying myself in Bondi Sydney and it was a win win situation. Where smiles were, as that little poem on your blog described them, an infectious epidemic level. Yes when we have good attitude and look after number one every one benefits.
        Now I will cruse around and hopefully touch base with some of those kind people that you introduced me to. _/\_



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 25, 2015 @ 15:44:49

          Yes Jack.. it took a little time for it to sink in for the Number One issue LOL.. but I got there in the end.. And its a great feeling to nurture one’s self and let go of the thoughts which make us feel tied down.. Lovely to see you and I am so pleased you enjoyed Bondi Sydney.. I hope you meet some great WP people Jack… I know they will be thrilled with your visit… Take care.. Sue _/\_

          Liked by 1 person


  40. MichelleMarie
    Jun 17, 2015 @ 19:11:40

    Sue I feel the same way and have experienced this myself saying no and letting those that work with me pay for their own mistakes and also I’m not the fixer of broken things! I love that when I finally let go! It seems like a series of letting go! I love that went to your gardens! Me too and also art! I took a wonderful vacation to Chicago and really go that I need to do things for me that fill my soul! Yay for us! Good for you! I applaud you! So wonderful! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😄😄😄💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person


  41. laura kilty
    Jun 23, 2015 @ 16:46:28

    Beautiful! It is so important to relax and allow ourselves to just BE. Enjoy your ‘me time’!x

    Liked by 1 person


  42. lscotthoughts
    Jun 25, 2015 @ 02:26:44

    I’m glad I read this, Sue, because as you know we can’t keep up with the emails and I had missed many. But I love this post and I can see you smiling and I can feel the serenity flowing through you now. So happy the planets decided to accommodate you. 🙂 I still can’t wait for retirement but I can also understand the adjustment period. Just keep going and flowing and enjoying your days as they come. Hugs! xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 25, 2015 @ 15:40:44

      Lauren.. always good to have you.. And yes I am smiling… wider so because of your visit.. And believe me that day will be around sooner than we think when we wish it.. And then we wonder where time went… I am enjoying retirement now though.. Living each moment of NOW to the fullest.. Love and Hugs your way .. Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


    Jun 27, 2015 @ 14:05:17

    Hi my dearest and beloved friend Sue ! I feel so sorry I was not able to come earlier and admire your spiritual and enlightening posts.I was stuck with some Flickr activity and then we started our short summer holiday trips.On the go all the time and you know how it works … I am fed up with grumbling all the time that I have not enough time for the lovely WordPress world … I have completely neglected my blog,I feel depressed and embarrassed …
    Can’t thank you enough for your concern,for coming to my place and commenting again and again and for sending me your kindest thoughts!You are a real Lady,a Lady with capital L and a very compassionate and generous friend ! I do respect you and I am more than grateful to you!I feel so lucky I have met you,my lovely friend!Btw,what a gorgeous post !I wish I could say that I’m Busy doing Nothing ….
    Wise indeed,but the hectic life we lead leaves little margin for such a pleasure …
    We must not complain about it,though,I think we have shaped the unbearable formulas and we have neglected our spiritual needs … Thank God that there bloggers like you that remind us lost values …
    Sending so much Love,Respect,Happiness,Peace and Big Big Hugs to You and Yours ! Take care, Doda xxxxx ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 28, 2015 @ 12:25:23

      Dearest Doda.. I am just pleased all is well with you in your world.. And yes we each lead hectic lives.. And as for time! I too think there is never enough hours in a day.. I start out with good intentions of creating a post, and often get so caught up in reading other peoples post a morning flies by.. SO I am trying to limit my self on the laptop.. As while the weather is good, I would sooner be out in nature and the garden :-).. Summer is all too short.. 🙂
      And please do not put yourself down Doda.. you have to put yourself first.. we all do.. For often we forget ourselves.
      Many thanks for your lovely comment dear Doda.. and sending back much love and gratitude to you.. ❤ Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  44. auntyuta
    Jun 29, 2015 @ 08:38:58

    Dear Sue, you say: ” . . . I have dipped in and out of WP and for once not felt guilty to the many posts I know others have published that I have missed.. And I stopped feeling guilty I hadn’t posted.. And I have breathed in deeper and Sighed out even louder at the Freedom I have felt from the shift within. . . . .”

    I did a reblog of a post by Christian Mihai:

    Too far apart

    Aussie Ian commented:

    “I read that post Uta and left a comment.
    A very thought provoking post, it left me feeling rather sad, Sad to think we have succumbed to technology to the extent, we have lost perspective of life and our existence.
    I appreciate your thoughts and post, may I recommend you visit a friend of mine on Word press, Sue, she goes by the name Dreamwalker.”

    I would think not everyone has totally succumbed to technology, however far too many people do not seem to have a choice, no choice at all. I totally agree that early retirement, if at all possible, should be the way to go.

    I loved to read your thoughts on this,dear Sue. We, the people are not machines and should have ample time for reflection and to commute with people in the neighbourhood. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 29, 2015 @ 16:18:33

      Lovely to have you visit and comment dear Uta.. And bless dear Ian.. I called by the post of your link.. and left a comment there.
      As to your question.. “We, the people are not machines and should have ample time for reflection and to commute with people in the neighbourhood.”.. I so agree…
      We did not grow up in the era of internet.. or mobile phones or tablets as they are called 🙂 And we managed just fine walking for miles and travelling long distances with no forms of communication if you broke down in your car, other than walk to the nearest phone box. 🙂 if you were lucky or the nearest pub.. :-D..

      Today I see young mums taking children to school pushing pushchairs with a toddler strolling behind while they are fully concentrating on their mobile device.. My heart goes in my mouth at times as in a blink of an eye a toddler can be so unpredictable .. Priorities seem to have changed since we were younger..

      That being said.. we ‘Oldies’ have moved with the times.. and now are exploring the internet and have got used to having our mobile phones.. We who get caught up within the ‘WEB’ on line, can if we are not careful allow it to start to run away with us..

      My own personal problem as you see with this posts content.. I do care about my readers and those I subscribe too.. And the ‘Old School’ within me doesn’t like to let people down.. But I realise I am Only Human.. 😀 and can not possibly keep up with those who blog every day sometimes more.. And this inherent ‘Guilt’ is what I speak of.. For we should be all of us aware we should communicate within our neighbourhoods and families and with our friends..
      Yet for the modern day person connection to the internet means these have become their neighbourhood of friends.. Society is changing as we distance ourselves ever further apart like your repost said..
      I am lucky in that our neighbours speak.. we shout hello.. and we chat and the allotments is another place to gather together..

      I do worry about the younger generation who are hooked continually into their devices.. And that is why I encourage my own granddaughter who is 4 at every opportunity to embrace Nature and outdoor pursuits.. For even her parents bought her a tablet aged 4!
      I retired early age 60.. to share the home life I missed out on so much while I worked full time throughout my life.. Life is a precious gift and that is why I am not spending as much of it on line.. every day.. 🙂 For a hobby I enjoy.. Blogging.. But I so enjoy Nature so much more..

      Sending thoughts of gratitude your way Uta and thank you for your question… Apologies for the long answer 🙂 Sue xox 🙂



  45. auntyuta
    Jun 30, 2015 @ 04:51:35

    Thank you so much, Sue, for this long answer. I appreciate it. The things you’re talking about interest me very much. You say that you can not possibly keep up with those who blog every day sometimes more. I sometimes publish more than one post. But I do not expect every follower to read every post I publish. Likewise, I certainly could not keep up with all the posts that come along my way every day. I am always sorry when I find out later that I missed out reading a blog that is wonderfully written and very interesting. But as you say, we are human. I am kind of determined to take it as it comes. On the positive side is that it is so rewarding to find the gem of a post a long time after it has been published. But I realize that I can never ever be very close to hundreds and hundreds of people. To me it is satisfactory to know that there are lots of people out there I can communicate with, but that it is just not possible to communicate with everyone on a daily basis.
    I am thrilled, dear Sue, that you want to follow me. Be assured, no hard feelings, when you cannot keep up with all the publications. Even my husband does not read everything that I write or copy or republish or reblog. There are limits to what one can read. From now on I want to look at as much as possible of your writing. I often read your comments to Ian’s blogs and always like them! Peter (my husband) and I did once meet Ana and Ian in person!
    Hugs from Uta



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 05, 2015 @ 11:18:21

      Lovely to meet you Uta.. and Ian and Ana have been Web friends now for many years, and lucky that you met such a lovely couple.. And I know they too were lucky in meeting you and your hubby in person.. If memory now serves me.. Did Ian do a post on you meeting?.. And just catching up here on WP after enjoying a Sunny Week here in the UK.. 🙂 Take care.. and my pleasure in following you.. Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  46. auntyuta
    Jul 06, 2015 @ 08:25:23

    I am not sure whether Ian did a post about our meeting. You can find some of my writing about our meeting with photos when you go to this link:


    I am glad, Sue, that you could enjoy a Sunny Week in the UK. We have at the moment beautiful sunny winter days, but very low temperatures, especially at night time. Cheers, Uta .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 07, 2015 @ 12:25:10

      Thank you for the link.. I paid it a visit.. I am pleased your Winter is enjoying sunny days.. wrap up on those cold nights .. We are having a brilliant Summer here for a change. 🙂 Hence my absence from WP for longer.. that and its Wimbledon Tennis.. 🙂 😉

      Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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