Growing Time.

“We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it.”
~ Rick Warren~ 

Many thanks for your wonderful responses to my Listening to the Universe series. I appreciate every single one of your wonderful replies. 

I also want to thank the many new subscribers who have joined Dreamwalker’s over the last couple of weeks.. I hope you are enjoying exploring and please make yourselves known and I will return your greetings..

 This is what I have been up to over the last couple of days..

I have been pricking out all of the seedlings I now have 16 trays of flowers. Not to mention all the veggies that are growing. 

Below you will see the many butterflies we saw on a walk. there must have been 6 Peacock Butterflies on this willow having a drink  but most flew off when I approached .

Our Granddaughter who is now 4 is also growing so fast. She is so very in tune with nature. 

Even the Gold Fish in our small pond are thriving. The year before last our goldfish had a baby, I am sure they had more than one, but only one survived. We didn’t see it until it had grown as it was totally black. last year it began to get its colour and over winter it is now the same colour as its Mum 🙂  We also have lots of frogs which help keep the slugs down in our home garden. But they were camera shy!

It seems  from many of your replies to my last post so many more are delving to shed their load as we continue to grow together upon our Earth Journey. 

Here are some Hugs for you, I hope you share more along the way with others you meet.


Love Sue

100 Comments (+add yours?)

    Apr 11, 2015 @ 17:57:10

    Das finde ich gut. Wir haben Tomaten selber ausgesät. Schöne Pflanzen. LG. Wolfgang



  2. Val Boyko
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 18:07:49

    Love your seedlings, fishes and butterflies with hopes for a delightful and bountiful summer Sue 🙂



  3. dilipnaidu
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 18:28:15

    The seedlings seem so healthy and perfect. I wish I could be so well organised as you are. And you lil 4 year old grand- daughter looks so cute. Thanks for al the beautiful pics Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:56:21

      Dilip, I am certain you are well organised.. 🙂 Lovely to see you.. I hope I have not missed too many of your posts.. And will be on my catch up very soon.. Thank you yes our granddaughter we think is pretty cute.. 😉 Lovely that you dropped in.. xxx Hugs Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person


      • dilipnaidu
        Apr 12, 2015 @ 17:36:32

        Not much of blogging at my end Sue. Enjoying my teaching and a bit more of golfing 🙂

        Will keep looking up and learning from your writings. Best wishes always.



  4. Kentucky Angel
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 18:55:20

    Beautiful Sue. So many flowers–you’ll have a gorgeous garden this summer. I can’t wait to see the photos of that. And such a sweet little granddaughter. They grown so fast. Hugs to you also Sue. Angie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:54:44

      I hope so Angie.. It will not be for the want of trying! 🙂 Yes in a couple of years she will be wanting to be off with her friends so we have to make the most of this precious time.. xxx Big hugs back x ❤



  5. Visionkeeper
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:02:38

    Jealous!!! Still waiting for the snow to go 😦 Soon….Plants are under lights and I’m hoping they sprout soon…So many flowers you have! Can’t wait for pix of your gardens…I hope you have a great weekend. Can’t believe how big your granddaughter has grown!!! Have fun…Hugs and love…VK ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:53:20

      Dear VK.. your snow seems never ending!…. I so hope your plants soon thrive when the Spring finally arrives.. Yes our Granddaughter is tall for 4.. and she is a little chatter-box and is coming for a sleep over tomorrow and all day Tues while she is still on Easter hols from pre-school.

      Big hugs back.. Hope you too enjoy your day xxx Love DW xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Heartafire
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:18:57

    Such a lovely and inspiring posts, love your photos, you are a busy lady!



  7. narf77
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:27:53

    Those butterflies are so much more colourful than our natives that tend to be orange and black, but I am guessing that anything that colourful in our drab native bushland would be instantly seized and scoffed. Growing seedlings for the garden is an entirely therapeutic way to re-engage with the garden, with the world and get back out into nature. Here in the southern hemisphere, we don’t have that distinct line between seasons that most of you northern hemisphere people do and so we can tend to grow things year round and plant things out in winter. I guess we lose that primal seasonal awareness in the process. Since we moved to Tassie, where the winters are much colder than my home state, I have noticed that the seasonal differences are much greater and time seems to flow more naturally. You know that when it’s cold you are supposed to get some rest from all of that hard physical labour in the garden and use your mind more. I am hoping to get plenty of opportunity to use my mind in reading and plotting out crochet patterns this winter. I just put my first pot of tea on to brew with Brunhilda’s help. Life is good 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:33:44

      You do such a lot of work on Serendipity Narf.. I must say I do like the definitions between Seasons, as like you in winter it gives us time to get those other projects done.. ( Oh I did teach myself all the Crochet stitches with that book too) I have lots of patterns for Afghans and shawls… So watch this space come next winter.. 🙂 I treated myself to a new set of Crochet hooks too.. But I still want to use the hook like I do my knitting needle.. Can’t get the hang of using as the book says.. 🙂 but I can do some squares… which grow very fast.. 🙂

      Hope that tea was a good Brew!.. And Bless good old Brunhilda .. That is one thing on my wish list.. a Woodburner.. but our home is not really geared up for one..but its on my wish list.. 🙂

      Big Hugs and hope your brain soon slows down too from all your studying… Many thanks for dropping by.. Hugs and YES LIFE IS GOOD! x ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  8. Jacqueline King
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 19:54:37

    Wow Sue ~ you have been productive recently! Loving your seedlings and bright butterflies, your goldfish and your precious granddaughter. Such an uplifting, u if yung post, thank you! 🙂 💜



  9. Tom Merriman
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 20:09:20

    Thanks, Sue.



  10. sophiaschildren
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 20:20:55

    Wow, you’ve been busy! Thank you for letting us visit your garden, if from afar! The butterflies and the goldfish are beautiful, and so vibrantly colored (I didn’t know some of the latter were black when wee and then change color!). It’s so fortunate that your grand-daughter is experiencing this closeness to Mama Earth and your Wisdom as well, Sue. Love, Jamie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:09:07

      Many thanks Jamie.. yes Neither did we.. But it makes sense to be camouflaged, so the outdoor fish must be at least 2 years old when you buy them for the pond.. We were very happy our fish managed to have this one.. 🙂
      Yes our Granddaughter is a gift and she takes everything in, remembering .. She never stops asking questions.. And hopefully what I can share will give her good grounding in working alongside of Nature.. x



  11. dontchawannadream
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 20:59:46

    Nature ❤ !! 🙂 Very nice post, Sue!



  12. eugene1492
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 21:16:06

    Thank you so much, dear Sue. Your posts are heartwarming, as are your comments on David’s posts.
    I do read you, even though I don’t always comment.
    Let’s beat our drums so the entire World can hear that it’s time to wake up.
    Spring has come back. Let’s make the most of this pretty season.
    With Much Love and Much Light.
    Regards to all of you, writer and readers of this post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 16:00:56

      Many thanks Eugene.. Its lovely that you have visited.. and I enjoy all of David’s writing, a very talented soul.. And Yes Spring is a lovely time of year when blossoms and life begins anew… I have been watching the birds this week building their nests.. We have 2 blackbirds nests and a robin. and may have a sparrows in the evergreen whom I have seen dash in and out with food…
      Many thanks for your Drum beats Eugene..
      Sue x



  13. litebeing
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 21:32:45

    You are so productive and creative Sue. I have a neighbor like you who plants in our yard and teaches art. I like to watch her plant, It is comforting. My request for the 12th Insight is at the library so hopefully I can start reading soon. Thanks for being you. Hugs, Linda



  14. litebeing
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 21:32:45

    You are so productive and creative Sue. I have a neighbor like you who plants in our yard and teaches art. I like to watch her plant, It is comforting. My request for the 12th Insight is at the library so hopefully I can start reading soon. Thanks for being you. Hugs, Linda



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 15:51:28

      Many thanks Linda… and I am sure you will get lots out of the Twelfth Insight too… it re-affirms about synchronisities and Karma… along with a tale of adventure as well..
      Your neighbour sounds to be Earth Connected also.. Planting, even weeding is very therapeutic and relaxing if you don’t over exert yourself.. I hope after your ordeal you too are resting up and taking it easy.. .. Big Hugs your wayxx Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  15. eyes Of Odysseus
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 21:48:03

    Hi Sue,

    Wonderful to see everything and everyone growing and thriving. Loving everything you’re doing. So positive and beautiful. Blessings to your family. congrats on your grandbaby’s fourth b-day. And may spring and summer continue to bear rich fruit for you. Your pics made me smile.

    o and om.



  16. Paul Handover
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 22:17:31

    Love the photograph of your granddaughter! 🙂 Yes, we came back from town this morning laden down with vegetable plants.



  17. Writing to Freedom
    Apr 11, 2015 @ 22:27:12

    Your garden starts are impressive. And I love the pond with fish and frogs! That’s one of my future projects. I haven’t decided if you inspire me or intimidate me in your gardening prowess! XD



  18. Dalo 2013
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 00:31:42

    This is a great post ~ love the photos, they add to the life and fullness of your writing. A perfect post for a Sunday.



  19. Trini Lind
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 02:09:51

    I love this post! I love your garden! and I love your little granddaughter, she looks so sweet and wonderful! That hugging strangers reminded me of one amazing service I went to once in an old catholic church in Quito, Ecuador. I normally don’t go to services in Norwegian churches because they only focus on sin. But this church kind of called out to me. The priest was a young man with a very warm and beautiful aura. He spoke Spanish so I could not understand everything, but I understood enough to get that he was talking about the world as a brother-and sisterhood of humans, how we all love each other from our souls because we have come from the same parent and grown up together in heaven. By the end of the sermon he asked us to turn to our right and hug the person standing next to us and then to turn left and hug that person too. It was quite lovely! I received two beautiful hugs from an elderly man and a young lady. Afterwards many of us had tears in our eyes. If Church services were like that all the time all over the world I would love going to church!! 🙂 ❤ 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 15:26:59

      I agree Trini if only Church services taught about Love and Hugs instead of Sin and damnation!. lol.. It shows just how its affect has remained with you all these years… Its hard to think there are some who never get a hug.. I have to say I am a very Huggy person.. and when I would be giving my own Spiritual services in Spiritualist centres, I would be hugging everyone.. and like your priest I would encourage the congregation to turn to the next person and shake hands and say hello.. it broke the ice especially for any new comers to the service. and I would encourage any one to come up to me at the end of a service to have a chat..

      Thank you Trini for sharing that memory.. I am so happy you enjoyed this post.. and yes our granddaughter is a wonderful gift.. x



  20. TamrahJo
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 03:27:09

    Oh Sue – I just sighed over the pics of all the seedlings – I’m busy lugging infrastructure pieces and dirt around and will be doing quick annuals/ and buying potted tomatoes/peppers this year – 😦 But by next year, I shall have so many more square feet ready for annuals, graced by perennials and so much less weeding/mowing – so maybe, just maybe, I will get around to doing my own ‘early starts’ – 🙂
    By the way – since you’re kind – do you mind explaining what ‘pricking’ actually entails? Does it just mean thinning out to the strongest shoot out of a group of teeny-tiny seeds you accidentally dropped 10 of in a spot, instead of just 3? LOL If not, would love to heare what pricking is, because see the term in gardening blogs/books/manuals all the time, but not sure I get it !
    Thought I use pricking all the time, it’s usually in exasperation when someon is ‘prickin’ around’ instead of just jumping in and getting a job done – LOL



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 15:18:03

      Love your visit Tamrahjo.. and just to make you laugh.. that lovely display of all my seedlings that I pricked out 🙂 went for burton in the wind.. as the whole of the structure of the temporary plastic covered shelving was blown over in a gale we have got raging at the moment.. So this morning I had to shovel up seedlings mixed with compost and empty trays.. and start all over again in the green house.. ‘Pricking’ out again.. LOL..
      I said to my hubby, I enjoyed planting the seedlings so much yesterday the Universe thought it a good idea I should do it all again!!! 🙂
      My hubby said you are so calm.. aren’t you mad? I said what’s the point!.. So we moved the plastic covered shelving to a more sheltered spot in our garden near the garage..
      And it took me all morning to start again.. I know I have got some seedlings now mixed, but I will know what they are when they grow a little.. So…….. Pricking out.. means .. Usually I sew the whole packet of seeds in one tray.. When they grow large enough with 2 leaves and a small root system, I ‘Prick’ out.. usually I prick out first the strongest ones, teasing the roots so as not to damage them.. and plant them into trays further apart or in separate compartment trays .. the rest I leave till they too grow a little bigger and repeat until all have enough space to grow.. Your term Thinning out.. is the same as ours Pricking out.. same difference.. 🙂
      After all of that I managed to save most of them, only a few with broken stems.
      Now the shelving greenhouse has huge slabs of concrete on the bottom weighting it down.. Lesson learned!!… But we have had some mighty gusts and now its looking like rain..
      I know you will soon get all of your own garden sorted, And you will be ALL smiles next year.. :-D.. LOL.. and your comments always make me laugh… haha…. HUGS xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  21. prenin
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 04:37:45

    Hi hun! 🙂

    Looks like things are rocking in your allotment!!! 🙂

    Love your granddaughters outfit – Very Stylish!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs my friend!!! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 15:05:13

      LOL she has my sun hat on Prenin.. as it got very warm when the photo was taken.. Its a little of a shock to the system today as we have it much colder and howling gales..
      Hope you have a Peaceful warm Sunday x



  22. irenedesign2011
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 04:42:07

    You are very creative and active with your garden Sue. Your granddaughter looks very nice and wonderful for her to connect so close with the nature 😉



  23. New Bloggy Cat
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 08:06:34

    Lovely! Big hugs! ʕ•́ ‿ •̀ʔっ



  24. aussieian2011
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 10:43:16

    Always leave your gardening posts feeling cosy and warm Sue.
    Not only with your pictures, but with your words, you bring the Earth and nature to life.
    Another enjoyable visit.



  25. giselzitrone
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 13:06:56

    Schöner Beitrag liebe Sue ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntagnachmittag und eine gute neue Woche lieber Gruß und Umarmung Gislinde



  26. kowkla123
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 15:54:46

    beste Grüße, Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Ines Radman
    Apr 12, 2015 @ 17:30:44

    You beat me to it Sue, I have started a few pots of tomatoes, sunflowers and peppers, but on Tuesday have everything ready for sowing. I was glad to get my hoophouse/cloche done because we have had extreme cold here. Wishing you a happy spring planting!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 12, 2015 @ 18:46:04

      Ines, I had to track you lol as your link said you had closed down.. I thought I had not seen you in a while.. Lovely new logo, and new site I had not seen before.. Hope you are well ? And hope the weather soon warms for your planting very soon x ❤



  28. Lois
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 04:45:17

    Sue, your granddaughter is getting so tall! Love your seed trays I need to build something similar so I can use more of the few windows I have here. At the moment I have trays in every room trying to get them enough sunlight.

    I can’t believe you have butterflies already, we are just starting to see insects as the weather finally starts warming up, but at least the birds are back. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 13, 2015 @ 12:57:35

      Yes Lois she grows by the week.. Yes we ran out of room in the greenhouse hence the shelving greenhouse unit. Lovely to see you.. And yes the Butterflies are out early here due to the exceptional warm spring weather.. Good to see you can now make a start on your own plot. 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful week xxx Sue



  29. stephensmustang1
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 04:58:40

    Love your pics–
    What kind of flowers are you planting?
    Love seeing butterflies.
    Glad your granddaughter loves nature too.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 13, 2015 @ 12:55:21

      Yes the Butterflies are out early I am growing Scented Stocks, Asters, Snap Dragons.. Sweet Williams, Nasturtium, Calendula, Plus we have Dahlia’s, Gladioli’s, lupins, and Marigolds.. 🙂



  30. Mélanie
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 06:47:43

    interesting and wonderful post, Sue… ❤ nice pix, too! 🙂

    btw, I totally agree with Rick Warren… 🙂 nobody could ever return into the past to change, to modify, to improve anything and it seems that people who "live" in the past can't be happy or satisfied with their present… they can't move on, ahead or forward, so passivity, resignation, fatalism are negative and non-constructive…
    * * *
    take care and stay healthy! have a splendid and optimistic week, young lady! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 13, 2015 @ 12:49:29

      Nature is the best as it is, without Man’s interference’s to modify or enhance it,Which Man is doing with GMO.. so I agree Melanie..

      But It depends on what aspects of the Past we want to project into our present… For me we have lost our way in Consumerism as we buy unnecessary goods coated in plastic wrapping which then pollutes our Earth.. And despite all of our moving forward within our technological ways.. Have we moved forward as a Human Being?

      Btw.. I had to look up Rick Warren! 🙂



  31. Mark Lanesbury
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 09:05:28

    Hug accepted with the love it was given, and returned in kind Sue 😀
    Blessings for a beautiful growing season 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Aisha Abdelhamid
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 09:11:11

    Ready set go! It’s springtime once again, lol – those butterflies are awesome, Sue! Hugs and prayers and best wishes for a wonderful garden, Dear! ❤❤❤;^)



  33. suzicate
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 12:40:30

    You are going to have a beautiful growing season! Many blessings to you!
    My oldest son moved to the country with my mother and is preparing to grow his first garden. He is so excited and has been working so hard preparing the land.



  34. gageier
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 12:47:39

    Liebe Sue so schöne Goldfisch Fotos ja wie wir einen Kleingarten hatten wir auch einen Teich mit Goldfische und sogar mit Schleierschwänze sie vermehrten sich prächtig aber sie wurden immer weniger bis wir eines Tages eine fremde Katze erwischt haben sie hat da die Fischlein herausgefischt da bekamen wir ein Netz und seit der Zeit wurden die Fischlein immer mehr und auch größer, sei ganz lieb und herzlichst gegrüßt in Freundschaft Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 13, 2015 @ 13:52:19

      Big lächelt Klaus, ja wir verloren 2 Katzen, und seitdem saldiert uns mit einem Metallrahmen decken wir den Teich mit, wenn wir nicht zu .. Die Katzen können geduldig auf Fisch sitzen .. Wir haben vor, noch mehr in unserem Lager zu bekommen in diesem Sommer, so dass wir auch hoffen, mehr Fische haben:-)

      Vielen Dank für Ihre Geschichte Ihres Teich .. Umarmungen Sue xxx



  35. Christy Birmingham
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 19:24:36

    Hi Sue, the update on your garden is nice to read! I also like that you thank both the readers who have been here for some time and the new followers – as we all surely enjoy your posts! It’s nice too that your granddaughter is close to nature 🙂 I’m sure you both have fun times! I send you love, sweet friend xo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 14, 2015 @ 21:45:29

      Your visits dear Christy are always cherished.. As for my Granddaughter, she had a sleep over last evening and today we took her for a bike ride. ( I walked LOL ) but we had so so much fun today, both in nature and in our imaginations as we played for hours in the garden while the sun was out. xxx

      Liked by 1 person


  36. Maria F.
    Apr 13, 2015 @ 22:40:43

    Beautiful Sue, your love for nature, and I love that snapshot of your granddaughter framed in a circle.

    Liked by 1 person


  37. bluebutterfliesandme
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 06:08:18

    Your granddaughter is darling. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  38. europasicewolf
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 08:49:59

    Good to see you’re enjoying the sun and the spring weather 😉 Great time for being outdoors! Wolfie hug xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  39. Shakti Ghosal
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 11:26:40

    Dear Sue,

    Loved that initial Rick Warren quote as much as your post signifying positivity and growth.

    Indeed, we do hold the choice over whether we are held hostage by our past or not. But exercising that choice is not easy. Our brains are wired to learn from our past experiences and these are held as complex models of ” Dos and Don’ts” for use in the future. These are our frames of references and play an intrinsic part in our surviving and coping in the present. So, whether we choose to or not, we tend to get held prisoners by our frames and reference. The question then remains, how do we go about making a contrary choice?





    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:15:52

      Many thanks Shakti..
      “we tend to get held prisoners by our frames and reference.”….. Yes so much is built within our minds as we grow, We learn these behaviours which we take on board as being the ‘norm’ So often though Shakti our minds do not think of ourselves as being held hostage by our past.. For our Past belief systems then become the framework in which we then operate..
      We seem to get on a merry-go-round in which our wheels keep on turning.. As we repeat over the same scenarios. And yet we do not realise it..

      When you step back and view the world at large we see these same scenarios over and over again.. New times, Different people.. same beliefs.. repeating Old patterns of behaviours….. Maybe the choices we make now ARE the subtle differences which are affecting the whole..
      Why are we now engaged in such thoughts if we were still caught up in the same patterns..
      The subtlety of them is maybe the key.. For we are so close within the story of now. we do not see just how WE are affecting the Future of our tomorrows.

      Just when did for instance the Iron Age stop, When did the renaissance period begin and end.. I am sure those people living in those times did not give it a thought.. So for me.. I think we are all of us making choices every day… its just not seen as contrary, Unless we do it on Mass. 🙂

      Thank you again Shakti for always making me stretch my thinking 🙂 Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  40. lavendermoongirlblog
    Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:05:19

    You have been busy Sue! It will be wonderful to watch it all grow and enjoy especially with your granddaughter who looks totally immersed! I see so many butterflies too, which won’t pose for me! I love watching them fluttering about in the air. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 14, 2015 @ 22:33:00

      Yes I was busy.. Did you get the high winds on Sunday.. We did.. the image you see of these seed trays went flying across the patio as the strong gusts blew the whole greenhouse over.. So I had to start all over again.. .. All good fun.. 🙂 .. Yes lots of lovely butterflies this year, this sun bringing them out earlier… Saw lots of bumble bees too today as I was out with my granddaughter all day x Love and Hugs Sue



  41. valentinelogar
    Apr 15, 2015 @ 03:17:56

    Spring brings you so much bounty! It is a joy simply to look at the pictures. I can only happily report my lavender is beginning to green! This makes me a bit happy.



  42. sriramjanak
    Apr 15, 2015 @ 07:43:11

    Happy Post Dear Sue…have a great year …:-)

    Liked by 1 person


  43. natswans
    Apr 17, 2015 @ 14:57:08

    Your little seedlings look so healthy Sue. So glad your Granddaughter is close to Nature , wonderful to see.
    Have a lovely relaxing weekend hugs
    Sheila xx

    Liked by 1 person


    Apr 22, 2015 @ 15:56:59

    Such a delight your post my dearest friend Sue!
    Amazing photos and plenty of nice details celebrating nature and life itself!
    Loved everything,you made me feel really closer to all gifts of our universe,of our generous provider … Beauty is in your soul and you so generously give it away!
    I particularly liked the portrait of your little princess,who is so close to nature and has learnt to appreciate its miracles although she is so young.
    All my Love,my Admiration and my Respect to you & yours 🙂 Doda ❤ xxx
    Have a wonderful day my sweetest friend!<3



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 22, 2015 @ 18:24:32

      Thank you dear Doda, Yes our Granddaughter is a very special addition to our family.. She enjoyed her stay over again the beginning of the week And she watered all the flowers with her little watering can, She planted some Sunflower seeds, and they are now growing in pots in the greenhouse until they get planted outside..
      We also saw a little mouse which was feeding off the bird feeder of nuts having climbed a tress to get to it. .. A lovely day. 🙂 Love and Hugs Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  45. Kourtney Heintz
    Apr 22, 2015 @ 23:56:54

    I love all those green beginnings peeping through the dirt. What an adorable little girl your granddaughter is. Hugs.



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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