March Energies: Dancing to the Light of the Moon..


Tonight is anther Full Moon, and to those who are astrologers know how these energetic cycles and phases of the planets impact upon our personal lives..  The dance of the heavens have always been a mystery to me, but one in which I have always been intrigued with.

As I look to the night sky, with an inner knowing of belonging to a far greater source of Oneness within our vast Universe.  The Moon’s own energies I know from experience plays a great part in the ebb and flow of our own emotional tides, and why wouldn’t it.. For we are Water based creatures over 70% make- up of water.. So as the Moon affects the tides of the oceans, is it any wonder it affects our own rising emotional tides within..

I read an article recently which said March is the Maker Month, I liked that, as I had already started to plant my seeds in their trays which now line my window sills.. And already after only one week I can see them beginning to sprout new growth.

I also read my Horoscope, something I don’t often do, which said within March issues may come up for review, and some things may appear intense, as the cosmic energies combine with some human actions.   Those of you who connect much more wisely than I on the astrological plane will know much more upon the alignments of planets than I do.

My own energies have been shifting, and I have had to learn how to feel comfortable within these changes.. Knowing if I assist in keeping my own energies in balance, I also help create a more balanced world.

Winter has been a time to rest, rebalance, and for me its brought about issues that I needed to revisit and heal. Learning to nurture ourselves is important.. But this also means not just our outer body with healthy food and exercise.. But also we overlook the many things we keep locked within us.. These last two months have allowed me to go within and face head on some of those hidden hurts I had thought were dealt with.. Yet there they were as large as life knocking upon my heart to be viewed once more.

That inner Knowing is also yelling out to me to keep calm, as the world around us can seem to explode into chaos.  I found myself being caught up within its chaos, And some of my wisest WP family here were very kind in helping me look from another perspective upon the view I was choosing to see from. And I am never too proud to admit to standing back from myself and viewing myself from a different perspective.

March is the beginning of Spring, where new growth sprouts forth. I feel March is already making me look within and seeing my ‘higherself’  I feel excitement, I know I am growing too, and around my home we have cleared spaces, cleared out items no longer needed… And so as the outer world is de-cluttering so too the inner world de-clutters the debris of held onto emotions…

The ‘Outer and Inner’ Worlds reflect back to us.. Yet so often we do not look in the mirror to see the cause of the problems we create within our ‘Outer World’ often stem from our ‘Inner World’.. It reflects back to personal responsibilities.. 

Today I revisited an Old Poem.. which speaks about the Moon.. And I wonder how many poems there are about the Moon? And this phase within our present cycle is making us navigate through our hearts wisdom..  

March is feeling energising, and I am recharging and trusting again that inner guidance to take me out of my Winter dormant phase.. We are all of us Moving through these cycles. The Moon reminds us we are not alone, for we can amplify things as we move through our personal phases. But each individual change is also connecting us through the global changes we are experiencing..

As Above, So Below..

Love and Blessings..





74 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. quarteracrelifestyle
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 17:45:58

    These periods of unease always feel so unpleasant don’t they, and we do so much to avoid them, standing in the face of them and just dealing with it with understanding of what it happening…well, it’s a brave thing! We return 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Writing to Freedom
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 18:06:29

    Sounds like you are holding your center amidst the changes Sue. To planting need seeds,

    Liked by 1 person


  3. litebeing
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 18:51:48

    Hi Sue,
    We are having a doozy of a full moon right now where I live ( it was exact at 1:05 pm). I plan to do a card reading soon to unleash the messages that need our attention. The snow is piling up as we speak and it is so beautiful. Yet I long to be more busy in the world and move around without ice, snow , and frigid air. Blessings on your transformations. love, Linda

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 16:09:53

      I am happy Linda, that your view of the Full Moon is a good one.. Made all the more brighter no doubt as it reflects back from the sparkling snow. It appears you have had many snow storms all over many states of the USA.. I am pleased to tell you today has been very Spring like, with sunshine and a few degrees warmer.. Many thanks Linda.. and yes.. a corner is turned and I feel more refreshed. 🙂 Hugs your way Love Sue xox

      Liked by 1 person


  4. BloomLisa
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 19:37:34

    Beautiful Sue. Yes, I agree with you on the impact of the moon and I too wonder how people at large can doubt the connection between its cycles and our own. I am very interested in Astrology and have it on my list to delve deeply into learning more about it….just now quite yet. Keep on releasing and healing and shining your bright light sweet sweet Sue!!!

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 16:05:09

      Dear Lisa, I do not know how you manage your ‘Lists’ of such interesting things you do.. lol. And I am often in ore of your energy as you explore and create, and delve deeper within to find the connectedness in All you do.. I have no doubts you will manifest it within your circle of learning. And I so thank you my friend for adding your own light here among my comments. Its always so lovely to have you visit and read my posts..
      Hugs Sue xox

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Hariod Brawn
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 19:45:55

    I am more affected just before and after the full and new moons, with the new moon producing slightly weaker, though similar, effects. These effects are all to do with concentration levels. With a full moon, I first notice the changes between 3 and 5 days prior to it, and for up to 3 days following it. I once did a survey of how and when I was affected when I lived on the North Coast of Cornwall. What I found was that the greatest variance in my concentration levels occurred in exact coincidence with the maximum (‘spring’) high and low tides at my location, neither of which occur on the day of the full or new moons, but always before and after in varying degree. H ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 16:02:06

      Funny how you said you did your own survey Hariod… I noticed too with people I worked with, and especially those within my Support work role who had learning difficulties.. Their behaviour patterns we could often link within the cycles of the Moon phases.. For me I find it more difficult to sleep around these phases, and I can often feel light headed as if someone has taken a lid off the top of my head.. I feel kind of floaty and my attention is not as focused..
      I am sure were we to learn deeper the connection between ourselves and the planets of the Universe, we would not be surprised how inter connected we all are.. After all, our bodies are made from the very same substances that are found in the Stars!.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  6. Paul Handover
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 22:33:09

    Seeing the Moon and Jupiter so clear and so close together two evenings ago was astounding!



  7. marina kanavaki
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 23:08:55

    As Above So Below, it is… so here’s to a rejuvenating and enlightening March!
    Hugs and love to you, my dear Sue! 🙂 xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


    Mar 06, 2015 @ 00:05:34

    When the moon is down and spring gives more energy and warmth,there is a tendency for more exoteric confessions and interaction.The doors of our soul open easily and get ready to receive the new and any change …
    Time to spruce up the soul’s space and paint it with vibrant colours and the silver of the moon …
    Sue said that “Outer and Inner’ Worlds reflect back to us” … Beautiful your words and your thoughts dear Sue, they make the heart feels lighter …
    Have a brilliant Friday ~ Hugs & kisses 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 15:51:06

      Loved how you said this Doda.. “The doors of our soul open easily and get ready to receive the new and any change “…. And I am painting away, LOL, brightening up the pallet with a dash of silvery Moon thrown in .. Brilliantly put my friend xxx Enjoy your weekend xx Hugs Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  9. Dalo 2013
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 00:28:23

    Very much enjoyed this post…the Moon and its pull on us all is real (in terms of keeping us in our precarious orbit), the affect it has on the tides of the oceans, I think must also affect our chemistry as well… Wish you a great evening ~

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 15:44:52

      I agree Dalo, and the planets, the Moon being the closest I feel affects more than most.. Working as I did within my role as a support worker.. It was often the case nearing a Full Moon, clients behaviours would change and become more unbalanced shall we say.. And I know one or two more closer to home LOL.. who appear at times to be ruled with the Moon… 😀 ..
      Many thanks Dalo for taking the time to read.. You too enjoy your weekend. Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  10. suzicate
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 00:43:14

    Gorgeous photo! I’m ready for longer days. Winter depletes my energy level. I’m ready for bed when the sun goes down. I seem to hibernate through the months while I’m so much more productive during the other seasons.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 15:41:27

      Yes its surprising Suzi just how tired we feel in the winter, probably the lack of Sunshine and our vitamin D.. Its nice to see the nights open up as daylight lasts that bit longer.. Today its been very spring like here, and it adds another spark of energy into you 🙂 Lovely to see you Suzi.. Love and Hugs x



  11. Trini Lind
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 01:16:02

    I love the moon! Yesterday I sat on the balcony and watched the moonrise. it was splendid!! First reddish and golden and so big then whitening more and more into a distant silver until it looked lite a tiny mother-of-pearl orb in the black sky. I like moonrises, here in India they are amazing to see! I liked your moon article too. Change is nice, isn’t it? It usually is for the better, even when it doesn’t feel like it, change, for me, is evidence that I am moving forward and that I have not stagnated 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 2 people


  12. Mark Lanesbury
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 04:22:14

    Welcome home Sue…and enjoy your rebirth to a new land. Love, hugs and blessings for your journey. Mark

    Liked by 2 people


  13. dilip
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 08:37:18

    Beautiful and energizing post dear Sue. We too celebrated a beautiful Full Moon with Bhajans (Collecting singing of Indian spiritual songs) with our ‘Art of living’ group!

    Liked by 2 people


  14. Visionkeeper
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 12:36:21

    Hey DW….Wise words! I can relate well to where your head is at. We seem to connect easily in that respect 🙂 Too early yet to start my seeds but I am so ready to get going! I want out of the house again and back with nature in her green splendor. Soon enough. Spring is not far off now. Going through major shifts right now and trying to stay sane at the same time 🙂 Not always easy. Wishing you spring tidings and much love…Wish we were closer for that cup of tea….Hugs….VK

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 15:21:59

      They are only flowers at the moment, nothing is as yet been planted in the ground.. But the Green house has been sorted and the warm sun was so strong through my kitchen window today, I had to move my seed trays which had sprouted into the green house, for the heat from the window was wilting their tiny shoots…
      Yes I can relate to the ‘Shifts’ and trying to keep calm and ourselves Grounded at the same time… So many things which bombard if we let them.. I now see how I was allowing ‘THINGS’ to get under my skin.. instead of allowing them to wash over me… another lesson learned..
      And oh I so wish we lived nearer too VK… the kettle would be on constantly LOL ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. gageier
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 12:41:34

    Ja liebe Sue am Sonntag soll es schön warm werden Sonne pur lassen wir uns mal überraschen sei ganz lieb und herzlichst gegrüßt in Freundschaft Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  16. Nihar Pradhan
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 13:55:39

    The impact of planetary movements on our life and living is something I have never been able to fathom, it has always baffled me but true that the energy around our universe governs the nature and human beings, what extend and to what degree is something perhaps scientifically cannot be quantified or established…everything in life cannot be evaluated through the prism of science, there is something mystical and there are something spiritual and there is our belief system…the phenomena of Full Moon!!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 15:13:30

      Yes the planetary influences for me too I do not know how they work.. But then if we are ONE with ALL then why wouldn’t they impact upon our emotional body.. For we are energy bodies also.. and our energy would be affected by planetary energy and the invisible grids which connect them within space.. So it stands to reason if we think with our logical brains.. When a planet comes closer within our birth chart alignment as the astrological minded know how to interpret then we too would feel the affects of the energy traits of the planets…

      Its a fascinated subject which I am sure even science has no explanation for.. But then again science is only just discovering how we are all interlinked and we are all of us still in kindergarten — Nursery School compared to the wisdom out there still to learn..

      Most Tribes of Indigenous people will tell you that they came from the Stars and its so interesting to see how Ancient tribes in Africa new long before the invention of the telescope how far away some of these planets were.. I must share that some time with you 🙂

      Many thanks Nihar… I hope you have a more peaceful weekend to relax my friend

      Liked by 1 person


  17. Karuna
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 14:08:29

    I haven’t noticed the effect of the full moon on me, but from time to time I notice it in my psychotherapy practice. And I definitely noticed it during the years I worked in Labor and Delivery!

    Liked by 2 people


  18. Aneesh
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 14:12:15

    Very nice 🙂 .. I had heard about the lunar effect but never thought deeply about it. Your post now wants me to look more into it 😀 …

    We need a strong mind to control our emotions and strong will to control that mind..
    Its indeed the March a Maker month 🙂 ….

    Liked by 2 people


  19. David
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 16:20:13

    Hi Sue, For me winter has been all about trying to learn to relax. Always been difficult, can’t stop the mind creating and the hands doing always on the go, but slowly, slowly dispel the monkey chatter and get back to brass tacks. Off to see the kids in Uk over Easter… no time to relax Ha ha! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 16:22:39

      Good I just caught you David before I go to sort our our tea 🙂
      And so pleased you will be visiting your children at Easter time.. I hope the weather stays warm for your visit.. I will be hopping over to Spain later this evening 😉 😉



  20. Rajagopal
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 17:21:36

    Interesting post and range of views here on the full Moon, Sue. There is hardly anything that is not interconnected in the universe, going by the wave theory of matter. So the influence of waxing and waning moon on everything around is a given. May the new seeds in your garden grow to healthy saplings to yield an abundant harvest in the months ahead…best wishes… Raj.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. marja
    Mar 07, 2015 @ 07:34:42

    Many people are on the edge here when it is full moon. Good that you good work through some inner hurt. It is not easy to face so I send you lots of love and hope
    you find peace.Here we started Autumn but we still have summer weather. Our winter here, or bad weather only takes about 3 months. Hope that spring may come fast to you and enjoy it to the fullest 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 07, 2015 @ 13:20:23

      Thank you Dear Marja, yes its been a particular long drawn out winter, even though its not been too bad as far as snow.. But the wind and bitter cold this year seems to have chilled us to our bones..
      Spring is my favourite time of year as we wake up from the dark long dark nights.. The days are opening up again and we are feeling more energy once again.. Sending love to NZ and enjoy your Autumn summery weather Marja xxx



      • Aquileana
        Mar 08, 2015 @ 01:53:08

        Excellent post my dear Sue!~ I love the way you describe March as “the Maker Month”… ❤ and the Full Moon… very beautifully penned…
        I am also a fan of horoscopes and all that stuff?… I am Scorpio. How about you?…
        The cyclical perspective reminds me of your last comment on my post about Zeus in which you mentioned that he ruled time, duration and probably seasons… I hope that you fully recharge your energies in order to trust your inner guidance which will easily to take me out of that Winter dormant phase, as you said.
        As to me, here in the South Hemisphere we are entering Autumn soon… But I think it is lovely season!… Let's see how the trees change their leaves!… ⭐
        Sending much love, my friend! Aquileana 😀

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 08, 2015 @ 13:34:54

          I am pleased you enjoyed the poem Aquileana.. and I hope also that Autumn will unfold her Golden Fruits your way .. Spring I am always ready for.. but more so this year, maybe because I retired.. And filling my days at home have seemed longer somehow.. Not that I am complaining, but the adjustment to feeling a little like a spare part has taken some readjusting to.
          It makes things much better with the Sun shines, and yesterday the Sun was out.. Today we are back to dark skies and rain.. 🙂 But Spring is on its way.. And I am a Bull.. my friend… Taurus… Lots of Patience, But I can charge at times.. 🙂 LOL.. Love and Hugs xxx

          Liked by 1 person


  22. Mélanie
    Mar 07, 2015 @ 12:36:28

    another excellent post, Sue… ❤
    * * *
    @"But each individual change is also connecting us through the global changes we are experiencing." – yes, indeed and absolutely! 🙂 have a sunny weekend, like here & cheers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  23. Maria F.
    Mar 07, 2015 @ 21:50:29

    I think your poem of the moon was great! I think we are so connected to natural phenomena in more ways that we can understand perhaps, but artists seem to have an edge on it, whereas non-artists need to be enticed. This is my feeling anyway.

    Liked by 1 person


  24. D.G.Kaye
    Mar 08, 2015 @ 05:22:42

    Interesting how that full moon affects so many of us Sue. They say those who were born on a full moon (like me) are always ultra sensitive to things during this phase. And I think many are waiting to come out of winter’s hibernation as we await the rebirth of spring. 🙂 hugs to you my friend.

    Liked by 1 person


  25. Barbara Franken
    Mar 08, 2015 @ 08:36:41

    It is wonderful that through the cycles of the moon we can relate to ourselves as being one with all that is… I have always been fascinated with the full moon and my own womenly cycle where IF we were all in sync going from a time of inspiration into a time of reflection… we would all be ovulating and preparing ourself literally for a new birth… To celebrate this time I used to go out with fellow sacred friends to dance and celebrate this precious time… Lots of people thought I was crazy and actually stopped others from joining in… but now it is becoming much more common and normal… Thank goodness. Lovely reading about your own clearing and preparing for the new times ahead… Take care, Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 08, 2015 @ 13:46:14

      Yes many forget about women’s cycles, showing again the connection of time and Luna influences..
      Lovely to see you Barbara, and yes there is a time for rest as well as a time for growth.. And Clearing and preparing our hearts is an important part for our future transitions.. Love and Light my friend xxx ❤



  26. The Emu
    Mar 12, 2015 @ 06:01:35

    Enjoyed reading this post Sue, what stood out the most was the positive emotions you have shown in just about every word.
    The phases of the moon are an excellent indicator of our mental and physical well being, I think a full moon is actually indicating it’s own cleansing cycle, virtually an omen for us mere mortals to begin our own cleansing, mentally and Spiritually.

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Kourtney Heintz
    Mar 13, 2015 @ 01:09:32

    I’m so glad to be in March. Our ginormous snow piles are melting. I saw a patch of earth again finally. The full moon definitely impacts people’s emotions and moods. I can’t wait to dance under the moonlight again!

    Liked by 1 person


  28. 365dniwobiektywielg
    Apr 04, 2015 @ 17:31:41

    Cool mood, the wind blew the horror 🙂



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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