Tree Medicine..


It was only in dreamtime that those memories came to haunt her.. She had always been a restless sleeper, and her grandmother had long known that her dreamtime experiences went further than normal dreaming.. Aponi’s wisdom had known even before her birth that she was going to be a special child. She knew she was a Dreamwalker, one who could travel beyond this vale.

But she also knew that her granddaughter needed much guidance to be able to develop her skills for she was fragile in her emotions.. But Aponi had been told by the wisdom keepers that her granddaughter had much work to do, she needed schooling in the old ways.. A task Aponi had much pleasure in teaching her.

The Spirit Elders watched over Aponi’s task, which they had charged her with to teach her granddaughter  Muna all she knew. Muna’s name had been well chosen, it meant Overflowing Spring  in her Hopi tribe.  They had watched over the infant and would travel in and around her world until she was ready for the task she had come to this earth to fulfil in this modern age where the old ways would be needed to be called upon again. 

So Aponi had taught her grandchild the Earth medicine and she had done it in such a way even her grandchild was unaware that these were in fact lessons. For they came as natural as breathing to her. Such was her love of the outdoors and all of Nature she absorbed each piece of information Aponi gave her and remembered everything.

Aponi had only been too pleased to teach her granddaughter to connect with the Forests, and about the many animals. She spoke of the Trees being the Lungs of this earth, and how they gave us not only the air we breathed in, but the tools to live.. She taught her about the various varieties of Trees and their uses, and how their barks and fruits, leaves and shoots could all be used in various ways…

Coming off the Moor we enter a beatuiful Silver Birch wood.One of her Granddaughter’s favourites was that of the Silver Birch, it is graceful in form with its silver bark, was known as ‘Lady of the Woods’.. Aponi took pride in teaching her how its medicine had been used throughout the centuries and told her how it was a cleansing tree..

That the Silver Birch Twigs were used to make Brooms to sweep clean, and beat out negative influences, clearing the way for renewal. She was told how in the past Criminals were thought to have come under the influence of ‘Bad Spirits’, and were ‘Birched’ as an act of cleansing. And how land boundaries were beaten with Birch twigs each year in order drive out the spirits of the old year, the old energy which may have got stuck there, and let the new energy flourish . . Aponi taught her how the Birch shed its leaves and twigs and even its bark, teaching us to let go of unwanted aspects of ourselves to be free to move forward to new beginnings. The heart shaped leaves reminding us to follow our hearts desires.. ..

Aponi had taught her how the sap was tapped in March for syrup which was used as a Sugar, and could be used to make wine. Also Oil made from Birch bark was used in tanning of leather and the oil too when added with almond oil soothed aching muscles when used to massage the skin.

She taught her how the bark is water resistant, containing large amounts of resin, and how in the past it was used for roofing, shoes, and making canoes and in baskets and paper making. The young leaves too could be collected in late spring and early summer to be dried . These could be used in infusions such as teas, to act as a gentle sedative, to break up kidney stones, or gallstones, or to use as a mouthwash for sore mouths..

Birch leaves are a tonic as well as an antiseptic and Aponi had many women from the town come seek relief from cystitis and other urinary infections which the Birch medicine helped relieve. ..

Aponi taught her Granddaughter many things,  how to be careful when removing the bark from trees and to do so in small patches, for as to remove it in a continuous ring around the trunk, the tree would die… This was just one of the many lessons of nature her Grandmother gave in her teachings of Earth medicine. 

Many more were taught not only on the medicinal properties of Natures larder, But of the Spiritual elements of them too.. Birch brings boldness, helping to clear a path in our energy, as changes come. Aponi taught her the great wealth of knowledge that comes from the Earth, that many now didn’t even remember or practice.

Aponi too was saddened as many of her own Native tribes had also lost their ways and forgotten to live in harmony and within the balance of our Earth Mother. Forgetting the Ancient ways. Many were now lost.. 

One of the most revered lessons Muna was taught was that of the Trees, was that Trees span the five elements . Their branches held high in the AIR, they take their energy from the FIRE, the Sun, and their roots go deep into the EARTH, drinking from the living WATERS of the Earth. Aponi also taught Muna, that they inhabit the fifth element, SPIRIT, and that we are all able to connect with them..

Aponi told the story of the tree spirits in one of her bedtime lessons, and how important meetings were held under large trees, And how they listened to us, and shared their energy, and if we listened how they would speak to on the breath of the wind, as their leaves shook and branches creaked… And how they shared their gifts of fruits and nuts and most important of all, giving us our very life’s breath to breathe. And how they sacrificed themselves for fuel and shelter, and how important it was to communicate with their wisdom, for they were old and wise. Holding a wealth of knowledge as they had stood and watched the comings and goings of human kind some for hundreds of years..

Aponi spoke on how if one were to cut down a tree, or take a branch, a limb, one should always ask the trees permission, this allowed for the Tree spirits to withdraw, allowing the tree to die, however Aponi told her that even after the tree was cut down and the wood was used, either carved or polished into a piece of furniture or some ornament, some of the trees spirit would still be within its wood, and how people would always want to reach out and touch it, stroke its smooth surface admiring its colour and grain, thus touching the wood for luck.. as they felt the Trees spirit.

Muna sat now remembering once more all the Tree Medicine, as she sat with her back connecting to her favourite tree.. It was indeed time to reach within and bring out the wisdom she knew she had within her..

It was time for her to awaken others, she was ready.. As she became like the Birch Tree she sat beside..   It was time to let go of unwanted aspects of herself, to be free to move forward, to new beginnings… She turned to the four directions, and bowed respectfully to each.. She gave thanks as she gave the tree some tobacco from her medicine pouch

Her journey was just beginning.. 

© Sue Dreamwalker  2015 All rights reserved.

 This is short story Part of one I wrote some years ago..Its message is too good not to share, Thanks go to Brad over at Writing for Freedom  whose own recent post Native Winds  prompted me to post this old chapter that I tweaked a little     



66 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. marina kanavaki
    Mar 03, 2015 @ 23:11:25

    ‘Its message is too good not to share” ….indeed!!! many many hugs, my dear Sue! 🙂 xxxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 13:57:56

      Bless you thank you dear Marina.. I was happy to share this one.. 🙂 Big Hugs returned with Love.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 18:12:33

      Dear Marina.. It appears I have been classed as spam on one blog which I was unspammed immediately, but all the rest of the comments I now make are going into spam box.. I made one upon your latest post and think it was sent into the Spam box too.. Hope you can retrieve me.. Love Sue



  2. Writing to Freedom
    Mar 03, 2015 @ 23:29:52

    Fun Sue. I like your tale and that we are both tuned to mother nature. May we honor her call, learn her lessons, share and protect her gifts. Ho.



  3. litebeing
    Mar 03, 2015 @ 23:31:51

    This is beautifully written Sue and I learned plenty about the Silver Birth. Trees are the lungs of the planet, wonderful!!!

    hugs across the ocean,

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:02:52

      Yes, I remember doing a lot of research for this particular chapter.. And Trees and I have always had an affinity with one another… And you are not forgotten Linda.. I know I have still to catch up with some of your own excellent recent posts.. Hugs back ❤

      Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 16:17:54

      Dear Linda.. I left you a couple of comments upon your blog, but I included a photo url which sent me into your spam I think.. so hope I can be retrieved as I am now Spammed.. ❤



  4. Maria F.
    Mar 03, 2015 @ 23:51:11

    What a magnificent story Sue. How beautiful that you were able to speak through this wonderful tree.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:06:04

      I am happy you enjoyed this tale Maria.. I have many nature type books and love connecting to the trees, Silver Birch has many wonderful healing properties and I am pleased you enjoyed the Story 🙂 ❤



  5. Hariod Brawn
    Mar 03, 2015 @ 23:56:12

    Gosh, I had no idea you were a writer of short stories Sue, and now I am even more amazed at your catalogue of skills! Next, you’ll be telling us that you even make jam in your spare time, though I can’t imagine you have any time to spare given your seemingly limitless creative output. You are indeed a woman of abundance Sue, both as a giver and as a creator. H ❤

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:11:41

      You made me almost splutter into my Tea Hariod.. when you said ” you’ll be telling us that you even make jam in your spare time,”.. LOL, I did I made around 12 jars in the Autumn of Blackberry Jam.. And you will laugh, I made a sort of crumbled Tart with apples and Blackberries last weekend.. The recipe called for the fruit to be simmered until cooked, and then strained saving the juices.. And to boil the juices back up again quickly to make a pouring syrup with the tart..
      However we were having custard, so I saved the syrup in a small jug.. It set turning to Jam LOL.. delicious too Apple and Blackberry.. 🙂 This was a bonus as I would have thrown the juices away normally.. 🙂 haha.. so you can imagine my Grin 😀 when I read your sentence LOL

      Thank you so much for your kind compliments, and am positively ‘Glowing’ 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  6. prenin
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 00:12:16

    Fascinating! 🙂

    I have a silver birch outside my home! )

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:14:56

      Thats nice Prenin, they are a wonderful Tree to have but they grow quite.. The bottom photo is a photo I took some years ago on a walk in a silver birch wood.. Sending big hugs in return xxx



  7. Michael
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 00:30:08

    Enjoyed this very much, Sue. I like the notion of trees accruing and sharing knowledge gained from watching humans pass by all those many years. I am always fascinated to think of the really old trees, like redwoods and sequoias that can be a couple of thousand years old. There are some memories in those forests! Memories in the wood. Memories in the sap. Memories in the leaves. So much willingness…

    Much Love

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:23:38

      Many thanks Michael, Yes those great giant trees I am sure hold much wisdom.. When you delve into Tree Lore you unearth some wonderful information about Trees, We as humans only ‘Think’ we know it all… Where as the Trees were here first. And are interlinked in ways we can only begin to imagine.. What is also interesting is the Fungi which act like telephone cables between the Trees.. I hope you find this short video interesting Michael.

      Liked by 1 person


      • Michael
        Mar 05, 2015 @ 01:06:55

        Very cool, Sue. I read about something similar in Mycelium Running. It’s been a while, but it had an impact on me for sure. I love to see how Life is behaving in ways we hadn’t suspected because of our perceptual blinders. Like space that curves and bends around stars. Or molecules in the body that find one another by singing their favorite songs… 🙂




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 05, 2015 @ 13:56:52

          Yes when it comes to Nature, and ‘Seeing’ we as a species are pretty ‘Blind’ as to how we are all of us connected.. I watched a programme on TV last evening on how they have discovered more Human Skulls (normal size) which are the early Neanderthal and how they are trying to still connect us from descendants of the Apes.. I still have to smile .. How I wonder do they explain the Giant Skulls that have been found? that no one ever breathes a word of which brings a whole new meaning to the David and Goliath story 🙂 .. We are onl just beginning to touch upon the Miracles which surround us.. And how energies integrate and how we can heal, and yes how water can be altered via thoughts, words, Music, and how we are approximately 70% made of water 🙂 … we could go on and on couldn’t we Michael, But much of science seems stuck within its narrow past learnt window of history.. WE are so so much More 🙂 Many thanks for sharing your thoughts Michael..

          Liked by 1 person


  8. Paul Handover
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 00:34:51

    Just catching up after having my son with us for two weeks. Nevertheless, this was beautiful, Sue, and a wonderful reminder of the power of good writing!



  9. Trini Lind
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 01:59:56

    I loved reading this!! 🙂 I always love Native American teachings, as well as Sami (the indigenous people of Scandinavia) teachings. I loved reading about the silver birch, especially since Brenda ( gave me the silver birch as my spirit tree 🙂 I love trees very much! When I was living and travelling in Ireland, I loved going into the great Fairy Forests and be with the trees. I love hugging them, that is one of the most comforting things in the world to do I think 🙂 ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:31:19

      When we hug a tree, we exchange our energy.. I know personally Trini, when ever I have been of low spirit, I have gone into the woods and asked one of my favourite trees for healing.. I would sit with my back against her trunk, and I kid you not, you can feel the energy vibration surge up into your spine.. When you become sensitive you can open your palms outwards and down as you walk, with fingers slightly apart… put your mind into your hand and then feel your hand tingle with the energy you feel from Mother Earth… You can learn to pull in and send out energy this way.. And I am not surprised Brenda gave you the Silver Birch.. a wonderful tree spirit 🙂 ❤ Many thanks for your lovely visit dear Trini.. x



  10. quarteracrelifestyle
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 02:06:53

    LOVE this story Sue! It’s beautiful.

    When I was a young girl I wasn’t a very happy child and every time I felt sad I would walk the 1 1/2 miles to a local park where there grew a great Willow tree. I spent many, many hours sitting against it’s trunk and telling it my problems, crying…sometimes I would go when I was happy or just wanted some quiet time 🙂 I loved that tree and felt it knew me, I have loved the energy of trees ever since.



  11. sophiaschildren
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 02:40:37

    Beautiful, Sue. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story about beautiful Birch, and its many gifts to us!



  12. Lois
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 03:58:50

    Sue, you should really continue your story, it is too good not to. 🙂 Trees, the connection to life, it’s important to share your thoughts on our trees and this chapter is a lovely way to do just that.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:42:04

      Dear Lois, Many thanks for the encouragement… this particular tale has lay dormant for quite a while.. Nature can help teach us many things, and holds powerful medicines within herbs and plants.. Nature has all the remedies we ever should need… And if we would only reach out into her ground and connect more we would also see how healing she is…. Thank you dear Lois, Love and Blessings x x



  13. Nina
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 04:28:19

    Aloha Sue! Just wanted to say that I really love this story. Yes! You are very gifted in sooooo many ways! I absolutely adore trees as they resurrect my being when I feel down. I hope to read someday the rest of this beautiful tale. Even though I haven’t had much chance to see your blog…everytime I do I am completely blessed. Majalo… Thank you sister. Nina. 😄💖



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:49:35

      Dear Sweet Nina, how wonderful that you should visit again, I hope you are well?, our empathy with Trees shows our connection with the Earth, and our sensitivity to the sacred vibrations given out by the Older Ones.. Their Magic encompasses every season, and without Trees we could not live and breathe.
      I am sure one day you will read the finished story in full.. Its lovely to see you here… I hope you can visit more often and leave your footprints.. Many blessings your way.. Love Sue



  14. David
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 08:37:05

    Thanks for this reminder Sue! The Silver Birch is one of my favourite trees which we will plant on reaching our final destination this time round. Love as always, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:52:59

      What a great idea David… I hope you are nearer to seeing that destination in view to completion this year David. Sending thoughts for positive outcomes that bring you nearer to tree planting time.. 🙂 Blessings and Love Sue ❤



  15. superduque777
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 09:44:15

    Brilliant story, thanks Sue.



  16. europasicewolf
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 12:41:26

    Great story and very absorbing 🙂 Many Interesting points re the Birch Tree too! Xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2015 @ 14:56:09

      Good to see you Wolfie, and I am happy this tale sent your tail a wagging.. And good to see you, hope this Sun is shining on you too and making you feel all the better for its brightness, Can’t say as yet I have felt its warmth LOL… but looks like we are in for a heatwave nearer the weekend 🙂 Love and Hugs.. Sue ❤



  17. PreciousRhymes
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 15:17:59

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading the story Sue. I was hoping it would continue, a part-2 maybe? The story took me back to my own childhood and I wondered if Muna in the story was Sue in life. My grandmother was rich in wisdom with regards to the healing benefits of medicine that could be sourced from plants and trees in her own backyard. She also worshipped some trees for spiritual reasons. The medicinal knowledge got passed on to my own mother and subsequently to myself but like you hinted in the story much also got lost. I find myself strongly drawn back to the roots as I age. I’ve spent the last year experimenting in my own pharmacy (my kitchen) and spending more time than I did before with nature. Needless to say, the results have been healing in more ways than I could’ve imagined. Much love to you..PR



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 05, 2015 @ 14:19:31

      Dear Precious, I overlooked your comment, sorry, only just getting to answer it… Big smiles, I have lots more chapters, but I did stop sharing the story some years ago.. Its still in draft format pending further attention 🙂
      No Muna may well have been me in a different past life of me, but the words that came are factious.. This post I did do more research into the healing of Silver Birch.. And I may well follow up with one about Natures Larder soon..

      You were lucky in having your Grandmother and Mother to pass such rich information. So many of the traditional healing of herbs etc are not being passed down… I made Elderberry Syrup for the first time last year and more this year from the berries I gathered and froze.. I am certain it has helped keep me clear of colds while others around me have had them on and off all winter..

      What sort of ‘experiments’ in your Kitchen Pharmacy have you been trying out.. I would love it if you shared..
      Again Many thanks PR.. and I so appreciate your valued comments… Hugs Sue

      Liked by 1 person


      • PreciousRhymes
        Mar 05, 2015 @ 15:18:41

        I started with the most basic and easy experiments that were around ginger and turmeric root mostly Sue. Last year was a very healthy year for me. Here are 3 ways to use these that have helped me with colds, coughs and body aches, although you may probably already be aware of these:
        1. Drink the juice of ginger and basil leaves.
        2. Boil ginger root with licorice powder in water, strain and drink the water while warm.
        3. Boil turmeric root in water, strain and drink while warm before bedtime.
        4. Extract the juice of ginger and warm a little. Have it with black pepper and honey…and some more along similar lines.
        On a lighter note, your story also reminded me of the dear old Druid of the Asterix and Obelix fame (not sure if you’ve read those). I would always wonder what was going to come out of his cauldron next. Still looking for the recipe of the famous ‘magic potion’ 🙂 … closing with a hug!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 05, 2015 @ 15:29:55

          This recipe sounds interesting Precious, and I put ginger into my Elderberry Syrup.. and no I hadn’t read or am I familiar with the Druid of the Asterix and Obelix. LOL.. but it sounds a very interesting read 🙂

          Liked by 1 person


  18. D.G.Kaye
    Mar 04, 2015 @ 20:37:26

    What a wonderful tale with a wonderful message Sue. Perhaps you should continue on with this book and maybe write segments like this about different herbs? Food for thought. 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person


  19. D.G.Kaye
    Mar 05, 2015 @ 17:29:44

    I look forward to them! xo



    Mar 05, 2015 @ 18:17:09

    The power of nature and all its grandeur Sue Dear!Wonderfully written story,with gorgeous metaphors and pleasant forest scenes.All created with wisdom and placed at the right place.The answers of our questions before us,but we never bother to look closer,to discover the magic that surrounds us.
    Captivating allegorical story conveying strong messages and revealing the secrets of Nature and nature … The simple,pleasant way you present everything is more influential than science and brings our body and mind in absolute harmony!You have awakened others,you have instilled the right medicine into our minds …
    Blessings and Peace to you my friend ~ Have a wonderful evening 🙂 ❤ xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 06, 2015 @ 16:14:16

      Bless you Doda..Yes so much magic surrounds us in so many simple ways, yet the human race for most part are too caught up within their daily struggles of earning a living to buy the things they do not need, just so they can keep up with the ‘Jones’ and what the can not afford.. they go into debt to buy.. so that means more work to pay the loans off.. Less time to view what stares them in the face every day.. Sigh…

      You have no idea how pleasing your comment is Doda.. My face has a large grin to know my writing in the way I do awakens others to think.. I so hope so..
      Heres to helping re-awaken others to the Simple things in Life..
      Love and Gratitude.. Love Sue xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  21. Visionkeeper
    Mar 06, 2015 @ 12:42:24

    Great one DW….Great lessons to be learned, especially the importance of nature and her gifts she has to share. We are so quick to cut down trees never knowing the value they hold for our own well being! Will we ever learn to stop being fools do you suppose? Keep the writings coming! Great story. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy weekend and enjoy your time again with preparing for summer planting! I can’t wait. Hugs and love…VK ❤



  22. Barbara Franken
    Mar 08, 2015 @ 08:41:20

    A wonderful story sue, thank you… Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person


  23. aussieian2011
    Mar 10, 2015 @ 02:35:44

    Excellent reading Sue, enjoyed it immensely, Fascinating that the tree encompasses the five elements, interesting that one must ask permission to remove part of the tree, interesting as our Aboriginals have the same belief, we must ask permission if we want to remove a rock or some part of nature from the land.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 10, 2015 @ 18:27:22

      Yes, its living in harmony with nature.. Nature too has a consciousness, Nature as its often been documented responds to thought.. And one thing is affected to another.. Each living thing has its own aura, including the mineral kingdom… Crystals for instant hold information, seem inanimate.. But they hold powerful information, and in the centre of the Earth are huge Crystals and caves.. There are many things Ian we have forgotten, which our Indigenous peoples around the world still practice.. Their connection with Earth is far closer than anything we have…
      And the Aboriginal tribes I know are one of the ancients who hold much wisdom as do the Hopi and Native American Indians, as well as those remote tribes in Africa..
      Thank you Ian.. enjoy your day x

      Liked by 1 person


  24. aussieian2011
    Mar 10, 2015 @ 02:36:55

    A slight mistake in spelling there Sue, Aboriginals.



  25. Kourtney Heintz
    Mar 28, 2015 @ 21:13:22

    Love this. Such a wonderful bond between grandmother and granddaughter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  26. Grace
    Aug 13, 2015 @ 22:01:47

    Oh, thank you for pointing me here! You really should finish this book if your Spirit should lead you! Being a March baby myself, I appreciated all the information about Birch – some of which was new to me. Oh, to have had elder women to teach me the Wise Woman Ways….the Ancient Secrets and the Old Ways. Even one would’ve been wonderful. Even at 58, I would jump on the chance to be mentored in the healing arts – especially those that deal with the nature spirits and the plant kingdoms. I’ve looked at some on-line things, but not only are they expensive, it’s just not the same as a “hip-to-hip and heart-to-heart” arrangement. 🙂

    Please do write more on this…even if it’s just one more chapter.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 14, 2015 @ 15:09:11

      Aww thank you Grace.. thank you for the thumbs up to my writing attempts.. I wrote several chapters but then my heart went out of it.. So I stopped.. I think Knitting took over at the time 🙂 lol.. so maybe just for you in the not too distant future I will post a sequel 🙂 xx And thank you so so much for taking time to read this long piece.. xx Hugs and Love Sue ❤



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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