Gifts we already Hold~ In Gratitude

Gratitude Love and Blessings.

‘Season’s Gifts’

Our Season’s greetings now begun,

And gifts we give and songs we’ve sung

Of Peace on Earth Goodwill to men

Well I had to write and hold my pen

butterfly divider

And tell you of the Gifts we hold

They come not of the Christmas Story told

But each and every day we see

The True gifts heaven sent to you and me

butterfly divider

The ones of shelter from a storm

A roof and food and Healthy baby born

To walk to see and smile happily

And share the love of family

butterfly divider

Let’s remember those who have no one

The orphan’s beggars and lonely ones

Those who are lost and those afraid

And those who are abused and dazed

butterfly divider

Let’s count the Gifts of being warm

And pray for those who come to harm

Lets also remember the war torn spots

Where our soldiers lives are not just maps and dots

butterfly divider

So when we unwrap our gifts this year

Let us remember with a tear

The Gifts we hold each and every day

To Give our thanks and Blessings say

butterfly divider

Peace on Earth Goodwill to all men

And hold them in our hearts ..



As we approach Christmas Let us remember this Season reminds us about the

Gifts of Giving

Let us also remember All those Gifts we have carried with us throughout the year while others around the world may have not been so fortunate

I want to add a quote here from a blogging friend Narf!  over at The Road to Serendipity  who commented upon my Previous post Time is Flying

“Life is amazing and we are here to document that awesomeness. Lets all stop paying homage to small things and go hunting for the beauty, the precious essence and the special moments in the everyday”

“Life is amazing and we are here to document that awesomeness. Lets all stop paying homage to small things and go hunting for the beauty, the precious essence and the special moments in the everyday “

111 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sue Dreamwalker
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 16:02:15

    Seems my Quote will not appear even after I typed it out again.. so here is its
    ” Life is amazing and we are here to document that awesomeness. Lets all stop paying homage to small things and go hunting for the beauty, the precious essence and the special moments in the everyday “

    Liked by 4 people


  2. Nihar Pradhan
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 16:10:05

    Simply superb, what lovely composition of thoughts…it couldn’t have been better…the rhyme and rhythms of; warm and harm, spots and dots, hold and told…what a beautiful choice of words…it resonants and connects so well…

    Gifts of words is what you have been blessed with…Gratitude is the best attitude we all can carry and should carry, well said it is the father of all virtues, no denying the profound thought…

    Seasons gifts and particularly the year end gifts is what we all look forward, it is not the monetary value that is attached to it but the feeling it brings with it as a bundle of joy for us to get happy…happiness is in these small gestures and little surprise gifts that comes our way…

    Let the new year usher with lots of such beautiful gifts for you…lots of good wishes and good health from my side…

    Liked by 2 people


  3. Writing to Freedom
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 16:13:05

    Beautiful poem and reminders to look for the beauty and gifts in our lives. Thanks Sue. to searching for and creating beauty! 🙂
    Happy Holidays!

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Michael33
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 16:28:59

    Beautiful poetry and beautiful quote, Sue. Enlightened my morning…

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Geneviève Ariès
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 17:01:50

    Amin. (Arabic for Amen, which I don’t care for because it leaves women out)

    Super post, precious one.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Julianne Victoria
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 17:26:18

    Just beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  7. David
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 18:15:49

    I am so grateful for all that comes my way and so grateful for you too Sue. Have a great Season of Goodwill. Love, David

    Liked by 1 person


  8. aFrankAngle
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 18:32:04

    Outstanding words not only for the season, but for any day! Cheers to your positive outlook of life.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Red
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 18:33:49

    What a loving sentiment, Sweet Sue. I am grateful to have you so close to my heart. Brightest Blessings and Warm Hugs, xxx ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 14:34:37

      Red its always a pleasure, I know I do not get around as often I once did.. But likewise you are a special Being who ‘Sees’ much more of Life.. and whom I admire for you are not afraid of Truth and to speak it.. Would there were more like you.. xx Hugs Sue ❤



  10. LadyPinkRose
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 18:34:50

    Precious beyond words. Thank you, Sue. Yes let us all find the Treasures in the Beauty of LIFE and focus on those, instead of the small stuff. (((HUGS))) Amy

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Eric Tonningsen
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 18:53:48

    Giving and practicing gratitude… it ought to be innate. And it canbe with conscious awareness and compassionate action. Nice reminder, Sue. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person


  12. cat
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 18:56:12

    X Mas is the most disliked season of mine … as people feel they have to buy love for each other … Easter, well, I do feel for Judas … always have … cuz nobody was there for him to save him in time … so I usually work psych with all my heart at those time … doctor, heal thyself … smiles … I love you, Sue … Always, cat.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 14:25:45

      Until this year Cat I too often worked over Christmas.. it comes with the territory.. I so admire and am thankful for people such as your good self who put others first over the holidays. Dr’s and Nurses.. Glad you are their to help save those who also at times feel betrayed.. xxxx Hugs back Sue



  13. Eddie Two Hawks
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 20:12:33

    Thank you dear Sue for helping bring to mind the golden essence of the reason for this very beautiful season. may it always be so, Eddie

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 14:21:57

      I hope so Eddie.. We forget the reason the Season of Christmas is celebrated as it has got so lost within the Commercial world of Advertising .. The Gifts of Love Kindness and sharing are ones we should be remembering, along with New Life- Birth and the love of one another– Family…
      I thank you Eddie for your thoughtful comment.. and yes May it always be so.. _/\_

      Liked by 1 person


  14. prenin
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 21:52:20

    Merry Christmas my friend! 🙂

    Love and huge hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


  15. litebeing
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 22:00:17

    Maybe you had to keep repeating it over and over so the message could sink in 😉
    Or maybe it is just a frustrating cycle. The last few days have been very slow and frustrating for me on multiple levels. Fortunately I eventually return to my Center and realize how lucky IAM! I am just not there yet at this moment 🙂

    I truly hope you know how much your friends love you and how grateful we are to have you in our corner!

    gratefully yours ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 14:17:03

      Linda Bless you.. and sorry to hear you have been going through some frustrations.. But Know it is only transitory .. And yes when we look about us we see just how luck we truly are.. And I am so grateful for friends such as your good self Linda.. Hang on in there.. I Feel a corner is about to be turned 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  16. narf77
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 23:46:19

    Its very easy to get caught up in the consumer rush for mass spending and designer ” perfection” but wading in and running in this baton race is only going to end in tears. If we withdraw from the race gracefully and we sit back in our happy (tatty) little deckchairs on the sidelines we can really get a much better picture of what is going on. How much true happiness gets trampled over in the Christmas rush and the Boxing day sales…those credit card bills in February might just take years to pay off where simple, thoughtful and personalised gifts, whether they are appreciated or not, are better for the giver, the person receiving AND the planet. There will always be someone better off than you but then again, there will always be someone worse off than you. Where you are, right here, right now is perfect for “you” and we have to make the very most of it in order to live our lives to the fullest and to be truly ready for happiness when it flutters by otherwise how are we going to recognise it, let alone enjoy it to the max?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 14:14:09

      You know I so Love you and your thoughts narf.. and agree entirely with your comment.. People are so intoxicated with the need to just BUY.. it often matters not what it is, just that they have to spend.. and ‘Get a Bargain’.. I so so smile… as often the bargain is something they never really needed but because of the Sales Signs,, its now a must have item.. And like you say, to pay back later.. I wrote a poem upon this subject I hope to publish later on, I wrote in the late 90’s when Plastic was still quite new,in our world, only having said that. it had been around since the late 60’s in the UK. But was fast becoming the In thing to purchase on..
      We live in a World made on Credit… I am sorry but its not my world, or yours I would think Narf…
      So making the most.. of every day.. With you all the way xx



      • narf77
        Dec 16, 2014 @ 17:44:05

        Live simply, live humbly, be grateful, thankful and spiritual and pay now for what you buy and you have every chance to live a long and happy life 🙂



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 18, 2014 @ 21:47:36

          In total Agreement 🙂 And I will be by to catch up with your posts too.. I am now way behind having been absent from WP for a couple of days xxx I hope that long awaited Crafted Gift is among the photo’s 🙂 See you Very Soon.. xxx



          • narf77
            Dec 19, 2014 @ 04:22:28

            Yup…I made my daughter 5 amigurumi crochet dolls of her favourite Korean K-Pop band Big Bang. I have them all lined up for your perusal when you are able to drop by for a visit and Steve made our other daughter a gorgeous lacquer Pine box.



  17. jacksjottings
    Dec 15, 2014 @ 23:58:21

    Sue this is a thoughtful poem that makes us realise.
    Heaven sent gifts are not found under a Christmas tree.
    But everyday we see the true gifts heaven sent to you and me.
    Giving presents at Christmas is very nice.
    Giving love and appreciation all year is ferfect thanks._/\_

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 14:02:07

      Yes I received several Hugs off of my 4 yr old granddaughter this morning, I was making that dolls house out of card, and she said. Lets us our ‘Imagination’ as I explained on her last visit all about Imagination.. So her cardboard box I cut arched doors in, and she drew windows and before long we had a magical Snow Castle … When I said I would have to get up off the floor as I was aching a bit.. She gave me the biggest of hugs and said Thank you Grandma for playing in my Imagination.. and I got a huge kiss.. 🙂 These are the most precious moments I can ever cherish Jack.. And are FERECT.. Every One 🙂 ❤ _/\_

      Liked by 1 person


  18. jacksjottings
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 00:19:53

    Perfect thanks Sue, you may not find ferfect in the dictionary.
    It means we are not all perfect but kind people understandi this.
    They just laugh and say have a great day all youare round.
    Oh Magoo you did it again. 😀

    Liked by 2 people


  19. beautifulchaos2
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 01:40:47

    Your poem is beautful, I love it! Helping those who need it most is something that I wish everyone would do all year long.
    The evening news is on while I write this, how wish wish peace on earth and goodwill toward men could become a realty
    Hugs and love,

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 13:56:03

      Yes, we have a long way to go if we are to take in the media news.. and yet I truly believe within each and every heart Peace is what we all seek…. It first has to start from within…
      Lovely to have you back in WP land Nikki.. 🙂 I hope you remain .. 🙂 xxx



  20. oxherder
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 08:31:04

    warm words as always from a warm heart. thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


  21. cat
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 10:45:40

    I have been given gifts as usual, but none of them are ever wrapped … just gifts … no surprise … and every year the same gifts, too … like honey from my bees and calendars to last them for a whole year and vegetables from my garden and freshly baked buns … not to mention … my open door all year round for them … everybody in my family likes that, and I hope, you will too … Love, cat.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 13:45:45

      I love that Cat.. that is how it should be… So many forget the closeness of family.. And how precious family time is. Wish I lived a stones throw away Cat.. I would love to stand in your kitchen and bake with you.. And you could tell me I had flour on my nose, and I probably would put some on yours, just for the fun.. 🙂
      Love you too Sister.. xxxxx



  22. Visionkeeper
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 11:36:33

    Will we all enter Christmas and exit into a new year as we always do or will we finally stand up together this time and refuse to accept anything less than peace for the world and an end to war and hatred? The old scenario must end once and for all and love must conquer all. Let us all complete our mission this year to shift the world into a new paradigm of gratefulness and love and compassion. Beautiful poem DW…Blessings and love to you <3…VK xxoo

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 16, 2014 @ 13:42:14

      My wish for the future VK would be nothing less than a Wish for ALL to embrace Peace within their lives.. I was listening to a conversation today as I took my Granddaughter to pre-school.. And you know there is still so much work to do upon personal levels and people Hold Anger, Bitterness and dislike for others… Sigh… But we can only keep working upon our selves and within our own corners as we drop our pebbles of thoughts out into the ocean of Consciousness.. Let us hope dear VK we can keep sending the ripples out and create eventually a tidal wave of Love.. So sad people only remember how to Give at this time of year.. Instead we should be giving and in Gratitude each and every day.. ❤ Big Hugs dear Friend xx



  23. lynnemichellegreaves
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 12:22:17

    Beautiful words and energy, a gift in itself, many thanks xxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  24. starproms
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 20:18:54

    Christmastime certainly makes us realise how lucky we are. Lovely words Sue, thank you.



  25. lscotthoughts
    Dec 17, 2014 @ 04:22:20

    Beautiful poem for this season, Sue, and a message for all year long. Loved the quote, too! Wishing you a lovely holiday season with much love, cheer and many hugs! ♥



  26. lscotthoughts
    Dec 17, 2014 @ 04:23:03

    By the way, Sue, I love the little snowmen; how did you get them on your blog? 😀 ♥



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2014 @ 21:40:17

      I logged into my Theme and Background.. I uploaded a narrow little separator graphic and had it repeat horizontally.. You will see I change these from time to time from flowers to feathers.. Watch out for the New Year one.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • lscotthoughts
        Dec 18, 2014 @ 22:37:47

        I’m not going to copy you, but wanted to know where they came from. Thanks, Sue! 🙂 ♥



        • noelle
          Dec 19, 2014 @ 00:54:22

          Merry Christmas Sue..
          Your words are beautifully said
          I too am having trouble with WP
          but maybe they are still working on it
          yesterday where my comments were just vanished
          I had to go in and press a few buttons but now they are still there to comment on my page
          Merry Christmas
          Noelle x x



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 19, 2014 @ 20:35:16

          Lauren lol.. the more the merrier is my motto… I hope your theme allows you to do it.. Some one else asked how, but when they looked upon their theme it did not have the same settings.. Sending Hugs and snowmen your way 🙂 xxxx ❤



  27. noelle
    Dec 17, 2014 @ 05:26:12

    Merry Christmas Sue
    Im just dropping by from Nikkiharts site
    Lovely to visit you site and see all the beautiful words and thoughts
    Hugs Noelle xxx



  28. Rajagopal
    Dec 17, 2014 @ 10:52:03

    Enjoyed your assembly of words and images of love , beauty , joy , peace and harmony , Sue… may all of these continue to visit and enrich your world….this year I am especially grateful to the Almighty for being able to connect with wonderful people like you….best wishes…Raj .



  29. Gina's Professions for PEACE
    Dec 17, 2014 @ 12:00:53

    What a treasure you have shared with us all here! Your poetic wisdom warms my heart. I’ve been away for a while but you have been on my mind often Sue. Sending loving hugs your way! xo Gina



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2014 @ 22:02:00

      Gina… what a wonderful Christmas Present you have given me here.. 🙂 as you have returned.. 🙂 You too were often on my mind Gina and I called around to send you my thoughts.. So good to see you making your way back to blog Land.. Will catch up soon.. xxx Hugs to you too xx

      Liked by 1 person


  30. silentlyheardonce
    Dec 17, 2014 @ 16:06:33

    Inspiring words. Words that we should hold dear and live by. As well as share in the way we treat each other.



    Dec 17, 2014 @ 20:03:13

    Blessed those who are thankful and living with gratitude ! But,more blessed those who give without receiving anything … Heavenly poetic expression touching the real essence and spirit of this Holy Season ! Christmas Blessings,my lovely Sue 🙂 ❤



  32. europasicewolf
    Dec 17, 2014 @ 22:48:20

    Love your little snowmen at the top of the page! Happy Christmas Sue xx 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2014 @ 21:23:37

      Thank you Wolfie, and yes they are cute .. And you are not forgotten.. Saw an email among my long list you had posted Will be walking on by very soon.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • europasicewolf
        Dec 19, 2014 @ 20:14:17

        No rush Sue 🙂 I know what you mean about the long email list! Same problem here 😉 I had to split my post in two and it’s still not laid itself out properly despite looking ok in the preview, so apologies for any unreadable bits! I also forgot to add my sources in the nightmare of trying to sort it out so at some point I will need to sort that out…oh joy! x

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Dec 19, 2014 @ 20:40:02

          Good to know you posted again Wolfie.. And I will do as you said, highlight the bits that fall on the same colour background.. 🙂 Glad you are having ‘FUN’ JOY.. LOL.. Always makes for good Hoooooowwwwwwlllls my friend 🙂 😀

          Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 19, 2014 @ 20:37:04

      Thank you for noticing the snowmen Wolfie xx



  33. Hannah (BitterSweet)
    Dec 18, 2014 @ 09:22:55

    Such beautiful, wise, and utterly true sentiments. It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the madness of the holidays and forget what gifts are really important, and how much of what we need is what we already have. Thanks for sharing. 🙂



  34. Glorialana
    Dec 18, 2014 @ 13:17:55

    Dear Sue! I wonder where you refill your batteries to reply to every comment you have received, where you find so relevant and inspiring words for every soul you have met? I am not a very good in this art – I always want to write to you something beautiful – please accept my gratitude for you, your words, your wisdom and your light!
    Thank You, dear Sue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 18, 2014 @ 21:18:07

      Glorialana.. you say you are not good with the art of inspiring words for others!.. And yet your Dear God Posts inspire ALL who read.. You write beautifully 🙂 So lovely to see you .. And sending you Seasons Greetings your way 🙂 Hugs Sue



  35. Sue Dreamwalker
    Dec 18, 2014 @ 21:11:36

    Ashley just re write your correction on a reply to you incorrect comment and I will Edit..



  36. Gray Dawster
    Dec 19, 2014 @ 08:46:48

    Have a truly wonderful Friday
    and weekend Sue, and of course
    with Christmas just around the
    corner let me wish you a very happy
    and loving Christmas my sweet
    friend 🙂 With a New Year of 2015
    to be enjoyed and savoured, to be
    positive and optimistic for the year
    to follow and to enjoy the peace
    amongst friends and family alike 🙂

    Have a fantastic Christmas Sue 🙂
    Oh and save me some of your baking,
    you are the best my dear and are
    also hot on the knitting too, yes and
    the painting, the pickling, the… Wow
    you’re awesome 😉

    Andro xxxx

    Andro xxxx



  37. Maria F.
    Dec 21, 2014 @ 14:19:05

    I think gratitude is a sign of inner peace. Whenever I feel gratitude, I feel harmonious once again. It’s a matter of being mindful to it, and accepting it.



  38. Maria F.
    Dec 21, 2014 @ 15:22:32

    I’m sending you this link to a podcast which touches on the subject of listening, and it involves the concept of gratitude also.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 21, 2014 @ 18:37:59

      Thank you Maria… Sending you well wishes back.. And thank you so much for the link



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 06, 2015 @ 14:44:09

      Dear Maria.. I am so pleased you reminded me of this link.. I had saved it to my browser then totally forgot about it.. I will surely listen over the next couple of days and get back to you upon my thoughts.. Have a wonderful Tuesday.. I am off now to fetch my Granddaughter and we should have Fun after her first day back at pre-school today.. 🙂
      Hugs Sue xx



  39. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Dec 21, 2014 @ 16:40:55

    Beautiful poem Sue and great reminders about the true value of giving and of gratitude. Sending you all good wishes for the holiday season and hopes for a very happy new year for you. Much love dear friend xxxx



  40. Aquileana
    Dec 24, 2014 @ 12:52:20

    when we unwrap our gifts this year

    Let us remember with a tear

    The Gifts we hold each and every day

    To Give our thanks and Blessings say

    Beautiful verses… Very touching poem dear Sue.
    Love and best wishes from Aquileana 😛

    Liked by 1 person


  41. gageier
    Dec 27, 2014 @ 10:28:01

    Liebe Sue danke für die lieben Weihnachtsgrüsse ja es ist immer was besonderes wenn kleine Kinder mit leuchtenden Augen vor dem Tannenbaum stehen aber jetzt wo die Kinder groß sind ist es etwas anderes ein guten rutsch ins neue Jahr mit viel Gesundheit Glück und Zufriedenheit das wünsche ich dir in Freundschaft Klaus

    Liked by 1 person


  42. aussieian2011
    Jan 08, 2015 @ 09:00:54

    Gratitude for all we take for granted and gratitude for all that surrounds us with Mother nature and her wondrous world.
    The best gifts to share of all.

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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