Harvesting the Sun.

Sunflowers from our Garden

Sunflowers from our Garden

“There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun”

Pablo Picasso

I promised I would share a little of what I have been up to over last month.. I have enjoyed painting, cooking, gardening, preserving, and reading, several books  in the lazy warmth of Summer’s Sun as it winds down to the cooler days of Autumn..

 I just want to add how you all also bring your warmth and glow of Sunshine to my day.. Some I have yet still to catch up.. others I have already said hello to.. And I wish to welcome all the new subscribers who have clicked the follow button.. I hope you enjoy browsing among my posts..

  So below in picture format is what I have been up to.

I hope to add the recipes I used to my Home cooking pages soon..

All that hard work is safely gathered In. 

Onions and Shallots hung in the shed

Onions and Shallots hung in the shed

Potatoes Gathered in

Potatoes Gathered in

I have been gathering in the harvest and making Elderberry Syrup, And lots of  Blackberry Jam.. I thought I had better take a photo while I still had some Jam left.. I made 12 pots in total. I have already given lots away. 


Next I have enjoyed getting back into painting, and creating another Herb tub for our garden.  Apologies the picture came out blurred. 

 For those who knew I was painting an owl on a Milk churn.. Here he is.. 

Close up of owl painting on churn

Close up of owl painting on churn

He is a Little Owl I hope my Acupuncturist likes him.. She requested a painted churn with an owl on it..  

Owl Churn I painted

Owl Churn I painted

Back of Owl churn with poppies

Back of Owl churn with poppies

Large Milk churn in Canal art style, still half finished.. I need to put centre piece on it yet.

Large Milk churn in Canal art style, still half finished.. I need to put centre piece on it yet. This is twice the size of the owl churn..

I hope you enjoyed seeing what has been keeping me busy.. And I look forward to catching up with the rest of your posts soon.. 

Have a wonderful rest of the week..

Be Good to each other



93 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. dianaroggenbuckebrown
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 11:30:07

    They are just beautiful I especially love the large tub with the dahlias painted on it 🙂



  2. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 11:40:38

    Das ist schön. Liebe Grüße von uns. Wolfgang



  3. Hariod Brawn
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 12:06:39

    What an amazingly productive, wise and creative woman you are Sue – you shame me on all counts! Hariod. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:45:10

      Hariod, never say that.. WE all have our own strengths and gifts.. You have an amazing gift as I see it within your writing skills.. Your knowledge far outweighs my own upon many subjects.. To be honest Hariod I only think my own artistic skills mediocre when I see other artists works.. I was never formally trained, only self trained, as my Dad too was gifted in drawing. so take after him… Thank you so much for your very nice compliment Hariod. xx

      Liked by 1 person


  4. AligningWithTruth
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 12:08:43

    Lovely creations of Love! ❤ ❤ ❤ ………… NadineMarie



  5. prenin
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 13:13:06

    Love your paintings as always Sue! 🙂

    I’d say the small green churn was an Owling success!!! 🙂

    Love and huge hugs my friend!


    Liked by 1 person


  6. Visionkeeper
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 13:17:09

    You put me to shame DW…I can see you are a high energy person indeed. Well done and such great art work. By the way, I’ll be over for dinner tonight. VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:36:47

      Never think that VK.. Me putting you to shame! Lol.. I sit down often with a cuppa LOL.. staring into space! 🙂 😉 I think though Hubby would wish I were back at work some days though LOL, as I find things for ‘us’ to do hehe… And Oh you would be Soooo so welcome to dinner VK.. 🙂 Big Hugs xxxx DW



  7. Crowing Crone
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 13:31:10

    ah, blackberries and elderberries bring memories of summers past! Your milk churns are quite lovely and would be a prized piece in any home.You knew the poppies on the back of the owl one would make me smile. If I ever come to visit I shall order one ahead of time to take home a piece of your grace with me.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:31:37

      Yes Joss, your poppy fields are a delight to behold my friend.. And each one for me too has special meaning.. And you know you would be welcome such a gift too Joss… I am happy the fruit brought pleasant memories Joss.. Many thanks for your visit and lovely comment 🙂



  8. sriramjanak
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 14:07:59

    A beautiful post Sue…:-)
    Thank you



  9. Paul Handover
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 14:44:43

    Love the owl on the churn! 🙂



  10. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 15:12:33

    Thanks for sharing your lovely creations Sue. I love the owl and am impressed by your garden harvest. Clearly you are taking full advantage of retirement! 🙂



  11. litebeing
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 16:24:48

    Is Owl one of your guides? Your images are so full of life force. I can taste the jam, yum. Can you send me some through my computer screen? Life agrees with you and I am pleased.

    blessings and hugs,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:24:03

      Hi Linda.. No the owl isn’t mine… But it is very special to my acupuncturist, who requested when she wanted a churn painting could I put a little owl on it.. I said I could.. Laughing, I would willingly send you some via the Computer screen LOL.. Hang around for a few more years Linda and who knows what technology will come up with LOL.. I mean we have 3D printers.. Who knows when we will have 3D food! God forbid! .. But sooo pleased you enjoyed my artwork.. 🙂 BIG hugs back.. xxx Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Julianne Victoria
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 17:31:19

    All amazing! ❤



  13. lavendermoongirlblog
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 17:32:03

    What a wonderful harvest Sue. I love your owl! I’ve been bottling my sun blushed tomatoes as I have too many to eat and I’m thinking about putting herbs in pretty pots to give away to friends and family. A busy time! I’m glad you’re having a wonderful early retirement. Xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:18:58

      What a lovely gift idea with your herbs LG.. Tomatoes have been in abundance here too.. I have been making fresh soup twice a week for lunch time, blanching and freezing some, and just love eating in salads.. We grew some very sweet yellow tomatoes this year too.. If you haven’t tried them I recommend you do.. You’ll love them.. .. Thank you for your compliments LG… sending a big hug your way x Sue



  14. ptero9
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 18:06:14

    Truly wonderful Sue! Love your art and seeing the bounty of your harvest.



  15. cat
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 18:38:45

    O, so love the black milk churn with the few floral accents … looks so clean and perfect just as it is, Sue … Love you, Cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:14:39

      Thank you Cat.. yes I was also tempted to leave it as it was.. but I thought up a pattern I wanted in the middle that I was inspired with via the canal artwork floral patterns, So made a start .. This is for our hallway to hold walking sticks and umbrellas in .. I bought a 4 rusty metal pots job lot from a forgotten corner of a garden centre a couple of months ago.. I hope to paint them black with similar boarder to hang on the fence to hold flowers next Spring.. You are not forgotten Cat.. And I know I have lots to catch up with 🙂 See you soon.. 🙂



  16. narf77
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 20:05:25

    Preservation and painting therapy. The very best kind 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:09:01

      Agreed Narf… I have enjoyed both types of therapy my friend in abundance these past few weeks… We are finally now on top of the allotments too, just in time as bad wet weather is forecast for this weekend.. If it is, It will give me time to catch up with WP and your good self again..
      I baked a very nice lemon drizzle cake this morning.. So may well add that to my recipe page.. It was just my kind of cake making.. Everything in the bowl at once and whisk LOL.. 🙂 and its turned out Yum!…



      • narf77
        Oct 03, 2014 @ 20:03:17

        I love “bung it all in and mix” recipes. Especially when they result in cake! Glad you are getting your soul therapy from your painting and preserving. There aren’t many ways to truly make you feel fulfilled but doing something that you love and that lets your creative muses shine is one of the best ways there is. We are just starting work in Sanctuary after our long winter period and I wish we had her sorted out already. I have multiple barrow loads of soil ameliorates in my immediate future to push uphill and into Sanctuary but first I have to construct a set of ramps to get in and out with the wheelbarrow and then I have to pull out the weeds and get the soil ready for seedlings. LOTS of hard work but very rewarding on all levels 🙂



  17. Christy Birmingham
    Oct 02, 2014 @ 20:14:11

    Sue, you are multi-talented, my dear friend! I love the painted owl on the churn – its eyes are peaceful yet intense at the same time! I am so glad to hear from you and to know you are keeping well xo HUGS



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:05:21

      Dear Christy, you could not have paid my owl painting a greater compliment than you have. It took me an hour to get the owl eyes just as I wanted them to look.. and your words have described them to a tee.. LOL.. I wanted to get that owl stare that said I am alert and watching you.. but I also wanted to bring that wise softness to his Look.. I was happy with the result, but had to make myself put the brush down so I didnt overwork them and mess up.. Its all in the eyes of anything living you paint..and I always leave the eyes to the end.. I really should do them sooner LOL.. Thank you dear Christy.. I am well, and sending a big Hug in return. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  18. jacksjottings
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 05:07:46

    i liked the nice quote from Pablo and the sweet song.
    But what I reaal enjoyed was seeing the joyous way you spend your day.
    I know this is going to inspire all who read it to get active on things they have been neglecting.
    We are back home for a few days and are into the garden.
    People will be out with the paints and having a go after seeing this post.
    The owl painting is a beauty,
    Home made black berry jam, picking wild ones for my aunty to make jam.
    I recall anties warning, “Be careful I don’t want to be picking out thorns and watch out for snakes.”
    Enjoy,Sue we are watching you, for inspiration. _/\_



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 14:55:47

      Jack.. yes blackberry picking is fun.. I pick the Raspberries, Hubby picks the Blackberries mainly because we cut them back last year and their new runners went riot so I sent him among them to pick.. So each day at the end of gardening he would pick me a punnet full.. In fact I did get a little sick of soaking and going through them each day to be honest.. But I froze Pounds of them.. It was these I made into Jam.. And still have enough frozen berries to make lots lots more.. So all that preparing was worth it in the end… :-).
      Thank you for the compliment of my owl.. I was quite pleased with the results.. His eyes I played with for an hour, until I got that intense, alert look.. And as I have it in my art room/Spare room.. He appears to look at me from every angle.. Which is what I wanted for my acupuncturist.. She is a blessings .. I have treatment once a month only now.. And has helped so much within my own healing..
      I am pleased you got to return home a few days.. 🙂 You Jack are my inspiration.. Thank you for such a lovely contribution here Jack.. Blessings sent your way. _/\_ Sue

      Liked by 2 people


  19. marja
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 06:13:59

    Sue you are an amazing artist I love the churns so much especially that owl. The acupuncturist is very lucky. I see you have a nice harvest and yummy jam I never tasted elderberry syrup but years ago my husband used to make elderberry wine and we spend lots of times taking the berries of the string with a fork.
    I have a feeling that you are settling in well into your retirement Lots of love



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 14:44:29

      It is very simple to make Elderberry Syrup and good when suffering coughs and colds.. I hope to put a recipe I followed up soon.. So if you have elderberry trees you can make the syrup.. You just need to make sure you use the very ripe berries not the unripe one’s as they are bitter. Yes I am fitting well into my retirement.. Hardly a moment passes I am not doing something. 🙂 Many thanks Marja for your visit.. Hugs Sue xx



  20. Eddie Two Hawks
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 11:43:20

    Working with hands is such a remarkable experience. Arts and crafts are a treasured past time and your work is magnificent. When first seeing the owl, I thought it was a photograph. It is amazing to look at. Love all your work, the post, and you. peace in our time, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 14:40:36

      Eddie, your compliments always fill me up to brimming.. 🙂 as my heart swells a little in pride, as I was very satisfied with the finished results of the owl.. Thank you so much for your appreciation.. _/\_ And yes Peace in our time Eddie.. Bless you

      Liked by 1 person


  21. dreamingthruthetwilight
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 13:46:20

    Finding creative ways to fill your days certainly makes you feel joyous and peaceful by the time the nights come by. I try to do different things too, not that I’ll get to do anything perfectly , but just that I find joy in doing them. Your churns are beautiful. What paint do you use on them? And oh! those elderberries and blackberries. I get greedy every time I see pictures in my grandson’s book on fruits. Pity we live so far away from each other. I would surely have laid claim to a couple of those jars. Hugs dear one 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 14:34:00

      How lovely to hear from you again Nadira.. Yes a pity we live so far away.. And you would have been most welcome to a couple of jars of Jam too my friend.. The main colour paint upon the metal is Metal/wood based paint.This has two coats.. Then I use acrylic paints over the top of that to create the flowers or animals, when perfectly dry I use two coats of clear varnish over the entire vessel. This ensures the pots are water and weather proof for outside use.. Many thanks for your lovely comment Nadira, I bet your grandchildren are now growing.. 🙂 Hugs to you x

      Liked by 1 person


  22. beverley
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 15:57:08

    You have been very busy and it looks like you are now being rewarded for your hard work. However i love the title of this post as i too have been harvesting the sun – on my face and my arms and even my legs. i love the sun at this time of year as it’s not too hot to actually sit outside and enjoy.



  23. aFrankAngle
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 16:07:22

    The bottom line is that you are enjoying retirement and your days are filled with much joy! … so I hope you get a chance to drop by this weekend for something important.

    Liked by 1 person


  24. NIna Fox
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 17:35:08

    Aloha Sue~it has been soooo long since I have had a chance to stop by your blog~and I have to say that this post is beyond lovely and absolutely brightened my spirit~ Mahalo Nui from a sister and plenty love and peace your way~ Nina

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 21:06:53

      Many thanks also Nina for stopping by.. I am happy you enjoyed and thank you for following Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.. I hope you enjoy reading my past and future post 🙂 Blessings your way.. Sue



  25. Fiestaestrella
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 17:42:12

    Hi Sue! Your post is a delight to my senses! You’ve made all that Jam! Feels so good to read of how well you are doing – and what a productive time! 🙂 Feeling sunny. Thank you for sharing. 🙂 The owl is special gift, for sure.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 21:03:15

      Thank you so much Ka.. Yes my days have been full, even though its taken some adjustment to retirement.. I have never been busier 🙂 Many thanks for your comment Ka.. I always look forward to your comments. 🙂



  26. Joe Bradshaw
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 17:42:13

    Awesome Sue! Looks like you have been very productive over the last month and over a lifetime your beautiful contributions of art and soul have made our world a better place for all of us that share it with you! Keep being you Sue you are awesome! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Hugs



  27. aishasoasis
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 20:02:14

    Oh, how wonderful, Sue! You’ve had avery productive summer, harvesting the sun! And your painting is great, I really love thar owl! ♥♥♥ ;^)

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Jacqueline King
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 20:53:19

    What a fascinating peek into how you are spending your days Sue ~ you’ve definitely thrown yourself into retirement with gusto. Love the photos of your work, thank you for sharing and inspiring! It seems we are on similar adventures right now ~ I was made redundant in June but ~ after being off work with an injury for almost 12 months, it has taken me a wee while to realise that I never have to go back to work ~ but now I’m beginning to appreciate that it really is true! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 03, 2014 @ 21:12:04

      Dear Jacqueline, thank you for sharing, I agree learning to retire takes some adjusting.. I have been made redundant from work several times and never let the grass grow under my feet itching to be back in employment again.. So this is a new feeling.. So yes lots of energy poured into lots of projects.. 🙂 I am so happy you enjoyed this most.. And so pleased you too are now appreciating YOU and Your ME time.. 🙂 xxxx



  29. lscotthoughts
    Oct 03, 2014 @ 23:24:03

    Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful passions, Sue! I would love some blackberry jam 🙂 and I just adore the owl, too! Sending hugs and love your way and continue to enjoy each day…xoxo



  30. Binky
    Oct 04, 2014 @ 03:54:59

    I like that owl! Interesting to do paintings on urns like that.

    Liked by 1 person


  31. wolfgangpowerpoint.wordpress.com/
    Oct 04, 2014 @ 09:23:32



  32. starproms
    Oct 04, 2014 @ 12:51:58

    What a feast of delights today Sue. Your produce all looks wonderful and delicious and the painted milk churns are gorgeous. I love the little owl.youve captured him just right.

    Liked by 1 person


  33. becca givens
    Oct 04, 2014 @ 17:01:26

    I haven’t seen a milk churn in YEARS, and I believe then only in “Antique Stores” — your owl is precious, and your flowers bring a smile. Quite a bountiful harvest you’ve gathered. I am sure the jam is yummmmmyyy! Congratulations on your 4 yr WP Anniversary ~~ May the remainder of your weekend overflow with blessings, peace, joy and satisfaction!! xo

    Liked by 1 person


  34. lorriebowden
    Oct 04, 2014 @ 23:00:42

    It warms my heart to see your artistic beauty, Sue. It tells me that you listen to your intuitive soul on another level. Your paintings are beautiful! Thanks for your support today…I appreciate you! ❤



  35. Laurie's Gentle Healing Notes
    Oct 05, 2014 @ 01:15:43

    So nice to stop by for a little more sunshine here. I always appreciate your comments and visits. Beautiful art here! It feels just wonderful. 🙂
    Much love and sunshine to you —



  36. natswans
    Oct 05, 2014 @ 15:54:52

    Hi Sue so this is what you’ve been doing well so much Talent, I just love your milk churns. So very colourful with every brush stroke.
    Your allotment has really done well, with our lovely Summer past.
    It is so relaxing to visit you here Sue, sorry I am a bit late .
    Best Wishes and enjoy your week ahead, and have a lovely Sunday
    Hugs Sheila xx



  37. Maria F.
    Oct 06, 2014 @ 07:12:12

    What feeling of continuity with nature, between your paintings and your gardens, so nice!

    Liked by 1 person


  38. kcg1974
    Oct 06, 2014 @ 15:48:05

    Oh, Sue, I love your painting! Bringing nature into your work to create God’s beauty in many forms. The detail in the depiction of your owl is beautiful and of course, I love the flowers. So cheerful and full of life. Syrup and jam to make my mouth water before breakfast time! So talented you are!!! 🙂 Blessings to you with a belated “Happy 4th Anniversary” too! Kim

    Liked by 1 person


  39. Laura
    Oct 06, 2014 @ 19:48:46

    those milk churns look fantastic, so talented!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 07, 2014 @ 11:17:42

      Laura.. Many thanks for stopping by and taking the time to view and comment..Your visit is very much appreciated Laura.. Keep sharing your smiles and laughter..
      Blessings Sue xox



  40. Valentine Logar
    Oct 07, 2014 @ 10:39:04

    You have been busy! Love your shed, your berries! I don’t think they would have made it to jam were I around.

    The owl is fabulous Sue, absolutely love the owl. All the painting is wonderful but love the owl the best.

    Liked by 1 person


  41. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Oct 09, 2014 @ 12:29:51

    Completely wonderful to see all of your produce Sue and your crafting. You’ve been so busy but what a joy it must all have been. Much love to you my friend and I hope that you’re taking good care of yourself. xxxx

    Liked by 1 person


  42. shamanictracker
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 08:37:43

    Congratulations on your long time blogging! I know you moved to WP with Eddie, and I told him as well, your blogs are one of my favorites by far. You guys are a special bunch ❤ .
    I know I told you this before and you laughed but I am excited about your retirement. Cause, for one, I believe that being retired is awesome and more importantly, because I know you will blossom! Just look at everything you are doing, you are turning yellow spots into sun 🙂 . ❤ everything you are doing xox

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 15:36:24

      Awww thank you so much ST… Yes you are right, I am loving retirement.. No worries as I get up in a morning, and lots and lots to do…
      You made me blush with your compliment.. Thankyou.. I am pleased I turn yellow spots into sun 🙂 Many thanks dear friend xx



  43. aussieian2011
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 09:09:09

    I enjoy seeing what has been keeping you busy Sue, your harvest do make me envious, so much gathered in and stored, how do you keep the potatoes from going to seed, apart from eating them.
    Its great the way you have transformed the old milk churns, they are beautiful
    I think I would like to see daffodils all around the churnm making it appear to be alone in a daffodil garden, alas my talents dont go as far as painting.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 11, 2014 @ 15:34:19

      We store in the shed its dry and well insulated so is frost free. So long as you sort your potatoes well removing the bad ones and eating the iffy one’s first.. They lasted really well last winter in this potato sacks…
      Thank you for your compliments Ian over the churns… I enjoy painting them.. .. The Black one had a little more decoration added and is going to be a walking stick/umbrella stand in our hallway when done 🙂 .



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