Healing From within~ Qi Gong


“ To breathe and know you are alive is wonderful.

Because you are alive, everything is possible.

 ( Thich Nhat Hanh,)

Recently I made the decision to retire from work.  I have over the past few months become very lax in my daily routine.. Of cleansing and meditating.. And to be honest my body is letting me know as certain aches and pains return within my muscles.. 

I know that I have to get my own house in order ..

When I became very ill several years ago I put myself though a daily ritual which gradually increased my health and fitness and mental alertness.. While I was ill I joined a Qi Gong class, me being me I was going to try anything to help my FMS. Fibromyalgia  And it worked along with positive thinking, affirmations and a belief in my own bodies ability to heal.. I went from Fatigue and not being able to walk far and full of pain, to walking a total of 8 miles in one stretch. This didn’t happen over night, but over several months of altering my life style and thinking processes and  practising Qi Gong.. I practise Spring Forest Qi Gong at home. I still have regular Acupuncture sessions each month which I can whole heartedly recommend.  

So why have I let myself back slide??? I guess because we become complaisant and I took on more work within my job role. Also sitting down and not exercising is as bad as overdoing things too, For muscles cease up and joints become stiff.   The stress of my job which has over a series of months built up to a pitch where once again my body has reminded me to slow down and take stock.. And led to my decision to spend quality time with family. Tension has a profound effect upon our muscles as we do not allow our body to relax as it should. We should also look at what we put into our bodies too. Diet has an important roll to play in our well-being.  

Qi Gong is very gentle exercises with controlled breathing techniques that help the body become more supple and the mind more active.. The breath when you breathe deeply oxygenates your blood stream more fully, and I needed that oxygen to flow to my muscle tissues. When I joined the class I was surprised that some ladies of 60 plus attended, and now low and behold I have also reached that magic six O..  and one bless her was in her late 70’s.. Even more surprising I found that the eldest lady could touch her toes and was once upon a time reliant on a Zimmer frame, and could hardly walk let alone touch her toes..

So Once again I will begin,, And start to heal from Within.



Qi Means ‘Breath’ and ‘Air’ as well as energy.


Gong Means ‘Work’, ‘Skill’, and achievement.


Qi Gong Therefore means ‘Energy Work’, ‘Skill of Breath’ or ‘Energy Skill’.

Qi Gong helps you to cultivate your energy, and thereby cultivate your health.


How does this work?

Each of the movements and breath along with visualisation techniques has meaning. During the exercise a message is delivered that invokes a reaction within the body. The body then responds by toning, strengthening or nourishing a specific area, or the entire metaphysical system.

Chinese medical philosophers uphold that perfect health is the result of Qi Flowing through out the body via a series of channels called the ‘Meridians’.

Ill health is believed to be caused by blockages within these meridians. The meridians have twenty major channels. Twelve, which are linked to the human organs, and eight whose function is to act as conductors, and reservoirs distributing energy. There are also many more minor channels linking up to this grid.


Regular practice of Qi Gong will help to improve neuromuscular co-ordination, fine motor control, and central balance, whilst the simultaneous breathing practice contributes to a relaxed state of body and mind.


I can speak from experience that it has helped greatly with my own muscular condition. And helped to get my mind back on track.   So why not give it a try.


I will leave you with this quote from

 Lao Tzu.


Thirty spokes together makes a wheel for a cart.

It is the empty space in the centre of the wheel

Which enables it to be used.


Mold Clay into a vessel;

it is the empty space within that creates the usefulness of the vessel.


Cut the doors and windows in a house;

It is the empty space inside that creates the usefulness of the house


Thus, what we have may be something substantial,

But its usefulness lies in the unoccupied empty space.

The substance of your body is enlivened by maintaining

the part of you that is unoccupied.



77 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Aug 12, 2014 @ 23:05:00

    I like the sound of your Qi-Gong
    Thank you for sharing Sue…
    Take Care…You Matter….



  2. Eric Tonningsen
    Aug 12, 2014 @ 23:44:54

    If I may, friend… you do not have to get your own house in order. You are choosing to. 🙂

    There is, indeed, much wisdom and healing value in Chinese medicine.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Visionkeeper
    Aug 12, 2014 @ 23:51:52

    Love Qi Gong!!!! Greatest thing ever! A daily practice of it is so worth the time. Your body will thank you for it. When I moved to where I am now they didn’t have Qi Gong classes 😦 I really miss it. I ordered a DVD recently with it and hope to get a daily program going until I can get a class going….Enjoy! VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2014 @ 16:47:17

      Yes, I set about this morning to get back into the rhythm.. and pull in the energy.. I learnt the programme off by heart, so there really is no excuse except laziness … Wishing you an excellent Mid week.. Love and Light .. Sue



  4. Aquileana
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 00:12:48

    How neat dear Sue…
    It was really interesting to know about Qi Gong…
    Two years ago I have tried I Ching… Are they similar?…
    I hope you are having a marvelous week over there.
    Love and hugs, Aquileana 😀



  5. cat
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 01:00:23

    I hear you loud and clear, sister … blessed be … Love, cat.



  6. BloomLisa
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 08:04:06

    Sue, congratulations on your decision to dive deeply into radical journey of self care. I send you healing loving energy. It sounds like you are off to a great start! Light & love – Lisa



  7. prenin
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 08:05:39

    Sounds VERY interesting Sue! 🙂

    I am in constant discomfort, but I keep going and continue to be mobile as I steadily lose weight! 🙂

    Giving up is the point when we lose mobility!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




  8. David
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 08:27:06

    Beautifully put Sue. Wishing you a great retirement … I too took an early rest after a major operation to remedy busted tendons from an industrial accident. Luckily my beloved looked after me and two moves from house to house while my arm was suspended on a foam wedge for months. Likewise I’m sure your hubby will give you all the support you need. Much love, blessings and healing energies, David



  9. David
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 08:31:04

    Prenin: Gradually losing weight too and consciously slowing down but keep going … keep saying we will try tai Chi or Chi Gong … maybe in UK like you sounds very interesting and not at all stupid! Love David

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Alex Jones
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 11:29:50

    Good health in mind and body is an active process done moment to moment, there can be no breaks from it without negative consequences. May you rapidly find harmony again in your new life cycle.



  11. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 12:02:48

    I am sending all good wishes over to you Sue that you can get your strength back. It is so easy to drift into doing too much – all from the best of intentions. We get hooked into various commitments and it can get to feel that people need and rely on us. It can be so very hard to step back from this. I’ll be thinking of you and your QiGong. Lots of love, Ruth xx



  12. Paul Handover
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 14:22:58

    Please take good care of yourself, Sue.



  13. MomentumMikey
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 16:12:15

    just a simple Thank You, for being a part of the synchronous universe. I was looking at starting a lesson in QiGong, and seeing your experiences and thoughts pushed me forward. Thanks for sharing your life so others you don’t even know, can evolve quicker as well. I appreciate you, Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. amandaseesdreams
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 17:02:59

    Love this Sue!! I love witnessing you blossom into beautiful being, with your Qi-Gong, and your painting, and honoring your own self-care. Thank you for spreading such an important message 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 13, 2014 @ 17:10:11

      Thank you Amanda.. I am taking my power back.. over the last year my energy has diminished and I acknowledge the reasons why this is.. This month is a sorting out of Me. Next month after I retire at the end of August I am going to rest and re-align myself even further.. My Energy is changing within once again.. this time I am going to be extremely selfish.. and indulge the I… In ME 🙂 Bless your heart for your wonderful comment xx

      Liked by 2 people


  15. Michael Genford
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 19:19:40

    Great post, Sue. And best wishes to you for “choosing” to get back into your power zone. 🙂

    I’ve seen some videos on Qi Gong on Youtube. Some wonderful stuff.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:50:06

      Yes .. Healing begins with self… and its time I got out of the stress zone and into my own zone again Michael.. Thank you for dropping in.. Your visits are greatly appreciated thank you



  16. narf77
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 20:04:06

    Most interesting! My daughters dog is called qi. I am a great believer that our bodies are just waiting to heal us, we just don’t remember how to let them because we have spent so long popping pills and heading off for artificial “healing” that we no longer know how to listen to our bodies or feed them everything that they need. I love the idea of Qi Gong…on Youtube eh? I might head over to take a look. Congratulations on taking control of your stress levels and on making a conscious decision to reduce them and get a better quality of life 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:48:19

      Thank you Narf.. yes type in Spring Forest Qi Gong on YouTube and you should find the right one.. You are so right we no longer eat the right foods containing the correct vitamins and rely on chemicals within pills which then create more problems for more pills to correct.. The pharmaceutical industry are onto a Win Win… and its not about creating better health.. but in creating more pills meaning more profits..
      That is why I love alternative healing.. We each have the capabilities to heal our selves.. We just forget we can!.. And have pumped into our systems so much rubbish over the years .. Not to mention what additives are put into foods etc..
      This is one of the reasons we grow our own.. Goodness only knows what all those chemical sprays are doing to veggies,, No bugs can live in the farmers fields any more.. so its soaking into the water table.. And raining down on us in acid rain.. Is there any wonder people are ill…

      Thank you for you lovely comment Narf.. and yes taking control back in a big way since making my decision to finish work at the end of the month.. 🙂 Yipppeee and on the count down!



  17. Tom Merriman
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 20:50:46

    Sounds interesting, Sue… I may try Qi Gong myself. Anything that helps me to feel good is surely a winner!



  18. quarteracrelifestyle
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 22:17:21

    I really must try Qi Gong! My husband keeps telling me to but I don’t try it and just keep moaning lol



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:28:20

      Each day I am practising that little bit longer…And you really should give it ago… Love to do in the garden.. I am lucky in that the trees and shrubs obscure the view of my lawn from neighbours…… 🙂



      • quarteracrelifestyle
        Aug 15, 2014 @ 18:10:48

        🙂 35 years ago I lived next door to a young Chinese woman. Her elderly father came to stay and for 6 months every morning I watched him out my window, he would do Qi Gong in their front garden in view of the whole street. I didn’t know what it was but would be mesmerised watching him, couldn’t figure out what he was getting out of it in terms of exercise! lol



  19. marina kanavaki
    Aug 13, 2014 @ 22:58:57

    Good to hear you’re back on track, Sue! I see back sliding as an opportunity to get back on track full force! Qi Gong sounds very interesting. I have tried a few things I read about. It seems that in every school, anywhere in the world, breathing is the key to everything… as it should be really, it’s life itself! I practice several different types of breathing but mainly as a concentration when I meditate.
    Beautiful post, my dear Sue. Cheers to you making a fresh start! 🙂 Hugs, xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:24:49

      Yes the breath of life is oxygen Maria… And we must all keep inhaling! LOL… And yes, sweeping away many cobwebs around a very cluttered mind.. And soon the last of them will be brushed away as I Breeeeeatheeeeee ever deeper my lovely friend 🙂
      Enjoy your weekend..
      Love and Light Sue xx



  20. beverley
    Aug 14, 2014 @ 10:48:45

    yes i believe in inner healing and i am now sitting cross-legged on a meditation cushion twice a day for 15 minutes a time, sometimes longer. I am now meditating in colours, usually violet and green and chakra healing points to healing heart, healing body and i think that is true and i am sleeping a lot just now but busy in between and feel okay about it all. I think when we make the space then within that space becomes a pathway and if we follow it we will heal in time.



  21. giselzitrone
    Aug 14, 2014 @ 11:05:04

    Danke liebe Sue wünsche dir auch einen schönen Tag ja ich versuche auch immer gut zu Denken und mir einen Raum zu schaffen nur für mich.Liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  22. Maria F.
    Aug 14, 2014 @ 17:28:21

    I did Kundalini Yoga years ago and believe in the power of massage beyond words, yet this sound so holistic because it includes everything. Thanks for sharing this link.



  23. Christy Birmingham
    Aug 14, 2014 @ 20:06:11

    Thank you Sue for telling me more about Qi Gong and its many benefits. It sounds like you are taking back time for yourself, which I am glad to hear. We want you to stay healthy! Please enjoy your retirement when it comes and know how special you are to us xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 12:24:41

      Thank you Christy, 🙂 Yes I am taking time back for more ME time.. and self healing you are right and thank you sooooo much for your well wishes Christy, they mean a lot to me thank you 🙂



  24. greenmackenzie
    Aug 14, 2014 @ 20:06:46

    Qi Gong is such a centring soothing exercise…..for a while I practised in the garden on the lawn. Like yoga it’s good for us on more than one level, working the physical alongside the emotional and spiritual. Good luck with the inner healing……and enjoy 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 15:04:02

      Yes I love to practise too on the lawn.. I am lucky not to be overlooked shrouded in shrubs… And I am so pleased you understand the benifits of such exercise and breathing techniques Many thanks Seonaid for taking the time to comment loved having you visit 🙂



  25. Fiestaestrella
    Aug 14, 2014 @ 21:08:58

    Hello Sue ~Lovely Post~
    I used to get emails from Spring Forest Qi Gong a few years ago 🙂 After I injured my back via disc rupture in 2012, it’s what brought me to my current studies in Oriental Medicine via a Masters/Doctorate program. Long road ahead for me yet. I was just accepted last semester. Disc rupture: I was unable to walk for 3 months at the onset of my injury, now I can walk about 1-2 miles 2x a day. To think I used to practice Kung Fu! I know what it’s like to steady increase your progress. Eight miles is great! 🙂 🙂

    I love how you shared here about the difference that Qi Gong has made in your life, and this beautiful quote from Lao Tzu. I know a few people who have managed with Fibromyalgia – it’s not easy, as I’ve seen with them – it’s unpredictable on a daily basis. I’ve also been really enjoying SEEING the way you weave your painting in with your love for gardening. I think we have a lot in common!

    Right now I am working on Urban Gardening from my concrete balcony. I’m eagerly awaiting the growth of our tomatoes and our baby watermelons. Life is so abundant! We always remember to get back into self care and continuously forget again. Much Love, ~Keep Inspiring by being you~ Ka

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 12:18:34

      Thank you Ka.. I am pleased you understand all about Qi Gong Ka, and I am sorry to hear about your Disc injury, that must have been a very painful time.. I suffer with back pain on and off.. so have to watch what I am doing in the garden.. Even bending over picking the Peas this year got to me.. ( I usually weed with a chair ) LOL… you can see me doing that on my main page to the right in a little slide show 🙂
      I am all for gardening Ka no matter how small a plot we have.. You can grow many things from pots on a patio or a balcony and I so admire those who have no garden to grow food and connect with nature this way…
      The last few years I guess I have concentrated on supporting others, as my job tittle says.. So its now time to start my own self care again and nurture ourselves.. Like you say we often let our own health slide shrugging off our aches etc.. We have to remember we are also important ..
      And your Urban Gardening sounds great 🙂
      Many thanks and have a wonderful weekend
      Hugs Sue

      Liked by 1 person


  26. ssbonsor
    Aug 15, 2014 @ 11:19:02

    Dear Sue,
    I visited your Sanctuary today and found ‘Self-healing’ very interesting and convincing. I do believe that our bodies have in-built mechanisms to start the healing process; even doctors acknowledge this. We, ourselves, obstruct the mechanism through wrong life-styles and over-doze of medicines and other excesses. Our right deep and full breathing takes care of lot of health problems. Breath is life. Our body exposure to light is also beneficial.
    I, thought, I may share my little thoughts with you.
    Best wishes and regards



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 12:02:34

      Dear Surinder, I thank you for your input here.. Yes I totally believe in self healing from within and have in the past pulled my self back to full health this way.. And will do so again 🙂
      I am so happy you came and shared your own thoughts upon this subject Surinder
      Many blessings
      Sue xox



  27. Marko
    Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:06:14

    I warmly welcome and invite you to watch a new photo album “Lilies”
    Good weekend!



  28. giselzitrone
    Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:21:52

    Danke liebe Sue ich wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Tag und ein schönes sonniges Wochenende und danke für deine lieben Wünsche.Grüße und Freundschaft Gislinde



  29. aFrankAngle
    Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:40:16

    Self-awareness was your first step …. and then you put that awareness into action.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 13:56:26

      Frank Thank you.. yes I needed to take stock of where I have been heading recently ( Work wise ) its been getting me down and the tension and stress has done me no favours…
      Working in mental health is far more challenging than working with adults with learning difficulties… As some days I have been quite fearful of my own well being in certain situations of challenging behaviours… And that is not good when you are lone working.. And feeling you have no back up… Understanding our bodies reactions and my own lapse in allowing the build up of stress levels has shown me I need to take action again.. And the steps are now in place.. As you yourself have taken a pause to connect again!.. 🙂 This is sometimes what we need to do 🙂
      Thank you Frank.. Lovely to have you visit xx



  30. Bodhirose
    Aug 15, 2014 @ 20:35:52

    I have a friend who healed himself twice from cancer with Qi Gong practice. He wrote a book on the experience. These exercises are powerful. I’ve done yoga and tai chi…both very good as well. Glad it has worked for you and helped you feel healthier, Sue. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 15, 2014 @ 20:49:06

      That is amazing.. and yes there are similar testimonies on Spring Forest Qigong who have had similar healings from tumours etc… And once we align ourselves and connect to energy source.. Anything is possible.. 🙂 Many thanks Gayle for taking the time to read xox



  31. Renee Espriu
    Aug 19, 2014 @ 04:19:05

    Congratulations on your decision to retire! I will hopefully do so in another 2yrs if all goes well. Due to financial problems it is not possible right now. I do a sort of visualization/meditation called Kum Nye. I learned from my then Professor at University and now friend and Mentor at a time I had no idea that I had FMS. It has helped immensely over the years and it is hard as I am one who cannot bear to sit still. Over the last few weekends I’ve been doing repairs and with the help of my son-in-law and daughter the last two weekends painting the outside of the house. I said never again but again, money dictates, I am undertaking the task at nearly 62. Hopefully this will be the last time. Do take care. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 19, 2014 @ 19:51:45

      I hope you are not working too hard dear Renee… The Kum Nye visualisation sounds interesting, and meditation is so helpful. Sounds like you have been busy busy…
      I have just took the plunge and will retire at the end of the month… I hope Renee you too take care…. I know how things have been for you, and how hard a worker you are.. Please don’t over do things.. xxx Hugs Sue xxx



  32. lavendermoongirlblog
    Aug 20, 2014 @ 22:53:47

    What a beautiful healing website Sue. I really enjoyed tge 15 minute free meditation. I love yoga however QG looks so much simpler and obviouly is wonderful for self healing. Thanks for sharing. Did you buy the dvd’s from Spring Forest or work through the videos? Do you know about any QG associations in tge UK? I would like to practise at home first but maybe join a class at some point. Lolxxx



  33. The Emu
    Aug 24, 2014 @ 10:41:14

    I finally get to the blog in my email list that I was waiting for, where I find what has slowed you down Sue.Being in the 60s certain changes must occur, which I found out the hard way. The musical instrument has to be retuned and treated with tenderness due to wear and tear.
    But remember Sue, the tune the instrument plays, still holds the sweetest sounds.
    Wishing you well Dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 04, 2014 @ 09:16:48

      Awww Emu.. you always say the sweetest things.. and Yes Retired now only for 4 full days, and I am still at six’s and seven’s as to what to do first.. My Hubby who is 7 years older and retired several years ago, Has told me to just go with the flow and do nothing and let myself adjust.. The first day I slept like a baby.. As I think my body and head are just getting in sinc with each other.. 🙂 So I am setting about catching up here on WordPress first then will follow the flow 🙂 😉 Many thanks for your well wishes Ian.. I hope you enjoy your next trip and walk-about. x Sue



  34. lorriebowden
    Oct 08, 2014 @ 23:38:40

    Loved this post Sue! It is exactly where I am…I choose to get back on track! I don’t know much about Qi Gong but I am so happy that you were able to find something that helped you so much. Hope your week is wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person


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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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