Corridors of Power~ Use your own Minds!

There are many magical corridors.  There are many Powerful Pathways.

Beware those who would claim there is but one.

Quote: Mary Summer Rain

Another dip into my thoughts as I sit with my journal.

While I try to keep my blog a Sanctuary for inspiration love light and peace. I am far from living in the land of make believe. And know that there are many wrongs which need to be put to rights.

I try to live in my own positive bubble, because I know only too well how easy it is to fall into Pits of despair for the sufferings of the world.

Being empathic often mean we become over sensitive to the horrors going on. And if I’m not careful, images can replay in my mind for days as my energy reaches out to those suffering souls, as I feel their pain. But I also know that if I do not detach and reign in these emotions they will serve me no good. For eventually they will end up devouring me.

Even so as I look into nature I see how birds squabble and fight for their territory. Each of us are not without our problems. We all have to find balance if we are to learn and live in harmony.

But neither can I be like the ostrich and bury my head in the sand either. Too many peoples lives are at steak.

Getting Angry about certain situations solves nothing. For Anger only feeds those who serve those same darker forces enabling them more control as they exercise their fear tactics to be used upon the masses.

We all need to be mindful of what energies we are putting out into the world. 

We do however need to Wake up to what the real world is doing. And as we rub the sleep from our eyes we need to open them and start and question. Let us stop being submissive in acceptance of what we are being told by those in power. Let us look at how corruption is being exposed by those who are the elite and seek out the real Truth amongst the constant lies spewed forth. Let’s utilise and use our greatest power, as we unify for peaceful solutions and open our eyes to who the enemies of humanity really are.

When I published some facts in previous years. I was often reluctant to press the publish button for the labels of conspiracy theories soon had their fingers pointing that I was some kind of nut.

I have always maintained. Never believe one word I say. But do your own research. 

You owe it to your self and your family in seeking out the true reality of how this world works. And once you do. You’re eyes are guaranteed to Pop! out of your head.

Its time to stop being blinkered and speak up against the injustices of the World its time if you have a vote to use it. And its time to understand we are all of us connected via the matrix of energy we send out.

So sending Anger only creates more to boil over. What goes around comes around.

But neither can we pretend everything in this world is ok.

As we watch scenarios play out which are bringing yet more deaths through those who play War Games with their citizens lives. Using children, teenagers either through murders or kidnappings, to escalate their causes is despicable.

We can no longer be complacent as we allow those in power to play with our World.. I speak not just about the warring of nations,

But I speak also about the war against our Earth.. Look up people at our  Skies Look into our oceans and look at what you are putting into your bodies. 

I tagged this within my Mind Body Spirit section.

I hope you will be Mindful.

And I hope you see we are all One Body with that of our Earth.

And lastly I hope your Spirit moves you to Wake up and engage in positive actions where ever you are in the world, to bring awareness and to help heal the Earth and her people’s where ever you can.

You can view the video’s upon my Truth Page in the header.

In Love and in Truth





95 Comments (+add yours?)

    Jul 03, 2014 @ 11:00:08

    Freundliche Grüße, Wolfgang



  2. Line
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 11:09:56

    This was little sad, but it is true, and that hurts. Here is a quote that I thought of: “The ancient values do not permit destroying the earth or polluting the sky; man is not given free reign to conquer nature, upsetting the basic rhythm and forcing it to rebel against humanity.” – Dr Shashibala. WIhile I am writing this it is thundering so much here that the walls are vibrating and I am feeling scared. It is really like Nature is rebelling!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 14:01:37

      We both know that there are many sad things happening within our world Line. But the most important thing is to bring our own happiness and positivity into the world.. Loved the quote and also that beautiful poem you sent…. Love and Blessings dear Line… xxx Sue



  3. prenin
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 11:25:25

    I agree Sue and I admit I prefer isolation to being among people I know I cannot trust who want to use me for gain and think I don’t know what’s going on.

    I am insane, not stupid! 😦

    With the way the world is going we are going to see many changes as hate mongers and murderers try to change the world to their liking by violence in the name of their own sick vision of religion.

    There is a storm in the world and it is growing!!! 😦

    All we can do is stand firm and try to make a difference even though at times it feels like we are lone voices in the darkness… 😦

    Love and huge hugs!


    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 13:59:39

      Each small step in the positive direction helps us keep on the right path for our future.. Even though we are having to climb over the obstacles we are making our voices heard… Squishy hugs back.. xxx Sue



  4. oawritingspoemspaintings
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 11:43:31

    Very wise words! Thanks for enlightening the blogging community 🙂



  5. Fantasyharper
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 11:58:24

    Hear, hear Sue… thank you for sharing! ❤ Whenever I get sad at the destruction of our world, and start feeling powerless or victimized, I think of the enormous power we hold as consumers. I think one of the solutions is to wake up ourselves and others to the enormous deception that is going on, where we are served poisons under the guise of wholesome foods and cosmetics, and make well informed choices and help others to the same! I spread the word wherever I can 🙂 xxx love Wendy



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 13:41:03

      Yes Wendy, we hold huge power not only as consumers. but within our ability of thoughts.. So many do not realise the energy given out in thought.. Once a thought is sent out it then becomes energy… We can help transmute the negative by sending out positive and enable balance …. We obviously need both positive and negative to experience, for we cannot experience Good without the bad.. opposites in all things within our duality .. But we have a choice as you say, and can help educate others about how our thoughts create.. Keep spreading your light my friend.. Love Sue xox



  6. Symbol Reader
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 12:15:44

    I am happy we have been posting in sync about power. We are not powerless vis a vis authorities. There is so much that can start with us, the grass roots. You are right we should not feed our roots with anger.
    Love and hugs

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 13:36:42

      Monika, it has to start somewhere, and so why not with us as we send out our thoughts to encourage compassion, and healing to the world… Much love and I so appreciate your commenting dear Monika.. xxx Hugs Sue



  7. marina kanavaki
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 12:21:48

    Yes, we are indeed one and what happens in one part of this planet can certainly affect another far far away… the Butterfly effect in a much broader sense, because thoughts can do that too. Beautiful post and video!!!
    much love & hugs, my dear Sue xxxx 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 12:44:32

      I love this comment Marina, yes the butterfly effect indeed ripples outward as one small wing can set a mighty hurricane in motion… Let the ripples of our thoughts also go out to gather up more like minds as we join in harmony via our consciousness Marina.. :-).. Much love your way dear friend.. Thank you for adding your light here.. Love Sue



  8. David
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 13:09:45

    As you say Sue more than one pathway and it is imperative that the Spirit researches every one to ensure their veracity. Awareness of all is the object of the Grace of the Lord to be attentive to everything and everyone and allow empathy its true course. Love, David



  9. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 13:24:14

    The only thing I can do here is applaud. Wonderful post! Keep putting the message out Sue…people are listening…and we cannot be silenced. Love and Blessings!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 12:13:38

      Mar, I am so pleased to receive your applause… from one who so understands how our energy works .. May we stand shoulder to shoulder in putting out messages to enlighten.. 🙂 Many thanks dear Mar..



  10. Paul Handover
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 13:39:52

    Agree with all your commentators. Jon Lavin recently recommended Sharon Salzberg’s book Faith that I just started reading last night. She seems to be writing about how to maintain personal hope when surrounded by many troubles.

    This post, Sue, offers the same message: beware the power of negativity.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 12:11:18

      All we can do Paul is live with Hope in our hearts, and try to live by our own codes of conduct and integrity. There are too many who are eager to jump on the band wagon of discontentment, and criticize the world.. And yet they do nothing within their own four walls to help it change.. Change comes from within, and altering our own behaviours.. Stopping aggression with family, neighbours, stop judging, and start to live in harmony with each other and with nature.. Simple things .. Yes so many selfish people about who have no time for others, who rush around who are aggressive and abusive.. Is it any wonder the world reflects back Anger and hatred… We all need to look in the mirror and see what is reflected back at us.. :-)… Thank you for your contribution here Paul and the book Faith sounds a great read.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  11. giselzitrone
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 14:14:16

    Danke dir liebe Sue sind an der Ahr etwas Wandern ja vieles ist so wahr und so traurig was auf der Welt besirrt aber die Menschen lernen nichts dazu.Wünsche dir einen glücklichen schönen Tag.Grüße und Freunschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 12:03:08

      Ja Gislinde, so viele Menschen nicht lernen oder sehen, wie zerstörerisch sind wir auf dem Planeten .. und uns .. Lassen Sie uns hoffen, dass unsere positive Gedanken können helfen, senden Liebe in die Welt ..
      Liebe und Segen mein lieber Freund .. Genießen Sie Ihr Wochenende ..
      Sue xx



  12. Visionkeeper
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 14:38:10

    Amen…Amen….Amen…Glad you got that out of you DW…I know it was percolating wildly within you! Always best to get it out. And everything you say is true. We are on the same page with this. My post today tells us all to DO what we feel resonates best with us. We are all different, we all have our own ideas, but in the end we all need to DO something for the good of all mankind. Keep writing my friend for you are doing what feels best to you it seems and therein lies your power 🙂 Blessings and love….VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 12:00:47

      Dear VK… You know me too well LOL… :-D… Yes we can only keep doing what we feel is best for us.. and this post had been brewing for some time in the back of my mind… We shall keep on keeping on illuminating the path so that others may also see where we walk.. Blessings and much love back VK… Hugs DW xx



  13. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 15:00:21

    Hear this message!! It is truth! Earth is home. Our children’s home. It nourishes all life! There is no other.
    Message received!!
    love this post, and you! Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 11:58:02

      Bless you Eddie, I so enjoy your feedback upon my posts.. often I wonder if I should post on negative subjects.. But we live in a world where so much negative energy is being shown to us.. We have to learn to discern the wheat from the chaff!.. And live in accordance with our hearts… So I followed mine and spoke up.. Many thanks dear Eddie.. 🙂 Dreamwalker



  14. Julianne Victoria
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 15:47:19

    Great video! Namaste _/l\_



  15. AmyRose
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 16:09:01

    You keep on walking that Path of Truth, Sue, and I am right there besides you. Great post and one that many need to read. I pray eyes are open today! Love, Amy



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 11:38:23

      Dear Amy, I am always so grateful their are friend such as your good self who walk this path to illuminate others to the ways of the world.. And to show them the power of Love conquers all… I am so pleased you are right beside me on this, and I also hope eyes will be opened and they can see the damage GMO does and how the world is being lied to daily.. Bless you.. Sue xox



      • AmyRose
        Jul 04, 2014 @ 15:30:54

        Dearest Sue, the lies outweight the Truth. No matter which way you turn, the deceit is in our faces. Death everywhere, especially through the media. I refuse to acknowledge all this, by focusing on the GOOD and the BEAUTIFUL and presenting that at Petals. Also my words which are spoken powerfully yet softly, I pray many do hear. LOVE does conquer all! I refuse to let that go!!! (((HUGS))) Amy



  16. Dilip
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 16:48:53

    Dear Sue your thoughts are insightful and forces one to do a reality check. It is my observation that most of my friends do get worked-up on the wrong that is happening in the country and in the world. There is little that individuals can do to alter the macro situation as such we are left with negative feelings. Of course there are exceptions who do take action like joining a NGOs or start a Internet campaign to support the cause.

    I feel there are simple things which individuals can do at the micro level such as help orphans, teach without remuneration or counsel people who need specific support. If more and more people do their own bit I am sure it will make the world a better a place. Most importantly it will make the individual feel good himself.

    Many thanks for this thought provoking post. Cheers and Namaste. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 11:35:21

      I agree with your totally there Dilip.. I confess at times I have got worked up about the things I can not do anything about, and get frustrated at how injustice in the world is rife.. But like you say, I have to centre myself and get back to my own world in which I can do help shape things.. I can only live my life and send out my own energy in the manner I wish the world to be.. So I try to conserve and save nature and treat others as I would wish to be treated.. Caring and being kinder are great steps as you rightly pointed out into creating a better world.. xox Many thanks Dilip for your wonderful response to my post. Blessings ~Sue



  17. Ruchira Khanna
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 17:39:32

    I agree being mindful 24 *7 will not only help us but also our society and make it a better world.
    Just gotta keep reminding each other of that since egos, anger tend to overcome and take us on a negativity ride!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 11:21:42

      Yes I agree Ruchira, overcoming the Ego and giving into the Fear being sent out is one thing we have to overcome, I so agree.. Two wrongs never make a Right.. Getting Angry only fuels more reactions of the same..



  18. starproms
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 17:46:13

    We all need to live a much simpler life. All this is sad and true unfortunately.



  19. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 19:30:13

    I think the world is suspended with so much grief, overwhelming of the task to become a sustainable people again…every time I think mankind has turned a corner…we stop…will the world ever quit believing what the government controlled media has them put out?
    Wise words from a very Wise women, I always know I will feel your passion of Earth in your words…Thank you for you and for being there for me…
    Take Care My Kindred Sister…You Matter Much



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 11:17:34

      Dear Maryrose, We both care deeply for the Earth, and we both Feel far too much at times, I know this to be true… I found myself beginning to bubble up within my emotions as I know deep down the propaganda issues in the powers that be creating more Fear… And I ask myself the question as those in seemingly outback desserts seem to be so well equipped with Fire Power, who supplies and makes such weaponry???.. We all I think know the answers to those questions.. But we need to keep our resolve and keep centred both in the World view and within our own private lives.. Knowing what goes around comes around, and that we both know we come from the point of love.. and that Maryrose is what matters… Keep sending Love into the world… And release and let go of the emotions we no longer need.. Love and Light dear friend.. Sue xxx



      • LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
        Jul 04, 2014 @ 15:34:53

        the sadness comes from knowing what goes comes around is that there are usually the innocents that pay for the deeds done by someone else…
        just as man’s destruction and raping of this sacred land always touches the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom first…I have more deer now than ever before, their fawns are so thirsty and hungry from the move off their land…I am not sure why man has not figured out when they build huge massive housing areas, to remember Gaia’s creatures in those plans…I went by one not far from me the other day, and all the natural was gone, replaced by the same tree they took down just a much smaller size, so no shade from the olde Oak trees, so they use more electricity to cool their house, the grass was so green I wondered if my water well would be drained from them watering their lawns again this year, most don’t even replace the trees for years ….my heart hurt when I saw the olde tree laying there waiting to be mulch…*sigh* each day I understand man less….and wonder what is to be had with all of us in the madness of greed and power….

        Thank you for being here for me Sue…I will write to you soon….
        I smiled with your messages on my blog….its a wonderful feeling to have someone who understands me….I am grateful for that Kindred Spirit…
        Take Care…You Matter Much

        Liked by 1 person


  20. europasicewolf
    Jul 03, 2014 @ 20:07:47

    Very cool post! Sorry it’s taken so long to get here, I did intend to visit days ago but my connection had other ideas and kicked me offline for the night. I have had stern words with it regarding its attitude to my requirements but it hasn’t taken a blind bit of notice!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 11:02:06

      Dear Wolfie, that’s fine, I also have been having problems, tried two brower’s on internet both Internet Explorer and Google Chrome were both having problems at the same time, and would not load up pages… I gave up for the night that night to… I wondered if we had had a solar flare?
      Glad you had stern words Wolfie.. Glad you enjoyed the post.. 🙂 xxx Sue



  21. beverley
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 11:11:03

    Very good post, but then they normally are! However the question will always be, what is truth? There is badness in the world, but there has always been badness in the world, but today we see it more, we hear it more and we are surrounded by it more. there was a time when if family moved away from each other they could end up not hearing from each other for many years if at all. Yes the world is full of bad but is it any worse? I don’t know!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 15:35:29

      Thank you Beverley, Yes there has always been crimes Beverley, but the crimes are not just those committed by the criminals.. but by those who profess to be governing us.
      I hope soon exposure will unearth these dark people..
      Many thanks for taking the time today to comment..
      Love Sue



      • beverley
        Jul 04, 2014 @ 21:48:36

        I have been reading the Old testament for some months now, just one chapter a day and i have found life to be no different then, then it is now. Corrupt governments create corrupt people though.

        An i have a great grand uncle down the family line that drowned a man in a village pond because they stole his sheep and wouldn’t give it back or something like he.




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 05, 2014 @ 12:10:18

          Yes I agree its ongoing, But I ask the question have we moved any further forward? and to what end is War really for?



          • beverley
            Jul 06, 2014 @ 07:40:20

            We seem to go in circles. At some point many of our generation how we can impact the world either for good or bad and try to do something about our bad beahviour to save the planet and human life. Then the next generation will come along and do the same and on and on.



  22. Paul Handover
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 14:54:35

    Just so moved by the beautiful thoughts and feelings expressed by all; yours truly excepted, of course! There is much goodness out there!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 15:24:58

      Yes there is Paul.. a tremendous amount of good… Just a shame so few bring so much havoc in our world and promote the negative news which is being controlled most of the time.. x This is why positivity is so important an energy… And why those who are controlling are trying everything to upset the balance…

      Liked by 1 person


  23. Hunt FOR Truth
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 19:51:46

    I have an award to share with you at:



  24. Hunt FOR Truth
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 19:54:01

    a reflection of conflict raging within
    “The War Within”

    “I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to organize a belief. A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and must not organize it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallized; it becomes a creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others. This is what everyone throughout the world is attempting to do. Truth is narrowed down and made a plaything for those who are weak, for those who are only momentarily discontented. Truth cannot be brought down, rather the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountain-top to the valley. If you would attain to the mountain-top you must pass through the valley, climb the steeps, unafraid of the dangerous precipices.”

    ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

    Meeting the guardians… they that reflect to us that we fear…

    Since the dawn of humanity, countless cultures around the world have held prophecies and tales foretelling a time when an epic final battle between the forces of light and dark, would destroy the earth; and where the victorious forces would be given the power to become the rulers over a new reality. And though to many, this battle may seem like the legendary stuff of stories, there are those who believe, that the final battle is upon us, and that Armageddon has indeed begun. However, it is essential here to understand that contrary to popular belief, Armageddon is not a battle that can be fought and won on the battlefields of Man, but rather, the true Armageddon, is a war that can only be won… within.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 20:09:42

      I agree and that the wars we have to overcome are within, it is also why we have to stop buying into the Fear being portrayed on the media.. Peace has to start within each of us.. and should you read further into my past posts Eric you will see I constantly promote that..

      Truth changes constantly… what was true yesterday changes today.. Once upon a time they thought the world was flat and that sailors would sail over the edge… that was their truth then.. Truth changes with awareness and perception

      Being aware and viewing the world objectively and often you need to view it within detachment to see what is happening within the many levels of controlling systems in place… Once you start to peel back the layers we see much miss-information, and also it reveals many lies…which is ways of controlling, as you and I both know..

      I ask all readers to discern what they perceive as the truth for themselves :-).. I know you also Dig deeper than most… Each of us are using our own Minds to peel back those layers of deception..
      Thank you for your in-depth comment.. I do not think Armageddon is upon us in the way its been portrayed… This Earth will survive the human era on this planet.. as it has done several times before.. Many thanks Eric… Sue



  25. artevolutions
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 21:00:12

    Dear Sue I have been out of the cyber world and tackling tough challenges of worlds nuances and energies… it is so inspiring and uplifting to get to your sanctuary and connect, ponder and find beautiful people sharing the most important vision and respect for the Earth. Looking firwaprd to catch up. Loads of love and blessings Lizzie

    Liked by 1 person


  26. aishasoasis
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 21:23:15

    Your words are so inspiring to me, Sue, I really appreciate you! ♥♥♥ ;^)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 04, 2014 @ 21:26:33

      Thank you so so much Aisha,, I so appreciate your visits and feedback… Love and Blessings.. Let us hope our healing thought can help project positive outcomes to difficult situations.. Love Sue xox



  27. Jo Bryant
    Jul 04, 2014 @ 23:37:04

    Bring our happiness in to the world…such a timely reminder for me Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 05, 2014 @ 12:03:15

      Like in a past post of mine Jo… Happiness is a state of Being!.. while we have many things that can bring us down,, We are the only ones which can rise us up again… Sending a HUG your way xox love Sue



  28. narf77
    Jul 05, 2014 @ 06:10:01

    We need to be shining lights for the truth. We don’t need to run around prophesying and sitting and wailing in sack cloth, we need to be glowing examples to others about how amazing it is to live a natural life. People can’t help but be drawn into something that burns that brightly 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 05, 2014 @ 11:31:11

      So so true, I often get so weary with how the media tells you one thing one day, saying this is bad for you, then another scientist comes along and says its ok… And I have always disliked how others tell you what you should believe in or else! scenario’s… Living by example and learning to find our own balance is the key to living in harmony.. And I agree with what you said on my previous post.. Far too many headless chickens are already running around the world.. squawking from their rear-ends about subjects they know nothing about, but repeat in parrot fashion because they heard it from the news…. People have to learn to discern to read between those headlines as to what is happening in the world… And why we are bombarded over and over again parrot fashion particular phrases on the news… its so it sticks and we then start to think its real… it then becomes a belief so we pit our thoughts against this sect or that.. Conditioning us has become an art in this particular field .

      So lets keep burning brightly Narf… keep feeding your chucks, that have heads!!! 🙂 and whom are far more intelligent than a few in power I know! 🙂 😉 ,,,, and keep smiling… Be at your place on Sunday to catch up if you’ve posted,, my email box is pretty swamped so working my way down it.. 🙂 xx Enjoy! your weekend… Hugs Sue



  29. Maria F.
    Jul 06, 2014 @ 18:10:35

    Simply lovely video Sue. As much as I love technology (and my gadgets), I admit humbly the old ways should, in the long run, prevail. We just have to try. I don’t know if you remember that in a post I wrote that Nature has such “perfect design”, that humans, if anything, have been trying to emulate it, but to no avail. Nature is simply a puzzle that’s already solved, we humans are the ones that have turned it into an “unsolvable” puzzle.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 06, 2014 @ 18:20:29

      Creation is Awesome Maria and no matter how Man tries to copy, clone, and interfere, he will never emulate Nature’s Miraculous Creations… She is perfect… 🙂

      Yes the old simple ways may one day need to be embraced.. But even I wouldn’t know what to do without my automatic washing machine!!! 😉 😀 lol.. xxx



      • Maria F.
        Jul 06, 2014 @ 18:28:50

        I believe we all can. If there would be a natural disaster, that’s exactly what we’ll all end up doing! Isn’t it ironic, that we actually think we’ll have these commodities forever? Who knows what Nature will require from us, what situations we will go through. And I accept it as such. I am no longer fearful of natural events. It’s Nature claiming us. Does that sound crazy???



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jul 06, 2014 @ 18:43:09

          No Maria, I truly believe some where down the line we will have to face those choices.. Nature will reset the balance.. We came along and upset so much… And our Earth will continue..Our Earth Mother can well manage without Mankind.. And until he learns his name’s sake and learns to be kinder to the Earth and himself and his brothers and sisters, then Nature may well take events into her own hands..
          I am under no illusions,, as nice as our allotment is, if things went pear shaped and they could easily turn in a blink of an eye… Our food would not last a day.. for the allotment would be raided and plundered.. Such is self survival..
          My own instincts tell me the planet is already gearing up for great changes.. its how we adapt and change with her that counts…
          We have to adapt if not then those who do not will not survive..



  30. Valentine Logar
    Jul 06, 2014 @ 19:59:07

    Well Sue, you know how I see the world. I believe we must begin to stand up and fight back or we will lose the world. For me it is not an issue of anger, rather it is an issue of whether or not we wish to see the world and humanity healed are willing to grow a backbone.

    Power does not belong where it is today.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 06, 2014 @ 20:08:28

      I agree about Power not belonging where it is today…. but sometimes Val I think ‘They’ want you to take to the streets and shout and protest and cause havoc.. that way they get to impose more rules to stop the voice of a nation..

      Its getting the majority of people aware to wake up to how those in power are manipulating.. that is the difficulties.. And joining in unity .. You only have to look around the world Val at how people who react with voices are then subjugated to intimidation and violence…
      Anger isnt solving anything … I don’t know the answers, but it can not keep going on without the ultimate show down… where chaos will ensue..



      • Valentine Logar
        Jul 06, 2014 @ 20:09:56

        That is why I say, it is not an issue of responding with anger but rather simply standing up and responding. Voting, writing, knocking on doors and getting others to do the same. Enough people understanding what the world is facing in every single land, it will change.



  31. In the Stillness... Laurie's Gentle Healing Notes
    Jul 07, 2014 @ 12:18:59

    Much truth. It is difficult to wake up and really see where we are.. but then like you say we find what we can do,, and we find a way to help. I also know the power of thought.. and the challenge of being empathic. Wouldn’t change it though.
    Love to you –



  32. Duma Key
    Jul 07, 2014 @ 13:34:52

    Sat reading this in the conservatory watching the birds bath in the angel thing I have, just made me see it in a different way, there are as I write this 3 different types of birds all splashing about together, they do not discriminate between race or identity but stick to the task in hand, bathing and splashing in the water almost a perfect unity… simple and uncomplex, there is no need for anger, animosity or war, but a simple balance between what is pure and right.

    Systems have evolved but lost there functionality, the prime goals of society over ridden by a desire to preserve itself, the resources on earth are here to sustain all life, yet some have no access to them, others take too much and leave so little for everyone else….somehow that’s right?

    The horrific violence against innocent life’s in the name of some god or other, or a religious war, or arguments over land… one can say this is right.

    Reading an interesting book at the minute “the rebel” by Camus….when you start to think really think, then start to see a whole bigger picture opens up….one that is pretty scary to say the least



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2014 @ 11:02:30

      Yes most of Nature you will find gets on with each other, only killing when the need for food arises within their chains of existence.. Territorial rights of course can still cause squabbles but rarely does it result in death… Unlike our own species which kills often through Greed, Rage and worse pleasure.
      Yes the world is a pretty scary place given those who rule it are often the scariest of them all.. The Big picture is opening up before our very eyes as corruption,scandal and crime rings are being exposed.. Sometimes those in power think they are beyond the reaches of their own rules and laws… Often its the law-makers who are the worst within society as they think themselves beyond reproach..
      When the bigger picture really begins to open up Duma, and it will, mark my words it will…. Then we will open our eyes and will need to wake up to what society we want to rule in the future for our Children’s Children.. And we will then need to address our own Nature as to how we want that future to unfold..
      We can either rebel and be like many other places around our globe, and react in revolution.. Or we can resolve to have a Spiritual Revaluation and change our own ways of being… 🙂



  33. jacksjottings
    Jul 08, 2014 @ 03:51:35

    Sue you have said what we needed to know perfectly.
    The indigenous people, the so called savages, lived more in harmony with nature.
    The so called civilised missionaries, pioneers and settlers were actually invaders.
    The more we can live in harmony with nature the longer mankind will survive.
    You are aware of this and your garden and writing is a great example to us all.
    Have you read Eckhart Tolle, “A New Earth.”?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 08, 2014 @ 10:21:01

      Jack thank you my friend, you understand well how within both worlds of the Indigenous peoples both the Native American Indians and the Aboriginals have had their lives altered in dramatic ways through those pioneers who settled upon their lands and brought with them their ways and exploited and ruined the balance they had with the Earth..
      I so admire those Aboriginal People who still to this day live off the land. They continue to use their instincts and intuition, senses that we have long forgot as we separated ourselves from Nature..
      I have not read this book it perhaps is one which should be on my to read list… I am a fan of Eckhart Tolle and enjoyed his book The Power of Now.. and enjoy his video clips..
      Many thanks dear Jack for your lovely comment and compliment… _/\_ Sue



  34. Mohenjo
    Jul 08, 2014 @ 06:03:36

    Reblogged this on James' World 2.



  35. The Emu
    Aug 04, 2014 @ 11:49:35

    Its very hard in todays world to keep a positive mind and outlook, so much darkness around the world,it makes us tend to withdraw and cocoon ourselves, this is not a good position to adopt.
    We need all the inner spiritual strength to maintain our positive attitude,if this could be achieved globally then the darkness will fade with time.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 04, 2014 @ 14:44:31

      Yes I withdrew into my own cocoon too Ian for a time.. I just had to Think what was really important to me.. And its my own Peace of Mind.. So I did more meditation and built up some inner strength, just as you described 🙂 Good to see you at Dreamwalkers x



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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