Look Within your Heart ~ Poem

Look within Your Heart

Seek out your dreams look into your heart

Follow your guidance, a path you will start

Listen to the voice which cries to be heard

Push back your ego, listen and learn


Trust in your senses and follow their lead

Our instincts are gifts which all should pay heed

Go out into Nature and open your mind

All are connected- just look and you’ll find


Peace we all seek as the battles do rage

The solutions are within, become your own Sage

Your heart knows the rights from the wrong

Become your own Guru and Sing your own Song


To Grow- we need to reach up to the Light

Life isn’t meant to struggle, or be in constant fight

Look out in Nature she shows us the way

All things are balanced both in work and play


And once you’ve opened the heart of yourself

You’ll realise the beauty of holding true wealth

It’s not found in Gold that we dig from the ground

Pure nuggets are LOVE, so spread some around


Once you discover the Gems of pure Love

You’ll shine out your happiness like rainbows above

The colours of Life will mix and will blend

As your heart beats as One with the love that you send..

© Sue Dreamwalker 2014 All rights reserved.

The above poem I wrote two weeks ago, as I was inspired in the early hours as I awoke and reached for pen and my journal..  I often  feel sorry for those whose lives revolves around money, and all it can buy. When in reality the true treasures are within our hearts and all around us within Mother Nature..

This is the real wealth we should be treasuring and nurturing. Enjoy your Week as we head into July… Another month gone all too quickly… Treasure each sacred moment.


“Love, joy, and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance”

From ‘The Power of Now’ by Echart Tolle.

Natures Balance~My Muse today as the New Moon Brings New Beginnings

I close my eyes breathe in deep and drink in the fragrance of newly cut grass. The only sound is from a chorus of sparrows who are feeding their fledglings. Who with wings madly fluttering hop around after their parent begging for food.

Blackbirds nest

Above my head I hear the 2 baby blackbirds squeak out their call as their mother arrives with a fresh beak full  of grubs.

close up, of Blackbird chick

I breathe in even deeper as I let out a Sigh of contentment and gratitude for the Peace and tranquillity of my back garden haven.

Being out in amongst nature is so important. As it grounds us back into balance. We only need look a few feet from our homes to realise how perfect natures tune really is.

And yes there will be those that say and rightly so that Nature can also seem cruel. Survival often has to be. And left to her own devices nature sorts out  the weak from the strong. As  its natural selection  of the strongest survive to thrive. 

Yesterday my husband told me of a tree top drama which happened while I was at work. A great noise of birds cries  and flapping and screeching was heard from our blackbirds nesting tree. A Magpie had descended to try   and take the baby blackbirds. Both parents plus another 2 blackbirds were buzzing it and attacking it. As my hubby went to investigate they managed to scare it off.

I thought even in Nature there are those who look out for their own kind. As the other pair of blackbirds came to help..  I’m sure many will have heard the black birds warning cries, especially when a predator is about. This is repeated again and again in nature, with lookouts posted and those whose warning cries alert others as communities of various species live in harmony side by side. Often each dependant in some way in the food chain or habitat for their own evolution to grow and prosper.  

So I am sat with pen poised over my journal wondering where I am going with this. And just allowing my thoughts to ramble away. I do that all too often!

We also often  fail to Trust in the flow of life. Natures birds wake up with a song in their hearts, each dawn they delight us in their chorus as they greet each other and their day. I would love to be privy to what they say. ‘How’s your brood doing Mrs blackbird?’ -‘Oh mines fledged said Mr Thrush’. I can just imagine each saying where they found a juicy worm. ( Smiles)  Each trust that they will find enough food for their young each day.

My thoughts now turn to Mankind and his  habits. I doubt he could forage for his own food. And not many would survive without the present systems in place in today’s modern world. Cut that food supply chain and he would soon struggle.

I close my eyes again releasing another Deep Sigh as I let go of worry for the future outcomes of the World and try to centre myself back in my Now.

I have to Trust Creation and the creator to know what their doing. I know I can try my hardest to awaken others to the world.  But its up to each of us to wake up in our own time… More and more I hear humanity and empathise with their feelings, as I feel the energies change..  More of us are instinctively feeling this evolutionary change. But its not just about the World as a whole changing, its about recognising the process of changing ones self.

We each need to recognise Personal Responsibility ..

So as I sit in our Peaceful garden I know there are many places and many people in conflict right now. And I’m reminded how the world goes through various cycles when paradigms are seen to shift us to another phase in our evolution. 

I’ve read and been told the planets are in similar alignment to that of the 60’s.  When there was a revolution in Flower Power- and ‘ Make Love not War’ and people were seeking Freedom. All be in through mind altering drugs! 

In 2014 we are seeing once again Mass protests for Freedom. But Revolution is not coming from the Vibration of Love. Its coming from anger- oppression and poverty.

As individuals also many are either on a high or in low point in their lives. We are All of us sensitive to these energies as we seek out our own ways of re-balancing and expressing ourselves.

That’s why we must not buy into the Fear propaganda. I’m reminded of Neale Donald Walsch’s  book ‘ When Everything Changes- Change Everything’ where he played with the word Fear!

He turned FEAR~ into FeelingExcitedAndReady!  

As the New Moon is about to begin another phase of New beginnings I sit here in my garden full of thankful appreciation.

My own ME Time is setting me upon my own New pathway of thought. As I create and focus my intent.

I am Feeling excited and ready. And I Trust in the process that all is well in my world.

I look up and see the blackbird tirelessly feed her young. She is Singing even now as her mate is waiting with another beak full for their growing chicks.

It occurred how so many of us have lost the art of Singing and dancing, just for the sheer joy of living! 

Maybe we should all be like the blackbird and get back in tune with our Hearts Song. 

We all have so much love to give. Let us remember to nurture ourselves and our families. And share in the joys we take for granted. As we breathe and Dance in nature as one.

Remember our time is NOW…   Let us remember to Live it.. 

Love and blessings  to you ALL…

and I have two days where I hope to acknowledge those beautiful comments on my last blog post and get back to you all in due course, Please bare with me. as I get back to you all..

And welcome to all my new subscribers I hope you enjoy browsing. 


Happiness is a State of Being

Hello to all my Blogging Friends, Time this week has been short to spend on WordPress, So I am reposting a poem I wrote 2 yrs ago…. Happiness is a state of Being… While I paint and garden this week, I have little time to get around you all…. Enjoy and BE HAPPY!
Love Sue xxx

Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

Below is a Poem I wrote last night, as I couldn’t sleep.. It reflected my day as  looked out into my Garden as I looked at the wonderful rainbow colours of flowers. They filled my heart as I took in a deep breathe . I woke up with these Words repeating over and over in my mind, and Just had to reach for my journal to write them down.

The words I heard were this one sentence. ” HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF BEING ” and so the Poem was Born.. 

Below I’ve also added a slide show of some of the flowers in my garden..

Happiness is a state of being

Look around at what I’m seeing

Shapes and colours of every hue

Natures Garden just for you


Happiness is a state of mind

You needn’t look far in you want to find

A scent of perfume rare and grand


View original post 159 more words

Art~ Hobbies and Synchronisities

I am sitting out in the garden shielding my eyes from the glare of this beautiful Sun as I do not wish to miss one bit of the glorious weather.. So I am sat squinting to see the screen of my laptop as I attempt to publish some more of my painting art work.. 

I have been contemplating for a while in changing direction and taking life a little easier.. Although maybe life will get more hectic, I don’t know, for all is within my thoughts at the moment..Most of you who know me also know I work as a support worker.. Well sometimes this work can be quite stressful as well as rewarding.. And often when you are sensitive its hard to just switch off from the Day Job… So often when I need spells to relax, out comes my paints..

Painted Bucket with planted Fuchsia in it..


You all saw the results of my Bucket which I did a few weeks back. Such has been the response to it an idea formed in my mind…  This is the bucket above  as I sit looking at it.. Now filled with a Fuchsia plant..

I did have some herbs in it, but since then I painted a bigger tub, so the herbs are going in that one..  Now while this idea formed in my head, I had one or two ‘Signs’ which also were jumping out at me.. One was from MarDrag’s Blog in one of her thoughts for the day.. Gathering for the Future   this was the second nudge from a post I had read. Now when the ‘Signs’s show up, its important to take notice and act upon them.. Others have come in the form of my Dreams, which when interpreted were also encouraging me to look towards my Creative side, as I let other things go.

Now I am a patient person, but even I was amazed at how the Universe was nudging me along with my train of thought, for a few days later  as I mentioned to a colleague my thinking of putting a few items together to see if they would sell, my idea was to go Car Booting… But she kindly invited me along to a Coffee Morning at her local Baptist Church where to raise funds people were invited to have stalls, the rent for the stalls goes to various charities..

So this morning along I went, and to no surprise I was invited with open and enthusiastic arms.. as I met the various ladies who volunteered and who had crafts stalls along with helping cook meals for at times at least 85 people who came through the doors to have a wonderful nutritious dinner and pudding at a fraction of the cost it would cost in a Cafe.

My Colleague introduced me, and before I knew it I was being invited to bring along my art at any Coffee morning and set up stall… Now that is pretty Quick work in the space of a week, from my initial sending out my thoughts.. So I better get cracking and Paint!..

Below is a Very Large Tub I painted for our Garden, but you get the idea of what I will be painting on small little metal buckets or watering cans… I now have to source some plain metal buckets which could be used as plant holders and see if the Universe keeps delivering.. I know it will… Because it Feels Right…. and one of the things I always say.. Follow your Gut instincts, they  are there for a reason...

To Give you an idea of the Tubs size I sat it on top of the Bird bath

To Give you an idea of the Tubs size I sat it on top of the Bird bath

Below are all the images on the Tub I painted as you view it from each angle.. I hope you enjoy.. And Enjoy the ‘Art’ of Manifesting too… I will let you know how my own Manifestations are coming along ! 

 Love and Blessings and as always thank you for reading, and Welcome too to the new subscribers who have followed recently.. I hope you enjoy browsing and finding many things of interest and please feel free to leave me your thoughts



Earth Angels ~ Angel Award


First my thanks go to Eric over at The Hunt for Truth blog.. for this lovely award which was created Here by Don Charisma adapted from Angie’s Kentucky Angel’s Train Wrecks ,

So My Angels are as follows, In no particular order, I have chosen these as my Angels as they spread Light Love and Inspiration.. And if you are not mentioned here, then please do not be offended, But I chose to honour 12.. There are many more of you out there inspiring and sharing love.. and you all know who you are without a gift from me.. 

There were no rules that I could see with this award. Just pass it along to another deserving Earth Angel.. So here are my Angels as Follows :-   

Line,  for her beautiful sharing of her own Angels, Poems, and stories over at The Inscrutable Paths of Spirit  ..Line you will discover has a beautiful soul who connects with both Nature and the elementals and animal kingdom.

 Linda at Litebeings Chronicles who is an amazing Astrologer and posts on such interesting topics such as dreams, and how we connect via the Stars I can vouch for her wonderful gift as an amazing Astrologer..

Sindy over at Bluebutterfliesandme for sharing her insights and experiences with Angels, may your Wings continue to soar..

Joss  who is far from the Crowing Crone for sharing her wonderful journey. Not only the one she is on now in Europe, but her remarkable journey through Life… May you always walk in beauty Joss as you share your heart with us..

Gina, whose Professions for PEACE  bring insights and love as Gina shares quotes and inspiration which touches our hearts.

Amy over at Petals Unfolding has a unique way of combining her love of Nature and Mankind as Amy share her energy with us all. She takes beautiful Macro photo’s and adds her twist of wisdom in between, Delightful.

Glorialana’s Blog  whose  posts are always unique and full of prayer and a delight to read.Be enthralled with her Dear God Prayers..

Aquileana at La Audacia de Aquiles site.. I have been fascinated in reading about Greek Mythology.. a subject never taught in my school  that I attended.. You must go and see for yourself how intelligent this young lady is..

Marina  at Marina Kanavaki art towards a happy day.. Marina is not only a talented artist but also a beautiful musician and singer… Whose energy and compassion shows in all her work..

Shamanictracking is truly that.. a lady whose journey is about Freedom and learning how to set ones mind free and who works with energy to aid others along their journey. 

Jen at Rumpydog – Rumpy is an Alaskan Malamute Dog, and lives with his owner Jen..  Jen is in the rescue business and is a real Angel to all four legged and fights for animal welfare..

Mar from The Desk of MarDrag ..  This lady whom I call Mar, gives us Thoughts for the Day and wonderful advice from her compassionate Heart..  Not only does she do this via her blog, but in her day job she assists others over their challenges..

Crystal Angel

Crystal Angel Art By Sue Dreamwalker

For those whom I have not given an award to here… Be sure you are all worthy Angels.. .. Keep Flying with WordPress!

Love and Blessings


Progress ~ Grow your Own..With Recipes

After 4 days and 3 nights of constant rain and cool winds, the Sun is now shining and so I went to the allotment with my Camera to show you how things are progressing.

Its amazing what some rain can do and then some warm sun, how it brings things along.. You wouldn’t think how in a matter of 2 weeks how things alter and grow..  Below was the peas and potatoes two weeks ago.

Peas and potatoes 2

Now look at them… You can also see we have added French Beans and between the cloches are Courgettes, Also Runner Beans and sweet-corn. 

Peas and Potatoes.

Potatoes Main crops

You can see my Hubby in the distance busy at work. I went into the allotments Sunday afternoon, and weeded out the Strawberry Beds and put straw around them to help protect the fruits from the soil when it rains so hard… Last year we didn’t have many fruits as these were only young plants that I had replanted from new shoots. But I was disappointed at how many had got spoiled with contact with the damp soil from all the rain.. So I hope the straw helps this year.

Strawberries in flower

I put straw around strawberry plants

I also want to show you the Blackberry bushes.. these have grown wild and rampant  between ours and and our neighbours allotments. We Both love these fruits and so although hubby cut them back as they swamped the wood shed last year.. You can see how much flower is already on them.. So a Good crop I think this Autumn ..

Blackberry Bushes coming into flower

Also this year I am going to collect the Elderberries from a tree which grows between our allotments on the other side.. I found a great Recipe for Elderberry Cordial Syrup .   This syrup is great for colds and flu and more Health Benefits of Elderberries can be found HERE

Elderflowers.. Ready for the Elderberries.

The tree is laden with flower at the moment, and you  could make Elderflower Wine with the flowers. My Aunt always made loads of it when I was a child and I have a memory of it still… Hubby used to do a lot of wine making at one time.. Parsnip Wine is good but the best wine he ever made was Rhubarb Wine and a Strawberry Wine. .. However if memory serves me well, and I asked Hubby it took a lot longer for the Rhubarb to clear.. around 2 yrs in demi jars.. But it was the very best of wine we ever tasted.. And that strawberry wine.. was brilliant too.

Now not everything in the allotments is weed free.. In fact there is a patch behind the shed that really needs tackling.. But even Nettles have their uses..

So here is our Nettle patch behind the shed.. Note how the Dock leaves grow among the nettles. And if crushed and rubbed on the sting of a nettle help relieve the pain of the sting… The reasons why are discussed Here I also read that bathing in Milk soothes too, but when walking in nature we seldom have access to milk straight away! So always look for the Dock Leaf!Nettle Patch.

I drink lots of Nettle Tea, so why not make your own? Here are several  different recipe’s made from nettles, The nutrition value is amazing in high concentrates of vitamins A, C, D, iron, potassium, manganese, and calcium.

Below is a recent slide show of how things are growing..


Enjoy your week.. And thank you for reading.. And Welcome to all my New subscribers.. I hope you enjoy browsing. 

Blessings Sue












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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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