Symbols and Symbiosis


Have you ever wondered about the Symbols we share?

The Language you’re speaking– Do you care?

Have you thought about the Words and the sounds they make?

Do you digest them and absorb- to intake?


Have you ever delved into the History Books ?

Studied Latin or Greek, or been given funny looks

As you compare how words have formed we use today

Did you wonder how hieroglyphs spoke and had their say









The Calendar of Mayan, such marvel of Signs

Which spanned many centuries, how geniusly  designed

The First Nations, the Indians with paintings on the rocks

Symbols of the road we travel with forks and zig-zag blocks


I’m sure you’ve seen the spirals from Pagan times and Celts

And the Flower of Life in Egypt along with Orion’s Belt

Celtic Cross Bakewell Church










Did you ponder now in modern times of symbols that we see

As we delve into the Past of Mysticism’s Sea

And what about the Symbols that ‘Crop’ up with in a field

Did you never wonder at their messages they wanted revealed

Now moving to your Dreams, what Signs do they show you?

Have you never-ever wondered if they’re giving you a clue

Look beyond your language, Look no further than the Sky

Look beyond the Stars, then pose your question -Why?

See the Signs in Nature, look up the word Symbiosis

Our Earth Mother is talking- Wake Up!- We’re in Crisis!

© Sue Dreamwalker 2014 All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Signs of Change are everywhere, when will we wake up to become the change we need to make our lives, and live in balance.When are we going to learn to co-operate with one another for the benefit of all, instead of individual greed!

Are you Following the Signs?

Please click the links and photo’s to take you to more knowledge

~We are the Children of Mother Earth~

Thank you for reading. 


ˌsɪmbɪˈəʊsɪs,-bʌɪ-/noun~ BIOLOGY

noun: symbiosis

  1. interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both.

    • a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups.

      plural noun: symbioses

      “a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis”



85 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. coastalcrone
    May 24, 2014 @ 16:43:45

    You always make me think and more aware of the world around me. A lovely post! I hope all is well with you.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:49:17

      Dear dear Coastalcrone.. 🙂 I am Well, I hope you are too… And if I made you think, then the aim of my post has done its job.. Thank you for taking the time to read and to give me such lovely feedback..
      Hugs Sue xoxox



  2. Maria F.
    May 24, 2014 @ 17:01:19

    You always come up with the most interesting ideas and videos! I love this one and I loved the one “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns (I shared it with other blogs). I hope we are all able to really fully grasp the meaning of “Symbiosis” with nature one day, but this may mean letting go of old ideas and schemes.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:47:51

      Dear Maria, I am so pleased you enjoyed these latest posts of mine. And I am happy you shared To a Mouse video with others..
      I know you so understand Symbiosis, And I agree entirely with you.. This means letting go of old ideas… We have to start and think ourselves to solutions not keep repeating old ideas hoping things will get better…
      Tonight here in the UK we are seeing Change on a huge scale on the political front as the European Electoral results come in.. People are voting for change.. and the present systems are in for a shake up..
      We have to shake up the world to review their present systems in being complacent in thinking we can carry on producing a throw away dumping ground of toxic waste which ends up in our oceans and water ways and seeps into our water and into the air as we continue to pollute..
      Lets hope Maria more wake up soon.. xoxox



  3. Valentine Logar
    May 24, 2014 @ 17:24:49

    There are so many connections. Having been to many of the places of antiquity I have often noted the shared symbols. One of these days I will have to try to find my pictures and scan them.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:37:05

      That would be interesting Val, and yes in every place on Earth there are ‘Symbols’ to be found,, and once to tie them together we see how they join the dots..
      Plus we are being given personal ‘Signs’…. I hope we each are able to see and follow our own personal signs more effectively… As we each embrace our intuition more and live more from our hearts..
      Bless you Val… thank you as always for reading.. and leaving me you lovely responses.. xx



  4. Julianne Victoria
    May 24, 2014 @ 17:24:50

    Love this! Thank you for being you Sue! Namaste _/l\_

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Symbol Reader
    May 24, 2014 @ 17:36:44

    I marvel at these things every day. Thank you for this beautiful post.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. lindalitebeing
    May 24, 2014 @ 17:40:52

    This is an excellent post Sue. You brought together so many things that I love: history, symbols, nature, language, dreams, etc,

    The video is so enchanting and informative. Love how both species evolved to encourage cooperation and survival.

    One of my favorites of yours!

    xx Linda

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:24:14

      Bless you Linda, I am so happy this ticked so many boxes for you.. ( I hope you are feeling better by the way ) I will be by to morrow to comment upon your own excellent post… Yes I was happy with this little find of a video, it shows in a simple way how all things interact with each other, and how evolution and adaptation merges to balance things out for the benefit of both parties.. Something we lack to do so often..
      I am so happy you enjoyed this one Linda..
      Hugs and see you tomorrow! 🙂



  7. prenin
    May 24, 2014 @ 17:51:23

    We can live in harmony with nature or be buried by it.

    All things are connected and what is destroyed or directly driven to extinction is ultimately going to affect us forever. 😦

    Mankind used to know this, but greed has turned symbiosis to rape… 😦

    Love and hugs hun! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:17:35

      Your comment dear Prenin, is so spot on… “All things are connected and what is destroyed or directly driven to extinction is ultimately going to affect us forever.”…
      Love your comment.. And we have been responsible for the extinction for so many species.. and so many more are on the verge of disappearing through our miss-management of earth..



  8. Sharon Harris
    May 24, 2014 @ 18:15:44

    Sue, good morning,
    I admit I am hooked to all of the above.
    Thank you for sharing such wonderful links.

    hugs and love Sharon



  9. Line
    May 24, 2014 @ 19:03:13

    I am a very eager treasure hunter!! 🙂 I love finding little clues! .-) Love lovely post Sue! So inspiring!! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:06:29

      I am pleased you are on the treasure hunt trail Line.. I hope you can find many links to your liking in this one that will lead you further along your own wonderful journey 🙂 Blessings



  10. Dr. Rex
    May 24, 2014 @ 19:35:43

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    I have to share this rich knowledge … TY for this wonderful post!! __/l__



  11. marina kanavaki
    May 24, 2014 @ 23:05:18

    What a post, Sue! Yes, our world is in trouble exactly because we have lost our ability to ‘see the signs’ so how would we live harmonically with Mother Earth? [or else – symbiosis].
    hugs!! 🙂 xxxx



  12. IdealisticRebel
    May 25, 2014 @ 04:28:22

    Wonderful blog as always. Sue, you never disappoint. Have you read the book ” Mother Tongue.” You might really enjoy it. Hugs, Barbara



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 21:54:21

      Hi Barbara, thank you so much for your compliments upon this post, it means a lot coming from yourself.. And no I had not read this book, I must look it up .. Thank your for the info..
      Big hugs back..



  13. Dilip
    May 25, 2014 @ 06:47:27

    A beautiful post. Never could have imagined such an interesting significance of symbols. It does make a lot of sense.

    I love these words and believe in them:
    “Look beyond your language, Look no further than the Sky
    Look beyond the Stars, then pose your question -Why?”

    Thank you dear Sue.



  14. jacksjottings
    May 25, 2014 @ 08:00:42

    One of the sites I found very useful was the Greek and Latin Roots.
    If I do not know a word I used to look to see if there were any familiar parts to give me a clue.
    Now I just type in define, and the mystery word.
    The PC has opened up a vast web of interesting sites to increase our knowledge.
    Although we must always remember not all sites are facts some are opinions and some are more comments than verifiable facts.
    I believe I was borne at wonderful time in a beautiful land, I have been fortunate.
    Thank you Sue for reminding us of the knowledge at our finger tips. _/\_



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 16:33:51

      I am happy one link got your interest.. I found it fascinating how those Greek and Latin words were adapted in our language too.. And I am always mindful of ‘dis-information’.. One has to over the years learn to discern from the many sites and opinions of others what is truth and what is false.. Thats why I often can be seen saying on such posts that ask questions, Do not believe one word I say.. Go and find out the facts, truths for yourselves.. Today in the finger-clicking world of computers its much easier than in our youth when we had to browse the many books in the libraries ..
      We are indeed fortunate.. in our time scale on Earth I so agree Jack… I wonder at the type of world we are generating for our Grandchildren.. We can only do our best in teaching them the skills we know are important in life.. and the 8 fold path is one good road to travel by my friend..
      _/\_ Blessings to you too



      • jacksjottings
        May 26, 2014 @ 03:10:43

        I know you and others following my blog are aware of most of what I write.
        It is like a meeting of parents I attended on the dangers of drugs, the people that needed help in patenting were not their.
        Our blogs are mostly ideological implication, that is we are only reinforcing each others beliefs.
        I can only say your grand daughter is getting an admirable education.
        _/\_ Kind regards Sue to you and your loved ones,



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          May 26, 2014 @ 10:11:42

          Aww thank you Jack, and yes I agree with you.. But if one person just happens along and is made to think.. then its a worth while effort 🙂 Have a Great Monday.. its a Holiday here today… so just nipping on here before the day really begins… 🙂 Enjoy!



          • jacksjottings
            May 26, 2014 @ 11:24:56

            Every day is a holiday for me Sue.
            I am not the wizard of Oz.
            I am from Aussie and like the song, Busy doing nothing working the whole day through trying to find lots of things not to do.
            The only things I am trying not to do are bad karma._/\_



  15. aussieian2011
    May 25, 2014 @ 11:56:52

    Beautiful how symbols from ancient times can depict so much.
    I have the basic knowledge of understanding our Aboriginal signs from centuries ago, they do tell a story in many ways.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 16:28:31

      Thank you Ian.. I would love to explore some of those Ancient sites you have been privileged in finding Ian.. And yes the Aboriginal like the Native American Indians have far more knowledge passed down word of mouth and through their own consciousness than any Scientist with all his modern day gadgetry 🙂



  16. Shakti Ghosal
    May 25, 2014 @ 12:50:47

    Hi Sue,

    This is a GREAT POST and verse. But as I think of what you are articulating, I wonder what makes you entreat thus:

    “Our Earth Mother is talking- Wake Up!- We’re in Crisis!”

    Clearly, what you are saying is that we as humanity are behaving in a manner that is putting us and our home, this planet, in a crisis. So, why do you think this makes us behave in this manner? Is it ignorance of the consequences? Would that mean that all those of us who are conscious of the crisis and its consequences would not behave in this manner? But does evidence show that? If not, what really is in the background? And what could we do to stand in the Cause of the matter rather than entreating and / or playing the blame game?

    Love to hear your thoughts on this.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 16:26:23

      I think Shakti, it is ignorance for most part.. We have become nations separated from nature in our true selves.. We no longer associate Nature in her provision of food for instance.. We think it comes pre packed in plastic via the shelves of the supermarkets.. We the consumers are constantly bombarded via the media to buy, you must have.. and if you can not afford it.. they push credit your way, so then the debt wheel is set in motion.. The methods of retrieving energy from the Earth is rapidly destroying, polluting, and the drive of big corporations for profit is not considering the affects upon the planet.. The great swaths of palm oil plantations within Brazil in deforestation along with dis-respecting the indigenous peoples rights who have lived off that land for centuries..
      We have become kind of dumbed down to our environment.. We think we the human race, are in charge.. We are not.. Nature has always been firmly in charge..
      I am sure Nature has warmed up and cooled down upon this planet perhaps many times.. But What I see at the moment is how we seem to be separating even further from the consequences of our actions…
      I can not stop the world pollutions.. But I can prevent the pollution I personally contribute.. I may not be able to stop the deforestation but I can conserve the land I work.. I can recycle, and I can alter my way of being..
      Nature is giving us all the signs, each day, people comment upon the weather cycles altering.. This may well be the Sign of this particular cycle.. Which has gone on millennia before our industrial age and pollutants..
      I do not know… I am only here in the NOW of this time frame..
      I only see what we are doing, raping the planet, polluting the oceans, depleting her fish.. We can not continue to sustain this way of Living…
      We cannot keep trying the old and expect the NEW to emerge.. We have to start and Re-think our ways into turning around the damage we are doing.. We have to set in motion NEW Paradigms to enable Self-sufficiency for ALL.. Not just the few who get fat off the land and labours of others…
      I can only at the end of the day change one thing.. And that is to change my own habits.. Change ME… At the end of the day we are ALL of us to BLAME… for we are all ALL of us part of the problem.. We are ALL ONE…
      But my hope is we each have to start with self.. and the Signs, should we view and understand and follow where they lead.. point us to the keys of balance in all things.. There is no right or wrong way ..
      But we must all start and live from our hearts… if we are to help the world develop in harmony and peace and to do that we must also remember to LOVE our Earth Mother who sustains the very breath we breathe… and who gives us the food we eat.. and the climate to survive upon.. If we upset that Balance..
      I know Mother Earth has an Eternity to recover.. We however as a species do not..

      Blessings as always dear Shakti… You always encourage my thinking out loud 🙂



  17. From the Desk of MarDrag
    May 25, 2014 @ 14:49:30

    Profound and moving post. I sense your message is urgent…and I agree. May we all take heed and keep moving in the direction of the Light. Blessings!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 15:56:17

      The Signs have been pointing to us for many years Mar.. what is driving me to bring home their message is that so many seem to oblivious to how are all of us interconnected… So many seem in a fog as to their own direction. With head buried in their Material world.. While all around Nature is pointing us to take heed… and Listen… and learn that we are One, Without Nature we are nothing… We need to nurture her and ourselves as we re-balance the imbalance we are creating..
      Lovely that you stopped by this Sunday 🙂 Blessings Sue xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 21:45:02

      Our Earth Mother is showing us daily the ‘Signs’ and yet many really do not see the urgency of how our world is altering and how if we do not alter our constant raping of her resources .. We have to start and be responsible for our actions and ensure we try to live in harmony and in balance with Nature rather than keep plundering and not giving back… The Ancient ones the Native American Indians knew we had to keep this balance..
      I hope we can all move in the right direction Mar.. Love and Blessings this Sunday to you 🙂 xxx



  18. lorrena
    May 25, 2014 @ 15:20:02

    Yes what we see in our dreams and what we seek as to the answers the ancients left us Sue.I have had these experiences all my life as has my love also.And we have seen so many of these symbols together in our travels many in remote places in the form of petrogylphs and pictographs .Many are etched into crystal rock a medium I suspect was used to enhance and transmit a frequency we call pure balance.These are signs for us and not unlike the song I recall but in a positive way .Love this post Sue.Keep lighting the lamps within.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 15:52:00

      You have been lucky in your travels Lorrena, not only in seeing these wonderful ‘Signs’ but in knowing their meaning… Many thanks for your encouragement.. And thank you for the Music… 🙂 Blessings and Love back .. Sue



  19. Duma Key
    May 25, 2014 @ 15:53:16

    An interesting post, as always.
    We are surrounded by symbols, surrounded by the unknown and yet lost in our own symbolic ideals.
    Words always fascinate me, how there meaning can change from area to area, how language changes from place to place, even evolves via time, but one thing is clear from the beginning we have the need to communicate with each other, since we can of this earth it stands to reason that so too does the earth the nature that is us, needs to communicate with us.

    Ironically I was sat this afternoon with some friends in the garden, listening to the bird song was almost like they sing a melody that once we knew the words too, but long since forgot, like they are saying something but we lost the language, perhaps the trees still remember.
    There are symbols around us all over, a cry for help? A warning to sort ourselves out, one only has to look at the weather, the force of nature, floods, earthquakes, even the rain we had here yesterday, that was so forceful at one point I thought the glass on the roof my give! I only ever saw showers like that at one time in other countries!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 21:38:26

      Yes Duma, one only has to look at the weather and how violent the rainfalls are now and hail, flash flooding happening lots more often… And our Earth speaks to us all the time.. Nature evolves and changes, and we have contributed to some of those changes.. Yet we still explore old methods instead of learning to adapt and conserve.. The Blackbird was in full throttle of his evening Song as we walked back from a meal out this evening. And I wondered what he was saying to his bird community.. Did he have a good day and feed his family? What ever it was the rest of them answered him back with gusto.. 🙂
      We have to start and pay heed to these Nature Signs… Nature is moving on, and altering her environment.. IF we do not listen to her signs.. we will be caught out .. Her Power is Mighty!.. and we have seen nothing of her might as yet.
      Thank you for taking time to comment..
      I hope your meal went well.. and enjoy the rest of the Bank Holiday Duma.. 🙂



  20. pictimilitude
    May 25, 2014 @ 19:52:43

    Helloooo, wonderful friend! I finally have a moment to stop by – masters classes have ended and the teaching school year is winding down. I hope to get back into writing, while I am teaching. 🙂
    But yes, I wholeheartedly agree! I hope we all can heed the signs and symbols the Mother is giving us to be stewards to the planet and to each other…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 21:28:37

      Helloooooo! Cyndi.. so good to see you too 🙂 Oh I am so pleased that School is winding down and you will have some spare writing time… Wishing you well and I hope the ‘Signs’ keep guiding you on your way too 🙂 Much Love xox Sue



  21. europasicewolf
    May 25, 2014 @ 21:58:05

    Definitely wondering about the language I’ve been speaking since embarking on Polish! lol Barking mad! 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 25, 2014 @ 22:15:19

      WOoof Woooof! Wolfie, I hear you and hope you can get your tongue around some of our queens English…. Hooowls….. Have a great Bank Holiday and Hope you are not working it.. xxx 🙂



  22. Jo Bryant
    May 25, 2014 @ 23:37:00

    I really enjoyed this one Sue. the photo of the crocodile and butterfly is great…I saw something about that the other week…how the butterflies drink the crocodile’s tears. I found it fascinating that it has taken so long to get an image of that happening.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2014 @ 10:15:31

      Yes that’s right Jo, and when you google Crocodile tears you may find lots of other pictures too 🙂 this one caught my eye as it had the bee as well..
      Enjoy your day as much as I enjoy your visits..
      Hugs Sue



  23. beverley
    May 26, 2014 @ 17:07:32

    one of my daughter’s has a mild form of autism and dyslexia and when i watch her do some things they seem odd to me, but to her they are perfectly normal. We need to accept each others differences because we have all been given gifts so we can benefit each other.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 26, 2014 @ 17:45:28

      So very true Beverley, it would not do for us all to be the same.. And we are all of us connected in this Cosmic web, right from the plankton in the ocean to the pollen in the air.. We are all interconnected in the stream of Life.. 🙂



  24. Renee Espriu
    May 27, 2014 @ 02:03:28

    I have not forgotten you, my friend, but have been working overtime the last three weeks now and of course, am tired. Always a wonder to stop by and see what you have posted it causes me pause. Hope you are well and that the weather is nice still. Do take care. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2014 @ 21:54:31

      Dear Renee, I do not know how on earth you do it.. I am so flattered you found time to stop by dear Renee… please do not work so hard.. And the weather has broken.. we have much rain again.. xox
      Love and Hugs xox



      • Renee Espriu
        Jun 09, 2014 @ 03:37:20

        Hello my friend, I worked four weeks of OT but last week and this I will not. It is offered but as my work is alright presently, unless they say I have to, I will not. This coming Saturday I leave again to CA to visit my dad. My sister and her daughter live with him and my sister responsible for his watching over (he now has some slight dementia). He does very well as she has a lady come 3-4 times a week to get him out of the house. It has been about six months since I last went and my sister sees it as a bit of a break for her. Not really sure if it is helpful but supportive is the goal. I’m glad your weather had a break. We are now looking toward Summer and warmer days. Take care. xoxox



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 09, 2014 @ 20:06:48

          I hope you find your Dad in good health.. It must be tiring watching over him… Not much of a break for you either with all the hard OT you put in…
          Yes thankfully the weather improved… But had a wild thunderstorm today which flooded roads with hail… But the Garden survived 🙂
          You too take care dear Renee, and so lovely to see you again… I will be dropping in soon to catch up with your posts..
          Love Sue xox



    May 27, 2014 @ 12:50:43

    Oftentimes words hide their glorious faces and their real power behind soulless letters and we have to draw the veil and see the real essence behind them,behind each letter … At least in the Greek alphabet each letter is a symbol emitting light …
    You,Sue,do it with dexterity,you unveil their faces,you reveal all the magic behind words.Your holistic approach and the way you have environ words,languages and symbols take shape and sensitise your readership and the misinterpreters to hot,alarming issues !
    So many stories behind one simple word,the word Symbiosis which is of Greek origin,and so many sounds and signs to decode and feel the real,deep meaning of it ! All in Nature,in our ephemeral lives have been placed with absolute wisdom,and we,the ignorant human beings keep disturbing the order,the arrangement,the wisdom behind them!
    Nice reference to old,meaningful symbols and languages as well as a most significant moral to make us hear the sounds of our Universe,read its signs and discover its harmony ! Blessed those who can read and apply the unwritten laws …
    Love ♥ and hugs, Doda 🙂 xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2014 @ 15:04:16

      Wow Doda, what a beautiful comment you have given me here with your own eloquent words .. I am most flattered and thankful to have you bring your colour to my world.. Thank you Doda, you are very much appreciated as you spread your own light my way…
      Love Sue xox



  26. giselzitrone
    May 27, 2014 @ 13:33:01

    Ein schöner Beitrag liebe Sue habe es genossen zu lesen,ist sehr Indersand und über die Sybole was sie bedeuten.Wünsche dir einen guten Dienstag und noch eine gute Woche.Lieber Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  27. aishasoasis
    May 27, 2014 @ 20:28:52

    Hello Sue! What a great, thoughtful poem! I love all the links you provide, too, and of course you know I loved the egyptian hieroglyphics, such an excellent post!
    by the way, congratulations, I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Please come to to claim your prize! ♥♥♥ ;^)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 06, 2014 @ 16:39:51

      I was going back through my comments Aisha, and I missed this one.. Bless you for your thoughtful response… And for the nomination of the award which I think I missed.. so very sorry.. :-(.. xxx It was not intentional. x



      • aishasoasis
        Sep 13, 2014 @ 15:14:31

        Lol, I am sure I’ve missed a few, too, Sue! I’m writing a lot more now on and also on so my blogging has moved into the slow lane! But blogging is my first love, so I can never let her go completely. We all need some place to write those personal things that we enjoy so much, don’t we?! I’m just getting caught up again, looks like I’ve gotten into the groove of working, and understand the value of the weekend again! Tip: you’ll esily forget what day it is once you retire, enjoy it!!! ❤❤❤;^)



  28. Teira Naahi
    May 28, 2014 @ 00:19:40

    As you know i have been working on the decoding of universal symbols and their relevance to Maaori and it always amazes me how there are certain symbols that each race can apply their own unique cultural perspective upon and still end up with a common globally shared universal truth….Where the words fail symbol and glyph triumphs in unity….

    Great post Sue….Blessings…x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 28, 2014 @ 11:22:17

      Yes I remember, Teira, Yes the messages of our origins have been passed down through the symbols through various cultures and traditions..

      It seems Modern Man has lost his ability in many circumstances through following his recent documentation of his own history, in really understanding ‘The Signs’ which are plain for us all to see, if we are willing to open our eyes and follow our intuitive truth of our creation..

      But Man has easily been led to stray from the path of truth, as he is led down a route of material gain by the few who seek to control through their various means…

      A path which is turning even now as more and more awaken to their stirrings of their hearts as they no longer wish to stay within rat race which keeps them tethered within the wheel as they go around and around.. Thank goodness many are awakening!.. Change is all around, we are in it.. We are changing our perceptions daily… I hope we can Wake up enough to bring forward the Light of our Dreams Teira.. I live in hope!
      Many thanks my dear friend..
      Blessings Sue xox



  29. shamanictracker
    Jun 05, 2014 @ 20:59:06

    Great post Sue, such simple message yet rich in info!
    Our own body is the cooperative effort of 50 trillion single cells working together! They are each different, with a different function, yet they share one consciousness: they can only survive and evolve together.
    And when the cells in our own body stop working together, guess what happens…
    Why can’t we learn from our own bodies?! Our own cells. In this reality, we only exist thank to the cooperative effort of so many tiny microorganisms 😉
    I am a big fan of Bruce Lipton. If ever you haven’t read it, The Biology of Belief is a must 🙂 A real eye opener! xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 06, 2014 @ 09:57:58

      Yes ST what you say is perfect sense… Why can’t we learn from our bodies.. instead we go about abusing them pouring all sorts over them and into them, and chastise them with our thoughts… LOL no wonder so many are in a mess! 😉

      I have to confess I have not read any of Bruce’s Books, but I have watched him on YourTube and think what he says makes a lot of sense and well I could talk all day about how our thoughts work and project out energy etc to manifest and bring about our illnesses also..
      Its the unconverted we have to convince now… And so we keep posting such posts as we do, In the hopes someone may stop by and really THINK about our reality and how we are all of us co-creating it into what it is today!..
      And how we are all of us connected just like those micro-organisms..
      Love and Light… Sue xox



  30. Lois Field
    Jun 11, 2014 @ 07:24:01

    Sue, thank you for sharing that video. I am going to share it with the little ones. We have plenty of pines here and I was recently telling them how the pine cones haves seeds in them that feed the wildlife. They will enjoy seeing this.

    I do wonder about all the different signs and symbols. My son is a huge ancient history buff so we have had many conversations about the first writings and what some of the symbols might have meant.

    As for Latin and Greek when I home schooled we used a program called from the roots up which used the Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes to teach the kids to look at any work an break it into it’s parts and therefore define the word without use of a dictionary. We had great fun using the program. Currently my son is learning German and teaching both the children and me the language so we can all converse in German.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 06, 2014 @ 16:42:23

      Lois I missed this comment way back in June.. I am happy you found the video a great find.. And apologies only just spotted your comment unanswered as I was back tracking my Comment panel.. xxx Hope all is well with you, will be over to see you very soon and see what you have been doing// xx Love Sue



  31. Sue Dreamwalker
    Oct 03, 2018 @ 21:50:28

    Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:

    Lots of things are happening within our world right now, if we care to take the time to dig deeper beneath the surface and see the ‘Signs’ presenting themselves again and again. We will start to connect the dots..

    Yet we merrily go about our daily lives blinkered to reality.
    I wrote this poem some four years ago. And was looking to post something that would make each look upon certain ‘Signs’ we are being shown, and sit up and take notice of what is happening as our Earth Mother begins to awaken us out of our slumber.
    Then look at other signs that have long ago been foretold..

    Many of my loyal regular followers will perhaps remember this poem as you revisit the words..
    But since writing this I have had many new subscribers. I hope you find and follow some of the links within the poem and begin to discover more symbols and Symbiosis in your lives..

    (I Know I have still to moderate some of my comments and hope to have more time to do so tomorrow.. )

    And remember.. Life is precious, make the most of each and every moment in Love , Harmony, and Peace..

    Blessings to you all..



  32. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 04, 2018 @ 02:54:35

    Yes, signs are everywhere not only big signs but the small signs whispered to us if only we would listen. An ego must be really big not to acknowledge other life forms in the universe. I always feel signs within myself and there is a knowing thereof. I also get the whisper calling me home. Not Gaia but something different and something of energy and not in any physical form. There is an awakening happening to Gaia and to mankind traversing the dimensions. Mankind will be awakened and are by the force of weather which we all contributed to unknowingly and knowingly. We are seeing an increase in violent storms and earthquakes. These are big signs but not the one you reported about. Your video symbiosis is not only on earth but throughout the universe and beyond. We are all one as the saying goes. Interconnected in inexplicable ways and perhaps when we cross over we will know how we were tied to people who harm us and who harms Gaia in search of power and money. Sad!. Thanks for the thought-provoking post as always. Be well my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2018 @ 15:54:41

      Yes I understand completely Joseph.. Change is constant we know that. But often the Signs show us we also need to wake up to ourselves and what we are creating.. And which ever way we look at the world.. We cannot take success and money along with us in our next life. We have so much beauty here on this earth.. I watched a documentary two evenings ago about the amount of plastic in our oceans.. Showing Dolphins, Whales, Turtles and sea birds dying with plastic pollution and consumption of it. It held graphic details of plastic in the stomachs of sea birds and its now even in the Arctic within molluscs and Walrus droppings.. Sad, indeed .. Gaia is transcending, and those who are waking up I hope will also see their opportunities to transcend out of this material matrix into the one that we were always destined for, but we were trapped here indoctrinated. And for those who do wake up, they may see the patterns unfolding.. And change their vibration of energy from one of holding onto the material, to helping create a world based on co-operation and unity through harmony and love..
      Thank you for your thoughts Joseph.. Always love hearing them.. 🙂



  33. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 04, 2018 @ 16:48:23

    Yes, you are right that we need a wakeup call in our awake state as well. And a harsh awakening for those who remain asleep. Not everyone will awaken and ascend. Yes, I do feel Gaia’s shift into a new dimension and perhaps the calls of the ancients calling me is just that to ascend with Gaia in pristine condition and not the nasty realm at times that people have made it so today. I have seen documentaries on the plastic in our oceans and not to mention Fukushima being dumped into the oceans as well. It is all so tragic that humankind cannot think this through at times and only see $$$$. Long-term planning would be beneficial with pros and cons. I am so transcending with Gaia or by some other means into the spirit world perhaps. I would love to see Gaia pristine drinking water from the lakes, streams, and rivers once again. Love is all there ever was and is and if we follow its whisper magnificent things can happen and a world based on co-operation and unity through harmony and love is just that. The day will come. Smiles.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 04, 2018 @ 17:39:53

      Keep thinking of that pristine world of Gaia Joseph.. I dream it into being often.. in my daydream awake intentions.. We live in a temporal world of illusion manufactured to serve… And not to our Higher-selves, but to the little-gods, who fell.. But I feel the energies surrounding this planet and the new ‘gateways’ opening up our memories of those Ancient ones,and our true purpose, whisper encouragement that ALL is possible and that yes we are Magnificent Beings, held prisoner too long within this dimension..
      And while we wish to change the world to live in harmony and unity, all we can truly do is work upon ourselves.. And set our own souls on the right path.. Doing that alone is helping accelerate our energy through love..
      Many thanks again Joseph. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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