Vibrating As One!


 Below is a post I wrote back in 2008. As time is short this week due to some study work I have to do,  It ties in nicely with January’s theme as we wake up to the Laws of the Universe.


The Law of Vibration


All things move, vibrate, and travel in circular patterns. Each and every thing has its own unique vibrational frequency. Frequency is defined as the number of times of oscillation; no two things are the same.

The differences between ‘matter’ and ‘energy’ are really the differences between the vibrations of each. For example we have electricity, heat, Light. Then we have trees, flowers, animals and humans, minerals etc.

If we were to look closely at wood, metal and stone, blood and tissue through a high powered microscope, you would see each oscillating at a different vibration as each is a different density.Moving in-between these particles is Energy which is in ALL things.

When things vibrate very slowly we hear no noise. Physical objects vibrate the slowest. As vibration is increased we begin to hear lower pitched sounds, and if the vibrations are increased further they ascend like the keys on a piano until they get so high they go off our scale of our hearing.

So too is our ability to see colour, we can only see the range of colours contained within our spectrum of Light– the rainbow starting from the lowest of a dark red through the spectrum with Violet vibrating higher into ultraviolet where we then no longer are able to see as it goes into Infra-red.

Each of us has our own vibrational sound unique to us, through our thoughts and feelings, desires and will. My guides have told me through my writings that that is how they can tune into us, and we them. And if we became still long enough to connect with this sound— [we think of as silence]–we would discover our true perfect self.

This is why Mediation is helpful in finding one’s self.

But our world today is so full of noise and disruptions, and busy lifestyles, and the material, such as T.V. radios, telephones, many of the vibrational frequencies compete and disrupt us from connecting to that perfection, of peace within.

Our thoughts and emotions send out vibrations to the Universe and every thought has a corresponding rate  of vibration, the higher the vibration, the longer the lasting effects are. The lower the vibration the more potent the effects are in the short term.

Optimism resides on a higher frequency, while Pessimism resides at a lower frequency. Optimists tend to expect more of the world, and this is communicated to others and likely to be realised. While pessimists expect the negative, they anticipate gloom and doom, and actually help to create it.

Vibrations not only affect us, but people around us, and the impact of our behaviours on others is not always understood. We can be a positive force working for the betterment of our organisation or mankind, or be a negative force and tear down what is being built.

We all can relate to feeling great in the company of someone who makes us laugh, and we come away feeling good. So too if we are in the company of someone with problems who continually moan on and on, we too begin to feel depressed as their feeling rub off on us.

Our goal is to try and keep our vibrations as high as possible being positive, this means trying also to not let other’s negative attitudes penetrate our feelings. Something that is very difficult in today’s climate as we are constantly bombarded each day into our very living rooms by the negative vibrations of the media News reports. Which in turn add to the constant pool of more negative vibrations already encircling the Earth.

Even Earthquakes, Tornado’s, floods etc, events that we call natural disasters are but movements of elements from one polarity to the other. The Whole ‘Birth-Death Cycle’ is part of this movement, [Natural Law].These are the rhythms of Life, and everything in life is subject to them, Because Life itself is a rhythm.

It’s a wave… a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of

ALL That Is  

The ancient ones knew that the greatest power resides in the ‘Light’. They understood the Law of Vibration.

The Ancients knew that Higher Vibrations

Consume and Transform Lower Vibrations.

El Morya says

The More Light [Positive] one assimilates into the Body, Mind and Spirit, the faster the acceleration, The higher the vibration, enabling one to control life and manifest the perfect reality all around.


All who are experiencing an accelerated path to become One with the Higher Self, shall instantly grasp the notion that when the Law of Vibration is understood fully, they will be able to apply this Law, and Manifest a Heaven on Earth. [Which is using]

The Secret’

Since everything is a continuum, this mission then, is to move from the plane of dense matter and duality up to the plane of Oneness.

This is accomplished by experiences that have caused discomfort and pain, and sadness and replacing them with higher thoughts and experiences of Love, Joy and Peace. All that is experienced in life is nothing more than events designed within the Law of Vibration to provide opportunities to learn either to remain on that level, digress to a lower level, or aspire to a Higher one.  

Once an individual moves to a higher level, that which was experienced on the lower level is never experienced again as a test of learning. The higher vibrational level assimilated within the nine bodies [by the choice the individual has made] serves to consume and transform the lower vibratory frequency, Consequently since each thought, action and emotion is assigned its own unique frequency all that is of a lower nature is burned off. This phenomenon serves as to purify all of the lower nature within the subtle bodies and rests at the heart of purification.

Therefore when one experiences the Higher and the lower natures at battle, it is important on the road to mastery to acknowledge BOTH sides of duality, and walk the middle road.

In Oneness, ALL must be addressed and understood. Nothing can be omitted. The Key to transformation then is not to attach any emotion to the lower vibratory patterns, but to only feel the strength of the Love and Higher energies,

Once this has been accomplished, the individual will move quickly through the experience, enabling manifestation of the higher kingdom of Light and Love to be realised more quickly.



Nothing rests, Everything moves, Everything Vibrates… The Kybalion..

What are your thoughts?..


© Sue Dreamwalker  – 2008- 2014 All rights reserved. 

32 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. cat
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 13:35:01

    Don’t think I fully understand, but do know in a sense … having my home grown garlic, onions, carrots, potatoes, beets, peas, beans and tomatoes for dinner now … baby, it’s cold outside … Love you, dream walker lady, always, cat..



    • cat
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 14:56:48

      Sorry, my respones earlier was pretty down to earth … but that’s the only way to stay alive right now … greetings from deep freeze country … Love you, shaman woman … smiles … always, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:35:19

      Cat, I saw how cold it has been where you are.. And home-grown is what its all about. Family, love, healing, warmth… I totally got it… and glad I can tweak your grey matter from time to time my sweet friend… We each are in need of some me time and quiet time… Love and Light.. Big hugs.. from the Walker of Dreamtime. 🙂 xxx



  2. lindalitebeing
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 13:49:47

    Each of us has our own vibrational sound unique to us, through our thoughts and feelings, desires and will. My guides have told me through my writings that that is how they can tune into us, and we them. And if we became still long enough to connect with this sound— [we think of as silence]–we would discover our true perfect self.

    This is why Meditation is helpful in finding one’s self.

    ~ I really love this part Sue! I had not thought of meditation in this way before and I am definitely intrigued! Thank you for sharing this gem with us again.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:40:32

      Yes Linda, its amazing how our world is jumbled up with electronic pulses which weave in and out of our own energy bodies.. its no wonder we are sometimes strung out and highly charged, or zapped out and drained.. Thats why when I often would write my channelled pieces I would wake in the middle of the night.. I was told its a much less electromagnetic atmosphere when all appliances are turned off, and no mobile phones etc are on the go. So it allows us to link into those higher frequencies… .. Thank you Linda for your wonderful comment… I may be quiet for a short while as I have work and study to do and feel the need of some Me time… I have a few posts scheduled but may not get to moderate them as quickly, so don’t think I have forgotten you.. 🙂



  3. prenin
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 14:06:47

    All that exists is part of the energy of the Universe in different states.

    Nothing is created, or destroyed, it merely changes state… 🙂

    Love and hugs!




  4. Dilip
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 14:39:46

    Your thoughts expressed on vibrational waves and energy are convincing. Especially when relates to some of experiences in the real world. At times I am surprised how without speaking or messaging we come to know what the other person wants us to do.

    Many thanks Sue!



  5. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:16:05

    Your excellent words aimed at our greatest joy and happiness brightens the lives of us all as we make our way through the universe! Thank you dear Dreamwalker for this great life lesson. in peace and love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 16:26:26

      Dear Eddie, we are each at One in giving Great Life Lesson’s dear friend.. and I love your way of teaching them.. 🙂 Thank you for your friendship which has spanned the whole of my blogging time.. Blessings Dreamwalker



    Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:53:38

    Eine schöne Woche wünschen wir. Gruß, Wolfgang 😀



  7. IdealisticRebel
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 21:34:20

    Reblogged this on idealisticrebel and commented:
    Everything vibrates. What does it mean?



  8. europasicewolf
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 21:36:51

    Some good science-orientated points here! Hope you’re having a good week and not freezing your socks off or floating away in floodwaters! Icewolfie hugs 🙂 xx



  9. lorrena
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 22:32:04

    This law is what merges with the oneness of the cosmic law and well taught by the ancients long ago.It is so very obvious to those however who spend time in nature and witness life and how it unfolds,spirals and shapes itself with resonance,vibration Sue.All as one and as should be regardless what form we are in as a life source.But left within humanity because we as keepers must maintain the very balance being discarded for this material world all along .That however will change because nothing trumps this same Law of nature within the Cosmic law and its ultimate powerful energies that create and in turn can destroy .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2014 @ 13:12:41

      Yes the law of Nature will ultimately bring everything back into balance… It may upset some to learn however that what we term as balanced may not be how nature comes to rectify the imbalances we have created.. For ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction which I think was Newtons Law in motion… The cycles are continuing to go around in circles.. and like that old saying says, What goes around comes around. So what we are doing to the Earth! as we destroy it.. Could well come back and bite us where it hurts the most..
      Lovely seeing you comment Lorrena..
      Blessings Sue xox



  10. Lois Field
    Jan 28, 2014 @ 04:01:35

    Sue, my last home had the electrical panel on one side of the head of my bed and the furnace on the other. I never did sleep right in there and felt out-of-sorts much of the time I lived in that place. With everything else being the same it had to be the currents around me. When I moved I instantly felt better….until I added wi-fi to my home. I am used to it now but really felt the effects in the beginning.

    As winter set in I found myself with less energy and turned to adding music during the day. Recently I realized I needed silence and have turned everything off for the last couple of weeks. We don’t always realize just how the technology around us affects our moods and even sleep patterns.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2014 @ 13:04:56

      Yes, many do not see how those electrical impulses and invisible waves from wi-fi ect are affecting sleep and concentration patterns Lois… People will often feel the affects of an electrical storm too, noticing how it affects their moods.. And will often notice head-aches etc saying there is a pending storm brewing.. Then never click how we are making those connections and ‘Feeling’ with our senses, as we are ALL of us electrically charged particles oscillating in our own vibration, within our own frequencies… We are All of us connected.. And the Power of this New Technology is having massive effects upon our bodies..
      Science is now seeing how Phone Masts can have detrimental affects upon health.. as Cancer clusters are being noticed. You only have to walk underneath the honeycomb of electric overhead pylons to hear the humm/Buzz of energy being transferred.. No wonder those living with these Huge Pylons near their homes are suffering ..
      It remains to be seen the effects of mobile phones,and these new tablets of electronic devices which our younger ones are now being allowed to use what long term effects they are having.. Its scary if we think too long about it..

      I know I could not remain in front of a PC all day long… its draining! ..
      Thank you again Lois for bringing this to our attention..
      Blessings Sue xox



  11. Christy Birmingham
    Jan 28, 2014 @ 17:47:10

    Ah, this is a post that you can bring out again and again – its message is timeless! I like the idea of Optimism being of a higher frequency and it is one that I know well. May January end on a happy, optimistic note for you, dear Sue xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2014 @ 20:54:41

      Yes Optimism much higher than Pessimism , and its good that you are always looking on the bright side of life Christy and good too that you are manifesting 😉 .. 😀 xxxx Much love and thank you so much for your lovely visit 🙂 xx



  12. Jerry E Beuterbaugh
    Jan 29, 2014 @ 00:46:03

    This really is an incredible site.



  13. penpusherpen
    Jan 29, 2014 @ 00:56:47

    I’ve often thought about meditating Sue, promised myself I’ll set aside a time and sit and let my thoughts roam, and thrum to the rythm of the World about me. It’s one of those promises which I’ve never kept to myself BUTI will. To tune in to the different frequencies, and appreciate all the vibratations around us. as you say, with all this modern technology , it’s no wonder we’re becoming frazzled, our natural tuning fork totaly out of sync. I shall try to keep my promise to myself this weekend, put aside some time and sit, and tune in. Love and light my friend. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 29, 2014 @ 11:53:41

      Well you know what they Say Pen.. There is no Time like the Present .. And its never too late to start.. Make sure you turn off your modem and Wi-fi too, and unplug the phone.. And Breatheeeeeeeee! 🙂 .. I am working the full weekend this coming weekend, And I know come Monday, I will be taking my own Deep Breaths.. 🙂 Have a good rest of the week dear Pen, Much love.. Sue xox



  14. zendictive
    Feb 02, 2014 @ 13:50:56

    (!_!) wow, absorbed in the thought



  15. gerowen
    Feb 04, 2014 @ 06:25:26

    This relates a lot to my latest post, the “Perception of Reality” post. I had never quite thought of it in “exactly” the way you worded it here, but I got to thinking. Our plane of reality, could exist simultaneously in the same space as an entirely different reality that just vibrates at frequencies which we are incapable of perceiving. The other worlds we as humans have dreamed of since time immemorial, Heaven or Hell, Valhalla, all of those places, “could” exist right under our noses, and we just can’t perceive them.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2014 @ 16:27:19

      Marcus, I am told via the spirit connections I have had the privilege to communicate with, that those different realities reside in and around this world, not somewhere else.. Its just that we do not sense or see because the vibration of frequency is different to our perception, just like we do not see certain colours of our spectrum.. 🙂 So yes, they are right under our very noses! 🙂



  16. aussieian2011
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 09:30:54

    I recall this post Sue, and having read it again certain points become clearer, vibrations do impact on us in many and varied ways, we no longer have electrical goods in our bedroom and maintain our contacts with such to the bear minimum, as much as technology allows.
    Ana,s beliefs but I confess to believing her ideology.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 14, 2014 @ 11:44:48

      Ian thank you for dropping in… I have not been on WP for a few days.. Yes Ana is correct, the electronic devices we have are interfering with our own natural abilities and causing our brainwaves to be affected, thus interfering with sleep patterns.. I also now turn off my modern and Wi-fi devices.. Sending both you and Ana a Hug… As soon as I have caught up here on my comments I am hoping over the airwaves to see what’s new with you,.. I have been absent from looking in on other blogs for what seems like ages.. ~Sue



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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