My Awakening~ The Signs.


This post is part of Awakening to who you truly are… Whereby bloggers are posting each day in January their own experiences of awakening. In Barbara Franken’s Awakening Month..

Waking up does not always mean a spiritual awakening, of becoming aware of those energies and the life force’s ‘Chi’ around them.. We are all of us capable of feeling these forces, but most of us have forgotten upon entry to this world how to use our Mind and Energies. Plus our young minds are often suppressed at a young age to forget the nonsense of invisible playmates.   

Barbara asks us to give us a brief description about our backgrounds. That is is the easy bit.. The harder bit is telling you what constitutes to the Awakening process, as its a very different set of experiences for all of us.. 

I don’t wish this to sound like a biography, so for those wishing to learn more about my early soul journey they can read more in My Soul Journey series in my first draft of that series Here.. I wrote

“Since being a small child I felt I had a mission to complete……”

For those interested enough you can find in part 2  of My Journey  my early life experiences in my spiritual awakening, where I saw spirit in the form of a Nun, which many years later was confirmed to be one of my guides helping me through my young life.

I was destined to follow the ‘Signs’ to follow my spiritual path in the form of a Newspaper add  which literally jumped out at me as I wanted to de-stress.  That’s how I first came to  go to a Meditation class held in our Local Spiritualist Centre.  From there one step led to another as I enrolled in development and awareness classes as I re-discovered my mediumistic abilities and became a Spiritual Healer.. Later taking classes of my own .  The story of this Stage can be found in Part 3 of My Journey .

Finding oneself and waking up! often means we need to lose ourselves first

This came in the form of a Nervous Breakdown which can be read in more detail Here in part 4 of My Journey.  What isn’t discussed there is how I  healed,  and what inner work I did upon myself..


‘Signs’ are everywhere if we take heed of them.. But at that times I was blind to them, I had been given a ‘Sign’ in the form of my breakdown, I had been given a Sign when I was made redundant, and I was given the ‘Signs’ many times,which I ignored and sometimes these come in various forms, such as the time on my way to interview as someone drove past my car knocking the wing mirror off..  Another ‘Sign’  not to be on the road I was!..But I ignored it and took a job I regretted from the very first day.. . I should have followed my gut I knew even at the interview the job didn’t feel right. But I had ignored my ‘Gut’ .. I left after a few weeks.

So I climbed down my ladder, I had had enough responsibility so thought OK, I am going back onto Machines, and just going to sit and sew. I knew all the machine processes and could use each one, so  I can go back on Piecework  and go to work and come home and forget about it.. I did this for another 3 yrs being made redundant twice more as the textile industry in the UK came into decline as work went more and more overseas… The places I worked were also going down hill, as they were nothing but sweat-shop types of factories.. Still not listening to the Signs of my redundancies! as factories closed I hung onto what I knew… ..  During these 3 yrs my health took a dive to the point I would sit and cry in pain at my machine as my muscles felt like they were being shredded and fatigue would sweep over me.. 

A Dr finally diagnosed I had Fibromyalgia after repeated visits to the surgery with muscle pain, the hospital confirmed it and I had 6 months off work.. This time I Listened to my body.. I had not listened before to change my career direction, and as I have so often found if we do not listen to the ‘Signs’ they keep being repeated until we learn the lessons.  So this time my body had made me take notice and stopped me literally in my tracks.  Plus throughout all of my day job working life I was still working with Spirit, I was still serving Spiritualist Centres giving messages from loved ones from the other side…  This too I put on temporary  hold so I could heal from within..

You might ask How if I was so attune to Spirit ,and healing with the spiritual realm did I not get answers to my own pathway or at least glimpses of an easier way physically and emotionally.. Believe me I did ask .. And I was told quite simply from spirit, we are each on our own pathway to learn through our experiences…  I am no different than anyone else in learning lessons and through them we discover ourselves in the process, This is the Awakening Process.  Many are now going through these dark tunnels as they discover who they are..

Knowing what I did, being a Spiritual Healer, I spent the time off work nurturing Me.. I painted more, I set about clearing the Raynaud’s Disease, you can found our how I did that in my Past Life Regression part 1 and my healing of the symptoms in part 2 .  What I have not really wrote about is healing my Fibromyalgia.. Healing which took me from fatigue and intense pain out of breath and hardly managing my stairs to back to full health and walking for miles in the countryside.. I still need to pace myself, and not over do the muscle strain.. but I am 100% better than I was and its up to me to keep it that way.

To heal the body, we first need to work on the mind… I did that with You can Heal your Life with Louise Hays book.. with affirmations  and I also started upon Spring Forest QiGong.  This was another ‘Sign’ which I followed as I bought Master Chunyi Lin tapes and video which offered his unique method of healing with some amazing testimonies of healing miracles can be found too if you look on the net..This literally dropped through the door one day in some ‘junk-mail’ as it too leapt out at me to be read, it turned out to be the best ‘Sign’ I followed..  

It didn’t happen over night, I meditated daily and I would do my Qigong exercises and deep breathing and focusing my intent.. My pains became less and my fatigue diminished, I pulled in energy and felt more alive than I had for a long time…  I had Gong Baths from spiritual friends, I embarked upon a course of Body Talk too and learnt the art of tapping my body for answers, and incorporated it to help others.. I had Spiritual Healing,  and Reiki  I also joined a self help group which my Dr had put me in touch with The Expert Patience Programme for those with Chronic  Conditions.   Which showed me to take small steps and achievable goals..

Finally I knew I had to change career paths, A ‘chance’  ( I have learnt nothing is ever by chance! ) conversation with a colleague about where her daughter was working in Support came about and I decided to apply for an interview as they were recruiting.. It felt right! and the interview felt right.. I was honest with my condition and left nothing out including the need to have Sunday ‘Service’ nights and Monday group nights off… Everything fell into place..  That is some 10 years ago now, 8 yrs I have been working in supporting adults with learning difficulties within their shared homes. And 2 yrs with my present Support work.  Now once again, the Signs are pointing me to take another look at where I am and what I wish to do… This time I think I am going to listen!  

We Wake UP to so much along our journey, I see the world as being connected, and how each of us are a vital piece waiting like a giant jigsaw to be fitted together when the time is right.. Sometimes it takes us a while searching for the right piece until we fit. We may turn over our pieces many times until they slot together with the right one..  

Slowly as we join together we are at last I think realising that we are ALL ONE and ALL part of this Giant Universal Plan in which our lives are part of the process as we evolve along with Earth .. We are now each of us waking up to ourselves and our potential as we understand the Power of our Minds and that our energy is all connected in the Matrix of those invisible realms that pulse through us all… We are Beings of Light.. and its time to wake up to who we really are..   Thank you for staying the course if you are still reading.. The next in this series tomorrow is

 SeeingM ../…Life through the eyes of M

24th    M…          –
25th    Brian G    –
26th    Dotta       –
27th    CW          –
28th    Laurie       –
29th    Debra       –
30th    Linda        –
31th    Michael     –
1st      Leigh        –
2nd                     –

 Thank you for reading  



51 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. lavendermoongirlblog
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 09:58:22

    Sue, there is so much to read about your amazing journey and how you were led by spirit to heal yourself from terrible pain. I really admire you and hope that so many others will learn from you. Are you thinking about running your own healing groups or writing a book about your experiences? Thank you so much for sharing. I am particularly interested in finding out about how you worked through reynauds and your FM. Gong baths sound amazing, I hope to find someone who has workshops in my area. Blessings and healing light 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2014 @ 17:39:08

      LavenderGirl, thank you, and many thanks for taking time to read.. I know its lengthy and this in itself puts many off and I have no doubts it will not get many reviews because of its length.. I revised it several times to cut it down.. And as to your question No I am not writing a book and I no longer run a circle… I retired from my Spiritual work at the end of this year from going around giving of my Spiritual services as a medium… I am waiting for the next phase of Life to show me a path.. And I am sure a Sign will be presenting itself.. .. Gong Baths are wonderful The vibration shifts the blockages within.. Among my posts is an account somewhere about my experience.. but I forget where.. 🙂 Thank you for your comment Lovely to see you again. xxx Hugs Sue xxx



  2. barbarafranken
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 14:08:35

    Thank you so much Sue for sharing with us all your own amazing journey and awakening experience… It is certainly time now to inspire others through writing about our own experiences, helping others find their own answers and own signs that lead them to their truth…

    I love the way you write about us all being ‘a vital piece waiting for the giant jigsaw to be connected’… Wonderful, I will remember this… this is why it is so vital that more and more people awaken to the simple truth of there being more… so much more than the limited physical being… Yes we are all one and individual and unique at the same time…

    IAM going to enjoy reading your other ‘in-depth’ posts, it is always interesting to read how people heal themself… This is the reason IAM/We are creating a Free E Book for others to read and know the possibilities and potential of healing self and living a life of love, joy and peace… until the next challenge Sue… take care, Barbara x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2014 @ 17:43:14

      Barbara, Many thanks for allowing me to take part, and I appreciate your feed back… We have to remember we are so much more than our bodies… And once we recognise the power within we each hold.. We truly can create miracles to happen… especially as we self heal .. Each journey is different.. but we are each discovering the one true energy which heals.. And thats LOVE… which is what our mission here on Earth is to discover.. as we learn to forgive and love unconditionally.. Love and Light and many thanks again.. Sue xox



  3. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 15:28:21

    You are Magnificent! Thanks for sharing your story. Blessings!



  4. starproms
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 18:37:58

    Fascinating journey Sue. Keep walking onward on your path.



  5. artevolutions
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 20:01:56

    Wow Sue…This is so heartfelt and inspiring:) We can learn from you to be brave and share our stories…I think that somehow we go to through very difficult times before our awakening…at least this happened to me….and yet we get to point where we are still exploring and blossoming that we feel we may not be ready to share..maybe still working on stuff and getting inner guru’s insights:) Thank you for opening your heart and give us amazing strength and energy Love xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2014 @ 20:13:16

      We are all upon this journey Lizzie, Some are well upon their paths way in front of me.. And for a lot of my journey I sort out external Guru’s and each one helped set my course upon the present pathway… But there also comes a time when we have to follow our own ‘Inner Guidance’ We become our own Inner guru.. so true… We then need to follow our insights, our gut, our inner ‘Knowing’ that no one can explain… Its just a Knowing from within… When we listen, truly listen to our inner voices, and we join together with more like minds who are listening to the same vibrations.. Then we are joining the collective and joining as One again together.. This is the Unity Consciousness 🙂 xxx Many thanks for reading Lizzie I know its a long post.. x



      • artevolutions
        Jan 23, 2014 @ 20:22:39

        It is a beautiful special post!
        I have learn more about consciousness through special connections and special Souls like you than studying and interacting with people that try to define, explain, give theories:) Yes we get the unity of consciousness while some philosophers don’t LOL 🙂 You are a true inspiration and a wonderful energy to connect to xxx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 23, 2014 @ 20:26:57

          awww Bless you Lizzie, and I am no one special, just a soul like you, searching, Learning, growing, and trying to spread what they have learned.. It really does make my heart shine though when people such as your good self Lizzie take the time to read fully and give me feed back… This is how we Grow.. Sharing.. Giving…. and seeing at the end of the day we are ONE! 🙂 haha.. and love it when that happens.. 🙂 You have made me very Happy ..
          Thank you xxx



  6. shamanictracker
    Jan 23, 2014 @ 21:12:36

    Hey Sue, I really love how you described your spiritual awakening as a journey (and not as a moment). A journey that was not always simple or easy. But you persisted, you are a wise and brave soul!
    I can totally understand how you could be good at receiving messages for others but skip on your own… Sometimes our attention is more focused on the outside versus inner. Our bodies are always there to remind us, and one can be sure that the ‘signs’ from our bodies cannot be skipped on. Thank you also for sharing that the journey to recovery took time and hard work (people often expect miracles without any effort….). I am so glad that you are so well today.
    And am really looking forward to discovering what the spirit has planned for you next 🙂
    Sunshine kisses and rainbow hugs xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2014 @ 20:29:27

      Yes it was by no means miraculous in that it happened over night.. Sometimes I feel people can not comprehend that in order to get well, we have to change our mind-set… It takes time to alter our perceptions within and see the damage we do with our emotional body which in turn affects our physical bodies.. When one makes that connection, whether it be over weeks or months or seconds… Then our healing can take place.. This is how Miracles DO happen, when a person alters within.. And SHIFTS their perceptions to allow ALL things possible to occur.. they can and do..
      I wanted to get well, I wanted to be free of pain… I told myself repeatedly I WAS healed..
      Some hang onto pain, and although they tell themselves they do want it.. They often do nothing to make that shift.. It has to come from within ..
      As to what Spirit has in store… I am sending out invitations… I am open to their suggestions LOL.. 😉 but be sure I will be following their ‘Signs’ Lol… 🙂 So good to see you here again Shamanictracker.. 🙂 xx Thank you xxx



  7. Lois Field
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 03:55:04

    Sue, I am finally getting a chance to visit. It’s been a long day. The heat went out again in our building causing much disruption for everyone. Anyway, I love your story. like you there have been so many times I have ignored the signs and paid for it in one way or anther. I’m doing better about listening now, but it took a good many years to slow down enough to do so.

    I also turned to Louise Hays book for help when things became too much for me many years ago it’s a great book.

    I’m looking forward to hearing the new direction your life is headed and hope it is a smooth transition for you. I feel a new opportunity opening up in my life and am listening to those signs for direction. It’s funny how life never is static isn’t it?



  8. bluebutterfliesandme
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 08:17:52

    Back later to comment Sue, But hugs for now.
    ✿ღ✿ღ.¸¸ღ♫*¨`*•..¸ƸӜƷ ✿ღ ✫❀
    💋 •❤٠·˙✿
    (¯`✿´¯) (¯`✿´¯)
    *`•.¸(¯`✿´¯)¸.•´ * *Ḻ✿ṽ℮
    *✿*.` •.¸.•´*✿*• .¸¸.`•´¯✿★ ° . . ¸. * ¸ . ●   . ☾ °☆  . * ● ¸ . ★ ° :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * .      .   °  . ● .   ° ☾ °☆  ¸. ● .  ★  ★ ° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸  ★  :.  . • ○ ° ★  .  * . .  ¸ .   °  ¸. * ● ¸ .    ° ☾ °  ¸. ● ¸ .  ★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. . ¸ . ● ¸    ★  ★☾ °★ .     .  °☆  . ● ¸ .   ★ ° .  • ○ ° ★  .       * .  ☾ °  ¸. * ● ¸     ° ☾ °☆  . * ¸.   . ¸. * .¸. *
    ★ ° . . 
    Sindy Sue



  9. Dilip
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 08:32:14

    Very inspiring. You are a courageous lady Sue and a believer in positivity. Wishing you all the happiness.
    Kind regards.



  10. giselzitrone
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 12:22:51

    Einen schönen Tag liebe Sue,es ist wieder so ein schöner Beitrag,ja ich denke auch das die Richtung vom Leben geleitet wird,und wir müssen Dankbar sein das wir gesund sind und Leben.Ich wünsche dir ein gutes und schönes Wochenende,mit lieben Grüßen von mir.Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2014 @ 20:03:33

      Liebe Gislinde, ja, das Leben wirft uns die Zeichen, und das Leben ist gut, wenn wir begreifen, auf sie .. Und glauben .. Ich danke euch so sehr, dass Sie sich die Zeit zum Lesen … Liebe und Segen für immer bringen Sie Ihre eigene Energie hier .. Ich liebe dich Sue xxx



  11. superduque777
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 13:27:19



  12. lindalitebeing
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 14:55:05

    Sue, I really appreciate how you put your story out there with unvarnished truth. I also like that you are not preachy and emphasize that we find or own way. I had a similar thing happen with my car side window. I was driving on the PA Turnpike at night during an eclipse to arrive at a training for a new business venture. A truck
    came by almost pushed me off the road and knocked the window off. The venture proved to be worthless but I met some great people and learned about what I can handle under extreme stress. The signs are always there ( love when words leap out at me, usually bringing positive info) but the key is first noticing and then taking proper action.

    much light and love to you,




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2014 @ 19:55:05

      Linda, thank you, and especially sharing that, I am so grateful you were not injured but I agree, sometimes our paths are diverted in order for us to meet and greet others as well as finding out more about our own inner strengths… Thank you so much my friend for reading… The Signs, will always show us a way… sometimes we see them at other times they can be obscure and we miss them, and so the path is just a little longer.. But all roads lead home! 🙂 Love and light sent your way… Hugs Sue xxx



  13. chicasl10
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 16:34:07

    Years ago during lunch i had company of a lady. We eat together.
    We talked a lot and she was a medium i knew that.
    During these talks i came to know that she has been very close to a nervous breakdown. She told me things and i was very interested. Things that when u cant feel what she felt u wont believe I did I believed and i had an experience i cant tell here. She was empty after the talk and had to vomit She was empty inside.
    Its extreme i know. But i was there.
    Sue i hope that u udnerstand my comment ( im not that good in writing down this experience that i had)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2014 @ 19:48:55

      MJ, I certainly understand your whole comment.. We sometimes hold so much empathic energies it can totally drain you,.. And I certainly wouldnt wish the experience I had on anyone,… Much Love my friend.. xox



  14. penpusherpen
    Jan 24, 2014 @ 16:53:43

    So many moments Sue, when we’re faced with choices, and we know in our hearts when we have made the wrong one. signs occurring, warnings as the bell resounds inside, a clang not a perfect tone. Your story is one to read and remember as we walk forward into our future. One we’re writing, one we’re trying so hard to get right. the journey of our soul. exciting stuff, and even should we tread unwarily, don’t follow the signs, we can retrace our steps to find the correct path. Many times I have had to rethink my actions, change decisions made in too much of a hurry, That old maxim, “Act in haste, repent at leisure” holds much meaning for me. Love and light my lovely friend. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 25, 2014 @ 19:44:33

      Oh believe me Pen, I have made lot more not written here, Time is something that we can look back on and in hindsight we can see the ‘clangers’ lol, But one thing I have learnt that our hearts and guts often do not lie.. but sometimes I know I have not been brave enough to let go of those things that make me feel safe and secure.. Hence thats one of the reasons I hung onto my career path so long.. Afraid of change… thats when the body stepped in to make me change.. 🙂 Much love.. xxx



  15. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jan 25, 2014 @ 05:40:46

    my muse will not stop writing my thoughts,
    and I want m own thoughts as I wander …so I will say a quick hello
    and I saw so much of me within some of your words, and I will be back tomorrow in the morning when I can open your links to read about you…
    sending a whisper and wish for you upon this cold Winter wind…
    Take Care…You Matter much Sue…



  16. Kourtney Heintz
    Jan 25, 2014 @ 23:32:45

    What a journey Sue. So glad you did finally head the signs.



  17. Valentine Logar
    Jan 26, 2014 @ 11:54:59

    Thank you Sue. Thank you for sharing your story, thank you for showing how body and spirit are so closely aligned. I need to see this and understand it more fully as I walk this path myself.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:13:58

      Hi Val, We each of us walk a line between the two, sometimes we do not always see the signs as how they link together in our own lives until later. We then reflect and look back and once we see the patterns repeating, its time to let go as we seek another path all together.. Not easy.. and its never straight forward.. But its amazing upon that reflection how those ‘Signs’ were speaking to us all along our road..
      Love and Blessings
      Sue xox



  18. europasicewolf
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 00:20:13

    Thank you for sharing your journey and your experiences with us 😉 It is always enlightening to read about others experiences as we can always learn from them in so many, often unexpected ways. I hope all is well with you and you’ve had a lovely weekend 🙂 Wolfie hugs xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:21:22

      Hi Wolfie, yes each are upon our own journey’s of Discovery, and each unique as it’s created for our own learning along our pathway.. Often the unexpected brings us to a cross-roads as we are given a choice to choose which way to go.. I have had a nice weekend thank you Wolfie, Now its head down and study time.. Love to you and Big Hugs back.. 🙂 xxx



  19. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 09:52:19

    You’re amazing, Sue. I feel close in that we were both made redundant and both had a breakdown. No-one knocked the mirror off my side though!

    I admittedly took an office job after redundancy and though I haven’t left it a few weeks later, I am loathing being locked up in front of a computer and with an air conditioner on. Yet, with need to pay the rent, I look to certainty before leaving. My mind is spinning with ‘how can I change this, how can I change this’, meanwhile going there every day.

    I did a vision board today, so that is a start.

    I love to read your posts, Sue. They are truly inspiring, and really have me feel the value of being alive.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 15:29:29

      Lol about the side mirror :-).. Its great that you have made a vision board.. thats a positive start. Meanwhile may I alter some of your thought processes.. You said

      I am loathing being locked up in front of a computer and with an air conditioner on

      And you said

      ‘how can I change this, how can I change this’,

      You need to bring your affirming into the present tense.. saying ( I love the job I am doing and I have changed this
      This way you see yourself in a role you love doing and will bring it to you in the Cosmic Ordering you require… click on the link, Its a great book.. 😉



  20. pictimilitude
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 14:25:07

    I need to come back and read more. Only a few months of classes left and I’ll have more time. But this post – this awesome, awesome post! I don’t always read signs correctly. And I don’t always know why things happen the way they do. When I left public school teaching in 2012, I was supposed to be a language coordinator at a community college. They lost funding the week it was supposed to start. I burned through savings, thinking somehow I’d “make it” – I didn’t. A few months later, I got a part-time job at a place I love (the private school where I work) but I’m always concerned about making ends meet. It’s been such a struggle and part of why I elected to go back to school (for my Master’s). For a year, though, I felt like we had so little in terms of funds and I was so scared and so worried. I feel like we weren’t really “alive” during that time because I was so scared and worried. One thing it did, though, was direct me to grace. I became more spiritual than I ever had been. I still don’t know all the lessons as to why I had to endure such a painful journey, but I do know that coming out of it, I am more spiritual and I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m supposed to be a Teacher. I love teaching and helping others to learn. Before I started this journey, I always thought I’d be in the classroom 5-7 years, and then I’d start my “autonomous, creative” journey – and that I did. I just didn’t know that that journey would have me end up back in the classroom (at least for awhile) while I look into other ways I can use my calling to teach. I figure an advanced degree will help with that and I’ll continue to develop materials. But, you know, my heart always felt like it wanted to help others. I think my brain just didn’t know how. I still feel humbled by what I’ve been through and not many know the true details of how difficult it’s been, but I look back and there’s one thing I wished I would have done more: not “blogged” so much, but gotten outside and in touch with nature more. This post made me think of all these things – you’re such a beacon of light. Many blessings and hugs to you. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2014 @ 16:16:18

      Aww Cyndi, thank you so much for these words..I have no doubts that your vocation is that of a teacher.. and was intrigued with when you said..

      One thing it did, though, was direct me to grace. I became more spiritual than I ever had been.

      Sometimes that is what those uncertain times and life changing experiences bring us to realise. And you obviously saw it as the reason too why that job which had funding withdrawn, led you to the Job you LOVE today.. 🙂 So each step in the jigsaw led you to the place you are..
      I remember how you told of your of professor encouraging you again with your unfinished ‘Masters Degree’ and how things fell into place. So there again proves you are upon the road you need to be..
      I am pleased that you did Blog though Cyndi Because you and I would not have met otherwise 🙂 Thank you Sooooo much for your wonderful response.. and Enjoy the Outdoors this Spring and Summer.. I will too 🙂 xxxx Hugs and Blessings Sue xoxox



  21. Tom Merriman
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 20:07:45

    What a fascinating life journey you’ve been on, Sue, and are still on for that matter! I have a feeling I’m in that tunnel you mentioned right now, but I’m always looking for signs. Perhaps I should stop looking for them, and see if they turn up?
    Thank you for another inspiring post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 28, 2014 @ 13:17:33

      Sometimes Tom the darker the Tunnel, the Brighter is the Light at the end.. our awakening takes many forms, and when we are in the tunnel we often do not see the reasoning’s we are experiencing them .. But we most definitely grow through them…. And it looks to me as if your ‘Sign’ did turn up as the Phoenix keeps flapping its wings at you 🙂



  22. D.G.Kaye
    Jan 09, 2015 @ 02:39:39

    What a wonderful post here Sue. Thanks for giving me the link. We have much in common. I live my life by seeing the positives and have almost all of Louise Haye’s books as well as my favourite, Doreen Virtue’s angel books. I live by my angels and truly believe that my mission is far from complete, even though I am still not sure what it is, only, that it is. I don’t see spirit guides as those of us who can sense spirits all have our own individual sensors. Some see, some hear, etc. I sense through my body and by smell. I too have overcome major illness and live a mostly holistic lifestyle which has kept me away from terrible pharmaceutical drugs that were doing more damage than the ailment itself. Belief and positivity can take us a long way. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  23. thefeatheredsleep
    Aug 01, 2016 @ 16:29:11

    The Expert Patience Programme sounds really interesting. As someone who has a life-long interest and personal association with Chronic Pain Conditions (and/or Auto Immune Disorders) and also a non-Pharmacutical approach, this is something I had never heard of and I’m going to read more about it. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 02, 2016 @ 12:56:32

      Yes this programme taught me a lot Candice.. It taught me to be patient with myself.. And to set myself small achievable goals… Showing me that What I could succeed with doing each day.. Be it then just the ironing.. or doing some house hold chore…
      I can not tell you how at the time I felt. Pain, Fatigue and Depression all rolled into one..
      I worked my way through my illness.. Finding for myself alternatives..
      Spring Forest Qi-Gong was also my saviour.. Look it up.. I still do it today 🙂 and you should now see me weed our allotments..
      Yes I get tired.. and some days my arms ache to drop..
      But to what I was then.. I am 150% well. 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Free E-Book True Awakening Experiences ~ Download your copy here!

Thanks to Barbara, for putting this E Book Together at

Dates Dreamwalker Beat Her Drum

January 2014

Free E-Book to download.

Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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