What Kind of a World Do YOU want?


This month is all about Awakening! as I feel the urge to write and ignite a spark within each of my readers to reach inwards and pull out what Power each holds within them…

So many do not realise the POWER each of us hold..

Its time now to unite that Power, and join once more as ONE as we send out via our prayers and meditations and thoughts for our Planet and World Peace.

Later on this month I will be taking part in revealing some of my own awakening experiences, as I am taking part in Barbara Franken’s  Awakening to who you truly are… for the whole of January as different bloggers take part in Barbara’s month of awakening posts of 31 different awakening experiences  .. Mine will be on the 23rd Jan.

It seems as if the Universe is already one step ahead of me as I sent out thoughts for subjects to post in January to help wake us up to the on-going Earth Changes.. 

So it should have come as no surprise that into my email box this morning popped a new uploaded video from Mrocketman  entitled

Awaken Evolution 

please click the blue link to watch this recently uploaded addition  which is well worth the watch. And Very inspiring as well as showing us how our Mass Consciousness is linked via our Meditation and thoughts. 

In it we see many famous faces and among its clips is Gregg Braden, and one from Deepak Chopra where he tells people to …

“ Put your hand on your heart and ask yourself internally what kind of world we want to live in?” He then says “ And now ask yourself how you can make that Happen?”

You will see how the Power of our Minds, our Thoughts and through Meditation we are changing the World…  Please join me and many more in tapping into that POWER and to awaken  more to who we are..


“Darkness Cannot Drive out Darkness, only Light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that”

~Martin Luther King~

Change is happening and we are helping the world and ourselves evolve

Please watch the video, be inspired and see how you too can help simply by our combined unity of thoughts..

Love and Blessings and thank you to all my New Subscribers who have joined Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary recently


55 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. ruchira
    Jan 10, 2014 @ 20:31:11

    I agree there are fields out there and i guess the humdrum of our lives and the chaos around it…we are not giving positivity to this field.
    loved your thoughts and will carry it fwd, sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 10, 2014 @ 20:33:46

      So pleased you watched the video Ruchira, and yes we need to carry our thoughts through to spread Love and Peace from within…
      Many thanks dear Ruchira for your taking time to comment 🙂
      Sue xox



  2. Lucy
    Jan 10, 2014 @ 21:29:26

    Wonderful Sue! I so agree – we all have Power that is greatly under rated and to carry our thoughts, prayers and meditations for love and peace – worldwide and personal.

    thanks so much
    Lucy :))



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:39:59

      Yes if only we understood that our greatest weapon for peace was via our thoughts and prayers… We will I know help create a smoother shift for humanity… Love and Blessings and many thanks for your visit



  3. shreejacob
    Jan 10, 2014 @ 22:11:46

    In the book Spirit and Soul by Edgar Cayce (Readings that he has done compiled into little books to suit the title)…I am reminded again that the spirit is the life force…that is the motivation and ideal set in the spiritual sense is what drives us, the mind is the builder and therefore the physical manifestation results.
    Your post speaks of that too…we are so powerful that we literally build the world we live in…through our intent and therefore our thoughts!

    Can’t wait for your story!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:38:01

      Yes The Spirit is the Life Force.. and we are all surrounded by its thread… it weaves in and around and through ALL upon this planet and within the Universe… We are part of the whole! and therefore ONE.. And I hope you are not too disappointed my story is nothing special . I just hope it does not bore my readers… 🙂



  4. Mark Lanesbury
    Jan 10, 2014 @ 22:17:51

    Great film Sue. The Shift is coming, slowly but surely. We will be the change that we want to see in the world. Thank you for the share. Namaste



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:33:46

      Hi Mark thank you kindly for viewing .. Yes the shift is on its way and has been for some time, but we will now all be aware more as the world speeds up with its changes… The weather is only just the beginning.. 🙂 Blessings and many thanks again for your contribution here.. Sue



  5. Aquileana
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 01:59:27

    Love the quotes you have added here : “we are one”, remidns me of u2 ¨s song (“We are one but we are not the same”)…

    As to Martin Luther King´s words… I so agree with them …“Darkness Cannot Drive out Darkness, only Light can do that”…How beautiful.
    Fiat Lux.. The world itself was made from Darkness, throughout it & into the light

    Wishing you a great weekend ; dear Sue;

    Aquileana 😉



  6. lorrena
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 03:28:27

    We are always “contemplating ” on this very stream of thought .And with our children and our grand children and the vast young people it seems this is where we have placed so much fear..We had our time and they have not .Faith will mean a whole lot more then the same dreams we hold in trying to make their world a far better one Sue.Can it be so,and can that generation unfold consciously no matter what happens ?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:28:43

      Yes anything can be so Lorrena, if we so will it.. and have that faith that our collective can and will create a better future for our children.. Its hard to visualise it now, that is because for most of us our thoughts are entrapped within the perceptions of our knowledge.. We have never known anything other than Wars, Greed, and we have been indoctrinated all our lives with a set of beliefs that the past is then the future to come and this is the present .. We are told we cannot affect our future because it is still to come.. What we do not understand that our future is in the creation of NOW… So What we think NOW is what we will create in the future..
      Should we who have come at this time choose to awake and consciously create a vision of a future world of peace, one where we live lives in harmony and there is sufficient for all.. Then thats what we will create… But if we live in Fear, we bring and experience fear…
      Life is not going to change for our younger generation over night.. and before many will embrace a different way of being, the old ways and the social structure we have built with our past belief systems are going to have to crumble.. This will not be without Chaos, and for some it will be hard to take as ALL they have known will be taken away.. We saw it in Japan, we saw it in mega storms that took everything around our world… The Earth is going through its own purification and we are witnessing now the changes… We are in the change now… We will learn to adapt and grow… and our younger generations are being born with tools to aid in this transition. We are seeing Indigo children, Crystal Children and Rainbow Children.. Children who are strong willed, self reliant… astute and who connect with nature who will be born with intuitive gifts.. Together we will unfold together that I am certain…. Namaste my friend xox



  7. Christy Birmingham
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 04:24:32

    I love that the month is all about ‘awakening’! Keep waking us up with your brilliant posts, Sue, and we’ll keep reading them xxoo Have a wonderful weekend, dear heart.



  8. giselzitrone
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 10:12:59

    Einen guten Tag liebe Sue, Schöner Betrag ja der Mensch müsste viel mehr glauben und Lieben denn liebe ist alles ,sie kann alles verzeihen,Da brauchten Menschen nicht für ihren Glauben zu sterben,denn wir haben doch alle einen Gott.Wünsche dir ein gutes Wochenende mit Liebe und Glück.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:13:56

      Am Ende des Tages Gislinde Liebe ist alles, es gibt … und die Liebe ist, was jeder versuchen, zu finden … und wir finden es nicht in Stücken von Gold sind … Danke lieber Freund .. Haben Sie ein wunderbares Wochenende Liebe Sue xx



  9. barbarafranken
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 11:46:20

    What a confirmation that we are all on the perfect awakening journey… and isn’t it amazing that even in the chaos that plays around us we are connected even more closely and strongly, living in our new reality that we are all creating together… Thankyou for this post and the connection to the sharing of our awakening experiences this month… IAM going for 33 experiences now… of which there are a couple of dates still open… Take care, Barbara



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:12:00

      Glad you still have a couple of places still open, and yes our joining together is strengthening and drawing our unity… Our collective journeys never cease to amaze how we interlink.. The Universe has a plan… even though at times we do not all see it…. And I love it when a Plan comes together! 🙂 😉



  10. Lilofee
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 11:47:32

    your words are reaching my heart. I agree with them.
    I’m looking out for a light reaching everybody.
    Blessings Lilofee



  11. penpusherpen
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 13:26:19

    A heart-lifting blog Sue, hope for the future for us and Mother Earth, for without hope we have nothing to hold on to or build with, I see all our conscious thoughts as building blocks fitting together and reaching far into the future, changing form as when needed in response to all manner of happenings. Sometimes when our spirits are low, negativity can catch hold and drag us down, we ask how we alone can change anything, but as you say, there’s the key… we join as jigsaw pieces and become stronger, oh so much stronger. and we all have a part to play.
    love and light to you and yours. and all best wishes for 2014. xxxx Pen xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:05:16

      So good to see you here Pen, in the New Year, I hope those changes are now smooth ones for your good self and and I wish only that you spirits remain high and positive… Those jigsaw pieces are now slotting firmer together to create a better picture of our future… Love and Light dear Pen.. xox



  12. artevolutions
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 14:38:01

    Yes!!! Thank you Sue for contributing to our collective evolution…It is amazing how we go through our own process of awakening and tune into inner and outer energy and evolve…I think that the universe guides us in a beautiful way and little be little we get to discover and tune into the essence of life as ONE…I love to connect to your energy and no matter where we are this is so powerful and beautiful to feel…May the new year bring us forward in our evolution and shine more peace love and light xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 20:02:50

      There is no doubt we are each guided within the Universal Plan.. I am so pleased to be sharing this journey along with your good self 🙂 Thank you for you wonderful encouragement and Happy 2014 to you, may we walk the road and evolve together xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 13, 2014 @ 15:05:16

      Yes awakening takes many forms and Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement.. Its great that our Energies got to find each other 🙂 Keep creating your own brand of uniqueness Lizzie… 🙂 Much Love back .. Sue



  13. Kenny2dogs
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 18:18:52

    “Peace and Love” …. It is the discovery of the final piece of the jigsaw that our dear Pen mentions. It is only then when the picture is complete do we all finally begin to understand the true power of the Human brain and the beauty therein. Our Mother Earth is a paradise, 🙂 shame about the Mosquitoes. 😦



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 11, 2014 @ 19:58:13

      So true Kenny, maybe those Mosquitoes are teaching you something LOL… Irritations require patience. LOL… Mother Earth is a Paradise, Lets help preserve her.. 🙂 xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 13, 2014 @ 15:02:38

      Yes this world has many pieces, and I am often writing and trying to find another piece to fit together LOL… Yes this Earth was paradise and still could be, if Man wasn’t the Pest he is LOL.. thats Mankind! lol… And the Mozzies must play their role in the scheme of things, but for the life of me I can’t think as to what? lol.. Can YOU?



      • Kenny2dogs
        Jan 13, 2014 @ 16:14:40

        Nope… in the grand scheme of things Sue, I see no obvious reason for the existence of the Mosquito, Other than to inflict much pain upon .Man !!! They are I guess a vehicle for transmitting deadly disease’s around the world. A strange beast for Nature to create. Sex in the woods at night is impossible LOL xxx



  14. lindalitebeing
    Jan 12, 2014 @ 05:10:12

    Over the past 2 days I keep hearing about the shift from many people in different circles. I learned from A Course In Miracles that there is either love or fear. Love is always the way. Quakers say that peace is always the way. Yet fear and survival of the fittest (competition, war) is in humanity’s genetic code. I hope you are correct and there is enough love and protection to overcome millenniums of negativity. Perhaps a quantum shift in our evolution will allow the light to ultimately prevail.

    Thank you for being able to hold this vision for us Sue. You are a gift!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 13, 2014 @ 14:54:20

      Yes Love is Always the way.. unfortunately or not, lol, we were given choice and some choose a different path.. But then we have to think if there was no Dark/negative. then we wouldn’t know the Light/positive.. We have to have opposites within this reality of experience to Experience what we do here on Earth.. I have heard it said and seen it written in many a book, that Earth is the Great Testing Ground.. where we learn far much more in this incarnation through emotional and physical form.. One thing I do know though Linda.. Given a choice next time around.. I think I will maybe try a different form.. Maybe float around in some Gas cloud all day as I while away the mathematics of the Universe Hahaha… No… really if I truly thought about our evolution here.. I am pleased to part of this Quantum Shift in our Evolution… and hope I can return home knowing I did the best I knew how with the tools given me.. 🙂
      Love and Blessings my friend
      Sue xox



  15. jacksjottings
    Jan 12, 2014 @ 07:08:31

    We cannot fix these problems while we are creating the problems.
    As you know Sue each one of us must start radiating kindness and set an example.
    Then we can only hope the sick and ignorant will follow.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 13, 2014 @ 14:44:17

      Yes reaching the sick and ignorant is something we have to hope will follow…. I am a huge believer in the power of our Minds and thoughts Jack.. And believe that enough of us are waking up to these problems to allow the flow of Mass Consciousness to awaken the sleeping ones up… 🙂 And like you rightly say.. Each of us must start somewhere.. for the Ripple Effect to begin 🙂 xxxx Blessings to you Jack



      • jacksjottings
        Jan 14, 2014 @ 06:01:33

        As nature is increasingly up set by mans foolishness. She will impartially and automatically fight back with increasing ferocity. Eventually both the greedy and the ignorant will realise neither money or turning the other cheek will help them. Then we will see changes to our whole political and economic system. Keep smiling Sue.



  16. europasicewolf
    Jan 12, 2014 @ 20:08:43

    A very uplifting post and lots of encouragement! We must all soldier on to the day of completion 🙂 xx



  17. giselzitrone
    Jan 12, 2014 @ 21:43:34

    Wünsche dir eine gute und glückliche neue Woche liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  18. Mélanie
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 16:29:33

    ML King’s words did/do touch my heart, Sue…<3 merci-thanx for reminding them… they're more actual than ever! My very best and have a positive week! friendly hugs, Mélanie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 10:57:29

      Thank you Melanie, M.L.King was very wise, and we should never forget his wisdom as we learn to grow together in this world.. thank you . Hope you enjoyed your week apologies for only just getting back to you .



  19. Dace
    Jan 13, 2014 @ 21:21:02

    “..So many do not realize the POWER each of us hold.. ..”

    Isn’t that something that a few of human beings need to realize? Isn’t that something that some have been afraid of?
    Isn’t that something, when realized, changes one’s world to the point of no return?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 13, 2014 @ 21:24:41

      This is what a few Human Beings have spent life times covering up as our minds have been indoctrinated by those who know that POWER… They continue to manipulate, but the Changes are happening and they have had their day.. WE are now the ones who see our Power and its time to bring it to the point of NOW as we remember Who we are and why we came…
      Blessings to you Dace.. and thank you for taking the time to return the comment..
      Blessings Sue x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 11:24:29

      Thank you Dace, Yes so many of those ‘In Power’ know only too well that we the common people have power, and go to great lengths to steel it from us, by perpetual dumbing of senses,Media fear control etc… But we are waking up! and big smiles when enough hear that wake up call for then Change will be within our grasp and we will change our world .. Many thanks for taking the time to visit and comment I appreciate your visit.. ~Sue



  20. Lois Field
    Jan 14, 2014 @ 05:46:57

    Things are aligning for you. I know how I would like the world to be. While I don’t look back and feel the “old days” were perfect, there are aspects of those times I wish we hadn’t let go of. Sharing, having respect for each other and their belongings, and a sense of connection with family, friends and neighbors has an important role, yes even today. I have fond memories of joining my grandparents on bowling nights as they belonged to a league, Sunday dinners, friends popping in for no reason. Other important lost skills are the “can fix-it”and “make-do” attitude of just about all the people I knew. So that is what I am trying to show through example. It does spread the more we show what the world can be like.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2014 @ 12:15:30

      Yes Lois, we have in many families lost that family connection.. For one many do not sit down for dinner together anymore.. This is something we try to always do with our granddaughter she loves the company at the dinner table… and one on one attention like most little ones.. But many families no longer sit together or do activities together.. I see it in my nephew and nieces as they connect via their head in their phones, We call it progression.. But we are losing so much .. We are losing that connection, that trust, and respect… for they become islands and soon they become lost within the sea of separateness…
      You are showing your grandchildren so much.. and I hope my own little one remembers these early lessons in life, that will stand them in good stead as they grow… Thats all we can do… Much love Lois.. xox



      • Lois Field
        Jan 17, 2014 @ 01:47:04

        Sue, it is all we can do to instill in them the desire to continue these practices of a family dinner or evening of storytelling or an afternoon of crafting.

        It may be called progress, but I for one believe it has been detrimental in so many ways, both in the family and socially outside the home.



  21. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 17, 2014 @ 15:56:48

    Long ago during the Viet Nam ‘conflict’ I decided that I wanted peace and love in the world! Nothing else made sense. Seeing it actually happen was another story. The world is not quite there yet, but we are working on it.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 17, 2014 @ 17:09:36

      If you endured the Viet Nam conflict Eddie.. I would think your thoughts would turn to Peace… Such a horrendous War with no winners… Then in my view War never has ever winners, for both suffer the consequences which last generations..
      Only those who contrive War with their Weaponry do so for profit… They see Mankind as easy fodder for the fuel of their pockets..
      I think both you and I know Eddie how this world is run, and I try not to dwell too much.. What does keep me going is the hope and that at last more and more are waking up to the ways of the world as exposure is being given to the corruptions being done in the name of greed..
      I thank you Eddie always for your contributions… Your words always mean a great deal to me.. Thank you



  22. aussieian2011
    Jan 29, 2014 @ 23:19:05

    Have to agree with Eddie Sue, I too, after Vietnam, wanted only love and peace, however our world through technology and greed is fast outpacing our spiritual quest for universal love and peace.
    Tried to see the video but it has been removed.
    Aussie Ian



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2014 @ 15:51:22

      Yes Ian only those who have gone through such trauma could possibly understand the need of peace and Love.. Yes so annoying when that happens, sorry the vid has been removed by its owner..
      I hope you are Ok, Ian, and recovering from your Hospital spell, my thoughts are with you my friend.. Sue xxx



  23. elenterradorblog
    Aug 27, 2022 @ 22:55:05

    Reblogged this on El enterrador.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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