Our Vision ~ Our Future ~Lets Be Ready!

As we wake up these First Days of the rest of lives as we go into 2014, I want to share some thoughts.. This past year here on WordPress has seen a community of people from all across the world from so many varied backgrounds unite together…

I know all of you who visit here share similar thoughts.. We all wish for a more Peaceful World, whereby we can stop destroying the very planet that gives us breath..

I truly believe by our unity of thoughts, our vision of a future which will eventually herald in a time of Co-operation, Peace, Sufficiency for All, but like all New Beginnings there is a time when we have to let go of the old.. My year ending saw me fighting off a flu-type virus which rendered me in bed for a while I saw it as an end of a year clearing… I needed to cleanse all that yuk and gunk out of my system…

As we move into 2014, I see on the horizon many interesting developments, I sense them within my Being. On the surface it may appear 2014 will be starting off Chaotic as we head into the New Year, But everything has purpose. YOU need to Believe in your Dream! Believe in a Future world where there is no poverty, no famine, no wars… It may seem  to some who are going through traumas around the world that such a dream will never be.. But all New Beginnings need to clear away the old…

We are witnessing such clearings around the world, We saw it in the financial collapses, the revelations about corruption, the revolts of dictatorships, the clearing out of those that do not align to the highest good will start and happen..  The frequencies of our planet are altering, and as they do they are bringing forth more honesty, and openness, as we awaken spiritually again.

Its not going to be the over night success story, no we are seeing the birthing pains as I have mentioned here before on my PostDo You Choose Love Over Fear?  I wrote this in June of Last Year. 

Where I wrote Quote:

Giving Birth is not without pain, and our new earth is only now going through her own birthing pains. .. We see it in the spasms of conflict, the wars, Hunger, poverty, displacement of refugees and the destruction through pollution of Mother nature.  Pains which are now being experienced which we humans have carried with us over many life times which emerge as we have built up Fear and Prejudices.

When we women give birth, we have many contractions, each one getting more and more stronger.. So too we will see as we move through the coming years events which on the surface to many may seem to many of us chaotic, disturbing, and which may impact upon ALL our lives.. But we choose to be here at this time of Change..

WE are the Change this Earth has been waiting for… and to read more of my thoughts on thisI wrote back in 2011 Embracing Changes

With our thoughts, and our intentions of creating a more peaceful and eco friendly world we will need to see the clearing away of the old as her water breaks.. ( Floods) 

The post that illustrates this best for your reading is a post I did in 2008  Called Gaia-The Earth Changes Here I share some channelled writing I had given me from 2006 from those realms who inspire us from Spirit to set us upon our path as they awaken us to to the reasons why we came to Earth again.. A quote from this channelling reads..

“More are awakening, more are remembering, and saying I Am, I Am All that there is. I Am a Devine being, I Am Eternal. More are recognising who they are, whence they have originated from, and to where they will return.

And that Light permeates All things.

The stages of evolution once again are set. Mankind will be witness to this next stage. For many this stage will be Transition, for others Transformation, for others it will be Travesty.”

Our Vision along with our Actions are what will help this transition be a smoother one… If we allow ourselves to get embroiled in FEAR we fall straight into the hands of those who wish to continue to Control by Fear… But if we join in unity, love, care, sharing, helping, giving. Then my friends we are creating a world of co-operation not Corporations…

Already I am seeing how we are all linking via our thoughts and joining as One, but I will leave that for another post… 

So how about it, are you ready with your Vision?

What World are YOU going to create for our FUTURE?

Love and Blessings


57 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Aneesh
    Jan 02, 2014 @ 17:53:10

    Hope you are back to full health. Wish you a very happy new year… take care 🙂



  2. cat
    Jan 02, 2014 @ 19:17:44

    I love the picture … am going so very pregnant with hope right now … omg, Sue … you are amazing … Love, cat.



  3. marina kanavaki
    Jan 02, 2014 @ 19:20:31

    Truly, we need to believe in our dream and be ready with our Vision!!!
    Yes, I am,. As for how I dream this world to be? Kind, beautiful and compassionate.
    Much much love, Sue and thank you for your insightful and enlightening words!
    🙂 xxxx



  4. Purpleskyz
    Jan 02, 2014 @ 21:52:40

    Love this pic Sue! Happy New Year to you and yours.
    Much Love to ALL here.



  5. prenin
    Jan 02, 2014 @ 22:51:16

    Hi hun! 🙂

    Given the damage I received over the past 20 years it is hard to express the confusion and pain I feel after being betrayed by those who still value me as a friend despite all they did to me.

    Somehow it was OK to destroy me for money and I am still valued because, despite all that was done to me, I still proved to be the better human being… 😦

    Unfortunately the persecution continues, but I am no longer easy prey… 🙂

    Love and squishy hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 03, 2014 @ 14:01:20

      I know you are one strong guy Prenin, and I know you are not going to ever let that happen to you again my friend, So hold your head up high, and let the past lay within the past and move forward into a New Year with the thought that you are a beautiful Human Being who has a wonderful warm heart… And 2014 will be your best year yet.. 🙂 Big Hugs back xxx



  6. ruchira
    Jan 02, 2014 @ 23:19:16

    I envision peace and good health!

    Happy New year, Sue



  7. Dilip
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 08:08:45

    My vision for 2014 and onward is to be of value and help to the less fortunate!
    Regards 🙂



  8. giselzitrone
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 10:37:37

    Einen schönen Tag liebe Sue ja man muss an seine Visionen glauben,vieleicht wir ja alles mal besser.Wünsche dir ein gutes Wochenende im Jahr 2014 alles Liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 03, 2014 @ 13:33:13

      Jedes Mal, wenn wir träumen, müssen wir darauf achten, ein Gedanke, der heilen Welt mit einem positiven Gedanken trägt zu sein … Vielen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Gislinde Kommentar .. Liebe und Segen
      Sue x



  9. David
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 11:07:21

    I wish my vision of service for all. Love, David



  10. oxherder
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 12:20:26

    Wonderful. 🙂



  11. Paul Handover
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 15:38:07

    Sue, Jean and I wish you and all your family and friends all that you would wish them.



  12. bluebutterfliesandme
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 15:45:29

    I love this post Sue. Thank you for sharing it. Indeed we can birth a new way of being, a unified and peaceful existence. I believe, I do. Together with the support of one another we can breath and create this glorious expanded new world of love.

    Namaste sister~



  13. The Blazing Trail
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 18:41:29

    Happy New Year Sue. You are doing an amazing wortk. Thanks for your support in 2013. Looking forward to this year’s interactions. Wishing you best of best. See you around!



  14. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jan 03, 2014 @ 20:43:32

    Hi Sue,
    This year I am going to dare to dream. I am ACTUALLY going to approach a couple of editors re my novel in draft BUT I need to finish my novel in drat. Looking at 2 years of posts, which are chapters, that’s a lot of pulling it together. I don’t know whether to stop bloggin in that time & focus on it, or do both. I do value the feedback from the people.

    Either way, my mind is open.

    * happy new year 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 04, 2014 @ 13:33:32

      Dear Noleen, if publishing you book IS YOUR DREAM, then GO FOR IT.. See it already in print, visualise it being a Best Seller,.. Yes there will be lots of work to do, lots of re-editing and chopping, piecing together and learning what to keep and not to keep.. But if this is your DREAM, then don’t let it slip by you… Know others out there are going to be empowered by your strength and interested in your story.. I took the liberty of pulling out a card from my Medicine Deck … White Eagle created by Wa-Na-Nee-Che.. You can find him on the web, My daughter and he are acquaintances, I pulled out the Cougar… Cougar stands for you to review your beliefs about yourself, He brings you strength, leadership skills for survival, It also tells me you are about to make a leap of faith into something New! Cougar comes to teach us about Power, but Power can also be gentle, so a powerful hunter must be in good shape/health. So do not neglect your self-needs. He has come to help chew up your self-critic and bring self-empowerment.

      I would tell your blogging friends you maybe spending less time blogging, but you can always post us a monthly update via your amazing videos that would be a great way of keeping both worlds going with out typing for Australia 🙂

      Sending you a Big New Year Hug xxx Sue x



  15. Mélanie
    Jan 04, 2014 @ 08:35:46

    magnifique post… glad to have come across your awesome blog… have a positive, optimistic and serene year, Miss Sue! 🙂 my very best and good luck in all your endeavours… have a peaceful weekend & cheers, Mélanie – Toulouse, France
    * * *
    P.S. I’ve dedicated several posts to Maman-NATURE… 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 04, 2014 @ 13:38:17

      Hi Melanie, I am so pleased you visited me and left me your message.. You have a lovely blog and I can see I will be visiting often..
      Blessings to you Sue



      • Mélanie
        Jan 04, 2014 @ 13:55:05

        Thanx, young lady! glad to heave met you, I’m really pleased and honored by your visit… if you’ve read @ “about”, you’ve figued out what kind of Mélanie I am… 🙂 friendly thoughts & c u soon, on the Moon! 🙂



  16. Seenorway
    Jan 04, 2014 @ 18:04:33

    I’d hate to be a ‘kill-joy’, Sue 🙂 , but you write ‘Believe in a Future world where there is no poverty, no famine, no wars…’
    And I’ve been living for some time. 77 years, in fact! And I have been travelling our world extensively for 10 years and observed it intently the rest of the time:
    No poverty? Some countries has received as much as 500 billion dollars in aids, but with no appearant changes. Corrupt leaders have absorbed most of it!
    No famine? Famine might be the result at nature catastrophies, but is also a product of senseless wars – often based on religious beliefs or pure power struggles.
    And Wars? I can’t remeber a time where there more wars and/or upprisings in our world? It has certainly not progressed in a way we’d like to see? There’s Rwanda!
    There’s Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Iraq, Iran, Tsjetsjenia.

    Honestly, – I don’t see the signs you do indicating a better future world. In fact I think it’s gonna get much worse before it’s getting better, but I really hope I’m wrong about it . . .



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 06, 2014 @ 12:58:46

      You are not a Kill Joy Seenorway, you are just ‘Seeing’ what the rest of the world sees.. And I agree, the corruption is rife and has been whereby ‘they’ syphon off aid to line their own governmental pockets as they sit in palaces amongst their treasures.. I am far from blind to the cruelties of this world and know only too well the functions of how this world is being run for the benefit of the few ,… But my good friend IF we do not Have VISION for our FUTURE, if we accept and continue in this same vein, then We will only see our world crumble..
      My post is about our Vision, our projecting out via our thoughts and actions a world whereby we can alter..and change the greed, the control, the suffering…
      It is not going to change over night… I do not expect to see great changes in the next few years.. But I dare to dream, and alter my own ways of being.. It all starts with ME, and You and all those who have had enough with the way we are being ruled, and this is in part why we are seeing the mass uprisings again in the dictatorial worlds of the Middle East.
      People have had enough and their lives are so bad they are willing to die to change it..

      ‘We’ in this Western World are only just being affected as we will see our Monetary security blankets dissolve,as our standards of living plummet.. We are seeing exposed the corruption from Banks and other spying organisations how Big Business is bleeding the little people.. Yes this has always been so…

      But my post is about Change… its about altering our perceptions, its about altering our thoughts…

      Thoughts Create

      If you look around your own home right now..
      ALL things were once someone’s thoughts.. Thoughts create… So as we Dare to Dream, we change with our thoughts and actions NOW the events that are to come which we are creating Now for a future…
      Once upon a time Science thought the world Flat, He was wrong it was round.. what I am saying is.. if we harbour only judgements, jealousies, and hang onto Greed as we fight for ownership and control.. then we create only more of the same..And the WORLD will never change… But If we think of Peace and bring Peace into our own lives and treat each other with due respect and Kindness, and share and learn co-operation instead of letting corporations control us. Then our World stands a chance of Peace,
      It ALL Begins with Us, Me, you, NOW, to bring about Change for the Future We need to start altering our thoughts Now
      And Yes, The world will get worse before it gets better I agree, It has to to show us we cannot continue upon this same path of destruction, for we are destroying the very planet we live upon,, And Mother Nature is already carrying out her own cleansing process.. We just need to open our eyes.. The Signs are all there my friend.. And I thank you for allowing me to explain my post and why its
      OUR VISION~ OUR FUTURE~ LETS BE READY! Love and Blessings ~Sue xx



      • SeeNorway
        Jan 12, 2014 @ 20:21:10

        The problem, Sue, is that I haven’t got the time needed to make changes, nor am I in position to make a difference. I can only influence the few around me personally, and none of them are in position to do much difference either.

        What we, however, may do is to teach our children the differences between right or wrong, the respect for our fellow men and the nature around us and how to preserve it. And if we do our job right, may be one of our children in a future generation far up ahead will become a politician with power to envoke something that’ll make a difference to some people? But it might take a hundred years or more? And listening to all the crap around us, we don’t seem to have that time either?
        In the mid ninthies they said that we’d have to turn our Earth around within 5 years or it would all be in vain. Too late! Now – nearly 20 years later I’m still hearing the same song. Meanwhile some people have been getting very much richer selling environment products/solutions while the world has remained more or less unchanged.

        It might sound a bit cynical, Sue, (and I’m sorry 🙂 ) but it’s not my problem any more! There just isn’t any time left for me to do anything that would count!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 13, 2014 @ 13:33:51

          ” I haven’t got the time needed to make changes, nor am I in position to make a difference”

          That my good friend is where I differ in my view to yours.. If we all took that stance nothing would change.. We don’t need to be part of big protests campaigns or carry banners around our countryside.. Change comes when we make changes within our own lives.. We stop falling out with others, we stop judging, we stop perceiving the world as separate and see how each of our thoughts and ways of being/living have brought us to this point of now.. Whereby our demand of goods as consumers, have driven the world to be even more greedy.. How we Want, Want, Want, at every level and tread over others to gain possessions.. We created this reality we are living in.. And if we want a different reality, then we must be prepared to alter our ways.. And that means more self sustained living, conserving, not polluting, it means teaching our younger generation .. So many of the ways are being born out of those whose world revolves around profit.. and getting people hooked into debt.. Who then become enslaved to work and work for more ‘THINGS’ that really we can all manage without.. You see I think it is MY Problem… but thats my choice.. and thats why this world needs to wake up to what we are doing .. And I understand your view point .. I really do.. So many more shake there heads in dismay and say its just the way it is and we have to live with it..
          You see I feel like many more awakened people now, that it is time for a Conscious Revolution and its up to each to follow their hearts… And that is what I am doing, and Its fine because that is what you are doing..
          There is never ever any Right, Or Wrong way… Just experience.. And each of us experience life in various ways, through various means..
          We hear of the World ‘Shift’ well we are here to help in that ‘Shift’ of consciousness.. It all begins with a thought! and I intend mine to be part of a ripple effect for positive change.. You see in the far distant future our world will be governed in a different way… And probably before that time arrives, peoples lives will no longer resemble anything as it does now.. Mainly because we will have different issues to contend with.. As Nature will be sorting the Wheat from the Chaff… and Life will evolve accordingly… I know I will not be around to see it.. But I hope I leave a foot-print or two with my thoughts for the next generations to have a greater understanding of the Real Truth of this world..

          Thank you so much for our exchanges in conversations.. I love interacting and listening to different points of view.. The world had gone upon this merry-go-round before, and no doubt it will do so many more times before Humans evolve without their War-Like aggressions.. This part of the Experiment is nearly over, and I feel we will witness in the not too distant future more social unrest as Monetary systems cave in.. But this is the sorting out, when people will come to understand what priorities are important in their lives.. Will it be Money, Possession, house, cars, and bank balances.. Or will it be Food, Shelter, Warmth, and Family? Some around the world right now are facing those same scenarios. Soon more of us will be experiencing the same….
          And Yes there is something you can do which WILL COUNT greatly, and that is your sending out love, compassion for people and places around our globe.. You then add Light to the world as we combat the negative darkness of greed, control and power…
          Blessings to you xx Love Sue xox



  17. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Jan 05, 2014 @ 03:52:26

    Hi Sue, Dropping in to see how you are.
    Light, love, peace, prosperity to you 🙂
    It’s Sunday here and I SO don’t want to return to work tomorrow. I have done my duty in office 9-5 so long. I so much wish to be doing something more meaningful, Sue. Writing my past out is meaningful, yet, writing to be my day job…

    Anyway, meant really to say hi! & thinking of you!! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 06, 2014 @ 12:30:13

      Lovely to see you Noleen, I returned to work over the Weekend, and although still feeling some affects from this virus I am much improved thank you.. You should create a Vision Board Noeleen, if you haven’t already and project out your intention as to what you wish to Manifest in 2014. And then stop worrying about it, let it go, and KNOW ALL that you desire is already yours.. 🙂 And YOU are doing something meaningful with your life right now, you have to just figure out which bits are more meaningful and allow them to flow..
      I love writing, but I also love painting.. I keep saying I haven’t had time for my painting.. But in fact I have, I just haven’t let myself indulge in it, as 2013 saw me busy with the allotments, and indulging in my granddaughter, and spending time baking, walking, and reading.. I have to put the intention in and follow it through.. But I need to enjoy what I am doing..
      Once you have set out your intent within your own mind Noeleen, I know it will come together and doors will open up. where by you get to do both. Trusting in the Universe, projecting out your thoughts and leaving out words of ‘I want’ etc, because the Universe will leave you ‘Wanting’ all your life.. It gives us exactly what we ask for.. If we say I want the perfect job, we will always be wanting that perfect job.. If we use words in the presence tense and say ‘I have’ the perfect job, whether it is or it isn’t you will find soon enough you are In that perfect job… I have and I am, are words to use… And 2014 will be the BEST yet.. Believe and so it is.. 🙂



      • WordsFallFromMyEyes
        Jan 06, 2014 @ 20:56:42

        Thank you so, SO much Sue. I dearly appreciate all you wrote, and that you took the time to give this to me. I’m not sure what a vision board is but guess it’s a goal list on the wall. I will use I have, and I am.

        * THANK you *
        I hope you get over that unwell.



  18. barbarafranken
    Jan 06, 2014 @ 17:23:12

    You are wonderful Sue… words from my own heart, thank you… We are the visionaries indeed, living examples of passion… the dance of the soul, human and embodied master attracting a living dream to us… right here on Earth… I can see and feel our wonderful world, here and now… that we are creating together… each one of us being the unique change we want to see… trusting that others will join us and the physical eye will again see peace, love and joy all around… Here’s to a great 2014… and living our dream… Barbara x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 06, 2014 @ 20:11:32

      Barbara, thank YOU, I have sat here most of this afternoon reading others posts and there are many of us who feel this excitement drawing us into 2014 in Unity… Blessings to you .. Sue xx



  19. Ayesha (Miss Spicy Hat n' Sugar Socks)
    Jan 06, 2014 @ 18:09:54

    Happy new year Sue, have a fabulous life ahead! Keep well….Love how your thought process…keep rolling 😀



  20. Renee Espriu
    Jan 07, 2014 @ 03:33:10

    Beautiful words of wisdom, my friend, and always inspriring. I was ill for a couple of weeks during the holiday but have gotten lots of rest and hope the New Year will be better all the way around. I hope for you and your family to have many blessings and that your path brings you changes filled with awe to inspire you to write even more wonderful words for those everywhere to take and hold in their minds and hearts so they too may be inspired in their turn. Take care. “Angels Incoming”



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 07, 2014 @ 17:14:05

      Awww Renee, seems I know of many including me who fell ill over the holidays.. when the body winds down we allow our guard to come down and in creep the bugs… We had a lovely Christmas though, Thank you Sooo so much for your encouragement and kind words Renee… Love back 10 fold.. xox



  21. TamrahJo
    Jan 07, 2014 @ 13:24:32

    What a lovely post – – I agree and I remember the moment I started seeing things this way – it was in the introduction to a meditation series a friend had loaned me – the author noted that every system in the world, from solar systems to cellular changes – there is a point where the system reaches the highest point it can at it’s present configuration – when that happens, it begins a process of breaking down and reforming/rebirthing in order to form itself to break into the next cycle of growth –

    more concisely – before any big breakthrough in growth, there is always disorder, a dismantling of the old – chaos – –

    Makes me feel better about the whole deal – –




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 07, 2014 @ 16:44:31

      We are nearing that point right now Tamrah and the old system is being dismantled and will topple, Its going to not go down without a fight.. But we must remember to not buy into the fear, and send out Love and know we are in the process of creating a brighter, Greener, peaceful future.. We hold our Dreams in our Hearts.. its up to us to be the change we want to see in the world.. 🙂 Glad you feeling a whole lot better about the whole deal! 😉



  22. Kourtney Heintz
    Jan 08, 2014 @ 16:41:04

    Sue, great points here and the perfect post to start off the New Year!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 09, 2014 @ 13:33:37

      Yes we have to focus on projecting out our intentions and while ever we keep bemoaning, we will only draw that to us.. We need to see the possibility of change for the better, and send out our thoughts positively to attract that which we wish our world to become.. Thank you for taking time to read 🙂



  23. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jan 09, 2014 @ 21:03:21

    Your words for the new year can move mountains! The ‘Art of Becoming’ requires constant attention.
    with love and light, Eddie



  24. artevolutions
    Jan 11, 2014 @ 14:43:31

    Happy New Year (not there yet according to some cultures)..
    Thank you for your roaring words and the constant reminder you bring to the essence of life and what we are about….Much Love and Light my friend xxx



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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