A Dreamwalkers Path

Open Heart Catching Dreams

Thank you for all of your wonderful comments upon my posts especially upon the sisterhood award, I am overwhelmed that so many have showered me with wonderful compliments… I am no one special, I just have a Dream! like many more here who blog, as we reach out via our thoughts hoping to share and make a difference how ever small to the Energy of our world..

Today I found myself replying to a comment how I first came by my Dreamwalker name.. I read a Book by Mary Summer Rain, in fact I have read many of her books but  her book Dreamwalker stuck with me and its name sake resonated with the meaning Mary Summer Rain gave “  What is a Dreamwalker? They are the rare few who, as Mary Summer Rain describes them, are “led by the spirit,’ have “shed the yoke of desire and self-want,” and have discarded the need for material gain and all evidence of negative thought. Without any personal goals, they travel the path of knowledge and go where the spirit of truth leads them”

Well none of us is  ever perfect , and I know I still have negative thoughts and still have a long road to travel until I can say I can do real honour to the name ‘Dreamwalker,and  I know like you, we may forever  pull ourselves up for making the same mistakes  over again.We wonder how our lives would be now, if only we had “known better.”  But we try our best, and that’s really all each of us can do..

TRY OUR BEST.. with Good Intent..

Being born  to this earth is that we are here to observe, learn, and grow.  In order for us to learn, then of course there will be mistakes and misadventures along the way. And while it is only natural that we may sometimes become overwhelmed, especially when the lessons keep coming, it is important to remember that learning to understand yourself and your world is an on-going and active process. We are each upon this journey of discovery together.

It has been my good fortune here on WP to meet the most amazing insightful and wonderful beings, each going through their own journey of discovery and I am so happy when I see many coming through their own dark tunnels as they discover who they are and shed the past and accept themselves for who they are with more love in their hearts for themselves. Its a joy to be part of all of your journeys.. I am so blessed to have met you all..

Every lesson helps us grow as we learn  more of who we are. And as you grow through this self-discovery, you begin to create the “how’s” and “why’s” in your life and experience the beauty of being alive in this ever changing world.

I know I am far from perfect, and as I look out at the many imperfections we as humans have made upon this planet. We each in our own ways are posting our thoughts, ideas, crafts, ways of living in balance with our Earth and Nature be it practically or through Spiritual awareness.. And I am truly honoured to have become part of your worlds…

I may be quiet for a few days as I have certain things to do.. I just want to say Thank you again and leave you with a short 2 minute video which explains the Good Red Road we travel upon .

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75 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Paul Handover
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 17:06:09

    “I am no one special”. Beg to differ, my dear!



  2. Deb
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 17:06:46

    I just want you to know that your are the most sincere and positive person I know on the internet. When you post, reply or visit my blog, you are always sending positive vibs to me. I love you dearly for this.
    Much love and hugs xoxo



  3. Kenny2dogs
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 17:40:16

    We are “ALL” special in some unique way, however, some, just some, are more special than others. You my dear Sue, are just aweSOME !
    “NEVER” underestimate how much your friendship means to me.
    fondest regards
    Kenny x



  4. Julianne Victoria
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 18:18:36

    Thank you for being you! Namaste _/l\_



  5. marina kanavaki
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 18:26:47

    Ah, thank you, my dear Sue for the eagle feather teaching video… so true. Our path is a wonder! Take care, my dear beautiful friend! 🙂 xxxx



  6. shamanictracker
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 18:27:54

    I really loved your story of’Dreamwalker’, thanks for sharing! Luv xox



  7. lindalitebeing
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 18:33:49

    You truly have a magnificent spirit that shines brightly! Everyone can feel it, which is why you are special!
    You set a fine example of how to walk the path, with humility and love and generosity.




  8. Mark Lanesbury
    Nov 29, 2013 @ 22:20:39

    Just keep following your heart Sue, that is your truth and nothing can be more ‘special’ than that! Thank you again for a beautiful share. Namaste



  9. jacksjottings
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 00:51:13

    Telling why you adopted Dreamwalker as your allonym was interesting, as it explained your viewpoint. Marry Summer Rain appears to have similar ideas to Gautama Buddha to quote your words, ‘shed the yoke of desire and wanting… material gain … negative thoughts’. The eagle father video was well presented and enjoyable, The Good Red Road, is it like the Eight Fold Path?
    You have left me with a few things to look up while you are away. Thanks Sue.



  10. shreejacob
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 02:58:39

    Ah…such a beautiful post Sue 🙂
    I loved the poem…it was lovely,a beautiful tribute to Earth 🙂

    We are perfect in our perceived imperfections 🙂 And thank you for sharing the meaning of Dreamwalker…the thing is…the name suggests to me that it is something that is being down…the Dreamwalker is walking…or else he or she wouldn’t be a walker…they would have finished walking…they’d be Dreamresters or something else. This means that no matter what..you are a perfect Dreamwalker…because you are still walking the path. And so is everyone else..who have awakened…so is everyone else who are still asleep..because weren’t we once them too…asleep?

    It’s so easy for me to “see” it in my mind, it’s easy to type out these words because deep within me I must believe it to see it as such…ah but to actually realise it…within myself and to realise it as I come to grips with interacting with people…that is a different story. That is what my lessons are and as long as I keep reminding myself and we keep reminding ourselves, that as long as we are walking the journey Home…we can be assured that we are all Dreamwalker 😀



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2013 @ 18:47:48

      Love your analogy Shree, but then I love your philosophy on many things… You are most definitely not only a Dreamwalker too, but a Healer who is helping many others along their own path towards health as well as enlightening us with your wonderful insightful posts 🙂 Much love back 🙂 and good to be back on WP again xxx



      • shreejacob
        Dec 05, 2013 @ 12:12:08

        Thanks Sue for such a lovely comment! 🙂 It’s good to have you back too 😀

        I’m coming to terms with the ‘being a Healer” with medicine part…but I want to do something different and look to what I do now as preparation for other ventures.. 🙂



  11. prenin
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 04:31:17

    Oh Sue! 🙂

    You ARE special as a unique and insightful human being and I lurves ya to death!!! 🙂

    I had problems getting access to your blog, as has happened with others, so I used the https: prefix which worked! 🙂

    I can’t help but worry that we’re suffering the same problems as last time as that took MONTHS to solve… 😦

    Hope you have a good break! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2013 @ 18:50:21

      Awww, Prenin, thanks for you special lurves me to death hugs.. they were VERY special,, Hope your PC probs are sorting themselves out since my last visit.. It seems my blog theme has a new life as some of the writing has gone WHITE in appearance since my last visit, maybe its in tune with the snow! 🙂 weird,, as I have not changed it.. x Thank you again 🙂



      • prenin
        Dec 05, 2013 @ 05:27:33

        Hi hun! 🙂

        Yes things are better, WordPress applied a temporary patch which seems to be working! 🙂

        Yeah I noticed the change of colour – best have a look at your settings! 🙂

        Don’t ask my how though: I have no idea!!! 🙂

        Love and hugs!




  12. Visionkeeper
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 13:01:48

    Great video DW….Amazing how a single feather can speak so loudly…All so true. Keep up your fabulous work DW and you deserve every moment of praise you are given my dear friend. Enjoy your time as Christmas creeps closer. Your granddaughter will be so excited 🙂 Have a happy day and lots of love to you….VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2013 @ 18:53:03

      Thank you VK, I spent an amazing Day yesterday with my Granddaughter it was her birthday… And she was 3.. and so if yesterday was anything to go by, Christmas will be a Joy 🙂 Thank YOU my dear friend for your love and support it means a lot to me.. 😀 xxx



  13. Lizzie Bellotto
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 16:36:44

    Amazing post Sue:) I agree with brothers and sisters coming to your sanctuary and getting your comments there is an overwhelming perception of great energy and support coming from you…..Thank you for the beautiful reminder of the Good Red Road we travel upon…most often in busy times we tend to forget the holistic fundamental connection to nurture spiritual awareness…Lots of love and light to you my friend xx



  14. Kourtney Heintz
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 18:51:44

    You are an absolute inspiration. Especially because you aspire to be a dreamwalker yet are so honest about places where you may fall short of it at times. I think it makes you so much closer to a dreamwalker than you realize. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2013 @ 19:00:14

      Kourtney, thank you, I am all too aware none of us are perfect, or we would not be still on this Earth walking our path, But I thank you so much for the compliment you have paid me… Namaste.. 🙂



  15. oawritingspoemspaintings
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 23:29:12

    Your writing moved me to the core. Every word of it!
    I’ll put your link and video on my blog, I just find it too impressive not to share 🙂
    Thank you for a most perfect post!



  16. Lois Field
    Nov 30, 2013 @ 23:54:50

    Sue, you are special, each of us are in our own unique way. I am so happy to have met you, you are a light in my world.

    I enjoyed the eagle feather video and where you found the name Dreamwalker. I now have a new author I need to add to my reading list. 🙂

    The one thing you mentioned here about our time on the earth, that we were put here to “observe, learn and grow” needs to be repeated often. One problem I have with some who follow a particular religious teaching is that they are so focused on getting to the life after this one, the goal that heaven is where they are meant to be are missing this. They forget we are here now for a reason and are too focused on the future to enjoy what is right in front of them.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2013 @ 19:20:47

      Big smiles Lois, and thank you so much I am so happy to have met you too,,, And Often we forget that the routes we ALL take to get to that Heavenly place take many roads… And all sorts of diversions before we reach our final destination.. They often forget its ‘The Journey’ which determines our final resting place with its ‘Many Mansions’ 😉 …. Love and Blessings to you xxx



      • Lois Field
        Dec 04, 2013 @ 23:08:22

        Yes, Sue. I just feel so bad for some who miss what is right in front of them and the joy they could experience while living for a future date that is unknown to them.



  17. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Dec 01, 2013 @ 08:14:43

    You are special, Sue. You’ve actually exposed me to much I would not otherwise see. This video clip is an example. I really, really appreciated that video. Thank you.

    & see you “in a few days” 🙂



  18. starproms
    Dec 01, 2013 @ 19:08:22

    May your dreams always come true Sue 🙂 Blessings



  19. Khanindra Dutta
    Dec 02, 2013 @ 01:34:03

    This is my first visit to your blog and I have found your blog very interesting. I really appreciate your writing skill.



  20. pictimilitude
    Dec 02, 2013 @ 13:26:37

    You really do justice to the Dreamwalker name. 🙂 I love your words, wisdom and stories. Thank you again for that wonderful award; I shall pass it on as soon as possible.
    I love the idea of “trying our best” – I am sure you know of Ruiz’ book “The Four Agreements” – one agreement is always do your best. That one in particular has always stuck in my head because though our best will look different whether we are tired or energetic, the fact that we can only do our best fills me with peace.
    Oh and I love the snow!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2013 @ 19:49:02

      Yes the snow starts here on WP in December I had forgotten about it.. And it is nice.. If only all of us tried our best in all things, then we could make this world all the better .. Lovely to see you Cyndi and thank you so much for your compliments.. Good to be back on WP after my short absence 🙂 xxx



  21. giselzitrone
    Dec 02, 2013 @ 13:49:02

    Ich Danke auch für deine Besuche und bei dir ist es wirklich sehr gerecht ,ich mag deine Texte sehr gerne.Ich wünsche dir eine schöne glückliche Woche.Liebe Grüße und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  22. Dilip
    Dec 02, 2013 @ 15:57:52

    Beautiful theme and inspiring thoughts Sue. Your words are the essence of our lives – “Every lesson helps us grow as we learn more of who we are. And as you grow through this self-discovery, you begin to create the “how’s” and “why’s” in your life and experience the beauty of being alive in this ever changing world”.

    The video too was nice. Thank you 🙂



  23. Eddie Two Hawks
    Dec 02, 2013 @ 20:49:53

    It is a very busy time! with love and light, Eddie



  24. Gray Dawster
    Dec 03, 2013 @ 10:50:42

    You always add something unique here Sue
    and this amongst so many other qualities that
    you have makes you a very special lady and a
    of course a dear and valued friend 🙂

    Have a lovely Tuesday Sue and be good, or else? 😉

    Andro xxxx



  25. jacksjottings
    Dec 03, 2013 @ 12:06:28

    Thanks you have given me an Indian trail to follow. The Red Road Thanks Sue.



  26. cheryoncake
    Dec 04, 2013 @ 09:15:18

    The fact that you don’t think you’re special is a mark of how special you are. I love reading your posts. We share that desire to live with good intent and to do your best. I think regardless of all religions and beliefs it is what all right-thinking people want to do, instinctively. Don’t be away too long!



  27. aFrankAngle
    Dec 04, 2013 @ 20:38:56

    Off topic … just wanted to say hello and mention don’t give up on me because there’s a lot on my plate at the moment. See current post. Hope all is well!



  28. barbarafranken
    Dec 08, 2013 @ 14:12:16

    You are truly magnificent Sue… Barbara x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 11, 2013 @ 18:47:37

      Barbara, Thank you most kindly for your wonderful comment.. We are ALL of us Magnificent Beings! each spreading our own little piece of Light in our own little corners of the world… Love and Blessings.. Sue xox



  29. aussieian2011
    Dec 24, 2013 @ 09:09:08

    You are special Sue, and a special Dreamwalker.
    Your words are heard by many , and touch many hearts.
    Merry Christmas.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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