Calling on ALL your Support ~ Fukushima Healing!

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Isn’t it amazing how the Universe gathers like minds together to carry its message to those who wish to listen?

Over the past few days I had been thinking on Fukushima Nuclear Power plant disaster which happened back March 2011 after the devastating earthquake with the tsunami that followed.

The universe never ceases to amaze as we tap into the Collective consciousness of the planet as I browsed around several of the blogs I followed I was not surprised to see several had posts relating to Fukushima and the plight of the Japanese citizens caught up within the terrible events. Which led me to write my poem yesterday Hanging by a Thread.

As the Radiation leaks out into their atmosphere, contaminating Japan’s air, water, crops, and themselves as the Plant itself still spews out hundreds of tons of contaminated water into the sea which hasn’t stopped in over two years contaminating the Ocean. Not to mention the suffering of those people still living in temporary shelter and who are suffering the effects of Radiation Poisoning such as nose bleeds both in adults and children, which we all know will lead to more deadly disease in the future. 

The more I have looked into the events of Fukushima, the more I am appalled how we in the UK can give the go ahead for building a new reactor here in the U.K. link Here, How can we say Nuclear Power is Safe? With no control over the deadly waste products or the potential lethal Atom bomb materials we strive to stop others going Nuclear for fear of their misuse of plutonium.


The Earth is a water clothed planet and our oceans are the soup from which life emerges. The waters of the Earth connect and encompass all organic and inorganic processes.

We as humans consist of at least 70% of water, and 30% of the Minerals of the Earth.. We are in fact ONE with the Earth.

When we pollute these oceans and waterways we are ultimately poisoning ourselves. There is NO escape!. The oceans teems with life which through the very plankton goes up through the food chain whereby we sit on top..

Once this delicate balance is destroyed we have no idea how to repair this intricate delicately balanced web.

We are not being taught by those ‘in the know’ that our Oceans are dying, nor are we being told of the reality of Fukushima and that the massive injection of toxins into our oceans not just from this horrendous and deadly radioactive spill from the reactors. It seems the media has swept much under the ocean as  to  what the consequences would be to the world should see the worst scenario  happen in Japan.   

Within my posts over the years I have touched upon Water and Crystals often. Here I spoke of Dr Emoto’s experiments with Water and Thoughts that change the structure of water crystals, and our own Self Healing!

You who know how our Thought processes work also know that Love is the Highest Energy of All, We all of us send out our Heartfelt Love and compassion to those in need, and Know the Power of Healing via the Energy grids work.. By the same token so do our thoughts penetrate and change the structure of Water Soluble and solid in Crystal  form contain information. We each have such in our computers Lets not forget!.

So imagine my delight to see the Universe at work as my daughter told me how she had been in contact again with Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther  We had both along with my Hubby been to see her when she visited Wales in 2010. A post relating to this visit can be read Here as she did a Crystal Healing Workshop to help the World in its Earth Changes. 

My Daughter had some of her stock of Crystals from her and her partners Health food store which having read Little Grandmothers Facebook page and Video which I will add for viewing at the bottom, they decided to send to scientists working with crystals In Fukushima. So they dedicated Last Sunday in cleansing and charging the crystals to be sent and gathered them up in the shape of Japan

Crystals for Fukushima

Crystals Boxed ready for collectionBefore Boxing them to this address to be sent to help the Radioactivity in the Plant.

It is as Keisha – Little Grandmother says, We came here as tribes of Many Colours to make a difference in the world..

This is our time now to send the greatest of powers via our thoughts to Fukushima. Yesterday Monday, Workers at Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear plant have begun removing fuel rods from a storage pond at the Unit 4 reactor building as they started the delicate operation manually which normally is done by a computer system accurate to the millimetre, The BBC World on line News did a report HERE.. So Please join your thoughts and prayers and send your love, charge your crystals and if you can not afford to send any, then know each crystal connects to the vast Earth Grid via our Collective Consciousness..

I will leave you with Little Grandmothers Video and message and the address to send any crystals can be found onLittle Grandmothers Web page Here and say a BIG Thank you for all your Energy and Thoughts of Love sent to ALL places, The Philippines included who need so much Help also

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Quote from Dr Emoto.

“When we are alive, the human body is at approximately 36 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature of the fluids in the body. When we die, this goes to zero degrees Celsius. When we die and go to the other side, crossing the river, we are no longer able to move our bodies. But the crystalline structure of our soul emerges. It’s like water. When water turns to ice, the crystalline structure becomes visible, but it also becomes immobile. So ”crystal” equals ”spirit”.”

~Blessings Sue~ 

48 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mark Lanesbury
    Nov 19, 2013 @ 22:25:24

    Love and healing going out to that part of the world. I hope they can seal it up, for all our sakes. Namaste



  2. prenin
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 00:06:47

    Hi Sue! 🙂

    From what I’ve read about Fukushima: Reactors 1 &2 didn’t breach containment and still contain water, but the internal structure’s are believed to be damaged and secondary damage has occurred after the partial meltdown of the cores.

    Information on reactor 3 is vague (which worries me), but a journalist who passed the reactor 3 building picked up high levels of radiation and we know that leaking water has reached the water table and they are planning to freeze the ground to stop radioactive water getting into the sea.

    Right now they are collecting contaminated water in a massive tank farm which itself is also leaking copiously and human error is making this worse!

    As for the fallout zone?

    Decontamination isn’t going well and some areas will be out of bounds for a century and more because there is no practical method of cleaning up mountains and forests.

    As for the human occupied areas?

    The authorities are trying a variety of methods to ‘scrub’ the roads and abandoned living areas, but they are not doing well and they are desperately trying to invent something that’ll work.

    Will they succeed?

    I wouldn’t hold my breath… 😦

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2013 @ 12:21:59

      Thank you for this info dear Prenin, and add your breath which you are holding to send them a healing thought 🙂 each of our thoughts do make a difference to the world… Sending you a squishy hug for your continued support and contribution to my posts with your valued input .. Thank you 🙂 xxx



  3. pictimilitude
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 01:25:28

    Fukushima. My heart is heavy. I want so much for a reversal of all these poisons – physical and mental.
    Thank you for your words. Your words of the heart. Keep spreading the word, friend. For we all live in a web and whatever we do to the web, so we do to ourselves.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2013 @ 12:18:58

      Try not to allow your heart to be too heavy Cyndi, even though I know many situations stab at our heart centres…. But see Japan’s Fukushima healed and free from pollution, envisage clear waters, crystal fresh air.. The web of healing is spreading ever wider and we must not lose faith in our abilities to change the world and bring about the transition needed to change our Earth to one of Peace and Harmony… One step at a time, One thought at a time, Together in Unity we can create miracles for Thought Creates 🙂



  4. Crowing Crone Joss
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 07:59:42

    There is no doubt in my mind that the troubles in Japan are much worse than what we are hearing. I am thankful for bloggers who are present there and who share what is really happening and yet, even their information, is limited as government and news media perpetrate lies and untruths to keep us all quiet. There is also no doubt in my mind that love is the highest frequency and that, through and with that frequency, in crystals, in prayers, in intentions and ceremonies, we can, we do change the world and heal her. It behooves us to care, to do what we can, to take time, in meditation and ceremony to send healing in ways that make sense to us and that honours our own understanding. To do nothing but wring our hands or cry is to become a part of the problem. We are bigger and better than that. And our world needs us to love, to love enough to act.
    I honour all those who act to heal our planet, like you, like your daughter, like Little Grandmother.
    I’m going to put this post on my FB page where many, who are lightbearers, lightworkers, will act. It is up to us to be the change we want in our world.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2013 @ 12:14:35

      Joss thank you, yes we can not add our negative thoughts of woe even though its a woeful situation.. We CAN turn this around with thoughts and healing energies of love.. I know many my look upon us and pooh pooh such ideas, but they do not concern me.. WE, you and I and others know for certain how Energy works especially via our thinking.. We are and have created this world with our thoughts and we can change the outcomes of situations too via our positive and healing thoughts.. Many thanks for sharing my post, the more we can get to add to our prayerful healing the stronger the energy created 🙂 Much love to you Joss 🙂



  5. Lois Field
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 08:03:49

    Sue, I am so concerned about this transfer they are doing this week. I am ending my day with good thoughts that the work will go smoothly and trying to remain positive about it rather than let the fears overtake me.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 20, 2013 @ 12:07:47

      Yes Lois, I do not mean to add ‘Fear’ here either, and like yourself, I send only positive and envisage positive outcomes, I just wish others to send out that same vibration of love and healing The energies are needed with so many sad stories already in the area of concern.

      Thank you for adding your thoughts my friend 🙂 Sue xox



      • Lois Field
        Nov 20, 2013 @ 19:46:04

        Sue, I only wish my thoughts could make a bit of a difference. This is one area that will be hard to change and clean up from the bottom up. I have no idea how to clean up the radiation in the waterways, or to begin powering down these plants. This is one area that takes a special education.

        As for Japan, I find myself thinking of them first thing upon waking and sending out a silent thought hoping all is safe with the removal of those rods.



  6. giselzitrone
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 10:43:56

    Liebe Sue einen schönen Tag für dich,ein schöner Beitrag ja man müsste viel mehr Menschen wie dich haben da wäre unsere Welt besser daran,so schöne Gedanken die du in die Welt trägst.Aber viele Menschen sind nicht Bereit.Wünsche dir einen schönen Mittwoch liebe Grüße von mir und Freundschaft. Gislinde.



  7. mimisscratch
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 12:37:41

    Ti auguro una buonissima giornata!



  8. Alex Jones
    Nov 20, 2013 @ 20:16:07

    A positive outcome of Fukushima is that the officials at the company are willing to make available all their data to the world as a warning of the consequences of hubris that dismisses even the smallest possible threat to a nuclear power station. Fukushima also stands as a case study of what happens when things go wrong with a nuclear facility.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 21, 2013 @ 10:56:22

      Yes it is in uncharted territory, for they are learning and making up the new rules as they go along.. Such is the severity of this disaster.. We do not hear of the many cases of Cancers associated with leaks from Nuclear power plants around the globe, and like the video on my previous post stated, its a silent killer that can take years for the cancer clusters to develop..
      Plus around the world and in the USA contamination within rivers and water supplies which affect the food chain, eating fish etc is another silent one which has been proven to have happened and probably still is.. Is there any wonder Cancers are on the increase world wide..



  9. Christy Birmingham
    Nov 21, 2013 @ 00:27:21

    Hugs, so many hugs and prayers need to be sent. I do hope the world gets to a better state soon (we each need to do our part). xx



  10. Valentine Logar
    Nov 21, 2013 @ 11:21:05

    I can think only of Germany at this time, they have shut down many of their own plants and replaced them with wind and solar power. Their plan is to shut down the rest within a decade. We can hope they shut them down earlier. We could wish all nations would follow their lead.



  11. oawritingspoemspaintings
    Nov 21, 2013 @ 12:31:16

    Thanks for this inspiring and uplifting post! I do have two of those crystals in a pointy pillar shape and wonder if I should get smaller ones to spread around the house too…
    My prayers go every day to the recovery of the people and our planet but your post is more specific and reinforces our thoughts on the matter.
    Thank you, may you be blessed further 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 21, 2013 @ 12:34:21

      Thank you OWPP and your intent within the existing crystals should be enough.. Please feel free to share, the more who can connect via our thought web of love the more healing work we can do..
      Thank you for taking the time to read and act 🙂 xxx



  12. shreejacob
    Nov 22, 2013 @ 10:37:28

    I just read a book where the author said something along the lines of how dangerous it is for science to progress without taking into account that we are all One. When we dabble in things that we honestly have no idea how it will affect each and every one and thing on this planet.
    I’ll be sending out love and healing to Japan too 🙂 It’s wonderful what your daughter and her partner did!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 22, 2013 @ 13:42:18

      Thank you Shree, yes they are a pretty amazing couple! 🙂 and thank you for sending your love. What we do to ourselves we do to the web..
      So many do not see that we are ALL Connected xx
      Blessings to you xox



  13. Kourtney Heintz
    Nov 22, 2013 @ 20:35:40

    Thanks for the call. It is easy to let it slip off the mental radar when we are not hearing about it on the news and it’s not close to home and affecting us. Sending lots of healing energy. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 23, 2013 @ 17:34:38

      Yes its easy to not think of their plight as we get on with our own lives…. The news is not reporting because its unprecedented what is happening.. But it will be everyone’s plight should the unthinkable happen… So I am pleased you are adding healing energy too. they need all our thoughts 🙂 Much Love back Kourtney 🙂 Thank you x



  14. Symbol Reader
    Nov 24, 2013 @ 14:55:21

    I am a bit behind reading my favourite blogs but this article is really thought provoking and carries a very importantmessage. I am also inspired by Emoto’s research.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 24, 2013 @ 14:57:24

      Yes his research has some astounding results, and projecting our thoughts and intentions into crystals I feel can only benefit Fukushima .. Love and Light back to you Monika..
      Sue xox



  15. kp
    Dec 01, 2013 @ 17:00:19

    Sue, thanks you for pulling all of this information together for all of us….I have heard about the dangers associated with Fukishima but felt there was little I could do about it….This post tells me otherwise. There is hope….Kim



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2013 @ 19:32:41

      You are welcome Kim, Fukishima is not going to go away… And it is so lovely to see you here… I also knew I would forget another of my many sisters also, So please feel free to take a Sisterhood of the World Award from my previous post.. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope your family got back together for your holidays:-) xxx



  16. aussieian2011
    Dec 05, 2013 @ 09:53:39

    Much love and healing prayers are definitely needed in that part of the world, not only now but I think for many decades to come, if not generations,
    Great post Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 06, 2013 @ 17:13:13

      Thank you Ian, yes our prayers and healing are much needed.. And agree about the generations to come as will our grandchildren inherit the mess we have created… Wishing you well and thank you Ian



  17. Linne
    Dec 19, 2013 @ 03:33:14

    Sue, thanks for dropping by my blog. I am so happy to see this post of yours; the situation’s been on my mind, too, as I have close family and friends on the West Coast (Canada) who are near the ocean; items from the tsunami have been washing up along the beaches; this leads me to believe that the contaminated water is arriving there, too. My dilemma has been finding a more positive way to view all this. Ask and ye shall receive, indeed! Thanks very much. I would like to re-blog this post. Is that ok with you? ~ Linne



    • Linne
      Dec 19, 2013 @ 03:36:42

      A further note: I have placed a link to your post on Facebook, where my family and friends will see it. ~ Linne



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 19, 2013 @ 14:28:41

      Linne, Yes the Oceans are bringing in the pollution and everyday we come nearer to the point where everyone will have to be aware of the consequences of Nuclear contamination.. Its a sad sad day for the world when so many health issues to our environment are not being taken into account.. Its so very hard to see how this will ever be cleaned up.. But we can as the post suggest help ourselves in part to protect and help heal the planet..

      So yes pleased feel free to repost.. I am only sorry the last time I viewed the video it had been withdrawn form Little Grandmother’s posting..

      Love and Light
      Sue x



  18. Erika Kind
    Aug 27, 2016 @ 13:03:46

    I cannot explain it but this has such a deep impact on me. It is such an insightful thought that we are able to clean our waters only with the vibrations of love. I think Rock Crystal may be a very good stone or also Amethyst. They would also match the crown chakra… I am just thinking further. You totally inspired me, Sue!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 27, 2016 @ 14:23:14

      Hi Erika, thank you my friend for taking the time to read, I re read it myself and found a few links now broken.. Yes my daughter places Crystal Quartz in her water container to cleanse drinking water.. She has one of those large glass despensers with a tap on it and places several crystals in the bottom..
      I have placed large chunks of Quarzt crystal in rivers and streams where I felt drawn to.. Programming the cystal to cleanse the flowing water..
      I also gridded my home to help stop the waves from mobile masts, modems And the signals we do not see which penitrate.. I turn off my modem when I am not using my PC too.
      Amethyst is a good stone and you should see my house.. 🙂 every window has a crystal loads.. In fact my acupuncturist said I could set up a shop 🙂 She always comments when she is giving me a treatment as she makes house calls how calming my home is.. She says she looks forward to it for she feels she is getting healing 🙂 while here..
      I am so pleased this post inspired.. There are NO limits to what we can achieve 🙂 Our Minds are our greatest tools.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  19. thespiritkeeper
    Nov 08, 2018 @ 14:57:47

    Thoughtful post and one to heed. I have been saying for a while that love is all there is and love is all there ever was. Yes, love can heal all if only Mankind can awaken to this notion and with this humanity can be transformed.

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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