The Ripples of Evolution–What Waves are You Making?

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

~Albert Einstein~


Throughout the centuries we have been told of a time to come of Change. Prophecies, Scriptures and authors have felt inspired to write the many books we can read concerning these times.

Many people are  now sensing they need to embrace simpler life styles, growing their own as they strive to become more self sufficient, seeing we cannot keep adding chemicals to the ground and to that which we eat, as we poison ourselves and our environment. Many are now awakening to the real problems of Earths sustainability. 

And yet it seems on the surface that the majority choose to accept the limitations of this Material, Political and Competitive world which is dominated on the whole with so much greed. Never thinking beyond their own narrow boxes of self. What we are witnessing now as we see the Chaos erupting around us are the culmination of our personal fears and insecurities as we see societies and nations collapsing both from a monetary point of view to witnessing upheaval and destruction around our globe.

We are now experiencing many new challenges, some which appear within our own daily lives, others increasingly as we see how we treat our peoples and environment in such disregard all over this planet.

We seem to have lost the ‘Kindness’ from our species of ‘Mankind’.

Our personal fears and insecurities are being brought to the surface by the instabilities of our societies and this is leading us to take sides, which side are you embracing?

Love or Fear? 

Each of us are perhaps now questioning via our thoughts as we get embroiled with where our collective consciousness tends to be centred. For we are bombarded daily with Fear as we are shown via our Media ‘The Big Bad World’.

I visited an elderly Aunt today she is 88 yrs old and she was so upset with what she had been witnessing via the TV news, I told her to not watch it, but just to send out her thoughts of Love to these War ravaged places and people,  for there was nothing she or I could do to help solve what has gone on throughout the ages to bring such conflict.

For those who are regular readers you will know I have said Earth is shifting through her own changes. Birthing is a painful process as we see the breaking down of old systems as various nations collapse. We see lies exposed,  where corruption is highlighted as greed grabs it’s ever tighter hold. So too our environment suffers as it echoes the chaos as our Earth Mother she cries her rains and belches her fires, for she too is transforming.

For we are One.

We need to evolve from our ego ruled world, surrendering the need to control and possess. The world is now facing these unresolved emotions as our perceptions are challenged as each of us may face our own personal traumas as emotions such as Fear, Anger, Greif are brought to the surface so that they may be cleansed once and for all.

We came to Earth whether we remember it or not specifically at this time to enhance the Wave of Universal Consciousness as we learn once again to open up the flood gates to our Hearts.

Some of you may sense we are on the verge of something you can not quite put your finger on, but something urges you to start thinking about making changes in your life. I don’t expect you to believe one word I say, in fact I’d prefer it if you didn’t. The time has come where each of us needs to follow our instincts, as we detach from our Material world.

The Earth too is clearing out that which no longer serves, reminding us all that it matters not what Guru we follow. One thing we ALL rely upon us Nature, Air, Water, Warmth. Learning to trust in the flow of life and not being fearful. Holding onto Fear can lead us to dark places if we allow our thoughts to get dragged down.

It is our choice which path we choose, which path do you want our future world to grow? Are you for Turmoil or Peace?

All I can do is open my heart to love and become more tolerant, less judgemental and hold Compassion for others not hatred and Let go of fear. And keep centred within my own being the thought that we have the power within all of us to help transform the world we came here to evolve in.

That power lay within each of our hearts centres.

The simple act of love, call it faith, or belief or the simple wish of relieving the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the world.

Through Love and compassionate thoughts and the desire to heal ourselves and our world we are being shown we are..

ALL in this Together.

So send out only LOVE and PEACE and Pray for WORLD PEACE.

for we Are ONE.

Create a Ripple Effect to Flood the World with LOVE

Sue Dreamwalker

56 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. andrea
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 17:40:59

    Meine WPadresse hat sich geändert….
    HERZlichst ANDREA



  2. cat
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 17:47:04

    My husband used to teach evolution in his biology classes … I meandered through those teachings in school … mulling things over and over with him … I also examined the religion’s view on things many , many times … stayed in a monastery from age 17 to 27 … then decided to follow my own path … the path of kindness and compassion … Love you, my friend , love you so …. I know exactly what you are talking about … Always, cat.



  3. ruchira
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 17:49:55

    I agree Sue for every revolution to occur there has to be a noise and chaos but my heart bleeds for the innocent people in Syria. I join in with you and many to send in the vibes of peace and harmony.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 17:22:15

      Yes Ruchira, my heart too bleeds with them, and all who suffer needlessly for the sake of man’s Greed of Power and Control. Let the Chaos we see unfolding be the dawning of Light after the storm to a better world free from Tyranny.



  4. Gray Dawster
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 18:18:16

    It is very nice to think of a less greedy world but everything around us points towards the more wealthy individuals, busily grasping all that they can and not caring about anyone else. But as one watches the news there are more immediate threats, more instabilities rocking the foundations of our earth.

    Unfortunately wars will always rage, sometimes in far-off places where the politics is somewhat distanced from our own way of thinking, but nevertheless these same issues that trouble the world impacts upon us, perhaps through the negative actions of some countries leaders, or by non-action, as sitting on the fence solves nothing.

    Guidelines on war and the use of weapons of mass destruction, or other lethal weaponry has to be answered to, otherwise the security of the world comes into question. There are no easy solutions but there is already a growing uncertainty with chaos ready to erupt at any given moment.

    Peace is something to be treasured, living in a world of harmony is paramount but history shows us that this is just a dream, a fantasy that cannot be fulfilled, if only everyone chose peaceful measures instead of war then the earth would flourish, all men and women would be equal and a life of tranquillity could be enjoyed by all. In reality, life has its dire complexities and the threat of war is just one more aspect within the global community that we could do without.

    I have enjoyed reading
    your posting my great friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 17:19:46

      I agree with much of your comment Andro, but then we have to ask ourselves WHY is it we are more aggressive as we fight with each other, What is it that drives us to more violent behaviours than peaceful ones, And within each of us I know resides both Light and Dark..
      I am reminded of the story of the Wolf, in Native American Ancient Wisdom, It depends upon which one we are prepared to feed!…
      love and Blessings Andro and many thanks for your contribution upon this often sensitive subject of Love or Fear.



      • Gray Dawster
        Sep 03, 2013 @ 10:57:15

        You are welcome my sweet friend, and thank you for your kind reply. Sometimes life offers a darker route but one always has a choice, and the path that one chooses does not have to be so negative. Perhaps all politics is flawed, or it is just the leaders’ poor choices that lead us into a world of pending doom…

        Let us hope for a much brighter future my great friend 🙂

        Andro xxxx



  5. kp
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 18:47:34

    Beautiful post sue…Thanks very much! Kim



  6. Visionkeeper
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 19:38:54

    Excellent as always DW…Love Albert Einstein…He was such a mind ahead of its time! Yes the birthing is well underway and we are reaching the moment of birth I believe. It is close at hand now. It will be a truly momentous occasion and one for the record books. Hope you are enjoying your time and your garden. Take care and keep the light burning…Much love….VK xxoo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 17:11:10

      Yes he was, and so many brilliant quotes to choose from about our reality. Yes the labour pains have started but I am not taking note on the time between contractions, LOL, just the end result as our feminine energies align once more.. 🙂 xoxox DW



  7. dontchawannadream
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 20:25:08

    Oh… poor aunt, Sue. I love grandmas and old people in general. They have so much experience in life. Sometimes they are more sensitive and more vulnerable. So they’re scared.
    We all are anyway when we turn on the news. At least I am.
    And I’m aware I cannot help everyone on this planet. I just try to send positive thoughts… Like you say. ANd also to spread love. When I hear a racist or homophobic comment, I have to say something and explain why it doesn’t make sense.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 17:08:57

      Yes Cha, upsetting to say the least for many who are sensitive. Being Positive in your thoughts Cha is all we can be.. To spread a kind word, a smile or some kindness goes a long way in creating a world of peace 🙂 so thank you xox



  8. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 21:03:44

    your thoughts went spinning and weaving into so many directions for my mind
    so…I listened and wrote….
    you have the kindest energy…soft whispers fill the wind with it…
    a good post…a really good one to think softer ways…simpler ways to balance the yin and yang of Earth as well as ourselves….
    I am glad to be wandering this world of changes with you for your groundedness
    is always like standing in the quiet of a morning on soft green moss barefooted…
    Take Care Sue…You Matter !
    Blessed Be



    • LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
      Sep 01, 2013 @ 21:09:14

      could be entwining thoughts of kindred spirits…?
      Love to you my Sister from a different mother!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 17:07:15

      Many thanks again Maryrose for your encouragement and your compliments, Some days I am just the same as any other in the crowd, with my insecurities and doubts and at times those moments of fear rear there ugly moments of such sadness as to the state of the world. But then I get a grip, take a deep breath as I listen to those whispers from beyond, to know we came for a purpose and it was never going to be easy. So I close my eyes, take a deeper breath and square my shoulders as I speak my inner thoughts which are prompted always by our higher selves who have been through it all before. 🙂 Love to you my dear sister and I so knew what you meant by our mothers so do not worry 🙂 We are One after all 😉



  9. coastalcrone
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 22:05:43

    Peace, joy and love back to you!



  10. Paul Handover
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 22:20:43

    Just the most beautiful of words and thoughts, Sue. Fabulous.

    But your words also triggered another though that goes back to my days of working with Jon Lavin back in Devon. That is that the journey towards a more compassionate and open world, either collectively or individually, presents many tough moments. Because from greater consciousness comes greater awareness and sensitivity. (M’mm, might be the subject for a blog post! 😉 You or me? )



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 17:01:40

      I think maybe you would do that post more justice than I Paul 🙂 … But I agree, the need to open ourselves up collectively often means we are plunged into confusion before clarity emerges, and like another famous quote its often darkest before the dawn light…. Thank you Paul for you encouragement ~Sue



  11. Alex Jones
    Sep 01, 2013 @ 23:09:06

    The old paradigm has to change for humanity to change its relationship to nature, thus I see a hard road ahead.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:57:23

      Yes the road may be hard, Alex, I think sometimes we need to see harsh realities to understand the meaning of Peace and we may be given just that road to tread.. Lets all send our positive thoughts out for a smooth passage



  12. prenin
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 02:19:32

    Until those who seek power over others are defeated peace will not come.

    There is too much hate in the world and too many needless, horrific deaths.

    We must love one another – or die…

    God Bless!




  13. David Tenneson
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 10:15:42

    You have a wonderful way of expressing our thoughts in a way that means so much to both us and to the wider world … this needs to go viral! Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:52:29

      Many thanks David, we speak our words often to the converted, but as you say we live in hope that others may listen to its message and understand we are so much more than mere flesh and bone! 🙂 Blessings



  14. Eddie Two Hawks
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 12:24:13

    Opening the eyes of those who have been blinded to world of peace is a message that never grows old, stale, or out of date. Your voice is loud and clear Dreamwalker. May it be heard around the world!
    peace, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:51:11

      There are many more greater qualified than myself to shout its message Eddie, all I do is keep beating my Drum! and hoping others pick up its beat.. 🙂 Peace in our time as you so often say my friend… Dreamwalker



  15. reikiheidi
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 12:25:51

    I’ve always had the though that the human race will eventually split into 2 sects: those who nourish the earth and ‘return’ to a more simple and spiritual way of life… and those who could not give up technology and profit and live in urban areas.
    I know which sect I will be in 🙂
    Light and Blessings x



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:49:40

      I think if that happened Heidi it would have to be in two separate dimensions,:-) 😉 for its the technologyand genetic modern day world which is in my own opinion poisoning our Earth. But like you, I hope that a balance can be found whereby we can live in harmony within Nature and ourselves and I too know which I would be supporting!.. Wishing you well with your new venture also Heidi 🙂 Love Sue xox



  16. Valentine Logar
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 12:31:54

    I continue to circle back to the idea of kindness, compassion, empathy. All these seem to be one, without them we are lost, too ourselves and for others. I am sure we can regain our balance with the world but we just seem so damned unwilling to try.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:44:49

      Yes so many seem unwilling to try, so true Val, that’s why within my own being I see a time when we will be confronted with not just surviving each others prejudices and divided opinions based on perceptions of one another’s views, as we struggle to survive our conflicts with each other.. But I see a time where by Mother Nature may well give us ALL something far more important to worry about and that will be our survival on Earth!



  17. giselzitrone
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 12:46:22

    Wünsche dir einen schönen Tag liebe Sue schöner Beitrag hast du wieder geschrieben,ja für die Menschen ist es schliem ich verstehe nicht warum sie keinen Frieden halten.Ich wünsche dir eine gute und glückliche Woche lieber Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:41:16

      Ja ihre Geschichte geht zurück Unterschiede wie ein langer Weg. Es ist schwer für Menschen, die eingerichtet wurden, mit dieser geteilten Meinung gebracht, Frieden zu schließen. So Sad … Vielen Dank für die Mühe, Gislinde Liebe Sue xox lesen



  18. pictimilitude
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 14:51:45

    I wonder if we all stopped to ask our Elders (like your aunt) what they might do to change things and I’ve always felt their hard-earned wisdom could teach us a thing or two. I grew up in a nursing home, helping my mom with her patients and learned some of this wisdom quite young (and witnessed quite adult situations from an early age).
    Your sage post made me think of so many things: how I hope that the Earth knows that not all humans are out to destroy, that some really want to embrace Love. That some humans are greedy beyond measure, but so many – especially those who are without education and resources – really just have a bit of love to go on and that they truly are good.
    Sometimes I feel pressured to keep up with society’s expectations: get educated, buy more, be more, do more, blah blah blah more.
    And yes, I’m back in school, getting my master’s degree. But, it’s because I realized that I want to help people and teach – this after a year of writing, and doing art, but barely able to keep food on the table. So, it’s not really about having more, but doing more for people and the planet, in general.
    Thus, when I think I’m succumbing to society’s pressures, I have to remember as the Dalai Lama said that we all deserve to not have to be in poverty and struggle to live.
    That said, I so want to help people not struggle. *sigh* I hope there are enough of us who have enough love and a desire to share the planet with everything else (animals, plants, other people) that we wake up before our own demise. That we realize that it can’t be greed. It has to be community and harmony.
    I always love your posts – I don’t get over to comment as much as I’d like (being busy with school and such) but you are always a breath of fresh, nourishing air.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:38:40

      Hi Cyndi, My Aunt shook her head fearful of another war, dismayed at the lack of disrespect many do not have now for others. And said she had cried when she saw the horrors inflicted upon Children and innocents, as we all feel. We live in a Material world my friend and that means to experience our material goods. But as you rightly say, so many good, but lost people out there, I am certain there are more than enough of us who at their hearts wish only Peace, thats what I am hoping will shift us into action of seeing we have to start and embrace each other in kind, so that communities come together not fall apart… Thank you again Cyndi for your visit, and I totally understand your time restrictions while studying and teaching
      Love and Blessings Sue xox



  19. livingsimplyfree
    Sep 03, 2013 @ 05:01:32

    Sue, I try very hard to embrace only loving thoughts, but what is going on around the world is so sad and I am fearful the lies and half truths are going to send more young men and women many I know to war again just when they are coming home. I keep returning to the words of Thomas Jefferson who said we need to overthrow our government every (I believe it was 7 years) to keep them honest. If we took back our power and demanded our point of view was considered before a war could be entered I believe we would see fewer and fewer. I understand exactly how your aunt feels, she has seen so much already, it would be nice to see peace finally come.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2013 @ 21:28:26

      Yes she was very tearful and stressed the images on the TV had upset her and she remembers WW2 ..We only ‘Think’ we need governments! and I so agree how the need to keep them honest! But I do feel we are as nations waking up to their antics! Lets hope so. Peace may be some way off, but I so so wish we could live in harmony with one another Lois



      • livingsimplyfree
        Sep 03, 2013 @ 23:54:07

        Sue, I believe the people who are blowing the whistle on the antics, at great risk to themselves, are heroes who may finally reach some of the people who have stuck their heads in the sand. I hope it brings change.

        I vividly recall the men coming home from Vietnam and the reactions of the family being told their son would not, but your aunt has experienced much more being in England. I don’t even want to imagine how horrifying it was to worry about raids and trying to hide to save yourself. I wonder if those who lived through it are now showing signs of post traumatic stress disorder at the thought it may happen again.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 05, 2013 @ 16:47:27

          Yes they are the brave ones for sure, and I think Lois there will be more brave souls who will soon be exposing even more lies so that we do not live through more torment by those who create such turmoil within our world xox



  20. beverley
    Sep 03, 2013 @ 11:34:50

    the world with all its beauty and the people who inhabit the world could all do with a little more kindness and a lot more love.



  21. shreejacob
    Sep 03, 2013 @ 16:00:56

    Love this post too! and how smoothly it flows from the second to last post of yours! I agree with all of which you said and have made the choice to start by living my life without fear (and all the other drama which goes on in my head!) so that I too can learn to live my life with love! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 03, 2013 @ 21:51:46

      Once we make up our minds to do just that,, I find how relieved I am, as if a weight has gone from my mind.. I manage it for several days then I catch some horrid event which sets my rational brain ticking again, Until my next Meditation and Clearing work helps clear my aura again… We carry so much Drama and ‘Ribbishy’ thoughts within our minds as we often make our own mountains out of molehills…. 😀



      • shreejacob
        Sep 04, 2013 @ 01:08:59

        Oh yea..I’m totally ace at that mountains out of molehills things..and dang I get so angry over…..the drama happening in my head! *facepalm’s self*




  22. Lilofee
    Sep 09, 2013 @ 22:11:03

    these words are true.
    My opinion is similar.
    Greetings Lilofee



  23. Unsungpoet
    Sep 12, 2013 @ 01:11:47

    Once again your eloquent words speak to me, I mean really SPEAK to me deeply Sue, mirroring so closely what I have been recently studying or contemplating! Yet it never ceases to amaze me…Hope all is well in your corner of the world, sending thoughts of peace & love to you!



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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