Seeds of Truth~ I am sowing

Our Sweetcorn is almost ready for harvesting in another couple of weeks , as the cobs are filling out nicely,.. Here is me a little windswept among the corn. You can see how high it now is.   Hello everyone!

I felt like I was dancing in the wind as the corn swayed back and forth reminding me of the Native American Indian’s Corn Dance Native ceremonies help people to remember their responsibilities to nature around them and to the Universe. 

In Australia the Aboriginal people speak of ‘Dreaming’ and again these stories are passed down word of mouth through generations. When Western science meets the stories of the indigenous peoples of both cultures, the Western approach fails to understand that native stories are stories of origin, which are a creative interpretation of the experiences of peoples within places, which are interwoven with metaphoric meaning.

We tend to not understand, because many refuse to open their minds as to any other possibilities than their own meanings of man’s origin. It is time we opened our Minds again to the Truth of what is happening in our world.

To the Native everything is considered to be “alive”, and imbued with ‘Spirit Energy’ even the pebble has its own form and energy. And everything is interrelated to everything around us.  They understand the relationship of Time and Space between living and none living things. Understanding not only the physical, but the psychological and Spiritual , which involves ‘Dreams’,‘Visions’ and that ‘Knowing’. And they Know that life is a circle of learning. And to help remember and create harmony, between Earth, Sky, and its peoples, many ceremonies and  blessings of gratitude took place and one of these is the Corn Dance .. 



The Corn Dance rituals were performed at particular times of the year during various growing cycles, bringing their community together to celebrate and remember the sacredness of Corn and all plant life upon which they depended.. In which we all depend upon today..  The indigenous not only expressed the relationship between plant and animal world, but they built great canals.. The Hohokam people built these canals in the Tuscan Valley, long before the arrival of Europeans. The Hohokam systems were able to supply the irrigation needs of over fourteen thousand acres of cropland.   They understood agriculture and how to maintain key plants such as corn. The ceremony associated with Corn showed the community how important it was for all to work together in order for survival. Native People loved their gardens and grew Corn, Tobacco Aramanth and Quinoa and were spiritually symbolic of  Native myths and cosmologies.

The Following Story is of the Tuscarora Corn Spirit.

In a time long ago, in a village that was well known for its plentiful corn harvest, became negligent of respecting the Corn Spirit. The people had become so used to the bountiful harvests they took them for granted. And they let the weeds grow  in their gardens, and didn’t store their seeds correctly, nor did they give thanks for their harvest to the Corn Spirit.

They soon found that the mice ate the Corn they had carelessly stored. So the men began to hunt, but found they could find no game, and so soon the people began to starve.

There was only one man who kept the covenant of respect to the Corn Spirit, his name was Dayohagwenda , and his garden produced rich harvests of corn.  One day when Dayohagwenda was picking herbs, he came upon an old man dressed in rags and weeping. He asked the old man what was wrong. The old man said.” Your people have forgotten me, I am the Corn Spirit and I will soon die”

Dayohagwenda returned to his village and told them that the Corn Spirit would soon die if they didn’t return to their ways of honouring him, through careful planting, weeding and harvesting and storing their corn. So they immediately began to do this and their corn once again thrived in abundance, as they gave thanks to the Corn Spirit for blessing their food..

  Morden Native peoples and farmers are today under threat by huge corporations that are genetically altering seeds  This move is to gain control over the Worlds Food supplies.. You can see one such Farmers Fight here….. And Here  and how another 75 year old farmer lost his fight in the high court… HERE   Below is an interesting Fact on some of todays Sweetcorn on the cob..This Genetically Modified Corn modified by Monsanto which has the substance Bt-Toxin, This toxin is a pesticide designed to break down the stomach of insects eating the crops.  Now this  Dangerous Toxin has been found in the blood of Pregnant Women  Listen to this Two minute Video which is informing us of its sale as Corn on the cob in Walmart which is Asada here in the UK.. 

To see what Bt-Toxin has done in India to the Cotton Crops which this Toxin is in, then I urge you to look at this Video Below just over 3 minutes long which will make you THINK  what effects Monsanto is having around the world.. Here in India the farmers and pickers of the crops are suffering flu like symptoms and are experiencing sores and itching and their animals are dying from eating the crops after harvest.. And where farmers who have bought the seeds and failed crops and lost their herds the Suicide rate among farmers is extremely high as they can not pay back their debts.

  If we do not start and open our eyes now to the Seeds of Truth there will be no more seeds to sow left worth sowing… Please look at what you are Eating, and look at your processed Corn products. In fact please Look into the facts for yourselves .. Thank you for reading Sue ~Dreamwalker  

70 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. marina kanavaki
    Aug 20, 2013 @ 23:30:09

    GMO is a great threat for so many reasons. I think that people are becoming more and more aware of this. Here in Europe, in most countries they are either banned or are forced to mention GMO on the products, so people can choose.
    Thank you, Sue, for a great post, once again!
    PS love the shot of you in the field!
    🙂 xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 15:18:09

      Thank you Marina, at least as you say many more are becoming aware of the threats that this organisation poses and lets hope Europe stand together in there awareness too. I see so many of their pesticides on the market and some people are still very nieve when it comes to what toxins are in them…. And thank you Marina big waves back at you 🙂



  2. Symbol Reader
    Aug 20, 2013 @ 23:33:55

    Very timely post just before the Full Moon. The grain goddess Ceres/Demeter (a dwarf planet of this name) is in conjunction with the Sun right now.



  3. rumpydog
    Aug 20, 2013 @ 23:42:11

    It frightens me how we are allowing large corporations control all of our foodstuffs.



  4. oawritingspoemspaintings
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 00:59:41

    The videos you posted were so scary! I have to be very careful not to buy corn for my family. Although corn is not included in a Macrobiotic diet I occasionally indulge in summer and if I wasn’t careful I could have snacked endlessly on it 🙂
    Thanks for this valuable info!



  5. prenin
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 01:19:59

    Monsanto has a lot of powerful friends and claim to be altruistic in their efforts to end world hunger.

    People dying from poisoned plants does not surprise me.

    It’s one way, after all, of ending world hunger… 😦

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 15:27:20

      I have no problems with ending world hunger, but not one ounce of evidence to date I have read has shown any of their schemes has done a thing to end world Hunger only make things worse along with health issues… They only have one aim and that is to create not Food, but Profit. and they do not seem to care who suffers as a result .. Thank you Prenin,,, xx



  6. livingsimplyfree
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 02:52:37

    Sue, I have heard of the problems India is experiencing it is so sad and Monsanto should be held responsible to pay the families when their crops fail, it would be a drop in the bucket for them to compensate those who have lost so much.

    I heard about the corn with 6 different organisms we are going to be seeing such illnesses from eating this corn.

    That is a wonderful picture of you in the corn field. Our corn is so short but starting to form the ears. I know we only have enough for a meal for all who helped in the gardens but it will be a wonderful day to share it when it is ready.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 15:31:21

      I am sure your little community of helpers around the garden will indeed enjoy your corn when it ripens .. Our ears of Corn are almost there… We have a lot of storing to do soon, potatoes, onions, corn, So we will be even busier very soon.
      Compensation is only it seems a one way streak when its Farmers who are fined in courts as the seeds cross-contaminate their seeds and then they have to pay Monsanto … Crazy! and So So Wrong..



  7. natswans
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 10:19:29

    Firstly Sue hi Lovely to see you in your wonderful Corn, they look great!
    This is very worrying how our food stuff is controlled. They should be held responsible to the people suffering , in India . I think more people are becoming aware of this going on.
    Take Care Sue good post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 15:42:55

      Hi Sheila, Many thanks for your lovely visit and comment, and yes many more are now aware, but we still are not solving the problems they are creating for our future as it seems they have a monopoly on Seeds and have much influence in higher circles which seems they are a law unto themselves.. And I agree the people in India should be given compensation for their suffering and lost crops and animals, but like anything else, the little hard-working man can not fight the Big corporate giants without help and more money for lawyers which they don’t have. Big hugs back xx



  8. lynnkaren4101
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 13:00:36

    Hi Sue, sorry I didn’t comment earlier but I always enjoy your blogs as you always put others in the know…Really love your photo’s too…Much love always…Lynn xxx



  9. David Tenneson
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 13:18:46

    We are learning more and more about the crimes of Monsanto. How can they and their shareholders in all conscience (con science) keep poisoning the planet and her people the way they do? thanks for reminding us Sue. Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 15:53:08

      Its simple David…. Shareholders are only bothered about one thing.. Their Return Profits… thats the bottom line in all these BIG Corporations… And we will see the same thing take place here in the UK as the Fracking for gas starts.. The homes and protests and the voices of the little people who put governments in Power are no longer needed…. When Money Talks, It Talks BIG to those who pass the laws and whose pockets it lines…. ( Con-science ) works as a two way word.. Conscience.. or as you have quite rightly detected.. a CON… with Science Backing… Great comment David, thank you x



  10. giselzitrone
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 13:34:51

    Hallo liebe Sue einen schönen Mittwoch wünsche ich dir schön mit dem Mais zu tanzen und mit dem Mais zu schwingen wunderschöner Beitrag.Wünsche dir alles liebe Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  11. shreejacob
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 13:53:55

    Good post Sue! Got my mind wandering as I read your words about how we have so conveniently forgotten that as humans we are indeed still dependent on Mother nature and our surroundings. That without clean air and water…we may be lost…and that respect of the food that we grow is so important because it is because of them that we are living! The ancients have always had it right, haven’t they? And those who are considered undeveloped…they know how we are but cells in a huge body and like the cells in a human body each variety of cells is vital for the functioning of itself and the whole as well!
    What old knowledge knew of the life force within every single thing on earth, science now agrees! Everything is filled with energy…every thing has atoms making them up and each vibrates with energy!
    Sometimes I wish that people who deal with science can get down their high horses and just open their minds a little more!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 16:08:29

      Oh I so wish that also Shree, climbing off their high-horses, but we know what drives them, and it isnt our state of good health in fact quite the opposite. Being well fed or full of health is not in the best interests of some major global organisations as you would agree.. But you are aware too of the WHOLE of what we are, and I would imagine from your own perspective Shree you could at times get greatly frustrated as you try to heal what we as humans do to ourselves.. And yet you understand so much more of how Mind and Body connect… Thank you for your indepth comment Shree x



  12. lorrena
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 14:15:02

    Bueatiful Sue.And summer moon just past as the energy merges within those who know my friend.



  13. beverley
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 19:14:42

    I wasn’t going to write, because i don’t know much GM foods but i do know that potato, wheat and rice for instance has been modified to give higher yields since the second world war. It was to stop nations from starving. It was needed then and as it gone too far now? Maybe it as, but what will happen if they suddenly withdrew the modified seeds, how much of the crops would die and then the people would starve. Why? Because we no longer know how to crow crops the old way. We no longer grow our own on the bit of garden that we have or the allotment we are hiring.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 16:54:44

      I do not know exactly when it started Beverley, you can find some history Here
      But Farmers got along quite nicely before Monsanto and in fact many have lost their farms and lively hoods especially in the USA where there own seed Banks were contaminated by GMO crops and Monsanto took them to court.

      Many around our world today still starve… and do I see Monsanto helping to feed the world? No I see them reaping only profit from producing seeds which need their pesticides which make them more profit… Its shameful.. Each time we add it to the ground it gets more saturated with toxins.. which in turn find there way to the water table.. rivers, oceans, drinking water..

      If we do not alter our ways of being, in the future we may all be digging our little patches of lawn to plant food as a necessity… We only have to now look Beverley at the soaring price of fresh produce to see why many are buying processed and fast foods which often contain ingredients which is bad for our health… Learning to Grow our own food wouldn’t do us any harm…
      Good to hear from you again and I hope you have now sorted your attic and created your sacred space and are enjoying some Peace inbetween your Grandchildren 🙂
      Hugs Sue xox



      • beverley
        Aug 23, 2013 @ 09:21:01

        It definitely began during the war years. However those who are rich get richer and those who are poor go without. That not just person by person but by whole countries. There is enough food in the world to feed everyone but large supermarkets would rather throw it in the bin than give it away to those in need. The Bradford food banks are being inundated for requests for food this summer as parents struggle not only to feed their children but also to pay the added taxes put on by rich, greedy governments. Sometimes we allow our eyes to roam far and wide when there are those who are starving right in front of us.
        As for fast foods, it is all about getting rich. However you cannot blame the government for what people eat, that’s individual choice. You can afford to eat healthy if you chose to do so and buy healthy food instead of quick and fast. It is because people are becoming idle and cannot be bothered to cook. Okay you may not be able to buy the expensive organic range all the time but people can eat healthier than most do. Yes, the government has allowed fast food outlets to flourish but it never forced anyone to eat in them. In fact if I allow my mind to roam round Bradford city centre there is only two places I can think of where you can buy food, which is not of the fast food variety.
        I wrote a blog about all my house clearing this last week, we are getting there slowly. I am now looking at my bookcases and thinking do I really need those books or that book case? Watch this space and see 🙂



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 23, 2013 @ 14:42:37

          Yes I agree Beverley, we only need to look closer to home to see how standards of living are declining, and as you rightly say, the amounts of Food waste could feed many a starving mouth.
          But my point was that this corporation is using GMO saying it is going to help feed the world, when in fact that is not the case, You only have to read about India to see its costs to Farmers… And it will be in the generations to come when we will see the results of its affects upon our health.

          Our Towns are gradually closing down, I do not know about Bradford Beverley, but it seems every week another shop is boarded up as another retailer bites the dust…
          We will ALL have to take stock in a while and re-evaluate how we are going to live… because I know one thing, We cannot carry on the same path. We have to look at becoming more Self-Sufficient in years to come…

          Love and Light sent your way ~Sue xox



          • beverley
            Aug 23, 2013 @ 20:11:59

            Hi Sue, I just love the way you see things and you are right GM foods could feed starving nations but we don’t really need them, we just need to learn to share what we have.

            Yes in years to come we will have to be more self sufficient. And yes each weeks shops are closing, even those that have been there for over 100 years. Life is going crazy and all people think about is money and how to spend it and how fast. Then they just want more and more to do the same thing with. Not many people think about how they could share a little of what they have to help other and we all can.

            love xx



  14. Tom Merriman
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 21:35:21

    Sue, obviously the balance isn’t right at present. Something is bound to topple at some point. There’s too much damage being done to the Earth in all areas. She is fighting back, but ‘those who should notice’ don’t seem to be listening. Well, profits speak loudly, I suppose.
    I don’t want to see the Earth angry. We wouldn’t like her when she’s angry!
    Another great thought-provoking post, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 16:32:19

      No Tom we wouldnt want to see the Earth when angry… But I think maybe that will be what it will take to shake us up and sort us out… I am thinking back to that other ancient culture which got ahead of itself… some may think it myth.. but then are we not already again at the point of Genetically engineering both animal, man and food? My thoughts go to Atlantis Tom…. And those ancient myths come from some point of origin.. Thank you for your visit and comment Tom.. Good to see you here. x Sue



  15. Brenda
    Aug 22, 2013 @ 01:26:17

    You look like an earth mother there among your corn children. I try to grow as much food as my little sunny patch will hold. I’m sad about the corn, I grew up with fresh corn every fall.



  16. ruchira
    Aug 22, 2013 @ 01:43:05

    I read about the GMO seeds and how those poor farmers took their lives cause of debt. Seriously, I ponder where we all are heading to…

    Your Corn harvest looks good and will be bountiful 🙂
    I love corn and will be thinking of you next time I eat this cob.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 16:57:45

      Bless you Ruchira, and yes our corn is doing well again this year… Where we are all heading? well thats my worry, for our future generations will be picking up the pieces we smashed! xxxx



  17. Renee Espriu
    Aug 22, 2013 @ 03:58:13

    Wonderful looking crop of corn, Sue, and very informative information about Monsanto but not surprising. In human beings effort to have better crops and more crops (in their own inadequate ways) they still are causing so much suffering. History keeps repeating itself, as they say, to the detriment of humanity. In any case, you and your husband must have worked very hard and it shows. Oh, an aside. I have always admired how you have made your site so uniquely your own in what you do and I have finally begun to form some small ideas for my own…not nearly so bold…but find I need to do what is best for me. Do take care. It will take me some time to pull some things together. Maybe this weekend. LOL Smiles.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 16:27:26

      Looking forward Renee, to your make-over site 😀 and Many thanks for your wonderful compliments my good friend.. And yes we see History repeat itself all too often I am afraid…. Enjoy your coming weekend Love Sue xox



  18. Eddie Two Hawks
    Aug 22, 2013 @ 14:58:16

    It is my opinion that the most effective statement people can make concerning corn and any products in general from Monsanto is NOT TO BUY THEM! This will serve as a direct impact on this giant of a company. Nothing else has worked.
    love your corn patch! It looks great (wonderful photo) very good article
    have a wonderful day Dreamwallker! Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 22, 2013 @ 16:25:21

      Yes Eddie, I agree, lets hope awareness about the effects of what GMO food contains will spread, Its also hidden in other food products too in Corn oil, Soya, Canola oil, Cottonseed oil, the list of products it affects is now ever longer, even baby formula contains it.. Thank you Eddie for your visit and your encouragement, I am pleased you liked our corn patch 🙂 Dreamwalker



  19. prenin
    Aug 22, 2013 @ 16:27:17

    Sign outside a GM crops Farm.


    Love and hugs!




  20. Alex Jones
    Aug 22, 2013 @ 20:08:14

    Your Corn Spirit story reminds me of the importance of humility, for it is via hubris people forget water, soil and air, poisoning the life support systems we depend upon. You weaved the message across beautifully in your post.



  21. aussieian2011
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 05:15:44

    A completely enlightening blog Sue, I must agree with Alex Jones in the respect that we do forget humility when we are in times of abundance, and if you superimpose the loss of humility globally, in respect of our use of our lands , soils and water, then we are doing exactly what the spirit stated in your corn story.
    Aussie Ian aka Aussie Emu



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 23, 2013 @ 14:32:43

      Yes, that is what hit home to me Ian, as we take Nature for granted, thinking we can substitute and meddle around and not disturb the balance.. How wrong we are!..

      Lovely to see you and thank you for your encouraging comment Ian…
      Sue 🙂



  22. giselzitrone
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 09:59:34

    Wünsche dir ein schönes glückliches und friedliches Wochenende.Gruß Und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  23. Crowing Crone Joss
    Aug 23, 2013 @ 15:10:21

    Humans are the biggest threat to this planet and yet, we have the potential to, once again, be her most wonderful caretakers. People are waking up and I so believe that change is on the horizon. it won’t be easy, it won’t be quick, but it is happening. And those, like you, who share information and encouragement to wak up, are part of the awakening.



  24. Lizzie Bellotto
    Aug 24, 2013 @ 14:18:24

    hi sue,
    I love your blog…A fantastic santuary where to explore, gain and share information!!! in your posts you maange to raise awareness and connect to ancient wisdom in a very special way!!! PS:great pic of you in your corn field!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 24, 2013 @ 19:33:01

      Thank you regarding the picture in the corn patch in our allotment and a Big thank you for your Thumbs up about my Blog… I try to raise awareness, if possible, there are always several ways of looking at a box, and I always try to bring people out of their boxes to see another view point 🙂



  25. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Aug 25, 2013 @ 12:58:38

    Sue, thanks so much for your post – interesting and informative, as always. The picture of you in the sweetcorn is just magical!! You are so right to highlight the concerns about the modifying of seeds and crops, it is all very worrying. Keep posting, Sue, and putting these things centre stage – you’re a beacon. Much love to you for your week ahead. Ruth xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 25, 2013 @ 16:49:58

      Yes it is all so worrying especially for our future generations to come Ruth, Thank you so much for your kind words and support Ruth, Hope all is well with you also, Hugs Sue xox



  26. lscotthoughts
    Aug 25, 2013 @ 19:48:18

    An eye opening post, Sue, and scary, too, but I do love your “windswept” photo..hugs and peace to you, my friend…



  27. summerrain63
    Aug 26, 2013 @ 11:38:06

    I just wanted to wave and say hi….corn looks good….my niece is very much into the land and all the issues surrounding it so she keeps me informed but I like your information too ….it helps me feel like I understand her more….great pic



  28. sriramjanak
    Sep 02, 2013 @ 03:59:47

    Thank you for this reminder Sue. Gm cros has already destroyed the lives of thousands of people in India. The minister in charge still wants to encourage the usage of GM crops here. these companies are going to destroy Indian agriculture. They know they can easily bribe the guys in power . it is sad to see this happening…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2013 @ 16:54:44

      Sriram, Thank YOU for adding your most welcome thoughts here, yes its so sad, and people do not see how this corporation is not helping Feed the world, but destroying whole communities with its own greed.. Thank you for adding your own perspective to my post its much appreciated 🙂



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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