Support Work~ Self~ And Thank You Fellow Bloggers..

I would just like to say a Big Thank you for all who have taken the time and trouble to comment upon my recent posts. I apologise for not as yet having replied or visited your own Blogs in return. But I have read many   of your Excellent posts via email on my phone..  I am hoping to work my way around those who have visited very soon..

Working as a  Relief Support Worker, Life is often fraught with unexpected added hours of work.. I knew I had a heavy schedule already booked working through last weekend along with days in the week, But due to staff shortages and staff illness I found myself covering more hours including double back to back shifts  which left no time for anything else.

When you support people 24/7 like I do, they come first.. and then I had to put myself second, And WP came in last, as you need to switch off your brain especially if you have been on duty some 15 hrs from 7-30am to 10-30pm and sleeping on call…  So this is the first time I have opened my Laptop in 9 days…

I would just like to say once again to all of you who follow Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary on a Regular Basis and who visit and comment, how much I appreciate your comments, Please bare with me while I work through the backlog…

In the mean time, Here is a poem written about those with Learning Disabilities I did not write this one, but it was given to me by a friend.

I will be visiting you Soon! ~ Blessings to you ALL….

Thank you for your visit!


Waiting for my carer.

The falling leaves fall no more
The morning bell rings at the door
It’s not that I can really explore
My feelings remain locked inside for evermore
The bell rings twice and the door swings open
I listen intently waiting for my turn
From the bed I can see the sunlight streaming through
While I wonder who is at my door
I sit and wait no longer caring
For everything I do has to be sharing
The rustle of leaves circle the driveway
I cannot see yet, it’s still the middle of May
From downstairs the sounds of bacon cooking reach my avid senses
As I sit alone awaiting as my carer commences
I know she here, the clock struck eight, she will be mine at nine
My beds wet and the sheets smell rank
It’s not that I can help it, there’s no money in the bank
Everything seems so hopeless, when all I want to do is my thing
Go out to the shops and buy myself a wedding ring
To glimpse the dawn to hear the dear and the fawn
Wouldn’t it be nice to sit on my own front lawn?
The world goes by, passing everyday
Nothing I do or say makes any difference to my dismay
The leaves fall no more
The summers come I can tell
I am like an empty shell
Living in my own make-see hell
Everything will be ok at nine
It will all be just fine
My carer comes in and makes my bed
She washes my hair and sings to me
Tells me that one day I will be like an angel in heaven
Adorned in silk and satins with wings as bright as the sunlight
I am pleased she cares, even if it’s just four days a week
For she’s the only one who comes who speaks to me
My learning disability is really not my own
It belongs to all of us whoever we are
No matter how much I have grown
My thoughts are short as if on loan
At least I have my carer who never seems to groan
Up and ready it’s time for breakfast even if it is now cold
I guess it will be like this until I am very old
I hear the birds in the garden and the crickets
Where would I be without my carers?
As if I have a choice?
Still, I love my life, it’s my own
No matter how much people say to me
I am not theirs to own.

By L.D.

71 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ruchira
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:38:56

    It is my honor to know another caring and passionate person, sue.
    Your blogs always tickle me and inspire me thus, wait up anxiously to visit them once an email comes by 🙂

    Take care of yourself while working such long shifts. Hugs!



    • Ruchira
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:40:13

      By the way, dunno if I told ya earlier but you resemble my reiki teacher. You both emit peace and bliss!



      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:38:01

        No you didn’t, But thank you again, what more could I wish for than to emit Peace and Bliss… 🙂 My daughter is also a Reiki Healer who works with Crystals… You can find her site in ‘Other interesting sites’ at the bottom of my page footer on the right… 🙂 Thank you again!.



        • cat
          Jun 08, 2013 @ 18:35:37

          Mu mumme does Reikki … her teacher just died … mumme said she came to her in a dream last night … mumme was woken up by 3 knocks , then heard the words: Good bye … I get goose bumps sharing this with you, my friend … just as I get goose bumps at times when I read your words … I do not believe in anything anymore since Jenny’s death, but I do believe I still believe … somehow. Thank you for being here to gently teach, my precious friend. Love, cat.



          • Sue Dreamwalker
            Jun 10, 2013 @ 14:38:59

            Keep Reading Cat, and I think I can over time give you more goose bumps!… and you will know that there is life after Life… and all things will be revealed at the right time.. Each is upon their own pathway of learning… and each will find the answers when the time is right for their questions to be answered! .. Thank you.. for sharing… and hope you get many more goose bumps! along your journey of discovery.. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:26:09

      Ruchira, Thank you, your comment brought a hug smile to my face… and makes Blogging so worth while.. Much love and Gratitude.. ~Sue xx



  2. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:53:19

    Each live life just a little differently. Some like yourself have a very busy life outside of the internet. (believe it or not!) Thank goodness your life is not consumed by blogging! You certainly have been missed dear friend but not forgotten! That can never happen. with love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:41:25

      I am certain too Eddie, you too lead a very busy life, And yes Blogging is wonderful, but sometimes other things takes priority.. I thank you kindly Eddie for your very kind words.. I am flattered to be missed, and for ever grateful never to be forgotten… Likewise dear friend.. ~Dreamwalker~ 🙂



  3. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:54:25

    Take your time, no hurry at all Sue and please take care. Must look after yourself. Much love, Ruth xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:44:33

      Ruth, thank you, I am almost caught up on my comments, and will be next catching up with others posts.. But yes I intend also to take time out for ME.. so will pace myself accordingly….. Big Hugs to you Ruth, I hope that you have enjoyed some of this wonderful English Weather we have been fortunate in having these past few days…. Love to you 🙂 ~Sue xox



  4. livingsimplyfree
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:37:16

    Sue, what a lovely poem, so touching. As one who has also cared for those unable to care for themselves I know how fulfilling the work, yet tiring as well. Take care of yourself first your thought when you have time to post are worth waiting for.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:53:07

      Lois, yes this poem has sat with me for several years, and I thought it time I brought it out to share as it was given to me a gift some years back now…. Yes Support work can be very mentally draining especially when you get over-tired.. You understand well Lois the caring profession and credit to you in helping care for others. I am delighted to know that my posts are worth the waiting for… A Big Boost! to a Dreamwalker’s ego- Even though I do try to curb it- 😉 Thank you 🙂



  5. pictimilitude
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:13:20

    Wonderful poem. Wonderful words as always. I always feel so spiritually uplifted after visiting here. Hmm…I wrote a post about education today, as did another friend…we must be on the same wavelength. 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 17:01:04

      Cyndi, thank you, ” Spiritually Uplifted ” a huge compliment also.. I will be definitely be dropping by your posts…I come across this attuning into the Cosmic Vibes so often… as many will unknowingly link into the Cosmic Consciousness of thought patterns and be of Like mind in thoughts and feelings shared…
      When we invent a new invention etc… It is said that the Patten office receive similar inventions often at the same time… This again showing how we tap into that same thought vibration…. Even Books on a similar theme have been written Simultaneously by separate authors unknowingly.. So when you say ‘Wave-Length’ you are not far wrong! 🙂



  6. starproms
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:30:19

    I noticed you weren’t around and was wondering if you were ok, so it came as a relief to know you were fine, just very busy. Keep up the good work Sue. You’re a treasure.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 17:06:17

      Thank you Oma, so nice to know I was missed… I am blessed with such a wonderful blogging community of friends here… and needed you all to know I had not forgotten all of you either.. I am just pacing myself this weekend and chilling out with some ME Time!.. for a while.. Then I will be catching up with all of your news and posts.. Love to you and your lovely family Oma.. thank you ~Sue xox



  7. penpusherpen
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 17:32:20

    Time and tides, Sue, wait for no man, and we understand how much your time is valuable to those in your care,.. NO need for thanks at all, for it is always a pleasure to drop by and join with you and your insight , . The poem had me in tears, for how many are in the same painful and heartbreaking situation?..
    Still, I love my life, it’s my own
    No matter how much people say to me
    I am not theirs to own.

    Those words cut deep into the subconscious, for there but for the grace of god… always… love and light to you.. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 17:57:14

      Thank you Pen, so very much.. Yes thanks are needed, for I do not think all of you realise just how much you all contribute here to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary. As you each add your own energy to my posts.. Yes this poem is very poignant for many reasons… And there for the grace of God….. We could all be walking in another’s shoes……… Thank you for leaving your own foot-prints upon my page today…. I will be walking by your own very soon……. Now for some ME time …… Catch you Very Soon Pen… Much Love ~Sue xxx



  8. alison111111
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 18:21:43

    My very dear friend…we both support those whom need us the most….we give all of ourselves even the glow from within…sending you lots of love…i do miss the blog world and you.xxxxx love and light.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 10, 2013 @ 14:31:56

      Alison, Oh so so good to hear from you, such a long time, I do hope you too are not working all hours also, in your own very specialised work … so happy to hear from you.. Big smiles and Hugs… Sending you lots of love and light back.. ~Sue xxx



  9. cat
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 18:25:19

    After I came to Canada in 1982, I did homecare … and loved it … learned a lot of English from my people … many of them are gone now, but never forgotten.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 10, 2013 @ 14:34:29

      Cat, you still are doing so much in helping people… and I so love that you are always putting people first.. I am certain also that for those who you visited, You too were not forgotten!… Thank you Cat for sharing… Hugs Sue xox



  10. marina kanavaki
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 19:08:30

    You try to take care of yourself and friends [and WP] will go nowhere!!!



  11. lynnkaren4101
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 22:36:52

    Hi Dreamwalker, you have such a heart of gold, that each person you visit are not out in the cold! I’m so proud to be your friend, as without your love my heart couldn’t mend! Much love and kindness your way Dreamwalker, many thanks for all which you do to make our lives more richer xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 10, 2013 @ 14:44:10

      Lynn we each heal from within, and I am humbly blessed that we have known each other for so many years …. You need to write more of your wonderful poetry my friend THIS is a true healer as you unleash your emotions held within.. Many thanks for your wonderful compliment and encouragement Lynn… Love back to you 10 fold. xx



  12. Gray Dawster
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 00:01:55

    I haven’t visited your blog or anyone elses
    hardly at all for ages and I need to get back
    on track with that. You work hard and have
    a very important role in helping others that
    depend on wonderful care and real attention,
    which is really nice i think. You don’t need to
    apologise for not calling anywhere, life is not
    always so simplistic but one thing is for sure,
    you are and have always been a lovely friend,
    and not just to me, to everyone that you know
    I have been reading your blogs for years and
    can tell you that everything that you add here
    means a lot to so many people. You add those
    positive vibes, awesome postings with detailed
    and incredibly interesting features. In truth you
    are a wonderful friend to have on WordPress 🙂

    Have a lovely weekend Sue you deserve it 🙂 🙂

    Andro xxxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 10, 2013 @ 14:48:57

      Andro, thank you for your very kind comments over those years also my friend.. Although our blogs are vastly different in content, your depth of understanding that Light and Darkness of vibration works in our dualistic world, shows in your own talented posts my friend.. Thank you for being such a loyal friend over the years… ~ Namaste Sue



  13. prenin
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 01:54:31

    Having done eleven months as my neighbours carer I can see where you are coming from! 🙂

    Love and squishy hugs my friend and thanks for being you!!! 🙂




  14. kp
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 02:43:54

    Sue…it sounds like a very busy time for you….take care of yourself….we will all be here when you are ready to get back to writing…Virtual hugs from Kim



  15. orbphotog
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 07:39:27

    Welcome back to your laptop for a brief hello. And, thank you for sharing this poem that gives us expanded awareness of another person’s world.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 10, 2013 @ 15:15:46

      Thank you for the welcome back.. and I am pleased you enjoyed the poem, those who take life for granted often do not see the perspective of those who are trapped within another world.. I am pleased it opened up awareness…. 🙂 Blessings ~Sue xx



  16. gingerfightback
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 13:12:33

    No rush Sue the role of a Carer comes first!



  17. jennygoth666
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 21:44:34

    hi dreamer thankyou for e mail a while back just came to say hello to a busy lady xjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 10, 2013 @ 15:20:41

      Jen, many thanks for dropping in, I know you have had lots to deal with recently and my thoughts and prayers are with you in your sad time right now… But I know that its often always darkest before the dawn light.. Love to you Jen.. ~Sue xx



  18. europasicewolf
    Jun 09, 2013 @ 23:46:57

    Different reasons but very similar results! I’m getting a temporary reprieve to catch up a little, but it won’t be a long catch up, can’t keep eyes open! Know what you mean about switching the brain off…so chill and relax, no apologies necessary, you’re human after all!!! :)xx



  19. Marko
    Jun 10, 2013 @ 07:44:22

    Hello! I wish you a successful new week.

    Acacia Flowers – Kwiaty Akacji



  20. cheryoncake
    Jun 10, 2013 @ 09:09:59

    I think your order of priorities show what a lovely caring person you must be. The blog will always be here. Make sure you look after yourself too



  21. Valentine Logar
    Jun 10, 2013 @ 12:41:05

    Truly spectacular and meaningful. Thank you Sue, as always you remind me what is necessary and needful.



  22. muriellerites
    Jun 10, 2013 @ 12:52:13

    This brings me back years ago as a young mother with 2 kids in diapers. They usually cried in unison. I learned to detect which one cried loudest and would attend to that one first. This is what your heart does, it tends to focus on the most urgent need.



  23. Summer
    Jun 10, 2013 @ 14:42:01

    Sweet you,

    I’ve an award for you, for the person who you are and the things you share with the world

    Peace is a free choice, this Award for you to..

    Thank you for that..

    Namasté, Summer



  24. Deb
    Jun 10, 2013 @ 22:30:03

    You take all the time you need, Sue. I know what it’s like to not be able to reply to comments and visit other blogs.



  25. giselzitrone
    Jun 11, 2013 @ 12:35:15

    Liebe Sue wünsche dir einen schönen Tag ein schönes Gedicht was du wieder verfasst hast es spricht aus deiner Seele,Ich wünsche dir noch eine schöne glückliche Woche und eine große Umarmung.Gruß Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 11, 2013 @ 17:13:25

      Liebe Gislinde, segne dich, dieses Gedicht, das ich nicht geschrieben hat, wurde es von einem Freund geschrieben. Ich hoffe, Sie sind mit einer guten Woche .. und nochmals vielen Dank für die Zeit nehmen, zu lesen … Das Leben ist für mich in letzter Zeit beschäftigt .. Aber ich hoffe, bald zurück zu schauen in regelmäßiger an Ihre eigenen schönen Beiträge .. Umarmungen Sue xx



  26. Jimmy vs. World!
    Jun 11, 2013 @ 16:18:19

    That is by far the most legitimate explanation I have ever heard!



  27. Alex Jones
    Jun 11, 2013 @ 21:16:16

    Sue, you have your priorities right. I am in the same boat as you. I have had to substantially reduce my involvement on WP for a few months.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 11, 2013 @ 21:59:07

      Alex, good to see you, Funny I was only thinking on you and here you are… I hope all is well with you? Yes our priorities have to put things into perspective.. 🙂 Wishing you well



      • Alex Jones
        Jun 11, 2013 @ 22:01:39

        Thanks for your best wishes. I face challenges in life as you appear to be also facing. I sit outside a pub at this moment on a bench using their free WiFi to communicate with you on WP.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 11, 2013 @ 22:11:48

          Alex, life is often fraught with obstacles I have stumbled over many and fallen.. But one thing I do is pick myself up and dust myself off and starting again is hard, but it brings with it lessons we needed to learn and grow from, Lessons I find that always bring us through the challenges strength……. Make the most of the Free Wifi 🙂



  28. Patinspire
    Jun 12, 2013 @ 14:25:48

    Hi Sue, your posts are always so inspiring and you give a unique perspective to life. Happy you are back and keep well 🙂



  29. natswans
    Jun 12, 2013 @ 15:10:58

    Oh Sue we all understand and take time till you are able.
    Lovely Poem
    Hugs Sheila xx



  30. aussieian2011
    Jun 14, 2013 @ 11:50:31

    Hi Sue,wishing you well girl, you certainly are very busy in your life,hope you get a little time to relax and smell the roses, you are a rose to all those you help and support.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 17, 2013 @ 14:35:14

      Thanks Ian for your well wishes, yes life can get a bit hectic at times, thats why is all important to take time out now and again to remember those who are important in our lives.. And to also remember that we need to take care of ourselves… Thank you Ian for that wonderful compliment 🙂 ~Sue



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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