Walking, and Working in the Peace!.

This last week has been so full as it was a short-break Bank Holiday last weekend  here in the UK and although I worked through half of it, I made the most of the other half as I connected back to Earth through digging in the soil. Ok well not digging, Hoeing out the weeds.   I can not believe we are already here at the weekend again!.. 

When we go out into nature, whether that be walking or just in your own back garden or in my case in our allotments this weekend, its amazing how refreshed you feel after connecting back with Mother Earth. 

Making the most of fine days to plant  and knowing too just when to plant out those tender shoots which often can get caught out in those last days of frosts can be a bit of a gamble especially as the weather has thrown us some surprising turns as we’ve had some cold days and hail storms in one of our coldest springs in 30 years here in the UK.

Here is how all things in the Garden grow and you can see how Herbert is doing.

Click onto the photo’s to enlarge and start slideshow. 


Walking is also another Passion. Seeking out those silent places to walk and gather in the Peace in the  environment allows us to pull in our energies and reflect upon the beauty of creation.. We see so much beauty as we look at the cloud formations, the woods,  wild flowers along with the animal and insect life we encounter.

We all need time out to spend in Nature or just sit in our own space. And I am sure we can all find our Sacred Groves to gather and be closer to Nature and our own spirituality.  In the past a Sacred Grove consisted of Native Trees chosen for their wisdom. Oak, Rowan, Hazel, Elder, Silver Birch, Willow plus many more. There would have been a special connection to Spirit of the place through the Earths energies..

Have you a special place you enjoy to visit as you absorb in Natures peace?

By eating plants, we are linked to the plant Kingdom, the cycle of Life. Plants like trees hold their own healing properties.. How many of us are drawn to give flowers to someone who is feeling ill.. or as a tribute as a mark of respect or to give to show our affection and love..

Flowers give their life to enrich ours, have you thought of that?..

For when we pick them, we end their life cycle.

If you have flowers that have died why not compost them as they can once again be added to the cycle of growing. Flowers give so much that we can admire them for a few short days indoors…. So please resist picking the wild flowers and let them reseed in their natural environment so more who walk by can take in their beauty.

When we work with plants we are participating with Nature, we are interacting with Mother Nature. We regain our balance as we blend and feel that Oneness within ourselves again.  We must try in our Modern day world to take time out and give our thanks for Natures Larder and  growing your own veggies helps give something back as we nurture seeds and see just how marvellous Nature is in her wonderful miracles of life unfolding from those tiny seeds. We not only  see those plants we eat as vegetables, but those which we have long forgotten  how to use as medicines, such as the wild flowers and bark… All which science today substitutes with chemicals….. Plants work in harmony with our bodies.. and those ancient tribes of long ago knew so much about natural healing with plants.. 

Below are some places I went this weekend this was the picture of the woods with the stone cross,  along with some other favourite places of Peace I visited.  Please click each photo to enlarge and read the heading. 


“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
― Albert Einstein
Enjoy your time in Nature this weekend.. 
Love and Blessings 

65 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. marina kanavaki
    May 31, 2013 @ 19:13:52

    Ah… look at Herbert!!!
    No words Sue, I just love your post[everything in it!]!
    🙂 Have a blossoming weekend!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:38:39

      Marina, Thank you, Yes Herbert is still doing a fine job.. Apologies only just getting around to answer you… My Weekend was a long.. This weekend however I plan to rest!…. 🙂 Hope your weekend is peaceful.. ~Sue x



  2. penpusherpen
    May 31, 2013 @ 19:21:10

    I’ve just been enjoying Nature in my garden Sue, and as you say, by doing so you feel part of the bigger picture… Dying/Pruned plants either go into my composter or my brown Bin which the Council charge an annual fee to colect, and break it all down for local fields. I used to walk the nearby Woods with Bess, (many thanks for your lovely comment … I still feel a tug when thinking about her… even though it’s been 2 yrs, it still hurts) … BUT as I was saying, the trails we used to walk, oh my, .. was so wonderful communing with nature, healthy and uplifting, nothing can beat it methinks.. Loving the update of your allotment, … and Herbert to of course.. he’s looking quite at home.. 🙂 … We are part of the bigger picture puzzle , and as one piece of jigsaw to another, (I think I’ve got 3 indents and one out-dent !! 😉 ) have a wonderful weekend, my friend.. love and light, xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:41:11

      Hi Pen, gosh it seems an age since you posted this comment.. Sorry only just having the time to reply.. Yes the allotment is coming along beautifully.. as is our Granddaughter.. Herbert is still standing to attention and my Granddaughter took him a dandelion this morning.. 🙂 Will be calling by soon… xox



  3. cat
    May 31, 2013 @ 19:24:37

    I so enjoy your post, Dreamwalker, Spiritdancer, Souldrum … you are so much more to me … thank you … I put up a post for you, called “Fancy” … there is a video attached as well … it shows the May 2013 Pow Wow Grand Entrance Ceremonies in Edmonton. Love always, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:43:47

      Cat, awww thank you… Spirit-Dancer and Soul-drum… wow what a compliment! … I am touched … I will be sure to call in VERY soon Cat to view the post called Fancy! … love a good Pow Wow! 🙂 love always my sister!



  4. Deb
    May 31, 2013 @ 20:45:47

    Oh, Herbert looks so good. I bet he’s doing a fine job too!
    I’m really missing my gardening this year. I have a few kinds of tomatoes plants and several bell peppers though, and for that I an grateful.
    Your side of the country is very, very beautiful!
    Love your post, Sue!
    Have a really good weekend!
    Hugs xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:47:08

      Oh I am really pleased Herbert is a hit with all you ladies!… He really is a charmer… At least he is charming the birds.. LOL and keeping the feathered variety away!…. Hope you having a great weekend this weekend Deb… Hugs Sue xxx



  5. Ruchira
    May 31, 2013 @ 22:10:28

    Another insightful piece, sue

    I usually ground myself visualizing roots growing from Mother Earth and around my feet. Gosh, the heat I feel is amazing.

    Have a good weekend. I loved all your beautiful captures.



  6. prenin
    May 31, 2013 @ 23:30:08

    Love the post hun and Herbert seems to be doing his job!!! 🙂

    God Bless and much love my friend!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:50:43

      Herbert is doing just fine Prenin, I hope you are also Well my friend.. bare with me I will be around to visit you Very soon!.. Just getting back into the swing!again… 🙂 Hugs ~Sue xxx



  7. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 00:17:52

    I think Herbert likes dancing with the wind in the rain….
    your garden is coming into it’s own even with y’all’s weather…perhaps an alchemist is at work spinning magick…
    Wonderful wandering within your world’s view with the words you paint me a picture
    as well as great photos…Your granddaughter is gorgeous.!Olde Soul….came in knowing who she is….
    Take Care…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 14:53:59

      Hi Lady Blue, thank you, Herbert I think is getting his fare share of lady admirers! 🙂 Thank you for the comment about my granddaughter, Yes olde-soul.. to say she is only 2 and a half… she talks like a 4 yr old, and this morning when visiting straight away told her Granddad she wanted to go see the allotment.. She watered her Sunflowers and took Herbert a dandelion.. 🙂 … Hope you are well.. love and Blessings ~Sue



  8. livingsimplyfree
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 01:36:14

    Sue, your granddaughter is so beautiful and you can see she is already in tune with nature. Your allotment is coming along nicely I hope you have nice weather from now on. I had no idea all that land set aside for your allotment was so close to homes. I keep forgetting how crowded things can be there.

    I have that same quote by Albert Einstein, his thought were so far ahead of his time. I have a few favorite spots in nature, along the lake is one, but right now its the Little Cove I can sit in there for hours and listen to the birds, watch the insects, and can’t hear the sounds of the modern world. Seeing the number of birds that have returned to hang out there since we started clearing the area makes my heart sing.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:00:26

      Hi Lois, yes the land is surrounded on all sides by development housing.. lucky for us its only a five minute walk from our home.. But some travel miles to rent the plots… There is a waiting list now for vacant plots.. Thank you for your comment upon my granddaughter, She is very ‘In tune’ with Nature, amazingly so… I am so pleased you enjoy your little Cove.. I love nothing better than just sitting listening and watching the birds… Especially now as they collect the worms and insects for their young in their nests.. They certainly make our hearts Sing!.. 🙂



  9. jacksjottings
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 07:02:52

    It is a pleasure to see the photos of your garden. The words of wisdom you write are so insightful. Then the quote, Albert Einstein realised how every thing is interconnected nothing can be destroyed it can only change, as you explain the flower turns to compost to feed and become new life. To be close to Mother Nature like coming home.
    Lao Tzu Quote, “The highest virtue is to act without a sense of self. The highest kindness is to give without condition. The highest justice is to see without a preference.”
    This is the punch line from Lao Tzu,” Tao, alignment is to be in rhythm with the elements.” The Tao is a inexplicable force that keeps every thing in balance I think that force is nature.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:04:23

      Hi Jack, thank you for your most welcome visit.. Yes Lao Tzu, also so insightful The Tao is indeed a way of living.. in harmony and balance.. And once we all learn we are all interconnected, we will see what ever we do to another we do unto our own selves… Thank you for sharing that Quote

      Lao Tzu Quote, “The highest virtue is to act without a sense of self. The highest kindness is to give without condition. The highest justice is to see without a preference.”

      Many thanks……. ~Sue



  10. giselzitrone
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 09:25:27

    Hallo liebe Sue einen schönen Samstag wünsche ich dir schöner Bericht wie immer sehr lehrreich,wir haben nur Regen hier ein scheußliches Wetter kein Sommer.Habe nur noch einen Blog auf Blog Kunterbunt ist sonst zu viel zu schreinen Grüße und ein schönes weekend Freundschaft Gislinde http:// zitroneplog.wordpress.com



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:06:56

      Liebe Gislinde, ich war traurig, Ihrer schlechten Wetter von regen und Überschwemmungen zu hören .. Wir entschuldigen uns für einmal haben jetzt eine heiße Wetter Summer …
      Wir entschuldigen uns für den Besuch nicht, ich war beschäftigt mit langen Arbeitszeiten .. Aber ich werde Ihnen sehr bald besuchen …
      Liebe Sie
      Sue xox



  11. giselzitrone
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 09:26:58

    So Tolle Bilde vom Garten wunderschön Grüße und gute Ernte.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:08:42

      Danke Gislinde, ich bin glücklich, Sie genießen meine Garten … viel Liebe zu Ihnen .. Ich hoffe, Sie genießen Ihren eigenen Garten und ich hoffe, dein Wetter ist viel besser an diesem Wochenende .. Liebe Sue xox



  12. Cat Forsley
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 13:50:40

    so gorgeous sue sue …………. a little speechless for once …………..
    mega peace and quiet in this – sumptuous quietude about it xx Love xx C



  13. Eddie Two Hawks
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 15:33:40

    As you stated “flowers give their life to enrich ours”. Their beauty and fragrance help bring our attention to that perfect place of happiness. Your walk illustrates the charm and regeneration that comes from being in nature among all that is with and from our Earth.
    Thank you Dreamwalker for the walk through your garden.
    with love, Eddie



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:18:51

      Eddie, I was happy to share my walk and my garden… In fact if more could perhaps take time out and look beyond their self-made boxes into Mother Nature’s Garden they would see so much beauty, and would experience so much self healing… We need only breathe deep and take in her wonderful air…. as the Sun caresses our skin…. to know we are touched at all times by our Mother! Earth….. Many Blessings Eddie for your kind and generous thoughts…….. ~Sue 🙂



  14. Christy Birmingham
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 20:06:32

    Your photos and words are a delightful combination! You are out enjoying nature! I love to walk, as well. There are lovely trails close to home and it is invigorating to stretch my legs and inhale the fresh air. Wishing you a lovely weekend!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:21:10

      Christy, inhaling the fresh air brings to us a sense of vigour and life..I would so love to see some of your own Nature trails… Thank you so very much for adding your thoughts here… I will be along to catch up soon with your own posts… ~Sue xox



  15. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 23:56:31

    I really enjoyed this post Sue – thank you for more glimpses into your developing ‘larder’ and walks. Herbert is looking fabulous! 🙂 You are so right about the earth and nature and the idea of recycling and valuing all that grows for us. I also love the photo of you with the beautiful yellow seed oil – I can see some fields from one of my windows – a long way away but the yellow is so vivid, just a blast of beauty on the horizon. Much love Sue and thank you for sharing xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:26:09

      Hi Ruth, Many thanks for your comment.. The splash of Yellow brightens up the fields and is such a useful crop, all be it not for the hay-fever sufferers with the excess pollen.. Loved your phrase

      thank you for more glimpses into your developing ‘larder’

      I hope to post a few recipes on some healthy eating of some of our crops too in the near future… Love and best wishes to you Ruth, hope you are relaxing too in our warmer spell of weather.. 🙂 Love ~Sue xox



  16. Duma Key
    Jun 02, 2013 @ 10:33:05

    Sometimes easy to forget behind this fake world of materialism, behind the hassle and bussle of everyday life lays this whole other world, getting smaller each year, but like av whole other place!!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:46:15

      Thank you Duma, your perception to the ‘Fake World of materialism’ is worthy of a Sage who is opening up to the Realities of Life around him… You are expanding your own horizons as to what lays in this ‘whole other world’:-) I hope you share with us some of your own achievements within your gardening skills… 🙂



  17. Visionkeeper
    Jun 02, 2013 @ 14:07:18

    I so hear you DW !!!! We do share that strong connection. You have such beautiful places to walk around you. Always they have that enchanted look to me. The trees add the touch 🙂 Your grand daughter is amazing! I can see why you have such a great time with her. She loves the earth as well 🙂 Thanks for sharing all of your photos and wonderment. It is always so appreciated. You are teaching your readers well about what really matters in life. Keep it up and oh, btw, the garden looks grand but soooo much space to weed! Better you than I…Ha! Be well my friend and have a wonderful weekend…..Love and hugs…VK



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 15:52:22

      VK thank you, your thoughts are always so welcome.. I appreciate your comment upon teaching my readers about what really matters… Life is sacred, and we should not waste a moment of it… And yes my granddaughter is pretty amazing!… But then being her Gran I am slightly prejudice in that view LOL.. 🙂 But she so connects to nature. We found LadyBugs this morning, while she was watering her Sunflowers.. 🙂 amazing how in 10 days since these photo’s were taken how much more everything has grown, given the fact we have had some Real Summer Weather this past week… 🙂 Will be catching you up Very Soon.. Love DW xxx



  18. lorrena
    Jun 03, 2013 @ 06:45:21

    Love the pictures and loved the “scare crow” but the best is the one of your grand daughter and shine of her imagination will certainly make it all grow so much better Sue..Imagination like “Jacks” magic beans,never forget.they can take us to new and higher heights growing and stretching to the stars above inside and out..



  19. Doris
    Jun 03, 2013 @ 18:12:26

    love the garden & the photos of the flowers are so pretty.
    thank you for your nice comment on my wp blog.
    have a good day



  20. giselzitrone
    Jun 04, 2013 @ 09:18:43

    Wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Dienstag schöner Garden aber ich weiß viel Arbeit.Lieber Gruß und Greundschaft.Gislinde.http://zitroneblog.wordpress.com



  21. aussieian2011
    Jun 04, 2013 @ 13:50:46

    Always a pleasure to relax in your world Sue, and to take time out and feel the vibration of the earth through you descriptive words.



  22. Aneesh
    Jun 04, 2013 @ 18:21:16

    I dont have much experience in farming , but when i see the pics it looks awesome :). Herbert looks great!! Still dont get it why the pigeons are not coming towards him!! 😀

    As i read your thoughts further regarding the flowers, i felt how flowers are to us, we are to this world. We come for a short period of time and be like a rose or Lilly etc try to be someone to this world!! Just a thought 🙂

    As always great post.. take care 🙂 … Keep Smiling….



  23. Renee Espriu
    Jun 05, 2013 @ 01:40:51

    Love all that you are doing and admire that you give so much effort to it. Such a sweet granddaughter. I have 13 grandchildren and they are all growing up so fast. Sorry to not have visited lately. Been getting the house ready for the market and training at work nonstop, it seems, on a new system so my brain as well as my body is weary. I look forward to a new place and calmer seas at work. Take care.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:04:39

      13 Grandchildren! Wow! Renee, and I bet each one brings you so much joy! .. I hope that your sale of your home goes well Renee, please do not worry about lack of visits, I too have been struggling to keep up with work loads.. No wonder you feel weary… I am certain soon all will be calm when the much needed changes are made both at home and at work.. Sending you a Big Hug… Love ~Sue xox



      • Renee Espriu
        Jun 10, 2013 @ 00:30:45

        Thank you always for your support, Sue. Last week I was at work 10hrs every day except Fri and to keep up my own work before training came in at my regular time so basically had 12hr days total plus before I could get to bed. I do think that will be the worse of the training although there is more to come through the end of July. My daughter and husband are doing wonderful work on the yard and will help with some other things to get the house ready to sell. I will be glad when I am moved into a smaller place and work has calmed down. Take care. xox



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jun 10, 2013 @ 15:28:00

          Renee, thank YOU also for your kind support dear friend.. It sounds as if your days have been like mine… long and hard… But I am certain all will be worth it in the end, as all will come together very soon…. Sending you lots of love my friend.. xox Thinking about you. ~Sue xx



  24. Sabina Brave
    Jun 05, 2013 @ 09:31:29

    Hello Sue,
    You live in beautiful enviroment 🙂 I get peace in nature too.
    Love, and blessings.



  25. Unsungpoet
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 03:51:25

    Love it love it love it! Awesome post, Dreamwalker, so full of rich true information and, once again, so on the same page as my world at this very moment!…It’s no wonder to me that I tuned in today to this entry, it’s really speaking to me and as always your words are so eloquent. As I am on an online “time limit” I will have to return soon to catch up some more…Love your photos also…hope all is well in your corner of the world, but it appears as though it for certain is…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:13:31

      Bless you Unsung!.. so good you caught up and happened upon this article that you obviously needed to read… Yes all things are well with me, I hope all is well with you my friend… take Good care of you! 🙂



  26. lynnkaren4101
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 22:08:51

    Hi Dreamwalker, it’s always refreshing to read your blogs especially when times are hard…I was at a loss this morning and a long walk with hubby seemed to ease some of the tension I’ve been feeling…Fantastic happy photo’s too…Much love always xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:16:24

      Hi Lynn, know that my thoughts are with You and your Family Lynn,,, I did read your posting and was so sorry for your loss… I will drop on by Very soon .. It was so good you dropped on by, such a long time, I hope it will not be so long in the future… Big Hugs my long time friend.. xox



  27. europasicewolf
    Jun 06, 2013 @ 23:16:10

    Back to nature…that’s what I need 🙂 Sorry for the delay getting here, it’s been sitting in my inbox with dozens of others sadly neglected due to my battle with technology! See – I’d do much better getting back to nature like you! Still, I get to be half way there via your lovely photos…always good to join you for these occasions 🙂 Wolfie hugs xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:20:32

      No apologies needed Wolfie, Same problems here in finding the time… But sympathise with your techno battle’s.. Hope you having a trouble free weekend, and getting some Sun soaked into your fur!… You don’t know how lucky you are not to be affected by the midges.. :-D… eating away at your bare skin! 😆 Sending you a Mega Hug.. 🙂



  28. becca givens
    Jun 07, 2013 @ 20:50:52

    A delightful journey … Herbert looks like he is doing his job and taking it seriously 😀 and your granddaughter is precious … love her hair, expression and pose!! Have a blessed weekend!! xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 08, 2013 @ 16:24:13

      Yes Ginger hair runs in the family Becca, and Herbert is getting quite a fan base.. both on Word-Press and on the allotments! 🙂 He is doing a fantastic job of keeping the pigeons off.. Some other gardeners have had to replant stripped young cabbages… 🙂 Hope your weekend is full of family love and healing… Sending you my thoughts to all of you… Hugs Sue xox



  29. natswans
    Jun 12, 2013 @ 15:01:09

    AH I see him standing there , it made me smile your Granddaughter giving him a Dandylion . Your allotment is looking good well done,
    Enjoy your week Sue, it’s drizzle here today the sun has left for now.
    Sheila xx..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 12, 2013 @ 15:08:36

      Hi Sheila, yes windy and drizzle today, but the gardens need some water.. We have been watering by hand each evening..
      Glad you enjoyed Herbert on Duty …. Hope you enjoy your day 🙂 great to see you xxx love Sue



  30. Alex Jones
    Jun 23, 2013 @ 19:23:25

    Nature, great healer and teacher. I try to make the most of the long days and warmth in nature, already half the Summer is over.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jun 30, 2013 @ 15:30:30

      Yes, Half the Summer gone and still awaiting Summer!… But we have had a few good warm days… Time is speeding ever faster… Nature has always been the Healer… and Teacher… Should we care to watch listen and learn.. 🙂



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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