Peaceful Beginnings

Having taken time out recently from my Blogging Community I’ve become aware just how many of us are now seeking to alter our own personal space as we ‘Tune in’ once again to our own personal Vibration.

Spring is all about renewal, rebirth and growth and I think many of us are seeing how important it is for us to find Balance in our modern day to day busy life styles.

As I type, the whole world every moment is re-tuning, altering and raising her vibration as evolution takes us on this next phase of our Earthly Journey.  Many of us may feel we are in uncharted waters, each of us waiting in expectation of this next phase of our existence.

My own personal changes have I admit been hard to adjust to. Why? because I’ve always had an active working career while being committed at the same time to my Spiritual work. This year I promised myself to pursue the things I love doing, Painting being one. Slowing down and learning to take things in your stride, you would think easy. But its hard to change the habits of a life time as we learn to say that little word No to others as we learn to please ourselves more.

Spring Vortex  Spring Vortex

As our vibrations alter more and more are now recognising the ‘Signs’ which are there for all of us which guide our daily lives. I picked up a spiritual magazine the other day, and as I flicked through the many pages of ways of connecting to your higher/inner-self I smiled as I read the many advertisements to enrol in this course or that. It reminded me I had been on my Spiritual Quest for the best part of 40 years as I pursued this and that as I’d gained my diploma’s in healing and other alternative therapies.  I had read the spiritual books which line my bookshelves, I had done the various meditation techniques, I had done the vegetarian years..

Now it is time to listen to that small voice within. Each of us hold the keys of knowledge, and the higher your vibration rises then more of you will learn to tap into your inner vibration,

The Knowledge is within.

You will learn to discern with your intuition, your feelings,  for you are unique only you can tap into you. You will know when its time to change. What  you may also notice as your vibration alters is that your body may hurt as you adjust to your new found frequency. You may have headaches, Pains in your bones, stomach upsets. Your memory may appear to play tricks on you. You may find the company you keep in your circle of friends start to clash.  You may get the urge to change jobs, careers, location.. You need to know this is the time for regrowth a time for balancing. Shedding past trauma’s, letting Go of old wounds.

When life gets too much,I rebalance by getting out into Nature, or sitting in my own silent space painting or knitting.   We are all to often bombarded with negative energies as the communications systems overload our brains to bursting point with Negative news. Its hard to re-programme your mind which for generations have been influenced by our upbringing and surroundings.

If we look to Nature we see she doesn’t argue or strive to be superior, you will find she thrives by co-existing with her neighbouring species of animal or plant. Just open your eyes and see how everything is interconnected at some level.

We are not separate from Nature, we are part of her, but somehow we’ve come to believe we are superior-knowing better than Mother Nature, thinking we can do a better job. As a consequence we’ve interfered with and upset the Balance of her exquisite creation.

Anyone who lives out in the country knows that when man leaves his scars upon her, deep though they maybe, once man moves on, Nature eventually will reclaim the land back, restoring, reseeding and regenerating. If you look how water flows, you will see it finds its own path, Nature too is finding her path, always evolving, restoring and adapting.

Mankind has lost much of his direction in the pursuit of Material Wealth. We have lost that flow with Nature, we have forgotten how to breathe and adapt. No longer are we at one with our Earth as we think ourselves Separate. 

I see many now floundering in this vortex of Greed caught in the material trap. Panic setting in as instinctively people feel those changes now taking place around our world.  Our senses are telling us we have to alter our way of being. We are feeling our Energy Changing, you will start to question and seek out ways and means of reaching a more peaceful state of BEing

By all means go on your Pilgrimages, seek out those sacred sites, read your spiritual books, this is all part of our journey as we raise our vibrations, its called Enlightenment. Its been a huge part of my own path.The higher and faster our vibrations resonate, the Lighter we become as we move away from the denseness of Matter. 

But nothing beats the journey than that of Self Discovery as you visit that sacred place within your own soul.

So as Spring is the time we feel energised as we clear out the clutter, do yourselves a favour and clear out some of the debris from your minds and listen to that small voice of silence. Find the time to connect to your own Sacred Space that place which vibrates in harmony within your own being.

Breathe in the energy, become at one with the moment, make this a ritual as you let go of your stresses, go with the flow, let go of your thoughts and find that place inside. And as you learn to let go of your thoughts you will learn to reside in the spaces between them. Listen to the Pin drop, and become the pin.

This is a time where we need to keep Calm and Peaceful, This is the time for Peaceful Beginnings as we let the walls of our Fears fall away.

Learn to connect again to your Inner-self

and learn to love your True Light.

I know I AM

Blessings to you All..

Sue Dreamwalker  


40 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. cat
    Apr 03, 2013 @ 19:27:39

    Just came back from my trip to Europe … overwhelmed by the mixed emotions I received from friends and family …seems almost too much to take … thanks for sending your blog post at this time … I feel peace growing in my heart … and I thank you … Love, cat.



  2. Mia - Lights of Clarity -
    Apr 03, 2013 @ 20:16:17

    This was a helpful post. I think we all need reminders sometimes to seek the peace within us when things seem in disarray.



  3. Tom Merriman
    Apr 03, 2013 @ 21:21:50

    Sue, I’m always looking for signs… and your post has reminded me of a sign that I see regularly on a telephone box… it’s an advert for ‘Signs’! It always makes me smile when I see it! But I agree with you about taking time out. We need it!



  4. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Apr 03, 2013 @ 21:57:30

    watching the rain, listening to the thunder and
    the rest of leaves from the LiveOaks are falling to the ground…
    Feels like Autumn today…the ground is covered with leaves, a chill in the air
    and I can smell fireplaces working today….a wet chill….
    you could have been writing my last 7 year journey, I have the classes, books, and in a reading yesterday i did for myself, and Neale ? What God wants you to know email saying enough books, enough seeking knowledge, time to put what you already know in action…
    per usual, you always confirm what I want to hear…see as a sign…
    Being a Solitare I ventured out when I listened to Goddess one night, Whew! has it been a roller coaster ride….such a mixture of pain and joy….
    I wandered back to me….I am tired of trying to fit in and understand this world…
    I like it….
    I am crocheting, quilting switching back in forth today in between wandering in the rain, checking on the gossling’s nest and the them too…everyone is tucked in, in their own space….last night when these storms began, I watched the geese….
    they go out into the open and stand very still facing East, just watching, very alert to the surroundings….then in one of the lull’s they went swimming in the instant ponds in the driveway LOLs…
    you are so very right we learn from Nature….everything gets done, just a matter of accepting the pace and going with the flow…
    another gem DreamWalker, thanks for confirming my thoughts …again
    Take Care…
    You Matter….
    and I am doing only what feels good and right also this year…mundane life gets in the way, but eventually I getpast it



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 04, 2013 @ 17:24:46

      Ladyblue, I am happy my post resonated with you just now.. I often think we are linked in 🙂 as your posts have the same affect upon me 🙂 I would just love all the various wild life you have that surrounds you.Thank you for all you do also Ladyblue.. wishing you a wonderful weekend Love and Blessings ~Dreamwalker



  5. livingsimplyfree
    Apr 03, 2013 @ 22:58:55

    Spring is always the time that my energy returns. I tend to hibernate during winter, I go inside myself as well and examine where I am and where I want to be, then spring for me is when I take action. Lovely post, Btw, is that one of your trees, I adore it.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 04, 2013 @ 17:28:04

      Well spotted LSF, yes this painting is one of my own, I have completed the four seasons now, and will be adding them in a separate post.. Im so pleased that the Spring is Springing! and along with it, so we too are waking up.. Thank you for your compliments 🙂 ~Sue



  6. iamforchange
    Apr 04, 2013 @ 00:29:22

    Wonderful post Sue! I have to say your words resonate in myself as I am sure in many.. Cant wait to see the things you create with love and light!



  7. prenin
    Apr 04, 2013 @ 09:53:00

    Nice to see you are doing so well hun! 🙂

    May the Force be WIth You!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




  8. John Hayden
    Apr 04, 2013 @ 16:18:59

    Reblogged this on WORK IN PROGRESS.



  9. penpusherpen
    Apr 04, 2013 @ 17:12:40

    Two years ago, Sue, I tried very hard to change my life, I was grasping, trying to force the change, and it all fell apart in my hands… leaving me uneasy with who I had become, and what the changes had done to those around me. I had to ‘go with the flow’ and just become myself again, forget about what I felt I needed and accept that what you need comes to you, not the other way around. Finding yourself is a great way to start, your inner spark, which lets you know you’re back on the right path… Your words above give much to ponder on… love and light … xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 04, 2013 @ 17:45:20

      I think Pen when we force things we go against the grain… I have been there and done that LOL.. and even when I got the signs to tell me in the year 2000 to not accept a certain job post I went ahead. Even though the Universe told me not to. It gave me ‘Signs’ on my way to my interview as another car hit my wing-mirror and knocked out the glass, It gave me ‘Signs’ in my uneasy feeling of the place.. It gave me Signs in the fact that each time I went to work when I had started my job there was a road diversion in place nearly every day, steering me away from it, as I travelled in circles in a strange city.. I eventually listened and left, it was another 2 yrs though before I understood I needed to change my career path all together as more obstacles came to make things difficult.. When I followed the flow and just went with a friends suggestion to try something different on the Support carer pathway, then things started to flow as I was in the flow I needed to be..

      Life is all about going with the flow, and so many resist change… fearing what it will bring.. this was my fear… fear of doing something totally new, fear of leaving what I had known, the knowledge I had gained in nearly 30 yrs of working in textiles in production side of things… Life has a plan… we can ride the river and go with the flow, or we can ride the white waters and risk being tipped upside down, the choice is always ours to make.. But the Universe gives us clear ‘Signs’ should we take time out to read them.. Thank you Pen..
      Hugs Sue xx



  10. chicasl10
    Apr 04, 2013 @ 17:52:32

    learn to say no…Hmmm
    we had a meeting to day and ur direct Boss told us the same
    saying not easy cos we have learned to help always.
    but when it turns out that u have troubles with urself Then its time to learn
    and use the word NO
    be well and a wonderful weekend



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 04, 2013 @ 19:08:16

      Smiling here MJ, Yes, that little word which at times is so hard to say… Remembering to be good to ourselves is important.. Thank you for that MJ, While we do not like saying No very often, we do need to say Yes to ourselves… 🙂 Love and Blessings Sue



  11. Duma Key
    Apr 05, 2013 @ 01:17:50

    I Know how you feel breaking old habits, learning to let go and finding new ways, sometimes these days I feel like one step forwards and two steps back, my mind screams no…my voice says yes…..but slowly the patterns change and life around evolves.

    I always find you posts liberating and normally they fall at a time when I am refining my own thoughts or stuck at a cross roads… moving forwards opening doors leading to new places.

    I like the thoughts on nature, no matter how deep we mark her, she heals…she is us, with in us, who and what we are…..yet in our own complex way we think we own her….like we try to own everything else.

    reminds me of something I once read…..debate about science and nature kind of thing……”is this not an art that nature makes”…..we are all part of the same….and limited by nature as to what we can do……its is only nature herself that gives us the ability to do what we do……though she often (especially of late) reminds us of her power.

    Just my thoughts.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 05, 2013 @ 09:42:50

      I am always pleased to hear your thoughts Duma, you understand well about nature. She is reminding us often, But alas Man has interfered so much in her make-up I wonder if she will ever recover from the damage we are doing to her..

      I am shortly going to post a few eye opener video’s on my Environmental Issues Page- you will find on the top bar.. It is something I have known that is going on for many years, More and more now are looking Skyward and seeing the damage being done daily to our atmosphere.. The should be there by the end of today..

      In the mean time all we can do is try to live the best we know how- in harmony with nature, and joining our thoughts and light with her to heal her scars as we try to heal those which we have created with each other..




      • Duma Key
        Apr 05, 2013 @ 09:58:36

        These changes are her warning, her evolution one thing that can never be stopped is nature.
        We lay paths and roads still life breaks through, plants break through over and over its a battle we mankind can never win.
        We stole the coal, oil, gems from her soil she steals are houses, our streets with vast dense holes……though we think we win we can never beat nature we are after all a part of it and long after we are gone she will reclaim it all embrace it in her history and something new begins……as clever as we think we are…..nature wins every time and the choice is simple live with in her realm or she will force us out!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Apr 05, 2013 @ 10:03:43

          Exactly Duma, you have said it all here, We are doing things though which will take thousands of years to recover, Long after mankind as the species has gone, because what we are doing is Killing our environment as well as killing ourselves and our plant and animal life..
          She Win, Because we have become irritants and parasites upon her back! and she will find ways of ridding herself of us sooner or later if we do not alter our ways and learn to live in harmony..



  12. giselzitrone
    Apr 05, 2013 @ 08:47:12

    Hallo liebe Sue wünsche dir einen schönen Tag,wir leben mit der Natur,um alles um uns herum ist Magy,und der Mensch zerstürt alles.Ich wünsche dir ein glückliches schönes Wochenende,und liebe Grüße von mir.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  13. Eddie Two Hawks
    Apr 05, 2013 @ 15:55:11

    More than ever is the need for the encouraging word. Your current beat sends a rhythm of positive thought. It is very uplifting. It helps direct attention towards our own inner light. Thank you Dreamwalker. peace, Eddie



  14. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Apr 06, 2013 @ 21:36:05

    Following the inner-self is so important Sue and you highlight some great points. When you mention saying ‘No’ I think this is a really big one. People are afraid of others and of following their own path – they often say ‘yes’ and then feel resentful. Feeling comfortable in our skin and with our own choices is a great journey. Lovely to see you in nature and painting and following your path! Love to you xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2013 @ 14:51:09

      Yes there comes a point I think Ruth as you understand and know, where by we have to take stock and put ourselves first for a time.. Yes I enjoyed my time out.. and getting in touch with my arty side again for a time.. Next is the allotments calling me as planting season starts.. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words and encouragement Ruth 🙂



  15. Alex Jones
    Apr 19, 2013 @ 14:54:33

    I believe that the circle will have to be completed by returning to the harmony between the male and female aspect of this universe as existed in the hunter gatherer peoples. Intuition and land are female in nature, war and technology is male, somehow in the progress of humanity something went wrong.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 19, 2013 @ 15:00:24

      Yes it did Alex, we lost our way in a huge way… Life was never meant to follow the Ego, and Control and Power took over Male dominating the Female Energies, But we have now entered the Female cycle again .. We are seeing Women coming forward being leaders, we are seeing Compassion is being brought to the fore.. Slowly before our eyes Change is happening, War will be waged in a last ditch attempt to control and keep those forces which have ruled so long on Earth, For there is more to this Earth than meets the eye.. But everything is governed by the Universal Laws and there is no escaping them. We are living in exciting times where Changes are beginning to happen at speed….. Many are now seeing how they can change the world by standing up for their Freedoms and rights, such as the little girl who was shot for the rights to be educated in Pakistan.. We are witnesses to these changes.. And New Beginnings are about to take us all into a new Era..
      Thank you Alex for your thoughts Sue



  16. jacksjottings
    Nov 16, 2014 @ 21:13:59

    Thank you Sue._/\_



  17. thespiritkeeper
    Mar 26, 2023 @ 23:14:23

    Gaia is our teacher, Our inner wisdom is our teacher and for some of us we hold the light to others. Beautiful tree. Much love Joseph

    Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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