Domino Effect


Domino Effect

Another Cup of Camomile tea as I try to sift through the many thoughts which run through my mind. Maybe that’s half my trouble on these sleepless nights, as one thought runs into another.

Its so easy to let our thoughts carry us away. In fact it’s so easy that’s exactly what has happened to our thoughts over the years. We have been carried away. We’ve allowed ourselves to be influenced , hypnotically so into a world of commercialism and false reality.

It’s not often I settle down to watch TV. But when I do those commercial breaks just so bug me, as I feel myself welling up inside at how gullible we are manipulated. I say to myself “Stop it, just let it go”. Letting Go is easily said, and yet so hard at times to achieve with what ever we are faced with in letting go of.

There are so many crisis’s around the world right now, its not surprising that at times we feel overwhelmed and insignificant.

I look at the state of the world it is in, and its seems that as individuals we can’t possibly make any difference to the Mess we have now made.

And then even as I pen these words in my journal, I look to my paintings of the Angels I painted upon my wall, and the words echo inside my head.

“ Have Faith, Faith Can Move Mountains “

And I think at last I understand those words more fully. I look at Nature and Nature never gives up, never feels helpless and lost, she never gives up. Nature just carries on choosing to grow and evolve.

I’ve come to understand we are coming together now at an even faster speed. We are no longer those separate pieces of this giant jig-saw puzzle. We are coming together and our  Like-minds are slotting together. We are those ‘Rainbow Warriors’ from all creeds, all colours, and all walks of life.

We may appear separate, like lone domino pieces. But more and more of us are standing together, side by side in like minded thought. And like that 100th Monkey, when enough of us Let Go and see we each of us can change the world with the choices we make everyday as we merge together, we then join collectively to bring about Change. Then we create that Domino Effect which will send ripples out around the world.

Its time to end commercialism of greed and profit, we all know who these Big Boys are. We need Co-operation for the survival of the world, we need to pull together. Because lets make no mistake unless we don’t Let Go of the way most of us are all living at the moment then we are not going to have much of a future..

The Future is in our hands, The Choice is up to each and everyone of us.

When WE Change- The World Changes  

But we have to start living from our Hearts, and learn to live once again in harmony and balance with Nature and our environment.

Where do we go from here? is our Choice and we need to seriously take a look at ourselves and our ways of living. Everyday we have the power within us to either help or hinder our progress with the Choices we make…

And we have to take responsibility for those choices.. For the choices we all make now will affect our future..

Each of us now must look Deep Within and See that collectively we CAN have a huge impact to tip the scales. We can either Fall one way, or the other..

The Choice is Ours..    

Blessings Sue Dreamwalker

93 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. livingsimplyfree
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 02:58:04

    Thank you for this, Sue. Some days I feel so challenged and think that all the little changes I have made aren’t doing much to help the condition of the world. Then I give myself a talking to and remind myself that I am moving in the right direction and others have joined me in my journey and I keep on trying to do better.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 16:02:04

      I know I get overwhelmed at times LSF as the media belches out the many disasters, War conflicts, Famine, Children dying needlessly due to the lack of simple medical care while their governments spend Millions on War.. I get so frustrated that simple basics which we take so much for granted are not in place around those self same nations, because Life is cheap and that’s how half the world becomes rich as they keep the other half in control and poverty.. But this world is Changing and many now are seeing, really SEEing the World maybe for the first time as Countries say one thing to their voters while doing another… When I first opened my eyes several years ago to the deceptions and untruths the miss-information, the corruption and manipulations of those who WE have put at our helms to do the best for our nations.. When in fact many only do the best for themselves… as they line their pockets with back-handers from big corporations.. Evidence which is now emerging through out our Banking systems which seem to be a law unto themselves.. I quite like the idea Duma has stated in these comments, and I have thought along those same lines myself.. Except the mayhem which would ensue would be another catastrophe to those hard working individuals.. And I often think at times Mayhem is what ‘they’ want as another excuse to control…
      No I like the silent 100th Monkey as we keep our heads and do not allow those Fear Tactics which are bombarding us from every angle to influence us..
      We each have to have that belief in a better way of being… and know we are on the cusp of creating such changes.. We need only to Let Go of Fear and embrace our families and communities in harmony and love and we have each made a start in the right direction.. 🙂



      • livingsimplyfree
        Feb 27, 2013 @ 18:41:09

        Duma is on to something, it would bring catastrophes in the short run, but it may be a turning point. I fear the problems from such actions and for me is to work from the bottom up by returning to our local communities to make things better. Supporting the individual instead of the corporations. Yes, I still have to buy some things at the local grocer, also things from the locally owned hardware store,and a few things I do buy from Amazon. But I have stopped buying without much thought. I buy what I need when I can from the local thrift shop, and have even turned to Etsy to buy gifts that I can not make myself as even though that may not be local, it is still taking the money from the corporations and giving it to the individual. I like to think when I buy from etsy that maybe I am allowing a mother to stay home with her children and by being there will be showing her children that it is possible to earn income without being indebted to the corporation which could lay them off at any time. I believe in providing as much as possible for myself and my family from my garden and other things I find that were believed to have outlived their usefulness.

        If each of us took a stand for what we really believe in, staying true to our values, as I am trying to do I think we could make huge changes that the government and those corporations would have to listen to. For instance, my local grocer has listened to us ask for local and organic foods. During our growing season you will find the vast majority of the produce section set out with the signs telling you exactly which farm (and location) the food came from. That’s a huge difference from past years. I will only buy what I need from the local farmers in the store when available. That’s staying true to my values.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 27, 2013 @ 19:30:00

          This is what I am talking about LSF, if EVERY ONE of us did just those things you speak of here it would indeed go to altering our way of living and in turn alter our governing bodies… This is why I do ‘Feel’ sense LSF that there will be an economic collapse of some nature, because it will only be something so chaotic as to turn our world upside down that we will have to come together and start to live at a community level once again. I see more and more now growing their own veggies, and living simpler lives as they embrace those values you speak of .. My next post was going to touch upon these very concepts and if I have your permission may I use some of your comment given here, and I will be linking your site to the LivingSimplyFree site… But It will not now be for a few days as I have 3 long days at work in front of me… We are placing those Domino’s now carefully into position, all it needs now is for more to come and get in line and then watch how quickly things start to fall away 🙂 Many thanks Sue



  2. cat
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 03:43:10

    I find that it’s best to get up and do something, when I can’t sleep … do something you like doing … and do it for somebody else, rather than yourself … that’s my secret weapon for getting stuck in my own thoughts … Love, ma sista.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 16:08:11

      Thanks Cat, yes often its a trigger of something I have witnessed on the media which sets my thoughts in their chaotic spin, trying to make sense of the world, something I will never do.. But which stirs my own emotional responses…. I know I will be quiet now for a couple of days LOL as I get things off my chest, and return to work.. But its so good to see how other people feel, and I have seen around WP and Blogger are embracing similar thoughts about our Connections to each other and the World Changes.. Love and Hugs back 🙂



  3. bibuji
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 05:21:10

    Spend more money for work, than for goods, would be one of the way for the change, I suppose.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 16:25:09

      What if one day we had no Money though Bibuji, what if Money one day was just worthless paper? and then how would we change the world? We have ALL of us put too much emphasis on Money… We work hard all of us, we have had to, to live.. because our world systems are set to be experienced that way within the material world. Even those who have all the money in the world are not happy.. So what will make us happy? What is it we really are searching for? What is it we are trying to find? and Why are we all of us now searching more and more to find answers to those self same questions of ‘Who are WE?’ And why is it more and more of us are looking not outside of ourselves but we are starting to explore those inner realms, our minds, our thoughts, our hearts through prayer and meditation… I hope that one day our heartbeats can collectively beat as one, as we embrace Peace within ourselves, when that day happens we may-Just May start and experience Peace starting to reign in our world… Lets hope so :-).. Thank you Bibuji for your contribution …. We need to start maybe buy local produce first and help support our local communities thrive… When we pull together in these ways we help bond together and strengthen our society which at the moment seems to be crumbling under our very noses…Peace sent your way my friend ~Sue



  4. Shakti Ghosal
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 05:50:04

    Hi Sue,

    What jumped out at me were your words, “Its so easy to let our thoughts carry us away.” What is it really that makes this happen? Thoughts by themselves are harmless just as they are guiltless.They gain their power through attachment as we start believing in them. And as we believe them to be true and internalise them into our belief system do we open the doors to more attachment and suffering.So what could we do? I believe we need to inquire to test their veracity. To quote Byron Katie, “Thoughts are like the breeze or the leaves on the trees or the raindrops falling.They appear like that, and through inquiry we can make friends with them.”

    Loved the post as always.

    Cheers and God Bless.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 16:53:14

      You are right Shakti, our belief in those thoughts bring them power.. Whether that be a thought we have in the positive or in the negative.. Being human we always seem more apt at embracing those Negative ones, because often our Fear of the unknown is more powerful.. Plus we from an early age was taught to fear the unknown.. We are taught much through this method.. And our minds get into this habit of holding onto the familiar and not wanting to Let go of things which we have been taught are our belief systems.. Our Letting go releases us to as you use in your quote to float on the breeze .. We should make those thoughts our friends….For there is in essence No good or bad.. Just Energy.. .. What will be will be.. We are all of us connected to that energy and like receptors we attract and latch onto like-minded Energy… ‘Like attracts Like’ But its our INTENT which projects that power to create more energy of that same vibration.. So if we are living in constant Fear, we send out our Fear and Fear is what will return.. We are each of now upon our journey home… whether those who are here are aware or not.. We made that choice to be here, now, at this moment in time… I am certain our Higher-selves know full well where those choices we make will lead. and nothing is ever by chance, I am also a believer that ALL THINGS Happen for a purpose there are no mistakes, for the Universe knows what its doing..
      However I am also aware that we can make our journey along our separate roads as rough or as smooth as we wish.. We all get to our final destination sooner or later, some travel the hard road with many repeated lessons, while others learn faster and progress quicker.. We are all of us Equal .. All exploring our various portions of Self..
      Once we shed that belief we need to suffer, Suffering will cease to be.. Once we shed that need to judge and stop judging ourselves and others, the world will be more in balance..
      We cannot escape that there has to be both positive and negative energy here in our realm of existence, for the very nature of our Being here in this material form is to experience both.. And we cannot do that without One and the other..

      However I do believe and again this is My own ‘Belief’ system kicking in here, that we have come to that pivotal point of change, and if we do not embrace a more positive frame of mind, we can topple those Dominos to a negative conclusion which would mean more suffering for many..
      Trying to hold our thoughts impartial should be the key, letting go our our attachment and becoming the observer is what a true master knows to do.. But our Human Emotions and Ego hold us bound at the roots.. Setting us up to follow our emotions..This is what Carries us away…. Our Emotional Responses..
      Many thanks for allowing my own emotional response to this wonderfully posed Question to surface Shakti
      Blessing Sue



  5. Duma Key
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 06:02:23

    “Letting Go is easily said, and yet so hard at times to achieve with what ever we are faced with in letting go of”
    Very powerful thought and prehapes in each of us the hardest choice to face, its so easy to hold on to things, seek justification and loose real meaning, become stagnant and bitter.
    The system is fundementaly flawed and the links are missing, the whole thing set out to provide and protect as become so lost, that it no longer knows what it is.
    Its crazy that in this day and age, people struggle to feed there familys, struggle to heat there homes….and yet day by day we churn out more and more rubish that we dont need.
    Part of it is our own ill ease with Existence, the one thing we are just given, no one asks anything for it….its just there…….when we stop and consider that it can make us feel a little uneasy, so we justify importance and image and get lost.
    The bubble on this system will burst, countrys on the verge of bankrupcy, the workers taxed to the hilt, to bail out the very institutions that put them down.
    Lincoln worked hard to free the “slaves” many years ago in the US…….Moses freeded the slaves in the Bible (I think) and yet here we are once more slaves to a system that holds no significance.
    Life needs to have meaning and the ruling body needs to listen, stop and feel the heartbeat of life…..I have said this many time in recent talks…..we need to stand together say enough is enough…..not with violence and war, but by taking the flawed tools of a flawed system and making it stop…….here in the UK is a percentage of people just went to the bank and drew out all there cash……very quickly the whole financial system would freeze……nothing illegal in taking your money… violence… one gets hurt…….but at the same time the government would have to stop….and listen…….may be then we can start living!
    Sorry bit of a waffle…..!!!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 17:08:28

      Don’t worry about the ‘bit of a waffle’ Duma, I think you need only read my other responses to know I have had a bit of a waffle myself:-) Thank you very much for contributing and giving such an in-depth view. We now need to be aware of the power we each hold Duma and that is via our thoughts and making those correct choices .. Life is in our hands so to speak. 🙂



  6. davidtenn
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 10:51:53

    Subtle distinction I know but most of us think that our thoughts are who we are. Wrong! Our thoughts are just our thoughts and easy to let go. We are our beliefs and finding them and letting go of those that no longer serve is the none too easy exercise. Once we let go and take on those that make us who we want to be, we can take full responsibility. This internal change is only the start and once we have changed ourselves the world will begin to follow. As you say Sue when 100 of us monkeys come together in like mind Wow! Watch out world! Here we come. Love, David



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 17:14:56

      Here’s to that Day David, and I agree entirely its our Belief systems which we hold onto.. and for some they will never awaken to the reality of how the Universe works.. But I live in hope that more and more are stretching from their slumbers and opening their eyes to what is before them. 🙂 Blessings Sue



  7. giselzitrone
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 10:56:08

    Hallo liebe Sue wieder ein schöner Bericht,aber unsere Welt Brauch Leute die nicht so viel Müll produzieren und ein besseres Finanzsystem wo es den Menschen besser geht,und eine Weld ohne Gewalt das wäre schön.Ich hoffe es geht dir gut und dein Karten macht fortschritte.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 17:17:50

      Vielen Dank liebe Gislinde, Ja, sehr wahr, dass wir nicht schaffen viel Abfallprodukte, die wir als Verbraucher leben jetzt in dieser Wegwerfgesellschaft .. Ich hoffe nur, dass wir die Welt zum Besseren Gislinde ändern, bevor diese Änderungen nicht rückgängig zu werden .. liebe Sue



  8. beverley
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 11:32:36

    There is so much noise in the world today that too many people do no feel or hear the rhythm of life that is going on all around us and i think that is the way that Satan wants it to be, because we can no longer hear God through the noise.



  9. Crowing Crone Joss
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 12:25:13

    This is such a hopeful post. Hopeful because the possibility for change, for turning things around, is a seed planted within each one of us. We can water it, shed light on it, and even cover it with manure – as in all this sh*t – and nurture the seed of change into a beautiful blooming of change and consciousness.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 17:26:42

      Joss, Let us hope we can plant more and more seeds for change, We are all now I feel planting more and more… I live in hope that we can harvest a beautiful New World through our Collective Consciousness… One seed at a time… We will nurture and grow 🙂 Many thanks for your visit



  10. Gabrielle
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 12:26:01

    Great post Sue! I know about those sleepless nights. Night time is the most peaceful time and gives us the chance to reach deeper than we can during the day, with all its distractions. Perhaps that’s why we have sleepless nights? 🙂 Like you, I often look for ways in which I can change my life to be more in harmony with nature. We WILL do it sister, it’s just a matter of perseverance – we have come so far, we won’t stop now! At last we are starting to see the changes that we’ve worked so hard for, and we will see them snowball faster from now on – like all the dominoes falling, one after the other! 🙂
    Much Love and (((hugs))) xox



  11. prenin
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 12:51:30

    All I know is that Big Business is killing our planet and now resource hungry China is setting out along the same path we made and are paying as we did.

    We have sowed the wind – how long before we reap the whirlwind???

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 17:32:34

      We are in that now I feel Prenin.. You are wise my friend, all I know is that we have to let go of our Fear of those whirlwinds, And choose wisely as those whirlwinds surround us.. To make peaceful choices, and ones which will unite our communities not divide them. 🙂 Hugs Sue



  12. Valentine Logar
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 12:54:22

    There are days Sue when it just seems overwhelming. You bring those bright spots of hope, such a gift. I suspect it is the dreariness of winter that has me in its grip right now, but overwhelmed and blue seem to be two imps on my shoulders.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 18:51:55

      I live in Hope Val that we came here to this planet not to destroy it but to help ourselves and our planet to evolve…. I think we are swamped with overwhelming emotions as we tap into those Negative reports world wide which bring so much dismay into our homes.. Without the TV and Newspapers informing us of those negative energies world wide and on our doorsteps I think our outlook on life in general would improve.. I too can have an ‘Imp’ sitting upon my shoulder, I choose to sweep them away, as I have had them there before and they brought me down… and I do not intend that to ever happen again my friend…
      Sending you a Cosmic Hug (( HUG)) your way…. Stay Bright and Light Val, We are eternal Beings of Light after all… 😉



  13. Cat Forsley
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 13:27:27

    beautiful and softly powerful sue sue ………………………… bright sunshine beam you are xoxoxo C xx



  14. penpusherpen
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 14:56:04

    the choice is definitely ours, Sue, and some days it’s hits you like a smack in the face that things are not right, will never be right ’til we all face up to our responsibilities… Those in power, able to change things, have to respond to the way things are going… they live in the same World s us, they are affected just as we by the changes set in motion every single day… Should we Humans suddenly disappear from the face of the planet, what legacy would we leave behind?… Hopefully one which could be overcome by Nature itself… A thought inducing blog my friend. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 18:44:41

      If we humans did disappear Pen, I doubt whether Mother Nature would Miss us much, and it wouldn’t be too long before she was rebuilding herself, one only has to look at how Nature’s growth soon pushes through the tarmac we put down.. Without us spreading our pollutants I am sure she would soon thrive and repair… Lets hope we help her along the way with making those choices Pen… Thank you Sue xox



  15. Deb
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 15:34:09

    Thoughts that we don’t agree with, yet keep can get into our hearts and begin to form a belief system. We all have the power to pick and choose what we want to think about, and how we want to think about it. It’s all up to each of us…and responsible for it as well.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 18:58:29

      True Deb, our thoughts are often based upon our Beliefs and changing something which is ingrained for centuries is hard to change.. We are each responsible dear Deb for our perceptions and ways of thinking which often result in actions taking place… Let us all at least start taking responsibility for our thoughts and the choices we make along the way… We can not change another.. We each have to start with SELF 🙂



  16. Paul Handover
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 16:30:22

    In my case, poor nights of sleep are largely the result of an aged bladder and too many dogs sleeping on the bed.

    Then I read this on the BBC and really started to worry about poor sleeping –

    so there …..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 18:38:21

      I read the BBC article thank you Paul, I have no problem dropping off to sleep for a couple of hours, I think I ‘Power Nap’ gaining the Sleep I need… So I would sooner write or read than toss around with tumbled thoughts.. 🙂 Interesting though how our cells are altering through lack of sleep and many now I speak to who have had normal nights sleep now are finding themselves having sleepless ones… 🙂



  17. zendictive
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 17:15:49

    “Its time to end commercialism of greed and profit, we all know who these Big Boys are. We need Co-operation for the survival of the world,”

    The other day, I had a dream that was as real as it gets and to make a long story short, I fell into a building that allowed me to see that things are not as they seem, with big buisness running the commercial realm to the hilt with disreguard for life, enviorment and moral ethics… with the police and lawyers in their hip pocket these big companies decieve us in order to feed their addiction to wealth!!!! (~_~)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 19:04:34

      You know Art….. I think your Dream was very insightful in that is exactly what has been happening, But Changes are being made as we will soon see with the economic climate … Criminals of such high places do not reside in four-walled cell blocks, but in mansions…They are never brought to justice because they are often those who make the laws of the land!



  18. lorrena
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 18:38:45

    We are indeed one as one peoples and one being.We are all that is left .The remains of various hominid beings who I truly know were endowed with this same “enlightened” spirit you talk of Sue.
    And it is the end of a new beginning ,all of which was prophesied by the same “dominoes” we have left fallen and unaware that the ancients who wrote the script were warning us of all that is unfolding.
    I sense many though will not know nor understand as this reality has taken them within its arms of materialism and social conditioning ,sometimes we are blind as to what enlightenment was to be and become.
    All creatures great and small and all of life within the energy confines of Mother Earth should of been allowed to flourish under the enlightenment of humanity.
    The guidance and the caretaker we were to be has been discarded by lust,greed ,sloth,envy etc.And now in this time within time we can see why the enlightenment some tried to propel along the way of history was meant for all of us beings and not for the good of those who would only benefit by stature.The “conscious caste” of the ages has withheld humanity from reading out of the one book that defines us all.The Book of Love.
    This book of course is not full of pages nor was it even written down by the hand of human.It is within our hearts and the measurement of the energy fields and the frequency as to how we truly relate to balance of the above “oneness””.
    Considering that all that has been will be in time space and material regardless as you see this same consciousness and the divide that has occurred is an illusion in itself.Consciousness was never trapped with those mechanisms of the mind as it is separate from the world we manifested.
    And that my friend can tip these same “dominoes” over in order that we learn who we are.And begin over the cycle of the Golden Age were enlightenment is for everyone .All creatures great and small and all hearts that beat as one within the same oneness that defines truth.The truth of frequency and the vibration of Love .
    An essence of unity and the division of none ,some call it the “Utopian consciousness” .I call it being,being one.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 27, 2013 @ 19:13:50

      Lorrena, Yes I fully understand your statement,

      All creatures great and small and all hearts that beat as one within the same oneness that defines truth.The truth of frequency and the vibration of Love An essence of unity and the division of none ,some call it the “Utopian consciousness” .I call it being,being one.

      We are ONE. If only more could see Many thanks my friend ~Sue xox



  19. Eddie Two Hawks
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 20:53:02

    It takes one candle to make light in the darkness of the unknown.
    Spread your light Dreamwalker…
    peace, Eddie



  20. starproms
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 21:05:02

    It’s probably the tea that’s giving you thought dreams! Amazing what goes through our minds when we are half asleep or dreaming.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2013 @ 17:19:53

      Yes it is isn’t it Oma…. our minds are incredible tools, often our thoughts are centred upon trivia ….. If We understood the real Power of our thinking. We would use it more constructively I feel.. Both in our Waking World and within our Day-dreams… 🙂
      Wishing you a wonderful Day 🙂



  21. Kourtney Heintz
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 21:36:45

    Very empowering and also holding oneself accountable. Great insight Sue!



  22. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 22:02:05

    Very true, Sue. I feel frustrated every time I catch one of those appeals on TV for £2.00 a month for this cause, £3.00 a month for that one, etc. I feel those pounds are only paying for the commercials and the advertisers, TV companies and charity big-wigs are getting their share before the cause they are appealing for gets theirs. Probably a bit of a negative view on my behalf, I suppose, but we’re being forced to focus on the negatives… and thousands of people viewing suffering will inevitably bring in more suffering. If we focused on a better everything for everyone, including the planet, we’re bound to start seeing the positive changes that we want. Only thinking that way doesn’t pay…
    Another great post once again, Sue, and I hope that you sleep better tonight! 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2013 @ 17:23:32

      Tom, thank you, First yes I slept better, and second you are so right I often say exactly the same thing.. We should concentrate more on the positive changes that we want… and I hope that to be in one of my next posts…. Just caching up here… so that may be a while! 😉



  23. europasicewolf
    Feb 27, 2013 @ 23:12:46

    I’m falling all over the place!
    Wolfie hugs 🙂 xx



  24. Bodhirose
    Feb 28, 2013 @ 03:36:17

    I hardly pay attention to the news and media blitzes any more because what you place your attention on is what will expand in your consciousness. I’ve realized that I need only be the best that I can be..the most positive in my own life and that will trickle out by that domino effect and reach out into the world. I believe every vibration that we emit goes onward and outward into infinity. That’s all and the best I can do. It does no good for me to fret, worry, ponder and immerse myself in all the ills of the world…absolutely no good. It helps no one. Yes, I still do get indignant and angry towards so much that I would like to change but in the end, I realize I can only live my life as positively and loving as I am able. We can make ourselves sick with worry and concern and just how does that help?

    You got a good dialogue going here, Sue…good comments.

    Love and hugs,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2013 @ 17:30:40

      HI Gayle, lovely to see you here…
      I agree entirely with your words here Gayle, I get frustrated firstly for the interruptions of the programme Im settled down to watch and then I see just how stupid and childish are some of these adverts which hook people in….
      It just got me thinking how gullible people are.. Like watching their Soaps on TV thats all they can talk about are these fictional drama’s… I Feel so sorry for people who get hooked into them and have nothing better to do.. Some actually get very involved in them…
      You are right we do the best we can do.. and We now have other more important little charges that we need to nurture into the world’s True ways of BEing 🙂
      Thank you For your in-depth comment Hugs Sue xox



  25. The Emu
    Feb 28, 2013 @ 07:05:22

    I think we are losing more people to technology Sue, not intentionally on their behalf but by the momentum it has evolved into, easy living for those that choose to opt for modern technology and big bucks to those who rule the technology world, these are the people who can only forsee a future in the techno world as opposed to the natural world as the great architect of the universe envisaged.
    Cheers girl and keep your heart smiling.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2013 @ 17:40:50

      We have to accept we live in a material world Emu, that I accept, and gadgets and technology are part of that as we humans have progressed in this area in Giant Leaps.. But at what cost… Here I am now sat in front of my little screen.. I can communicate across the world to you and others which is great… and some of you I know better than I do my very neighbours across the street.. Some of those I do not even know their names!…

      We progress but we have lost much along the way.. We have lost our community Spirit.. We have lost that sharing and caring These are the values which need to return… This is the way I wish the Domino to fall..
      Many thanks for your comment Emu… Im smiling back 🙂



  26. giselzitrone
    Mar 01, 2013 @ 12:34:37

    Danke liebe Sue,ich wünsche dir auch ein schönes glückliches Weekend und alles Liebe lese deine Beiträge immer sehr gerne.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde



  27. andrewmstevenson
    Mar 01, 2013 @ 15:58:24

    That’s a powerful message, Sue. Powerful in the sense of how it impacts our current thinking. Power is very much misused as you have experienced in the TV adverts, the thoughtless manipulation of those who seek only gain for themselves. The state our world is in now, demands a plan already in existence. Technology, science, spiritualism, even common thought, are all coming together to face this global threat. As we become aware of our souls purpose of sharing love and light, we desire to reconnect for the common good. We are sick of this capitalist market and all it encompasses. It is possible, if desired, to live a simpler life. We lack only the will. I do believe there is a shift globally to put the future in more capable hands: our own!
    My thanks for your post. Love and blessings,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2013 @ 17:51:50

      Thank you for this comment, I know many more are now waking up to commercialism and how often we do not realise we are being manipulated and miss-sold the ‘Truth’…
      Many take everything at face value and do not see how the ‘Game’ of life has been played….
      But many now are opening their eyes at last and we are gathering our thoughts together more and more collectively and when enough of us start to say Enough.. then we will see the Domino Effect 🙂
      Many thanks Sue



  28. morristownmemos by Ronnie Hammer
    Mar 01, 2013 @ 21:58:05

    Sue, I admire your positive outlook and view. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were right about small changes having the power to change the world? I hope so.



  29. chicasl10
    Mar 02, 2013 @ 12:49:51

    Sue Its lilke a cold drop on a hot plate. And the plate is huge. But every single drop is coming down and a bit smoke is coming off the hot plate. Maybe it doesnot help But sure worth to try.
    I have same as u Sue Sleepless nights. We think too much ( words my bro always says) Have a wonderful weekend and try to empty ur head before bed ( Good advise from a person who has the same problems)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 03, 2013 @ 18:32:02

      Smiling here MJ, yes ‘We Think Too Much!’ and If we do not try adding and altering our thoughts to the hotplate MJ, then nothing will change.. So we have to keep things Sizzling! 🙂
      Thanks for dropping by 🙂 Hugs to you ~Sue



  30. Alex Jones
    Mar 02, 2013 @ 22:37:00

    Hi Sue, your words reminds me of the idea: “we are change masters, we are change makers”.



  31. Warrior Poet
    Mar 03, 2013 @ 07:18:23

    Beautiful, Sue, always beautiful.
    Love & light,



  32. marja
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 05:47:43

    Hi my dear I am happy to be back and read your inspirational posts again. I missed it. I just had a long phone call with my friend in Holland that people are unhappy in Holland as so many have to cut back at the moment because of all the . I told her that we choose to cut back when we moved to NZ and when you make it a choice than it doesn’t hurt . We had a roof above our head and enough to eat and that was all that mattered.
    I now know when me or my husband loses our job that we will survive and i think most people will survive. My friend and me decided that it will also change their perspective for the good, after going through some pains though. People will have to turn away from materialism and find another view of life if times change.
    A way that can save the environment. Yes faith changes mountains and people like you help to make shifts in thinking. Arohanui marja



  33. marja
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 05:55:41




  34. marja
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 05:57:40




  35. Marja Blom
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 06:05:17

    Hi Sue I am not able to comment anymore so I try one more time ith facebook.
    I am happy to read your uplifting posts again. I do think that people like you will make shifts in thinking happen and that;s what is needed first to make change in the world. I was talking to my friend in Holland who told me that many people were deeply unhappy because of government cuts etc. I told her that we choose to live of a little hen we moved to NZ and because it was a choice it didn’t hurt, as long as we had enough to eat and a warm place to live and we were able to tick these boxes.
    I think many people will have to go to the pain of letting loose of materialism but eventually it might mean a changed perception ith a new goal in life. That would automatically help the environment if when people become more aware.
    So I think there is hope and of course as you said faith is important and all little changes help Take care and arohanui
    marja from



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2013 @ 14:33:33

      Marja, thanks so much for being persistent and Trying, you got here in the end, and now both your accounts should now have no trouble commenting.. 🙂 Yes a simpler lifestyle is what is needed, we buy far too much- much more than we need in food, clothes, and ‘Things’ which to decorate our homes or refurbish when what we have is adequate. We live in a throw away world .. But we are going to have to come back to basics.. and a much simpler way of living very soon… Bless you Marja.. Hugs Sue xox



  36. Michelle
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 12:29:36

    Hello my friend!

    Wow! I am so glad I read from your blog today, even if just for a little bit.

    I too have a hard time letting go of thoughts at night, but lately, I am so fatigued and not feeling well that in the evening I sort of pass out. I wake then at three or four am not feeling so well. All the thoughts built up and like a tower they come crashing down on me. It isn’t fun. I have lately been drinking Sleepy Time tea, and it helps.

    I wish more people thought like you, Sue. I get upset inside when I hear Americans talk about our President in the context of him being (without saying the word) against Democracy and freedom. They say he wants to bring us down, but I don’t believe it.

    I read yesterday and watched a video about Ivory and the elephants. The show was on our public television station. My heart breaks for the elephants. I am surprised lately at what all is on that station. I hope, in my heart, that more and more people might watch, and hear the message, which has been the same for a long time. We need to care about each other and our planet more than we do money. It is plain and simple.

    Many people are hanging on to old ideas that have wreaked havoc on not only our planet, but our communities and families.

    As a child, my Baptist grandmother told me that one day, at the end of time, families would be fighting each other. She described a world that looks very much like America does today.

    Fear and greed runs the show, and those of us who think about love, kindness and caring for the planet are called names that hold no respect. I would rather be on the side of love.

    I hope you managed to sleep. Thank you so much for sharing with the world Sue. Your words are powerful and moving.

    Sweet dreams to you, for many nights to come. May you be Blessed with peace in your mind.

    Michelle xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2013 @ 13:36:02

      Michelle, so lovely that you felt like dropping by and commenting, Yes its hard to get out of our human habits of worrying and our minds never run on empty do overtime in the twilight hours.. Ive been pondering upon just what we all can do in our lives to bring about changes for the positive.. And you also have helped me within this thinking zone Michelle, as you with your Green Healing Notes have turned something into a positive by your connection with nature .. Something we all can do… Breathing in love and light, and letting all the debris from our hearts be expelled …. So simple we think its too easy to work.. But the more I see how we hang onto all our worrying the more we send those negative vibes out into the cosmos as we fear the consequences of the damage we are doing..
      I hope to create a post.. Its half in my mind..

      I have been sleeping better thank you

      I hope you soon feel stronger Michelle and Brighter… sending you a Big Cosmic Hug xoxox
      Sue xxxx



  37. Colleen Costello
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 12:33:11

    Beautiful words and makes us remember that our very essence is PEACE AND STILLNESS and this stillness within us could change our world.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 04, 2013 @ 13:58:04

      Many thanks Colleen for adding your thoughts… Here is to Peace and Stillness within… For we need to go within and create that space of stillness and peace in order to experience it outside of our selves upon our planet..
      Love and Light



  38. Marko
    Mar 04, 2013 @ 19:32:50

    Hello Sue! I wish nice new week and invite you to watch my new photo album.

    Waiting for Spring



  39. Jo Bryant
    Mar 07, 2013 @ 09:31:38

    you are so right Sue…nature never gives up no matter what we do…if only we could learn even that from her



  40. IdealisticRebel
    Mar 11, 2013 @ 07:21:38

    You have a wonderful blog and it is always a pleasure to stop by. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Barbara



  41. Ruth Nina Welsh
    Mar 12, 2013 @ 19:39:57

    It’s so important Sue, as you say in your post, to realise that we can make a difference. I think that this is the single thing which immobilises people and contributes to apathy with e.g. the environment, we often feel that what we are doing can have no significance. But of course, if we all work on these things, it makes a huge difference. Brilliant post Sue xx



  42. Doris
    Mar 15, 2013 @ 16:24:34

    Hello my dear friend,
    have a wonderful weekend



  43. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words
    Mar 17, 2013 @ 20:10:04

    your words drawn people to you for you speak so softly
    they hear you so clear….
    once again I am drawn into your field of energy to be calm…to hear
    i know this sleepless nights well…they seem to come when I don’t want to see the tomorrow that should be, but fear of change and letting go suspends the other half of the dream….
    we are change every moment….learning to let go of the ones who cannot escape the everyday trappings is the hard part for me….but each to their own lesson, even when it is connected to yours….
    a Wonderful Post DreamWalker….
    Take Care…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 18, 2013 @ 18:40:16

      Today LadyBlue my calm felt ruffled but I vented of a little steam and once again see we see our way forward in uniting with positive changes.. Even if at times those changes on the surface may not appear to be happening.. we are still casting our pebbles into the pond creating ripples 😉 Many thanks for browsing and I hope those sleepless nights are soon soothed .. Love and Blessings Sue



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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