


Throughout the ages there have been many prophecies for us to think about, The Millennium was one, where we were told computers would go on the blink and some thought that the world would come to an end..  All Prophecy is fluid and changeable.

Our future is not set in stone..Why is that? The reason is that we create our own reality through our thoughts, through our collective thinking, known as mass consciousness.

What a prophet  sees is only one of the probable outcomes of our future, if we don’t like what the prophet has to say then we have the power to change it.

Many books are being written and have been wrote about the forthcoming Earth changes and you have only to click onto the net to see the many that have been written about the pending changes which are supposedly to happen in the year 2012. When the Mayan calendar ends

Many in the past believed that our earth’s demise would come from an asteroid, or nuclear bombs, or a shift of the poles so as the Earth tips on her axis. Who knows?

But the Mayans knew about the cosmic cycles, and scientists are now acknowledging that the Earth is far older than was first thought, and that civilizations were thriving on Earth way before ‘the cave men’.

The scriptures of the Indian Vedas also describe cycles of creation that span millions of years, including civilizations that flourished and then decayed and perished. The Mayans themselves appeared out of the mist some 4,000 yrs ago, and just as mysteriously disappeared back again.

So are we not just such another civilization? The thing is we think we are invincible, untouchable with our technology.   We have created our weapons of destruction, and seem hell-bent on destroying each other. Warring factions want their power and control over others fuelled by greed by those few who are in positions of power.

Several years ago I wrote a poem called Earth, I described how the Earth is a living organism as if she has feelings, which she does and we as humans were her irritants on her back..

I feel that it will be nature we have to look to. And not because of global warming, because who knows if civilizations have been as advanced more so than us in the past, then has not the Earth gone through global warming before?

The Mayans described at least 5 different ages or cycles in the past each lasting just over 5,000 years, and each ended in a cataclysmic cleansing of negative Karma created by man. And then each new era mankind would start again from scratch form, from the survivors.

But as I said in the beginning, nothing is cast in stone, and that is why many are writings books on enlightenment and we are getting messages from our Angels, Inspirational speakers, life coaches, and healing and the alternative therapies are all coming to the fore  along with our Indigo and crystal children.

Because our mass consciousness CAN make a difference to this world.. For thought creates.. Unfortunately what is being generated around this world is so much negativity. The Media thrives on churning it out, and we get caught up in its negative web.

What has brought this home to me more now than ever before is the Earthquake we had in the UK this week, whereby I, who live in the centre of our country felt the earth shake and shudder. It made me think how very fragile we are in the face of nature and her wrath, and how in the blink of an eye all that we know could change.

And as I write this the wind is howling a gale outside as if to reiterate her might.


The Hopi whose name means ‘people of peace’ have traditions that date back thousands of years. These teachings point to prophecies that would manifest just before what they termed a great purification of the Earth. It would be a time when the Earth would shudder and tremble causing much destruction in order to cleanse the planet of karmic negativity. Not too long ago I played a video on my in which the Hopi said that those prophecies have now been completed.  I hope to dig it out again and post above.

The Hopi also said the weather would become unpredictable and would ‘cleanse away many things with wind and rain.’ They said we must each be self-sustained and go back to growing our food from Mother Earth. Above all, they said, man needed to go within himself in order to gain spiritual understanding of what would be happening. Their prophecies matched the Mayan prophecies.”  

Here are some of the Hopi signs heralding the coming purification telling us that it is near…

Trees everywhere will be dying (it’s going on right now).

People will build a house a throw it in the sky (Skylab, Mir, the current space station)

Cold places will become hot and hot places cold (that is happening with global warming, global weather patterns are changing)

Land will sink beneath the sea and rise above it (such changes have already begun)

The appearance of a blue star (in 1987 a blue star made its presence known when a hot blue super-giant exploded and made world history as a spectacular supernova)

There will be paths in the sky (airplane contrails and chemtrails)

There will be cobwebs in the air (power lines all over the United States)

A “gourd of ashes” will be dropped from the sky to burn the land and boil the oceans (atomic bomb)

These signs are pretty obvious and all have come to pass.

Just a few thoughts for you this weekend between My Soul Journey. 

I wrote this back in 2008 and have reposted it again…

Have a Wonderful Weekend 

© Sue Dreamwalker  2008- 2012 All rights reserved.


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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