My Journey of Souls~2

A little Background knowledge about me.  Part 2.

So what is happening in our world and why are so many of us appearing to be going through our own personal traumas, Just what is this ‘Shift’ and Ascension people are going on about? And how are we all involved in this journey?..

Before I can answer these questions you may have to be a little patient for I first need to tell you a little of my own background and how I woke up!..

Waking up to who we really are hasn’t just happened, no one turned a switch on within my thinking mind and said ‘Believe This, for this is Truth, far from it. Its taken me over 20 years of ponderings, reading, researching, listening, watching, and Feeling, to understand that this ‘Knowing’ within my being was guiding me to come out of the cocoon of what I believed to be my reality and discover we’ve only perceived part of what our true reality really is… And even then No one holds the whole picture, for so incredible is this Journey of Souls…

We each of us grow up within our families within our societies within our various cultured backgrounds, being taught morals, beliefs, history, science. We absorb knowledge by which we measure our surroundings and reality of our world. Believing totally all that we have been taught because there was no reason to disbelieve, why would there be?

Being spiritually aware from a young age I guess you could say I had always connected to whom we term as ‘God’, ‘The Great Spirit’. ‘Our Heavenly Father’, our ‘Divine Creator’, ‘The Source’  whom ever your particular teachings of beliefs put as that ‘ALL Mighty Creator of All Life’, I would constantly as a child pray to this ‘God’ whom I was taught lived in Heaven, which to me was up there in the sky.

I would pray earnestly each night for the rows and fighting  of my parents to stop. I would pray for my brother and sisters, I learnt to pray about many things.. I was not brought up in a religious home, my parents didn’t go to church, But I was sent to Chapel each Sunday to Sunday School where I would take my younger siblings, I sang in the choir and attended Bible Study, So religion played a huge role in my upbringing. I believed in Christ Jesus,the Bible and knew most of the New Testaments Stories. I totally got it that Jesus could heal the sick and wanted to show people how to love one another and created miracles to happen…

I would talk constantly to my invisible friend God and my invisible Nun, I had seen her as a child around our home, she calmed me, helped me, and soothed my Soul…Even one of my younger sisters had seen her which verified it for me when I was around 14 years old.. She wasn’t a nun who had a headdress like the Nun’s I had seen in my neck of the woods, no her hat was white, like a 3 pointed star…


So religion as a theme ran close to my heart from a very young age.. Then as you grow life takes over… I got married, moved away and it was in our first home that those senses I had as a child started returning again. As I would hear footsteps climb the stairs, bumps in the night that no amount of jumping up and down on squeaky floorboards could replicate. 

One time I even witnessed a form of a first world war soldier materialise from the waist upwards as if he was asleep in a chair, He opened his eyes to look straight at me, as I summoned up the courage to find my voice to ask who he was, as I spoke he vanished into the ether’s in a blink of an eye…

I was looking to de-stress and was reading the local paper when a small add just seemed to jump! out of the page at me advertising ‘Meditation Classes’ They happened to be held at our local Spiritualist Centre.  Now this advertisement was only put in the paper once, and I swear the first time I read it, it just Jumped off the page at me, have you ever had that happen? And that ‘feeling’ of just knowing you had to follow as your gut instincts kicked in…

That was the first Sign I knowingly followed. To me back then Spiritualists were supposed to be spooky weird people, such had been my religious upbringing and my perceptions had been coloured by others opinions and teachings, saying they walked with the Devil…

But once I walked through those doors and was greeted with such genuine warmth and sincerity, my curiosity and thirst to find answers led me to return..

So began the opening up and understanding of my own awareness of my psychic abilities and that Knowing that we were in fact ALL Spiritual Beings here on Earth.. And that we lived in the physical here in this dimension to experience and that I had senses that connected to that other realm, The World of Spirit…

So I was set upon the first rung of my Journey of Souls… The Next steps are what I found out about our Soul Journey…     

To be continued….


102 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Visionkeeper
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 17:08:48

    Oh and what a journey it has been!!! We all will have that moment when the lights get turned on and can never be turned off again. It explodes your mind open and away you go, down the research trail and into the spiritual realm…Thanks DW. I love reading these….VK



  2. davidtenn
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 17:33:44

    Like you Sue back in 1989 my first steps over the threshold of a spiritualist church were like coming home. Love David



  3. MindMindful
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 17:43:34

    I HAVE had the experience of something jumping off the page at me —->> Something I Need To Know. It’s a marvelous start to a journey,yes?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2012 @ 19:42:47

      Yes its a wonderful start to any journey… that Feeling of knowing we are being guided along our way…. Often we are given the signs to follow, its recognising them and then trusting in them enough to follow them through.. 🙂



      • MindMindful
        Nov 28, 2012 @ 20:09:11

        Sometimes it seems so clear, & other times it is so difficult to trust,you know? I think those are the times when I am most in my own way, LOL



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 28, 2012 @ 20:16:32

          Yes I know what you are saying, our heads rule our gut instincts… we all have built within us our gut instincts and our ego and heads often get in the way…I know I ignored a few signs along the way,,I knew I had to get out of the career path I was in, yet hung onto the security of what I knew, it led to two more years of misery … Until I finally took the Sign given and followed it through…
          Sometimes we could all do with a neon sign LOL to light up 🙂



  4. Gabrielle
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 18:00:34

    Wonderful post Sue. I always find it interesting to hear how others ended up on a spiritual Path……We all come from such different backgrounds, and yet we connect with each other in so many ways. 🙂 It’s amazing how we’re guided by Spirit to find and develop our abilities in such different ways as well…..perfect for each individual’s growth! Thank you for this peek into your life Sue 🙂
    Love and Blessings xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2012 @ 19:49:32

      Hi Gabrielle, lovely to have you visit, and Yes we each have walked so many different paths but isn’t it great how that we are all players in this wonderful Orchestra of Life…Each one with a message, a note, to add to the Cosmic Symphony we are all a part of.. 🙂 Thank You Gabrielle for following my journey 🙂



  5. prenin
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 18:16:47

    I used to see and sense so much when I was a child and always felt I had a guardian watching over me.

    For years I would see things that nobody could explain until a shared experience with one of the guys at work when we saw a woman pass through the securities room and off out of our line of sight.

    We went to investigate – she was in Victorian dress – only to discover a bricked up passage where she’d gone with no way past us as we were working at the exit to the room!!!

    My workmate never went back into that room, but I was OK about it because I felt ‘welcome’ if that makes sense!

    As I became an adult though I lost that capacity a bit at a time and, since my breakdown, I find that I sense less, but sometimes I just ‘know’ stuff and have learned to keep it to myself as people put it down to my mental condition.

    Sometimes having been shoved in a pigeon hole can be a right pain!!! 😦

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2012 @ 20:00:48

      Bless you Prenin, yes often our abilities change with time. for me too, I see less now but sense more….. And as for those boxes, I think many who put labels upon us live in their own little boxes of ignorance… Instead of putting labels on, they should explore the pigeon coup! … 🙂 And learn to fly a little 🙂 The world is full of wonderful strange people…. Who is to say what or who is normal 🙂 If we were all the same what a boring world it would be…. Hugs to you my friend 🙂



  6. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 20:12:05

    Hi Sue, a fascinating post, and I can’t wait to read more!
    I’ve never been to a spiritualist church myself, and with my self-imposed time restraints at the moment I can’t actually see myself going there anytime soon, either, but I think one day I will go. I think I’m being ‘gently nudged’ in that direction, if that makes sense, rather than seeing a clear sign telling me to go.
    I love reading about your encounters with spirit, my own encounters are quite vivid but not very frequent of late… maybe I need to open further before taking the next step.
    I’m looking forward to your next post, Sue… and have a good evening today!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 28, 2012 @ 20:28:18

      Hi Tom, the first ‘sign’ is that you recognise you are being nudged in the direction of exploring your own gifts. thats the first big step.. and acknowledging that something is occurring…. I never saw things for years, and then in that house all manner of things happened so much so I asked my Hubby to put it up for sale… But those experiences set me on a pathway of discovering about the world of spirit.. Which led me to meet my best friend who started me on another journey .. One door leads to another door and so on,, Nothing is by chance…..
      I found Tom that making that first step opened me up further than I ever thought possible… Until now Im the medium who travels around the Spiritualist church’s giving Divine services and giving messages from loved ones who are in the world of spirit..
      Thank you so much for taking time to share and comment Tom. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


      • mariewilliams53
        Oct 31, 2016 @ 12:26:03

        I was so sad to read about your prayers to stop your parents rowing – my heart goes out to that younger you. I know how that feels. Our lives are so similar in respect of early religious training, domestic issues and paranormal activity. I’m happy for you that you are on the path that you are meant to be. Love and best wishes Sue. xx

        Liked by 1 person


  7. Crowing Crone Joss
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 22:28:48

    I always fascinated and enchanted to read about someone else’s journey. So many of us who have been seekers, have had a hunger for knowing more, sensing more, experiencing more have amazing magical tales to tell. Thank you for sharing bits of yours.



  8. europasicewolf
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 23:33:03

    It’s interesting that you started out in one variety of church environment and ended up in a spiritualist church environment…quite a contrast! I get your point about people’s friendliness though. Goes a long way and whilst my faith in God hasn’t wavered my faith in church goers most certainly has. Sadly, I believe, I now choose to walk my walk with my God without the company of others with the same beliefs as it seems to be the only way not to get bogged down with man’s judgements and criticisms. I know there are good churches with kind people such as you describe in your world, but there hard to find! Ultimately I think most of us in our own individual ways are searching to discover the world of spirit and God reveals himself to each one of us in a personal and unique way that is perfectly right just for the one person it is intended to be for. Very interesting post 🙂 xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2012 @ 17:35:01

      Thanks Wolfie, yes I was Christened into the Church of England, then my parents had a squabble with the Vicar of the village LOL.. Hence I think ‘Mud in your eye’ we were sent religiously to Chapel… Which I loved by the way we would go twice each Sunday, in the morning and to afternoon services, all Five of us children, Me being the eldest… ( Im sure my parents looked forward to the peace on a Sunday LOL ) Knowing what I know now, We none of us need a building to pray to our ‘God’ I learnt that being Spiritual isnt the amount of times we go to church, or the amount we put into the collection plate.. But is measured by the deeds and actions from ones heart… That is where God resides Wolfie… 🙂 Lovely that you took the time to comment and encourage thank you x



      • europasicewolf
        Nov 30, 2012 @ 00:27:45

        Amen to that!! 🙂 Although I know I’m missing out in some ways by not belonging to a church now I firmly believe my walk with God is stronger and more personal now than it ever was when I was trying to be what the church believed I should be. Like you said, God resides in our hearts. And we don’t leave our hearts sitting alone in a church building whilst we live our daily lives do we! I hope one day to find a church which is right for me and I for it but until then I endeavour to walk ever closer with my God. He will always be with me and He will never let me down or let me go! 🙂 x



  9. Cat Forsley
    Nov 28, 2012 @ 23:53:09

    Wow ————– How beautifully written is This ……..
    “Guided ”
    Key word ……………..
    You already Know what I think –
    right > 🙂 smiles xx
    You’ve retained all the wonder and empathy that a child has …….
    THAT is beautifulllllllllllllll 🙂 xo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2012 @ 17:36:48

      Arrrgh Bless you Cat… Well we are both guided… and your words are Music to me ears 🙂 Love to you too 10 fold xoxox



      • Cat Forsley
        Nov 30, 2012 @ 00:23:02

        Guided by angels 🙂 🙂 🙂
        sooooooooooooooooooooo many of them around ———– 🙂 feel them stronger and stronger 🙂
        It’s a beautifulllllllllllllllllll feeling 🙂 🙂 🙂
        i heard this song again today and thought of YOU …..
        very much like your message 🙂 in sound 🙂 🙂 🙂 and words too 🙂
        Love to You 10000000000 Fold




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 30, 2012 @ 12:23:55

          Cat thank you, you will not believe this when I say.. But only this morning I listened to Alanis on an interview as she has brought out a new album, and I said to hubby this is what I want for Christmas, LOL and there you go and choose the very same lady to sing to me… Synchronisities or what?
          Much Love back



          • Cat Forsley
            Nov 30, 2012 @ 12:31:31

            She is amazing 🙂
            🙂 🙂 🙂
            She has a lot of Heart That Woman 🙂
            Makes a ton of sense 🙂
            It’s a Great song huh xxx
            Love the Feel of it xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
            This song is older – from the album “Flowers of Entanglement ” ……….
            Glad You Liked it synchros alllllllllllllllllllllll over the place 🙂
            my fave lyric ….”I am Guarded by the Angels ….”



  10. iamforchange
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 03:10:22

    Sure bait the hook… I am looking forward to the next part. This part however was awesome thank you for sharing it and your heart as you share your story! Thank you Sue your light shine bright for all to see and I am grateful you choose to share it!



  11. chicasl10
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 12:32:38

    Like u Sue i changed or can i say i stood with my 2 feet on the ground. thats now 8 years ago.Something happened and through that my life gets a 360 Turn
    I was borm in catolic family .and same as u had to go to church every sunday.
    Just going and not thinking.
    Now for myself i feel that life is more then just waing up, work and eat and sleep.
    its much more. Tx for sharing ur life story



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2012 @ 17:52:05

      I think MJ we all come to that cross roads at times in our lives, and we either take the bull by the horns or we stay with what we know… For me back then I went with the flow and it led me to meet many people who then showed me another world which to them was normal, to the rest of the world it was ‘Paranormal’ ..

      I remember having a friend who was Catholic she died aged 18 yrs old, I went to her funeral and all the priest seemed to go on about was her sins…. and the forgiveness of them… She was a beautiful girl who died at work collapsing from a bleed on her brain.Nothing was said about her wonderful short life… I could never fathom how a Loving God, who could forgive and be all loving could put conditions on others.. And then supposedly send them to purgatory.. But then a loving God doesn’t its only Man’s interpretation of God’s word… laying down his rules to suit himself.. While breaking them themselves!.. Too many terrible things have been done in Gods name.



  12. natswans
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 12:34:03

    Interesting post Sue learning about you and your first experience into the Spiritual Path ..Must admit I don’t know or understand much about it. But I look forward to your next Post , to understand a little more. Thank you.

    Enjoy your Week
    Hugs Sheila



  13. giselzitrone
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 14:41:47

    Hallo liebe Sue,zu Entdecken über eine Welt unseres Geistes,das ist schön,viel Menschen haben ja ihren Sinn dafür verloren,es gibt vieles was wir nicht sehen, und doch ist es da,es gibt viel Türen des Geistes.Wünsche dir ein schönes besinnliches Adventfest,und alles Liebe von mir. Gruss und Freundschaft Gislinde.



  14. Aneesh
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 16:23:25

    Firstly i would like to say whenever i read the title i remember the story i wrote, journey of a soul., where i tried to say in a small story that we might be connected to one another in impossible ways.

    Secondly as i grew i just felt that GOD might be a concept that people hold on to when they need hope in sadness or share their happiness OR He might be a source of power that we can never imagine, i still dont know the truth
    One thing i think is If at all GOD exists he would always do good for us however we are!

    Thirdly i too had few experience of feeling something which is not actually there or seeing someone who is dead. I never really understood whether it was my mind playing tricks on me.

    Finally, loved the way you wrote and shared your experience and sorry if i said anything wrong… waiting for the next part 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2012 @ 19:48:54

      Aneesh great you are enjoying, and NO you didn’t say anything wrong.
      We all have senses which we often do not use, and when we do, we doubt them, because we have been brought up to discount them for to admit to having them often is met with ridicule and suspicion of not being sane.. You have to understand that there is a Creative intelligence that created this wonderful Planet and Life… The Universe holds its own Laws which Science is now admitting to.. But I when you understand that we are all Co-creators of our own personal worlds then you begin to see each of us have that power within us as we create our world to the reality we think it to be …The power of the Mind which has become so dumbed down with distractions we have lost that ability that once upon a time was second nature to many…

      The Journey is a road that takes us in many different directions in this world of experience.. I am so happy you are joining me as I share mine..:-)



  15. becca givens
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 17:38:20

    Like delving into the story of a great mystery — it is fascinating to read about another one’s journey … and as I hear and/or read, I yearn for someplace to feel “at home” and learn more vs feeling I am “on my own” in my everyday environment … then again, maybe that is the direction/path I am “suppose to be on”. Thank you for sharing … look forward to learning more!! xoxo b



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 29, 2012 @ 19:56:16

      Becca, lovely that you dropped in to comment… No one is on this journey alone, even though I know at times it may well feel as if we are.. We are each guided within our own circle/environments to be and do the things needed as we explore and learn, growing through our various experiences.. Some know they have a mission and their paths seem clear and straight.. While others like myself stumble along picking up the knowledge as they go, unsure if this is the right path or not, and yet always being drawn to seek out more.. following their instincts as to what feels right… Trusting our inner being isnt easy. I just know that we each keep searching for our own particular answers … Spirit always said to me..’ One step at a time’ and all roads lead home.. 🙂



  16. starproms
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 20:59:42

    How interesting Sue. I hope you’re enjoying your journey.
    x Oma



  17. Michiko Johnson
    Nov 29, 2012 @ 22:05:13

    I had my friend with 2005 the MSN after I from Japan and last year I has sick for from 14-12 last year and I starting just feel better now.
    I would like to read yours.
    Have a good day!



  18. celestialsilverbridge
    Nov 30, 2012 @ 02:17:55

    I enjoyed this posting and have been looking forward to it. Just like you I was heavily raised in the church and new it inside and out. The more I went to school and learned of other peoples views and the different things of this planet it brought me to feel more on a spiritual level than on a religious level. It is still very interesting when the subject comes up of my faith and I state I am more spiritual. People have a hard time excepting that. I look forward to your future posts. Adina



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 30, 2012 @ 12:34:56

      People tend to put us in our little boxes with Labels on them Adina, and for most who call the Spiritualist Church’s they have never stepped through the doors to witness for themselves, for they rely on past prejudices that have been formed by narrow minded thinking that says their way is the only way…
      When in fact there is No Right or Wrong way….
      We are all Spiritual Beings in Human form, However I know many a church goer who is far from being Spiritual!..
      Being Spiritual is a way of life… Not a set of rules to be applied now and then and altered to suit..

      Thank you Adina for adding your most welcome thoughts 🙂



  19. cat
    Nov 30, 2012 @ 03:45:04

    Came to have some of your soul food … Thank you, my lovely friend. Always connected,cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 30, 2012 @ 12:39:16

      Bless you too Cat, I know you’ve been busy on your own walk-about Europe recently, but so HAPPY that you dropped in to share some soul food… 🙂 Connected always 🙂 ~Sue x



  20. Cat Forsley
    Nov 30, 2012 @ 13:18:59

    I teleported back ……….:)
    I like UK – it’s nice here …………:) 🙂 🙂
    and just to bring you some SILLY 🙂 XOXOXOXOXOXOXO




  21. Sabina Brave
    Nov 30, 2012 @ 22:00:56

    Very interesting post I’m looking forward for the next one 🙂
    Love and hugs



  22. The Emu
    Nov 30, 2012 @ 23:00:17

    A great background introduction to your journey Sue, facinating and I look forward to reading your spiritualistic experiences.
    Wishing you well my friend.
    Ian aka Emu



  23. Michelle
    Nov 30, 2012 @ 23:06:59

    Such a wonderful story, and moving. I remember my friend and I looking in the ‘Yellow Pages’ (the advertising pages in the telephone books) for “Happiness.” We found it. The ad read, “Happiness Now.”

    For the next ten years I would, on and off, mostly on for many years, attend their spiritual meditation center. We had Sunday morning Celebrations of Life, and learned a technique called, Self Inquiry. Your finding the ad made me recall that time.

    I also went to church and Bible school in Summer. I enjoyed it. My grandmother took me, and I was “saved” when I was twelve. People laugh at this, sometimes, if I tell the story, but it meant a lot to me. My grandma talked to me about what it meant to be saved for a long time before the day I decided I was ready.

    Thank you for sharing this story Sue, and I look forward to the next chapter!

    How awesome that you saw the Nun, and have seen more Spirits!

    Peace and Blessings,
    Love, Michelle.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 01, 2012 @ 15:28:41

      Michelle, thank you for sharing that memory here, the spirits are seen less these days with the physical eye, but I feel them more within my aura and psychic eye, where I feel their personality and they show me themselves in my third-eye/mind… Wishing you a great weekend my friend and hope your energy levels are higher than last time we spoke xoxox Love Sue



  24. mysummerdaze
    Dec 01, 2012 @ 17:44:00

    Wonderful post dear Dreamwalker, I look forward to reading your next journey of souls. I KNOW my friend we are but spirits on a human journey… after a NDE I KNOW there is more, we are here to learn and I also know we are never alone there are many signs to let us know that (ツ) Thank you for sharing a beautiful post.



  25. Androgoth
    Dec 01, 2012 @ 21:41:39

    A very short visit Sue but I just wanted
    to wish you a very nice rest of weekend
    and of course to wish you Merry Crimbo
    as I have not been spending a lot of time
    on my Space lately and even less on the
    visiting as you well know 😦 I do hope to
    be getting back on here more often but
    in the meantime just have lots of fun and
    be good too 😉 🙂 lol Okay just try to be 🙂

    Andro xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 02, 2012 @ 12:15:26

      Thank you Andro, yes time is a great factor especially when we have other commitments … I know you are still out there, so no worries…. We each have lives beyond WP 🙂 you too take care.. 🙂 Sue



  26. rastelly
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 01:38:50

    This is a very interesting story, I will be looking for the rest of of it.
    I notice it is snowing on your blog again, is that something you have
    to ask for? I do find your site to be unique and beautiful. Reading
    your work is always a treat. You know how to leave a lasting



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 19:58:48

      Hello Rastelly great to see you on your travels around blog land again my friend…. and snow! usually happens around this time on WP, I think you can click a link to stop it if you do not want it.. but no I do not request it.. it just happens… Im happy you enjoy my blog and thank you so much for your encouragement and compliment 🙂



  27. Doris
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 01:44:37

    have a wonderful week my friend



  28. Oceanwaves
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 06:18:51

    Hiya Sue , just popping in to show my face again…been away for quickk some time 🙂 Hope you are well hun….must to catch up lots.
    Speak to you soon, love to you xxx



  29. Eddie Two Hawks
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 16:12:36

    It is a great honor to read your story Dreamwalker as you walk us though the changes in your life. I am looking forward to more of the journey!
    peace in our time, Eddie



  30. lorrena
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 21:03:47

    The human experience is shifting as it merges with the same forces that govern the great “All”..we are just a simple symbiosis of this reality,that is all.
    The consciousness the spiritualism being the same have never been attached to time .space or mass and one more day only matters to those who hold such linear thoughts deeply.
    Metamorphosis like the life we see all around us and the same life we have extinguished upon Mother Earth is were we should observe the sorrow of the soul or how we will end to begin this new yet old journey you speak of my friend….the great spiral has emitted its frequency calling us all home…..ommmm



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 04, 2012 @ 21:37:24

      Hi Lorrena, so good to see you back.. Yes the great Spiral, and I know you totally understand… We are all on our way Home… and that is why it seems right now that many seem to be going through sorrow’s of the soul and time is speeding for we are separating from it.. … thank you for taking time to call and comment here… Sue xox



  31. Cat Forsley
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 22:18:04

    wonderful Isobella had a beauty of a day xx Lily 2 🙂 xxx both 2 on the same day 🙂
    i think i am gonna keep my site black – then the colours pop pop pop …….
    i was gonna change themes and all that but seriously – ayayayayayayayayayayay
    too much for this brain 🙂 lol xxx
    love love love and sleep wellllll xxxxxxx
    Love to You and Hubby xo
    C xx



  32. summerrain63
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 09:44:49

    I enjoy hearing about this journey….I find it so very interesting to hear the stories of others….



    Dec 05, 2012 @ 09:57:59

    Liebe Grüsse von uns. Wolfgang



  34. Deb
    Dec 06, 2012 @ 15:21:01

    Had to come by to see you to rejuvenate my soul….you never disappoint,
    Have a lovely day, Sue! 🙂 xxx



  35. Unsungpoet
    Dec 11, 2012 @ 00:27:25

    I very much enjoyed reading of your personal experiences here, and truly appreciate your attitude about life and creation in general! I like the way that you don’t claim to have all the answers because no one could possibly–then we would stop growing and evolving. But you know what you know and are truly a beacon, as always, your compassion and clarity is refreshing…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Dec 12, 2012 @ 18:23:11

      Hi Unsung, thank you, yes no one has all the answers, and we still have many things to learn, but we are all of us evolving and growing along our own particular paths, so thank you my friend, Its good to read that for some I can appear a beacon. My intention was always to try to light up another’s thoughts so they too can see clearly along their own pathway.. Many many thanks… Sue xox



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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Part Two E-book of True Awakening Experiences, complied by Barbara Franklin and WordPress Friends.


2012 Acrylic Painting Acrylics Akiane Kramarik. Allotment Allotment. Self Sufficiency Allotments Answers art Arts and Crafts Ascension Automatic Channelled Writing Avaaz Awaken Awakening Awards Awareness Balance Books Butterfly Caring change Changes Children Choices Climate Change Community compassion Consciousness. Consciousness. Community Consciousness. Illusions Conservation Crafts creativity Darkness Diving Deeper Dreams Earth Earth Changes Earth Day Earth Mother Earth Shift Elder Tree Emotions Energies Energy Enlightenment Environment. Faith Family Fear Flowers Food Freedom Friends Gaia Garden Gardening Gifts Gratitude Gregg Braden Growing your own Grow your own happiness Harmony Healing Health Heart Hearts Hobbies Illusion Indigenous people Inner thoughts Inspired Intuition journey joy Kindness Knitting life Light Lightworkers love Manifesting Mankind Mass Consciousness Matrix Mayan Calendar Media meditation mind Monsanto Mother Earth music Native American Indians Nature New Earth News Ocean Oneness Painting Paintings Pastel Drawings. Peace Personal Responsibility Perspective Planet Earth Planting Poem poems Poetry Pollution Positive Positive Thinking Prayer Remembrance Day Scotland Seeds Self Sufficiency Shift Short Stories. Signs Soul Sound Spirit Spiritual Spring Storms The Great Purification thoughts Time Trancend transformation. transformation. Energy Travel Trees Truth Unity Unity Consciousness Universe Vegetables Vibration. Vision Quest Walking War Watercolour Painting Weather web world World Peace

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