Surrendering and becoming Free.

Have you ever just wanted to flick a switch within your mind? Just turn the dial to Off and let your mind rest from all those cluttered thoughts that seem at times to crowd into our busy lives.

As you know for a few years now I try not to get caught up within the World of TV , the Soaps, the drama’s which amplify the ‘Woe is Me’ syndrome which many fall pray to. I try not to watch much news, but I’m aware of what is in the news. I know how this News system works as it constantly belches out the violence and upheavals as it adds yet more to its web of depression in its bid to make us all fold in the same mould of its already deflated economy.

Being sensitive to energy, I feel the pain and hurt,I feel the pain of our Bothers and sisters animals and our Earth. I often sit and think about all the conflicts and all the pain in this world as I send out my thoughts as healing as my own tears fall. I have also known that I need to shield myself from such deep sad feelings..And try my best to build a bubble of Light around myself. 

Peace Within

At times I have  had to reach for that switch within my mind and cut off those thoughts… For as I think, then so too will I create more of that same energy.. as I see this world in its despair..

So I reach out for that brightness to protect me,  I choose to see that brighter side. Its not being impartial to all that Pain out there, its choosing not to add to it.. I feel empathy with all our creatures, I feel Compassion which is a common bond of shared mortality… Choice begins the moment we see we can look into our minds and  see its conditioned patterns of which we are all indoctrinated via our upbringing and surroundings. 

We need to start and see our lives within this present moment.

And see the PRESENT it gives us..

Each person we meet along our Journey is touched by our presence.

These last few days I surrendered to myself.. I went within and did some deep meditation and I felt such Peace for the first time in  along long while….  Such Deep Peace..and a sense of Freedom.

When we are in such a Deep place of Peace, within the ‘Present of the Moment’, we no longer get swept up within the drama’s of the world and feel the need to react to it..  So Deep did I feel this Peace, it swept me into a void, where I knew ALL was well,…All will be well..

It was as if I became One with the Light of Peace..One with the Universe and All within it as I breathed in, I inhaled that Love which I know will take away all the suffering of the world..

Close your own eyes for a moment or two, and breath in that love and peace.. Its there for all of us to experience. And yet many choose not to, for they are  happy being unhappy..

Until you surrender, and you accept the moment of the Now it brings with it the ability to rise above the negativity..  The Negative  is still there, But you become detached from it.. Like an observer, you see above it and  you see why you attached to it your views and opinions,  for we have been swept along within this tide of Illusion we have created with our thoughts. 

When you feel this Lightness of Being and this Deep sense of wellbeing and Peace… Then you have truly surrendered to the Moment..

Peace to you all in this Present of a Moment.. 

~Sue Dreamwalker


Jim Carrey on Awakening.

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73 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. granbee
    Mar 23, 2012 @ 16:38:46

    Sue, I kept remembering my studies of The Incredible Lightness of Being while soaking up this wonderfully calming and restorative post of yours! We do indeed affect all around us with our internal rhythms, with our Presence. We must walk in the LIght always to achieve the most positive Presence possible. Bless you and many hugs to you, Sister! Beat that drum always for us.



  2. Cat Forsley
    Mar 23, 2012 @ 17:24:04




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 21:57:02

      Thank you Cat.. Sue 🙂



      • Cat Forsley
        Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:25:47




        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:49:07

          HI Cat, awwww…. this Song is powerful and beautiful… And Im honoured that it should make you think of me… 🙂 Sending you a Cosmic Hug Wave back ((( 🙂 ))) Thank you.. Enjoy your Sunday Cat. and im pleased you got an hello from me.. And congrats for the 1-in- 100 Warrior Award, I will be back to say congrats sometime tomorrow… 🙂 I got side tracked by your great interview 🙂 🙂 ~Sue



      • Cat Forsley
        Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:36:55

        YOU ARE COSMIC SUE ——–



  3. Aneesh
    Mar 23, 2012 @ 17:41:24

    Whatever be the situation , it maybe a moment of anger, sadness etc a second of peace to think will always help us to come up from the situation…

    We might have divided this earth in many peaces with various laws , but we all are one…

    Very nice thought… very nice words….
    Take care 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:00:10

      Hi Aneesh, yes we have divided this world with many things… And we need to see we each ARE as one, and what we do to each other affects the Whole… Many thanks for adding your voice here..



  4. Raymond Alexander Kukkee
    Mar 23, 2012 @ 18:09:42

    Great post, Sue! Relaxing, deep breathing and letting go all of the negativity helps with the pain involved too! The severe agitation of the extra energy that is being directed is more easily handled with relaxation and peace of mind. Keep doing what you are doing. “:) ~R



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:03:43

      Thank you Raymond, I am finding more Peace within my being, even though the solar flares have had an impact.. Thank you for adding your thoughts and also your own energy to help create that Peace our world needs.. ~Sue



  5. zendictive
    Mar 23, 2012 @ 18:16:54

    great post and video… I enjoyed Jim Carrey’s “awakening”…thoughts on thought



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:12:15

      Hi Art…. Yes I like Jim Carrey’s zany comedian ways , I know they may irritate some… I think he lets himself be that ultimate streak of stupidity and yet creative and unique at the same time.. Like he is being what most of us dare not be… As he expresses himself and he doesn’t care what he looks like… But he definitely is having a great time being All those parts of himself.. And at the same time has awakened to what Life on Earth is all about.. And he gives it out 100% of the time… ~Sue



  6. Gabrielle
    Mar 23, 2012 @ 21:41:37

    What a beautiful post Sue, and I’m so pleased you’ve found that wonderful feeling of Peace! 🙂 I do agree…all will be well, I also feel humanity’s pain -acutely at times- but we can’t heal the pain by going into it, only by loving it better. 🙂
    Much love and (((hugs)))



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:18:02

      Thank you Gabrielle. Yes I so know what you mean.. sometimes I have to ask myself, whose pain am I feeling? and I always try to pour Love into it.. Wishing you a Peaceful weekend ~Sue xx



  7. The Emu
    Mar 23, 2012 @ 23:54:26

    I seem to have developed the knack Sue of not getting too involved in the everyday news of the world, I think its called Clear Thinking where I read the news on the com but have self learnt how to delete the extraneous material and just focus on the facts, this way I block out the trivial material that tends to affect the emotions in a negative way.
    Cheers girl
    Aussie Emu



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:22:04

      I like that Emu, my friend, ~”Clear Thinking”~ I often find the News media are very good at repeating over and over certain news items which depress and sadden.. This is no accident!.. Blocking the Negitive will help us concentrate on that which is truth… Not all we see within this dimension of reality is what it seems.. As Im sure you are aware……. wishing you and Ana a beautiful week.. ~Sue



  8. Oceanwaves
    Mar 24, 2012 @ 07:21:58

    Jim Carrey he is a hilarious guy! What a neat presentation I enjoyed it.
    Loved to read this blog of yours is so true the freedom of mind is within us,
    something we have to work on every day in order to stay in the right place.

    Good start to my day 🙂
    Have a lovely sunny weekend Sue
    Hugs Traceyxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:27:23

      Hi Tracey so happy that this brought a smile to the start of your day… The weather has been Sunny too.. Unbelievably so for Spring.. I saw a butterfly today a Red Admiral.. VERY early for them.. And Im just happy that there is blossoms out for them.. Nature is topsy -turvy at the moment with the weather and we mustn’t get lulled into a false sense of getting too comfy.. For Nature I feel has a bite up her sleeve.. Many thanks for dropping in. Sending you a Cosmic Hug… ((( 🙂 )))



  9. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Mar 24, 2012 @ 10:06:12

    Hi Sue. I agree it is important to switch off every now and then, if only to just realign our positive energy. We’re bombarded by negativity every day – every second it seems – and we’re better than that!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 22:42:28

      Hi Tom, yes we are better than that.. We should understand that we are very deserving of Peace and harmony in our lives that we seem to make so complex within this humdrum world of material experience… If more people would just disconnect from the unreal~ the Negativity~ the Violence of films, the disharmony of Soaps on TV, The Negative News Bulletins and start to do something creative and uplifting for a few hours a day.. They would see that Life isn’t so depressing.. That Life is what WE MAKE it.. And as we think!~ So we Create.. Lets all go out and create a little Peace for ourselves, that way we create a more Peaceful World.. ~Sue 🙂



  10. creatingreciprocity
    Mar 24, 2012 @ 20:13:53

    I wonder if our attachment to the negative is a deep rooted belief that this will protect us ultimately? I know that isn’t true but it might explain it?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 24, 2012 @ 23:08:30

      No I dont think that, I think CR that we have been so indoctrinated with it, we take it all as the Norm~ and until you step beyond it and look at it from afar and see exactly just how much we are told what to think, what to buy, what to wear, how to act, what to eat, what not to eat. What makes us ill, what’s good for you one minute is bad for you the next.. And the Negative comes across in many forms which we absorb.. until we become negative also .. Too Fat, too thin, not happy with our looks, our hair, our figure, our teeth, our bodies, Its not until you get to wake up to ALL of this which is going on behind the scenes, Not to mention the economy, our spending, the budgets, the rest of it. On and On I could go..
      You will see that we are beings who are being controlled in a mind-blowing mind exercise.. Now you may think we have Free will to choose.. But think now of the TV and its influence.. see too the new IPods and phones with all their gismos.. The advertisements.. The News, the News papers, we are swamped by Negative…or get into debt to buy me… and when your in debt, get into more debt to get out of it… This is One Mad Crazy World..
      We should ALL just close our eyes for a few hours Peace… and send the World some Healing Peace.. if we ALL of us around the world did that for a few moments a day.. I can honestly tell you, This word would NOT be such a negative Place.. ~Peace to you my friend and thank you for adding your thoughts.. ( I recued you out of my Spam, box for some reason..) your dusted off now and put back in your rightful place… ~Hugs.. Sue.



  11. creatingreciprocity
    Mar 24, 2012 @ 23:13:27

    Thanks for the rescue! I love the idea of everyone sitting in peace together for a few moments!



  12. Visionkeeper
    Mar 25, 2012 @ 11:06:23

    True words DW….Thank you as always for your nudge to remember the correct path to walk down. These days the flow is going so fast it feels like being swept up IN it not going with it 🙂 I think right now we may not be seeing as much change as we’d like to be seeing going on but I think the real possibility going on now is more the things that are NOT being done, that are being averted because we HAVE gotten as far down the stream as we have. I believe things planned for us all have not seen the light of day because our light has become too bright. So I hope we keep surrendering and becoming free so we can remain safe to continue this journey to the end. I think we are not too far away now….Thanks and have a great weekend DW…Blessings to you all….VK
    P.S. I’m late on this but packing up for the move is a journey all itself and I had forgotten all that it entailed….It’s keeping me busy lets just say 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 25, 2012 @ 21:11:17

      Good luck with the Move VK.. And changes are happening ALL the time.. even though we cant see them taking shape… And I agree with your comment about our thinking averting certain things.. This is why I am always pushing for Mass Consciousness to to pull together in Thought and to be positive in its thinking.. As we join our thoughts together in Unity. Here’s to your own peaceful Moments VK amid your busy schedule.. Thinkin of you and sending a few thoughts 🙂



  13. giselzitrone
    Mar 25, 2012 @ 14:29:44

    Ein schöner Beitrag ich liebe die Stille und den Frieden auch wenn ich Wandern gehe kann ich auch alles um mich herum vergessen.Sei lieb von mir gegrüsst und hab einen schöne Woche Gislinde.



  14. lorrema
    Mar 25, 2012 @ 17:08:16

    So nice my friend and you are so right once again as the journeys we are on within ourselves need to deflect all the goings on of this reality.
    Walk calmly through the storm outside from this inside being,. As light is knowledge and the conscious gift we all receive when we re awaken to the depths the very ancients of eons ago did to find this same balance.
    The bubble of course Sue is this very righteous form of understanding that nothing can harm us because we all have a purpose in this same journey and it is that what will be will be and that “time” is upon us all whether we know this or not…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 25, 2012 @ 21:16:27

      Thank you Lorrena, happy to see you again in Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary… :-)… Yes the Bubble I speak of is an awareness of of energy which We project within our understanding that we are where we are meant to be. And when all is well within, All is well outside .. The Peace is coming to those who wish to join it, this I feel very strongly…… Blessings sent your way my friend. ~Sue



  15. Androgoth
    Mar 26, 2012 @ 00:30:43

    I have had a quick read but I will call back later
    to add my thoughts to this one my great friend,
    and I really like your new Header, it’s a striking
    graphic and adds a real flavour to your Space 🙂

    Have a delightful Monday Sue 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



  16. Nina
    Mar 26, 2012 @ 01:19:03

    Such a beautiful article Sue Dreamwalker~I am new to this site and was referred here by another beautiful mutual being~Shaman Mind~:)
    Creatng this bubble of protection is something I have learned and intuited to do now myself~shutting out the negativity, despair, fear of this world, etc… while still being quite aware and awake to what is happening around me and still having much compassion~yet finding that sacntuary within~that solace of peace~while maintaining a sense of humor as well~knowing who I am and where I am going in this journey back to the stars~reconnecting with my higher self and Source~only sending out love, light and peace~because as we participate in this world~which we still have to do to some degree~we must be careful how our thougths and actions may add to the chaos~and to our own sometimes restless spirits~as all things are transported on~sent and received in the collective consciousness~walking in peace and knowing~that the circle is coming around again~as it was meant to be~Namaste Sue~what a beautifully inspiring and heartminded site~Nin



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 26, 2012 @ 20:03:23

      Welcome Nina 😀 so very good to meet a mutual friend.. And I welcome even more your comments here.. Yes encasing ourselves within a bubble for some has become a habit we naturally do, for the pain of the real world all too often creeps within our Aura’s as it tries to take us down within its suffering. Climbing back up and pulling ourselves up beyond that to set oneself aside as an observer is still I have to admit difficult some days, for there are still so many things that pull at our heart strings as we witness events unfolding around our Planet.. But this world is made up of its duality of both aspects of positive and negative, and I have to remember that it’s the past and all that went before, even before life here on earth, which shaped me to the being I am today.. Knowing as we do this life is but a blink of an eye within our experience, I too look to the stars and the ultimate journey, as we prepare our souls for that Great Adventure..
      The circle is about to close once more, but Many now are preparing for that day.. The more of us who can unite our thoughts with Love and Peace will add to its collective vibration as it draws itself to completion..
      I am so happy to meet a Kindred Spirit.. One I know who is a sister of like-minded thought.. Blessings to you for taking time to comment here.. I hope you find much more of interest here and add your voice.. ~Sue Dreamwalker



  17. Renee Espriu
    Mar 26, 2012 @ 04:16:21

    It is the letting go and not adding any of our own problems and or worries to that sets us free. I have felt this more recently that last couple of years and although I try to keep abreast of what is happening in the world, I also know I cannot worry about all that is going on. Within my own family I have so much concern and even so I try to breathe, let go and send the energy of angels to be with those I love. Thank you for sharing some of your journey.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 26, 2012 @ 20:13:46

      Hi Renee, I have neglected you of late, for that my sincere apologies as I still am working my way around to get to all who visit and I subscribe to.. Your words echo truth Renee, for to worry about all that is happening around our Planet, would send us I think insane, and there is enough Madness within the world as it is 🙂 To find that quiet corner within ones mind and go within brings with it a Peace of Knowing… And its own Healing Renee… I am certain those Angels who are called for do indeed hear of thoughts as we direct them to those we love.. I add my own as I put your daughter within my own healing grid as I drum to send out healing.. This I did and will continue to do.. I hope she is recovering.. Love and Blessings Renee… ~Sue xx



  18. dontchawannadream
    Mar 26, 2012 @ 13:45:38

    I usually prefer reading your articles when I can focus. When I’m not tired. Because your posts are very deep, Sue. I just finished this one and I absolutely loved it.

    I totally understand how you feel. I’m an extremely emotional & sensitive person. Sometimes I wish I was stronger because feeling the pain and hurt of everyone REALLY affects me. But to me suffering means we’re alive. And even though I’ve been through tough times lately, I still think life is beautiful.

    Anyway, Sue, this line is BRILLIANT “Until you surrender, and you accept the moment of the Now it brings with it the ability to rise above the negativity.. ”

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 26, 2012 @ 20:28:36

      Bless you dontchawannadream.. I am honoured you have found the time with your study… Im sorry to hear about your tough times.. But we all of us I feel go through periods where by life throws us an obstacle, I like to think of them as hurdles, in the race of life, they come onto our tracks of life to see how we climb over them.. sometimes we sail over them no problems at other times we skin our knees, at other times the obstacles seem too high to scale and we refuse to jump over them, turning our back and go in another direction all together only to meet them later in life.. And at other times we fall over them, pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off to carry on to win the race…
      I have found my young friend that whatever the reason we are given these hurdles to overcome, they come to strengthen us.. For I know without all of those lessons/hurdles I came across and negotiated, some I sailed over and some I failed miserably at.. But they shaped who I am today… showing we have courage, humility, and compassion.. .. Some of our worst enemies are our greatest teachers… And we are all still learning… Growing, and sharing… Love that you found time to comment Blessings sent your way.. ~Sue



      • dontchawannadream
        Mar 26, 2012 @ 21:35:07

        Thank you, Sue, for these beautiful and wise words 🙂
        I so agree with you!
        By the way do you speak German?
        Hope you’ve had a great day!!



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Mar 26, 2012 @ 21:47:47

          Hi my friend, you are welcome.. and do I speak German? NO… I am learning a few words though as I use Google Translate to speak to my German friend Gislinde.. Do you speak it??



          • dontchawannadream
            Mar 26, 2012 @ 22:10:45

            Yeah, I speak German too. It’s a difficult language to learn (Deutsch ist eine so schwere Sprache zu lernen. See? No Google Translate. lol) But I like it. 🙂
            I’ve always had a passion for English anyway… I even wanted to become an English teacher. lol



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Mar 26, 2012 @ 22:22:56

              Your grasp of Language is excellent… In my day they didnt teach another language at school .. Alot of the German words have similar sounds to some English ones.. and I am learning to recognise some.. 🙂


  19. Bodhirose
    Mar 26, 2012 @ 15:52:25

    Wonderfully uplifting, Sue and a needed reminder that we are eternally surrounded by peace and freedom if we but consciously invite it in and join with it…no matter our circumstances.

    Peace, friend,



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 26, 2012 @ 20:32:27

      Hi Gayle, lovely to see you… 🙂 Yes we all hold that space of Peace and Freedom right within our minds.. and we can travel there anytime we wish.. and revel in its beautiful tranquil surroundings.. as we let our minds swim within its velvet touch.. I am so Happy you touched down upon my post today.. Sending you Greetings and some more of that Peace your way my friend.. ~Sue



  20. Nin
    Mar 26, 2012 @ 22:20:55

    Mahalo nui (thank you much) for the warm welcome Sue~I am sure I will check here often as I do find your site a bit of a sanctuary as you have so aptly named it~:)
    It just feels peaceful in here~how refreshing~

    Me Kealoha Pumehana~Love from the warmth of my heart to yours~Nin




  21. Deb
    Mar 26, 2012 @ 23:31:13

    I rarely watch the news since they are always trying to tell us how we should feel about it, which is worse than the news itself. I do a bit better if I read about the news or hear about it from a friend.
    Love your post, Sue!
    Haven’t been online for the last week so I’m trying to get caught up.
    Love and Hugs, xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 27, 2012 @ 19:47:27

      Hi Deb, wish you well with the Catching up, I never seem to catch up LOL..But the weather here in the UK has been extremely warm, like our Summer, so I have been making the most of it and getting outdoors walking, or just pottering in the garden..
      The TV has been switched off for a couple of days 🙂 and Ive not missed anything one bit..
      Thank you for dropping by Deb will return the honours shortly xx



  22. Unsungpoet
    Mar 27, 2012 @ 10:05:58

    Lovely post…The media does paint fallacious pictures and conditions minds sometimes to the point of mild brain wash…we have to seek knowledge for ourselves and reach out to the world in our own golden moment.



  23. eddietwohawks
    Mar 28, 2012 @ 15:36:18

    Life in the ‘now’.
    Center, breathe, be.
    love, Eddie



  24. Christy Birmingham
    Mar 28, 2012 @ 17:46:54

    What inspiration here Sue! The present moment is all that we really have, all that we are really sure of. I believe sometimes we overcomplicate our lives and overthink our situations. This is a wonderful, timely post. I wish you a peaceful day.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 28, 2012 @ 21:16:43

      Hi Christy.. Yes I totally agree Christy we do overcomplicate our lives… We have all of us got lost amid the many distractions which divert us from our path of Peace… I hope you too have had a good Day. ~Sue



  25. Androgoth
    Mar 28, 2012 @ 23:21:57

    I have read this a few times now Sue and it is a truly amazing posting, indeed one only has to read all of these fine comments to see what a fine writer you are, well done my great friend 🙂

    Have a really nice rest of evening
    and a most beautiful Thursday too 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 30, 2012 @ 17:07:43

      Thank you Andro :-).. seems ages since I could get to answer your comment, but work commitments have called… Many thanks again and hope your weekend is also a fine one too ~Sue



  26. Sabina Brave
    Mar 29, 2012 @ 11:57:39

    I should try meditation too. I didn’t do it since long time.
    Have a wonderful day Sue.
    Love and blessings.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 30, 2012 @ 17:29:40

      Hi Sabina, sometimes I think Meditation is looked upon as something we must sit and prepare for… Many times I would listen to CD’s or read books on how to Meditate.. I think Sabina just sitting in the silence and peace, letting your mind drift… For I find if you want it to empty it only crowds in even more.. So when your mind drifts to that space.. know that that too is Meditation.. and you may do it more often that you think.. Love to you, and I will be catching up later with all who commented here and others, as Work has kept me away for a while… Hugs ~Sue xx



  27. beautifulchaos2
    Mar 30, 2012 @ 03:56:34

    Wow I completely get what you’re saying about the news and how it effects you, it’s the same for me, sometimes the stories hit me so hard, so much pain, sadness and violence, it takes me a couple days before It stops effecting me. I try not to watch news late at night anymore, and I dont usally watch it every day anymore either.
    Big hugs to you dear Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Mar 30, 2012 @ 17:51:50

      Yes Nikki, we get very sensitive now to the emotions as we are bombarded with extra energy of these news items which are meant to impact us on that emotional level… I found that I was getting upset all the time.. So had to stop … So great to hear you have cut down too … Just think if the World only broadcast Good News,.. 🙂 Just how that would impact upon the Mass Consciousness :-)… I can live in Hope!! 🙂 Hugs to you Nikki.. and will be around this weekend to say hi after your busy away time.. 🙂 xx



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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