Are You Feeling the Changes?

Over the years we have been conditioned within our minds as to what 2012 would bring.. We have all of us heard the ‘End of Times’ prophecies. Many have foretold that the year 2012 was the End of our World, saying our world could turn on its axis and ‘Shift’ as the Poles will move and shift their present positions.. ( In fact the Poles have now officially moved link here ) Foretelling many catastrophes of floods, Fire, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Famine, Drought, plagues, and Mass extinctions. .

Fear of the unknown is what creates within many of us Fearful thoughts. We are seeing the visual effects of that change now as Planet Earth is altering her level of frequency as weather patterns helped along by new technology which is also tampering with those natural frequencies as tremendous storms rage around our Globe. Also within ourselves we all of us are experiencing ‘Time’ accelerating as we spin along with those frequency changes and hold within an expectancy of Change..

We have to understand that Gaia our Planet is changing and as we are a part of her so too are we changing.

I have spoke many times within my posts of the planet being a living organism a breathing living library and that we Humans, along with the Flora and Fauna are also part of our Planet Earth.

We breath in and out together~ We are One ..

Our thoughts are energy, and as we add our vibration of thought to that frequency, we add to it either positive or negative energy to that pool of consciousness around our Earth..

We can either help her or hider our Evolutionary Path

A battle of Light and Dark has been played out within our consciousness within our world for as long as we Humans have inhabited this realm of experience. For as with all energy beings there are two Poles /sides to all of us… Positive and Negative.. Good, Bad, Light Dark, Male and Female and for too long now there has been an imbalance of those energies as the masculine of those energies has been prominent in their ‘War’-like ways of control and dominance.. The Balance is being addresses as the Female energies are now coming forward with Compassion and love..

If we look back into 2011 we will see that we have already been experiencing these “End Times” .. This process is what we are experiencing now.. As our Earth Mother stretches herself as we feel her shifts as her plates heave under the strain of the pull of the planets as they align in their natural rhythmic cycle of time as their magnetic fields alter..This is what the Mayan Calendar speak of.. The Cycles in which we now see an end of.

So as we feel the earth move as we experience Earthquakes, Storms of huge proportions, Tsunamis, Fires, Floods.. We have witnessed Mass extinctions already as Birds fall from the sky, Massive shoals of fish die and Whales and Dolphins beach themselves.. The North and South Pole have already shifted considerably in their location over this last couple of years. We have seen thousands of Adults and Children starve in our African nations, without a blink of our eyes, Pestilence and Disease with Aids, Bird flu, virus Wars with killings and sufferings beyond our comprehension, as we sit within our homes viewing life which is shown us via those little boxes which our Media selectively control which bits of Bad-Negative news to prime our thoughts with today. And let’s make no mistakes..

The majority of us are being primed. Primed with FEAR! for this is what is needed to keep those Masculine Negative energies alive as the Dark forces of this earth do not want to relinquish control ..As they hang onto their Power and Greed..

As our Earth is altering her frequencies. So too are we.

Our own personal worlds are undergoing huge shifts as we experience our emotional changes and challenges. We struggle to cope, as inner conflicting battles of relationships, careers, upheavals and illness play out within our own experiences..

It’s as if our bodies too are being stretched and pulled in various directions as we ache, can’t sleep, dream, as our DNA is undergoing changes as we  feel those inner vibrational changes which are affecting our own metabolism and energy systems.. We find we are all searching for answers and change as we sense within our being something Big is happening within our World.

This is happening within everyone of us as we too try to re-balance that within our own lives as we seek to find our Space our Freedom as our own energy systems start to awaken in remembrance and our emotional bodies become overcome with excessive amounts of energy.. Some expressing as tears, compassion, others anger, Hate, all unsure of just what the heck is wrong with them.. as new feelings well up inside maybe for the first time as old patterns dissolve, as Karma is worked through all setting them on a course of a new path as they seek to find their true selves within all of this turmoil within. When joined together in union many find themselves swept up in uncontrollable events and feelings as they join together venting that anger demanding change as the surge of emotions pour from their hearts..

This is why we are now breaking free from old regimes of rule and tyranny and dictatorships. As many now join together in one voice.. And as we find our voices to break free so too our Earth Mother calls back with her own frequencies, she is crying as we too cry..

But like all Mothers who give birth know..

Giving Birth to a New Life is painful.

But through all that pain Comes Joy..

As with all change, there is resistance. We see that happening now as we have witnessed upheavals in many places now around our globe as the Voice of the People are crying out for change.. Change of being confined, and imprisoned for daring to believe in something different… Governments are toppling.. Corruption is being exposed.. Big Corporations are being challenged in their monopolies. Those who were once thought untouchable are being toppled..Banks are now being viewed in a different light as we see the corruption and manipulations which have been taking place.

Many things are now slowly coming into the light of our knowledge and as it is being exposed we are starting to dig a little further as we see the Lies we have been told.. The Knowledge that is being withheld keeps us in the darkness, as we fail to understand our Greatness..

For our Greatness comes in Unity of Love and Peace

Many more Truths will be unearthed, not only about our systems within society.. But about our Past existence of the Human Species in general.. Things which for many may well read like some science fiction novel.. But Science now are altering their own way of perception and slowly piece by piece the puzzle is coming out of its box as we truly remember from where we came and who we are..

Thoughts Create our Reality

We have to understand NOW more than ever the roles our Thoughts play as they add their conscious light or darkness into the world.. What sort of a world do you want for your children to grow up in.. One of Fear or one of Peace?.. If we keep adding our Fear we only create more of the same..

We are the ones who were chosen to come here at this ‘Time of Change’.. For it is now time to End the old world and begin the New. This is why you will see the Monetary Systems collapse, and they will collapse I have known this within my being for several years.. This too is part of a bigger plan.. so too is the preparation of a WW3 and we can all of us add to that outcome by adding our Fear to it. This is designed to keep us in that state of Fear and Control.

WE need now to gather together like never before and use that Tool of our minds which was spoke about by Jesus. And whether you are a religious person or not, believing in the scriptures or not.. The message is the same in ALL teachings.. when you are using your Power of Thought, when you recognise this tremendous power, which operated in every direction as it did for Jesus, even to the control of the elements, then you will begin to awaken to your own power within, You will see that …

We are the ones here to help change our world…

We have to start and Live from the point of Love..

We need once again to Open our hearts and start to care about our fellow men and neighbours and our communities.

This is why the Earth will shake us up and why we have got to start and

Bring Peace within and Let go of Fear..

Please as you go through your daily lives monitor your thoughts and when you find them going towards a negative thought.. Correct them with a loving one..

Peace to all who Come and Go on this Planet..


We need now to Wake up to what we are doing to ourselves.

Love and Peace

~Sue Dreamwalker ~

46 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. AngelaMarie
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 15:55:14

    LOVELY! I’m only quickly passing through- off to a meeting, but this is a beautiful post. I haven’t watched the video yet, will come back for that. Thank you!



  2. raymond alexander kukkee
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 16:17:33

    Well said, Sue. “We need now to Wake up to see what we are doing to ourselves” is key. We must release the fear that is being programmed into our daily lives at an increasing pace by those seeking control.
    We must resist. Peace to you, both within and without.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2012 @ 16:36:04

      Thank you Raymond for your most welcome and knowledgeable thoughts upon this subject.. We are all of us responsible for our thoughts and now we need more than ever to watch which way they are being directed… We need to keep in the Light.. and not get embroiled within the Negative webs that are being spun to catch us… And need to keep centred within our own Peaceful Being.. as we understand that our Thoughts are the Key to Consciousness Awareness.. ~Peace to you too 🙂



  3. cat.
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 16:17:43

    We have to start and live from the point of Love … yes, let’s … my friend … Kindness, Compassion and Respect … I’m in, Sue … Love, cat.



  4. Visionkeeper
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 16:42:22

    Greetings DW…Ah yes, you covered all the bases well. I don’t think people really have much choice any longer about waking up. These solar flares are doing a great job of that!!! I can see the changes on my website of people coming in more and talking more. I think a great many are scared and looking for answers. The first answer will be stop being afraid!!!! Thanks for this post. Very good indeed. VK



  5. The Alternate Economy
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 16:43:03

    Fear is a powerful tool. It causes people to sit and wait for the end to arrive. We could, very easily, today, make some changes. Except of course, we are all to busy fearing what tomorrow brings…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 03, 2012 @ 17:55:24

      Very True Tristan, thats why we have to embrace the NOW.. which I posted awhile back..We create our Future in the NOW Moment of Thought!… So lets All remember to LOVE, and Embrace Peace and Unity as we visualise a future we want to have our Children grow up in.. Including my friend your own vision of an Alternate Economy ~Peace and Gratitude



  6. prenin
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 18:33:11

    Hi Sue! 🙂

    Yes, 2012 is here and the crap is hitting the fan in the Middle East, so we are seeing the best and the very worst mankind has to offer.

    Maybe when this year is over we’ll see a whole new reality, but I’m not placing any bets – been there and was disappointed several times…

    Love, Light and Peace my friend! 🙂




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2012 @ 13:14:21

      Hi Prenin… Yes reality is what we make it Prenin.. We first have to pay heed to our own inner world, and look to treating each other much better, We can only start by adding our ‘Light’ to those around us and sharing our love and kindness… Its hard not to get caught up in the Media of Scaremongering, Thats why is better Not to watch the News.. I listen to lots of music.. and I have started to visualise a rainbow of love around our Mother Earth.. If we could all do that.. Put a bubble of love around her, maybe then we could change the outcomes … For as I say nothing is cast in stone.. All is changing as we ourselves create the ending.. Love and Light my friend



  7. zendictive
    Feb 03, 2012 @ 21:31:52

    I feel my prediction of 2012 being the year of enlightenment to be spot on so far. I lay in meditation the other day and had weird thought about the unity of the universe and a glimpse of something (hard to explain) of our connectedness from life to death and how it all melds together like moss, living and dying and using the old to regenerate a new. I feel this year or soon some answers are going to open our eyes to who and what we are. We are under an illusion and pride being HUMANS yet it is the smallest part of the big picture. have been thinking about this alot and as always the harder I try the less I learn but it will come to me…..

    or at least I am hopeful… be well (~_~) Art~



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 04, 2012 @ 13:24:33

      Yes ~Art.. we are all of us Melded together woven with that same vibration of energy.. for we are beings of Light.. although there are those who have used their free will to take a different route as they use the negative dark energy of fear to feed upon..
      We will come to understand that our illusion of our importance as Humans will be dashed as we are but grains of sand trickling through the glass of time, separate and moving through the sea of consciousness.. And soon the hour-glass will be turned upside down once more.. We Have MUCH to learn MUCH my wise Zen friend 🙂



  8. HINES
    Feb 04, 2012 @ 00:39:03

    Don’t know if you’ve seen this. A friend just sent this to me. I thought you’d like it as well.



  9. giselzitrone
    Feb 04, 2012 @ 11:01:54

    Wünsche dir ein schönes weekend lieber Gruss von mir Gislinde.



  10. Deb
    Feb 04, 2012 @ 16:54:51

    Hello Sue,
    This is an amazing posts. If we love more hate less, faith more, fear less (way less) we would all, including our planet be better off. I don’t claim to be a writer, so I do hope you know what I meant. Your post need to be read by many so they can have light shed on their darkened mind and allow the light in to rule them…Love and the pondering of it.
    Thank you for you recent comments today…It was pleasure.
    I hope you stay warm for it will be a bit on the chilly side, as you know.
    I don’t want to miss any more of your posts, so I will subscribe today.
    Hugs to you,
    ~ Deb



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2012 @ 13:18:41

      Thank you Deb.. :-).. We each have our own gifts Deb to give to the World and your own gifts are inspiring as they bring so much joy to those who veiw your wonderful Artwork.. .. And I know exactly what you mean..Welcome to my Growing List of Subrcibers 🙂 .. And I am staying warm we had snow fall and Ive enjoyed watching all the children help parents clean up drives and make snowmen.. 🙂 Gifts come in many forms.. 🙂



  11. lorenna
    Feb 04, 2012 @ 17:34:45

    The path of awakening is right before your inner mind ,The conscious field of life parts for those who walk the knowledge of the sacred valley were truth will free you from machinations of this reality.
    It is all there for those who will lift there hearts and minds over all that has been and created by the hand of man,a distorted lie we live and have lived in for thousands of years.
    The ancients of eons past knew that balance involved being solely caretakers and givers and careful construction within the elements .That has been all wiped away by the envy and greed and humanity has been bend on nothing more then destruction and that is what we will shall receive.
    To know the pain of earth is to acknowledge the root of the same Tree of Life that has forever held the substance of our consciousness that dwells from within.
    The one that sets you free on this same path and prepares you for what is coming soon.A total rejuvenation of all that is here ,as it will all be gone after Mother Earth has her say and those who hold within this spirit of light ,this awakening within should understand that there is another and a forever tomorrow awaiting them.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2012 @ 13:33:50

      Yes Lorenna, We are indeed the “Caretakers” of this world, something we have long since forgotten as Humans view the land as owned and theirs.. As others view populations as theirs to be manipulated and controlled, Like sheep or cattle.. We have Taken from our ‘Mother’ destroying, pillaging and raping our Earth Mother abusing and leaving deep wounds and scars, testing bombs, Polluting Air and Oceans, We then pollute our own systems with chemical drugs and we wonder why we are dying? Why the Aquatic life is being washed upon our shores.. Why the Birds fall from our skies, and why there is so much disease and destruction.. Mother Nature sure didn’t create all of this.. Mankind did when he forgot to be ‘KIND’ and love the World that give him Life.. Our Ancient peoples around the world understood how to live at one with nature and lived in harmony, at one.. In GRATITUDE and thankfulness for Earths Bounties.. They also remembered to Give.. and the Native American traditions as well as other Indigenous peoples around our Globe ALL know how to live in BALANCE…
      Like you say here Lorenna, Mankind had cut and wounded the Earth and each other with Greed and Envy as cutting tools.. And she is about to say Enough is Enough.
      Many thanks for adding your Own thoughts here Lorenna.. Love and Blessings.. ~Sue



  12. marciento
    Feb 04, 2012 @ 20:48:40

    Hello! Warm greetings from cold Warsaw!




  13. becca givens
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 03:04:14

    Yes it is time … you have posted an excellent outline … for those who need to become aware and reminder for those who are traveling the same path … this provides both encouragement and inspiration! Thank you for taking the time to do so … you continue to be a beacon Divine Light shines



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2012 @ 13:37:30

      Becca, thank you, that means a lot from one who is also enlightened into the way of the World and Spiritual matters … many thanks for adding your thoughts to this post.. We all of us Shine! my friend :-).. ~Sue



  14. Angelwings6
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 04:52:18

    Very interesting topic Sue, I think the world is in for some more changes and I pray that Mother Earth will be as gentle with us as she can be, and we all need to look after her as well…..



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2012 @ 13:41:06

      I pray for those same thoughts Angelwings… But I think in order for Mankind to truly WAKE up to the reality he has created… He will need one of the Biggest SHAKE-UPS of all time.. for him to realise he is but an ANT in the scheme of things.. Each of us now can play our parts in adding our own thoughts/prayers to the world as we send her/and Mankind/ Healing vibrations of Peace and Unity.. Love and Blessings to you LJ.. ~Sue



  15. marja
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 06:35:24

    Hi Sue Thank you for your beautiful and wise words. I have a very strong feeling that your words are true. There is a lot going on at the moment and life with earthquakes and the world being upside down can be exhausting. Seeing people around me coming closer together makes it all worthwhile. I am happy I found your blog. I don’t know a lot of people who are on the same line with me about this.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2012 @ 13:51:03

      Hi Marja, yes as you have experienced firsthand the shaking of our Earth Mother Marja, you have seen how it has brought the community back together to unite and pull together.. It is only when faced with survival that we as humans will be tested even greater.. I do not want to spread Fear.. But one has to be at the same time prepared.. And I wonder now as you and your family have experienced such an earth tumours.. What plans now you have in place. People should consider such plans… We have also seen in Australia the floods too.. Many such upheavals will start to take place in Natural Disasters, We have seen many all ready.. The Earth is shaking more and more…. This is not discounting the Man-made ones, which are starting to unfold in ever closer events..
      Our World needs now more than ever our United thoughts to be sent out.. as we visualise what sort of Future we want to live in… One of Peace… Or … Fear.. Unity or Disharmony… Love.. or Hate….
      WE are the Ones who need to change our world.. and it starts right here with our SELF..
      You are Not alone Marja.. there are so many more who are becoming aware as you are my friend… Love ~Sue



  16. jussaraluna
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 07:18:18

    Hello my dear Dreamwalker, thank you very much for your blog!!
    So much wisdom and important reflection
    in your words, I really liked your great post!!
    “We breath in and out together~ We are One ..”
    I wish you a nice sunday my precious friend.
    Sending hugs to you
    love always~~Jussara



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2012 @ 13:52:28

      Hello Jussara, Welcome again my dear friend… Yes we breathe in and out as One.. for we are ALL one.. what we do to one another we do to ourselves..
      Love and Blessings sent to you my friend xx ~Sue



  17. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 12:28:14

    This is THE most positive post I have read about 2012. I applaud you for this. Very insightful, spiritual. Evolution – help or hinder. Truly a timely post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 05, 2012 @ 13:56:46

      Many thanks WordfallfromMyEyes… and thank you for commenting here.. Yes we each add our own vibration.. we either Help or Hinder.. We can add Light, by being good to each other and being positive or we can Hinder and get caught up with all the Negative and the Woe is Me.. as we go around our daily lives.. Each of us can do a tremendous amount to heal the world by sending and thinking positive thoughts and living from our hearts of love and harmony.. We can only try to help the Woe is Me people see the Light.. Its up to them if they want to join it or not..
      Many thanks for adding your own light to the world.. ~Sue



  18. christyb
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 16:14:14

    Sue, so many wonderful messages of encouragement here! My favourite part was when you say that thoughts are energy. With so many people expressing fear of change and fear of each other, they remain isolated. We need to connect with one another and embrace change as it is inevitable but also recognize that change can be positive if we try to work together. A great post!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2012 @ 20:30:51

      Hi Christyb, yes change can be very frightening especially when we don’t know what is happening.. and Change is something we resist often for we cling to that which is familiar.. A Change is occurring now with our Earth and within each of us as we change together.. Some of that old regime is resisting still as they cling to their old ways of controlling the population and use Fear tactics, bulling, and violence in order to maintain control..
      As we change we are seeing that in order for there to be peace and a new way of existing in harmony.. Some of us have elected to be in that front line of change.. These are the peoples now we see fighting for their freedoms, those who have had their voices silenced the longest.. Others around the world are joining together as they see injustices. And they see the power and wealth of a few dominating the many.. These too are playing their parts as they herald in those changes.. Systems are collapsing as the Old way of being is being dismantled..
      We do not all need to join a Freedom March or Rally.. But we can add our voice.. We can add it in a simple way.. We just need to send out love and peace.. When see violence sent out Love and healing.. When we someone makes us upset. We don’t need to add to that by retaliating and adding yet more negative vibes to the already overloaded Negative energies.. We walk away…
      These are in fact what is meant by turning the other cheek.. An eye for an eye in this world only makes for a world that is blind..
      Our Earth is now changing and getting ready to become a New Vibration.. Much Chaos will seem to ensue.. But out of that Chaos is born Clarity.. A New World.. for those who wish to embrace the Light of Change.. and become One once again..



  19. Raven of Leyla
    Feb 05, 2012 @ 19:46:04

    I am holding on DW…tight and with a smile, but a bit anxious.
    Since I was a child, I was told I am odd, strange and crazy…because I said these things. I was sure I must experience everything I could in this life time, not because it was the End or last life, but because it was going to change. I went and have done much but I realized eventually, I must live in the moment, live for now and treasure each person, tree animal and even the negative experiences.
    Thsi is beautiful as always my friend.
    Love and hugs,
    Raven xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2012 @ 19:01:42

      Bless you Raven, I know you hold a gift.. and you are following that which is your right path.. to live within the NOW moment is what we have all so long forgotten .. Enjoying the simple things.. Nature, a child’s laugh, the rain, each moment never to be repeated.. each held precious .. For you are right,,, Because this Life is going to change. And if we do not start now and embrace that change within ourselves and look to love and cherish, Care and learn to live in harmony with Nature.. Mother Nature is going to show her children of the world how she chastises.



  20. Sabina Brave
    Feb 06, 2012 @ 08:40:26

    I hope for the best in 2012.
    In the past evil people were taking adventage with my good nature, but they failed. I got inner peace. I know, who I am, and I’ll stay me no matter what.
    People like you are blessings for me. Thank you 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 06, 2012 @ 19:47:09

      Arrgh, Thank you for saying so Sabina, But I am not special.. I am just me.. just as you are You.. And it is YOU who have gone within and changed who you are to find that Inner Peace and who has become a stronger individual for finding that Inner Peace.. and showing those who would use you this way, they only harm themselves.. xx Enjoy your evening my friend xx



  21. Michel Laudermilk
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 03:50:58

    Thank you Sue, I am in a state of complete gratitude and humbled by what you have written. Through the course of reading this, my mind wandered a little bit, and i started thinking of this merry-go-round feeling that i’ve been experiencing, and it was like a lightning bolt or light bulb clicked, and the conclusion was, i keep returning to old actions, old feelings, reading the conclusion of your words really helped as far as letting things go “in love” releasing them back to wherever they come from, but doing it “in love” many thanks…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 08, 2012 @ 11:09:01

      Welcome Michel, you are very welcome here… We each of us are like a small piece within our Giant Jigsaw Puzzle of Life and every so often we just click with that missing piece. I am so Happy that you found my site and that you found some illumination.. Thank you for adding your thoughts here..~Sue Dreamwalker



  22. Unsungpoet
    Feb 08, 2012 @ 06:04:15

    This one really spoke to me Sue, loud and clear, an awesome piece of writing.



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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