The Journey Begins.

The Journey has begun~


Life leads us forever along a journey, have you ever wondered how it is we seem to travel along our different paths, often oblivious to the whys and wherefores of our existence.

Have you never thought back to all those people you met and wondered how they came into your life? I am a great believer that people come and go throughout our lives as our pathways cross, each of us bring something to the other, even though we may never see what that is…

Nothing is ever by chance…

Looking back at my childhood years I remember little, and yet I remember much. I remember my Maths Teacher, Miss Lomas, a buxom woman who retired the year after I left School.. Miss Lomas was also my Music Teacher. Now in her maths class, I was below average, especially in mental arithmetic, ( No Calculators in my day it was long division) and all that working out I often got lost and would peer over my class-mates shoulder in the hope to find where I was going wrong.. But in my Music class I played the recorder and sang in the choir, In my last year at school age 15 I was presented with the music prize on Speech Day, it was the book of music ‘Handles Messiah’ a book which still stands with pride upon my bookshelf today.

Miss Lomas could be a really strict teacher and she scared the living daylights out of me in her maths class, as she would grumble at my results and I would strike red pen through my work as she told to correct my mistakes.. But in her Music class I sat near her piano, and she would always come to ask me to sing Middle C which I would sing in perfect tone, as I’d follow the Music from the music scripts. She taught the class to always wear a smile when we sang, but I don’t think I need to be taught, for I loved to sing and I had a permanent grin in Music Class.

We aspire to the things we love in life.

The school I went to was the Secondary Modern School for Girls, girls and boys went to different schools back in my day, it was only the Grammar Schools where they were mixed, the Grammar Schools were where you went if you passed your 11Plus exam, where the brainy kids went, this exam we sat aged 11 to determine which school we went to for the rest of our school years, needless to say I failed…

I failed I guess because I wasn’t bright at spelling or maths, But I was very good at drawing, and artwork something I took after my Dad for.. This system later got abolished, as Comprehensive schools came in later.

Where Am I going with all of this? Well it’s all about people and Language, and how they come into your life and set your path, and when I arrived at my Secondary Girls School I was shy and a bit of a loner, I wasn’t one for conversation, and didn’t easily mix. In fact, because our family were not well off, we couldn’t afford the proper uniform, something I would always be getting pointed out in assembly as I was told to go to the headmistresses office for not wearing correct uniform, as my Mother had handmade my summer dress and she thought to put a lace collar on my red gingham dress, her sewing machine couldn’t do button holes, (it wasn’t electric but a treadle machine, you older generation of ladies out their will remember some of these) So I had press studs all the way down the front of my dress.. This dress was made three sizes too big for me, and lasted me 3 yrs, as the hem and seems were let out and out. So too were my shoes, Big black ones, that were miles too big, I had cotton wool in the end of my toes, and my legs looked like Mini Mouse out of Disneyland. These too lasted me years and I jumped for joy when the soles wore out, and cried when my dad re-soled them again.

One of those childhood memories looks back with fondness at my English Teacher, Mrs Woodhouse, Now she saw in me something I think, for she would give me tasks to help her, and she saw my love of listening to the stories she would read out..She gently encouraged me to read out loud in class, as I’d turn red faces she saw how I would struggle with words that I didn’t understand and could never spell.. She introduced me to Books, she would take me to one side and take me into her library of books in her store cupboard and pick one out and say –‘take that home, no need to tell anyone else, keep it and read it and let me know what you think when you have finished’.. I would devour those books, they would transport me to a different world.. I would read and I could shut out all of the arguments in my reality, and I would devour their words as the pictures flew across my mind as the characters came to life from their pages.. I would bring them to life, as I would laugh along with them; cry their tears, as I journeyed along their life’s paths, feeling their sorrows, sharing their joys.

Language can take us on remarkable Journeys.

Language communicates our thoughts as we speak and as we write them down. Language is a tool as we weave our stories, share our information and experience, Language throughout our world holds many similarities, as different countries even hold similar words and meanings.

Words get altered in dialect, shortened, lengthened altered added to, omitted, used as slang.. Words are the means for us to communicate.. Whereby in other cultures use their stories as they pass them down verbally through generation to generation, some using pictures and paintings to help explain their past. Some calving out symbols in stone.. While others in History have decided to write and record what they have seen or been told.

Just as my teachers touched my life, I am now touching yours as you read my words, I weave my own images across your mind as I use my words to describe my events of my past history.

I may not have remembered it in accurate detail, as my memory remembers only the good bits and the bad bits,, other bits in-between have got lost. The bits I don’t want to share with you I omit, I don’t tell you.. Or I could just be making it all up and telling you a load of fiction..

You have to decide… What feels right to you?

So too we are taught in school, we are given the tools of language, and told this is Truth, we believe it because we have no cause not to believe it.. But what if some of our History was mixed up when written down, distorted, omitted, added to, and moulded…

Historians, Archaeologists, and Scientist can’t explain some of the greatest mysteries of the world.. We think that Pyramids are just in Egypt, when they are in Peru, Mexico, China, all over… In fact in China they are letting trees grow over them so no one can see them.. Pyramids have been found under the ocean..

Ancient Mysteries are the key to unfolding our Answers

It’s a little like those sailors long ago thinking they would sail off the edge of the world… With knowledge we perceive things differently.. I have always felt a little different.. apart…. something I cannot explain.. This has led me to search, I am still searching.. But I have always had an open mind.. I want those who travel along with here to open their minds, to other possibilities, Nothing is cast in stone.. History is being made every day… I am asking you to take another look with me and

Question The tools we are taught with..

© Sue Dreamwalker – 2012 All rights reserved.

32 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. granbee
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 22:36:06

    Oh, I drove my teachers crazy and rejoiced them all at the same time with my unceasing questions about the teachings tools that were used. I continue on this quest today and am SO rejoiced to know you, Sue, are out there questing, your spirit with my spirit, hopefull connecting to more and more and more spirits all over the world! No surprise to hear about your love of language, of books, of music and painting. You are still the same blessed Sue in your essence, you know!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 13:54:20

      My Spirit to your Spirit Granbee, is what we all are connected to.Although we have long forgotten our connections as a race of beings, and have seperated ourselves, far from what we were supposed to experience in our earthly body.. But I hope I am giving Food For thought, as do all your posts to me my wonderful friend xx



  2. cat.
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 22:44:51

    Nothing is cast in stone … yes … and even if it was … live by your own rules help you get through this life time … good for you … what more do you want? Follow your heart … Love, cat.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 13:58:58

      Hi Cat, yes nothing is cast in stone, all things change, and can be changed… Our conscious thoughts can help to bring about changes, not only in our life’s path, as we follow our hearts, but we can help change the consciouness of this planet as we evolve into our next level of Be-ing .. Love to you Cat… wishing you a peaceful day and I hope you join me and others at 5pm GMT in sending some thoughts of love and healing out into our earth to help boost our vibrations of Peace, Love, and Hope x



  3. suemacarthur
    Jan 20, 2012 @ 23:58:12

    I like this blog very much, it say so much about you as person and about the people who have walk with you in life and as your blog always do it has made me stop and think, and I Thank you for that
    Take care



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 14:00:49

      Hi Sue, its always my intentions to make people think for themselves, I have always said, Don’t believe me, go out and find out, ask, dig, and question. and it is supprising what answers we find back..



  4. prenin
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 09:43:27

    People don’t realise what poverty is and what it does to us.

    My father loved money and always carried a full wallet while my mother starved to feed us, put clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet.

    These and many other dark memories I won’t bore you with – just read my poetry on my blog…

    Love and hugs!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 14:19:06

      I’s never thought of myself as Poor though Prenin, not until I was made to feel less adaquate and picked upon by school friends.. I will drop by to read a few of your poems by and by, This is why its good to look back, but not carry the emotions for we can then carry bitterness, regrets, and a whole bundle of other emotions that pull us down, and as we then get bogged down our own energy then dips, as we become dis at ease with life, which then starts the onset of disease… It takes a lot of deep looking within to see just how much damage we do to ourselves and how much bagage we carry around with us which weighs is down.. Love and Blessings back Prenin, and enjoy Saturday x



  5. The Emu
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 10:31:26

    Sadly the old Emu’s school days were not filled with much education having his tender years and learning skills dictated by the Christian brothers , leading to a lack of education and a great wisdom into the minds of the sexual religious fanatics.
    Removed from school at an early age and was told I would never amount to much as It was impossible to teach me ( maybe I was damaged ) , the final reason for removal from school was because I was illiterate and would never learn to read or write ,wonder what those Christian brothers would say now about their failed student
    Cheers Sue



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 14:27:45

      Well Emu that failed student who went on into medical training, and served his country in the Vietnam War, and who writes the best poetry and stories full of humour in the whole of Aussie Land.. I would say that hadn’t a clue what they were teaching!…. (( Hugs ))



  6. mysterycoach
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 11:05:36

    You know… with a little help, that teach of yours could have assisted you much better … that wasn’t you, that was her. I had a very difficult time in school and it wasn’t until my mid 30’s that I realized that it was their teaching methods and my fear of failure that hindered me. I learned that we all “learn” things and can be taught things in very different ways, one way does not work for another and each person is an individual. Some where along the line, teachers forget this very real fact and the child gets lost in the shuffle. I was such a child.

    Now they say these children are “special” … thereby putting a label on them which is unnecessary. All the child needed was the extra time and effort of a caring teacher to figure out just what worked with that particular child. Nothing has changed in the school systems either… not that I can see.

    When my daughter has a problem in a specific class, I ask her about her teacher… not “why isn’t she getting it” … because if she’s not understanding the work, it’s not being presented “to her” in the manner in which SHE needs to learn. We all learn things differently in life. I think it’s a shame that these things are not taught in schools… at least I’m not seeing it just yet. Rant over 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 14:33:48

      Hi Mystery, thanks for adding your Rant!.. every child is an individual I so agree, just as we grow up as individuals we all have differing opinions, and views, the world would be a sad place and quite regimented if we all complied with the same systems and thoughts, This is what I was trying to show the reader here… Its how we are taught, what we are taught and its not always the correct way, or for that matter the correct Facts! 😉 Enjoy your Weekend and thank you again for your thoughts x



  7. zendictive
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 13:14:18

    have you ever read,,, “One” by Richard Bauch (author of ‘Johnathan Livingston Sea gull) It describes pretty much what you said in the first couple paragraphs. How each are connected and brings us into a whole, one! great read… I love his story/novel “Illusions” this was a corner stone for me in opening my mind to possibilities.

    You open so many doors and minds with your writes, I enjoy reading you! I often thought about past lives, such as those who hav lived through the centuries, the begger a thousand years ago, no one will ever really know…etc, or a princess no one has ever heard of because she may have not been beautiful, etc.

    Sitting on the couch, time is a river and we are the vessel, we still flow into the future rather we do nothing or rather we persue something, like understand the truth bout our existance.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 14:49:49

      Hi ~Art, yes I have pretty much most of Richard Bach’s books, and have read those mentioned here… I will just fetch the book of Illusions as I have a favourite quote in there and I don’t wish to miss type it to you.. it si

      You are led thorugh your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spritual being that is your real self. Don’t turn away from possible futures before you’re certain you don’t have anything to learn from them. You’re always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past

      and a little later he says,

      Beleive you know all the answers, and you know all the asnwers, Believe you’re a master and you are…

      Many thanks ~Art for jogging my own memory to look among my book shelves and remember the teachings in these wonderful words xx



  8. Raymond alexander kukkee
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 16:22:39

    Sue Dreamwalker, every spiritual soul that touches us in the form of physical experience or otherwise teaches us lessons we must learn. Our purpose is to learn and move on to greater, more important lessons -interestingly, seemingly with the same group of people in different roles. There is no one we cannot learn a life-critical lesson from. Should we ignore the obvious, we must return and learn again.
    On my blog Incoming Bytes I try to encourage people to use what I call
    ‘protracted thinking’ –the answer to every question is also a question and creates MORE questions which must be explored and answered in turn, endlessly. People must be aware of that fact and explore humanity itself. Only using that process can one become aware how complex as the spiritual/ human/ beings we are , and how essential other beings ARE to our own development.
    Great post!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 16:45:07

      Hi Raymond, you have got this so spot on, when people understand we are all upon the same journey and interconnected they will understand that every person who enters our lives bring with them a gift.. and those whom we may term as our greatest enemies, bring with them our greatest Gifts.. Thank you for bringing your own gift of words here today Raymond, I have to prepare now to join in the sending of love out into our Earth Mothers Aura… Blessings for dropping by



  9. Raymond alexander kukkee
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 17:06:32

    Sue Dreamwalker, it is fascinating to understand “the greatest gifts to us are those brought by our greatest enemies”, — for in receiving them in compassion and understanding instead of fear and anger, –we grow in love, tolerance and inner peace…a much better, and far more intelligent path to perfect knowledge.
    Thank you. “:)



  10. Vampire Weather
    Jan 21, 2012 @ 20:24:43

    Inspiring words Sue. Truly, nothing is by chance. So much occurs of which we are unaware and yet effected. Lovely words



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 21, 2012 @ 22:16:52

      Many thanks Vampire Weather… Sometimes I do wish however that those Chance Moments were understood a little more though 🙂 But allowing ourselves to go with te flow of life helps for a smoother ride, than if we resisted each step of the way… 🙂



  11. Androgoth
    Jan 22, 2012 @ 01:16:48

    What a great posting Sue, I think that we all need to start thinking about things a lot more instead of just following the standard routes in life, one needs to find their own path, even if that seems a little off centre sometimes. I am just thinking about what you said… Maths Teacher, Miss Lomas, a Buxom Woman, and… Well the imagery does give one the impression of St. Trinians and I am now visualising you with a hockey stick and being rather wicked too…

    Okay joking aside I agree with you on the questioning about the tools that we were taught with, or should I say the tools that we were brought up with? Even the Buxom Miss Lomas couldn’t have imagined a time where calculators would take over the thinking abilities of a students brain, well maybe she could who knows? Right as I am waffling on I will leave this one as is and try catching up with some of your earlier postings, of which you are thrashing out at a speed of knots 🙂 😉 lol

    Have a wonderful rest of weekend Sue 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 22, 2012 @ 13:16:22

      No she maybe couldn’t Andro, she was the old school, a ‘Miss’ through and through, but in her Music class we saw a very different lady.. one who was even a touch romantic… Every one of us has two sides to our ‘Being’, and we do constant battles with the rights and wrongs of things. As in education many saying their way is the only way..
      We are Students all our lives Andro, I have never stopped learning, and if someone can show me something new, and it takes my attention, I wish to find out more.. I never take someone’s word that it is fact anymore.. My mother’s own lesson of telling me I was found under a Gooseberry Bush was one of my very first experiences of this.. And How disappointed I was to find out the Real Truth.. That my Mum was wrong,… I think as we traverse this life, and as stones get upturned even further, then I also think many more will become very disappointed as they see that maybe History isn’t what we were taught as the whole of the truth either… and it will take courage to face, and it will not matter what I or others say. At the end of the day it is up to each individual here upon this planet to understand their own Truth.. Their own selves, and understand the parts they have played in progressing through their own lives, and how they also played their parts in helping others along their journeys too.. For this Journey only appears to be separate..
      Each of us have a connection via our consciousness our energies bodies… That is why nothing is Cast in stone, because as we think so we can create.. and it’s by changing our way of thinking that by changing the way we are living we can stop destroying our planet.. If we all of us start and learn that our Planet and the Human Race are one living organism. And learn to respect each other and live in Unity.. Then we have a chance… I live in hope..



  12. europasicewolf
    Jan 22, 2012 @ 18:51:13

    Life is a great learning curve 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2012 @ 21:09:58

      Wolfie, it sure is.. and just dont’t we know how Hoooooowwwwling it can get.. :-)… I see I have another excellent post to comment on in Europa’s Icy Realm… I will be flying by real soon.. x



  13. rosemarymonteith
    Jan 23, 2012 @ 17:37:23

    Sue so true, at least in the year of the Dragon as well as our year of 2012 the truth is being revealed to those that wish to hear



  14. Oceanwaves
    Jan 23, 2012 @ 20:49:39

    I just had to come over,…. and would also like to add my beat to your drum here.
    After reading your amazing poem on Androgoth’s site.

    And I see there are many more amazing posts here.
    What a captivating read, very enlighting! …Thankyou



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 23, 2012 @ 21:53:01

      Hi Oceanwaves I have seen your ripples and tides as I sail across the sea of WordPress Blogs 🙂 and Hello to you and pleased to meet you.. and thank you for taking the time to drop by, I will return the compliment, but it will be tomorrow now as it late here.. Thank you Tracey 🙂 Do drop by again xx



  15. Oceanwaves
    Jan 24, 2012 @ 19:31:23

    oooh, what a beautiful write, thats so nicely put,..ripples and tides 🙂 I like that.
    Thankyou for welcoming me dear Sue.
    I hope you feel at home over the waters where I live as I do here.
    You are always welcome to come ashore 🙂

    I will pop in again real soon!



  16. Raven of Leyla
    Jan 27, 2012 @ 18:12:41

    Wonderful story telling my friend, I enjoy how you write 😀
    I discovered reading books in Grammer School too, through a Teacher, Mrs. Stoker. It got me through some touch times during childhood. We got one pair of shoes a year if the sole wore out, we traced the shoe and cut cardboard out to place inside. I being the oldest did not get as many hand me downs as the others, yet we did get second hand clothing.
    Teachers are some of the greatest people I met early on, also my Sunday School teacher was instrumental in my learning.
    Along the way there are many people who’s paths we cross who become teachers or guides whom we learn from and this is a gift.
    Oh life has so much to offer us the journey is more of a Dance to me as I look at how I have grown from when and where I began this journey 😀
    I love to sing too!
    Oh you get me thinking, my pleasure once again.
    Peace be with you,
    Raven xox



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 27, 2012 @ 21:45:29

      Our lived have runs so similar paths Raven.. 🙂 but that too does Surprise me for often like minds attract like minds … Sometimes the greatest teachers have also been some of my worse enemies also Raven, for it has to be said also that those lessons they taught were invaluable!.. And although none of us would like to repeat them.. they have strengthened and moulded us to become who we are today .. love and Gratitude Raven and sending you some warm hugs in return xxx 🙂



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Sue Dreamwalker

Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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