Wake up Time!

Today I visited another Truth Seeker, whose  blog post I read today you can find here… She is Vision Keeper and her blog post is called Expanding our Vision   which can be read here..

We often rely upon others accounts of what is happening around the world.. and as if to confirm to me that it is now time to remove some of those Rose Tinted glasses and start and see the world as it is, and not what we are told.. Then no more so than todays set of coincidences have led me to believe it is now my own time to start and try to wake others up to our world.. 

As a nation we rely upon Governments to rule and supposedly know what is best for its people, and for the most part we are law abiding citizens who comply with rules and regulations because we know without rules there would be chaos .. But have you ever thought beyond what these rules are for? Have you not ever looked behind the scenes of what is portrayed as Real..

Various leaders and Gurus can tell us about the path to enlightenment.. But have you ever tried to enlighten yourself to what our Earth is all about?Have you never Questioned your role here? Did you never ask yourselves WHY are we here.. and What purpose we serve?

We process Data via those who tell us this is the truth, and we blindly believe them. WHY? because we would never think to believe that leaders would wish to harm us..

Many years ago I was blind to many things, and while I know there is a lot of Disinformation out there propagating fear tactics.. there are also a lot of people who know the truth of which I speak..

Now more than ever We need to understand that this world is going to go through some major shifts in consciousness, and its time for many who are sleeping in the bubble of ignorance to at least poke their noses out and take a peek at what I am saying..

Fine you can call me a Nutter, a weird one, who dabbles with those spirits in the after-life.. But those same spirits have also told us that our Earth is going to go through some major shocks.. and our way of living is going to be turned upside down..

This is why we need to start and come together and understand the beauty of our experience is that we are all evolving and growing.. While its sometimes good to let others decide for us what is real and true, its time now to come out of your cocoons and start to do your own research into what I am saying . and start and make up your own minds about our reality.. Question everything…. even me…. never believe what you are told.. dig deeper and unearth your own truth, your own understanding.. Don’t just dismiss it all as nonsense.. or Conspiracy theories either… 

We owe it to ourselves to investigate… I know that much fear mongering will begin shortly .. and so you need to keep an open mind, and listen to your own intuition, follow your own guts.. Don’t get swept up in the tide of media propergander .. If you feel you should be somewhere else.. follow that thought pattern.. If a nagging voice inside your head keeps telling you that you need to move and relocate.. that heed what it says..

For those unseen worlds are joining ours and asking us to listen to that inner voice one in which they repeatedly keep shouting to us for us to listen to..

love and Blessings Dreamwalker 

42 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. zendictive
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 18:14:29

    we as a species are still limited by our technology, knowledge and wisdom. The expanded universe is a shining example … we know a thimbles worth of knowledge about our universe and a hand full of knowledge about our planet and about that much about ourselves… with no class on how to explore and expand our vision it i left up to people like you and vision keeper and more to enlighten the world that knows not it is in the dark. A politician would say we have all we need to fix the problems yet this task does not get done, NASA is just now planning to visit our neighboring planet Mars while people yell the Aliens abducted their dogs( think it is those from the future coming back in time rather than flying across the vast universe. we know so little, like the romans we built great cities and tax the people rather than expand on wisdom we sink money in knowledge and degrees cause that is where the money is at… well that is a dimes worth of venting (~_~)



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 21:19:20

      We have to think ~Art, just where that technology we have today came from so quickly.. I mean just take us back 100 yrs as see how far we have travelled.. Area 51 and space ships may seem far fetched and out of the lastest block-buster Movie script.. But if one delves and digs and opens up ones eyes ‘Time Travel’ may well not be a thing of the future but it may well be here and now.. Who knows?.. until we research and investigate and use those skills we were born with, our intuition and stop being told what to believe all the time.. we may then find the answers we are all looking for.. I am certain that those in the real ‘Know’ have other Hidden agenders in regard to Space Travel.. Make the most of ‘Money!’ too… for it too is slipping faster and faster into decline… ( Vent anytime ~Art 😉 )



  2. Visionkeeper
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 18:17:38

    Well now DW….That was a good one 🙂 No need for me to comment further other than to say well done…Forward we go….Thanks…VK



  3. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 20:16:19

    I like the fact that you are advising us to question everything, Sue, including what you are saying yourself! I’m noticing things that just don’t seem to be right, yet I can’t quite put my finger on why I think that way… however, it is perfectly clear that there are a lot of changes going on all around us right now. Great post once again, Sue… I’m now off to visit Visionkeeper! 😀



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 21:26:12

      Hi Tom.. I hope you find what Vision Keeper says eye-opening also.. Just keep questioning Tom.. and as you are delving into your ancient date that has plagued your mind, see what else turns up as you surf the net.. and just maybe something will trigger a long lost memory and open a door down a new road of thought I do hope so.. 🙂



  4. Rosemary Monteith
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 20:28:14

    Sue it is the time of hidden things being shown, the true meaning of Revelation and the Global awakening to the true power which lies within us, What Adam and Eve lost in the Garden of Eden, mankind has the chance to regain, the circle has come around to that point again. This time the forces of Darkness will not win The warriors of light, no



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 21:28:51

      Oh so loved that comment from you Rosemary.. there are many Warriors fighting under that banner of Truth and Light, in many cultures and over many creeds for this world is in need of Light, and its time now for Warriors to stand up and let the TRUTH be heard.. many thanks my lovely friend xx



  5. Rosemary Monteith
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 20:32:23

    no matter what their creed, religion, or belief fight under the banner of light and truth.
    luv Rosemary



  6. lorrena
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 23:49:51

    I recall the movie “As good as it gets ” with Jack Nickolson as a compulsive disorder.Fine term as it fits humanity quite well and its overwhelming obsessiveness for this material world and everything that glitters and gleams.
    People have forgotten the “time” long ago as we have buried so much truth in a past full of lies.Sad as you not a “nutter” Sue,you see you simply see outside this paradigm as some others do,maybe not enough see what has happened to this reality as it has ground so many into this same pattern of never searching for themselves and pandering consciously to the norm.This same norm and its inclusions of war,disease ,fear.greed…we know them all.They live and will die by these ,shoved constantly into their minds by the same mass media and same mindset that has taken over the world of thought…
    Never be afraid to beat your own drum my friend,as I know you do not.And some day when the end is near you can jump out of the window of life.
    Something like Jacks friend does at the end of One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest….or right out of this very very strange twisted world.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 21:37:37

      Lorrena, as always my dear friend, your words hold wisdom, and thank you for adding Im not a “nutter!” :-).. and its nice to beat the drum with friends Who think the same way as myself.. I have seen the movie with Jack Nickolson.. and you made me smile.. for yes Mankind has a compulsion for this Material world.. But all that Glitters is not Gold.. and soon unless we get ready to alter our way of living we will see that it will matter not how much gold we possess for Money will not buy us back this Planet.. Blessings again to you sister and for adding your thoughts here



  7. prenin
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 05:37:13

    A time of change is coming, the much-feared tinderbox of the Middle East is finally alight and the fire is spreading!

    Syria’s government is fighting for its survival with every weapon it has available, but as the flame spreads it too shall fall!

    The problem is: What will take its place???

    The only reason the West supported these countries was for the sake of OIL and now that this is threatened the powers are stirring because they are threatened.

    Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. etc. etc. are all leading to an inevitable climax with Iran trying to arm itself with nuclear weapons.

    Death is stirring and the spilled blood of innocents is calling out to the world…

    God Bless.




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 22:02:26

      Hi Prenin, these places are indeed a tinderbox.. and one in which we should all keep a close eye upon.. Let us just suppose for a moment that Oil and its supplies were indeed stopped.. How long do you think we could function effectively.. Cast your mind back a few years to the Fuel Duties increases here in the UK when blockades were put into place.. This brought the UK nearly to a standstill in only a few days.. Supermarkets ran out of food, we ran out of petrol??
      When I say we need to look.. you are looking in the right direction Prenin… for all of these things will have a huge knock-on-effect around our planet. People should consider these things and while no one wants to add to that negative pit of thought to go out around the world. Iran is just mad enough to think they can set off a nuclear bomb.
      What would any of us do if we had no electricity? No Power, Gas, Oil, how would you live, feed your children? Are we prepared if there were to be a catastrophe not just a manmade one.. but what if the Earth decided she too had had enough and moved..
      People may think I am a little bit more than nuts when they read this reply, but I have at least 3 months supply of dried and tinned food and water in stock…. Remember what Christmas is like in the supermarkets when it is shut for only one day… ??? Humans go Crazy!!!



  8. aussieian2011
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 06:01:55

    You may be considered a nutter in some eyes Sue but definitely not mine , if being aware of oneself and relationship with life and my soul is classified a nutter , then so be it ,I would rather be me with a profound wisdom of my origins and final destiny in this material world
    iAN AKA eMU



  9. granbee
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 08:00:03

    Sue, we are SO indebted to you for strongly urging us to listen and listen and listen again to the Earth, to the very center of our Souls and listen to and heed the ensuing conversation between your own Soul and the Earth and the Creator. This is true guidance. We can no longer afford to put off this type of dialogue!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 22:11:50

      The Earth is speaking to us, and Has been for sometime.. but we have forgotten how to listen, instead Granbee we listen to that voice of greed, the Ego and continue to rape and pillage our wonderful planet.. She is crying with each turn of her bleeding heart .. And I am certain in the not too distant future we will hear her one almightly roar of protest that no human will forget..



  10. jay
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 09:37:00

    NEver are you a weirdo or nutter .. you are beauty and love … YOu are our soul sister… WE love YOu dreamwalker.. enjoyed this post and totally agree with what you say.. my journey in life led me up the garden path as I believed professionals. NOw I listen to my inner self and my spiritual soul… LOve to you …..light to you and happiness all around you Xxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 22:15:27

      Jay!!!!!.. 🙂 my grin is broader than a Cheshire Cat that you came out to visit me, and to express your thoughts.. Its so very Good to hear from you, If we trust in that Inner self as you have learnt how to do Jay we will find that we cannot go far wrong.. And if we are led off the pathway a little way, its detours are only there to show us a different route and some interesting lessons along the way… Love to you my wonderful longtime friend.. you are very welcome here.. love to you and your family Jay.. xx



  11. Androgoth
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 11:32:14

    You are right, if everyone keeps an open mind
    on things then everything is possible 🙂 I do hope
    that you are enjoying a wicked Thursday Sue 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 22:17:00

      Open mindedness is the Key Andro.. I hope you have a bunch of them, and a few locks to open.. 🙂 Be well now..



      • Androgoth
        Jan 12, 2012 @ 22:29:20

        Yes well I do try to keep those keys handy, I mean you
        never know when I might need to unlock the wickedness
        of someone’s naughty dreams, well in the metaphorical
        sense of course 🙂 😉

        Hey are you having fun this evening? 😉 🙂

        Androgoth XXx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 12, 2012 @ 22:38:00

          🙂 wicked Andro ~Metaphorically speaking I am having a Wicked night answering all these wonderful replies I have here that have waited all day to be approved.. I hope your Friday goes well also Andro.. 🙂



  12. europasicewolf
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 15:48:36

    Always good to get people thinking for themselves…by whatever means is necessary to drag them of sheep mentality!! We certainly know that not all leaders have good in mind for us!!! A quick look at certain mostly deceased dictatorial leaders gives us all a shining example of that! Whatever we believe or don’t believe one thing’s for sure…We need to be on our guard and watching! To be prepared! whatever reasons we may choose to give for it, now is not the time to be found sleeping!!! 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 12, 2012 @ 22:20:01

      Poor sheep, they do get a bashing don’t they my Wolfie friend.. History teaches us many things but do we ever learn? it appears not.. I am pleased I have my wise wolfie on guard to keep those sheep from a sleeping! 🙂 Send out your Hooooowwls my friend xx



  13. Sabina Brave
    Jan 12, 2012 @ 21:57:40

    I’m always looking for the truth. Words are words only.
    Love and hugs,



  14. giselzitrone
    Jan 13, 2012 @ 12:33:38

    Liebe Grüsse und ein schönes week-end Gruss Gislinde.



  15. Angelwings6
    Jan 14, 2012 @ 09:48:03

    Loved your blog Sue.. Your so caring about the planet, just wish everyone was as caring as you, so many souls out there that need some enlightenment you would be such an inspiration to many and I do not think to many would call you a nutter sue… Keep caring and sharing Sue I hope the New Year kicked in well for you and all of yours….



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2012 @ 14:45:15

      I am so happy to see you here Angelwings my dear friend, and so happy also that you are fine and well.. My New YEar is fine and all the brighter now I know you are good also, I had missed you and your posts LJ.. 🙂 xxx



  16. beautifulchaos2
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 01:40:18

    Your very welcome Sue, you were the first person I thought of for that candle award, seemed a perfect choice for you, and you so very much deserve it.:)
    Have a wonderfule weekend.



  17. Unsungpoet
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 10:11:42

    Fear-mongers everywhere, trying to keep the masses in line with their fear tactics…it goes so deep…most would not believe how deep the instigations and what has actually been orchestrated and made to look like”disasters”, “accidents” or the “enemy”…Hollywood doesn’t help at all; as much as I have enjoyed movies, etc, I have a hard time accepting much of the crap that is fed into minds through this medium, can’t even acknowledge the way things really are without at least someone sarcastically hollering “conspiracy theory!” and treating it as some sort of paranoid vision…this is the way those in power want it. The reality of the situation is that in this world NOTHING is the way it seems at face value. You are so correct in advising people to look, think for themselves and follow their hearts…



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2012 @ 14:38:46

      All you say here Unsung is very true, When you start to delve and seek that which doesnt come from main-stream media and I have done not just recently but over the years, even from books written back in the early 90’s which have given chanelled information which is only now coming to to light, and way back then I thought it far-fetched ideas,.. Only now when we really open up our eyes do we see that the Dots are joining together.. We need to start and piece them all together and start to see the Bigger Picture of what is happening, and who those people are behind the fringes who manipulate even governments to do their bidding… But like me years ago.. I needed to search and find out for myself.. But the Time now is getting shorter, and those who are fighting these darker forces behind the scenes now need more than ever to gather more like minded souls together to enable our consciousness to turn the events around.. For if we do nothing and bury our heads then the Dark forces will gain an upper hand and win.. But its up to each of us to use our free will and open our eyes and look..AND THEN SPEAK OUR TRUTH!!



  18. chicasl10
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 15:39:41

    Oh Yes I think many times Why are we n this earth? what is my contribution.
    Well i always say follow what u have inside. The world is going down.
    Most ppl dont belief these days in the way others want us to belief.
    We go our way..My bro always says to me that i think to much.Lol
    The Maya’s say that 2012 will make a turn..so willsee.
    TC and tx for ur condolences Sue.
    Be well ejoy the sunday



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 15, 2012 @ 17:15:30

      Thank you my friend,, it is indeed now time to make our contribution and help our Earth Mother and others through these times of Change.. Many thanks for commenting here, and I know time heals, Your Father would I know be proud of his daughter.. Love and blessings to you xx



  19. rumpydog
    Jan 15, 2012 @ 23:14:02

    I have a natural inclination to be wary of leaders. Don’t get me wrong, there are some good ones that are doing what they think is right. But just because I think something is right doesn’t mean that it is for everyone.

    I believe that the answers are inside of each of us. I also believe that it’s not for me to shake people awake, but to instead use a gentle nudge. 🙂



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2012 @ 12:50:57

      So do I Rumpydog, the answers are inside each of us, we just forgot who were are, and have got so, so lost in this Material, Get More–into Debt, Throw-away society and have got so dumbed down in this world, which again is no mistake, this had been deliberate in the mind-control of people,
      I think now we can no longer afford to sit back, we have to be aware of what is happening, Our Leaders are also being manipulated and groomed to sit within their seats of power, And while many come to power with promises of great change…. I would ask you to consider how many of those promises were fulfilled. And how much of our liberties have been eroded..
      And along the way many of us have forgotten to CARE about each other… WE are the society we are the ones here and now, and if we do not alter our ways of the world there will be no world in the future..
      Many thanks for dropping in with your most meaningful comments here Rumpydog, I appreciate you voicing your thoughts.. ~Dreamwalker



  20. becca givens
    Jan 16, 2012 @ 02:52:02

    Holding the energy of good in Divine Love and Light … thank you for the timely message and reminder! Blessings ~~



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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