The Community ~Where is it Today?

From the Family Album

Looking back over the photos of yesteryear Its hard to understand how you come to the place you are today. Many things happen within everyone’s families that either bring them closer together or drives them apart. And the same goes for whole communities but we call this progression as we embrace a more modern way of living.

In my post Horsing Around My Village  which took me back down memory lane as I recalled my early childhood and gave a glimpse into Village life  in the Derbyshire Peak District. It got me thinking how when I was in junior school probably age 9 or 10 We made a model of the whole village using matchbox’s stuck together all shapes and sizes.. Each of us had to make our own home out of a matchbox  and paint etc. While our teacher who was also the headmaster of our school Mr Paddley created a huge Map of Stoney Middleton  out of Plywood in which we could stick our homes next the roads, fields etc. which he had painted.

We carefully placed our homes upon the map alongside our famous fish and chip shop which at the time was run by a lovely lady called Eleanor.. Who would give you the scraps for nothing to us kids that would hang around on the nights it was open.Somehow I cant see that happening today…. Hummm,  I can smell that chippy now .. Its still there and is still a chip shop in the Toll Gate house.. Which was built in 1840 as a Toll House to collect dues from travellers on the old Turnpike road .

Anyhow my point is that this Matchstick Village we created we were able to name everyone who lived in our village and we did what I suppose you would call our own school Census that term as we were able to count how many people lived in our Village..Today I think there are around 750 people who live there today , but in my day I remember I could name every household member.. 

There were 3 Pubs back then the Grouse Inn, The Royal Oak and the Moon Inn…Today only the Moon Inn has survived.. There were 3 shops, Arnolds, Dysons, and Nettleships..Two Butchers both named Hancocks  one at the top of the village hill which adjoined his farmhouse and one at the bottom of the village, these shops were named after their owners surnames.. There was also a Post Office and local Barber who had a wooden shed at the bottom of his Garden..The ladies of the Village had to travel to the next Village Calver Sough to get their hair done in another wooden hut..

Today there are now No shops in the village and No post office the only remaining shop in the village today is the FarmShop which used to be Hancock’s Butchers and the chip shop .

Family Album Wakes WeekStoney Middleton Well-Dressings I see my Grandmother and Aunts and Uncles in this photo,but I don’t know which year it was taken.

It brings home to me how our Communities have changed. I had to move away from my own village when I got married as there were no new homes that were being built and the ones that were for sale the younger generation couldn’t and still can’t  afford to buy in the Derbyshire Peak, so City Business people came in and bought up the homes as old Villages passed away..some using as homes with others using as Holiday cottages. And now neighbours are strangers today and we lock the doors behind us when we come home.  We no longer communicate to each other as we scurry around our daily lives trying to earn a living so we can buy the next gadget advertised on the TV and give our Kids what we never had..All in the name of progress..

Jobs are scarce for the younger generation.. Gone are the days you could turn up at a place of work and be set on the next day as an apprentice and learn your skill from the bottom up. Manufacturing Industries have taken the bulk of their work overseas leaving us with less employment, and ALL of it for Profit and Greed. The youth of today are bored and Jobless and so turn to other means to entertain themselves.. And many elderly people are fearful of passing youngsters who now congregate together on street corners, and who dare to challenge the authorities and their elders knowing they can’t be touched if under age so grow up with no discipline or respect.

We have become a society ruled by debt in order to obtain Material goods we cant afford to pay for.. We have become societies of Greed.. as we put possessions before people.

We all of us have come to experience the Material World on the Earth Plane, but along the way of gathering those possessions we have lost the community spirit. In fact we have lost Our Spirit and our connection to each other and nature as we take everything for granted.     

Last winter we had the coldest winter with heavy snow for at least 50 yrs here in the UK… On our street many neighbours joined together and spoke for the first time to each other in years as they rallied around and helped each other dig out our road of snow. But it took a crisis to bring about that Unity of pulling together to help one another.

This is why Changes are in the air, we all feel it, Sense it, as weather patterns alter, as Nations rebel against their tyrant leaders, as the Monetary issues cannot possible carry on the way they are…As we see the Crisis with the Euro coming to a head. 

Our World needs to change…We are the Communities so we are the ones who need to look, really look at ourselves and realise the Change starts with Self..  This is why many are now saying enough is enough and starting to speak out.

WE have got to change .. And that is why we cannot sustain living within this Zone of  Material Greed putting Possessions First..

We have to start and put People First… and bring back a Caring Community who works together in unity and harmony….For if we don’t the Chaos we will generate is unthinkable. 


© Sue Dreamwalker – 2011 All rights reserved.


31 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ann Best
    Nov 03, 2011 @ 22:57:35

    It does unfortunately take a crisis to bring people together. And I see the crises occurring more and more often around the world.

    Everything you say here is true, Sue. The “community” is difficult to find these days. I think it comes closest in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I grew up as a “Mormon.” The sense of community is still very much there, though it has changed somewhat because of others not of the faith who have moved in. But the added diversity has been good. And people help people not just in a crisis but on a daily basis. So such places can be found but they’re few and far between. And the children…when I grew up we were outside playing with friends in the snow and in spring, summer, and fall outside playing jump rope and kick the can. Now the children sit in front of the TV or have iPods in their ears, or….

    I clicked on your Stoney Middleton link, and oh my, it is SUCH a beautiful place that I bookmarked the page so I can pop in and look at it to brighten my day.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 04, 2011 @ 11:13:24

      Hi Ann, yes when I was a child we would always play outside and use our imaginations as to that play, today children are so subjected to the TV screen, and all that entails.
      I know that we have taken a step forward as we have progressed massively in terms of labour saving devices which help both household chores and communications and travel. But I still feel that we have taken a Massive Step Backwards in that we are as human beings are more separate and divided as we hold onto possessions and distrust as we live in the belief that others are out for gain and to take that which we have acquired. I say acquired as we own nothing.. for at the end of the day we come with nothing and leave only with our memories and that which is in our hearts..
      .. And it’s very sad that it take chaos and tragedy to bring that care back in societies where we then rally around each other and help…. But I think Ann this is what will happen around the world in order to make the Human species realise that we are All one.. and we are IN this World Together



  2. europasicewolf
    Nov 03, 2011 @ 23:05:41

    Excellent post with a clear sense of passion and feeling for the subject. There is much truth in this and often it’s not till your material possessions are stripped away from you for whatever reason, that you realise they really aren’t that important after all. Compassion for people, living and experiencing life are rich in rewards material possessions can never ever offer. And it’s then that you really start to think…and act…and speak out and seek to change the world and it’s many injustices! Wolfie hugs 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 04, 2011 @ 11:16:43

      I couldn’t have said that better Wolfie, my friend, It will become apparent soon that the Material will not help Mankind.. as we will learn that those very traits you have mentioned, Compassion and caring and living from the heart instead of the head are the ALL Important components for living life to the fullest here on Earth.. Many Hugs back my furry friend xox



  3. granbee
    Nov 03, 2011 @ 23:15:05

    This need to community is why I celebrate Occupy Wall Street activists around the world. This is a powerful emerging community, just as our fellow wordpress bloggers/posters/commenters are a MOST powerful community. Keep beating your drum; I will keep beating with you



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 04, 2011 @ 11:42:44

      Hello Granbee, nice to meet you,This is all part of the changes that are happening around our Globe at this time Granbee. More and more ordinary citizens are re-awakening to the ‘Facts’ that are presenting themselves as we have been blindly led in the past as we follow the herd.. But there are a few now who are seeing the ‘Light’ and are questioning and prepared to stand up and be counted .. Many now are seeing that the elements of the construction of Power are ruled by a few and that Greed is the Key component behind the Towers of Rule… We the People are now at last requesting to be heard, and know that the Towers which been built upon these greedy principles will indeed soon come a toppling down… For Money and Wealth cannot bring Happiness and wellbeing, Ownership and Possessions will not bring peace of Mind.. We have to first come back to basics and find ourselves first and foremost and start and truly live as we were intended to do and that is we have to come together in Unity and Harmony and live from our Hearts and Care once again and place the importance of Man First and possessions second..



  4. Phil
    Nov 04, 2011 @ 15:56:20

    A long, long time ago, I remember reading a book titled “Future Shock” written by Alvin Toffler. It was written in 1970. In it he discusses the psychological and social consequences resulting from too much change in too short a period of time. For the millenia we were principally an agrarian society, anchored closely to our birthplaces an entire lifetime – actually several generations of lifetimes. Then in a few centuries time, we moved to the industrial society that broke the nucleus of the agrarian life, replacing it with increasingly more mobile and temporary, transient locations we could choose to live, and the erosion of ties to family. He took the trajectory of all this and said in a matter of accelerated decades, we would experience an explosion of technology that would make the world totally accessible, and paradoxically at the same time, isolate us in a sea of anonymity. Powerful reading back then.

    Your writing has stimulated me to re-read it and think about so many of the points you’ve made. I see all the turbulence created by this, but I’m not sure how we can stop the inevitable rush of the tide threatening to sweep our humanity away. It appears as though our evolution will not be totally complete until we’ve become robotic machines, made in our own image, only supposedly better. I’m hopeful I won’t be around to witness that…

    Thank you for such a thought provoking post.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 06, 2011 @ 11:09:38

      Hi Phil, thank you for that in-depth comment.. Yes I am aware of the Book by Toffler, But I have to confess I haven’t read it. You said that.. “I’m hopeful I won’t be around to witness that”… if you think about it Phil we are witnessing it right now we are in it, as its happening before our eyes.. are not many of our manufacturing run by robotic machines our calculators and computers etc… and you said you were not sure how we could stop the rush of the tide threatening to sweep humanity away.. Well I will be posting a Blog on that soon… For we all have the power which is what many who are in power are afraid of, and that’s the Power to say NO.. and to start and live with our hearts not our heads. Many Thanks for taking the time to comment…~Dreamwalker



  5. granbee
    Nov 04, 2011 @ 21:06:37




  6. Androgoth
    Nov 04, 2011 @ 23:16:48

    I have just noticed this new posting Sue and I will need to call back and read it again, I am forever getting further behind with my thoughts upon postings, and this is on everyone’s Space, it’s just not good enough I know 😦

    I will be back on the morrow to read this one and to add my thoughts to it, in the meantime do have a nice rest of evening and take some time out for yourself too, maybe a relaxing time watching dvds or simply reading in the peace and quiet of a moment… Yes and enjoy your fireworks too, pie and peas, toffee and anything else that you fancy 🙂 Be good also 🙂 lol

    Androgoth XXx



  7. Renee
    Nov 05, 2011 @ 03:54:17

    Everytime I go home it is like going to another country almost as the demographics have so changed the neighborhood where I grew up I would not recognize if not for the fact my dad and sister still live there. Great write, Sue.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 06, 2011 @ 11:20:43

      Yes Renee, everything changes and I expect change. for if things did not change we would not progress… But as we have changed we have become a nation based on possessions and ownership and seperation, rather than pulling together and sharing we have become selfish and conceited in many ways and have lost our way in many respects as to how we can live in harmony with each other as we have been controlled in many ways to believing that We Need all of these things we cant afford and go into debt to pay for them as the ‘System’ keeps us in that Fearful hold of its propergander.. Telling us what to eat, wear and buy… and we think we need all of this to keep up with our neighbours ..which in turn takes us into debt and once we hold what we have we think someone wants to steal it.. And at the end of the day…. We leave it ALL behind.. every last thing… 🙂



  8. Androgoth
    Nov 05, 2011 @ 18:08:58

    Yes times have certainly changed Sue, that wonderful community spirit has been replaced by an unknown quantity of strangers, I guess it is all about greed these days and one cannot leave a door or window unlocked either as the thieves are just itching to steal everything that they can lay their grubby hands on. I like your nostalgic posting though Sue as it brings back some fond memories, I suppose of village life this will be heightened whereas in towns and cities things are very different.

    I remember when my Aunt and Uncle had a cottage near Grantham and how life was so laid back, there was just one pub and a post office and that was it… But the little country roads and the atmosphere was like another world entirely, well it was to me anyway as I was born in a town…

    Okay enough of my wittering Sue, do have a wickedly excellent rest of weekend and grab yourself something nice to eat, maybe a big slice of parkin 🙂 lol

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 06, 2011 @ 11:26:28

      Its nice to go back in time Androgoth, and look down memory lane.. I sometimes wonder as we think we have progressed in terms of gadgets and technology… But as a Species I think we have still much progressing to do.. Many thanks Androgoth…. yes I still have some Ginger cake I made left.. I need to have a break now and put my Bread in the oven to bake.. 🙂 Thank you as always my friend for dropping in to bring your most welcome thoughts to my posts.. 🙂



      • Androgoth
        Nov 07, 2011 @ 16:14:48

        You are very welcome Sue and do save me some of that freshly made bread and to finish off with I will have a thin slice of Ginger Cake, nooooo of course I meant a really big piece as I am a tad greedy with Cake you know? 🙂 lol

        Androgoth XXx



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Nov 07, 2011 @ 21:33:03

          The Ginger Cake all gone, and I have to bake more bread again tomorrow also… soooo you have a sweet tooth Androgoth,… or is that Fangs! Lol…. Have a wicked Evening … 🙂



  9. Sabina Brave
    Nov 05, 2011 @ 18:58:31

    If we don’t start cooperating, and care for each other, and for our world, future for sure wont be nice.
    I noticed, that in the past people were closer with each other. They were visiting each other more often. They were helping each other. With time it changed. People closed themselves in their shelves. They are siiting at home, watching tv, using net. They communicate with other people, but from “safe” distance. Young people stopped making longterm relationships, they prefer “free” relationships. They became selfish, and they concerned on matherial things, forgetting about higher feelings.
    We all have to try to change this world, if we want to safe it before degradation.

    Thank you for wonderful post Sue 🙂



  10. kenny2dogs
    Nov 05, 2011 @ 19:27:22

    Hello Sue, yes ti’s I. Kenny. Finely made it here. But as you are aware I have not been very well of late. However things seem to be getting better for Cherno and myself.
    Interesting post Sue.I feel that change happens so quickly we only see it as it is fast disapearing. Nothing is constant even the heavens change. Think back to your childhood and recognise how quickly things have changed. From then until now seems to me like the blink of an eye !
    Until the next time, be well Dreamwalker my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 06, 2011 @ 12:10:54

      So pleased to see you here my friend and that you are improving with your health and that Cherno is well… Yes Time passes in the blink of an eye especially when we look back over the years and wonder where they have gone to.. Time now is speeding up as even our weeks pass seemingly quicker… In fact Time is doing just that… as the HEAVENS as you rightly say are also changing. Nothing stays constant ALL things Pass and ALL things Change… And we the Human Race needs to understand that nothing will stay the same here in Earth for ever and we are about to witness a Major Change in ALL and Everything on Earth Very shortly.. Love and Blessings to you Kenny… and Keep gaining your strength as you progress to wellness my friend… 🙂



  11. 4 ♥ 1 ♥ Love
    Nov 06, 2011 @ 00:09:08

    Well said, “We put possessions before people.” Bless you and all. Enjoy every day!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 06, 2011 @ 12:12:39

      Thank you my lovely friend.. 4 ♥ 1 ♥ Love and thank you for answering my comments upon your wonderful enlightening Blog space also… may you also keep shining your light upon all who will listen.. 🙂



  12. penpusherpen
    Nov 06, 2011 @ 13:32:23

    Just for a second there Sue, right at the end, my mind read ‘Care in the Community’ and I did a double take… My fault of course…as a Caring Community is what you said. But now my mind has latched onto Maggie Thatcher and her policies… That money matters not people. I Know most politicians are the same should you care to scratch the surface, but I feel ‘she’ more than most has done the dastardly deed of ‘killing’ off what was ‘good’ in this Country… Inherent values have been lost,and it’s every man for himself according to their rules. Our manufacturing base has died a death thro’ the cheaper alternative of productivity abroad, trade after trade has been hit, and if not closed down then at least stripped to the basic output. No chance of apprenticeships for the young, for where would the later chance of jobs come from?.. . and …. I could go on and on… so I shall stop right there, … but all these changes over the years have such an eroding and knock on effect… people have to move far away from their families to make a living, and unlike in the past where you grew up and worked and made your life in one area, now it’s change and change about, with the core values being lost… with some communities existing like strangers who share a smile at the most or an uncaring glance at the least… Sad, compared to the closeness of the past, but as you say there is hope, for we all have it in us to pull together rather than pull apart… Changes are in the air, and as you so rightly say, we can surely all feel it… The Earth sustains all life forms, but only so far… We have to contribute not just take… Great post Sue, very very thought provoking.. xPenx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 06, 2011 @ 14:08:26

      Most politicians are the same the whole world over Pen, and I agree with all you have stated here, Governments are not for the people.. They have been put in place to Rule the people and keep them in control.. and think we are there to serve them and conform.. When in FACT the GOVERNMENTS have been elected to SERVE WE the PEOPLE. But Changes are about to unfold.. Many will not make us too comfortable to begin with, But then so too is Childbirth a painful process.. But we need to go through Change in order to bring about that love and care again.. For we have forgotten how to live from our hearts.. as we have let our heads rule them.. .. Sue xox



  13. natswans
    Nov 09, 2011 @ 12:36:05

    What a great Post Dreamwalker I followed this from your Village life as a child. I must have missed this one I agree with what you say. Change I do hope that it will and sooner rather than later. We have seen changes in the Weather System which has brought people back together and helping one another. Maybe Mother Nature is the answer.. She holds the key it will take time , until we realize what it is that is most important to us all. Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 09, 2011 @ 14:51:15

      So Very True Sheila, Nature holds the Key and we should all remember that she is far more powerful than man, and she holds us all in her hands… Many thanks for dropping in and adding your thoughts … xxHugsxx



  14. CMSmith
    Nov 15, 2011 @ 23:33:08

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I think it’s very sad how our families, neighbors, communities, and our lives have changed. I guess we just have to do the best we can to create what we need and find the good in the world where we are. Bloom where (or when) you are planted.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2011 @ 13:17:00

      Yes its the same the world over Christine as we get swamped by other things in our busy lives often the friends and neighbours are forgotten and then distance creeps in… As we become even more seperate Beings… We have forgotten that what affects one affects the many for we are all of us the Community … So I hope that it doesnt take chaos before we pull together again.. For we ultimately ALL need each other in this world..



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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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