Another Year~ Childhood Memories

May is upon us already.. and with it another year for me draws to its maypole_thumbcompletion.. As I mark another year to my calendar today. The Month of May begins for me with a Celebration of memories.. May is the time when blossoms bloom, and bluebells flower.

I look back within my mind at my childhood, my youth and now my autumn years.. As I see the many changes which unfolds within a life time..I reflect today the many colours which have contributed to my life.. And like the Maypole ribbons each one woven in their own unique colours as they streak through my mind.. Some clear, while others have blown away in the passing of time.

May brings back memories of many birthdays and as I sit and pen this post of memories, I see myself aged 7 dancing the May-Pole in my Village of Stoney Middleton with one of the rare new dresses I would have to wear.. As my Aunt would buy us all a new Easter outfits just once a year. ( as my parents were not so well off ), which often would be miles too big.But I remember well this day in May as I danced with glee, for my dress in poker-dots of blue velvet on white net, like a ballerinas gown was my pride and joy.. I was a princess that day ~I remember lining up in the church vestry waiting to skip out onto the Nook in a line on cue to music, as we took our positions and picked up our ribbons from the boys who stood in the middle keeping the pole sturdy. ~ It mattered not that day that my dance partner a boy, who when we danced over and under went the wrong way and we all got entangled as we skipped our way around the central circle Pole. And our teacher came to our aid as we untangled ourselves..

We would as children gather our mothers bluebells from the valley and later it would be Lilies of the Valley.I can still smell their perfume as I see the images within my minds eye as we would tie them into the small circles of Posies .

My brother would get into trouble for climbing trees, to look into birds nests. But then we all climbed and swung on trees making rope ladders and swings and dens in the wood. We skipped over the meadows picking the many large Moon Penny Daisies and Buttercups and jumped the local brook. I remember being chased off private land near our local small private Middleton Hall by their Gardener..The same Hall that held garden parties for the village on Wakes week, when the Wells were Dressed with the Wells Dressings , with WI stalls of home made cakes and jams. The Tombola stall, and the Lucky Dip..And roll a penny.. Tug of War completions in fancy dress.. Morris Dancing’s, And how All the villages pulled together..

And we would help the local Farmer at harvest time with haymaking, taking two or three of us at a time to drag the square bales of hay into piles for the tractor to collect..

Dad would catch wild rabbits and we would get Rabbit stew on the menu quite regular.. Meat was expensive but we had Pheasants and partridges too, Living near to Chatsworth House my Dad knew someone who when they had their game shoots, the birds which were too badly shot damaged would go cheap.. I remember well sat around the table and Dad saying ‘chew well’, as we all spat out the led shot pellets as they clanked on our plates..

I often find some of those early memories are clearer in my mind than that which I did yesterday…..

May is a special month of the Year.. And just wanted to share a few childhood Memories .. As I Look back today.


Sue Dreamwalker

52 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. prenin
    May 01, 2012 @ 18:35:29

    Yes, it’s no fun growing up poor, but your childhood has some rich memories! 🙂

    Love and hugs always!




    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 02, 2012 @ 15:44:06

      Hi Prenin, Yes my friend, we didnt have much in the way of extras in life, But I tried my best being Big sister of 4 other siblings a Brother and 3 sisters… I have lots of Happy Memories and some sad ones too.. as most families.. But that is Life… ups and downs.. We have to heal the sad ones and bad memories if we can… and learn to move past them, and remember the positive good times.. 🙂 Wishing you well Prenin..



  2. Cat Forsley
    May 01, 2012 @ 19:03:11




  3. jennygoth666
    May 01, 2012 @ 20:05:59

    that was a lovely blog sounds like an ideal childhood and you were a beautiful girl on that pic dreamer xjen



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 02, 2012 @ 15:53:57

      Hi Jen, lovely to see you here.. I dont know about ‘IDeal’ but life was never Dull… we never expected anything as children.. unlike the children of today.. But we had great imaginations and would entertain ourselves outdoors…I think I still have never lost that dreaming in me which you see in the eyes of a 5 yr old 🙂



  4. Deb
    May 01, 2012 @ 21:09:52

    That was so lovely, Sue. Thank you so sharing part of your childhood memories….a wonderful time in our lives. You sure were a sweet face when you were a young girl too!
    Hugs ♥ xx



  5. rosemarymonteith
    May 01, 2012 @ 22:27:01

    Brilliant post Sue really enjoyed it.



  6. Unsungpoet
    May 01, 2012 @ 23:31:12

    This reflection got me so sentimental and made tears well up a little in my eyes…Such sweet memories from an enchanted childhood (I love the photo of 5 yr old you)…I am assuming that today is your birthday?…or sometime this month?..Hope the year is a peaceful one for you. Today is my favorite cat’s (my housecat) birthday…3 years old and I sang to him and opened up a can of real tuna! Tuna all the way around, tuna for all…even the dog! (We had a PAWTY!)



  7. dontchawannadream
    May 01, 2012 @ 23:36:06

    Thanks for sharing these memories, Sue. I just love knowing more about people in general and learning more about you today was a great surprise (It makes me want to read my first diary – I started it when I was 7).
    I love your picture so much!!! So beautiful 🙂



  8. becca givens
    May 02, 2012 @ 02:55:34

    Thank you for sharing … 😀 Wonderful ~~
    May 1st reminds me of Crowning the Blessed Mother with a wreath of flowers!!
    Love those childhood memories!! xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 02, 2012 @ 16:09:33

      Hi Becca, I think different things trigger different memories within people as we grow older.. Even tastes and smells can trigger a memory within ourselves of a past memory.. I know a certain soap fragrance reminds me of my Grandmother! 🙂



      • becca givens
        May 02, 2012 @ 19:44:16

        I know exactly what you mean — without fail, if I am out in a crowd, or in a store ~~ occasionally I get a whiff of my grandmother’s face powder. Am always delighted but amazed someone is wearing it all these many years later. I am very connected to smells, and tastes to trigger memories ~~ most of which I am happy to report are good ones! 😀 Namaste my friend!!!



  9. giselzitrone
    May 02, 2012 @ 10:05:06

    Grüsse dich mal ganz lieb liebe Sue und wünsche dir einen schönen Mai bin seit gestern erst wieder zu Hause war an der Ahr Grüsse lieb und wünsche dir einen schönen Tag Gislinde.



  10. Eclipse
    May 02, 2012 @ 11:22:29

    Lovely memories Sue…(and cute pic of you, 🙂 I think I remember that one from the one of your earlier posts)
    Have a wonderful day



  11. Gabrielle
    May 02, 2012 @ 12:23:09

    What a lovely post Sue! 🙂 Being Dutch, I have no memories of maypoles, or even of mayday celebrations in general, as we didn’t celebrate it. The closest I can come to any celebration around this time of year would have been the queen’s birthday – ‘koninginnedag’ – when all the kids dress up and parade through the town. It’s still the same today.
    Thanks for a wonderful insight into your early life!
    Love and (((hugs))) xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 02, 2012 @ 16:16:32

      Hello Gabrielle,, see I learnt something new also today, I didnt know you were Dutch!.. Maypoles are not seen as often as in the past.. But the village life in the countryside of Derbyshire Dales still keep that tradition alive I am pleased to say, as well as the Dressings of the Wells as they bless the Water.. which you can see if you click the links to photos of the Villages and their Well Dressings Wake weeks.. 🙂



  12. Valentine Logar
    May 02, 2012 @ 14:02:55

    These are wonderful shares!



  13. Red
    May 02, 2012 @ 18:37:47

    What lovely memories! I know I always loved the wild game we had as children. I actually preferred it to the store bought kinds. What a lovely photograph of you! You were such a darling. ❤



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 02, 2012 @ 19:51:30

      Thanks Red, Childhood for me was a mixture of Good and not so good memories… But I prefer to hold onto only the good ones , but all things make us what we are today, so I am also grateful for all lessons in life.. good and bad, for they bring to us our strengths and mould our personalities to who we have become today 🙂



  14. Androgoth
    May 02, 2012 @ 22:28:48

    Is this a re-blog Sue as I seem to remember reading this one ages ago my great friend? 🙂 I have enjoyed reading it again too, I think that looking back over one’s childhood is a nice way of remembering where we came from, and seeing how the road has been travelled. Not all of those times will have been brilliant I guess, as we all learn and walk the path of time, each finding our own way forwards 🙂

    Have a lovely rest of evening Sue 🙂

    Androgoth XXx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 02, 2012 @ 22:39:42

      No its not a re-blog Andro, but similar thoughts I had it seems… I used the same photo though but it wasnt until Eclipse reminded me I realised how my thoughts must drift to those memories of mine.. One step at a time we all walk the road 🙂 Have a good evening Andro xx



      • Androgoth
        May 02, 2012 @ 22:59:04

        Yes I do remember your photograph…

        Did you use the maypole pic before too? 🙂
        If not then it is a case of deja-vu as I am so
        sure about reading that before 🙂 Of course
        I could be off my rocker too 🙂 lol

        Have a lovely evening Sue 🙂

        Androgoth XXx



  15. Sabina Brave
    May 03, 2012 @ 11:44:04

    The greatest wealth is this one in our hearts. 🙂



  16. CMSmith
    May 04, 2012 @ 00:47:27

    Is today your birthday? If so, I hope you’ve had a happy day. My mother, brother and sister Annie were all born in May. It’s a beautiful month.

    It sounds like you had an enchanting childhood.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 04, 2012 @ 19:16:47

      Hi Christine,, It was on the day it was posted yes 🙂 Enchanted on some days Yes.. 🙂 on others it could be a little tramatic… But ALL made me who I am today.. Lovely to see you again… 🙂 Have a great Weekend xx



  17. natswans
    May 04, 2012 @ 11:09:26

    What a Lovely post DW I really enjoyed that, lots of smashing memories there. Wasn’t it so different to it is now. They are actually trying to encourage kid’s today to doing the thing’s we done naturally.
    Hope your weekend is a relaxing one , or at least you get the chance to get out in that allotment of yours.
    Hugs Sheila xx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 04, 2012 @ 19:19:40

      Yes it makes you smile doesn’t it Sheila.. We were never indoors unless it was raining too hard.. We even played out in 3 feet of snow until we had Chilblains… You too have a relaxing weekend xxx Sue x



  18. Tom (Aquatom1968)
    May 04, 2012 @ 22:54:53

    I’m sorry I’m late for reading this post, Sue. I’m trying to catch up (yet again!).
    Belated Happy Birthday for the first – and great memories in this post!



  19. prenin
    May 04, 2012 @ 22:57:14

    Happy Belated Birthday!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!




  20. granbee
    May 05, 2012 @ 16:38:24

    Sue, you brought so many images to full life that I had only read about in grade school reading assignements and gift books from family elders! We, too, had May Poles and Queens of the May and spring festivals. But we also had farmers in town every single Saturday morning selling out of the backs of pickup trucks all that you write about eating here–and much more! I, too, love fresh small game and birds! Bless you for pulling up the windowshades of these childhood May memories of yours!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 05, 2012 @ 18:31:28

      Hi Granbee, I am so happy these memories of mine also resonated with you… It seems we have much in common, but then I always knew we did 🙂 Thank you for sharing your own memories here too.. Just loved that.. ~Sue



  21. Oceanwaves
    May 06, 2012 @ 07:55:28

    wow..what a wonderful read Sue, and you have written it so well. It’s funny how the scent of certain things can bring us back to certain times in our lives, the smell of bluebells also reminds me of my youth 🙂
    These are beautiful memories Sue to cherish and share with others.
    You look adorable hun, very photogenic too.

    Did I read it was your Birthday.. then when?.. as I unknowingly made you a gift
    and had planned to give it to you as soon as I came back on here.
    I just need to upload it first to pb.

    Thankyou for passing by on my blog..glad you liked the Queensday posting 🙂
    We all had great fun lol…
    Hugs Traceyxx



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2012 @ 14:37:23

      Tracey, thank you 🙂 Big smiles, glad you enjoyed your day and the Sun I hear shone too 🙂 Yes its amazing how small things tigger our memories isnt it and especially fragrances.. 🙂 Hugs to you xx



  22. Oceanwaves
    May 06, 2012 @ 07:59:31

    Here you go..hope you like it.
    Hugs Traceyxx



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