My Connection to Native American Indians

Mother Earth

Mother Earth Hear our Prayers and Thoughts This Day

Those of you visit my pages may wonder why it is I have a Drum? and Why all the Native American Graphics… 

Since I was a child I had always had an affinity with our Native American Brothers and Sisters, I could never say why until many years later. It would be through exploring Past Life Recall that I discovered one of my many lives that I was a Native Indian girl….. And I have had such a strong connection with guides who have been from various Native American tribes who have helped me both with my clairvoyance and Spiritual Healing of others as well as Healing my  inner-self. 


45 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. livingsimplyfree
    Jan 17, 2013 @ 01:02:10

    I just happened to find your site from a comment you made at The Liberated Way, I am enjoying your writing so much, but when I read this I knew I had found a place to stay a while. I had dreams from the time I was a very young child of a life as a Native American woman. At the age of 9 I would have an experience that proved to my family that I indeed had lived there before. Glad to know someone else who lived once before among the Native Peoples.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 18, 2013 @ 14:25:42

      Hi there and thank you for adding your experience here… I am pleased that you had your own experience proved to your family.. I always had this affinity with horses too… and would pester my Dad until he relented to let me have riding lessons, although we were not wealthy enough to be able to own a horse… I would always be the Indian not the Cowboy/girl lol.. and as I grew older I collected anything to do with Native American Art..
      I was in my late thirties when I was regressed and found that ONE life was as a Native American Indian and other Lives I have recalled too… You may find some stories I think on my Life with Spirit Categories tag..
      I think maybe my friend thats partly why you are embracing the path of simple-living, the Natural way… as deep down your roots have already the knowledge and you are passing on to others the need to get back in touch with Nature and her Basic’s of healthy Living..
      Thank you for stopping by 🙂 xxx Sue

      Liked by 1 person


      • livingsimplyfree
        Jan 18, 2013 @ 19:16:13

        I agree with you, it is the connection to nature that grounds me. I can’t wait to have time to further explore your site.



      • Sushma
        Jan 13, 2018 @ 20:07:30

        Hi Sue, your blog & reply brought tears to my eyes… I came to your website when I googled ” why I feel connected with native American music”, your website was on the top & now I’m here. Like you, I love horses & nature. I haven’t had glimpse of my past, but I feel deeply connected. Every year when I’m at pow wow, the sound of Drums brings tear in my eyes. I look forward for them to call guest to join their dance. I’m shy person but to join the circle dance, I don’t care… I’ve my few mins of blissful moment.

        I hope you’ll enjoy this music. This isn’t native music but meditative as Native American music.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Jan 14, 2018 @ 11:58:55

          Hello and welcome Sushma, and thank you for taking the time to comment. And amazed my post came out in the top list of google 🙂 And I wish you enjoyment and fulfilment in reconnecting to your Ancient Ancestors whom no doubt you still have their imprint upon you as your love of Native music and nature is calling to your heart. The Music is beautiful so thank you for sharing.. Wishing you a Wonderful 2018 and I so thank you for following Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary Stay Blessed, Sue 🙂



  2. inspiringyourspirit
    Feb 21, 2013 @ 03:29:08

    I too have a Native American Spiritual guide helping me along my spiritual pathway, i’m told he is Chief Sitting Bull and i’m also personally drawn to the ways of the Indigenous Native American ways of life, their connections to Mother Earth and to peace on earth….You have a lovely blog here filled with passion, light and love…Thank You my friend.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 21, 2013 @ 08:56:09

      Thank you Mark for this wonderful response. I used to sit in trance state some years ago now but a lovely Spirit named White Feather spoke through me. You can find some transcripts under Trance section.
      Often they are reluctent to give a name because names and ego are not important as its their messages which they want to bring forward to the world. To once again embrace the life-stlye they lived. Which is in Balance and harmony with all and Nature. Wishing you well upon your chosen pathway my friend 🙂



      • inspiringyourspirit
        Feb 21, 2013 @ 10:10:29

        My dear friend,

        I’m constantly amazed at the powerful laws of attraction and how the spiritual guides and ascended masters put me into direct contact with like minded spiritual souls on a daily basis and often at times when my pathway is blocked or hindered in some way. Souls from all around the world connected together via the divine matrix we call life. I Thank You and them for this connection and together we will get our messages out to this world for the benefit of us all and the generations to come 🙂
        Namaste my friend



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Feb 21, 2013 @ 10:22:58

          🙂 our pathways at times may seem blocked as we seem to flounder as we search through life for answers but I have often found this is a resting period wherby we are being given more oportunities to gather strength and reflect. As well as meet others along our journey. Life always has a plan even though we do not always see the way ahead. We never walk alone. Many thanks again



  3. WordsFallFromMyEyes
    Apr 07, 2013 @ 12:44:27

    I felt very connected to the Chinese culture, as a kid. They used to rib me at school, saying ‘You look Chinese when you smile – can’t see your eyes’. I felt proud about it. A strong feeling. Then what do you know, I have an half-Asian boy!

    You’ve lived an interesting life, Sue, having discovered so much of your self. I am sure me, I don’t know the half.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Apr 08, 2013 @ 15:26:11

      Never put yourself down Noeleen when you say ” I don’t know the half” your own road has been a very difficult one to tread, and I am often humbled at your own experiences and wonder would I have been so strong… You are one lovely lady.. And I am often certain that those we feel connected to played an important part in our past lives I am sure.. So who knows about your Chinese roots…. One thing I know you had a beautiful Boy! .. xox Love to you



  4. cat
    Jul 18, 2013 @ 16:15:54

    Years ago, when I was visiting “my” first Pow Wow on “our” Sunchild reserve … I just sat there and cried … so moving … sister 🙂



  5. From the Desk of MarDrag
    Jan 16, 2014 @ 20:14:19

    This is one of the ways we are connected Dear Sister. I had to stop by here, as I have a strong connection to the Native American way and lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico for many years studying with the tribes and Medicine Men/Women there. I did my vision quest, was “named”, attended pow wows, pipe ceremonies, and other ceremonies and what I gathered there will stay with me forever. Though my true path took a turn elsewhere…this period of study and learning was profound and is connected to what I practice today. Proving, once again, that Spirit is always connected. Wishing we could “meet for coffee”…but I love seeing your comments on my blog and I am determined to spend more time here as well. Ho Mitakuye Oyasin!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 17, 2014 @ 21:21:52

      Hi MarDrag, and lovely to see you here upon my Connection to Native American Indians page.. What I wouldn’t give to have a ‘Coffee’ only mine would be ‘Tea’ lol… and chat about our discoveries.. Wonderful that you have been on pow wows and ceremonies.. For me, my guides helped me and still do.. as I get directed here and there to read and connect with like minded souls such as yourself.. Life is like a giant jigsaw, as we each get to slot the pieces together… I am so pleased we met.. 🙂 .. Blessings .. Sue xxx



  6. megdekorne
    Oct 14, 2014 @ 23:15:54

    We might be of the same tribe here in northern Michigan ! I’m not sure how I exactly found you … Perhaps I heard you drumming from across the sea ….



  7. verakasi
    Nov 26, 2014 @ 17:44:39

    Thank you so much – you are beautiful.
    I just used this image on my blog and linked back to you.

    I hope you enjoy!

    Gather as One Family for Mother Earth



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 27, 2014 @ 10:19:53

      Vera, Welcome to Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary, and I am so pleased you found your way here..
      You are most welcome to the graphic and your post is wonderful..
      Many thanks for providing me with the link.. I left you a comment.. 🙂
      Have a wonderful Week.



  8. verakasi
    Nov 26, 2014 @ 17:49:48

    P.S. I haven’t done Past Life Recall but via shamanic drumming journeys I know that my power animal is the Bison – and that my son has a Native American spirit guide with him at all times (very stern, very loving old man with a cane). 🙂

    I’ve had a connection to nature all my life – and my son is the same. I often feel closer to Earth, trees, the wind, fire than people. I hear it, the wind sighs with me. I feel the love of the trees. 🙂

    Here’s someone’s writing on the Tree People:



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 27, 2014 @ 10:26:00

      Thank you for your link, I will be reading it shortly.
      Yes Native American’s have it seems took an interest in me all my life, A Young Brave who helped with Hands on Healing in my Spiritual Healing , and one who called himself Grey Wolf spoke to my group often via Trance when I would go into an altered state.. But I have not sat in Trance now for several years.
      I still think they channel their words via thoughts as I pen them down along with my poetry which I often will wake up in the night and feel inspired.. It comes as you see it written unaltered and always rhyming . I know I am still being guided well.
      🙂 Blessings



  9. windsong23
    Feb 01, 2015 @ 05:30:43

    Sue, I am of the Cherokee Tribe of the Eastern Band. I always knew that I was Cherokee, and felt grounded in the Nature settings of the World. The Wind, The Water, the Earth, and Fire was always something that I felt deeply. I also can be approached by any animal. I find that when I dream I dream things that usually come true, or things will come to past. People in my Hometown Use to ask if I could help find something, or did I see anything when I slept. The thing about it I did it when I am awake. My family was also Christian on my Father’s side, and I was forbidden to discuss it for years, but I knew when every family member would pass away to be with my ancestors. I always want to know about more people who have dreams, that are awake, or dream walks. So nice to meet you.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Feb 02, 2015 @ 20:50:31

      Thank you for stopping by Windsong with your informative comment.. I wish I could repay the compliment, but WP says your blog can not be found..Many thanks and nice meeting you too, I hope you stop by again.. Blessings Sue



  10. Jason
    Jul 21, 2015 @ 10:43:53

    HI i found your sight by asking question via a search engine, the question is Why am i so pulled to Native american Indians and south American Indians. I am so drawn to buy and learn the native american flute, i have never play an instrument in my life but find the pull towards playing it very strong, i picture myself sat by a river playing… I live near Dartmoor in the UK so have plenty of them. I have a love of all things nature and can sit by the sea or in the wilderness for hours, i seem to draw power from it….. I come away feeling refreshed, and if i cant get out there on my own i get depressed. I dont know why i feel like this….. The call of the wild is so compelling.., i dont know if i have native american spirit guides or not, i am very spiritual, listening to all the sounds of nature, wind, bird calls… Any help in helping me understand these feelings would be nice

    Regards Jason



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jul 21, 2015 @ 14:38:52

      Dear Jason,
      Thank you for leaving me your query.. It sounds as if the pull of a Past Life Memory is calling you to remember your roots within a life time perhaps as a Native American.. I have found that the veils are now lifting between dimensions and many are re-awakening to the ‘old ways’ of being.. Meaning conservation, and nurturing Nature, living off the land, and simplifying life from the one we have developed. Native American Indians or the First Nations People lived in harmony with Nature. And despite the ‘History Books’ most were peaceful until their lands and lively hoods and families were threatened and killed..
      You will be drawn to the Power of water, for water is a cleansing agent.. Its power courses through our own body as we are over 70% made of water too..
      To find out if you have a Native Guide is for you to discover.. Anyone could tell you that you have this or that guide.. The proof is for you to discover.. Sitting in the silence and ‘Feeling’ who is around and perhaps joining a Spiritual group near you may help you also

      Please get back in touch if you wish to find out anything else..
      Blessings Sue



  11. Cheryl Leslie - Baker
    Aug 20, 2015 @ 20:52:32

    Hi this is all new to me my vision was of a tribe dancing and the women chanting a white wolf and a very gentle youngish Indian girl it was shown to me in the form of a speeding movie for want of a better term I feel there presence strongly and I also see smoke I have been told they want to get in contact with me what can I do as I am a little lost they also call me sister and seem to want me to tell there story , Kind regards Cheryl



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 20, 2015 @ 21:04:46

      “I have been told they want to get in contact with me what can I do as I am a little lost they also call me sister and seem to want me to tell there story , Kind regards Cheryl”
      Quietening the mind in meditation will help you connect more, and you will be guided if they want to work with you. Start by keeping a journal of your thoughts and what you feel. Listening and following your intuition is the best advice I can give you or if you know of a spiritual circle that you could join to help develop your senses. Wishing you well Cheryl and thank you for leaving your comment~ Sue



  12. Kally
    Nov 12, 2015 @ 03:38:56

    Glad I stumbled upon your blog while looking for new reading materials. Inspiring work.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Noeleen
    May 01, 2016 @ 11:55:16

    Hi Sue Dreamcatcher .i have loved native American Indians since well ,forever ,,I don’t know why I do only that they give me strength when I need it the most ..I would love to know if I have a guide with me at times .could you please tell me the best way of doing this ..I meditate to Native American Indian music and ask them if they could give me a name or just anything to let me know they are with me .i have on,you still found your blog ,and it is amazing



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      May 06, 2016 @ 20:16:55

      Dear Noeleen.. It sounds as if you are already doing what is needed to feel who is close to you.. Keep listening to your intuition and what you feel is right.. So pleased you are enjoying my blog.. Apologies my comment has taken a while to reply, I have been away on vacation. Sue



  14. Liz McLean
    Aug 30, 2016 @ 15:58:22

    To some this is going to sound really odd. I am of European descent, but when I hear Native American flute music I become very drawn to it. Sometimes really deep down inside I feel closer than I do my own ethincity. At one time when I dated a young man with Native American in him, I felt like I was drawn to the past. I saw myself in a village with whites attacking and killing everyone, men, women and children. I couldn’t stop crying for the longest time. Then out of the blue I told my boyfriend I had a name of Running Deer. I really don’t know where that came from. The last thing I want to mention is this, he invited me to go to a Pow Wow, which was a fantastic experience. I had peace and felt such a serenity around me that nothing could have ruined it at that moment. I don’t understand why I feel the way I do, but I do. But I do know I’m not unnerved by it or frightened, I’m peaceful.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Sam
    Sep 06, 2016 @ 06:13:38

    My parents died one year and a half apart. I was broken, depressed, lost. One day I was listening to Native American music with flutes and drums and felt at peace and a strong connection. Years later I did a DNA test and found out I was 14 percent Native American from my maternal side. Running in trails I feel this special connection with Mother Earth. I a class trip with my son I saw Apache Indians dancing it touched my soul and heart I started thinking about my mother . Felt a connection with the music.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2016 @ 02:02:58

      So pleased you felt this connection, and no doubt you were in touch with that soul part of your previous past life connection with them.. 🙂 Thank you also for following Dreamwalkers. Welcome.. Sue



  16. DOUG
    Jan 16, 2017 @ 01:42:51

    For many years ive experienced many things I didn’t understand and had begun to think were just a very serious quirk of mind . I’m 60 now and found love when I was 45, a native American 70% Cherokee 30% apache I believe. Isnt it strange to , , whenever your in acrowded room ,standing directly next to the one with Cherokee blood in their veins, talking to them as if you’ve known them for years,,then suddenly realizing they are Cherokee , and when asked they are.. . I spend a lot of time in Cherokee nc because I’m drawn there and to the mountains and feel safe.. how strange. Been married twice before to caucasion women, I’m white , but never had feelings , I thought I had till I discovered my wife.. I always know ,, feel if someone is Cherokee, its like a vibration.. and I feel at home with them as if ive known them for years .. I still don’t know if this all means anything or not ,,ALOT MORE IM HAVENT SAID HERE.. SURE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Jan 16, 2017 @ 09:59:23

      Thank you Doug for sharing that. Our inner senses are strong especially when we allow them the freedom to guide us. For me the connection was not through my DNA, but through my past life memories.. Home they say is where the heart is.. And that is so true.. Feeling at home among people within the reservation is showing you that you are within their vibration.. When we resonate with another we are said to be on their ‘Wave-length’ that is a true statement.. For we are all vibration, and like attracts like.. So keep following your heart and where it takes you. Your ‘gut’ instincts are built in you, your solar plexus is your emotional centre.. And is another great guiding force..
      I wish you well upon your pathway Doug.. And thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts.
      Blessings to you and Yours.



  17. DOUG
    Jan 16, 2017 @ 01:57:48


    Liked by 1 person


  18. Paul Handover
    Oct 08, 2023 @ 12:08:45

    Came here and was surprised that I hadn’t been here before! Fondest wishes!



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Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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