Hoodwinking: Phycological Games: Part 3.


When we do our own deep dives into our own shadow work, we pull up many emotions we have long kept buried, and when we pull these emotions to the surface, they can be traumatic and upsetting, but we need to face them. We need to feel them, acknowledging that which we are, warts and all.

By forgiving, letting go, and holding that compassion and empathy, we then are able to release those wounds, and that grip of fear, which often prevents us from moving forward within our own raising of our vibrational frequency. As we shed those deeply buried trauma’s which we have unconsciously held onto, which have affected our behaviours, our emotions, and our health.  We are then able to heal.

Humanity now, is bringing up that ugliness. The purging we are witnessing as emotions run high, of blame, shame, guilt, fear, victim and abuser all of it has to be faced. Each of us hold both right and wrong. Both have to be in balance, without the bad, we would not experience what it is to be good and visa versa… Both are here within this dimension, our 3D experience of duality within the physical world.

 This has become our class-room, our school of learning to discern, feel, navigate and progress through.  Though it was never truly meant to be like this…. I will get onto that perhaps in a later posting..  But we have always had Choice. And at this point, within this cycle of our Human evolution, where we are now naturally raising our frequency, along with Gaia, our Earth Mother.

We are seeing a huge opposition being implemented upon our choices and our free-will.  And this is because we have entered a point now within this cycle, where there are those Entities who have been controlling the Matrix and us, within this 3D dimension of dense matter, who are doing all they can to stop our frequency being raised, as we organically progress into the higher frequencies, because they serve a Darker Lord and agenda.

We are now seeing the manipulating our of choices, along with creating World-wide fear in order to supress our natural evolution to evolve and transcend in our Great Awakening, as we come to realise we are all powerful Spiritual Beings, who if we learnt to tap into our collective consciousness as enlightened beings we could once and for all banish our world from those parasitic  vampires of thriving off of humanities suffering.. But for those not yet awake in understanding a wider perspective this is still very much in the woo-woo-world.

Now if I were to have told you last year 2019, that the whole world would be locked down, businesses prevented from opening, that children would be stopped from hugging their grandparents, that people were being arrested for not wearing a mask, and in some countries jailed and even shot… And that we had to be two metres apart from each other, and you couldn’t have more than 6 in your home here in UK, or sometimes none at all. Or gather more than 15 guests at a Wedding or 30 at a Funeral. And that Children were made to wear Masks all day over 11 yrs of age at school.  That you had to have your temperature taken with a gun devise pointed at your third-eye at your head every single day, before you could enter your place of work. If you refused you could lose your job..    You would have thought I was in cloud coocoo land. And yet here we are in 2020 just one year on, and the world is nothing like it was a year ago….

As you read  you may still be dismissive, that so many could be hoodwinked all at once…  How could that happen?  I ask you to just take a look at your high street, take a look at your schools, take a look at your neighbours, your communities. The fear now being taught to young children that to go near your elderly is going to kill them…  And you begin to see how little time is needed to be ingrained with fear, and how easy it is to mind control a generation with repetition of fear!.

You need to only go and research the Sandford Experiment  and how quickly personalities were  changed when they were given power, when they put on uniforms, and where those who had their power taken away, and how  they then became submissive and broken-willed emotionally.  Do you see any comparisons, as we now in England have Distance Marshalls, ordinary people given new power to control others, implement fines, and feel superior.  Human Nature is to put others first, and we are told over and over we need to Save Lives!…. You  may not want to believe our Governments are capable of such Mind control Experiments… But if you follow this Rabbit you will see how These secret experiments used on Mothers was conducted using them as Guinea pigs in Mind Control back in  the 50’s and 60’s  Just think how far they have developed their techniques since then??

The reason I give the Stanford Experiment as an example is because of how quickly they were mind controlled by repetitive narratives…  They were Given numbers, instead of names, made to wear certain garments that made them feel less empowered. And for those not yet realising still that we are now within a HUGE phycological Game of control… If you have not watched the film made of these experiments I urge you to..

So, my friends… I will no longer use rose coloured tinted spectacles, because time is of the essence… To wake up to what is being programmed within our minds…  I will take a resent news item, a bombshell  breaking headlines this week. Now I am not political, but this is just one of the ways in which social media is a controlling pump, that generates the our thinking, our perceptions, and how it distorts, and censors that which they  don’t wish us to know.  They do this by actively closing down and suspending accounts to prevent Truth from being shared. While at the same time it allows sites that amplifies what they wish to be spread out as news are untouched. We have to realise the media is a controlling arm, used to send out a narrative that those who are at the top of their pyramid towers wish us to know, as we are constantly being mind-controlled by repetitive programming.  

This plan we now see before us has not just occurred, it taken Hundreds of years in the planning. Argh… see I lost some of you again… How can what we see happening now, be part of plan spanning a hundred years… If I were to say in actual fact its been thousands of years, I would most certainly lose you all… But for those who stick with me, and dive deeper into the links will see, if you are not already aware of the Master plan…  Phycological Warfare has been used throughout History with evil intent.

But as I said in my previous part two.. You have to be the ones that want to uncover the truth… You have to be the ones who have to start digging and who want changes for the better..  You have to be the ones who want to stop our children’s generation becoming so controlled that they end up with no Human Rights, no freedoms, and no rights to reason and discern for themselves, because they will be so controlled, China will look like a Kindergarten in compassion..

My next part  of Hoodwinking will talk about our medical profession, and some interesting facts as we uncover the Truth.

Some Photo Credits:  Attractpassion from his YouTube channel.  Please go and visit his amazing art and beautiful philosophy.


113 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. House of Heart
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 19:29:23

    Wonderfully enlightening Sue. It’s a frightening uncertainty that we face. But face it we must until we come to peace within ourselves . We should remember the 12 steps , specifically : give me the strength to change what I can and accept what I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 11:15:38

      Bless you Holly and thank you… The only thing any of us can Change.. Is ourselves.. Our own way of being, our own way of perception and our way of acting, as we Give, so shall we receive.. And the world is reaping what we all have sown, for our thoughts manifest our reality.. Our Reality is the result of our creations.. Both the Good, Bad, and the Ugly.. All of it is what we have projected out.. And if we want to change the world… We can only start by changing ourselves.. The way in which we treat each other, and treat our Earth Mother…
      I am far from perfect and catch myself often venting out as I see injustice… A reminder to me that we all judge, we all view from our own perspective, given our own parameters of knowledge.. We perceive that which we have learnt, from the knowledge we have been taught..
      So too, we do not see the whole picture of those whom we see portrayed in a certain way.. Because often we have only been taught to see them in the light others have chosen to show them to us.. In a Bad light… Or in a good light.. We no not know personally who are what they are… Because we are All perceiving through a lens others have presented us with..

      But we each have an inbuilt ‘Knowing’ and we have for the most part, a conscience.. At least most of us have.. There are some who hold no such emotions, who have no empathy or compassion… Who wish to separate us further from these emotions…. That I will get on to in my next posting..
      But the majority of people are good…. They just want to get on with life, and survive in peace… We are now seeing a different kind of war being waged now on Humanity…. It has found it no longer needs to use weapons of mass destruction.. If it can manipulate a population to fear, and implode in on itself… Accepting a cure that may well separate them even further from their humanness..
      I know I may sound as if I speak in riddles…
      But sometimes we all need to dive into the riddle of life for the Puzzle of Life to be solved..
      Loved having your presence Holly… Sending HUGE hugs and many thanks dear friend ❤ 🙂 💚🙏



  2. The Path to My Heart
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 19:47:25

    Hi Sue, Agreed – the most important thing anyone can do for themselves and the overall planetary vibration is to clear their shadow. It’s the only way this is all going to come together. It’s all out there as you described, what a time for healing!



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 12:01:31

      Wonderful to See you Donna… and yes…. I am still finding shadows lurking under my skin lol… As this whole time frame is pulling our yet more debris I need to clear from my system… But I am working hard to step out and look back in…. And see the overview of it all…. It all has to come out, from the corruption to the bare faced lies, from the deception to the debauched…
      It all has to surface to be released as hard as any of it is to expose… Its got to see the Light of day… to be dissolved..
      Lots of love your way dear Donna…. Keep walking your Heart’s Path dear friend ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Visionkeeper
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 20:00:54

    The rain is pouring down today, a good day for me to retreat from the world. I need the peace. I’ve known a lot of this for far too long, I’ve just be waiting for it to all unfold. Well it is here. I’ll leave this link off for anyone who wishes to see it, if it stays up long enough to read. These people’s ideas are the ones who the deep state is using to do what they are doing. Be wise everyone, these times require us to be fully aware and to allow our minds to open to other possibilities than the realities we have been trapped in forever….Take care to all and love to you DW….. VK ❤


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    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 12:07:01

      Thank you VK…. I will take a look at the link shortly dear friend… And yes VK, we have known ALL of this Way too long… and we have to stay vigilant and strong… And other realities will soon present themselves, which if we are not careful will trap us for ever… My next post deals with the Cures intended to separate our souls.. And people will have a hard time grasping that….. But I am hoping if certain videos have not already been taken down to share them… IF people every click the links… Which I know they often don’t…. But I can only lead a horse to water… I cannot make it drink….
      Sending Love and Hugs your way VK… and thank you 🙂 💚🙏



  4. Writing to Freedom
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 20:15:31

    Thank you Sue for championing truth and empowerment.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. fauquetmichel
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 20:40:47

    I like your analysis , Sue. But what to say about this darn virus that spreads in the world .
    About the human behaviour , what about following the Beatitudes ?
    Love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 12:11:50

      All of that to follow dear Michel, and hopefully if you click a few embedded links within this post and within the next to follow, it will all become clearer, the phycological programming of fear, in order to take a cure! which is not a cure, but perhaps a death sentence..
      Thank you for your reading Michel… I hope your dear wife has cooked up some delicious meals for your enjoyment.. And you have managed to clear more of your garden before Winter sets in… I feel it will come early this year… And we may even be in for a white Christmas…. 🙂 Love and Blessings Michel.. 💚🙏



  6. Merit Serendipity
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 20:59:49

    Thank you so much for sharing! 💖😇🙏Deep message and reminder to us all! To heal and to be healed.🌅🌏🌅 “By forgiving, letting go, and holding that compassion and empathy, we then are able to release those wounds, and that grip of fear, which often prevents us from moving forward within our own raising of our vibrational frequency.” So True..

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 12:17:24

      Thank you so much MS… and yes, throughout all of what is unfolding, we need to hold that empathy and compassion for others and ourselves as we will come upon difficult circumstances of discerning truth from fiction… But deep within most of us we know right from wrong… And we all feel deeply within us, something is wrong… As not all things are adding up any more… But sometimes we have to travel the dark tunnels of our deep night of the soul, in order for us to emerge out into the Light of Truth ..
      Keeping Love in our hearts through this time is very important… for Love transcends fear.. and those feeding off of fear will no longer have the energy to function ..
      Love and Huge hugs your way .. Thank you so very much for your comment.. 😀 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  7. marina kanavaki
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 21:08:36

    Thank you, my dearest Sue! Because of you I became aware of Lorie’s videos. Enough with fear! Sending many hugs and love! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Jane Fritz
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 22:17:21

    That is quite the prescient – and scary – quote by Abraham!

    Liked by 1 person


  9. thespiritkeeper
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 00:07:19

    An excellent presentation. You have not lost me lol You are right they use mind control techniques through various methods and mainly through the media.
    Making It Stick: Memorable Strategies to Enhance Learning and increase memory are repition, imagery, and patterns. There are other methods as well. I was reading an article a long time ago I think it was a Bishop and not a pope that said give me your child until the age of 7 and I will make him catholic for the rest of his life. Ummm! They didn’t get me. There are many cases one can glean from with differrent methods of mind control.
    I liked the way you weaved your entire post which challenges people’s thinking but not in a scary way but to make them aware and to open their eyes to something even bigger.
    I forget who said about the declining of something is to watch for the whispers in the hallway.
    Lorrie Ladd tackled her video on censorship as you did to question everything. Sometimes looking for answers one will encounter lies against that truth. Both yours and Lorrie Ladd’s message are integral to searching for the truth. There now I have added my beat to your drum ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 12:32:46

      Always a great pleasure to have your beat to my drum Joseph… 😀 and so pleased you thought my post was delivered in a sensitive way.. I did much editing during yesterday as new information as to how to present it came to me over night.. LOL… My spirit guides never stop working, nudging me, as I wake up with a clear sentence in my head or a clear vision of what I need to say… I jot things down as I wake or I would forget them..
      Lorrie’s video was yet another synchronicity… As her video popped into my computer notifications just as I was about to press publish.. I listened to her words which some almost mirrored that which I had already written.. Which confirmed to me more that what I have been given was the right thing to say and publish..
      So I entered her video in between the words you see written confirming the censorship and the mind control manipulation going on to show only one side while blackening another….. But what ‘They’ fail to realise, those who are doing the censorship.. It only creates within the rest of us that resolve of saying Enough is Enough.. And the Truth.. WILL always be the Truth…. And no Lie can ever cover up the truth.. For it will always find its way to come out, sooner or later… And we need it sooner rather than later at the moment..
      Many thanks again my friend… Stay Blessed 😀 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


      • thespiritkeeper
        Oct 17, 2020 @ 16:42:20

        You did a fine job in presenting this topic. Synchronisity has been happening a lot lately and I am blessed to recognize it as you did and have. Lorrie Ladd presents her material with great imagery for anyone to follow as your presentation are as well.
        I know all about those poking spirit guides and I too if I don’t use my recorder on my phone would lose a lot of material waking up.
        The truth is always the truth no matter how they cover it up. Their is a certain essence that hits inside as being not truthful. My inner lighthouse one can say. If there is any time at the moment this is the time for people to wake up. The truth is being uncovered blatantly and in your face and yet people still are like a deer in headlights. Have a wonderful end of a weekend and an excellent start of week.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 18, 2020 @ 15:00:48

          Agreed Joseph, This is well past the hour of that wake up call…. And the Synchronicities come when we open our awareness that all is connected, and we begin to trust, and follow our internal guidance and instincts.. Which I know many are now awakening to, as their inner light-house as you say, is shining a light that not all is what it seems..
          Many thanks.. I hope your Sunday is a peaceful one also 🙂 🙏💚

          Liked by 1 person


  10. fauquetmichel
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 00:34:01

    I posted a comment here , Sue . It has disappeared!!

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Shakti Ghosal
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 06:02:04

    Great post Sue.

    What jumps out at me is the need for us to remove our ‘rose-tinted’ spectacles and regain our ability to see what is out there without our limiting nations and beliefs. I have come to the realisation that one way of doing this is to subtract out aspects from our thoughts and memories with self-reflection.



    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 14:25:30

      Indeed dear Shakti…. We each now need to remove the blinkers and look side to side behind and in front of us, to clearly see what we are dealing with.. Being aware means we have to expand our beliefs, and not allow limits to keep us held within our boxes of pre-existing ideas, which for the most part we ALL of us have been indoctrinated with as we grew up and within our social structures.
      We are in fact much more than we ever thought ourselves possible… But the ‘controllers’ of old, have known how to keep us suppressed through Fear, poverty, disease, and war…
      Today as the world has progressed through it’s technology age.. We now see the new Technology-frequency mechanisms also being utilised in those control mechanisms ..
      Which is why ~ Family-Unity-Nature-to- Breathe-Speak-Hug-Connect-Enjoy-Love- is systematically being dismantled as to be something to be feared.. Look up this place of Interest dear Shakti.. A friend shared a link with me recently You may find interesting 🙂
      Many thanks again, and I am pleased you enjoyed 🙂



  12. Tom
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 09:04:48

    Information… misinformation… conflicting Information… aaarrrghhh!!! 🤯
    What I’ve noticed, Sue, is a lot of inconsistencies, gaps and unfinished articles which also mislead. I don’t use social media, so I’m not as influenced by it as other people, although sometimes things do get through. It’s frightening to see the levels of manipulation that come in from all angles. I read an article this morning that appeared to be giving good information on just how severe the Covid infection is, but dotted throughout were many lines on ‘bad this’, ‘bad that’, ‘don’t do this’, ‘don’t do that’ etc. That filters through… plays on your mind… then you can’t do right for doing wrong. That’s how I’ve been feeling for a while now, even without social media, everything’s off-centre. Sorry, Sue, I’m rambling again, and typing on my mobile phone in a box the size of a postage stamp… hope this waffle makes some kind of sense!
    Have a great Saturday, Sue. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 14:35:48

      Thanks Tom… Yes all meant to confuse, so no one has a clue…. As to the Covid I tend to look HERE on the offical Gov Website and compare year by year… IF this is a Pandemic? I would expect far worse reflected in the figures.. You have to go digging deep into each year and some years are worse than others given flu epidemics.. Spent some time printing out these lists and looking more closely.. But this time of year we see rises in deaths… Each death a huge tragedy in its own right… But cases are just that positive tests…. to which over 98% recover and often are not even poorly… My sisters place of work had six positives tested in one room… None were ill…. One had a sniffle…. which went after two days which resulted in others all having to be tested.. So when we see cases rising… It not deaths.. And this is the subject of my next post as we explore more about what we are testing for?
      You too Tom…. And thank you,, I think you did an excellent job from your mobile phone… 😀 lol 🙂

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  13. David
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 11:00:11

    Because of our learning and teaching of which you speak so eloquently Sue I guess the confrontation has happened many times and for me. The one feeling I constantly face is that of judgement as I was judged in my youth by a mainly female family with all the men away at WWII as I was born in 1940. It is so good to have you bring the need to face all of our many selves so well for which I find as reminders of what we all need to face especially in this uncertain world. Thank you Sue.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 15:00:43

      Thank you dear David… I am reminded of the passages I read from scriptures… He who is without sin, cast the first stone… We all of us have so many layers to which we are now facing, clearing and cleansing…. And the good bad and the ugly will be brought up time and and time again… Its been this way for thousands of years… All any of us can do is try to stand in the Light, and bring love, as those who cast fear as weapon will only reap what they have sown for themselves….
      Much love and good to see you David and know all is well.. 🙂 🙏💚



  14. AmyRose🌹
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 13:37:45

    Busy morning …. will be back, Sue!!! xo

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  15. Eddie Two Hawks
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 14:53:18

    It is an honor sharing the love in your heart.
    May all your days be filled with it to overflowing!
    have an exceptional day Sue

    Liked by 1 person


  16. AmyRose🌹
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 16:57:03

    Sue, I am about to tell you a story, one that I’ve not told anyone but now I KNOW the truth of why all of what happened to me, why it did happen. My Self-Empowering Lesson began in 1993 when I was abruptly taken out of the world. All of what I knew my life to be disappeared. I did not know who I was. I was broken, bed-bound, in so much pain despite hooked on drugs, and then I stopped eating. I was determined to die. When my GP told me either I start eating or I would be hospitalized, I began to drink protein drinks, about the only thing I could keep down. LONG story ….. short. I forced myself to walk again. I went through detox for 3 months to get off the drugs a doctor overprescribed. My marriage crumbled. Friends and family disappeared. That is about the time I picked up a camera for counseling and a friend. I also began searching for spiritual guidance in different churches and NOT ONE fulfilled me. I SAW the lies. God then loudly told me in my head that He and He alone was to teach me and I was to stop listening to man and the world. That began my Walk with Mother in a Way that today I continue. Over years and years one dysfunction after the other I addressed. Slowly VERY slowly I grew past the conditioning and brain washing. Fast forward to today when this shit storm all began, at first I did not know what to think. It took me about 2 weeks to figure out this was PLANNED and there was nothing to fear. Ignoring the lockdowns I insisted to go about where I wanted and so I did. I avoided humanity overall for the FEAR that was being pounded into everyone was sickening. It was bad enough my husband fell for it but I tell you true lately he is letting go of the fear. He even walked into a store late last evening without a mask on, forgetting to put one one. NO ONE said anything. Today I SEE, I KNOW and to understand that the journey of Self-Empowerment is a tough and very long one, I know that what is transpiring is NOT for me. So I go about my life, in the way I know, and freely choose for myself how I wish my life to be. NO ONE has the right to tell me how to live and that includes the murderer who still remains dictator of my state. Your place in all this is to be the bringer of TRUTH and I honor that!!! My place is to bring BEAUTY and prove yes prove we all can live harmoniously without being pulled into the dark storm that is still raging about. YES the dark is being revealed in such powerful ways and for all to see will be a huge shock to many and still to others will be denied. Yet again that is their choices, not mine. I KNOW what I am being asked to do and I willingly do it. Keep on beating your drum, dear Sue. You are a Leader and a Bright Light showing others the Way. God bless you! xo

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    • AmyRose🌹
      Oct 18, 2020 @ 12:50:58

      Sue, I got so caught up in the story I forgot to state the POINT of what I am saying. Which is ….. it takes a LONG time and a LOT of pain and suffering before a person is able to break through to the light IF that person has been immersed in dark for a long period of time. With that in mind, we all who have done the work and who are still doing it, have to display patience with those who are pushing through their own darkness. xo

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      • Sue Dreamwalker
        Oct 18, 2020 @ 15:51:07

        Agreed Amy…. we have been on this path of waking, working on our shadow selves for a while, and understand deeper truths of the world, where as many are only just releasing their emotional baggage so to speak. And why I said we need to send love, and forgiveness out because there will be things surfacing where we have to send that love and try not to judge.. Because at one point in time we have all been at that point of darkness ourselves..
        Love and Light dear Amy and thank you for that… Much love ❤

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        • AmyRose🌹
          Oct 19, 2020 @ 13:21:06

          Exactly. It is SO difficult NOT to judge especially with those that push my buttons. I read recently it is not people per se that are evil, but the force of evil that they allow to work through them. To experience Compassion for those who display criminal behavior and who have truly hurt humankind, takes practice. Anger and fighting gets us nowhere, only adding into the fuel that keeps the evil alive. Our collective LOVE is what will bring this fire to an end. When those who are walking hate and fear now realize how exhausting that is to do, they will stop and see and hopefully begin their journey back to LOVE, their true state of being. For others who have committed hideous crimes against humanity, Justice is coming their way. And so it is. xo

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    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 18, 2020 @ 15:04:26

      Thank you dear Amy for sharing your journey, your inner calling and the beauty of who you are..
      Loved that you said you bring beauty.. Because Amy that is just what you do…. You bring awareness in the beauty of the photos and within the words you write showing us Mother Nature…. While I find myself at this moment in time speaking from another perspective to which I am drawn…
      Many thanks for your kind compliments Amy…. Leader??? I doubt… Inspirer, I hope…
      Sending Love and Blessings my friend with Gratitude ❤ 🙏💖

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      • AmyRose🌹
        Oct 19, 2020 @ 13:16:47

        Yes you are a leader and teacher, Sue. Embrace who you are yet at the same time realize it is the Power in you that is guiding you. When we ALL do this, we remain humble and amazed that what we are doing is truly making a difference. That is magnificent!! IF we do not acknowledge the truth of who we are, no one else will either. (smile) I’m learning that one and more right now!!! xoxoxoxo

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        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 20, 2020 @ 12:50:22

          Oh I so recognise the Power Source behind my words dear Amy 😀 and I am always humbled by the way in which the words flow and how I am guided… It leaves me in no doubts of the Source which guides me from Beyond 😀 … And Thank YOU dear Amy for your gracious words, I truly am blessed to be part of our ‘Light-Team’ and guided right now… We both work in our various ways, and you too are Divinely Guided by the Goddess of Nature… The Mother of All Creation… And I thank you for reminding me to acknowledge that which we are… Truly Magnificent… ETERNAL BEings of Love and Light…. ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙏💖💖💖

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  17. -Eugenia
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 17:20:22

    Thank you for your enlightening post, Sue! With all that is happening, we have a lot of work to do. We must stay strong for the truth. ❤️

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  18. J.D. Riso
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 17:51:40

    Ever deeper into the rabbit hole.😉 I believe that taking back our individual, mental sovereignty is the only way we’re going to prevail. History has repeated itself for too long. It’s time for a new way of being. For too long we’ve given up too much responsibility to self-proclaimed authority. There needs to be a fundamental change in consciousness. I’m so grateful that there are those who have taken a stand. Shine on, dear sister Sue.✨💖✨

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    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 18, 2020 @ 15:39:04

      I agree History repeats, and its now time to break that cycle…. Creating a new Earth within our Higher consciousness… Many thanks dearest Eugenia… I appreciate your support and love… <3.. Much love returned ❤ 💖🙏💖

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  19. robbiesinspiration
    Oct 17, 2020 @ 19:01:24

    You make excellent points, Sue. I agree that this whole Covid-19 shutdown story just doesn’t make sense and is starting to feel like an elaborate mindgame. It is doing so much damage to our children.

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  20. Baydreamer
    Oct 18, 2020 @ 18:58:21

    Hi Sue, your thoughts are like light bulbs suddenly turning on. 🙂 Always enlightening and encouraging with pearls of wisdom. I like what you said about those dark emotions: we must face them head-on, feel the pain they cause, acknowledge their presence, then feel their burden lifting so we acquire the ability to move forward into the light, into a bright future and mindset. Thank you for your insight and inspiration, dear friend. 💓💓💓

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  21. dgkaye
    Oct 18, 2020 @ 23:19:13

    Great capture of what’s going on in the world right now Sue. The duel to fight off the patriarchy. Dec. 21 is the dawning of the age of aquarius. May we be victorious. Have you read the book The Late Great Planet Earth? It’s like a prelude to this time in space. Stay tight and safe my friend. The bumps are getting bigger. Lots of love your way ❤ xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 20, 2020 @ 12:35:24

      Hi dear Debby, no that book must have passed me by… I did read oh a while ago back in the late 80’s or early 90’s Was Bringers of the Dawn… I found an excerpt from that book which reads like today..

      From Chapter 8, “Outside the Ultimate Tyranny,” Page 87
      The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist. We represent what is outside of what you have been taught exists. It is where you sometimes venture and where we want you to dwell; it is outside of where society has told you you can live.

      You have been controlled like sheep in a pen by those who think they own you — from the government to the World Management Team to those in space. You have been deprived of knowledge by frequency control. Think of frequency as individual broadcasting and receiving through which you dial into the station of your choice. It is the broadcasting of carrier waves of intelligence. The range of frequency is unlimited, and the range of intelligent matter transmitted is unlimited.

      We now dear Debby are UNLIMITED in our fearlessness, for their game is up… And we are all waking up to what their real agenda is and always has been.. Yes the bumps are going to get bigger, because they are backed up in a corner with nothing to lose.. ❤ Sending Love dear friend…
      ❤ 💖🙏

      Liked by 2 people


      • dgkaye
        Oct 20, 2020 @ 14:24:24

        Thank you for sharing that perfect passage Sue. It’s amazing how many books written decades ago are sadly, relevant in our times now. I will definitely pick up a copy. It reminded me of another book I read – On Tyranny by Professor Timothy Snider. The book I referred to was also written in the late 70s. And lastly, yes! The bumps will be bigger, but we certainly have them all cornered. Love received and sending back your way. Love conquers all. ❤ ❤ xxxx



  22. Kirt D Tisdale
    Oct 19, 2020 @ 01:31:25

    Thank you for sharing this information Sue. It made me stop and really think about everything!!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 20, 2020 @ 12:44:02

      Delighted Kirt that my words brought a different perspective.. Wait till my next post.. All still a mish mash in my head, but it will come together when ready.. 🙂 Just like our art… It takes time and patience.. 😀 🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  23. Infinite Living
    Oct 20, 2020 @ 07:02:30

    At this point I feel like the deep dives are not even my choice – they just come as part of what I asked for as if. I barely start thinking what a relief I am enjoying gratefully, I slide down another chute. The unraveling and uncovering of wounds leaves me so delicate to the touch of life yet I find a greater strength just by being there. It is so true that we hold the entire universe within – what happens out there is experienced in here too – it is simply a matter of how awake we are. These days have been intense and I find such comfort in reading your post, a sense of validation to me. I am trusting the healing that happens with these deep dives would contribute to the resilience of our children.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 20, 2020 @ 13:00:43

      So true, some days the intenseness of the outer world if I am not careful to detach can swamp my inner world.. And then I take back control of my own Sovereign Sacred Space.. and My Heart and pull in the peace, the calm, the joy, and let everything go externally… Concentrating on the now of the moment within my immediate world…
      If we all of us did that.. Go within find that sacred space of peace even for one day, at the same time… The World’s hatred and evil would soon dissolve into the flow of love..
      For all is vibration.. and what we think is what we create.. Yesterday I had the joy of my Granddaughters company for the day.. My world was transformed instantly into one of joy and creation… As we baked, then walked, collected leaves, to bring home to create…. The Outer world dissolved for both of us..
      Today as I catch back up here on my computer the outer world jumps back through to me.. I know I have a part in which I need to play in that outer world…
      But We must never forget the sanctity of our Inner One…. Or allow its peace to be shattered …. Hold tight dearest Pragalbha, as you keep your inner world filled with love and peace.. ❤ 💖🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


      • Infinite Living
        Oct 20, 2020 @ 18:28:06

        Your sharing of your time with your granddaughter made me smile 🙂 It is such precious time and energy shift I understand. I am still on training wheels to find my own sovereign sacred space with more ease – love and peace surely gifts when I do land there.



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 21, 2020 @ 11:23:20

          Thank you Pragalbha, finding joy in the simple things like picking up fallen leaves and watching the little bugs that crawl beneath them… All part of our World… All of which go to making our Earth evolve… Sending love and well wishes your way dear friend.. May you enjoy standing in your own sacred space knowing you are a sovereign human being who chose this time and this space in which to stand.. ❤ 💖🙏💖 ❤

          Liked by 1 person


  24. Resa
    Oct 20, 2020 @ 22:04:06

    You’re right Sue, one year ago I thought there were going to be problems in 2020, but not this.
    Of course I heard all about the pandemic of 1918, from grandparents and great grandparents who had survived it. I also heard about the ravages of Polio.
    The 2 world wars were always talked about… family and friends who had died fighting, or trying to get away from it all.
    I was told over and over that I would not likely get through life without at least one of these things affecting me personally.
    The old folks have a wisdom, that cannot be denied.
    We have become complacent. I’m using my creative abilities, in my own little way, to spread love and joy.
    Make art, not war.
    Generate love, not fear.
    Your are a very thoughtful person, thank you!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 21, 2020 @ 12:15:15

      I agree we have become complacent on so many levels Resa.. And creating beauty in our own sacred space is so important… Which is why I spend so much time out in nature within my garden or just creating in my now moments…
      Art as you may have seen from my own past posts have incorporated my Art in translation of New Earth and her Transformation.
      Many thanks Resa for reading backwards…. Love the wisdom my own grandparents gave me also 🙂 ❤



  25. europasicewolf
    Oct 22, 2020 @ 15:28:30

    Very interesting post Sue, I had wondered for some months what your thoughts on this unfolding situation might be. Actually, and you may most certainly smile to yourself, 🙂 they are not what I thought they might be 😉 but that does serve to add interest. I do agree in essence with much of what you think. There were some things that surprised me but they also serve to show different sides of your personality 🙂
    Anxiety and fear seems to be permeating every part of many people’s lives crippling their natural ability to counteract the conflicting theories flying around from all angles. That said we are living in unprecedented times that none our generation has encountered before. It has been hugely traumatic for all of us to be plunged suddenly into a world that felt to be straight out of an apocalyptic science fiction movie. The restrictions on our freedoms have at times felt unbearable and the impact on mental health, I believe has been strongly and intimately felt by all generations of our time. The conspiracy theorists are having a field day and many are no longer mentally prepared to counter them with facts that can easily debunk them, and so the fears grow.
    I do feel we are slowly but surely heading towards becoming a police state however. It was inevitable that once any government gets a taste of such power and control over people’s lives that they absolutely would not want to let go of it, and would instead seek greater and greater control with the passing of time. That said, no government in our lifetime has had to deal with such unprecedented times as these, so perhaps it should not come as a surprise to us.
    But most definitely if the sheeple do not wake up from their fear induced blindness there will be at some point a whole new order that few will be able to counter.
    Ultimately this virus may well never be eradicated and a working vaccine may never be found. Smallpox was eradicated with a vaccine but apart from that we are still living with most things including the Bubonic Plague (Black Death). So absolutely we need to eradicate our fears -both to take back control of our lives and liberties, and because we must find a way to co-exist alongside this virus. Obviously the world is going to have to change inc. in ways we may not like, but if we continue on our current route many more will die from (largely unreported to date) suicides than from the virus, as fear, loneliness, shattered mental health, redundancies and crashing businesses destroy health and well-being. So yes, many truths in your thoughts…but I don’t agree with everything lol😜and this is good because it means I am THINKING! Manipulation and control seems to be keen to prevent that! So “Think! While you still can!!” -Look out for the army of so-called “Covid Marshals” coming to take you away!😷🤯🤪

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 24, 2020 @ 12:30:24

      Your views on it being straight out of an apocalyptic science fiction movie, are more to the mark dear Wolfie…. And facts are not being reported in the msm… that is a FACT… and the fear is being ramped up again, as this time of year after flu jabs and elderly falling ill always unfortunately rises.. Each death is a huge tragedy without a doubt.. But having gone on the governments website I still have not seen Pandemic figures, that do not compare with bad flu years of the past.. But what do I know…
      Yes the Distance Marshalls, the None essentials buying next we will see ration books like I had as a baby… Which were brought in during war time and kept on unnecessarily until 1954.. Power is going to go to peoples heads, while fear will over take others into submission… Reminds me of a book I read years ago of Margaret Atwood set in the near future depicting a totalitarian state. The theme maybe different but the tyranny we are seeing the lack of freedoms, and the censorship of free speech, Especially of Doctors who are standing up and speaking out..
      You should visit this site.. and read and download the open letter to Boris…. https://worlddoctorsalliance.com/ And then judge those who are saying the Science is correct and follow the Money Tree back to source… There is a link in all of this Wolfie… And its not looking good..

      And hey dear Wolfie, its good you don’t agree with everything, That is what debate is about… It allows us room of expression, and to apply reason.. Not what the world is doing now, and censoring everything that has an opinion that isn’t the same as its own agenda narrative.

      I believe there is a virus, but it is not a Pandemic… And when you read the letter of other Scientists, professors, who are being majorly silenced, their twitter accounts taken down when they speak up and their guest speakers YouTube being banned when they speak up.. On true scientific facts in their fields of expertise. You then begin to see if it were a true Pandemic, everyone would believe, because most people would be very ill, and yet most have it and don’t even know they have it. The deaths rates would have been off the scale as these so called Government advisors whose model Was used to alert the world telling the governments what to expect…
      A group of scientists Doctors and medical profession are speaking out Wolfie take a look here at some of them. And then make your mind up… When we only see one perspective we are being brain-washed… Which is part of these psychological games we are now in..
      Sending Love my friend.. LOVED your long comment by the way, its good to get our teeth into a deeper conversation
      Sending LOVE and Warm hugs and Hooowwwwwlllllsss…. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • europasicewolf
        Oct 29, 2020 @ 21:46:30

        Well I’d certainly agree there are 2 sides to every coin so to speak. In this situation there’s bound to be a myriad of thoughts, feelings and ideas floating around. I’m currently waiting to hear about the test results of my housemate…there were 2 confirmed cases of coronavirus in his workplace in 1 week and the company has now had them all tested and sent them home until they get the results. No symptoms so probably fine…but that was last Friday and he’s still off. Will not be remotely amused if he gets a bad result and we all end incarcerated in the house with him! Unfortunately he’s head is full of us ole conspiracy theories and he flatly refuses to view any scientific evidence that might put forward another viewpoint, making him something of a liability in my book. He got a face full of bared Wolfie teeth in his face when he decided to try indoctrinating the house into believing some of his more dangerous ideas – which would put all of us at high risk. People are entitled to their opinions but they are not entitled to endanger the health of those around them. As he won’t even look at the alternatives and can’t provide any supporting evidence for his own views I am assuming his behaviour is a form of denial. His way of coping. Needless to say he is lying very low now! But my other housemates are suddenly doing a great job of social distancing and making sure Wolfie knows they DO take the situation seriously! Still wondering if I will soon be facing huge fines if I dare set foot outside my front door to breathe fresh air during 2 weeks quarantine though!!

        Liked by 1 person


  26. europasicewolf
    Oct 22, 2020 @ 15:32:27

    Oops! That was a rather excessively long comment wasn’t it! Sorry about that. It’s what happens when the tiny little comment box on the phone screen scrolls your comment out of sight after every 3/4 lines, and you only see how big it is when it’s already posted🥴 Oh well! Not to worry, you can always skip over it at speed🙂No need to study every word!😀

    Liked by 1 person


  27. Bela Johnson
    Oct 25, 2020 @ 22:35:38

    Yes, many years has it taken to get us here and now. It may be difficult to ignore the mass hysteria, but how else to remain focused and centered on our 5D future?

    Bless you for continuing to write about these changes, Sue. 🙏💕

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 26, 2020 @ 14:08:52

      I am almost done with writing… just one more post in this series…. And my words are not needed, but listening skills will be 😉
      Sending Love and Hugs always dear Bela… Love and Peace your way ❤ 🙏💖

      Liked by 1 person


      • Bela Johnson
        Oct 26, 2020 @ 14:32:32

        Yes, listening skills. Yet you do have much to say, and I am always pleased to see how many respond to your posts.

        Love, hugs and peace to you as well on this snowy day! Yesterday we spent 4 hours clearing up dead and down pines to fuel our winter fires. It was the perfect day for it, windy and cool and crisp. Today we awoke to 8″ of snow and it continues to fall! Mountain living! ❤ ❤ ❤



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 26, 2020 @ 14:37:36

          Snow already, I feel winter is going to blow in some icy blasts here in the UK also this year.. The berries on trees showing me that Nature is preparing her own winter fuel for wildlife.. Collecting and storing your wood pile a chore I too would enjoy, even if hard work.. Nothing like clear crisp air when working outdoors…. WOW 8 inches overnight that is a lot… A good thing you got some of your wood collected yesterday… Mountain living… at the moment I envy you… lol….. ❤ 🙂 Keep Snug and warm Bela… ❤ ❤ Much love Bela.. ❤

          Liked by 1 person


          • Bela Johnson
            Oct 26, 2020 @ 18:32:36

            Yes! We were also watching blue jays at the feeders at times they didn’t at all belong. Our neighbor who has lived here nearly 30 years says weird, weird. Hummingbirds stayed real late as well. We, too have observed some strange wildlife behavior. So we knew. But exactly ‘what’ is in store is another thing. Because here in the southwest, anything goes. We are predicted to get up to 14″ of snow from this storm at our elevation. It will pass sometime Wednesday, or so ‘they’ say. But then it could break out the sunshine – not unusual, and the difference between Maine and the British Isles where it remains grey much of the winter – and temps could soar into the 70’s and cause widespread flooding in a areas desperate for rains. Plus those kinds of temp swings really do confuse wildlife. Last freak storm we had, birds dropped out of the sky dead, which we witnessed (!) and which made international news. And so here we are. And yes, I’m glad we had the time to gather wood and beautify the forest at the same time! I love it.
            Much love back to you, Sue! ❤

            Liked by 1 person


  28. Colleen M. Chesebro
    Nov 01, 2020 @ 18:57:25

    Thank you for your insight Sue. In love and light I hope we survive this horror! ❤



  29. writegardener
    Nov 07, 2020 @ 03:24:12

    So enlightening, Sue, and so glad to know I’ve escaped at least some of the matrix’s hold on me…but I am concerned what will radically change once our election is finalized. I can’t believe you already have distance minders in the UK…where, oh where to go for sanity?



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Nov 16, 2020 @ 11:45:58

      It is quite surreal here at the moment WG…. Locked down yet again.. but we have to stand up, open our eyes, and speak our hearts… Lots of new information in the world is about to create many mind blowing revelations that will shock many people… But this is all part of the seed sowing we have come to partake in.. And I for one am not going to allow any grim-reaper to harvest my soul… Sending you much love, and thank you for your patience here.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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