Waking Up takes Time! But we need to see it and feel it for ourselves before we believe it.


 Most of you who follow my site, know I am for the most part,a rational human being, with common sense, who has Spiritual connections that over the years have developed also into an ‘Intuitive Knowing’ as I ask and connect to that higher realm to which all of us are connected to. …

I cannot explain it other than you just KNOW… And yet you cannot say how you know or explain it… I am adding some more of my automatic writings at this time.  This was written way back in January 2007.  Little did I know then the deeper meaning to these words I posted way back, which on re-reading would drive home more urgency as to the message this group of beings were trying to convey back then. 

Now, as I read this channelled communication  again, it brings me added comfort during these challenging times..   The words were written quickly within my journal as you see them presented below. I never pause to think for in doing so puts your own left brain into gear which can influence them..  My invitation for those words to form began with me asking the question in blue italics .. 

To those of you who want to understand more about Automatic Writing my good friend Debby over at https://dgkayewriter.com/are-you-familiar-with-automatic-writing/ wrote an excellent article on the subject.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

5th January 2007.

Happy New Year Book.

I welcome those from the higher realms. I ask that you bring forward any wisdom you feel I need to know at this time……….


Child of light you need not fear. Many of us at this your Earth time of need are gathering on the outer reaches of your Universe, making ready with the preparations needed shortly for the energy shifts needed within your sphere of existence.

We are not of your solar system. But have been chosen in part for our neutral observations. However there are a collective of us that have formed a Council, who now wish to oversee the changes. And help with guidance towards lightening the denseness from your planet. You must realise that your vibrations felt as a whole within the planet is having repercussions in the Ether.

You cannot possibly  be aware of what is liken to an invisible grid that not only connects your earth energies together around your own planet, but it also extends outward into space. These invisible grids you cannot see carry sound or Light waves. These are made up of energy. Your planet is likening to an electronic pulse. And resonates within a certain frequency. The beat is on a low-key level and to align it to the grid, the key or vibration needs to be lifted higher to another level. So allowing the density of matter to switch and become lighter. The vibration will then alter.

We are a Council of watches who want to make your Earths transition less chaotic.

You child of light and many more like-minded are helping with this transition. Now is the time for your programming to awaken. And to fulfil what your incarnation intended.

Many such souls as yourselves will act as beacons of light. And knowledge will pour down into pools of light energy centres.

You may find yourself facing ridicule and tests. But keep your resolve and stand firm.

You will be given proof of undeniable proportions if you stand firm.

You will deliver a truth of much importance and it shall be spoken to many.

All we ask child of light is to keep the faith, and let not thy fellow man put you asunder.

The human mind wanders, we are aware of this. Keep vigil over your energy, your Light bodies. We send you many teachings within the mind. But you as yet do not have the key or code to access the information. We down load it through the light waves. But you are mostly unaware.

The energy changes are afoot. And have started to change in form. Your bodily DNA is now in a stage of transformation. Your scientists are aware of subtle changes within the body’s makeup. Many of your newborn will favour this change and sense more, and communicate with thoughts.

We would ask that practice of such will be beneficial and you will be amazed at its success. We ask it not to be as a game. But in serious tones. Do not use frivolous means. But use matters of the heart, these will carry more vibration of feeling, and can be attuned to better.

So your success in retrieving information from each other will be more accurate.

Global warming as ‘you’ say is having its affect. But your vibrations are far more dangerous to the well-being of your planet.

Many times your planet has almost shut its self down and rejuvenated itself to once again the living library of the Universe, as you know it.

We are not as you. Our home is not as your planet. And yet our planet is inter-linked with yours, as every thing is inter-linked.

We say Child of light. Sit and let the higher Rays float down into your conscious mind. And speak unconsciously the words given as you allow them to flow from your pen.

Be not afraid. And do not judge, least yourself, do not judge, for wisdom will abound. And Trust will be needed. But we child have faith.

You also need to keep the faith. And let the Light of Truth Flow free.

You Council of Elders who sit and watch and are awaiting the Light.

And so it shall be.


So dear friends the words above were added confirmation from those Higher realms, that  my pen may well take on the challenge of Trusting again the words that deeply flow..  Words that need to be spoken, in Truth and within Love, for we all of us now need to Wake Up and think outside of our boxes and prepare to be awoken to the reality of our existence and the games being played with our lives, and those of our Children’s Future..

We now need to step up to the plate and be counted, as we owe it ourselves to dive deeper not only into ourselves, but to research deeper into All the information we are fed. When you search outside of the box, you may well be surprised to learn a whole different reality than the illusion we are presented with. 

Many thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

122 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Mark Lanesbury
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 13:38:49

    It is indeed testing our resolve but the courage and love grow stronger dear lady.
    I know it has to take time to allow the transformation but it is required so that we can absorb it truly. Thank you for sharing Sue 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏼 🦋

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 28, 2020 @ 17:33:07

      Indeed Mark… and this is the Great Awakening of that Transformation… Sadly it takes these trials and tribulations in order for Humanity to go within themselves to seek out what is truth and what is fiction… But it is time now for all to go within themselves, seeking out that truth.. Many thanks dear Mark… Blessings your way 🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Eliza Ayres
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 13:43:36

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Timothy Price
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 13:58:02

    Let your light shine to pierce the dark souls of those who seek to destroy all that is good. Excellent piece, Sue.



  4. House of Heart
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 14:33:36

    It’s always wonderful and uplifting to read your words Sue. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  5. JanBeek
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 15:13:26

    Amazing insight and foresight! I am truly in awe of your revelations early on in this major earthly shift we are experiencing. I take to heart the warning: “Be not afraid. And do not judge, least yourself, do not judge, for wisdom will abound. And Trust will be needed. But we child have faith.” Indeed trust and faith will see us through. God bless you, Sue! 👍🏽❤️

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 28, 2020 @ 17:44:22

      I agree dearest Jan… We need now to hold onto our Trust and Faith and be guided by our intuition of what is right and what is wrong.. And I have great faith all will be revealed when the time is right… Still some may be in denial of what stands before them… But those of us who follow our hearts know deep within our being that what we sow, so shall we reap…. We can only plant the seeds and trust others will seek out the waters of truth casting their nets to the right side,( their hearts ) to find their own compass upon these choppy emotional waters..
      Love and Blessings dearest Jan.. Thank you so much for your kindness and support 🙂 💖🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  6. litebeing
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 15:18:32

    Hi Sue,
    It is amazing how timely and accurate this writing was from 13 years ago, with light codes and DNA changes and how human vibrations are more threatening to planet than global warming. I continue to struggle with what alternative media is saying. I keep going back to how I feel when I connect with sites or videos that are “truth tellers”. It is a journey. I have always been leary of authority from a young age and believe little of what I am told from any source.

    thanks for this wonderful offering!

    love, Linda ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 28, 2020 @ 18:03:59

      Your inner heart is your compass Linda.. The problem for many is our pre-programming which is so entrenched and ingrained within us all. Why would those who lead us lie? and yet we also have to remember too, their own grooming, their own flaws and weakness’s which often bring about corruption and lead to them easily being manipulated.. They too are as much as victim in all of this too…. Though I have less sympathy for those who totally know what they are doing..We are all human, with human emotions, and I fail often in my lack of ability to be neutral, as I too judge, and very often I judge myself..
      There are many who are truth seekers… And even within those communities there is still the wheat and the chaff… Sifting through them is no easy task…
      My own rule of thumb when researching is to dive deeper into several different sources… cross referencing and linking it back to what my heart tells me… Some of what is about to be revealed is not going to be easy for anyone.. And if I look back upon my own awakening journey and the materials I read, and came across way back in the late 80’s early 90’s I threw much of those speaking of alternative realities out of the window.. Why?? because I could not absorb it back then, I was not ready in my own development to comprehend the truth of it..
      Yet years of gathering information from So, so many sources, each snippet of information like a jigsaw piece each slotting together when it needed to, and forming a whole different picture of this reality….
      The general public at large in the world are not yet ready to wake up, unless they are moved out of their comfort zones… We who have done our shadow work have taken years in processing digesting and fitting together our pieces… The general public have been thrown into the deep end and told to swim.. Some are floundering, while others are treading water… Some are learning to swim,, While others have begun to find their true skill as they have woken up very quickly and are now striding out in front …
      We all of us wake up at our own pace…. And we learn to discern and Know what feels right and what feels wrong.. ❤
      Many thanks dear Linda.. I truly appreciate you 💖🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  7. Jane Sturgeon
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 15:50:23

    Dearest Sue, thank you for sharing your automatic writing with us, as that takes courage. I too feel and it goes beyond expression. It is time to stand and say ‘We are all connected and responsible for ourselves and our choices and this beautiful planet, with all it’s life forms, that we live on’. I feel it, Sue. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 3 people


  8. Visionkeeper
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 16:21:30

    Nothing I can add to that DW !!! I hear every word you write. We are all so disconnected physically, but we are connecting deeply now with our minds. The process can feel slow and that is Creator’s way of teaching us patience and faith. I sense people are connecting within now as well, in their spaces of “Knowing”. I hope so anyway…I just keep taking mental notes of all that’s happening to take back to wherever I came from. The keeper of observations..Thanks for sharing this! Well done.Be well my dear friend and have a ‘connected’ weekend…Hugs and love…VK ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 28, 2020 @ 18:24:53

      Bless you VK, connections are well underway as we link with like minds as we share our hearts. For those of us who have been awake to the truth of this reality for a number of years, the process seems more than slow.. Yet Time is also an illusion, so what seems to us many years, is but a blink of an eye… The reality is that this is causing huge hardships and future physiological problems that have yet to emerge. So we who have been charged with holding light need now to come out and shine it by speaking what we feel is truth within our hearts.
      Much love dearest VK… And thank you for your love.. 💖🙏

      Liked by 2 people


  9. Karin
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 19:54:51

    Wow, you are channeling. How facinating! Thank you for sharing your process as well as the channelled material.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 28, 2020 @ 21:27:30

      Wonderful to see you Karin, 😁 and yes if you look in my cloud category you will see tilted Trance… Automatic Writing…. Paranormal.. I’ve been posting these things on and off for years 🙂.. if you click there you will find more channeled pieces . Many thanks for your wow and comment much appreciated Karin. 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  10. kentuckyangel24
    Aug 28, 2020 @ 21:52:37

    We are actively entered in the final stages of “the rise and fall of the American Empire” and the dream is almost gone now. Too many people will follow the maniac in charge to the death of us all before admitting there are horrible consequences to blind following of leaders. My muses have been telling me something bad will happen in this world before we all wake up but never did I dream it would be like this. Thank you for your words of wisdom, Sue.😇💖

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 29, 2020 @ 09:43:04

      Thank you Angie.. So lovely to see you… How are you? And Yes never did I envision CV and the consequential World shut down… Which doesn’t quite make sense when you research deeply and look into factual figures.. I feel this Great Awakening is more than just one leader… or two parties it is about waking up our hearts to what is right and what is wrong.. Its all about looking deeper within ourselves as we pull out and purge the hidden trauma’s the indoctrination, and the fear we all are either releasing or embracing…. This is a battle of Consciousness …. We are all of us being triggered one way or another… And yes the old regimes All have to fall, before the new can be built..
      Much love my friend… and thank you ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • kentuckyangel24
        Aug 29, 2020 @ 23:52:57

        Too many people are afraid to look inside themselves, Sue. They would see things they prefer to keep hidden No conscience at all to guide them. I sometimes wish I could be that way but then I wouldn’t be me any longer. I’m afraid we have many more trials to come before we all wake up to the fact that this has been coming on for a long time and is due almost always to the fact that we are now a “me first’ society who cares nothing about anyone but themselves. I’m sure you see this as well as I do and I’m not sure if anything but the destruction of the world as we know it will ever change things. CV is changing that old world, but there are still those who refuse to change with it. Too many people over here refuse to wear a mask or observe the distancing because it interferes with their so called right to do what they please even if it means they are going to kill or sicken so many others in the process. “ME FIRST!” And a President who is leader of that band is making it all so much worse. I worry about my great-grandchildren and whether there will be a world worth living in left for them in the future. 😇❤🌹



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Aug 30, 2020 @ 19:04:57

          I too worry about our grandchildren too Angie.. And the fearful future we are creating that is set to get worse if people do not wake up…. There is a lot more going on behind the so called political scenes than at first meets the eye… But we each have to wake up to that in our own time, to see it for ourselves… I have looked deeper into CV and our immune systems… and the MSM are not being as truthful as we think… is all I will say… But people have to research for themselves… I cannot enforce my perspective on anyone… they have to see it for themselves… But as an example… More people died of Swine flu… More died of the Spanish Flu… and the world wasn’t shut down… And more people die of Malaria a year in Africa than they have of Covid… and to give you an example…. below.

          In 2017, it was estimated that 435 000 deaths due to malaria had occurred globally, of which 403 000 deaths (approximately 93%) were in the WHO African Region.

          This is from the WHO offical site..
          I looked up how many Africans had died of Covid so far this year… the figures are as follows:

          Major African stats: July 29 at 7:00 GMT:
          Confirmed cases = 874,036
          Active cases = 330,981
          Recoveries = 524,557
          Number of deaths = 18,498.
          Information found at this Link.. for Africa Covid stats.. https://www.africanews.com/2020/07/29/coronavirus-in-africa-breakdown-of-infected-virus-free-countries/

          Also TB kills more people each year…. Look at what the New York Times posted…https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/03/health/coronavirus-tuberculosis-aids-malaria.html In which it said:

          ‘The Biggest Monster’ Is Spreading. And It’s Not the Coronavirus.
          Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people each year.”

          Any death is one death too many… But we can also see that 403 000 deaths of Malaria 93% of which were in the African region is a huge amount compared with 18,498 so far this year there of Covid … Figures like this around the world are Not adding up… But its not a President or a Party… It is much much bigger than that Angie… Much deeper and bigger.. And its about Control…
          Sending you love and Hugs my friend…. Look after yourself… that is the main thing… Lots of love…. ❤ ❤ ❤

          Liked by 2 people


          • kentuckyangel24
            Sep 01, 2020 @ 00:50:00

            What a mess this world is in now, Sue. It’s been getting worse by the year and the main cause of it all is greed. Here in the US they have had a cure for cancer for almost 30 years, but cancer treatments are big business, too much money would be lost if the cure was actually produced for the general public, therefore people are going through all that pain and illness when it would be unnecessary if someone would chop down that money tree the drug companies are plucking leaves from. I try not to research any of the health related issues any longer. I was the assistant to the area Health Department epidemiologist several years ago and learned more than I ever wanted to know about all of the issues around the world. I’m not closing my mind, heart or eyes to it all — it’s just too much for my brain to deal with now with my own issues. And one of them is forcing me to cut this kind of short because my vision is failing at the moment and I can barely see the screen. I’ll get back with you when things clear up but right now must rest the old eyes. Love and hugs!!



            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 01, 2020 @ 21:33:03

              I agree totally with you there Angie… Greed has been the main culprit of corruption world wide.. And yes simple natural drugs have been side tracked and made illegal because they are so beneficial to be replaced with chemical compounds of drugs that when you take them their side effects are so severe you need another drug and so on…. Big Pharma is the main Money tree at the moment Angie… And yes so understand the need to allow the mind to rest from it all….
              Sending love your way and look after your eyesight its very precious.. Much love your way ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • kentuckyangel24
              Sep 03, 2020 @ 19:43:46

              I refuse any drug the doctors offer Sue. They have tried and tried to get me to start some drug therapies but so far the only one I take is the one I’ve been taking fir my leg problems for years and years which I think contains quinine, since that is no longer on the market I have to get the prescription version of it but not taking it puts my legs in cramps that take miles of walking to straighten out. Have tried tonic water but the taste makes it come back up immediately. Not the best solution. Love coming back to you. ❤😇💖

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 03, 2020 @ 22:49:02

              Sending healing thoughts Angie…. Cramps I know from experience with FMS are not nice.. ❤


  11. Val Boyko
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 02:23:07

    Thank you Sue for sharing where you have been and your resolve for transformation. May we all be ready to embrace what is calling us. This feels like the time. 💕🙏💕



  12. dgkaye
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 02:32:19

    Sue, first off, thanks for the mention ❤ And wow, what I find most amazing is that you wrote this 13 years ago, yet, you somehow found it again. You're ahead of your time my truth-telling friend. Hugs and peace! ❤ xoxo



  13. Renee Espriu
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 02:37:30

    You put it more plainly, my dear Sue, but in my poem ‘The Amber Mirror’, I believe that much of what we see and believe is very much on the same plane. Thank you for your write and your perception for what you see…or not…is very much ‘outside the box’, a term I have often spoken, myself, throughout the years. All too often, people so not see past the horizon and are hindered by staying within the bounds of the walls they know. Safety or fear? Be well. xoxo



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 30, 2020 @ 17:53:22

      Indeed Renee, as I said to you when I read your poem… It was indeed a profound piece of writting and recommend others go read it.. A portion here speaks loudly of that truth

      tasting and speaking of freedoms
      both ‘masked’ in lies and deceit

      a truth hidden behind closed doors
      spoken in silent unheard whispers
      seen through the eyes of the faceless

      May we all soon come to realise our inner strength Renee, as we break down the barriers of those closed doors for then the Meek will inherit the Earth!… Much love dear Renee.. Hope you are keeping well and have opened up your studio to some creative ideas.. ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person


      • Renee Espriu
        Aug 31, 2020 @ 03:25:17

        My daughter’s business online for making masks has finally evened out and so not as busy as it was. So, the last couple of days I have been getting some things done in my studio so I can begin a new canvas. Awhile back I finally put up the blinds on my three windows (bought them last Summer) and now have put my new shade on the door. It has 9 small panes of glass but the sun shines so brightly at times it makes the studio quite hot. Yesterday I swept the floor and tidied up a bit and today I planed the door so it will finally open as it should. Once they brought my studio here and placed it, I am quite sure it settled and then the door didn’t fit correctly and I struggled every time I opened and closed it. Now I should not have to do that. So, the next time I have a break (I am still helping my daughter a bit), I will begin a new canvas and I am so looking forward to it. Thank you once again for your kind words. We think alike at times, you and I, and it pleases me to feel a kindred spirit across the ocean. Do take care. xoxo



        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Sep 01, 2020 @ 21:08:48

          You are quite the DIY woman dear Renee… And so pleased you have got your door to open better.. Enjoy your new canvas… I found some old paintings out that were stored which were not all that good… I intend to paint over them as the local art shop has closed down… It was on the brink before… but like many more stores their doors have shut for the final time… You are most welcome Renee… Love our chats… And sending huge hugs right back ❤ <3…

          Liked by 1 person


          • Renee Espriu
            Sep 04, 2020 @ 03:22:19

            You help me feel more grounded during this time. Many places of business have closed here as well. A sad journey that we presently must follow but I am hopeful it will change, as I said before. But I do have a bit of good news. Remember the art studio I was going to in the Spring? She is going to have an event at her home in her garden. Only five people will be there but there will be shade and each will have their own table. I so look forward to it for it has been many months since I have painted. There has simply been too much going on with helping my family and friends initially and now with my daughter’s business. But it is on an even keel now and I am once again feeling more positive about things. Hugs to you my dear friend. xoxo

            Liked by 1 person


            • Sue Dreamwalker
              Sep 04, 2020 @ 21:50:51

              That is wonderful news Renee.. Its now time for you to please yourself in life…To think back how nervous you were on joining the art class.. I think this is a delightful idea… So I am so happy you are feeling positive and enthusiastic of joining such a group again…
              As for small business, it is the same here in the UK… Very sad…. and very unfair…. But people like your art tutor are finding ways around them…. Kudos to her and such like minded people who are not going to let Fear stop them..
              Much love my friend…. and enjoy your weekend ❤ ❤ ❤

              Liked by 1 person

  14. JoAnna
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 04:31:56

    Sometimes, but not as much as I used to, I feel like I’m supposed to figure things out and fix things. So it’s very comforting right now to know we can sit and let the higher rays float down into our conscious mind, to keep the faith and stay in the light. I can do that. Thank you, dear Sue. Sending light and love to you.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Aug 30, 2020 @ 18:26:47

      Sometimes that is all we need to do, Trust… And for most part JoAnna I trust in the process.. Yet at the same time a higher calling of my own frustrations call out… Wanting to much to wake others up to themselves… But even that I know they will only do if they wish it.. And I have no right to interfere other than to point out a different perspective… Each wake up when and if they are ready to do so… So, I trust…. knowing what I write when I write, is enough… Much love dearest JoAnna… Hope your Sunday has been a pleasant one ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  15. -Eugenia
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 16:06:48

    This is a lovely and uplifting piece, Sue. We need to think past politics and seek peace within ourselves. Peace and light and have a wonderful weekend. 🧡 💛 💚 💙

    Liked by 1 person


  16. prenin
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 18:01:10

    Looks like the patterns are indeed shifting, but proxy wars are still being fought over the poorest nations for reasons of belief where anyone who thinks differently, worships differently, must be destroyed.

    All we can do is grow within ourselves as we reach for the light.

    We are not alone. 🙂 ❤

    Love, hugs and Blessed Be. 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 1 person


  17. wilsonagaba
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 18:24:02

    Thank you for sharing!!!

    Liked by 1 person


  18. robbiesinspiration
    Aug 29, 2020 @ 18:52:41

    A very deep piece of writing, Sue. I have never tried to write like this and it would be very interesting to see if my subconscious thoughts came to the surface as written words.



  19. stephensmustang1
    Aug 30, 2020 @ 04:28:54

    Your posts are always encouraging. Love and hugs



  20. New Bloggy Cat
    Aug 30, 2020 @ 05:37:46

    You’re right, dear Sue. It’s time to search outside the box. Maybe I’ve been searching inside the box all these while. LOL! Btw, thank you for your lovely mail. Love all the photos too. Sending much love and hugs this beautiful Sunday..



  21. rabirius
    Aug 30, 2020 @ 14:12:21

    Excellent how you manage to describe the current condition.
    Yes, we need to wake up, to see and feel.



  22. thespiritkeeper
    Aug 30, 2020 @ 21:22:57

    I haven’t heard the word grid in describing the interconnectedness the whole universe feels. I use tapestry but that is of old world. The charging up of the grid is being charged as more people awaken to the reality that this is truly an illusion and there is more beyond. The ancients are calling so your writing about these being not being from this solar system speaks volumes to me. I know my home is not earth. There is a calling inside of me that beckons me to come home. But we all know that is death unless we know how of the other ways. I have been feeling the shift for many years and the firing up of the grid. We need to tip the scale. It is an exiciting time to be living in.
    I feel that yes our fear affects all in the universe and not for the better. The dark ones know this. If we move from fear to love you will see the truth as You have done in your writing up above. Living in love you become aware of the ploys of the dark ones and not to play their game. Love is the highest frequency there is and hate and fear is the lowest. It is really a person’s choice. Seperating the wheat from the chaff. A lot of people are remembering and part of it is the knowing as you can’t describe but I know that feeling all too well. It is like a dream you try to remember and it is floating there for understanding and interpretation as you reach for it then it escapes your grasp and you have forgotten and when you remember there are no words.
    Some people ask me why I am so laid back when the world is a mess. I just tell them the world is in transition at the moment. It won’t always be like this. I look at people and all I see is broken children from Spitit waiting to be whole. We all have our journey and each journey is different. I am pleased you are on my journey. Stay in the circle of light it is better than the alternative. <3<3<3



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 01, 2020 @ 21:02:37

      Tapestry is a great description Joseph…. I know that calling well my friend…. too well in fact…
      Yes the Knowing is indescribable and unless one has felt such knowing within their being you cannot tell anyone else.. It just is, … and you Know..
      I think your energy of being laid back is perhaps the best attitude to have.. And sad, but true Joseph when you describe broken children of the adult world waiting to be whole… Most forgetting who they are…. And yes each journey is unique and can only be completed on their soul level…
      And likewise Joseph…. So happy to be on this journey with like minded souls who see as we see…
      Many thanks for your lovely comment…. And for your friendship.. 😀



  23. writegardener
    Aug 31, 2020 @ 05:33:43

    What a journey you have been on, Sue. Admittedly, much of it is above my level of understanding…but there’s no denying we are in a huge shift… 🙂 Thank you for sharing wholeheartedly and courageously. Warm wishes to you —



  24. inavukic
    Aug 31, 2020 @ 12:47:26

    Superb article, Sue ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  25. J.D. Riso
    Sep 01, 2020 @ 16:05:56

    Dear Sue- I so admire your ability to share your truth while being respectful of others’. So many remain ensnared in illusions upon illusions. The battle is indeed energetic. And you are a warrior of light.✨💖✨



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 01, 2020 @ 21:53:20

      Thank you dearest Julie…. Yes this is a battle of Light vs Dark, and the energies of Positive and Negative…. We need to keep separate the divides Man has put between us in this illusionary world of the Political and look from our hearts as to what is right and wrong…. And learn to go within once again and FEEL our hearts to discern the TRUTH of what feels right.. And we all have that inbuilt heart-compass, we just have lost our way on how to set it and follow it….
      Much love returned and thank you so much for those words…. means a lot… Especially as you used the words Warrior of Light…. As I wrote a poem way back called that… You can find it HERE I posted this in 2008. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  26. Lisa Hutchison LMHC
    Sep 01, 2020 @ 16:47:52

    Thanks for sharing, Sue.

    I love the automatic writing process because you let go and become the channel for higher truth and wisdom. The last writing class I taught in March before the COVID-19 shut down, was about this very practice. It was a great group and I am glad I was able to teach that day. The information you received is true now as it was in 2007. Amazing stuff!

    Many Blessings to you my friend,
    Lisa xoxo



  27. Mother Wintermoon
    Sep 01, 2020 @ 18:28:26

    Thank you for sharing this important and inspiring message, Sue! We need the encouragement to keep on, keepin’ on! Much love to you, MW ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  28. Betty Hayes Albright
    Sep 01, 2020 @ 23:30:37

    Thank you for sharing, as always dear Sue. 💕🙏



  29. Inese, artist, writer and life sciences specialist
    Sep 02, 2020 @ 04:23:16

    You may have found the key to universal knowledge.
    I suppose, the ones, who haven’t lost that ability, can do that.
    Very interesting, indeed. We are long due to wake up, it’s just so that many prefer to stay blind and numb.
    I hope you’re well and fine.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 02, 2020 @ 22:19:31

      Thank you Inese… I doubt I solely have that Key… 🙂 We ALL of us have it within us if we search within for it.. 🙂 The Key is simply Love and Faith .. 🙂
      And agreed… The Great Awakening is under process.. and so many yet still unaware they are even in that process… 🙂 Thank you Inese, we are well, and hope that goes for you also… Much love and many thanks for your lovely comment.. 🙂



  30. lorriebowden
    Sep 02, 2020 @ 22:30:25

    Hi Sue! Wowsa! This is very powerful. Such truth. And for all the crazy energy that surrounds us it can at times be so confusing. And I have to admit that when I jump on the merry-go-round of what appears to be perfect gaslighting…I can almost be swayed from one side to the other. But I made a declaration a long time ago and that is that I will follow my inner compass…I will seek truth that comes from the inside…that is born of Divine essence…and that is where I find my truth. So much of what is being put out there is easy to decipher because so much of it has no ethics or it is just plain meanspirited! Sorry for my rant, but I obviously resonated with your words and the plain truth is that deep in our souls we all know what is right. Well…maybe not all of us 😉
    I hope you are well and that you are handling this pandemic as well as possible. I am certain that you are. Sending love and light!!



  31. Barbara Franken
    Sep 05, 2020 @ 15:17:44

    So lovely to read your channelings sue… it’s amazing what we can allow to come through to help us trust this process… that we truly are in the midst of now! Thankyou my friend, much love to you x

    Liked by 1 person


  32. Aussie Emu
    Sep 07, 2020 @ 02:05:34

    Thanks for sharing the depth of wisdom in your automatic writings Sue, the wisdom within the words is always expansive and pertinent with no respect to earthly times, it covers all time.



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 07, 2020 @ 12:00:46

      Thank you dear Ian for reading my friend… And yes, I feel that which given this way is Timeless… my only hope is that we learn within this cycle and heed their message this time around…. The alternative is unthinkable..
      Sending thoughts your way my friend.. and thank YOU for reading Ian… Blessings your way 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person


  33. insearchofitall
    Sep 14, 2020 @ 20:14:51

    I’ve had this page opened so the moment I got bandwidth to focus, I could just stop and read. I’m aware that what is written here is true. We are certainly being challenged right now and I think it’s to make us pay more attention to the undercurrent of negative. I have never fit in a box in any way. We are the oddballs on the playground of life. Trying to keep our light burning and hopefully share it with others. I guess that’s all we can do. This whole post resonates with me, of course. 😉



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Sep 21, 2020 @ 18:15:44

      Challenged is right dearest Marlene, and apologies for the delay, I have had a hiatus from my blog and technology for a short while, I just needed some space to be… I think most of us are keeping that Light burning within and trying our best to be a beacon for others though sometimes we need to refuel and top up our own energies… This is what I have been doing… So pleased Marlene the post resonated my friend… Hope this finds you well also ❤ Much love your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person


  34. simplywendi
    Oct 08, 2020 @ 17:47:22

    AMEN! Thank you for sharing your inspired writing Sue and prayers that many more may wake up……..

    Liked by 1 person


    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 08, 2020 @ 18:08:37

      I am hopeful that they are.. slow but sure… Sometimes it has to happen to them in order for them to wake up to it…. Thank you dear Wendi for spending so much time here today reading…. I really appreciate that you took the time here to read my words.. I am truly blessed . Thank you for your wonderful feedback.. It makes blogging and sharing my thoughts all worth the while.. ❤ ❤ ,3

      Liked by 1 person


      • simplywendi
        Oct 08, 2020 @ 20:12:10

        🙂 always a pleasure………I am a better being thanks to you!

        Liked by 1 person


        • Sue Dreamwalker
          Oct 08, 2020 @ 23:32:21

          Aww thank you for gifting me that . But you are a better person because you have begun to believe in yourself. Learning to love yourself. I was just the Idea, you are the seed, you watered it, and you made yourself grow into that being you’ve always been. You always been that beautiful being. You just didn’t allow yourself to see yourself in those beautiful colours you kept hidden beneath your emotions.
          Big hugs. And so much love. , 🙏😘💕💖



  35. Miriam
    Oct 16, 2020 @ 01:15:22

    Dear Sue, your words and channellings written so long ago gave me goosebumps. And so the world has evolved … what tumultuous yet wondrous times we’ve in and you dear Sue, have felt it for many many years it seems. Much love and blessings to you my friend. 💙🙏



    • Sue Dreamwalker
      Oct 17, 2020 @ 10:35:04

      Thank you dear Miriam, yes these are the times we chose to be here… Exciting, scary, and challenging our strength to stay firm in our faith that Good outweighs the evil in this world… Faith that when we each are faced with our own dark tunnels, as we often are through life, it brings us to that greater understanding of ourselves and who we are…
      The world right now is undergoing the Good the Bad and the Ugly… A post I wrote about long ago also as we change both internally and externally… Sending Huge hugs right back and hoping to catch up with many of you over the weekend also ❤

      Liked by 1 person


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Sue Dreamwalker

Each of us, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Everything we do and think affects the people in our lives, and their reactions in turn affect others As the effect of a seemingly insignificant word passes from person to person, its impact grows and can become a source of great joy, inspiration, anxiety, or pain. Your thoughts and actions are like stones dropped into still waters, causing ripples to spread and expand as they move outward.. I hope that I can send a few ripples out via the web of life, as we each of us weave the threads together... Welcome to my Sanctuary of Peace and Love... May we each spread our Lights around our World....Sue Dreamwalker

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